Best Restaurants in Los Angeles - BIG KABOB PLATTER + Must-Eat Food Tour in LA!

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hey everyone I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Los Angeles California and today we're on our way to go meet chef Liz Johnson she's an amazing chef she loves to eat she recently won an award for being the best new chef of 2018 by Food & Wine magazine she's going to take us to a few of her favorite spots around the la greater LA area so it's gonna be some amazing food today good and I'm gonna share it all with you at this video now [Music] just made it to South LA it's a bit of an industrial area there's a railroad track it looks like this is home to some food trucks street food manufacturing as well right across the street there they're making food trucks here I'm guessing that the railroad right here is not in use anymore considering that that the taco beauty uh sign is right in the center there and they set up the cart and the tent right along the tracks yes I met up with will and Liz we just ordered their their specialty mixed plate which is gonna come with some birria tacos and some other delights awesome men yes got that big cauldron up philia is simmering away and it's beef I chopped it chops it up ladles on some of that soup that mafias are going over here some melting cheese and they're getting ready to show me what about let me lux right yes sir awesome first takes that yeah he dips it into the oil they fry it on the hot plate then he puts on some cheese and that's is the way in the meantime the other half is still sizzling on the hot plate then they put in the video which is chopped up and mixed with the soup they stick that into it on top of the cheese cover it let that sizzle away until the cheese just melts into a gooey meaty mess then he takes it off the hot plate he opens the lid stuffs it with canto of onions with the cilantro and then puts it on your plate we got the mixed plate so that includes a little bit one of a few of everything the key is when he takes a little of the soup the birria soup and then just sprinkles it on top of your whole plate Wow okay let's go eat [Music] how's the soup was really good awesome a lot of flavor they consummated the broth first and it's it's also loaded with the meat quicker though much commuters in there a little bit of cilantro and onions going on in there that rock looks beautiful yeah that's liquid meat it's just but you can taste the undertone of the spices it has that kind of smoky chili flavor to it this one is more of a soft shell normal taco this one is with a crunchy tostada shell this one is the that deluxe with the cheese and then this one is the quesadilla and all covered in a bed of cilantro and onions squeeze on some lime juice oh man it's just it's just loaded so good I mean the meat the meat is so tender and it's just it's just absorbed all of that fries there they're like special tip at the end when they assemble your plate they then drip on some of you like prime rib they are doing great things in that food truck while that's also it's possible this is the deluxe with the cheese in it the double-decker the a little like pedia hamburger and let me salsa hit [Applause] you can eat this burger style oh yeah with that extra cheese and that gives it some extra richness some saltiness the three minutes of it you've still got the crunchy shells which by the way he didn't dip in the hot oil before sizzling on the hot lip and then just loaded with meat and cheese and onions teddy is so cool and he hooked us up with some bumpy rows which are vampires there's cheese there's meat there's onions and cilantro and salsa there's a design of dog collar opine your human me there's so much cheese under cranes and then you get the crunchy tostada plus the soft taco shells everybody say what's up to teddy when you're in LA for some awesome video awesome service come check out Teddy's or that tacos I absolutely loved it thanks man thank you yes and on top of the food Teddy and the whole crew Teddy's red tacos they're so cool we drove separately so we're in separate cars but we're gonna now drive I think somewhere in the West San Gabriel Valley to eat at the Beijing pie house which also looks spectacular it's gonna be about a 30-minute drive get there [Music] the arrogance of the city ruin Monterey Park we're in Monterey Park that was just about a 25 minute drive from South LA where we were before but we have arrived it's called Beijing pie house and we're here right they literally just flip that open sign just seconds ago so we are first here I believe the tribe salad bowl they got all the different meat pies Chinese pies the dumplings but will is telling me the one dish I mean one of the dishes we must order is the tribe salad we ordered up a mix of different things including the tripe salad which has just arrived and that does it does jiggle it shakes on the plate as soon as you dig your chopsticks and you can smell the pull the tripe is so tender they're almost like noodles and then hmm you can taste that aroma kind of citrusy of the citron pepper and then just it's held it in with cilantro okay next up for the pancake dough on either side but the dough is very thin and then let's take a look inside that's like an entire like like meat patty fill the truck yeah it's very hot it's just stuffed in there I like how the dough is very thin in there you a minced pork you can taste the crunch of the chives and then you've got the dough which is it's really thin its crispy its golden but gummy at the same time [Music] with the chilies with that dry your chili flavor no that chili oil that's stunning is we got their shrimp and pork dumplings they come beautifully on your plate like a web but they fried it in the pan and then they flip it over so that's the bottom on the top oh they're so hot a little pork oil slowed down my trim oh no I lost the meat you got a I got a three scoop that up [Music] superb the hot man look pork sausage in the center of the gummy wrapper with the perfect crunch these have Superman yes oh yeah you can see the juice coming out of the side there the lamb highs these are the meat pies they're hockey-puck sized you're kind of doughy but you can tell that that though is thicker than the dumplings and look at that pinching work to close these oh it's so good immediately as you pop that bubble you do taste the the meatiness of that lamb it's like a lamb patty tongue ends is so juicy I don't know there might be some egg there might be some chives or leak in here or that's crazily good you can see how this how the juice forms at the bottom yeah they are juicy thank you that was Beijing pie house and that was spectacular and everything we had a lot of meat and dough dishes all of those dumplings the high the a pancake thing those everything was so good but I think probably the winner was the tripe salad one of the greatest things about LA in the entire greater LA is that there's food from every like literally every corner of every part of the world you can find somewhere in LA and an authentic version of it so I mean eating authentic tacos from a food truck in the morning to the Beijing pie house next we are gonna go to a grilled meat restaurant is the home family restaurant that specializes in Armenian style grilled meat I think that it's in Glendale Oh Mike are you changing your clothes we made it to Glendale the restaurant is called mini kebab and it's right up ahead the street parking in the neighborhood this is the spot and this entire area is a lot of a lot of Armenians hey what's up man I'm a nice to be mark nice to meet you hi how many tables three tables in here but this is just a small family-run Armenian and your old meat spot I mean it's just gonna take care of us we get as a mix played a mix of everything yeah this is you can already smell the meatiness the smoke the girls going and I can't wait I'll be prepping there they're my friends energy support shish kebab our big shish kebab is our Beulah and our chicken Lula and we ground this ourselves we fabricate altimeter so we walked through fire to the marinade and we let it sit overnight for the marinade yeah and this the falafel is throwing off the rule and I can assure Ozzie salad Shirazi salad just cucumbers Persian cucumbers tomatoes we get an Armenian guy actually deliver our Tomatoes is pretty cool come on hard up hi basil red wine vinegar with red onion my caviar hummus we make this fresh and this is our garlic sauce which we emulsify in the morning or celery well no stocks no dairy completely vegan while we're waiting for the meat I'm just gonna cast Liz and will to just quickly tell us what they do they're both chefs there but they both love to eat and it's been so much fun to hang out with them but let's just quickly hear from them I'm Liz I was gone I'm well and it's work both chefs I used to be the chef of a restaurant called treatments I recently left and we're looking to open up my new restaurant here I know it you Sam and you have already have plans for opening the news we're kind of taking some time off to consider the options but yeah you're looking to open you know it so I'm also kind of funding a restaurant in Los Angeles Oakland Los Angeles or Malibu ideally something that's more restaurant that's Macy's kind of tasting menu soon as they begin the restaurant so let's try to have them in the description box below all the food is here Armen just hooked us up with a family feast that all the salads are around here and then the main event which is the meat family meat platter there's rice as the base and then just all the different kebabs and the shish kebabs and the rolled meat there's onions and cilantro sumac all over it it's it's gorgeous what do you want to start with first oh okay yeah the falafel okay there it is okay there it is falafel is right out of the hole that is a good idea and these are like huge and these are huge falafel just to look at the interiors of that so crumbly oh thank you three innervation space that's fantastic one of these shoes the Arminian come up it's called Lula kebab there's beef and chicken the beef not only includes beef but pork lard pork fat within the beef kebab making an extra juicy and extra good so that's what we gotta try next dip it in the garlic sauce so soft you got so flavorful and you can filled up the onions in there hmm super heavy so sauce it's it is it's soft contrast I'm gonna try that she can come over here this one I mean that's equally spectacular the grind of the meat is also very finds kind of like it's almost spongy in texture yeah spongy spongy with juices okay I'm gonna try some of this salad next the basil in there is amazing I've got the lemon juice pork shish kebob how you can see I mean you can see the sumac on there the food sumac there onions on there I got to try this next and man I didn't even notice but you can see all that all that spice caked up on there times that flame grilled flavor that's sumac still like that's maybe a little sprinkle of sumac down there as well okay I'm going in for that beef next the beef shish kabob well honest villagers do physics gotta love it with that creamy garlic because uh like a little bit of a sour fish piece to the panic garlic heinous puns vibrantly delicious on the menu they call it eggplant caviar it's like an eggplant mashed it looks like there's some tomatoes and chilies in here oh man this looks good I'm gonna get it with some meat and some of that get it all together in a bite so creamy it's so smoky yeah how's that tomato Eve just like Sylvia Glenn Hetrick [Music] that was an unbelievably good meal and you just have to I will up this storefront I mean it's just a family-run restaurant the the stones on the walls the sign oh yeah and you can see the different neat platters that's exactly what we just ate thank you again so good to see you guys and on top of the delicious food Armenian kabobs the whole family a mother took care of us Armand is such a cool guy he has so much passion for what he does and his family recipes and yeah he's just a fun guy to hang out with and what's also cool is that it's such a small little restaurant so you can eat there you can sit you can converse with them while there while they're cooking your food you're just an awesome awesome place from here we are driving to Hollywood anyway we have one more stop on today's food tour we're gonna go meet my friend Jeffrey who's gonna open a restaurant soon we're gonna go in to try the sandwich the deli sandwich and it looks unbelievably good and that's gonna be the last stop on this food tour today how you doing good how are you good we just stayed at mini kebab have even there general dude you gotta go bad is it really good it's so good marks nice to meet you we've calling ours the OMG which is that's a picture of their here about Dickie you're about to chili from Italy the cheese is employment he's about to assemble the sandwich the ingredients are all laid out all the meats the cheeses and some of the pickled ingredients and the house dried tomatoes [Music] ok that is it kappa : did you grind the pepper juice into that yes a bad luck thing right now with very different combination this is the best one this is truffle mayo i was made sun-dried tomato [Music] oh yes if you want we can very powerfully let's come from Calabria [Music] it's just layer after layer after layer until it turns into a small mountain a plateau that friend she made the sandwich so beautifully to just I mean just artfully layering on every every little air it's just so beautiful and you can see every single layer that is an amazing sandwich I mean you can taste all of the ingredients that are part of this image and at the same time they all sort of blend together harmoniously perfectly and then the bread is so beautifully crusty and gummy and they're gonna open heroic deli I'll leave the link in the description box but thank you to Barbara for making the sandwich and Geoffrey yeah that was awesomely delicious the entire day we've had so much good food today and we've met so many good people and again I'll have the links in the description box all the food weight all the restaurants I want to say a huge thank you to Liz and will they'll be opening restaurants to their restaurants in LA as well so stay on the lookout and when they and their restaurants start I'll try to include them in the description box below so check them out so huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon then you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from LA I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,061,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LA, La eats, best restaurants in LA, LA restaurants, Mini Kabob, Teddy’s Red Tacos, Street food LA, best tacos LA, best tacos Los Angeles, Mexican food, Armenian food, best Armenian food LA, restaurants in LA, food in LA, restaurants in California, food in California, Mark Wiens, food travel, LA food guide, LA food, LA travel guide, Los Angeles food guide, Beijing Pie House
Id: AC9EfT-y9e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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