Korean Food in Los Angeles - 2 GIANT FLAMING CHEESE Ribs Cauldrons in Koreatown LA!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Los Angeles California and today we're gonna go eat we're gonna go to Koreatown and we're gonna eat what is one of the most iconic LA Korean foods we're not just gonna eat one giant cauldron of boiling short ribs we're gonna eat two cauldrons back-to-back we're gonna meet up with my friend Jeffrey Mayer a Hugh who is one of the most extreme food lovers I've ever met and hung out with and we are going to eat the LA Korean Chi B gym double whammy back to back [Music] and by the way did I mention that it's 8 a.m. in the morning there's nothing that sounds better at 8 a.m. in the morning than a giant bubbling meat feast [Music] wait visitor yeah okay [Music] okay officially good morning we have arrived to Koreatown a place that we're going to first it is called Sun Nong ban let me introduce you to my friend Jeffrey Merritt you hello welcome to Los Angeles one of the biggest dinner plates in all of Los Angeles and reading it for breakfast goodness big one big one I'm looking for extreme spice Paul they have mild medium spicy extreme we're not gonna eat one cauldron of bubbling tender ribs but to come back oh and Jeffrey calls it the its I mean it could be called the double whammy could be called the back-to-back Jeffrey yeah bang bang you all onions and Julian we got to get those mouth juices flowing before the main event comes so it's been too many months without kimchi yes ready [Music] Wow just see the chilli seeds bursting in there and not only is it just loaded with the short ribs but they put a pile of shredded cheese on it and then when they bring it to your table you bust out the blowtorch solid meat and cheese and rice sticks although you want to like jump on it and like swimmingly there's no rush to eat this because it will just stay hot throughout your entire meal another reason there's no rush to dive in is because the short rib melts into the bubbling cauldron of joy and so it just gets better and better and better as you go on until you're scooping the bottom the cauldron maybe with your bare hands of that yeah that's a pro tip we're going right into the center and they're coming back you don't see the card this is like exploring a volcano oh wow that's just solid cheese okay that will be my first bite the cheese do a double bite yes you ready and we go all right onions oh I just had a bite of solid cheese with chili oil on my first bike and it was amazing the donger and that's as oh just everything you can see how the meat has already absorbed all of that oh I just oh we just we just it's like an infinity edge we lost a little a little of that chili oil down there but that's okay it's already starting to saturate with that chili oil Wow and there's some cheese attached as well on your chin and I'm not gonna wipe it that's an important that's the type of bite that like I mean before you even sink your key fully into the meat it starts to there's no your taste buds and short rib is such a such a flavorful cut because of the fatty content and then it's just soaked up with that that chili oil sauce which is a little bit sweet it's salty just a little bit spicy we ordered the extreme it's not not too spicy but it's good just slightly spicy that's like the souvenir of eating here I am in search of a rustic the sacred and holy you try and mark Wiens signature bite complete with dots why erased it so amazed that of the mystery that needs to be solved we're actually putting down the chopsticks and starting to reach in with our spoons so that we can get more maximized more sauce per bite and I'm gonna I'm gonna try to get a little bit of everything with with some of the onions with some of the cheese with well with a lot of cheese with a giant piece of meat as you keep on digging just every bark bite starts to get melted cheese all over it you found one oh okay now I think we managed to get everything on this bike there's cheese there's there's short rib and there's a rice cake which Jeffrey just put on top this might be the best bite you can possibly have a double rice stick the double spoon is to you brother [Music] and snow what I'm still attached that's insane cuteness no wonder David Chang came back two times in one day who could blame him go so yeah Jeffrey was telling me David Chang's he came once he loved this so much he came a second time in the same day same day same day came back for dinner look at my spoon it starts to get cheese just starts to to harden on your on your spoon completely destroyed the cheese cheese cap but there's still a lot of cheese mixed in with it in there and you got to order extreme uh-huh I'm gonna go in for a bone and then it's spoon it on get that oh that is beauty pull on my scoop on here look at that just run for you and some cheese oh just unravels something but that gets to be so much meat in your mouth at one time now is when things start to get messy because you get a little bit delirious it's just getting better and better but you just can't control your your mouth or your face and something I didn't notice until now is that there's carrots in there too [Music] thank you very much thank you thank you so much bye-bye nice to meet you bye-bye act now we're just stepping outside the only thing that could possibly make it better is that we're not finished yet so when I first read that David Chang came for the spicy cabbage in and then came back at night I said I gotta do that so I was so excited when I came over here to this place I just ran into the place that had the photos of the platter and then I brought my friends back on four different occasions the last time I invited Andy hailer the only man have been to all the three-star Michelin restaurants in the world said I'd meet him here and we're both texting each other going I'm here and I'll only know I'm here I'm here so we stuck our heads out of these two doors and respected each other and I go Andy you idiot you're in the wrong place and he's like no Jeffrey you are an idiot you hung blades so we're we're gonna try the next one now if you stand again we're gonna order the exact same thing the spicy I'd be doing from the entire story that Jeffrey mentioned he he was actually mistaken to first come to this place but then he kept coming back four times people he realized that that original was next door where we just ate and you'll notice that the next door is loaded with people it's got a sign-in sheet and you have to wait here probably incorrectly nobody in the place so we shall see no really [Music] well you can feel the keep reading irradiating off of that already noticed a few key differences mainly would they serve it on a hot hot burner so it keeps on bubbling away I think there are actually so many differences in this that this and also this restaurant specializes in gamja Tom which is one of my favorite Korean dishes the pork spine stew so different yeah look at these new mega chunks of bone they've got whole Chili's whole Chili's in here and then yeah these chunks of bone are literally this is like a it's like a drumstick these are like beef beef drumsticks that just slides off the bone more tender it is ridiculously tender yeah I think because it is a different kind of meat it is it is more tender burger and it just kind of slides up it's almost like almost we're skinny yeah Brittany yeah that's a good bit so good oh that's awesome it's a little it's a little less sweet and it has more of a taste of sesame fragrance a lot of sesame oil in there any mm-hmm Jeffrey and I were also discussing about the cheese I think that she's might just be a fun factor it doesn't actually add that much flavor but it's almost like unnecessary flavor but it is so good because it looks so cool in it and it's fun to eat you guys do everything and you can look sometimes and sometimes do you feel like more like you're one with the dish because you're attached to do it okay thank you turning the fire back on it's more chunky like there's giant chunks of bone bone and meat there's giant chunks of potato you just rummage through it you can just hear it hissing there really is one of those dishes that is as fun to eat as it is delicious but I mean both both the fun and delicious are at peak [Music] walk walk [Music] oh that just a lava lava beef that's like melting roof in your mouth I'm starting to go study delirious yeah you can feel it crazy yet on the bottom go wah ha ha thank you very much got some blood sausage soondae right awesome thank you as we were rummaging through the the molten lava the owner has brought us out soon me which is the blood sachets which we've got a track that if you're wet then only did the red because it's filled with the mung bean noodles it's jiggly there's a faint undertone of irony bloodiness the liquid is starting beginning to evaporate but you can smell the caramelized cheese which has sunk to the bottom oh you can use here listen dude oh yeah we've got some black and cheese on the bottom a lot of the meat is starting to just fall off the bone naturally and it's just melting into the assassin and the old cheesy mess oh wow that's so hot down there [Music] burn up cheesy meat is become one that cheese might be on there permanently fossilized undo the chopsticks digging out I don't even know what that is I think a dinosaur bone from the dawn of time it's like we actually had to use quite a lot of leverage to get that house and it was it was a two-man job to get that out [Music] Oh [Music] Oh fossilized cheese okay so as the story goes again Jeffrey had been eating at this place but he didn't know that the original was the next door for this for this particular dish even though they're so different but then once she figured it out and the entire strip mall with the dishes you you never come back here and don't eat both of them right they're both great and thanks for David Chang getting me here even though I went to the wrong one but I have to say when push comes to shove the eaters they have here but they don't have there or better cuz it caramel is everything under the bottom and all exhibited that is if they use Cedars over there that would be even better that would be another another step the second element is the bones here are thicker and is to use your word the meat turns more into a brisket it's softer and soaks up more juice so slight advantage here but again when the stress the beef ribs over there are great mm-hmm and here they have a few items in there like those what were those Chinese plums or like dry Chinese plums I think [Music] yeah I mean for me for me definitely I like the meat because it's just so unbelievably fall apart tender it just melts in your mouth I think this one was a little less sweet the one overhung is a little sweeter so that canada ii depend on your personal preference overall this version is just a lot more chunky and like bigger bigger chunks of things i really think that the moral of the story which jeffrey already figured out is that there's no way to not do them back-to-back that would just be the that's the rule that's what you got to do you got to eat them both so david chang you went next door for the first one and next door for the second one and that's why i'm here so i thank you but now market is you a challenge to you bang bang this has been one of the most satisfying breakfasts of my life yes yeah we'll all be on YouTube yes thank you thank you very much that was amazing thank you nice to meet you but I thank you owner there's so friendly we got some of the gum hung for takeaway but then he also gave us a bowl of his kimchi jigae to take away as well we'll be movie enjoying this in a few hours wow that was a significant breakfast [Music] it's a little after the after the bangbang the duo of Chi be Jim it's a little more of a struggle to get in and out of the car Wow the real like bottom line is that you have to try them both they are both insanely crazily delicious the second place I like how the meat just falls off the bone it's so ultra tender and then how they keep it over the fire the entire time you're eating so it just bubbles and then you get some more serious carmelization on that cheese the meat just literally melts into an entire like swampy mess of lava flavor but then the first place everything is cut finer and everything is I mean it's a different cut of beef it's that high B is those that's the real short ribs then you've got slices of potato and daikon mixed in there and then there is more cheese to that one and then everything just sort of mingles together as well I want to say a huge thank you to Jeffrey he's he's a good eating friend of mine and he's he's such an extreme food lover I will leave his Instagram below and also he's the founder of extreme foodies which I'll leave the link in the description box you can check out a list of every every major city in the world there's a list of the top eats the top food in that city from local bloggers thank you very much for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up and also leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click Subscribe now also click that little bell icon that way you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from LA I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,295,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sun Nong Dan, Koreatown, LA Korean food, best restaurants LA koreatown, best korean restaurants LA, los angeles food tour, LA food tour, Mark Wiens, Yangji Gamjatang, restaurants in LA, best restaurants in LA, galbi jjim, LA korean food, usa food tour, American food tour, Korean food, best restaurants Koreatown, LA, Los Angeles, California
Id: 4PwQgQafGjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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