Best Burgers in San Diego, California πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”

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[Music] good morning welcome back to sunny san diego i'm here with daniel again and today we got something fun for you i guess a bit gluttonous for you which is kind of ironic considering san diego is known for its healthy and fit people but we're always out just eating as much food as we can last time was tacos and birya today is a little more american and we're gonna go try five of the best burger joints here in the city i got a ton of recommendations from you guys via instagram so i'm gonna take those recommendations the top of the top the most iconic places a couple of new interesting places and we're gonna go try and see whose burger is best first of all a big shout out to cuts clothing i have the black henley on today incredible fabric very soft perfect clothing for all of my travel adventures and it's black so it's slimming i won't feel so bad about myself oh i got a two-hour parking yes jackpot i won't feel so bad about myself when i'm out eating burgers today also travel deeper is the code on cuts if you want to check that out in the meantime the burger adventure begins right now you ready i'm ready you hungry yeah let's go let's do it [Music] and the first stop on our list today is an institution here in san diego they have multiple locations but the one we're going to is right down in ocean beach and that is hodad it's a fun quirky neighborhood of ocean beach we're gonna go check it out [Music] all right it is 1 30 on a friday and this is the line already for hodad it's a spot to be [Music] ketchup right here do you want ranch oh no that's okay okay thank you very much red odes world's best burger in the world over a gazillion souls and you guys have been here since when 1969. ocean beach is the first location actually ocean beach but it was actually on the beach and then i moved from the beach the voltaire and this one ever since and now we also got one downtown 10th and broadway and we're also in petco park all around the stadium thanks man appreciate anything else i got you thank you i appreciate it thanks mike and so we just got our order here at hodad's and we went to double cheeseburger route now their most famous is the bacon cheeseburger and it's a huge slab of bacon all over the top of a burger and cheese traditional american cheese again this is pickles lettuce tomato mayonnaise ketchup mustard i asked for the works and alongside it gotta get a few onion rings just to taste it let's give this whole dad's burger a try i don't know i can fit all this it's like a this is like the navajo taco [Music] oh first thing that comes out which is my favorite is the pickles they put tons of pickles in it which is great white onions as i'm dripping stuff anywhere again shout out to cuts for the t-shirt today it's gonna get messy that is sloppy and delicious two big beef patties run it through the garden lettuce tomato onions tons of pickles mayonnaise delicious this is just a taste of america right here you can buy this immediately [Music] oh yeah i don't think this fits in my mouth i don't have the same jaws absolutely easy don't judge me please [Music] there's no classy way to eat that that's number one this isn't a date spot you have to be very comfortable with your day to bring them here three words how would you describe it fatty joe me juicy if you're a normal person who only comes here and the only place you have for the day get a milkshake onion rings double bacon cheeseburger listen to the planes fly overhead ocean beach is a stone's throw away just two or three blocks to the beach even though you probably won't want to go to the beach after you have this burger but it's the option maybe before go to the beach work up an appetite in the water come over here grab a burger and go take a nap ocean beach oh dad it's a must all right let's keep moving [Music] all right next up on our list we're over in the popular pacific beach area at a new spot that's getting a lot of attention right now this is going inside trying out their burgers let's go [Music] this is all going to be your top tier stuff this is where the marbling is going to be at the bms scale at least a minimum of an eight but the majority of what we have is going to be anywhere between 10 11 and 12. 12 being the highest okay that you can get this is taco mori filet this is 250 a pound this is a5 this is also known as drunken wagyu this is uh fed the fermented sake rice oh okay these next chambers that we have here we have some dried stuff some porterhouse bone and rib eyes some whole tomahawks that we just got in a couple days ago that were starting to dry age that was a whole tomahawk but that one's been aged it's going for a hundred days 100 days this one what's the oldest one in here is this it you can see the the amount of like shrinkage the molding the more you get the aging done yeah the more shrinkage you get you get and how will you serve these will you just cut off the top parts or this is 35 days each okay but as you can see [Music] and then that's from shaving off the top crust and then the inside is going to give this really bright white fattiness and then the marbling is so all going to be there and then it's going to just be like butter but it's going to have a nice funky cheesy nutty aroma okay all right [Music] nice to meet you tell me where are we what are we doing you're at our signature swagu uh pb restaurant this is our every concept all combined to one it's butcher burger bar brunch and steak okay and then tasty menu as well and how did this come to be you guys are new on the block right yeah we opened in in the pandemic uh all we had we were touring the entire united states canada and europe with our pop-up restaurant we take over a certain restaurant for like three nights in a row and you just follow our tour and buy tickets and yeah that's how it would all work and then pandemic came of course all all events stopped right and so we had this inventory my boy's like hey you have a big following already for wagyu just put it on your instagram and make some meal kits or whatever yeah and so then we cut up all the steaks took pictures of it and then and then we sold three times our inventory in 24 hours it was crazy and you guys based in san diego san diego yeah we're born and raised in imperial beach and so okay we started that online first and then and then the and then diney kind of came back you know we'd come back a little bit or whatever so we're using our our our restaurant kitchen our tasting menu restaurant kitchen and then it just exploded overnight now we're going on eight locations two in hawaii and is it true that you are one of 20 something people that are certified for hiyoga kobe yeah okay by the japanese government yeah they've invited me to japan many many times you know the government toured me around every prefecture and you know we've gone to the kobe auction and and bought whole sears for like 50 000 for one cow and that kind of thing and that's just what we were cutting our teeth in and then and then we were like okay we're selling so many steaks we have all this trim that's japanese wagyu that i'm still paying those prices i was like right i was like all right let's get some american wagyu grind the grind the japanese grind the australian grind the american yeah let's come up with our perfect burger to mitigate that waste and create this burger and it was really just to move the move the waste to make a zero waste thing and then exploded now we're negative waste we're buying four different companies trim really yeah because we're going through so many burgers and that's only that's only two locations we're doing probably like 4 000 burgers 5 000 a week unreal and yeah that's all and we're about to open up nationwide everywhere let's try some burgers yeah do it [Music] pickles yes [Music] simple simple but delicious now this is a hybrid burger of japanese australian and american meat what will definitely be the richest burger that we have today i believe he said in the kitchen it was a 30 fat content around there and all their pickles are done in-house and their sauce is made daily some nice traditional american cheese and two patties smashed together on a brioche bun all right here we go moment of truth oh man i love smash burgers because that crispy shell the crispy outside is always so good simple great sauce on the inside their own special sauce really good [Music] oh yeah now only do a very limited amount of fries at each place in order to extend today's stomach in order for us to be able to accomplish our our goals today but here nitro potatoes are called crispy almost like home fries let's give these a try [Music] whoa a home fry and a tater tot had a baby [Music] that was really good that was probably the most education we're gonna get from a place on our list today swagu pacific beach that was delicious all right let's keep going [Music] all right next up on our list we're heading to the friendly are we in university heights north park no we are north park okay university heights doesn't start until i think past texas like university it's normal heights north park we're kind of normal heights north park university heights no harsh winters so we're in north park yeah you're in the nuts we're in the knot we're in the nutty p all right so for the we're here in the nutty p great environment great energy all around and our next spot we're heading to a place called the friendly which is a lot of people's favorite burger selection it actually says pizza and more on the sign and i think that more means one of the best burgers in san diego so we're here right now unsuspecting little spot let's go check it out you didn't know how to work here [Music] so everyone tells me come here for the burger but yeah you're clearly pizza and more what's the more um well all the specials that we do you know we do like little collabs with like chefs around the neighborhood and we'll have like a day where it's just this is our new item on the menu here today gone tomorrow really yeah what burgers always say burgers yeah we sell way more than the pizza so why don't you call it burgers and more because then people will just assume they know all about us i like them [Music] the mayonnaise section [Music] [Music] that's it all right here we are sitting down outside the friendly and this is the burger as straightforward just a fast ball right down the middle you have two smashed patties american cheese mayonnaise on either side and just a bun that was quickly grilled on that dirty flat top it's actually called a dirty flattop burger and here we go no condiments no pickles no fuss also just a little bit of diced grilled onions underneath the cheese you know how i feel about those crunchy bits all right here we go one other interesting thing before i dive in here is the vibe in there is very interesting they've only been here for about four years but it seems like they've been here forever and john was saying that they've took him over for an older restaurant they said don't change a thing we want the same feel and it really is a very old diner style feel in there and really cool because you really don't know what you're going to get when you go in there it says pizzas and more on there and everybody's in there ordering burgers so the pizza's sitting off to the side the burgers are on high demand and we're going no more stalling let's give this a try this is my speed have you been here before you know how good these are you always come here um well when i used to live here yes when i used to live close to this way but i moved up towards escondido now yeah so i don't get them this often but i was just down this way so i drove like 15 minutes out of the way to come together they don't have fries but they're so good yeah it's just straight up a plane straight to the point i like it i love it thank you thank you honestly these are so good i'm not going to say i'm not going to say yeah when way to the end of the video before i give my scoring of all the ones that we try but thin thin thin and that mayonnaise is like a garlic mayonnaise too and the onions the grilled onions in there simple damn near perfect wow no it's the crunch the crunch from that burger to me that's what makes it it's a dirty flat top talking and it's speaking my love language yeah man so good what do you usually go with i usually just so when i come here i usually get the the meat lovers and with the pizza too oh you do i'll devour the the burger and then to just get the more like the greasy of it yeah i'll get the the pizza and then i'll be full for the like a good two hours two three hours and that's it so you get a burger and a pizza oh yeah man and the pizzas are like the new year styles too yeah yeah just toss it in it's fresh and it comes out hot so like ready to eat that's right by the time i finish the burger uh-huh it's the the pizza is nice and like cooled down yeah and it's not too cold so it's warm like she still melts off the bite cheers [Music] oh [Music] all right next up on our hit list is over in bankers hill right next to balboa park we have the balboa the bar and grill a little dive spot just north of the city of downtown we're gonna go in try their burger here we go [Music] [Music] yeah all right we are now at balboa for this stop they divided the burger in half didn't even ask us how we wanted to cook and i respect that it's like this is how we're gonna cook the burger and look at that that my friends is a perfectly cooked burger look at the juice we got cheese lettuce tomato very thin slices of onions which i like like hodad's onions were really thick and there was a ton of them i like a nice thin don't overpower me with the onions just come in nice and light but look at that juiciness here we go nice fresh bun hmm azera [Music] what's the seasoning on that burger but there's a um there's something going on here there's a wild card they both did it the whole crew just laughed at me as i made that face like he doesn't know what he's about to bite into are you is it chipotle what it just hit me with this smokiness and i was like where's that coming from it's coming from the aioli and they serve it up with some garlic fries just raw garlic mixed up with the fries these smelled amazing [Music] oh man one piece of advice if you come here on a date do not get the garlic fries all right unless you both get the garlic fries and then it it negates the two but if you're coming here on a first date those garlic fries are gonna sit with you and as long as as long as you guys both are on the same page you're in good shape but otherwise it's dangerous game thanks boys for those of you who made the suggestions on instagram i appreciate it we're gonna dive into this all right we are now at our fifth and final location of the day we're in barrio logan which is quickly becoming one of my favorite food neighborhoods in all of san diego and we're going to haze's burger this is a spot right off of chicano park and on the other side of this park is las cuatro milpas one of my favorite taco spots if you haven't seen that video you got to do it daniel hunger wise how are you feeling i'm hungry daddy's hungry ready to go we've had a half a burger in each spot so we try to pace ourselves but we're professionals and we're here for you to try all of the best burgers the most iconic burgers as the harley goes by the most iconic burgers that san diego has to offer and we got one more we have room for one more in our system let's go hayes burger [Music] man yeah the story was uh my other like two partners they had the idea of opening a restaurant and they saw that like there was like no burgers around here and jose coming from a family of restaurants he already worked at a like a hamburger restaurant like i got a i got a one that i want to make you know like i got an idea and he developed like the entire concept then me and alejandr alexander just like jumped in like dude like this is tight yeah yeah it's a great move and i'm i just said on camera like body of logan to me is becoming like one of my favorites it's tight man there's a lot of culture there's a lot of cool people here man it's like it's one of like those like neighborhoods that like movie type of stuff like that's still going on you know and you know everyone in the blog like everyone stops and talks to you you know it's super tight i hope it stays like that right yeah and i hope it stays like that forever man you know thank you so much [Music] [Music] all right here we go we got the haze burger double cheeseburger lettuce tomato special sauce and caramelized onions this is extra smash this is right up my alley look at that very very thin that might be the crispiest of all of them today and we're right here chicano park is right behind daniel you've got the historical mural right here very cool spot inside but look at that beauty and that bun is so soft and buttery i i shouldn't be hungry right now but this looks delicious oh damn lettuce and tomato and that special mayonnaise damn they got me so i grew up on a i didn't realize this is a smash burger california makes it cool by calling it a smash burger i grew up on very thin patties upstate new york white american cheese on a hard roll bill gray's tom walls shalers and upstate new york all the rochester people watching this you know so that is my my pinnacle that's the best of the best but these smash burgers with that crispy bit on the outside wow with the caramelized onions that is delicious the only thing i would add here is maybe some pickles but besides that this is top of the top and that buttery bun oh mama what why am i still hungry why does it still excite me it does and that means i'm in the right profession right if i still get excited on my fifth burger this just makes me question everything and at the same time makes me feel good about the world and my decisions i love it mario logan hayes burger definitely add this to your list i love the consideration you always take after you bite the bread's really good all right three words to describe it buena bonita that's perfect that does it for our burger journey here in san diego now you have a list of five places that you can check out must try places a few new places a few iconic spots maybe you don't have to do them all in one day but if you want to here's your list if you have the stomach for it otherwise space them out but i guess we should pick a couple favorites daniel do you have a favorite from today yeah i think swag you swag you luxurious taste that was definitely the richest most luxurious of all the burgers at 18 a pop you're not gonna get a fancier burger here in san diego for me it's a tight race the friendly and here at hayes i love just that thin crispiness if both of those had pickles and and we just talked to guys at haze they said you can add pickles to that i'm sure the friendly would allow you to do the same thing but those were both delicious balboa probably had the best cooked burger that was like medium rare we didn't even ask for it that was delicious and of course hodad's is a classic just absolutely massive that is a full meal a full day of eating right in one sandwich but we battled through it and again a big thank you to cuts clothing look can't even tell all the grease and the drippings from burgers today still looks like new even the meat sweats blend in right you can't even tell right big thank you to cuts clothing a great sponsor for this channel and their fall collection is dropping very soon all the information is in the video description make sure you go check them out use code travel deeper for 15 off of all clothing at checkout and as always please smash that like button if you liked the video it helps a ton and subscribe if you haven't already if you made it this far in the video what are we doing you got to subscribe and hit that notifications bell so you get updates whenever i drop a new video every single week and daniel thank you so much buddy as always appreciate it you're full i'm full man mission accomplished let's go take a nap not together we're just gonna whatever see you guys next week oh my gosh it's me i had a bad start and i'm too old for this [Music] this is always the sign of a good time i got anything on my face this cut shirt by the way extra large i'm going to size up more than normal for food videos smart what do you think [Music] pretty good thank you gareth again i love to eat with you let's go check it out [Music] oh my gosh wrong way just kidding what did you tell me i don't know what you would do you didn't know how she thought i worked here you grab yourself a nice double cheeseburger and then you go down the beach throw on your swim trunks and jump in for a swim this is this is a day off from the beach you have this you rest for a couple days and then you get back in the water you if you go swimming after you eat this straight to the bottom you'll be fish food i also got some more of that little sauce right here to dip your fries in obviously the same chipotle chipotle say that five times fast chipotle aioli i couldn't even say that chipotle aioli chipot you could say it she boldly aioli chipotle aioli you gonna say chipotle aioli can't see stop chipotle aioli impossible
Channel: Gareth Leonard
Views: 414,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: san diego, san diego california, things to do in san diego, things to do in san diego ca, things to do in san diego california, best burgers, best burgers in san diego, best cheeseburgers in san diego, gareth leonard, travel deeper, #traveldeeper, hodads, swagyu, best burgers in california, best burgers in san diego ca, best restaurants san diego, best places to eat san diego, places to eat in san diego, best burgers in san diego california, best restaurants, san diego burgers, sd
Id: W8MyzREy8yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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