Food in Copenhagen - Best GAS STATION BURGER!! Kebabistan + Social Eating in Denmark!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Copenhagen Denmark it's gonna be a bit of a mixed day I'm actually going to include two days within this video first I'm gonna show you what we did yesterday visiting some of the local producers of products chocolate a farmer and some of the dairy cheeses then we'll come back to today which starts now which is where we'll really focus on the concept of social dining and food production with in Copenhagen will visit some farms and then we'll probably eat some screw food as well because there are a couple places I want to check out but then the main thing that's gonna happen tonight is my friend Espen who is a chef who's been taking me around this entire tour of Copenhagen he is preparing a dinner which is gonna be a social dinner with a whole group he's gonna cook using a lot of the ingredients that we're gonna gather within this video and I show you this entire story of everything we do along the way and all of the food [Music] just entering in through the house and going up the stairs [Music] oh yeah ready please we go into cheese room okay this is 400 litres of milk sheep cheese handmade everything the traditional the real way and that smells and looks really good yes if you feel that you'll be aroma try some let me know that have a vote we do no that's fine that's fine [Music] some rich it's complex it's it's really like yeah really really good opening that up and it's just like it's like melted runny cheese pudding on the inside yeah very runny and mm-hmm very good [Music] maybe had some of the fresh sourness of that it's like a cream cheese I have worked a place where they do them for some weeks to make really to to make the right sing yeah hmm yeah I like this one a lot the complexity the mature nosov it [Music] would you like to try the tractor it's still working [Music] [Applause] these are beautiful sheep they're so healthy so happy happy sheep that's the key [Music] after we have the cheese we drove probably about thirty minutes more towards back roads Copenhagen we're still south of Copenhagen but we've now stopped for lunch this is a it's a classic it's an old restaurant it's a heritage restaurant and this is where we're gonna have lunch day classic Danish elegance historical it is Museum of restaurant actually I really like their presentation here it's just classic but elegant at the same time so this is a smoked above with salted mackerel good yeah sticked on the mayonnaise but good in the salted salted mackerel okay no one for the shrimp and this one is beautiful this one is the shrimp fluffy ball looks right now destroying it has been has the rank method where you kind of put your fork in kind of like that style then making sure to like stab as much shrimp and bread and everything in one bite as possible it's like an entire mayonnaise shrimp salad shulkie really creamy from the manage the little shrimp are very flavorful okay I can't wait to try the what do you call it them here it's called a visa proof perfectly oh nice the egg yolk on top it's all a bit missional nice you know see it's actually middle so don't fry with the outside okay nice yes oh look at that this is a beautiful dish I love just the mess of toppings that just like and how colorful it is with the Piedra with minced beef with the post with onions and the capers and the egg yolk which is kind of like splattered on top [Music] this is the winner for sure the meat is pretty rare on the inside it's really really juicy but they're just like caramel ice on the outside we've got the really nice crunchy bread on the the bottom that's just like beef lover's dream the beetroot the capers the the pickles dill I give it some contrast the richness of the yolk an amazing behind it's just kind of like modern-looking take on smoked-salmon one thing I've noticed in Denmark is that it's important to get all the textures and all the different ingredients onto one byte every single time yeah that's very important yeah the juicy tomatoes that kind of contrast the saltiness of them the smoked salmon which would typically be salty another classic Danish restaurant in a good quality food really nice place great service from here we are I think we're continuing maybe towards Copenhagen where we're gonna visit a farm and we're just gonna take a look around here for a little while and especially Espen is gonna get some vegetables to bring back for the dinner that he's cooking I think tomorrow actually is growing organic produce and vegetables taken care of hand-picked so he's in high demand for a lot of the restaurants in Copenhagen and just good quality produce yeah and everything is so healthy this has been the story across Denmark and many of the small producers food artisans and people that care that we've met throughout Denmark in and throughout near surrounding Copenhagen this could be like a little kids world inside of a palm tree forest like I was running through these little lanes and loving it I'm gonna have a carrot hmm yeah it's so sweet oh it's right out of the earth that is so good so crisp thank you very much yes good to see you thank you thank you thank you we are on our way to one more place this afternoon who produces artisan very well-known high quality chocolate [Music] [Music] hey we got coffee yeah he actually just moved into this brand new warehouse facility a couple weeks ago so still setting things up but he's gonna show us around and show us the process from the bean to the chopper I believe yeah there's a beast like a lemon sized okay yeah [Music] so this is our tempura we run on average as a that is a chocolate water fountain a chocolate found that is a chocolate fountain in case Tessa's [Applause] [Music] yeah oh it's great stay here so yeah go okay tasting the first one this one is the Guatemala Guatemala okay the worst time to speaking film when you have to eat [Music] and then this one is a dark milk chocolate at 55% so much good flavor those Nicola thank you very much again a super cool I love chocolate yeah I I'm not big on sweets but I love the actual cacao chocolate 100% that's one of my favorite it's a superfood okay so to begin today we are at it's a vegetable I'm not totally sure everything that is it is but he is known for his mushrooms and he grows mushrooms inside I think the basement of this property so colorful but I need some coffee this morning desperately thank you very much this is such a cool little shop he sources and curates some just very high quality products wines vegetables but then he also grows his own here we go down to the basement [Music] [Music] yes step in here and you can actually smell like the mushroom mommy just filling up your nostrils [Music] this is such a beautiful it's like a book a but we get that like just complex system and growth it's just beautiful to harvest that you just take the entire cluster of mushrooms all together yes all such a nice dinner nice but before monster Cooper's on yes beauties yeah very cool that was fun to see that was very fun to see and just I love full of mushrooms here it is we've made it this is empirical spirits and it's actually just down the warehouse kind of almost in the same warehouse section but further down as alchemists [Music] Hey so actually it started in 2017 were in the empirical service so it's actually very recent [Music] okay and producing around three of bolita batches oh I just started out of the home production okay it just freezes nice so this is pearl Valley it's been polished 60% we working with organic grain in Germany this whole production behind me this is the stage - this is the brewery and they do a lot of like cooking in here so like that was a an entire like porridge of grain and water and sugar is and blending and then over here looks a bit unique but that's one of the byproducts I think does and again she say they can make miso from it from the Koji or something the actual distillery a lot of test tubes and hoses and pipes going on here and a lot of equipment but what they were saying is from the grain to the actual product it takes about like two to three weeks for their products to their spirit to be ready it's the slow process it's the care that creates such that superior much better product we are back in the tasting room now we're gonna taste a few of the spirits and I'm really excited to dish the kombucha actually the finished product kombucha a kombucha that we've prepared with green fruits berries gooseberries kombucha hmm yeah very fruity really good so this is a blend of spirit and kombucha quick combo to make them acquits [Applause] yeah that's like a sharp fruitiness sour sweet followed by sweetness the spirit along with the kombucha made from the Murcia peppers from Oaxaca that we tasted smokey meatiness yeah like a male oh that's great but this is a hot sauce from the used habanero peppers and chilies that they used to to distill and to add and they make a hot sauce out of it that is awesome and it's like mushroomy as well yeah that's mushroom ease oh that's wonderful used in the fallen pony it's almost Serbian yeah oh that's good yeah that tastes like pomegranate molasses again that final one is the hopped hibiscus kombucha oh that's wonderful vinegary husband just had a brilliant idea after we tasted the the quince kombucha glaze reduction sauce he's gonna get some to bring back for tonight's dinner probably for the mushrooms you picked up lots ya know it is such a good combination yeah yeah [Music] we just happened to be in the area and we needed to get some gas and petrol but we have another motive original yeah original original right thank you very much right fuel up okay we got the the regular burger and we got the cheeseburger and we got the fries I'll try the original first Cheers yeah Wow really awesome limit I think what for me immediately stands out the beef is awesome but everything fits together and the bun is so Microsoft and just like completely just like molds into your fingers you get your fingers inside of the bun that beef is awesome oh it's just so good just so warm and comforting cheese burger in the cheeseburger it's so saucy though the onion the big all the cheese is just melted it's more rich because of the cheese all cheeseburgers fantastic do [Music] the next place that we're going today is an urban farm it's on a rooftop they grow vegetables it's a restaurant I believe as well we're gonna go have a look and it looks really cool oh you gotta go up this staircase this is the rooftop staircase going up and around this is it ah very cool rooftop garden overlooking Copenhagen so we're just gonna walk around here and then I know we're gonna meet one of the owners and maybe just take a look at the kitchen I know they're only open for dinner though I believe oh yeah this is amazing like the actual dining room the table this is within a greenhouse and that's why the some of the warmer climate things are growing the tomatoes the chilies they're within this greenhouse what the concept even gets cooler Stan even in the back he's just gonna show us now some of the chickens they even raised chickens [Music] hey rabbit hey guys maybe little guys Wow Lisbon is she nice yeah yeah her you like a cat yeah and then over here they're actually starting up some of the cooking oh man that looks in smell flourishes I believe he's burning some of the fennel flowers and stems [Music] very cool to complete this entire setup even have their own bee colony here which is now going into hibernation for the winter but very cool taking a few I think it's like kind of mustard greens so we use that for dinner tonight so get a little thing from the rooftop yeah there's so many things from so many sources yeah back on solid ground this is the building and on the rooftop is the garden you would never know even from down here except I can see a few sunflowers like poking their heads over the ledge yes so we are on our way next to eat what I think is maybe the king of all street foods called kebab expen what a name - I've been waiting for this moment kebab is done this is just a small like standing space a lot of people eat outside a lot of people take away it smell the aroma of the kebab we went where the do room the show Emma and the meat is on this spit I believe it's everything for me yes yeah everything plates spicy yes please when it's chilly nice yeah that has some good weight to it and even from the top you can see what's cool is that I mean kebab it has origins but then it's also adapts to every culture every place and so you can see from the top here and see red cabbage in it once you're eating the meat yeah the mix of vegetables watch all the whole in the meat Trillian there although I could use a little more chilli I'm gonna add some from this bucket of chilli sauce add a little more chilli that's just warm comforting that's tasty add a little bit of a rest this afternoon but this is what it all comes down to I am on my way to the event and Espen he's an amazing chef so this is gonna be the first time that I'm I'm very looking forward to trying his cooking and his as we've been going to restaurants as we've been going to producers he's been thinking of ideas and he doesn't have a restaurant but he's in the process of opening a venue he does a lot of pop tops he does a lot of catering he does a lot of events and I know he's a superb cook and he's such a cool guy so this is gonna be yeah what it all comes down to this entire couple of days of sourcing these ingredients made it to the venue still really wet and rainy today and it's actually a wine shop but they have a table they closed at 7:00 p.m. and then open it they just as a table and so it's been and starting to cook there's gonna be a pork roast he's cooking up some red cabbage some very traditional yet his way of Danish food and and using a lot of the yeah again the ingredients that we have collected over the last couple of days all that pork smells so good sizzling away on that fire though this is the causing something interesting that he was just mentioning is that a natural wine is really like a ancient traditional wine with no additives just grates the natural process it's like getting back to the roots of original wine yeah if you go this morning very cool so I do i stir mushroom who fired the girls are still on he's a little bit windy and it's been rainy day okay always the first thing that has been is working on is that's the codfish that we actually got direct from the fisherman he's marinated it in a bit of salt and sugar adding some mayo to it but it's also kind of a makeshift kitchen because this is the wine shop but this is what spen does he does catering he does assembling putting the final touches in and then I think this is gonna go out there's about I think about 15 people that are joining us all for dinner tonight [Music] [Music] this is some of the codfish that we actually got from the fishermen prepared by husband Dawlish delicious it still retains its rawness but you can tell that it's slightly cured with some some salt we got that crunch of those I think he said barley and then you a little bit of richness from the mayonnaise the sauerkraut the fennel flowers actually well that's wonderful well it makes it makes of a mixable we were picked up a phone call yesterday so in the bots and I have made a puree out of onions nice and then I got some steamed carrots still only the white wine butter and some Creole fennel and some grilled cross Jets and then this actually crispy rye bread try the brown powder mushrooms as an election again yeah okay then we have a little bit of some mustard greens we picked up at the store earlier ok so that's a little bit about me top nice that tree is so coming around but I've got to try some of the mushrooms this is the all the mushrooms that we collected from the basement this morning of variety of mushrooms and then oh yeah has been used that that kombucha like syrup almost that he added through this dish so that is that is awesome I've never had mushrooms in kombucha be barf again it almost tastes like up like pomegranate molasses sex just like fully juiced up in here those mushrooms absorbed all it's really really good [Music] this is a tree including a lot of the vegetables that we picked up we actually cut from Denmark the carrots that we pulled yesterday my from the farm so again like this is the connection between the farmer and actually the dinner table now and see how it all fits together I used to have s been made delicious oh that's so good it almost looks like on it almost has like a ton teeny kind of feel to it like I'm like a vibrant onion enos like Anastasia and then with that like onion puree it's stunning so many amazing vegetables in [Music] [Music] just cheated on but the growth debate Jonah [Music] has been slicing up that pork it smells so good it's perfectly cooked so it's juicy taste test with some of the pork crackling Oh smoky - no piece of fat on there for some extra juiciness very tasty yeah so this is some of the traditional Danish cabbage red cabbage it's very common to have like especially with uh with the pork like this right yeah Christmas edition great [Music] [Music] spen has just finished repairing the main dishes garnishing them all together putting everything together they're so beautiful he's he's done an exceptional job just the freshness of everything I love the way he keeps it quite like rustic but just home cooking it's what it is it's just like elevated home cooking his own style and it is okay so celery yeah I don't think I've ever even really had it before but we've seen it quite a few times at the farms throughout this time and then as Ben he made like a puree of celery AK which yeah it looks like a match and I'm very excited right it's creamy it's like just a hint of a start lunch more like I'm like light and refreshing is awesome and this is some of the pork which then he drizzled with some of its own juices it's natural its own appetizing it's smoky its porky juicy don't burn and then sauteed in butter is golf the sweetness everything is superb meal was spectacular time for dessert now it's kind of an apple puree but using also some of the ingredients that we collected especially the cheese from the from the cheese place and the white chocolate melted down in there as well and then he's topping it with some fennel flowers to finish it up [Music] apples with the cheese with white chocolate and I like how that's in the fennel flowers we individual it's like an apple pie without the crust still raining still cold it's been raining almost the entire day but that's okay dinner was fantastic and it was great to just experience the entire social dining pop-up dining culture of Copenhagen and that food buy cooked by us van was delicious yeah what a meal has been amazing job massive thank you to visit Copenhagen to wonderful Copenhagen for inviting me on this trip to Copenhagen and for arranging everything and for setting everything up so thank you and if you haven't watched this entire series I'll have the link in the description box that you can check out I want to say a big thank you to everyone who helps to everyone who arranged everything we did and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching good night from Copenhagen okay I'm gonna go in now I'm pretty wet and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,419,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Copenhagen, Denmark, Danish food, street food, Copenhagen street food, kebab Copenhagen, burgers Copenhagen, gasoline grill, gasoline burger copenhagen, Mark Wiens, food videos, food vlog, travel videos, travel vlog, food travel, Kebabistan, Denmark cheese, traditional danish food, burgers, burger blog, urban farming
Id: myQ5saTBkig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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