LA Historic Food Tour - BEST PASTRAMI and PRIME RIB | Top Restaurants in Los Angeles, USA!

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hey everyone I hope you're having an amazing day of smart Queens I'm in Los Angeles California and today we're going on an ultimate historical legendary food tour of LA we're gonna eat at some of the most famous some of the most well-known some of the most historical old rush cons in LA I'm gonna share all the food with you in this video [Music] so to begin this historic food tour of LA we are eating breakfast at Langer's deli they serve what is what many consider to be the best hot pastrami sandwich in all of America in the USA yes okay let's go Mike are you ready slide into the brown bucket leather seats from Thailand thank you thank you very much no very happy to be here Langer's delicatessen they have been here they have been serving food since 1947 and I know exactly I mean they have a full menu there's so many things you can order I know exactly what I'm gonna order already can we please get a number 19 on rye bread please we arrived right at 8:00 a.m. and they open at 8:00 a.m. but this is a great time to come here because it's quiet you can I mean you can come right in and get a booth and of course why would you not want to eat a hot pastrami sandwich at 8:00 a.m. in the morning for breakfast okay awesome it's huge the I mean the one sandwich almost fills the entire circumference of the round plate and you can see those layers but we should separate it though there's two pickles on the side but we should separate it so we can see the cross-section the mid section view the cross look at those layers it's all wrapped up between rye bread and you can feel how soft that rye bread is and you can smell that rye and then you've got the the coleslaw here it looks like a couple slices of Swiss cheese and then that beautiful ratio of hot pastrami just sliced in there and then the russian dressing I think just spread throughout or maybe where is the Russian dressing it's it's somewhere in those letters but it's it like it's like perfectly moulded together look at those just soft and supple okay I can't talk or wait any longer it looks like an open jaw a while that is just sensational and you don't even need to chew that pastrami it just completely collapses in your teeth and then you got the crunch of the mayonnaise II coleslaw you've got that Russian dressing in by the way I just noticed over here here you can see the the Russian dressing kind of oozing out of the backside that is just spectacular though the combination of the textures and the flavors okay I got some of the crunchy edge of the bread on that bite which was really good but I mean I think this is probably the most well balanced pastrami sandwich I've ever had for sure another contrast that you have is the salty pastrami with us is slightly sweet coleslaw three or four different contrasts going on that even subconsciously add to the appeal and the deliciousness of this pastrami sandwich well you do not want to you will not sit down near half a sandwich before you finish it try one of these pickled peppers Wow that's just an explosion of flavor very salty I mean as it should be it is a little bit spicy kind of goes to the back of your throat I'm a huge fan of deli pickles time for part two one thing I love is how the pastrami is cut it's kind of thick slices but somehow they're like the perfect sliced miss sometimes it can be too thin and then you've got too many layers but this one is like the perfect thickness you can see that fat just melting in the cheese is perfect because it's not that much cheese but just enough to add a little bit of flavor and then the coleslaw is almost equal to the meat and then the bread I like the combination of both the crusty edges as well as that soft supple interior everything is perfect on it so balanced thank you thank you [Music] and that completes number 19 at Langer's deli that is it's for sure one of the greatest sandwiches I've ever had that much draw me wall [Music] that's the type of sandwich you just want to take a nap on for the rest of the day especially when you eat it for breakfast but we got a we got to continue with this historic Los Angeles food tour so we are on our way to downtown where we're gonna eat the next Liz if none of the legendary classic in LA and it's another sandwich here we go to the next spot but I have to admit I'm feeling a little sleepy after that pastrami sandwich hole man that is not a that is not a light breakfast option [Music] as soon as you step out of your car you can smell the aroma of those beef juices and onions Philippe the original established in 1908 it's one of the oldest restaurants in Southern California in LA it's an absolute classic they are known for discovering for inventing the French Dip and that's exactly what we're gonna eat here but this it's geminus just oozing with history it's a Museum of a restaurant and during that 15 minute drive from lingers deli I built up a little bit of hunger I'm ready to go thank you so one of the things that I was reading about Philippe the original is that many of things especially the ordinary style and the dining style the shared cables the bar counter seating has not changed since they opened and well you immediately notice as you walk in is that there's sawdust on the on the ground but it's pretty cool what what is the difference between the single dip and double dip that's dipped into the tomorrow what's the double that we recommended I get that double dip because they take the bread I mean I think they dip it into the juices thank you very much I got the double deth the original French beef dip and what I mean just walking around and then just sitting down what's so cool awesome about this place is that it actually feels like you do have I have taken a step back in time it feels like you're in the 1950s here even from the style of how you order to the seating section to the people that are just kind of hanging out here that looks like an old-style coffee shop you can see the beef that thin pretty thin sliced beef just yeah just coming out from the side and then over here you can see where the bread has been dipped so oh yeah it is soggy it's just absorbed like a sponge all of those juices let's let's break this in half to see the cross-section look at all that beef there's probably like ten or so layers of thin beef and the bread the top bun is still it's still crunchy on the top and you can see how it's just completely soggy just saturated just mopped up all of that that beef juice well that is a classic no normally like soggy bread it's not something that would sound that great to me but when it is saturated with like oniony beef juices like this it's so good and you still got the top bun which is crunchy the beef is very lean and very tender as well it's kind of I mean I mean it is like eating a sandwich and drinking soup at the same time all filled with in your bun I don't know how the French Dip was originally invented or discovered but you can see how this might be one of those accidental discoveries where someone was carrying a French roll and just accidentally like slipped and dropped it into the bucket or the pan of soup and then stuck some meat in between and said I'm still gonna eat this stuck something in between it and chow down or like oh oh this works not sure what this dressing is for and I'm gonna try it maybe Russian dressing well that's the mustard with the horseradish in it although wasabi effect it goes up your nose a little bit okay not just key that is necessary I need a lot more of this while that mustard is amazing Wow I'm gonna just like fill it up Paul soggy bread delicious soggy bread with that mustard that makes a huge difference that like completes it for me pull that one up my nose whoo there is just no doubt that is it that's a timeless classic another institution in Los Angeles I think soggy bread is actually more filling than it that feels going down after you eat it it's sort of just like kind of like molds into your stomach but we are moving on to the next place which is actually very close here thank you thank you Oh la is so great but the next the next place that I'm going it's actually just down the street conveniently but that doesn't give you much time to rest your stomach but it's called cielito lindo it has been open since 1934 serving another classic Mexican la delicacy they specialize in Iquitos which are little fried rolled tacos and they've been doing it since 1934 this is a historical landmark in LA and I please get the two taquitos with one chili and overground number 3 combo please thank you okay thank you very much they do have a little seating section on the corner but I decided to order it to go because Ewing in my car back in the car now taking a nap so I got it to go but I think I'll just try it right here right now under this trees yet another timeless classic of Los Angeles oh ho ho ho ho ho yes I decided to get the number three which is two taquitos with one Chile layin on the side just because I had that I like the way this platter looks but then they give you the to talk ethos they dish it up with the green it's actually an avocado kind of salsa and then on the chile relleno there's some red sauce with some yellow cheese and this is just like I mean it's just smothered in sauce I don't know even if I think you just have to get kind of messy or there's beans on the bottom view I think you just got to get kind of messy and just just pick it up with your fingers yes yes I do and try to keep those yeah boy and I scooped you up a little cheese on the end of it for me the tortilla is a little bit on the thick side it's really kind of like bready but I do like the crunchiness I do like that avocados also do and that is gonna need another dip in the sauce in the salsa moving on to the chili a tie-in though and this should be a chili filled with cheese and then fried and then just doused in sauce oh yes look at that cheese just oozed as I poked it with the fork oh-ho-ho that's beautiful okay it's just loaded with cheese come there you can see the breading on it and then let me kind of mix it up with that sauce well well all the melted cheesiness of that and I think I've got the entire end of that chili which is smashed down okay that's pretty awesome that's so much melted cheese the julia's cooked them in so long that just disintegrates and you've got that breading which has stood again which would just soggy with all that salsa those beans and that sauce and cheese [Music] I thought the tortilla was a little thick before the ratio and the sauce was great micah is asleep taking a nap in the car and that looks like one of the best possible options of things to do right now - so actually we're gonna take a little break today and then later this evening there's another meal that I am yeah I can't I cannot wait for it's another timeless piece of culinary Los Angeles history and it's gonna be be something meaty [Music] had a fantastic rest this afternoon I needed a rest after those sandwiches especially after that giant pastrami but it is now 5:00 p.m. this is when the next restaurant for dinner opens and this II I think it's hard to get more classic more Los Angeles iconic than what we're gonna eat for dinner tonight I'm extremely excited we have reservations at 5 p.m. Lowry's the prime rib thing golden doors think golden Raley's let's chicken hello I have a reservation for my friends [Music] Oh [Applause] you ready to eat some prime rib for the first time Mike are you hungry like everywhere that we've eaten so far on this historic food tour of LA today I mean it just feels like they're taking a step back in time here filled with art and history like a palace a prime rib Palace you need a high chair yes please that would be great see the tables gonna be alright thank you cool thank you very much okay cool [Music] thank you very much very classy that's the first time that at any restaurant where they actually slide the table out you get into the booth and then they slide the table back in so we are like tight in here and it really is almost like a ballroom that's so classy and so elegant I think the Carver's will come around with the prime rib with the meat and they slice it right at your table but yeah I mean I don't really need to to choose anything I'm just going straight for the Lowry cut the prime rib dinner I think we'll just go straight for the prime rib go yes please no thank you Lowry's the prime rib it dates back to 1938 when Lawrence L Frank he decided to open a restaurant that was elegant but serving one main dish which is the the ribs of the beef the prime ribs of the beef and so this is the original location in Beverly Hills and it's still it's still I mean it's like a throwback it feels like you are back in 1938 and so we ordered just we I mean we went just I went straight for the prime rib dinner and so actually they our waitress said that the Carver's will come around and that's when you choose your cut oh cool awesome okay where are you from from Bangkok Thailand oh okay thank you don't thank you for a visit and then I kind of I just traveling around you travel a trouble and eat it lingers where language daily oh okay it's another classic on my way and that's the is that the classic dressing that's the classic dress oh yeah there's some croutons down here as well that have just absorbed all of that dressing mmm what is great about that salad is like the cool crispness of it you can tell that it's been spun under a bed of ice has that like yeah cooling effect and then the dressing was kind of nutty and mostly kind of like sweet and creamy and I would not pass up the opportunity to season and you know I'm a I'm a heavy season er oh yeah the pepper seasoning is great oh that's like a lemony pepper thank you thank you they roll the prime rib around in these silver like spaceship looking carts but they're so big that you could actually like I mean you could curl up and take a nap inside of there with the prime rib all their other carts are beautiful we get some extra paws you as well yeah oh no thank you [Music] thank you very much enjoy everybody thank you a good sized plate you can get your different cuts which are different thicknesses of prime ribbon and you can also choose your level of doneness from done to to rare I went the rare piece of prime rib and I went with the Lowry cut just the classic that's kind of a it's kind of a mid thickness but it's pretty decently sized that's a good chunk of meat it's just juicing all over you get mashed potatoes with some gravy in the center and then creamed spinach and then some Yorkshire pudding on the side here and then I got some extra allows you some of the to be few juices as well but that's just that just looks incredible and it's smell so Bo oh and the horseradish on the side here which we will try later you can see the fat running through it the juiciness of it the juices I don't even I don't even know how to to be good I'm so excited but I'm just gonna go right in I'm gonna I'm gonna take that fatty chunk right in the center there and just soak it up my first bite of the prime rib Oh al Rees Wow it's so juicy I mean the beef juices are just flowing you've got that extra azu it's so tender it's so all them it's like effortless chewing with juices jet just overflow into your mouth look at mean you could even like just kind of like pull it apart I mean the knife helps but you could kind of just like wake it apart with the different sections with a classic and yeah that Center I don't know if it's the eye or that has a little bit more of a like a like a lesser stringy texture like just I like to just meet collapsin Kohl Apple app sizing colab Singh that's all about the meat juices okay let's try some of that cream spinach right now yeah I like it it is really creamy the spinach has kind of been I mean fully like particles out and it has a little bit of a nuttiness stuff I don't know they scream or maybe there's a little cheese in there a really really fine really fine textured mash potato with just a little bit of gravy deliberate in the center I think I might have only had Yorkshire pudding once or twice in my life yeah yeah like that the gooeyness of it and it's almost like kind of like eggy and crunchy I'm gonna move back into the prime rib but this time I'm gonna make use of the horseradish this one she said it's whipped up with some cream or something so it's she said it's not so spicy this one oh yeah and you can smell it is the one she said is spicy that's the one I need and I guess you can just kind of put some of this onto your prime rib put that on there okay and that would be my my next bite oh yes hmm oh it was a good amount Oh hmm still going up my nose no it's creeping up my eyes are tearing a little bit oh that's wonderful horseradish yeah I mean if it is I mean do too yeah you can almost not use a knife you can kind of just press it but while depending on the piece that you get of course but you can almost just use your fork to tear apart sections and just the juice still remains thank you very much nothing I could want more yes juice is reapplied I'm gonna go for this entire chunk right there the end the end section oh just look at that bite [Music] this is what it's come down to just my last final single lonely bite of prime rib and I'll smear up some of the last few remaining drips of that the juices and gravy mixture combo final bye old man I need to I need to lean back on that one I can I both but I'm not gonna pull up my shirt what a meal I'm I'm yeah I'm pretty stuffed the prime rib was awesome yes I'm finished thank you very much my god come on [Music] back out into the real world inside of the restaurant it literally is a different world in there what a juicy chunk of meat and for me that that was really about the entire experience I mean stepping into a museum s it's really a culinary museum and I mean today has been the historical food tour of Los Angeles Los Angeles has some legendary classics and yeah like I mean the food is amazing but the experience and the historic treasures of culinary tradition in Los Angeles are just beautiful and so I'll have all the information in the description box below about all the restaurants I ate at if I had to choose just one thing I'd have to give it to Langer's Deli though that is that is a pastrami of your dreams but then prime rib was I mean almost equally as spectacular but the whole day was great I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you click Subscribe now and also click that little bell icon that way you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thank you very much for watching and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,368,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LA, Los Angeles, LA food tour, best food LA, best food Los Angeles, restaurants Los Angeles, best restaurants in LA, Mark Wiens, food tour LA, LA food, Langer's Delicatessen, Langers deli, pastrami, Philippe The Original, Cielito Lindo, Lawry's the Prime Rib, prime rib, LA history, Lawry’s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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