Samurai Life Simulator - Building my own Village in Sengoku Dynasty

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome to my Dynasty and by that I mean just me washed ashore alone and cold as we're playing another survival Colony management game and I'm super excited for this one it is in Goku Dynasty which is made by the same crater as all the other Dynasty games medieval Dynasty Lumberjacks Dynasty Wild West Dynasty uh and yeah you guys really liked uh at least medieval Dynasty that was a fantastic game uh did play a little bit of Lumberjack as well but uh yeah I'm super excited for this one I've been following it for a while and yes it is during the sengoku era in Japan which was a time of Civil War and essentially just up rest so uh yeah basically we're gonna try and build I think I think they called it a peasants Dynasty one person at a time and I literally just have one person me so we're doing our typical starting thing which is collecting stones and anything else we can get our grubby little hands on because yes this is very much a survival game but it is Colony focused it's gonna play a lot like a medieval Dynasty and uh yeah I'm excited to get into it so before we leave this is why you explore we got dirty raw fish here from uh the ship that I crashed on and we have a bundle of sticks uh some more Stones yeah there's a little bit of loot here a wooden torch good to see oh even some firewood I don't know if it's gonna work as far away when it's in the water but okay uh anything else I think that is pretty much it I do have to say this game is beautiful looking all right yeah so let's head Inland here and hopefully find a few survivors because I am gonna need some help building a dynasty I cannot do it alone and uh yeah I'm super excited to see how complex this game is going to be in terms of farming and whatnot I shouldn't run by this there might be some berries or whatnot we can grab I don't think I have any food yet oh Well I did get that fish I guess technically and I do have some meat don't ask me where I got it I have no idea ah but I'm seeing Aiko is up ahead and we got grass Harvest by hand or with a camera well I don't have one of those things so we're going to be harvesting this by hand all right well it seems like we have another Survivor hello AKO it's you you're alive yes I when the ship went down I what oh gods don't move you're hurt oh great I'll be all right I'm just cold um so it looks like we need to make a campfire and tools simple enough AKO is hurt so first and foremost we got to hand craft an ax uh um all right ax is this one we have everything that we need right now and just like that we have an ax cut down a tree and collect a log all right test this thing out oh there's a deer in the way I hope I can kill it that would be fantastic because I'm gonna need some meat sooner or later dear huh it's slightly bothered all right what the hell do I do here there we go so we cut this and use ads to get bark or to get sticks it adds I I don't know how to say that word sorry oh I didn't mean to do that but okay so what is that that's just a log and if I do it again I get firewood got it all right so this is the ads this tool for clearing and cutting logs into planks with an improvised Stone head all right so how does this work I just whack it I mean the ax did the exact same thing what's the point of this mining deposits with a pickaxe okay chill out game all right there's a stone deposit here well I need a stone to mine Stone oh would you look at that there's Stone right here that's exactly what I needed so that works out may as well make all the tools as we find the things that we need all right so stone pickaxe we can mine with that now and wham bam thank you ma'am give me some more Stones so you can destroy uh trunks as well oh that gives me sticks as well nice to know all right I am I am wasting way too much time going on off Quest here it wants me to craft a hammer right now so we'll do that hammer means we can actually build things um any if it's anything like a medieval Dynasty that is and indeed we can with this so handcraft a campfire okay basic structures campfire campfire with cooking pot I don't have a cooking pot so I guess we're doing this one and here you go Echo let me just put it right here oh I can't burn ACO and voila we have fire Aiko and now I have to build a 10 for Echo AKO I have to do everything for you I have everything we need already I have prepared um we'll put that over here I'm assuming this is very much a temporary settlement Collision character oh I think that's referring to me I'm sorry and there we go Aiko are you all good now you have fire you have shelter are you feeling better I am I'm going to be all right I have some fresh fish here let me cook it for us when do we move on we don't move on we can't spend our whole lives running away look around there's fertile land tall trees and fresh water and I don't see any soldiers guarding them from ordinary folk but how do we start is this even a village over there or just ruins where over where oh go to the nearest Village okay I'm assuming that's where okay well I guess we're kind of on our own we gotta go meet the locals looking at the map this is massive um medieval dynasty was very large as well so good to see we do have roadways all around here I'm not really sure where the local Village is but I'm assuming if we follow a road most roads lead to Villages and I shall collect things along the way well hello human how are you are you ready to be impressed I am going to slay this Beast never mind it's faster than I expected ah the fisherman hello what do you want um what's kind of mean dude I'm I'm lost I just washed ashore and you're already rude to me is this the peasant Kingdom are they really calling us that so it's not it sure is now I like the sound of it the peasant Kingdom and I think we deserve it I haven't heard of any other province that would shake off the Lord so there is no Lord here well nice to meet you fisherman you're kind of rude but that's okay we have an actual Village mind you it's looking like this Village is in shambles so if this game is anything like medieval Dynasty you can steal you can do what it whatever you want um and I'm trying to decide if I want to steal as much as I can to make my own kingdom or work with them we should probably work with the first Kingdom that that we find because I'm sure they'll help us out quite a bit but yeah I can literally just take this vegetable meal if I wanted to is that a dead person hello Elder who's this I'm uh enough everybody and he's so grumpy oh hello sorry I'm in your house I've been Shipwrecked I'm looking for some shelter you don't find it here try further in the village or what's left of it yeah you know what I think we may as well just make our own shelters at this point what happened to you guys Jesus asked for help I think they need help more than I do I mean I at least have a tent my friend I almost died in the Shipwreck you have to help us settle here all right that was you I saw how you cared for your friend what the hell were you freaking watching me from the bush it was really touching I must say I have misjudged you at first glance I'd be glad to welcome you here if it were up to me but it isn't new settlers need permission from a Village Council you mean the there's a Village Council in charge of these ruins of course not but the village is formally still here I guess so but you know you might be onto something the village is formally still here but there's no counsel to keep us out I mean you're walking a fine line here but I guess there's no harm we'll come from it for the rest of the valley the Abbott in the temple could have some objections but you know your plan is so wild it could just work well there's a bell tower in Ruins and it's the heart of any Village without as just a piece of burnt out land so it looks like I'm going to be rebuilding that Bell Tower to get respect here so he's gonna give me the actual Bell if I can manage all the woodwork whatever that means um so I have to get 20 planks okay so this adds is actually different it uh does make planks I believe the ax just makes firewood so you can actually make planks with this thing so we do need it also my uh Hatchet is already almost done so looks like we're it just broke right now as I said it was almost done so it looks like tools are gonna be uh actually kind of difficult to maintain at least for these starting ones that don't last very long at all I found some mushrooms I'm sure those will be safe to eat we'll collect those for later okay looks like I got everything that I need for the bells so we'll just get rid of the rest of this and go talk to this man so he'll give me his big Bell I have all the material he was making fun of my plank skills right now come on man I got you your planks all right Bell Tower is built using unique alarm Bell item are very important structures a radius around them designates your village okay so it literally is the Hub and it's also a fast travel point between any other bills that we build okay so good to know all right so we got the bell tower here do I don't know if I want to build it in this settlement though I can build it wherever I want I believe so is it smart to build it here or not because we're gonna have to probably scrap all this anyways all right you know what screw it I think it wants me to build it here so we'll do it we can always move later on we just need the resources back and I'm assuming I get the majority back when I scrap this thing anyways so for right now let's just build this where we're at and there's lots of people here anyway so it should be easy to recruit these guys I'm assuming the tower has been rebuilt well then the bell will ring just like the old days it's time to build a house after all that time I spent escaping after seeing my own house Burn by the Lord's Warriors all right so yeah now we have to build a small house is there anything I can do here okay so I can tear down these buildings awesome and I should be able to get my resources back with that okay so this is definitely worth it I'm glad I was worried that these would be here forever and my Village would look awful no these are loot pinatas literally this is fantastic okay so I got the entrance all salvaged and I mean obviously there's still a lot of burnt homes we'll slowly get those as we need it we should have everything that we need to build a house I'm thinking so that would be in building service storage production housing small house standard house and large house are both locked so we're doing the small one buildings are the back one of the village serving as houses workplaces or storage spaces their construction process is divided into stages okay so for right now I'll just put it here and I don't think I have any of the resources I'm gonna need for the foundation yeah I'm gonna need a bunch of trees cut okay I legit this is kind of amazing I have to build every piece and the great thing about this is you can actually customize the pieces so if I go to modify I could actually change this to a different types of wood I'm assuming those will last longer you do have to repair structures in this game at least I'm assuming so it was that way in medieval Dynasty but yeah you can even change likes for uh the foundation I was allowed to use rocks if I wanted to but I just stayed with wood because it's easier to obtain right now so yeah I can okay I'm getting it now I could actually customize these walls you can modify is for the actual resources used but you could actually change them as well so if I wanted a door here for example I can change that to a door um and that's just really cool to me that you could actually customize these modular homes to build upon them however you please all right do we have everything we need for the roof probably not this is a crap load of resources it is hard to do this I have eight sticks left uh I got a little bit of planks left and we're 75 down all right so we got to get more wood pretty much everything sticks and planks okay that might be enough come on baby uh build a stencil Furniture in your house okay so we need a sunken Hearth and a sleeping mat and look at that this looks so cozy I'm assuming this will be my first resident I hope the lady on the beach that I left is okay I mean she has a shelter I guess I've built the house already that's impressive yeah it only took me a day all right so I need to expand build a forging or wood cutting Hut I can show you how to do it hey all right so he thinks if I uh invite a bunch of people here the uh local residents of this burn Village will be uh unwary of me so I have to talk to them and you know get their trust essentially all right had a little nap on the fire and it's still freaking night time anyways I'm gonna go talk to AKO which was the lady that we first met see if she'll join me ah there's my first friend Aiko how are you doing the villages reborn come join me you're unbelievable that makes me so happy just tell me where my house is and I'll get to work ah well that was easier than expected but to be fair it's not like there's much better here so I can see why she wants to join me all right so looking at my Dynasty tab I can actually hold three people right now so I guess we share beds uh I can have a a total of 50 buildings one's homeless and one is unemployed so I gotta go to population and AKO I'm going to assign you to a village one small house is a little using but I think I did it right there we go okay so I had to click the bed so she is now not homeless and I am all right I can tell her to cook at the sunken Hearth that I made so how do I do this job management you've opened and work release pop-up yada yada yada I need meat and sticks all right so I can assign villager and oh she can cook gabo uh fish or meat so I need a I need a a storage before I can do this I think so before we actually get jobs working because I can cook that's actually kind of easy I'd rather her cut trees down on one on because we're gonna need lots of uh Lumber so I'm just gonna build some sort of production building as I said I want to get into wood cutting maybe but foraging might be smarter right now getting a bunch of basic resources would be a good idea so you know what I think I'll do that instead okay I have everything we need to get AKO her job of Scavenging unless I need to actually build the internals of this as well oh I forgot the roof I kind of need to do that as well oh great my wooden Hammer is destroyed as well dude these tools don't last long at all I guess that kind of makes sense though okay so now we need oh God at least I got lots of stones I'm gonna need actually I have everything nice but yeah I just didn't want aaiko standing around doing nothing as I'm still very much figuring out the game there we go that's what I wanted to know I needed to know storage to create and consume your villagers need to access resources or tools and a place to store their results Dynasty storage buildings fulfill those requirements build them in every village that is supposed to contribute for ease of access your Dynasty inventories are shared globally that's good to know and it can be open through various Furniture in different buildings fill them with whatever your villagers may need note that you can store an item only in its proper Dynasty storage type okay so there's lots of types but I do need General storage okay I want to keep kind of my production to one side of this place and my housing to the other just to make it easier to uh Traverse later on so we're gonna damn it it's going to be a common thing just tools breaking like crazy so that looks like a nice place and back to working because we have no logs right now nine logs jeez chill out oh god there this is truly a grind but I love this this is very much just like medieval Dynasty which is what I was craving for and the start of these games is always slow but once we get people helping me it's going to get very very fast very quickly okay now we should have everything that we need to get villagers doing jobs we got storage we got housing I guess this is storage I thought there'd be a chest here because the medieval Dynasty there was chess why are you in here Aiko that's not even AKO that's a scavenger unless it goes called a scavenger now all right so now we are oh we can actually tell them what we actually want them to gather can I just tell them to gather everything no oh there's even a Max and Min you can put on um I want Gobo because gobo's food right now and I know it's close to here uh we're gonna put ACO on this and of course there's no freaking food storage okay so they've built the wrong storage after all can I get them to harvest anything then I mean grass just go get grass I don't care no General storage what are you talking about oh whoa whoa I'm not dying I'm not dying that's why okay okay why didn't you pop up before and you could have told me that before I built a door right in the freaking way of this thing I didn't even see this blueprint okay can I please get my person to work now that is all I'm asking for so if we go to Dynasty now and jobs Echo can have a Max of 50 grass I don't know what we're going to use grass for I guess straw again I have no food storage so we're gonna have to get food storage I that's really what I wanted the scavenger for so that kind of sucks uh it is nice to see that I can specifically choose things though for whatever reason I can't get them to gather sticks so I guess mushrooms would be food as well there's literally nothing I can get them to grab right now besides grass until we build a food storage so I guess we'll get on to that now all right and the food storage looks absolutely massive fantastic couldn't just have a small you know chest with ice or something no I have to have this thing all right so we'll put that by the other storage and keep all my storages in the same area just need to slowly expand out uh the charring areas all right please tell me this is all we need this is this has been really hard and stressful is it done it is done okay so now I can finally get food these are weird Maxes um so we get a Max of 10 Gobo a Max of 25 whiteberries I wish you could just tell them to go crazy but you can um I guess we'll do I don't even know what you would get eggs but let's see if they'll get some because I do know I can cook a dish with eggs um meals plus 52 beverages negative 50. what does that even mean what is this the forager's hide why why are they mad there's not beverages we'll figure that out later actually we should probably put a well down I I know I can do that okay so we can do a simple well or a small well um the simple one or sorry the small one's a little bit cheaper so we'll do that all right so yeah we'll put it here I hope that's a good spot it's very hard to see right now and we should have water now workstations like tachera furnaces or tanning stations automatically produce various unique items like steel or leather over a longer time just deliver the necessary resources and be patient not sure why I got that for building a well but okay thank you very much I guess right now I should go to bed and uh not use my own bed because I don't own one so thanks Aiko why why are you here you're supposed to be out Scavenging I know it's like 3 A.M but get the hell out there uh what just happened to me the flow season's part of life native alley villager production needs and happiness and special project construction all rely on it as a leader you have some influence when that happens each Houston has a minimum number of days two by by default okay so I only get two days per season oh god I've already done two days so you can interact with the bell tower to extend Seasons if you want to I think I should do that um being that I don't want to have to deal with winter anytime soon change season oh crap did I accidentally just literally change the season uh what is going on what am I doing all right well at least it's not winter I don't really understand that two days remaining until season change possible okay so I guess you can advance it I'm I'm a little confused all right well it looks like uh my Harvester got all the grass that we possibly needed uh the bigger question is did we get any food yet and indeed we did we got 16 eggs and 10 Gobo which is Max so we're gonna take those out and go cook those things and I guess we can throw them back in that storage to feed my villager because uh she hasn't ate yet I would love to get a cook so I don't have to do this but obviously right now I gotta do what I gotta do and uh I have to do some dirty work okay so now we have food for my villager they have shelter they have a job that villager is officially done all right so now we gotta help some other villagers and I'm assuming that's how we can recruit them so I'll talk to say Yuri here all right so she's saying we need injiro which was like a warrior before um I guess I can't really do anything with her though so I believe she was talking about that weird fellow that we talked to at the start who didn't want anything to do with me let's go see if he wants something to do with me now hello oh you're not even the right person okay well that explains why you didn't want to talk to me can I have a fish I'm stealing when he all right I think we got one of the guys that can help us get our reputation up as well as obviously a new villager so Tashi said you might need some help with old hickoby well you're too late he's drawing his last breaths in tarot's Cabin he's beyond help um well that's depressing shouldn't you be in there helping him no use now I have to just wait and when he's ready I'll drag him out into the sunlight what are you gonna make him beef jerky what what is this even what this is really depressing we got so like it when a man dies at home I'm sitting here listening to the sea with one ear and his groans with the other all right so he went into the forest to gather some mushrooms and he ate some wrong mushrooms I played enough survival games to know to never eat wild mushrooms all right so he's saying I literally can't do anything but Mata might be of help she's the local herbalist all right well at least we're getting further into the questline we gotta talk to Mata about hiccubai hello herbalist I see you're looking at White berry bushes that are red does it bother you as much as it bothers me all right so she she knows of him there are some medicines that might help him but it could be difficult so she's gonna make them I have to decide which one to chew is great I'm probably gonna kill a man one gives a tiny chance of survival but hickle bill will definitely suffer a lot there's no guarantee he'll be successful the other one will only take away his pain he will suffer less he will die God this got Grim really freaking quickly God I don't like this decision I'm gonna go for fight for his life despite the pain mind you he's an old man so that was probably a bad idea because he's not gonna be able to help me anyways bring me some Gobo Roots they are in this very field around many deciduous trees okay Gobo Roots I saw the Gobo shafts or the plants right here how the hell do I get the roots though it says edible root of a gobo plan so that's it all right I have your roots all right and I got the antidote give this to the sick man this could help keep death at Bay but he will definitely suffer I'm sorry buddy I just want to keep you alive hey big guy how you doing I got some weird roots from a weird lady that's gonna keep you alive hopefully drink it calm down you'll live I mean maybe maybe just just be honest with him how could you we all die oh no it hurts again did he do it I mean he's still breathing so I think he's okay right he's alive well isn't that a surprise I didn't know the old man had it in him yeah you were just gonna drag him out into the sunlight so he could turn into beef jerky you just gave up on him I'll cart him to his family in our Tanny where when he gets better alright you took the risk and saved his life people here won't forget that ah and I help my first resident okay guys I think it's a good time to wrap up this first episode of sengoku Dynasty we did quite a bit today considering we are starting at the roots I'm super excited to get deeper into this game because uh it very much is just like medieval Dynasty obviously in Japan it seems very very complex and uh yeah I'm excited to turn this old charred City or Village into a flourishing village with actual people that will help me build a little Empire so yeah I hope you guys enjoy it as always thanks for watching liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 196,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sengoku dynasty, sengoku dynasty gameplay, sengoku dynasty part 1, sengoku dynasty co op, sengoku dynasty review, sengoku dynasty combat, sengoku dynasty tips, sengoku dynasty walkthrough, sengoku dynasty guide, sengoku dynasty gameplay pc, sengoku dynasty gameplay fight, sengoku dynasty gameplay playlist, life sim, life simulator, survival game, feudal japan, ancient japan, drae, draegast, funny, funny moments
Id: kWo_AgZ_5DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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