I Survived NUCLEAR WASTE In Timberborn Badwater Update

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well there they are again the adorable little beavers in a game called timberborn so there's a big update coming out with this in it right here radioactive waste called the bad water and that's kind of our objective today is keep these beavers alive as these rivers of radioactive sewage burble up from the ground that's a new word I just made up burble now there used to be only two seasons and what from what I've understood now there are three seasons of the game there's the flood there's the drought and there's the bad water that pollutes and kills everything so let's get this started by assigning some paths over to the forest where we can put down a lumberjack tree turn that around a little bit then our little dorks are going to go over here and build this thing up and I'll tell all of these trees to get absolutely destroyed because well we don't need them we have to save ourselves from radioactive waste also I should probably put up a large uh let's just do a log stor storage pile where is it it's probably under you know the logging while we're at it I'm also going to cut down these trees because I want to build things there and speaking of building things that little fella is just bringing over a log here that'll work well good job place that log inside good deal buddy now there are going to be things a little bit different cuz like I said I literally haven't played this game in years so it'll be a little bit different for me but some of the mechanics are the same like our little beavers needing water supply and then once they have water supply they also need to store the water somewhere unless they do that now automatically oh check this out badwater rig seals the bad water source employees workers extract the bad water directly from the ground there's also domes that can be placed on it to close it off that's kind of awesome if you ask me so the tutorial wants me to build up a gatherer flag which should Encompass all of these little berries there that should help us out a little bit we can also continue this road over here so our little fellas can go upstairs and now the fun begins we're get to start our farming an efficient Farmhouse we'll put in that right next to our main stockpile area let all of the dorks build that up nicely it actually does look like the stockpile is actually in here too which is cool yeah they have a water storage rate of 15 inter internally that's great next up we'll start planting some carrots in here now I could add additional workers here but I don't have the add ability because well we don't have enough people I could turn off the water to one of these but I'm kind of liking the idea of storing up to 15 actually let's do that let's just pause this work so more people can work here in the field I call them people they're just rodents little rodents named guila and Zulus and there's yisha oh there it is all right small tank over here interesting so that was my fear that things changed and I didn't know about it but they did they just changed where they were located I need to build three small watering troughs cool you know what why don't we build a fourth and we'll unpause this no available workers in the district we're going to need to make some people up okay we're going to accept some Goods in here main thing we're going to accept is just logs so now they should start bringing the logs over and hanging out right that El looks like the carrots got planted so M about that and we will need to accept water into these as well kind of weird that we can store other things like I don't even know what these would be what is this antidote bad water there's biofuel extracts and Catalyst interesting as well as maple syrup yum next up we're going to build a couple Ware houses um let's build them here and here and then we'll drive a path in between them while we're doing that we can also fire some of these people because well the carrots haven't even grown yet okay so this one's going to be for berries and the other one if they ever decide to build this is going to be for carrots I really do want to build them houses though cuz it's kind of sad watching the little beavers sleep on the ground it's like you're having all sorts of bad thoughts because you don't have any shelter poor little guy now they all go for their breakfast of straight up water look at all the packages the berries inside there that's adorable this guy is just G on a tree like beavers do poor guy you think that'd give a beaver a headache like I mean probably not with Evolution and all all the ones that get headaches kind of don't exist anymore there we go and this one's going to be set for carrots cool now the tutorial wants us to build up a lodge I don't know why it wants one I'm going to build well it want six okay so we can do three and three at the base you know on second thought let's do this in a way that isn't bad we want the proper Road structure to be in here so we'll do that and then right through here cool that'll work better now we have a large quantity of dying and dead trees up here let's uh Target all of those for cutting down we do have heesa here who wants to work on it but not exactly sure if we want that I mean we're okay with it and it does connect back here we have three unemployed beavers which means that I can add two back to this we have one unemployed should be okay we can also pause this one since like it doesn't matter too much oh good job we could actually destroy it if we wanted to along with all of the trees there like these stumps don't matter anyway and awesome the carrots are ready I like that makes me happy when the carrots get ready oh wow they just got level five happiness we're up to 11 beavers no occupied 15 so some of them have matured we had some babies some of them have grown up I want to prioritize uh harvesting I'm not sure what the game's going to tell me to do next but I'm feeling like another Farmhouse right here would be a good thing to do let's see build an inventor that makes sense for the science and stuff thankfully I have a good spot right here for one you know what let's move that let's put it back here behind the lodge good Lodge has been or the invest inventor has been completed now we can start making some power supply hm now a lot of times I build power supplies over here I think I'm going to try this time to go like right in this area I'm not sure why the game wants me to build that right now but we're going to find out in a little bit and I did just clear up this reason region for that area ah for that too got words today leave me alone I'm just really concerned about this bad water stuff like how is it going to impact our our area we're going to have to find out is there any coming from what is this pit underground runes that's cool there's a lot of bad water over here but this is pushing it away yeah like there's two different groups coming out of the mountains so is that going to continue to go look at that there's like radioactive slime here that kills the trees it died we're going to have to go clear that up and if it goes to Drought mode is all of that stuff going to backf flow that's the real question here perfect the water wheels completed lumber mill and lumber mill so we got to power up lumber mill okay I'll do that right here cuz I kind of like having a power shaft on the back side and we're going to need to turn that we can do that and then give it the old uh one of these now you know what let's make a straight one like so so that'll power the back and then we have room to expand off that I also know that it's really far away I mean moderately far away from here but that's okay I think especially since when we get all this area we'll probably turn this into tree farms here have like a dist that's only about trees give it a little bit of power ooh laggy Time auto save come on we need two one more tree here fellas One More there it is nice we have power power is online now we're going to start making boards and speaking of boards we're going to have to unlock this we don't quite have enough stuff for it but we do now H dang they've made this tutorial series really well now I have the Forester one thing I always did in the past is this area right here I made it into Forest I think I'm going to continue that now so we'll put that down we could also flip it so we don't have to make as many roads now which is the best like birch trees take 9 days for One log Pine are 12 days for two there's a chestnut tree we don't really need those oh my goodness Oaks are solid so it takes 30 days and you get eight from it and that same time You' get four pine trees wow all right we're going to make like a a pine area back here for a Forester to work in yeah we can go a little bit for farther Pine back to here good and once those get completed let's [Music] remove this can I remove that put roads in here instead even though I just did that so I didn't have to put roads as far interesting we don't have a worker for here well time to fire GTA Zulus hopefully someone will come in there we go jamadu that wasn't even a person I wanted to fire ah Wonder F the drought is approaching as I expected it hoping we have enough water let's make one more water storage thing okay is this going to work are we going to get carrots in time 73% we're like a day cycle away and we're 2 days away from the drought so we should be okay as long as we have enough water to survive I haven't had enough time yet to build up the dams and levies how much wood do we have we have 86 as well hey nice this is made prioritize resource perfect so he's going to start planting great that's what I like to see do we have any homeless beavers either adults children 18 beds occupied no free no homeless so we could use a few additional beds oh this is nice too there's a little bit of a waterfall here so I don't think that the bad water is going to be coming up to here yet what's this guy complaining about Buddy what's wrong with you uh broken teeth a poor fella he's got a headache I kind of want to build some more more bunks now I was going to see cuz you can make the wooden stairs they're kind of expensive for early game I feel like there's better uses of our science but making the second floor here would be super cool too or you know just making a mini Lodge or a double Lodge or just regular lodges then we can use our science points eventually for the levy and we could probably just make an additional inventor these dry seasons are good for inventing cuz everything kind of dies anyway right the drought has started right in time for me to build another storage stockpile this one I don't know if I want it big you know what let's cancel it n let's keep it I was going to make uh the lumber into it oh great there goes the water okay it's mixing it's getting dirtier oh my word that's terrifying all that radioactive waste is just oh it's is it going to kill our Trees Too it might uh-oh the ground is cracking that's not good just a little bit of life left in you little trees they're just eating the pine bark oh oh it's gone okay so those also get clogged up interesting I didn't know about that so that's what those domes are for right the badwater domes we can put those over top can we open and close that will I don't know why you'd want to open them unless we can use the bad water for something this is also really good timing to start building up like a levy so I can do that unlock it great now the levies are good it blocks off water completely but the dams also have a Spillway so I'm going to try the dams here probably didn't need to build the levies but I am going to build another Farmhouse I also want to build some of those oak trees and by build I just mean plant I don't know how many though so oh the drought ended all right that wasn't so bad here comes the rain great great that's so nice it's making our area nice and Lush and green again it's also bringing the radioactive waste back from that thing so that's not cool oh look at it mix though oh that's awesome we also have 70 science so let's unlock the wooden stairs I'm going to put one here yes thank you I'm going to put one over here and I'll put a road in between I'm also going to delete this is that the delete button no I just want to get rid of it yeah the Jack Flag sorry vob Min we don't need you anymore there's no Lumber to Jack and I believe these stairs if I remember right take planks yep they do four planks so I had to pause off the lumber mill because I was using up all of my logs to make planks out of it and I didn't have anymore so we just need to close off those really quick so we can build up this and now once we have that build we're going to start putting in another plant uh we could do blueberries no we need plants like this okay do we want potatoes yet potato potes could be a good option I think so and by potatoes I mean carrots because if I have carrots then I don't need to cook them but potatoes I have to cook we're not ready for that yet so I have this set up to harvest and this one set up to plant so the two should work in conjunction with each other pretty nicely we have just a few trees left over here to collect and then we can move over to this side all right all right those are back in Action we're going to build up some paths here and I can't quite that'll work now how far away are we actually from say this we're still in the green zone which is good to me so we can build up more paths if I build a path all the way to this destroyed area then we can build fun stuff over here potentially like another Forester Hut oh yeah we're still in the good position excellent and then I'll plant a majority of this area I want one side to be good for building things like the lumber Mills over here and and the stock piles so we'll build up the pine trees along this side I'll make a storage pile Oh underground storage that's kind of cool 1,000 science wow I'll place that down next to it I'm super excited because our Levy is about to be constructed oh it's so close come on little fellas you can do it bring that last log oh you got one more yes our Levy is completed which means the water flow should stabilize through here probably in the next season but we're going to be building up the stockpile and this thing over there meaning we'll also need to make up a lumberjack Hut let me build one of those maybe in the center here we put it in right like there and then we can plant all the way over to there that's amazing all right let's do that um plant trees let's do it all the way up to this area cool and then we're going to mark this entire zage as tree Killing Zone like such as beautiful how is our population doing we have 24 beds uh three free breads okay I like free bread it's delicious especially if you put a little like olive oil and garlic salt on it I could go for some good Alfredo right about now too if you were wondering a little bit hungry I don't even know why it's not even lunchtime anymore I going to build up another oak tree why can't I find Oak there it is okay fella you're going to take in raw logs I'm feeling confident with that being where it is I'm going to also put in some power put in some more water wheels cuz I can fit three across and we could also pull the power off of this side which is super cool too I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for but we will need gears pretty soon probably paper as well and since we do have 18 Wood we can unlock this so it can begin again all right so that was my first mission now I have other goals to tackle we have our food situation going pretty well we have water supply doing decently I am thinking of other things that I should do like maybe putting another Dam in right through here not a dam a levy so water passes through cuz we want to keep our crops and trees growing as well kind of want to keep this stuff separated so let's go ahead and begin that Adventure so I could build up platforms what's the easiest way to do this probably removing these putting roads in instead can I just do that no I want to demolish these how do I I there it is demolish yeah we do have enough stuff that I can just unlock this so that's awesome I'm going to build it over right about here these are a little bit cheaper to build they do take planks but that's okay and then I'm just going to Levy across this and I keep saying Levy but I really mean down also thinking that it is far enough so it should be okay and this little Beaver guy just destroyed every single tree over there that's amazing well done friend 500 food remaining this is going really well I think we can expand now to having additional things and by things I to totally mean more like water storage let's get the bigger water tanks did I just go all the way no we'll get the medium ones and I'm going to expand this out a little bit so I can put the water tanks in right here yes that's much better these also take gears which we don't quite have yet as soon as this one's constructed we'll place the gears in but we do need a few more logs thankfully some of our pine trees have grown up and we're doing well now I'd like to expand out this way they're going to demolish this little thing and we'll flood this area with water which will bring this back a little bit we could grow additional stuff here if I wanted to a little bit concerned about getting too far away from our building structure if I extend out this slightly how far can I take this oh good I can take it all the way to the edge which means I could remove some of these berries and put up oh great another Dro I could put up another Forester in that area I would also really like to demolish into here and then fill that through one more log oh nice we got all the three logs done power output 140ish hit uh horsepower oh no yeah the output's 100 horsepower but we only are using 50 I think we have a lot of demand oh cuz that one is doing 140 perfect now on this side of the world I would like to start building up the gears that's 100 yep we can make that unlock that now do I want to put the gears next to the other thing or should I start it over here that's the real questions doesn't matter too much I think that's cool drought number two has started it's not good it's not too bad though cuz we did get our Levy constructed so we should be okay except we have zero water flow which means we have no power we still have water supply but we don't because I'm a dingus and I put my water supply on the wrong side of it and this thing is entirely full of carrots wow oh this is fun we're entirely Out of Water right yeah that's fun uh let's High prioritize this oh we don't have any logs either oh boy okay the drought ended just barely in the nick of time H dang we got trees coming back which is good we have water flow where's the water flow we need water flowing it'll flow in a second there it comes down the mountain why is this negative what does that mean well-being -6 they're thirsty please don't die been good to you I was going to build up more water things here cuz that makes sense right and then we'll pump water from this side because there actually has water oh yeah that's satisfying yes that was one of my favorite things in this game okay cool we have the water flowing out in this region too that Levy almost got constructed last time which is awesome I keep calling it a levy but it's a beaver dam everyone's thirsty even though they're beavers they could probably just figure out how to walk down in the water and drink it on their own but no these are domesticated beavers or something civilized sentient beavers that have to drink only clean purified water out of the the freshest of pumps they're making it work good we have more carrots that'll be stored here eventually if we ever get logs again but that's me I like big giant building structures that probably take way too long to do like the desire to open this up and create a lake back here that wouldn't take too much we'd have to just use a little TNT and let it flow we do have this underground runes that we can explore that should be the last log for our other yep our other Levy is up and running beautiful all right so the question is how far can we actually access over here interesting if I did more roads could we make it like all the way ohuh that's cool and that doesn't go far enough interesting so they double building on this side this does work I mean we can make a a little bit of uh we can make a a Forester over here we can't build it obviously where the the radiation is the bad water but if I I had a second Forester here they could work in conjunction and we can have another logger here kind of like that idea wood Forester yeah and then the Forester can work on both sides cool just a little bit anyway I'll put you right in this area and we'll put a lumberjack next to it how far can you go pretty far although I want to make this work a little more effectively let's have the the Forester back in here cuz we don't need to go all the way up there we'll do that and then we'll put the Lumberjack flag right here cool I'm going to demolish these cuz we don't need these over here when we have plenty of of garden food vegetables and these are Oaks so we could continue Oaks now that Forester isn't going to be able to reach but this one will so there' be a little bit of overlap I should maybe put that Forester over here I would have been the smart thing to do oh perfect the gear Factory is ready let's power that up too there is just barely enough room to get through there so we can do this and then I'll turn that corner uh you guys will have to remind me too I'm not sure if buildings building these power connected to a power generator do do they work together like if I put a building here next to this is it powered shares power with adjacent buildings okay so it would but can I pull power out of it we can test that really quick with just like a one of these coming out oh great all of these water things are working now perfect so the next thing I'm going to do is build up water storage I'm going to have like a storage alley right here these are old ones old piles of planks from uh previous Adventures that I failed on I really wanted to move it one over cuz I'm going to delete these two and once I delete those then we can move it one over and set up two more tanks in the area my goodness that thing's full of carrots again okay should we build a bigger one to 50 we can wow that's huge okay we'll build it there nothing to do in range who's that oh you've chopped down all of your trees have you well time to chop you down we'll remove that what's your problem buddy what's wrong you got another chip too oh no a poor guy maybe I should work on some health care I could have swore there used to be Healthcare in this game I'm not finding anything I mean it has been since September of 2022 since I last play played it so might have changed maybe there wasn't no I guess there wasn't weird that is good news the power is coming out of the front of that too perfect we'll remove that I'm going to build up a another one of these Lumber Mills right next to it okay I wasn't quite wrong there is a teeth grindstone that helps them with their teeth there's also rooftop Terraces that we could totally make up but we have another drought coming in what does this mean hidew okay never mind it's taking these people a long time to get things done because the number of planks and stuff that we're using I did build up a second one of these as soon as we get another person we can totally use it and I am pumping up more water than I ever have so I want to make sure that we're actually storing what we need here good news is we have a lot of trees to harvest and people are harvesting them let's remove two Builders back to the the ones that we need uh I'm going to make another one of these guys Harvest cuz I did build a third one there also is something else I found in here beehive we can unlock that oh my goodness okay so that's small interesting I have to sneeze evidently bees make me a Sneezy boy can I build that on top of a building oh I can't but I could like demolish a piece of crop right in here right like right about here and is it three wide I feel like it's three wide I also like how these beavers don't seem to want to use the road I made they're just happy swimming they're good little beavers oh cool we have our first one of these done too so that can store water we should be pretty good for this drone cycle I hope nice so that's ready let's put in the beehives oh that's perfect I hope nobody gets oh never mind that takes paper we don't have paper yet I will shortly but we don't have it yet mean it is only 250 so let's uh remove that ah gross why do you have to be this way just take straight up logs I mean I can put a way over here whatever we'll put it here next to it oh I don't have enough science points anyway that was a funny idea ha just in time for the drought to start one of the fun things I could do let's see if I can do this let's see if I can use my brain today it's been a while since I've done that put that there I have to turn it but then if I unlock these we can unlock that science Point okay then we can put this here like so I'm going to put in a corner right here then I'll put in I guess let's put in a three-way like so I know that's not exactly what you need to do but I'm going to do it anyway then we'll build up a landscape a platform I'm going to build a a secondary platform next to it kind of like this uhhuh and then the idea is that I'm going to carry that power up the stairs like so I could have given it a little bit of a break but I wanted to make a staircase next to it too okay I'm just going to let this build first I just want to see how this works so we're going to have to plan out our uh we're going to have to plan out how the staircase goes up there so they can build up these other things I think they can build one above them I don't think about two above them though oh that guy ran across the thingy well done everyone's got broken teeth too let's make them the teeth fixer upper we also have 127 logs which is awesome and our most of our trees do have water good it's not a super drought or anything dumb like that so so we'll be okay and now the teeth sharpener is ready to go anyone going to come grind their teeths up there it is that's the weirdest thing I've seen today just kind of rubbing your face against it nice doesn't give you a headache I guess oh finally the drought is ended I am not sure when the bad water is but it would make sense that bad water would come next also we have 360 logs which is fantastic I also have three of these built up now I don't like how the placement is there but we're going to need a lot of planks and a lot of Gears so I could build up another gear Factory too but the it takes one plank to make a gear so those are kind of together there we go we have power back on let's see are you working okay we have 270 needed these things are producing like up to 600 4 to 600 so we should be good to add like one or two more buildings 700 food so we're killing it on food we just really need to get this thing completed 80 planks remaining there I guess 70 remaining and and I'd very much like this structure to be completed so we can make windmills up top I can also unlock like the observatory that takes a th000 but it makes me more science hey good news all right this thing is ready we're going to put food in it can I put more than one thing into it really it's kind of annoying well we're going to put a buttload of carrots in there and I can switch one of these over to uh berries so they're going to empty that out slap all of them into here that's amazing a giant stockpile of carrots can I make carrot juice I mean I know we can we we can't make juice per se but we could make like uh biop Power from it yeah cuz we needed to power the Bots I don't know if we're going to get the Bots yeah the refinery there two carrots and two water equals five biofuel this is looking good we're starting to build things get those gears made oh you guys are building the platforms first that's fun because we're getting lots of planks being created I think we might actually build a few more of these back here I might be able to get like three more in or two more I don't want to go too far though cuz we already have 400 logs and half of this hasn't even been redone yet although there's a lot of sap over here wow that really tells me I can change this stuff out to Oak like I can change all of this to Oak and it wouldn't be an issue for us I'd have to get more lumber Jacks in but like this bro isn't even doing anything he's just waiting also that stockpile is entirely full so let's build up another one can I unlock this it's a th000 not yet that's fine we're going to slap logs into here like so good we have a 10 stockpile of 10 planks which is great I wouldn't mind getting another stockpile of Gears but we don't need a huge one maybe we could just do a small boy I don't even know how many that would fit maybe we'll just do a big one or not it's a lot of effort my beavers don't want to do that right now oh good they could bu build way up here all right so they can build twoo High which is good I need to build another just build a dam up here it's 20 nah we build platforms it's easier I think if I'm going to build this right I need to build platform there and here so that way I can ladder up here I can ladder up there and then I have a way to walk across here we'll see we can tear it all down when it gets completed too can you guys make your gears for this please pretty please where what else needs gears like what are we even using that needs gears right now I don't think anything I can finally unlock the paper mill we're going to do that oh yeah actually that fits in there perfectly good it's got to Nestle back in there except now that I well shoot let's not do that we need to get back here to get these things done first so we'll wait for all of the gears and structures to be completed and then we'll put it like right here I can remove those two could also build on top of it maybe ooh this thing's getting close we got our giant stockpile of carrot too that's fantastic so good news everyone our another water structure got filled I'm feeling like we're a little bit behind though not going to lie I feel like we're going to need more water I mean this does have 300 in it but the other ones are unfilling like they're not all the way there so I'm going to delete this I'm going to delete the one next to it and then we're going to build up another water I cannot get over that another medium tank here so we have 23 planks which is a good amount looks like our stockpile got completed here good let's remove this platform and this platform we can start working down here too we don't need those stairs now that we have everything else completed I'm going to increase the priority of hauling all of this stuff to a maximum let's get rid of those stockpile them back where they need to go we're going to put in our paper mill next I kind of like the idea of having a paper mill right next to it then I'm going to do the storage that I was thinking about we'll do a storage for both paper and the other thing and I need to make an area back here to bring power in we'll do a dianal power source now this thing's probably going to just take yep some gears some planks some logs plenty of logs 596 of them I could totally make another stockpile area in here probably should both of these can I just do a stockpile on the pond' be easier right I totally could I really want to unlock this we're not getting close enough so I'll just put this here we get another wood there I can put another one in right here cuz I moved over the the log thing so that should work out and help a little bit okay for my next thing I want to do is this could be kind of interesting let's remove some of these roads I know you can't get to your house cuz you can't figure out how to walk on the lawn but it's okay I promise let us build up a ladder up here we only need really one and then we'll just go back here you know what we can still go through we'll just need a ladder up and we'll build that there and then we can build this through here all right I promise this will be good and I promise me we'll be good I need to change it up oh great another drout at least it's not a bad water I'm fine with that now I would very much like some more housing on top of the housing because I think that's a funny gimmick in this game cuz they're beavers and they get build wherever they want to so if we do this and that then we get Little Beaver huts on top but we can also put things up like well-being up here and we can have little fun things like rooftop Terraces except like those are large but we can put the Terra on top of the houses like how dumb is this I love it have a bunch of terraces way up here now we do need a way into it which is kind of annoying so what I'm going to have to do is cover this with roads uhhuh like such as and then we'll put in these up here now the fun thing is we should just be able to build up wooden stairs on top of this so if I delete that and then I delete this one right here then we can put up the stairs to get up top and we'll build the paths up there and eventually this will get completed we'll have this cool little like apartment complex oh even better we could put something like a three something three wide on top of that I wonder is the better housing H the double Lodge should I unlock it yes oh this this three wide it's it's uh too high shoot okay how about these yeah that'll be fun we could do that oh my beavers are going to get mad at me for my engineering genius the mini Lodge oh that's so cool that's such a good idea and then in between we can just do do this like that so they can come in they can walk up around and get into mini Lodge beautiful that's also going to cause a giant explosion in our population growth but that's okay need you guys to pick up this Rubble it's kind of embarrassing you're embarrassing me in front of the viewers so one of these is going to be gears why can't I store gears in here and the other's going to be paper like whenever it's ready and I bet that's probably in a warehouse instead of in a stockpile yep and another drought has arisen that's annoying cuz I was just starting to get into a good Groove but the fun thing is our power supply should be going on pretty quickly let's build up a windmill now I don't know how far I can build up here without making another District but hopefully it's far enough let's see oh yeah we can go a little bit that's beautiful also that means I can chop down these trees if there's anything here to actually chop oh they are okay I was kind of concerned that those weren't going to be chopp and we just have to rip them apart some of these houses are starting to be built but nobody can get up to them they're building them from the ground it's hilarious guys I need you to well we don't have any power so that's not a great plan so I'm setting one for Gears and the other for is that paper yeah paper so these little tiny stock piles here will just kind of hold things we're getting a lot less gears than we need so shouldn't be too big of a deal this one just needs 15 gears created thankfully our drought has ended and I don't think anything else is going to be using gears so all 15 of them should go into that speaking of which though we do need to put up the windmills and the windmills what do they actually take 20 20 wood and 20 planks all right and they make 150 horsepower or beaver beaver power I don't know how that works but I'm going to have a main shaft coming through here so do I want want okay Power connections blocked let's just try this can we we can't connect them together but I can do this that's cool let's build a few of them I don't know how far back I can go because we only have so much distance away from the main area so let's build up this here and then we're going to bring in the power connection we're going to do a little bit of one of these like so h and then we'll bring in I'm going to do the back row first just so our beavers can reach let's double check our Drive length oh we got plenty of length beautiful you guys want to chop down these Trees Too can we is that not it is set to cut are they mature it died I don't really know it's so hard to tell because like our log stock piles are so full like everything is almost chunk and full which is why we need paper just to start removing it it's all being done this thing look looks so cool we have the rooftop Terraces going they can't access it yet but the spiral staircase on the way up should make it good also that's an entire Warehouse full of carrots I kind of love it we also have four 1,400 water so that's a good number our plank stockpile is doing beautiful too but we are having a significantly hard time getting enough gears which is kind of annoying cuz this building is not even being constructed where are all the gears going oh are these things need gears they do I am picking up what I'm putting down I didn't realize that all right let's delete this thing I'm going to put in another gear Factory right next to it and then we'll still have enough room for a paper mill over here these things are also going to make need logs and gears no they don't they need planks what am I talking about oh it's working the top floor is getting put on this is incredible I'm so excited right now there's so many beavers coming up and down these stairs oh look at that hey we just got got happier than ever that's incredible it's all because they had a little bit of time at the rooftop Terrace now if I could figure out a way to go up here and make something on top of these like for the the the the well-being let's see I mean I could do a shower it's kind of weird the Beavers they smell funny anyway medical there's the medical bed hot dang all right let's just unlock the medical bed that's I want to put it up here but I don't know how I can get stairs up that high can I question is can I add it onto the end here I think I could like put in a medical bed here I'm just concerned that let's just try deleting that oh okay that's okay we'll do another medical bed here good and then we'll put you in right here aha it's like a One-Stop shop for Beaver people also where is the bad water at I was told there would be badw Adventures what are these guys doing I'm not sure I mean I know what they're doing but why were they thirsty there's like a entire Lakes worth of water here oh we need to build two more little de Bobs right here oh this is good too I was hoping to get more inventors going so we can get more science we've been kind of hanging around that 500 for a long time here and they aren't completed yet my goodness you've got a entire buttload of logs here 940 that would have classifi as a buttload maybe we just need more Builders but we do have three unemployed so I could build another build station I can remember where it is I guess everyone is kind of running over here to get this completed that's a good deal now we have power in the middle of the time when we don't have power the drought I meant the drought good we have probably have so much power going on yes almost 1 th that's beautiful well this is amazing we have a stockpile of of three gears kind of surprised hey nice the other thingy got completed the gear workshop's up and running we have two more beavers that are unemployed cuz there's been so many baby making going on in our new tower of power over here I've never built anything like this in the game before and I'm super excited about it next thing I want to do is build like a twostory tall thingy M bobber up here or the underground that'd be kind of fun too we have like one of these like on top would that be dumb I love it I'm going to do it just for the dumb all right large Warehouse on top Let's uh build up where are they okay let's can we unlock that we can unlock that we'll put one here we'll put a small boy right here we'll do stairs up to it I didn't need a tall one I just wanted one I can put the teeth grindstone back oh here's another idea why don't we just build up a a little area up here like such uh that won't work I mean it would kind of you know what T sharpener right there that'll be fine I was going to build up on top of these a not another drought where's the badwater drought though that's what I'm wondering about and why aren't these being created cuz there's no Road on it all right Mission completed beautiful that's a cool little structure and so is this we got our paper being made which means that our beehives are going to go the windmills are all up and running I'm going to add a few more just because I like them they're also kind of stupidly simple to make oh this is great the bees are made yes boost the growth of nearby crops that's awesome we got little beehives going on there's the builder hut too for more Builders we don't really need that now now we're going to get into an issue here really really soon that issue is we have the bad water here but we have no good water over here now we could dig a tunnel through and pump it back in uh but we should we we do need to get to these ruins and that is the closest place that I see runes the other problem is we are so far away from here that we can only build up to like this area so one thing I could do is make a path structure over and up we'll put in a staircase there and we'll have to create another District on top of that it should reach pretty good but with droughts starting like crazy it's a little bit difficult to get too much done we do have a ton of food though so that's awesome I also want to unlock some things we have 1,000 coming up the printing press don't even know what that's for the Tapper Shack yeah that's for the resin and then we have the wood Workshop huh and I'm guessing those are what we need to build up the uh the animals or like the the what are they called the beaver creatures my goodness that's terrifying like the little radioactive symbol there oh nice snow wind we have a drought no wind fantastic and this is interesting too so the explosive fact Factory requires bad water don't know how that works but I want to explore it just finished oh we don't have path we have a path now more carrots we also are having a gigantic explosion of population right now cuz all of these babies are growing up look at that we have 16 unemployed workers which is great because we're going to start making another District over here as soon as this ever gets done also I added on three more of these so those should get power there we go a little a little bit of power the wind came back on I really need the batteries too don't I oh it's expensive that's fine unlock it okay we're going to have to power these let's make like I don't know two batteries and by two I mean more than two is that good for range yeah that's fine we'll have to build up a okay let's delete this I want to wait I'm going to let these get built oh those take metal blocks ah good the Dr is ended okay the batteries need metal we need that still you know what we can just cancel these H we don't need yeah let's cancel them we don't want to be wasting our resources on things we can't even make yet this is looking good all of our water is mostly filled up I don't really want these anymore so I'm going to delete these small tanks that's what I need is more wood fantastic I wouldn't mind like deleting that piece and adding on here too let's demolish this and you know what a few more of these we have 1,500 power Supply which is incredible amount and then we're going to make a district center right in here I guess that's where I want to do it I was kind of wanting to put it up top but uh-oh uh-huh is that is that too far okay they have to be separated by a district Crossing where is that builder hut District Crossing 600 money for this fine all right this is going to be kind of cheating we can't connect the two but we can kind of connect the two I can start building up some houses up here while it's still in this one double Lodge that's right that's still in that same yep that still is hey this is funny too I made up a stockpile over here when I when nobody was watching just to put more trees in it because these Bros they've have well they're trying to build trees but they can't trying to cut them but there's no storage for them cuz I'm using so much or I'm not using enough that's the word I'm looking for but I tell you what my friends that's going to do it for today's video of timberborn probably a little bit longer than usual not exactly sure how long it's 2 hours of recording so should be maybe 45 minutes a video uh we'll see look at all the Beavers go yes they're going to be building up over here I would love to come back in here and build explosives with this stuff next time H what is that mean uh isn't connected to any District Center by it is oh it's not or it should be well it will be we'll make sure that this thing gets built up good and then I can do this as soon as I remove this good now we have our own District but yeah that's what I was saying uh this should be a very interesting time next time where we start playing with a little bit of this water kind of wanted to get to it today but it's time for me to go home for the night so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sax Doug rules skunk chess bread do c e Mr one Pon please fussy badge missing sniper lank H Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro w h autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cordo R La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 274,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, timberborn, timber born, timberborn blitz, blitz timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn update, timberborn new update, timberborn badwater, timerborn, beaver game
Id: SasIT4Sdulo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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