I Became An Awful Human in the Realest Life Simulator

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome to the most horrifying character creator I've ever seen I don't know what it is about this guy but he's making me very uncomfortable it's probably the big eyes and Luscious looking lips I mean look what what the hell is wrong with this the thing is the character looks decent but there's something way off can I can I make him somewhat human looking it's it's like if an alien had a skin suit on him oh God it gets worse why is his freaking face so shiny stop this well now I just look like Pete Davidson which is still weird but not as it's so weird it's so weird what am I saying oh why does it look so much like Pete Davidson now all right I think that's as good as I'm getting my character I'm gonna be called eyeball Earl did I even mention what this game is yet I don't think I did anyways this is a new life simulator called Denizen as per usual I go into these games knowing nothing about them that usually makes the experience better for me and uh yeah we're going with eyeball Earl my new apartment I already picked up some furniture when I visited the East Side yesterday before the road construction began got a deal with road construction I just need to unpack everything so I have a place to sleep after that I should pull up my phone to look for a job so I don't miss my rent next payment too true to real life I guess all right well here we are I have to say wow this game feels good um I don't care I'm just gonna put things down open inventory all right let's furnish this place I mean we got everything we need oh gambling oh yes oh my God first thing a dollar already baby I don't need a job I'm just gonna gamble in this oh what the hell okay [Music] everyone was going to be a dollar okay well two dollars for free I'll take it we got 26 dollars to our name now wait did I get another one what was it was this one always there oh my God I'm winning again baby okay I only won once but that's fine all right so now my gambling is gone what is this spray paint body spray one spray and stink is gone oh so like it's like showering without the showering part and why do I have a crapload of cigarettes this is the weirdest inventory ever we got chairs a bed a lamp some flooring a freak bar like what the hell all right I appreciate that I can sleep in the kitchen so uh if I need a midnight snack I am good man I just gotta on in retrospect I'm not gonna be able to open that door but you know what it's fine I'm just having more room for activities over here oh I can put the chair outside that's great okay this is like a Serial Killer's House Fan if you walked in here you'd be like what the hell is wrong with this person uh but yes I do have well I don't have a balcony but I have a balcony if you're willing to die make sure we put a lamp out there so we get some lighting there we go isn't it beautiful can I please sit in this please uh I don't think you can sit in the chairs which is like why add them then you know and we get paint I don't know what kind of paint or color um we're gonna put it on this wall yes apply okay well that's actually nice I do like that blue so I guess we're done we have our shower and a can cigarettes and one granola bar that is all I have in this game I guess I should you know go get a job I don't even know how to open up my phone so that's that's the first thing we have to figure out all right it's p for phone we are at Cedar Shores last night oh wow wait what's this oh my God this is like a legit phone okay hold on I heard you're looking for some extra work stop by the place in Cutler when you have a minute I'll give you the details all right I have internet um of course we have the casino join the VIP Club yes please nope can't do that yet okay what the hell is all this oh I can buy a car oh how do I get a job oh the jobs tab might be it all right we can be a pizza cook a courier driver or a forklift operator well I guess I can't be a forklift operator because applications are unavailable what about the okay applications are unavailable ah we can be a pizza cook I'm gonna apply do I literally have to wait is it that much of a life simulator all right well I guess we have furnished the place we applied for a job we gotta wait for that I guess the only other thing we can do here is uh change my apparel all right so I guess we can just go around naked oh my God Pete this is this is getting weird dude all right put some shades on undies why we're just that poor um so we're gonna go the boots why are the boots so bad oh can we just we can all ew my feet are worse you know what hide those things I do not want to see those ever again uh I look like a drug dealer man oh dude I'm loving this already I haven't even left my apartment okay let's go actually before that do I can I pee or poo in this game oh my God this game's amazing this is this is this is this is what I need in my life there we go make sure you wash your hands maybe I should shower so I don't have to use my canned showers uh yes make sure you censor that okay now we can officially go actually before that I want to look in my fridge oh God damn it um take okay so I do have stuff in my fridge I guess we should put our bed uh I think you know what we're gonna put our bed here we go let's just put it out here come on actually you know what I'm probably gonna have to sleep in this so let's do this right and we'll put it just like that there we go I'm not sick and twisted why can't I jump oh I can't get through there hold on okay so there we go we should be able to sleep over here I'll worry about that later we can always move it if we need to is there anything else oh so we do have cupboards um nothing in them though it's just good to see that we can actually use some of this stuff okay I probably should go out and figure out the whole job thing that I got going on so hello neighbor neighbor I would like to talk I guess my neighbor's not home you can use your phone and check your agenda manage your finances yada yada oh per J per case you gotta set your alarm clock to wake up in time for work this is great all right I don't even I think I have a job yet so we're just gonna wait for that I'm just gonna knock on all my neighbors doors to really bother them and then run run all right and welcome to the wonderful City it's actually quite Lively here I'm actually shocked usually in these games I'm like the only person around so this is kind of nice can I dumpster dive I mean you gotta start some forgot the stupid shoes oh I'm never looking down again hello can I have any change please I'm basically poor in this game wait is this mine do I have a little truck a lost income oh I do or that or I stole it okay I don't know what I'm doing in this game I need to go figure out how to get a job because that's kind of where you have to start in games like this so do I just look for the oh pizza that's what I was gonna look for so how the hell do I get a job here uh oh available shifts 11 to 15 or 16 to 20 okay so clearly it's part time but that's fine what time is it okay it's 14. all right so we'll take the 1600 shift and uh I guess we'll do that until then I guess we're just gonna wander around and see what we can get into ah the homeless shelter well at least I know if I can't pay my rent I can go somewhere in this game you know what I'm gonna go in and see what they're up to this is so fun not knowing what I'm doing I just like exploring ah hello fellow homeless I mean I'm not this bad yet but it's good to know that I I can literally just sleep with the homeless oh crap don't sleep I don't nope nope uh continue without saving tell me I just slept oh God did I'm probably gonna get fired oh it's 1600. oh thank God my phone woke me up all right so we'll check out the homeless shelter later I accidentally slept there someone got two pizza real quick I'm a little bit late for my first shift I'm sorry all right welcome to your first show so he's gonna get started except behind a counterwalkers or Stafford okay sick I'm so excited what the hell is this oh it's the poo poo room do I have to clean this all right we'll wash our hands because we want to be sanitary I mean I'm not wearing shirts or pants but I guess that doesn't matter dude do some doo-doos see if I can why why is there a knife on the ground or a box cutter okay I'm so confused I guess I don't need to clean that can I go out here nope I can only go to where I make pizza I'm assuming let's get started grab a ball of pizza dough yada yada I know what I'm doing no I don't I should have actually read that okay they want a Hawaiian so I do know that we grab this I'm assuming put that there oh that's satisfying pizza cook XP so he gained XP for everything we do we need special sauce that's kind of gross but okay barbecue Special Sauce there it is I'm just holding a ball of sauce sick I'm gonna discard It On The Ground oh I was hoping to pick it up after that but there we go Special Sauce mozzarella that's onion there oh that's mushrooms okay you're getting mushrooms I don't care oh crap I can't okay am I insane oh it's over here with the sauces why is there mozzarella with the sauces I guess pretty much every piece is having matzah on it so that makes sense we got ham so there you go Hawaiian pizza why am I making Hawaiian pizza by the way that's the worst pizza ever and there we go done put it in the box and it goes to the customer that doesn't exist nice I should mention I'm playing the demo I don't think I did that um so this game is probably gonna change a lot I'm already actually impressed uh super excited for it why are we keep doing Special Sauce every time but yes obviously this game is very much a work in progress right now uh pepperoni there we go we're getting a classic that's the good stuff where the hell's the pepperoni these need to be better it's so hard to tell what is what all right that's definitely a mushroom I can see the mushrooms that one's fine green peppers that's easy this year as well there we go John and John we are making money baby wait I keep it oh my God I should really read tutorials I've been giving raw foods everybody I'm not even paying attention to my XP I am so sorry okay I I think yes there's that thing here we probably need to cook pizza oh god of course I have a deluxe style so this is going to take me forever to set up the first pizza I actually know what I'm doing with I hope all right so after this we should be good yes cook that I love how everything's automated like it really is so easy to make pizza these days I feel like all right so there we go did I do it right for once I thought the game was just letting me fail all right and we did get some pizza cook XP that time okay I gotta do the Special Sauce first all right throw it on the ground then all right and there we go I was able to get eight correct pizzas served does it matter how many pizzas I get if I still get nine dollars an hour oh I guess it's probably the bonus so total earnings at 51 bucks now we got 77 in the bank I can become the manager and the owner by simply making pizzas well that's kind of tempting we might have to do some more pizzas later all right I had to turn my uh sounds off because I think there's copyrighted music in here what are you looking at dude stop looking at me that's freaking weird what's up bro but yes I'm at the local bar um order a drink 250 hell yeah dude okay they're just a naked man drinking in a bar don't mind me why is this little cutscene so long well I shall order another one I'm just role-playing as an alcoholic okay it's fine everything's fine people are just ignoring me I just swug back swugged swigged swigged back three beers in seconds but I have seen we got the Blackjack over here hello I see that it's very popular why is it so blurry oh wait I'm drunk that's right okay sweet okay I'm gonna bet five dollars hit oh God I can't even freaking see them oh thank God there's a big number on the board hit me shoot all right one more time one more time 11 19 I'm gonna stand on 19 and there we go all right double or nothing oh yeah dude this is great this is uh this is why I gamble in every game I play because it always comes out ahead for me not in real life but definitely in this game okay I you know what this is the first drunken effect in a game that seems realistic it's just blurry I can't see a damn thing what are you guys doing hello can I please talk to somebody in this game all right let's go down the back alley and try not to get murdered that's always fun right whoa let's romp what the hell does that mean I always go to a door with a question mark lock pick required where do I get a lock pick I can do illegal things that's the perfect thing for me all right so yeah I wandered around this part of the city we do have a pawn shop hmm retail store you can start your own business in the city using your phone to rent or buy a storefront once the security locations select the type of business okay so cool you can have your own businesses there's also the medical center so I can get beat up evidently so I don't want to screw around with too many people I'm gonna go see what's up pawn shop ah yes this looks like a totally safe and normal pawn shop illegal goods are never sold here hello you look a lot like me um let's just close oh wait Hardware there we go I'm looking for lock picks man you have yes give me okay I'm gonna add two maybe three let's add four just in case we find more areas we can open up now I gotta go find that uh door that we were able to open was it this one yes it was the question mark okay uh okay and click okay I suck I suck at life and click okay click oh God not one of these I'm so bad at timing ah oh thank God oh thank God I did it oh the lock pick boss has been beaten and this is what I'm awarded depression great someone even ripped up the freaking credit cards I can't even steal those what the hell is this I thought there'd be at least treasure storage um we got cigarettes yay don't tell me there's another door I need to lock okay so we at least can explore more uh nothing else I can open up this is the saddest burglary Mission I've ever done all right well that was a wonderful first day uh realize I'm a bad thief that's for sure but I'm really good at making pizza just not at the start I kind of screwed up a few of those all right good night everybody I shall see you in the morning maybe I should have drank first save game um I don't know what else I want to say because I'm going to starve to death okay quick get to the fridge I must eat all right use there we go oh that's you know what I am a skinny dude that has filled me up finally a game I don't have to worry about food too much so fantastic we still have a bunch of food in the fridge as well why is it still night don't do do I have trouble sleeping or something what time is it oh it is 2 46 okay this is accurate to my real life because I have trouble sleeping back to sleep all right it's now three I'm assuming I only sleep when I need energy and I am full energy right now so I guess we'll go out at 3am and explore the town a little bit more all right I have work at 11 but I thought we would go around maybe experience more of this area because yeah the small town I pretty much explored the whole thing as I said work in progress I don't know how much more there is in the game but I am enjoying myself it's actually a very very fun life Sim so we'll go out into the Wilderness here and see where this goes there is no map in this game I kind of like slash hate that because I don't know what else there is I would really like to see that nightclub if possible so I'm wondering if there's another city somewhere oh we got a gas station nice oh oh okay oh God oh God I didn't realize there was a curb there um so you do have to peel up your cars I'm assuming purchase Oh 28 holy crap that was a lot of money I forgot I'm poor in this game damn it there goes all my money I'm definitely gonna have to go back to uh do pizza today I just want to see is there anybody in here ah yes this is oh this is nice this is really nice we can get some coffee can't buy any water unfortunately or more beef cream dude there's just beef cream everywhere here oh oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh yes yes yes um Lottery thank you very much um yes please we'll buy that one I'll buy that one we'll buy that one and we'll buy that one and I'm poor again great well if I don't win here it's your fault that I'm poor and I have to go live at the homeless shelter so let's find out if we got lucky I paid five dollars for this I paid five freaking dollars for this ah oh that's a dollar damn it nothing more than a dollar please oh God okay this is what gambling should be like in games there we go we broke even at least and come on give me something over five or nothing that's cool too whatever I hate you so much all right it's still early so we have uh fueled cars so we can definitely go further so I'm gonna do that and full coat oh it's a paint and body shop there's okay I thought it'd just be the town it does look like there's stuff in the outskirts which is really really nice oh okay and the big red zones meet it's a dead end so that's the edge of this side of the town for the time being I think we'll go do our pizza job and then go to the other side I think there's two other ways to go excuse me officer oh my is that a cop oh God I hope I'm not wanted now I just thought I'd try you know I didn't actually expect to be able to hit them uh clearly you can all right what the hell time is it uh 807 we we still have time let's go to this side and see what's over here oh damn it and then it's a dead end again and I damaged my truck more probably there's also a road this way but that's clearly blocked off as well so yeah we're really checking this game out in demo form all right it's probably time for my job oh man I'm a pizza making freaking machine now I have been motoring through these things uh yeah it's kind of like clockwork after a while you just get pretty good at it especially when you know where all the ingredients are so we're over 20 pizzas done today classic so that's that no that's not that of course Pepperoni's at the top I'm freaking out now that I have to commentate God damn it I'm not gonna finish this one in time now that's okay I'm happy with 21 pizzas in uh one shift that should be a pretty good payday come out quick and yeah we got a Bonus of eighty dollars unfortunately I'm still not anywhere near the manager so I'm wondering if I only get one XP bar a day I did two shifts today just to earn some extra money and uh we'll have money now but I was really hoping to be the manager to see if that changes anything oh my God I can't consume the Frozen entree because I'm assuming I haven't microwaved it with an efficient microwave by the way eight seconds and a meal is ready this is great okay there we go sustenance can I just microwave anything hold on I ain't nothing like a nice warm oh God Jesus Christ um I'm still drinking it I don't care mmm warm beer delicious also microwaving my beer gave me like no nutrients so I think it ruined it oh no you just need a crapload of drinks in this game well I I know where to get drinks we'll do that tomorrow right now I need to sleep God damn it's not even 12 yet and I'm I'm full energized dude this guy needs no sleep at all all right well I've ordered like 10 drinks and I finally filled my bar again I truly don't know where else to get drinks I guess the gas station will be the only one uh that's way too far away though screw that so I thought we'd just have a little drinky poo in the middle of the night surprisingly vision's still great oh I can drink the water fountain that's fantastic that might sober me up a bit uh I also saw that we can buy this is this what I can buy I do want to try and open my own shop if I get what the hell why are you guys in here wait is this the pawn shop who the hell are you glad to see you I've got some work for you if you're interested what what did I just stumble upon I'm drunk I don't know what I'm doing listen up one of our clients got ripped off bad by a local Distribution Company hoser distribution is the Target no violence our client requested some sensitive data from the corrupt owner find a way into the warehouse and get to the office computer your best bet is to break into the rear loading entrance the local pawn shop sells lock picks for cheap oh I already know trust me I thought this was a place you buy I didn't realize this was a shady business I am down for this all right well there is the client he said go through the back right that would probably be the smart idea I seem to be sobering up so that's good too how did I miss this oh this is exciting I have learned how to do this I'm going to be a master now first try dude first freaking try okay should I be worried am I am I gonna get like beat up uh forklifts can be used to move pallet cargo use up and down I don't care about that right now but thank you I'm assuming this is the job I can work at later um right now I'm just gonna break into the place wait do I have to like actually move this craft to get over because this man doesn't know how to freaking jump oh my God I seriously okay hold on here just naked man on a forklift no no big deal all right I have built myself an entrance this is this is kind of stupidly fun okay we'll put this back over here I should be able to get through now Aza I have done it I'm here for the data give me all your data sir oh God I'm hacking what the hell isn't that it oh I have to get to the other side I see how things work okay oh God stupid freaking puzzles man I'm already lost great all right so that goes that way that goes that way that goes this way oh yes oh my God that was actually really hard look at my time left alright so we downloaded the files uh I can't do anything else unfortunately dude that was legit hard I'm I'm awful at puzzle so that could be the reason hello Austin I am back please pay me you are way more horrifying looking now that I'm sober well I got 818 now so that seems fantastic uh he doesn't have anything else for me unfortunately so that's it for uh burglar release today all right I just want to see how the store works just out of curiosity so I rented that and uh I can own this for three days action games adventure racing game I have a video game store and I change this I don't even own video games game I don't know how this works I'm not sure if I was supposed to buy video games first I know it did say I can change my type of retail store somewhere mind you I don't even have anything to sell anyway so I don't know why I bought this but I don't really know how that works so we'll worry about that later I just wasted 150 all right guys well I think that's a good first look at Denizen I have to say I came into this game not expecting much but I am kind of Blown Away I'm really liking this life simulator obviously it's pretty basic right now but everything that I did was really really fun and I'm super excited to see where it goes when it unlocks more of the map and there's more we can simply do I think we can go deeper into the jobs if we wanted to uh there's also a few places we can rent and whatnot but uh yeah I think I'm gonna wait until the full game is released because this is just a demo uh but yeah I thought I would show you guys it because I know you guys love the life simulators and I do as well and yeah I hope you guys enjoy it as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 136,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life simulator, life simulator game, simulation games, life game, funny moments, simulator funny moments, life sim, life choices game, game of life, denizen, drae, draegast, denizen gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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