Samsung Galaxy S24 Tips & Tricks Longer Battery Life & Much Faster

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hello this is Ry the YouTube Tech Guy hey guys so today we're going to be bringing you the must know tips and tricks for the Galaxy s24 Series this works with all s24su it on the ultra but honestly most of these features are going to work on all three now if this is too fast for you slow it down go back make sure you catch up on each step and if it's too slow for you then jump to the part you really want to get to but this will make your phone much faster and have about 5 hours longer battery life let's get started all right now while most of these features are going to make your phone faster and also have much longer battery life I do always do two features that I have done more in-depth videos for but they make your phone so much better and that most people don't know about so first and foremost is Quick Share basically you can send 4K videos at perfect quality yes you're not going to get a grainy text message if you send it to an iPhone doesn't matter if you share it this way it's going to be perfect so first you just select whatever you want to share click the share button Quick Share down here at the bottom left left and then you hit this little QR code right here and with this QR code you tap this copy URL once you do that it's going to be uploading in the background all of those video files to a link that's going to be available for a little over 24 hours they have 24 hours to download the video and watch it in perfect quality you can send this via email via text message any which way and they have the ability to see it in perfect quality so no more grainy videos coming from your Galaxy s24 the next feature is going to be goodlock now goodlock is available in Samsung store and the whole idea behind it is you get better features than come on the phone but these features are still in lab so it's not out to the public yet but they're so good and they're really stable so I just always recommend going ahead and doing it so you can have a much better phone experience this is it right here good luck go ahead and open it and if it is available in your country it is going to be a plethora of things now I have done full videos on good loock itself but it allows you to do so much and it's just so good for customization I also do it for things like this to be able to just swipe from the side also your multiscreen better everything is just so much better if you use good luck especially your camera quality which I did go over in a separate video for how to take better photos and videos on the Galaxy s24 all right but now let's start making your phone faster first thing we're going to do is you're going to take away this the Google discover or G Samsung three button on the sides are going to slow your overall home screen down and that just is just too slow so this is going to be much faster much better for your overall speed second thing is you're going to want to get rid of any app that came with your phone that you don't need especially if you got a carrier phone you get lots of bloatware from your carriers whether it be Verizon T-Mobile AT&T or any of the other ones out there get rid of them if you don't need them which most you don't if you have like an account one sure keep it on there but any other things you don't really need so on the global version I have pen up and that one I'm just going to hold down uninstall don't really use this feature so I'm going to get rid of it bam there you go if you had any other ones that you don't really want to keep on your phone Samsung does have a lot of different apps some are useful some are maybe not to everyone's taste so if you want to get rid of them feel free all right now we're going to be going down the settings row to really set this phone up perfectly for you however there are some AI features towards the bottom so we will go more in depth in those later on so on the first section connections we're going to go to Wi-Fi and make sure our intelligent Wi-Fi is exactly what we want it to be so these are a few things I recommend making sure that you have switched on switch to mobile data when your Wi-Fi isn't that good switch to better Wi-Fi networks that are well known and automatically switch to the ones that you do use on a regular basis this is going to be really good so that it won't connect to a lot of ones on the road and it will connect to ones that are good quality and detect suspicious Network is always important obviously just so no one tries to get into your phone without you knowing in the next section under connections we're going to go to Bluetooth main thing you want to know about Samsung is you can actually connect to two Bluetooth speakers or devices at the same time you just swipe down here and go to Media output and then if you have two devices you can actually play from two different devices that's a really cool feature that Samsung is known for and not a lot of other fun manufacturers can do finally we're going to want to go to here and go to data usage this is really important especially after a week of using the phone you get to learn your habits and how the apps you have installed on your phone are actually using your data so one thing that's really important to see is if any app that you don't need to run in the background is running in the background and using up data well then you can just stop it from doing it so not allowing it to have background data usage and it's that simple I would definitely do this for games that you don't need to run data in the background things like Bank apps or any anything that basically that you only need to run when you're running it and then we go to Connected devices and we talk about Quick Share again so quick share again normally deletes itself within a certain time period you can extend that right here on set expiration and you can actually set it to 6 days now or 6 days and 23 minutes 6 days is fine for me so I'm going to leave it at that you can also select your phone name if you want to share for anyone nearby you kind of like how Apple AirPlay Samsung has had Wi-Fi direct for the longest time and so does the rest of Android so you can just share between people in local areas now in this next one it's all about ecosystem so you can connect this phone to say your tablet and call and text from your tablet you can call and connect with other devices so you can use apps across multiple devices and this camera on this phone could actually even be used as your web camera for your tablet really great features that you have in Samsung's own ecosystem now Smart View is the last thing I'm going to be going over here and that is Smart View allows you to connect to your Samsung TVs or any kind of smart devices so for me I have a fridge that has Samsung on it any kind of uh CH casting can use it but what most people don't know is you can actually do the reverse you can actually stream say a TV on your phone so if you have to go into the other room because you have to take care of something hey you can actually still continue watching the TV from your own phone now for modes and routine you can set these however you want things I would suggest would be like you know turn off your ringer at work uh when you're driving maybe take your lock screen off or things like that theater make sure that you don't get notifications for 2 hours you know sleep uh turn off do not disturb and all of those features uh lots of different uh methods you can go into and change your modes as are needed sleep and theater are the main ones that I personally use all right next we're going to move to sound and vibration main thing I want you to know here is at the bottom sound quality and effects so always have Doby Atmos on just a better experience equalizer obviously your preference but here's the one adaptive sound take the time put on some headphones and change your sound profile to your personal hearing this is so important and it's so much of an improvement over any other phone this does it to a t better than a lot of thirdparty apps do uh that have a similar feature with headphones alone this one really just stands out because it adapts all music every sound that comes from your phone to this benefit so yeah really great and definitely would recommend for you all right then we move on to Notifications main important thing I feel like is going to be really important is under Advance make sure you're showing your battery percentage I also don't like to show more than three recent icons for my notifications and then one thing I am really liking so far that I used on my other s24 and now on this one is my permanent one I have turned on show snooze button I kind of like this so you can actually snooze a notification and come back to it later it sometimes really helps especially if you're having a busy day all right now we're going to go to display and this one's really important so first off I always recommend dark mode at all times this saves you about 2 hours of battery life alone so definitely having it on dark mode instead of light mode is better main reason why when the screen is black all those pixels are off so you save a tremendous amount of battery life by having dark mode on and the really good apps that are pitch black really save you so much more so depending on your app you really do save up to 2 hours just with this alone next is going to be a controversial one I do not like adaptive brightness I never have I usually keep my phone at this kind of brightness turned it down for this video just so you guys can see it through the camera but I usually keep mine around 70% and that's kind of perfect all the way around main reason I don't like adaptive brightness is because sensors in here always on kind of take the point away of saving a battery life so for me just leaving it at 70% it generally works out better when I've done previous tests in the past but now with all the AI features I will give it another go to see if I'm still correct I turn extra brightness on adaptive smoothness if you want to save battery life this will save you about an hour longer if you go by standard and if you want a faster smooth experience for a top Flagship then go adaptive uh but it's up to you I typically do like to use adaptive just because this one already has such a long battery life but if you feel like your battery life is too short this will give you another hour all right I don't really use ey Shield Comfort but if you do I would probably set it to a certain timer so when I did I used to set it very late night and uh change the temperature I usually don't use it because of the videos I do so that's why I have it off usually and then we move to screen mode now I have it on Vivid I have it set to a little bit warmer than normal just because Samsung has admitted the terms of not being as vibrant as we had seen it before just have it a little bit bit warmer just because the colors are a little too dull for me at the moment one mode I always want to point out that people don't talk about enough and that is easy mode easy mode is literally made for the simplest mode it makes an iPhone look extremely hard it is very simplified phone so if you ever want a very easy phone Samsung has it on every single phone they come out with change it to easy mode and it's perfect for an elderly person someone that can't see well or any of those features just to make it perfect and easy for anyone to use navigation bar is is going to be different for everyone I have a special set of features on here main thing you want to know about though is the new circal search so basically if you hold down the navigation bar on the bottom right right here then you can Circle something and it will find whatever you're searching for so if you're on placeat like Instagram you can just use Circ search by holding down the bottom find it and Bam then you'll find all different styles and everything like that compare prices whatever you want to do you can find it very easily just to see who's selling it and for what price and then just go back and you're back on Instagram simple easy but really great if you ever want any information on how to buy something where to buy something or even just more information on something accidental PRS you always want on and when you do have a scream tior on you do want to touch sensitivity turned up now I don't have one yet I am waiting for my wistone Dome glass so as soon as I get that I'll put that on there and then I'll be all set all right guys battery this is going to be the one where I really show you guys how to dramatically improve your battery life so couple of tips here first one is background usage limits and then deep sleeping now you can go a couple of the other ways but deep sleeping is the way to go as you can see I have over 300 apps in my deep sleeping app area and that's basically any app that I do not need to run in the background now this would not pertain to things like text messaging email you know any social media that you want notifications on but anything that you don't need to run in the background turn it off very simple very easy this saves you a ton of battery life this alone will save you about 3 hours battery life just by this section alone so make sure you do it and always check cuz certain apps might put themselves in you know never turnoff mode some are just defi emails photo backup Samsung Health those I'm fine with but it's just some ones that sneak in there that I'm like hey you don't belong here deep sleep and so once we're done with this area we're going to go back and go to battery protection now I actually recently did a video with Juan caros bag now about battery protection and it's something that you want to keep in mind especially when it comes to long-term usage I'm talking about if you want your phone to last multiple years right 2 3 years then you want to at least have basic on adaptive or in worst case scenarios maximum basically the more you keep your battery between 20 and 80% the better it's not going to always happen that way sometimes you need to charge it more than 80% but when you do at least just keeping it adapt Ive will help out your battery long term so if you plan on keeping your phone for 2 to 3 years then go ahead and turn that on and then as we scroll down last thing I want to make sure you know about is Wireless pohare this allows you to wirelessly charge devices like your SmartWatches your earbuds or other devices with the back of your phone no problem it becomes a wireless charger including an iPhone as we move down I want to go over home screen there's one thing that I definitely want to make sure all of you know about and that is this one lock your home screen layout I personally do this for a lot of people including my mom my brother my wife this makes it so they can't move an icon or put things in the wrong area all right then we move to lock screen and aod always on display now always on display is one of my favorite features I use it quite frankly a lot and I really do love it you can turn it off if you want to save battery life this will save you battery life but if you do want to use always on display make sure you turn this off this was a feature that Apple introduced a really bad feature and honestly it just really makes sense to turn that off so that you save more battery life that alone will help you an hour longer battery life whereas always on display itself will only help you about 20 minutes if you keep it this way so you can turn always on display off if you choose to but if you have both of these on that would be an hour and 20 minutes drained of your battery so make sure if you do keep always on display on just make sure that it's show lock screen wallpaper turned off also when to show I always keep it on auto just because I used to have it on always but now it does make the distinction between a dark area using the sensor so if it is in your pocket it won't be on always Auto always on display so this makes it easier just keep it on auto now in security and privacy there is a couple of things that I do want to let you know about first thing is going to be updates there are two different kind of updates that you always want to check on the security update is the overall update for the phone but there is also a Play Store update that you know just check on every so often sometimes this doesn't update automatically and you can make sure to update it right now it's it's still stuck on July for some reason on the latest phone but I am assuming this will change within the next 30 days to be up to date to the current month and you also want to take a look at lost device protection make sure these are on for yourself just so you can always get their phone back if you need it and then as we scroll down Auto blocker is a interesting new feature that Samsung has allowed for however it is done with maffy so I personally don't like maffy as much if you ever are unsure about you know any apps or suspicious things using your device then I would turn it on but for me I'm going to keep it off just I'm not the biggest fan of maffy uh from the PC realm so if you are ever suspicious about anything bad ever being on your phone then you want to turn this on and then more security settings does show secure folder secure folder allows you to have a secondary phone really important if you plan on having this as a work phone too you can actually separate your personal phone from your work phone so that your actual company cannot see your personal side they can't see your text messages they can't see anything on there you can separate your phone into two phones and your it Department literally couldn't know all right and then we're going to go to Advanced features this is a lot of stuff because we are going to mainly be talking about AI in this section so let me walk you through everything first of all with phone calls this is going to allow you to live translate I have actually used this and I'm not sure which version I like better you can give the ability to hear the other person or can mute each other so you only hear the translation I really do love this feature though it was really cool to be able just to talk someone in Chinese and it perfectly translated everything in terms of proper dition and that is the caveat of course not everyone always speaks with proper dition so it it makes sense but it is a little bit oh okay I see where you're talking about or how you're saying it but you have to talk very basic in order to do it so I think this is perfect for making reservations in another country is a perfect example of when you could use this and it would really be great for that purpose and you can also do this so that you have a person preset for this so if you have say a mother-in-law or a brother-in-law that speaks another language you can have it set so that that translation will always happen when calling that person and you can set the language and everything you want it to be when you need it then we have Samsung keyboard now this one can do the same thing on chat translation and this is so important because it's on the keyboard you can actually translate it in any messaging app whether it be WhatsApp whether it be text messaging whether it be Microsoft teams Google Chat any of them I have used this to great effect and I've really like this you also have style and grammar which is kind of an interesting one you can make a general message and then move it over to being more professional being more social media heavy it'll even give you hashtags all that kind of stuff very cool feature just to be able to have built into the keyboard and then we have The Interpreter this is very similar to Google translate I would probably still use Google Translate over this one but one thing this does have is very simple just basically back and forth it will uh create a translation between two people speaking a different language Samsung Notes if you do use Samsung Notes and voice recorder this will basically summarize your notes and messages and give them to you in a nice easy and basic way to get them back if they are all in a different language by the way it can translate the entire conversation to a new language so basically if I was in a room and two people were speaking Chinese I could literally translate it and then understand exactly what they were saying this will also summarize both forms as well whether it be Samsung Notes or voice recorder similar on Samsung internet can translate things and summarize but I think the most one people will always use is photo editor so photo editor you really can make generative AI images so it's really fun you can make things bigger you can make things disappear you can erase things all this kind of stuff you have them we'll go more in depth on that on a separate video make sure to subscribe to check that one out labs and Spen are a little bit more in depth so we will go into that in separate videos however motion and gestures this is how I like to keep it and what I recommend you doing it double tap to turn the screen on lift to wake all of these sensors off and palm to swipe capture is always just a fun way to take a nice screenshot and then down here you are going to want to turn video brightness to Bright it just makes it all your HDR content look much better instead of this you'll get this much better quality basically for all HDR content then we move to device care which the main thing is just to always look at storage if there are duplicate files large files or anything that you're unsure of or that you might not want to use anymore just check this area and it always gives you some recommendations as well then as we move down another way to save battery life is right here performance profile see standard is the default one but you can go light this will give you another hour of battery life if you happen to use it basically it is going to optimize it to really be lighter never use the course to their FA potential however if you're not a power user you probably won't know the difference so I actually put it on light for say my mom and my brother who don't use the phone to the full extent but say for my power uh friends that are a bit more techy that play more games definitely put it on standard for them then we move to Auto optimization this is a really important feature did you know you're supposed to restart your phone at least once a week no well this will make your phone much faster then do it to Auto restart and basically set it something like this so I set it every other day at 3:00 a.m. it's going to restart that way if I happen to be using it at 3:00 a.m. this day it won't do it but when it is needed I will have it restart so this is a really good feature and definitely will improve your overall Speed most people don't do this and that is why their phone runs slower all right then the last thing we always do is make sure that we unlock Developer Options to give you the absolute best way of browsing through your phone so when we do this we're going to go to about phone then software info and then from here you're going to tap build number repeatedly going to put in your password if you have one and then it will show you have unlocked developer mode from there you'll now be able to swipe a little bit lower and see developer options main thing you want to be able to know here is when you scroll down to the drawing category you make sure everything is at 0.5 now Samsung has some presets that can make it turn off 05 is actually faster so it gives a much more fluid and much better overall feel to your phone than you had before this will make it much faster and everything just transition so much better yes it should always be this way by default I don't know why Samsung continues to not have it by default but this is the absolute best way of moving through your phone and all right guys hopefully you did like this video if you did please give a like Thumbs Up Down Below remember to check out our best ways to improve the photo and video quality that's a separate video our photo editing video that's another video and then finally we're going to have a tips and tricks video coming up as well thank you guys so much for watching everything make sure to subscribe to check out all the content this has been Ry the YouTube Tech guy thank you so much again for watching make sure to like subscribe and comment down below also follow me on social media at@ YouTube to Tech Guy and check out some more Great Tech videos on your screen right [Music] now
Channel: The YouTube Tech Guy
Views: 34,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech guy, youtube tech guy, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, samsung s24 ultra, tips and tricks, galaxy s24, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra tips and tricks, s24 ultra hidden features, s24 ultra tips, hidden features, s24 ultra review, galaxy s24 ultra unboxing, galaxy s24 ultra review, samsung galaxy s24, galaxy s24 plus, samsung s24, galaxy s24 change these settings, first 10 things to do, s24 ultra change these settings, samsung galaxy
Id: 227-1I58kHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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