Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Best Settings | DON'T MISS THESE SETTINGS!

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hello and welcome to the video in this video I'm going to be showing you the best Samsung Galaxy s24 ultra settings that you need to enable right now some of these settings are going to be a no-brainer and add a lot of value to your device however some of these settings are purely a preference and so you can configure them as you wish this is just a recommendation before we get into the video please like share and subscribe it helps the channel out a lot without further Ado let's get into the video okay so let's go and take a look at the settings I'm going to run through them in order from top to bottom and then I'm going to go through each one so we've got Samsung account so if you haven't already then you need to create a Samsung account I would highly recommend logging into your Samsung account into the device this provides you a lot of benefits that gives you 5 gigs of storage you can back up to you can use things like find your phone you've obviously got the AI Advanced features that you can use with it which allows for some Pur personalization and also you can do things like smart things which are the Samsung connected devices such as your TV watches you can all control all of those devices from a custom dashboard we'll also use a Samsung account for some other bits and pieces as we move along here taking a look at the connections first of all we've got Bluetooth if you're not using this I would recommend turning it off not only is it going to save you battery life but also there's been some hacks via Bluetooth so I'd recommend switching that off for NFC I'd also recommend switching this off as well if you're not using it now this is for things like contactless payments so when you're paying with your phone instead of your card so switch this off if you it's not in use this can also be used by people if they actually swipe bya your phone they can use that to take payments directly from your account and we've also got the ultra wide band as well which is used to identify the location of any nearby devices now this again can be used by things like the Samsung tag so switch this off when it's not in use within the Sim manager you can actually go down here to more Sim settings and you've got here the SIM card security I don't have this on but you can actually set a pin for your sim card this doesn't pertain only to Samsung Galaxy s24 this is more of like a generic uh security feature so allows you to set either a pin or a password to unlock your sim card so you can go ahead and set that up if you want to then going back you can see here that we've got the data usage so obviously if you're using a certain amount of data if you've got like a contract so for me I actually use add-ons each month so I always want to keep a track on the data that I'm using so you've got data saver so it helps by cutting down your dat data usage by preventing apps from using data in the background so you can turn that on if you want I've got that [Music] on also got mobile hotspot and tethering again if you're not using the hotspot I'd recommend turning this off cuz it's going to save your battery but also then it's going to make sure that nobody else can actually connect to the Hotpot so I actually go back here hopefully you can do it without dropping the SP pen need to then disable the data saver need to actually go back into the data saver and switch this off because it actually doesn't allow you to go back into the settings which I forgot about so let's go back and if you are using the mobile hotspot just make sure that you're doing a couple of things here so setting a secure password typically it will set quite a secure one for you um just make sure this is being change frequently and then scrolling down here you've actually got some nice features here so one time password which allows you to uh connect a guest or someone like a oneoff uh connection so if someone that you don't trust or someone that you're just providing temporary access then you can actually provide this password as opposed to the other one which is kind of a more permanent password you can also prioritize the real time traffic here as well so for things like games and video calls which are sensitive to lag I'm actually going to switch this off as I don't need it right now now we're going to go on to Connected devices and then we're going to go into Quick Share and here under where it says who can share with you I set this to no one but if you're going to be sharing with people that you know such as your contacts you can click on contacts only I wouldn't recommend everyone because that's going to allow potentially people that you don't know to share with and and then as you're sharing the content you do want or if you're sharing any data at all you want to set an expiry so it defaults for 2 days but you can you can change this as you wish more of a preference now we can take a look at modes and routines so here you can actually choose a mode based on what you're doing so for example sleep and you can actually decide what uh when this turns on so you can either do it manually by default it's until until I turn it off but here you can actually allow Samsung to detect when you're sleeping it does this by monitoring your usage patterns on your phone and it can then detect when you're sleeping and when you're not once you've got your mode configured it then allows you to create like a routine so for example the routine is like an if a certain condition is met then perform a certain action so if so you can say if you're sleeping then you can perform a certain action such as notifications set to do not disturb so that you can get a good night's sleep I'm going to cancel out of this then we've got sounds and vibration so you can set whether you want the sound on just vibrate only or mute I'm going to go down to sound quality and effects here and here you can see you got some Dolby Atmos settings so make sure this is on this is actually off by default as well as the Dolby Atmos for gaming provides you with better sounds as you're playing games and what you can actually do as well down here you can do adapt sound here this actually adapt APS the sound around you particularly when you're using headphones you can see here under 30 years old you can actually customize these if you wish for me I'm just going to leave that to the default you want to make sure that's [Music] on now we're going to take a look at display so you can choose between light mode or dark mode I prefer dark mode CU it gives my eyes a bit of a rest I use the computer all day so it's nice to a bit of Darkness you can adjust the brightness I've got it all the way up in terms of the brightness because I want this uh video to come out nice and clear you have adaptive brightness which adjusts during the time of day so when it's obviously night time or daytime or sunlight's out it will adapt and change the brightness then we've got the motion smoothness which I've set to Adaptive which provides a refresh rate of up to 120 HZ we have the eye Comfort Shield which I use quite frequently again cuz I have eye string but you can kind of customize this as you wish I've also got the enhanced Comfort on as well this particularly useful when you're viewing it at night screen mode I've set this to Vivid now there's been some issues in terms of the actual colors on the Samsung s24 Ultra versus the s23 I haven't actually found any issues myself I found that quite all right you can obviously adjust the font sizes as you wish and the style of the text so I've got mine set currently the third one over but you can set this as you wish one thing I do want to point out which is quite useful is to set the screen resolution over to QHD plus it's actually defaulting to fhd Plus at the moment so just make sure you've set the QHD Plus for better resolution then we've got the screen time out now cuz I'm recording I've set this to 5 minutes just so the screen doesn't time out on me but you can set this to whatever you wish normally I would set this to about 15 seconds and then you've got the option here keep screen on while viewing so it can detect whether you're in front of the camera and keep it on we have the edge panels here which is this and you can select what you want their panels to look like so whether they're apps people smart select Etc I've got my set just to the default apps okay I think that's it for the edge panels we've got the navigation bar so whether you want the buttons I'm quite old school I do want to switch over to the gestures but um I'm still used to the buttons down here as you can see got the menu home button and the back button as well so you can set this to whatever you prefer also got the assistant app which will open up a digal assistant and circle to search so when you got the buttons to Circle to search you hold in the home button and then that will allow you to do a circle to search like so and the gesture if you want to swap over to the gesture I can come out of this yeah swipe [Music] gesture okay I'll need to change another setting that's fine but if you're the swap gesture you get a little Little Pill line down here that you can essentially hold on to similar to the home button that allows you to do the circle to search next we will take a look at the battery so of course you've got the power saving if you're low on battery and you need to save some power I've got that off currently you can also look and and see what the actual usage is which is quite nice you do have the battery protection so the basic allows you to charge your phone as normal so it allows you to charge it up to 100% the Adaptive which is a mix of both basic and maximum so it will use maximum while asleep and switch to to basic before you wake up so if you've got your phone charged overnight for example it will just ensure that it goes only up to 80% which is maximum and then switch to basic before you wake up now I've got mine set to maximum cuz I want the battery to last as long as possible but you can decide and set to whichever you prefer you do also have the charge settings here soly show charging information which shows the battery level and then we've got the fast charging and fast wireless charging which I'll turn on next I'm going to show themes so this allows you to actually customize the buttons and the actual way everything looks as you can see here so the theme of everything now there's some here you can buy but there are some for free so if you do a search for free themes you can actually see there's some here which I've actually applied this one now I never cuz I liked the look of that but you can have a look through this and it provides a nice theme like this um and also you can see the on have changed color as well into more of like a a neon um theme which I uh find really really useful it just looks really nice more nice than uh useful now let's take a look at the lock screen so lock screen we've got here screen lock type now I've got this set to password and fingerprints however you can use your face I wouldn't recommend setting it to obviously none um or the swipe or pin cuz they can be easy guessed you've got the extend unlock which allows the device to be unlocked if you're at safe location um or if you've got like a watch connected to the phone as well um which I wouldn't recommend and there's another option in here for keeping the device unlocked when it's in your pocket and again I wouldn't recommend this bypasses the security that you got on your device and if someone you know unknown uses device then they can obviously access all your information it's not able to differentiate between you or another person so I wouldn't recommend using the extend unlock you got the always on display just set to on and then we've got the touch and hold to edit which allows you to touch and hold the home screen and edit that as you wish got the raming clock if you're in like a different country or a different time zone it will then display that time zone clock along with your home clock as well then we do have widgets so we can actually customize those at the home screen you've got all of the regular widgets as you would expect and you can turn them on or off and then add them as you wish so let's move on now to security and privacy so we spoke about the lock screen which is the know by the password or fingerprints but if you've got any notices down here like I have here just make sure you're going into these and taking the actions so for me it's saying hey change your password that's what I need to do but if you've got any other warnings here then just go through and make sure you follow those through as well then we've got Auto blocker so Auto blocker blocks apps from unauthorized sources so things like if you're downloading apks which could potentially contain malware or if you're um it also does like app checks to make sure there's no malware malicious activities going on also does some USB cable detection as well to prevent malicious file transfers for example charging or computers doing anything Dody and then I've got the messaging at protection which block images suspect of containing malware in messaging apps and also the block software updates by USB cable to prevent installation of software via USB cable that could be potentially malicious also got some more security settings down here such as security folder which allows you to set up a folder that you can contain personal information in there and you can set a pin on this um as well so lock type for example you can set pin passwort of pattern and then you can add that secure folder to app screen which is what I've done so it appears as an app on the screen you have secure Wi-Fi which actually allows you to protect your um connection when you're on like a public Wi-Fi to coffee shop for example so here we've got additional privacy controls now you can you can turn on or off camera microne access um I would recommend switching or leaving these on now some people do switch these off because they don't like the fact that the system can access the camera on microphone when it needs um so you can you can leave this off if you wish I would recommend leaving these on otherwise it's going to affect the features on your phone and then alert when clipboard is accessed I've got switched on so just so that I know what's using the clipboard especially if you've copied something that you don't want to be shared with anyone else or accessed by any apps then we've got the safety and emergency so here you can actually fill out all your medical information so if you've got any um medical conditions or anything like that um have no idea why it's doing that probably because I've got the the pen uh but yeah you can fill out all your medical information and this will appear on your on the screen on the home screen Just So that obviously if you're in any emergency or anything like that you can people can know your medical condition for example and all your contact information we got emergency contacts which you can add here we have emergency SOS so this allows you to press the side button five times and it will call your emergency contact in addition to sending them a recording voice recording and also the pictures from the front and or the back camera as well which I find pretty cool emergency sharing so you can actually configure that like I said attach the pictures from your front and rear cameras and the audio recording settings right there as well which I've set to on also do have the unknown tracker alerts so if there's a Tracker nearby that could be either malicious or maybe it's not maybe it's just a Tracker that's nearby then it gives you warning um to say Hey or it gives you an alert more to say hey there's a device nearby you do it does require Bluetooth to be turned on and next I'm going to take a look at the counts and backup so you can back up your data to Samsung Cloud if you wish I actually use Google Drive to back up my data can also transfer data from and to the device and also external storage you can actually back up to USB storage as well if you wish then we have the Google services here so if there's any recommendations here I would recommend to obviously go ahead and follow them so the backup for example is off I've got some of this off cuz I'm going actually do a reset after this and then set up everything from scratch again um because I've been kind of using this for demos and stuff like that and playing around with it quite a bit um so things like find my device password manager Google Wallet they're all good stuff you can actually go ahead and download if you wish and use those nothing um that's in particular to the s24 then we've got some Advanced features so this is where the AI comes into it so you've got advanced intelligence so this is the phone which you can do live translation so you can switch that on and then you select your language select the other person's language by default it comes with German but you can download some other ones it just requires a language pack to be installed we've got Samsung keyboard which allows you to get grammar and spelling suggestions translate messages in your chats and texts you have The Interpreter which is live translation or spoken conversations got Samsung Notes which does the grammar and spelling can also do different s of tones as well so if like you're going from a friendly to formal vice versa it can actually suggest that voice recorder to transform the record into text transcription so essentially it's going voice to text and the Samsung internet so get summaries of web pages along with some translation ability as well there so by using that Samsung internet browser you're going to get some added AI abilities there and we've got Photo Editor to actually edit photos so for example if you have a photo you can remove the background or replace it with AI and also you can do some a bunch of other stuff there as well you have the option here if you want added privacy to processed data only on this device it does take away some of the features that you're going to have but if you are privacy contous or security contous you can select on and that's going to keep all of your data on this device and it won't go out into the cloud for example with your data then we've got uh Bixby so this is your AI assistant yep and as I've said that popped up and so Voice wake up you can either choose this or this I'm not going to say it because it's going to wake it up um but you can also teach it to respond to your voice only which is going to go through and get you to say a bunch of stuff so that it records your knows your voice so that other people can't then uh wake it up so we've got some air actions here that we can do so you can see here that to press and hold the pen button opens the camera you can actually set anything you want on here any apps I've set it to the camera then you got the uh the gestures here so going back home recents smart select and then screen right so camera single press take a picture when the camera's open and then if you you're viewing any videos music single press is play pause double press play next Etc you can see volume up volume down a lot of cool gestures there which come in quite handy you have the air command so you can either have the compact or you can have the standard so here I've actually got um the whe now will show you how you can get this as well later on in the video um but you can see you've got the various different apps here you can actually customize these as well shortcuts so you can see here you can actually pin any app you wish so I've got these there some of these are default but you can select any apps you want a you are so I've got the previews and pointer so if you're pointing at something it will zoom in and show you a quick preview of that thing when S Pen is removed do nothing you can set open an air command or create a notes if you wish then if we go into more Spen settings you can see keep Spen connected is on and then also warn so if you forgot to put your Spen back in it will actually warn you to say hey your SP Pen's out it sure you put it back in basically if you've got multiple Quest pins you can use multiple Quest pins if you wish and then you can you've got the S Pen unlock which I don't like um but if you wish you can use that not secure because if you have this uh if you're unlocking it with your pen then obviously anyone with the pen can unlock it then we've got the side button so in my case uh it opens up YouTube If I double press it you can obviously select whatever app you want and press and hold it for me brings up the power menu again you can use that to wake AI assistant you have multi- window so I've got swipe for split screen and swipe for Popup view on allows you to go in split screen modes so you can actually adjust the window as you want motions and Gestures so I've got actually all of these on these are quite handy so lift awake for example turn on the screen when you pick up your phone turn on the screen when you double tap it turn double tap an empty space on the home screen or lock screen to turn it off you can alert when the phone is picked up you can mute incoming calls and palm swipe uh this the edge of your hand across the screen take a screenshot there's some nice cool things you can do there so I've got all those on you have onehanded mode and you can decide how you switch that on my case it's just double tapping the home button now let's take a look at uh device care so this actually allows you to detect if there's any problems on your phone and automatically resolves the issues so there is normally a button about here if you haven't done the report um in a while or if there's something wrong you can click it and it'll actually then um perform those actions but as you can see it's going to monitor the battery storage memory if there's any malware on your phone for example my performance profile got minus the standard it provides the recommended balance between proficiency speed battery life and calling efficiency got Auto optimization as well which you can decide so if there's some things that you need to remediate so if it finds some issues and it wants to fix them then you can say actually instead of doing it straight away which if you if you want you can um it will restart your device when it needs to but I decide actually if it does need to restart in just restart it at these times and that's a predictable schedule you can you know that your device may turn off just set that at a time where you know you're not using it got software updates which you should always be checking regularly if there's a software update then just install those does give new features but also uh it's better for security if there's any um issues with with securing your device um this is going to make your device more secure basically and then also we've got Diagnostics so if you think that part of the phone's not working correctly you can actually go ahead and test it um so phone Diagnostics you can test all parts of your phone you can see I've already done NFC but you can test out various parts which are cool or you can just click on test all it will go through and test everything make sure it's all functioning as it needs to then we've got maintenance mode so if youve sent your device off to for airing um you can actually turn this on which essentially then um people can't access your personal information they'll only have access to default apps and so you can choose to do a cloud backup or an external backup to a USB storage if you wish we go to apps can actually set the default apps here so for example in Samsung uh the browser app is Samsung internet as the default but you can set all kinds of various apps as you can see on your screen software update spoke about making sure that you always installing the software updates now what you can do and what I would recommend is going into the Play Store frequently tapping on your little icon your picture logo and then if you go to manage apps and devices just make sure you click update all and that's going to update all of your apps that you have in one go rather than going through and updating one by one just saves you quite a bit of time there also got some camera options as well so when you got your camera open um what you want to do is make sure you got photo selected and 12 Meg pixel selected and this is going to allow you to essentially access all of the camera features uh so scan documents and text which is on by default scan QR [Music] codes you can see here intelligent optimization so I've got my set to maximum for the quality optimization you can set Yours to medium or minimum if you wish you've got the scene Optimizer which I've turned on which automatically optimize the color and contrast of pictures to make dark scenes look brighter food look tastier and Landscapes look more vied so no brain enough for that particular setting you can set water marks if you wish you have some Advanced picture options if you want uh save some space new device Auto FPS I've got mine used for 30 FPS and 60 FPS video stabilization on got some Advanced video options I've set mine to the most compatible however if you want to save some space you can go ahead and set the high efficiency got the tracking autofocus on you have the camera assistant here now you do have to go into the um Samsung Store and download this but this allows you to do things like Zoom shortcuts to two times 10 times 100 times zooms enables Auto HDR I have the Distortion correction on auto lens switching on and then the Adaptive pixel to reduce noise in low light shots going back we do actually have some hidden uh features here Al hidden settings so you can see here pro video I have if you click more then that's where the pro video would be so actually it was pro video was actually here so we need to do is just drag it down and then you can kind of adjust where you want this to show save and and if you go back over to uh pro video you can actually see it will light up 120 FPS for you an Ultra HD whereas before that was 60 and also if you go into 8K that gives you either 30 FPS or 24 FPS it unlocks a nice 120 FPS um Ultra HD that you can actually use it's pretty cool so what you can do is actually back in the home screen uh by default the apps here are are sorted by custom order which just means they sorted in the uh the date that they were installed on the device so you can actually click the dot dot dot here uh sorry not settings go to uh sort and then alphabetical order and that then A to Z you can then flick through the apps and you're able to locate stuff much faster do have the Samsung keyboard as well so if I go into the internet for example and I want to search for something here using the keyboard like so um you can see that you've got some icons here for the keyboard you can actually arrange these As You Wish thought i' mentioned that you can kind of put things or hide things away if you actually the hand brighten I use quite a lot you can actually put that there if you wish now you have noticed that um in the video you may have noticed that I have the all of these in like a circle and arranged in a circle and I did say that I will show you how that's done what I use for that is an app called um pantastic and you can get this in the um store so if you go into the Samsung store can actually download pantastic this is going to give you uh some pointers so for example you can see here I've got a crocro as my uh pointer and then you've got the air command that you can hear so you can see I've got Circ cool but you've got other ones if you wish as well but I just thought this one looks the nicest to be honest
Channel: Luke's Tech Tips & Tricks
Views: 11,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samsung s24 ultra tips and tricks, samsung s24 ultra best settings, samsung s24 ultra features, samsung s24 ultra settings to change, samsung s24 ultra display settings, samsung s24 ultra camera settings, samsung s24 ultra video settings, samsung s24 ultra sound settings, samsung s24 ultra security features, samsung s24 ultra hidden features, samsung s24 ultra first things to do, samsung galaxy s24 ultra ai features, screem resolution, pen features, tips and tricks
Id: 0JU_HR_2fQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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