Galaxy S24 - 10 Hard To Find Settings ( Tips & Tricks )

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okay so if you watch my Samsung Galaxy s24 first things to do or killer features video you might feel like you know it all already but when you see what I've got for you in this video you might be like son of why didn't somebody show me this sooner so usually the middle finger is reserved for special occasions but it can also be used in a less offensive manner that will save you time in the future so check this one out go into your settings scroll down to where you see security and privacy scroll down again to Biometrics and go to fingerprints now if you have already mapped four of your fingers you will need to delete one and register a new one specifically for your middle finger once you've registered your middle finger make sure you tap on that and just call it middle or whatever you want now here's the next very important step you want to find the Galaxy store the app looks like this you should see it in your app library and then here you want to search for goodlock make sure you install this and now that you have goodlock you want to go to the life up section at the bottom of the page and find routines plus once you've installed the routines Plus open it up and you will see some templates of some additional routines that are not pre-programmed into the device and the one we're going to be looking at here is this one fingerprint to website so we're not going to use this to open a website we're going to use this to open open an app instead which is way more useful so check this out we go to if and we choose middle which is the middle finger right now we're saying go to website but what we can do here is go to edit and hit the little minus next to go to website and instead we go to add what this routine will do and here we can set up our middle finger fingerprint to basically do anything on the device but one good use case for this which I think is very useful is to open the wallet so at the top in the search bar we go to open you'll see the option to open an app or do an action and then here we'll have a ton of options what we're looking for is the wallet done you can choose the icon for this I'm going to choose the shopping cart I'm going to make it red that is now saved and now this is set up perfectly and next time you unlock your phone with your middle finger it will open the Google Wallet straight away so check this out if you watched one of my other videos I showed you how to double push the power button to jump straight into your wallet that's pretty good but now we can do it with one touch and now that you've set up routines plus if you go to the modes and routines settings within your settings menu you can even map different actions to different fingerprints if you really want to so you could have camera for your left thumb Maybe YouTube for your first finger on your right hand but I do recommend keeping one digit for just opening your phone regularly anyway you know how to do it now play around with it and let me know how you get on with it now this feature is a fun one that your friends probably won't know about it's an upgraded way to use your always on display this works best with photos with not too much going on in the background here for example I have a picture of The Phantom Menace Oreo the dog soon to be renamed Darth Maul because maing stuff seems to be her god-given skill set anyway check this out if we pinch the home screen go to wallpaper and style change wallpapers select the wallpaper that you want to use for your lock screen and apply that wallpaper step two is to go into your settings go to lock screen and aod where it says always on display tap there and here you'll see a feature called Erase background and as you can see here in the little window when we erase the background it cuts out all of the background and just leaves the dog on the display she is a dark colored dog so she's getting completely lost in this picture let me show you a better example example there's a bit more brightness in this picture so it should work a little bit better so you'll notice here when I go to erase background it removes everything around the dog and just leave the background black which uses less power when it comes to always on display the next thing you want to look at here is when to show so typically this will be tapped to show if you put it on auto it will detect when your phone's in your pocket or it's nighttime and there's no light and it will switch it off entirely this method is very similar to what the iPhone uses it's a little bit more power hungry than just tap to show but it definitely looks better so you might want to use it or you could even schedule it if you're worried about battery life so that's how you upgrade you're always on display okay so here I have a photo taken from Twitter from a fellow UK Tech YouTuber the man himself the Man of Steel super saf and you can see in the middle of this photo we have a mini MKBHD and of course I Justine who I did bump into once I told her what time it was uh it's 10:30 three okay I didn't actually I literally just ran away anyway check this out if you hit the pen tap on the new Galaxy AI button now we can fix the problem with this picture or at least make it more realistic because mkb HD is pretty damn tall at least that's what I heard so if you hold your finger down on the subject within the photo that you want to adjust you then get the four dots around the outside and we can actually move MKBHD around or we can resize him to probably closer to his original height and you can see there's some gaps behind him now and that's where the AI comes into play it can fill in those gaps and blend it in with the rest of the image and there we go we have a slightly improved and more accurate picture yes the AI is not perfect to doing this just yet but it works so if you ever have an image where the person in the photo isn't quite where they're supposed to be you can use this little tool to move them around within the image or resize them okay so this next one you've probably already seen before but I'm going to show you another way you can use it to create some fantastic custom wallpapers so first of all let me show you the basic trick so if you hold your finger down on a part of the image you can turn that into a sticker you can also share it straight away if you want to if you do save it as a sticker it will live in your sticker Gallery which is part of the Samsung keyboard and you can add these effects to the sticker as well but you probably already knew that and just in case you're looking for these stickers and you're not quite sure where to find them all you need to do is go into your emojis section here on the keyboard you should see the icon here that looks like your gallery but it's kind of peeled up like a sticker that's your own personal sticker album and you can use these pretty much anywhere on the internet but that's not the trick that I wanted to show you it's this one check this out so these are two very popular wallpapers that I get a lot of requests for here on the channel and I thought well let me show you guys how you can actually create something new or your own wallpaper by using stickers so here on the Wolverine wallpaper I'm going to going to hold my finger down on the Wolverine there move it around a little bit so it shrinks like this I'm going to navigate to the Deadpool going to drop it in here now we can resize The Wolverine so there we go we've created one layer here on this wolpaper and you get the idea you can use multiple layers and add multiple stickers to a background to create your own custom wallpaper this looks pretty good as it is but I could add even more to this let's drop Peter Parker in there as well well so you get how this works now you can create a bunch of different stickers layer them on top of each other to create something truly unique for your phone and if the stickers don't quite blend you do have the tools down here at the bottom to adjust the colors and the brightness and things like that so it all kind of works better together and let me know in the comments if you want any of my wallpapers I got a secret link to that which I'm happy to share with you okay number four is a camera trick but before I show you that trick I want to show you this this aramid fiber case for the Galaxy s24 was sent to me by Thorn it's super thin and it's got a MAG safe magnet in there as well so you can use magnetic devices on the back of the phone with this case attached it's super tough it's super durable and not only do you get the case when you buy one you also get two screen protectors and cleaning accessories as well as a handwritten note from the owner Carl himself and this is where the camera trick comes in so if you ever get a handwritten letter like this and you want to convert it into text for digital formats your Samsung Galaxy phone can do that all you need to do is hover over the document and you'll see the little T in the bottom right corner you tap that that will scan that document and then you'll be able to convert that handwritten letter into a Galaxy Note or just copy all of the text and paste it pretty much anywhere I'm going to add it to a note in a blink of an eye you got your handwritten letter in digital text of course the success rate with this depends on how good the handwriting is lucky for us Carl's handwriting is pretty tidy and it's almost perfect over here but you might need to cross reference it don't trust it 100% if you're planning to use it to steal someone else's homework okay here's a very useful tip when it comes to organizing photos within your photo gallery so if you open the gallery at the bottom here you want to go to albums and then here you go to Plus at the top and here you'll notice a few options you got the standard album so you can just manually create that and drop photos into it whenever you want but it's this one the auto updating album that you should definitely be using minimum effort maximum results that's the best way to do things in my opinion so if you go to auto updating call it whatever you want I'm just going to call it my name so here you should see once you've been using your phone for a while a bunch of different faces and you can create albums specifically for those people so if I tick my face there there we go it's added 48 photos and every time I take a new photo with myself in it it will add that photo into this album it'll also be available in the gallery as normal but this is a great way that you can filter photos based off of who's in the photo so have you ever been filling out a form on a website or on an app that's taking forever and you get to a point where you need a one-time pass code or a reference number from another document or an email or another app so you leave the form that you've been filling out and when you come back all the information that you already completed has gone I feel your pain and yes there's very few things that are more annoying than that when it comes to ordering stuff or booking stuff on a smartphone so here's a way for you to avoid that happening in the future let's say for example this is the app that we're filling out the form on and then suddenly we need to go to another app or go to the text messaging app to grab a code if you really want to make sure that this doesn't refresh and clear everything in the background all you need to do is this swipe up your backgrounding tap on the app icon and and here at the bottom of this list you'll see keep open so make sure you tap that and you'll notice at the bottom of this app now you've got a little padlock here indicating that it is locked open so no matter where you go on your phone from here this will be permanently running in the background and not refreshing which is the most important thing when it comes to forms and this could also be a useful trick when it comes to games and things like that that might reset whilst you're off doing other things okay so while we're talking about Annoying situation is where something happens that interrupts what you're doing on your phone there's nothing worse than when a phone call comes in and completely hijacks your entire screen and there's a few ways you can avoid this I'm going to show you my preferred method so if you go into the phone app go to the three dots in the top right corner go to settings on this page you want to go to the section that says call display while using apps and you can see right now this is set to small popup now if you really want to minimize the distractions you can set it to Mini popup and while we're here something else is very useful to enable is this keep calls in popup window because let's say you pick up your phone and then you immediately navigate back to the app that you were using before the phone call came in in order to hang up you probably have to swipe down your notifications go back to the phone app to hang up if you enable keep calls in popup you'd have quick access to put down the phone as soon as the Call's done so play around with these the mini popup is perfect the small popup is pretty good the full screen not recommended okay so there's a cool feature on the pixel and the iPhone where you can tap the back of the devices to start an action on the phone now when you look through the settings on the Samsung phone you might think that it can't do this but actually if you think that you're wrong because there is a way to enable this and it does involve going back to the Galaxy store making sure that you've got the good lock app navigating to the life up section and making sure that you have this one registar and straight away as soon as you open registar you'll see back back tap action this is something you want to enable I have used this in the past and I recommend you stay away from the double tap and only use the triple tap because the double tap is just far too sensitive in my opinion now you can go into the triple tap and here you can choose what you want this to do right now I've got this set up as the Google Assistant but you can map it to any app of your choosing so at one point I did have this set up as the wallet but now I've got a few different ways to open the wallet I don't really need that that's why I've set it up as the assistant so check this out a triple tap opens the assistant okay so have you ever been in a situation where you've been playing music to a Bluetooth speaker from your phone and then suddenly you've been distracted by a notification and you've navigated away from whatever it was it was playing and now there's a Tik Tok video playing through the speaker instead of the music well you can actually stop that from happening and allow the music to continue playing and have the audio from whatever you want to look at still come through your phone separately it's very easy to set up so you go into your settings you go to sound and vibration scroll down to where you see separate app sound now here this will be switched off by default a lot of people probably never even use this because they don't know it's here switch this on now you can choose your music streaming app of choice if it's not here just go to add apps and add it manually and at the bottom here where it says audio device you want to tap that and set this to Bluetooth and as you can see right now I'm already connected to the clip 4 speaker which is this tiny little speaker from JBL pretty handy little speaker this one sometimes with this feature you do need to switch it off and on again occasionally if it's not working properly so just keep that in mind so I'm going to play a track here to the clip speaker not going to play it too loud otherwise I'll get copyright strike so that's playing there now if I navigate away from YouTube music and open YouTube let's say and start playing a video you'll notice and drag it anywhere on the home screen for now and you can delete it at the end of the this video both devices are playing audio separately so that way you can keep the music playing and carry on doing whatever it is you're doing on your phone without interrupting the music okay so on a rare occasion you might need to share your mobile data with somebody else and this little bonus tip will help you help somebody else in those situations so if you go to your settings go to connections mobile hotspot and tethering enable the hotspot now when you're on this page two things you want to keep in mind first of all I recommend you turn on onetime password this means you don't have to give away your actual password to that person and once they've used it once it then expires and refreshes to a new password so make sure you use onetime password as and when you need to and the second thing I recommend you do instead of actually giving them the password is to generate a QR code this means they can just use their own phone to scan this and log onto your hotspot without you having to read out the password password in front of other people now if somebody asks for your password you can tell them how about new it's just a better way to do it in my opinion now staying on the same page here's the actual thing I wanted to show you so let's say one day you're internet goes down whilst you're playing an online game and you need to get back online as quickly as possible so you can get back to kicking some ass or in my case getting your ass kicked good at getting his ass kicked you should call himself ass kick instead either way this mobile tethering trick could be very very useful for you but it could also be useful for work purposes as well so on this page scroll down to where you see your network name tap on that now here you'll see this slider for the band so 2.4 GHz is pretty fast it's okay it's the most compatible frequency to use however if you've got an Xbox or a PlayStation or a PC you'll get much better speeds from your phone to that Hardware if you turn this up so you got got 2.4 and 5 GHz just 5 GHz and then you've got the 6 GHz which is the fastest of them all so if the Hotpot is specifically for gaming with this is what you want to use now check this out if you expand the advanced section here you do have some more options so if you enable Wi-Fi 6 standard that's basically the 6 GHz which I just showed you if you want to get maximum performance you could turn off the power saving mode here as well that would just give you a bit more of a boost just make sure your phone stays plugged in if you're going to use that so there we go that's how you maximize your hotspot speeds so you might not noce but Samsung and Google have now teamed up to merge Samsung's Quick Share feature with Google's nearby share feature it's basically Google's version of Apple's airdrop and thanks to this collaboration sharing stuff between Android phones is now even easier and one of the great features that you have here with Quick Share is the ability to set a time limit on the access so let me show you how this can work now so let's go to the wallpaper that I just created I hit the share button at the bottom and we have the Quick Share right here bottom left corner now is scanning for nearby share and also Quick Share users so we just need to make sure nearby share is on select visibility to everyone here and straight away my Sony phone pops up here tap that and it's using Quick Share and nearby share here on the Sony phone and there we go the file has transferred across now here's where we can take it one step further see the three dots in the top right corner here on the Samsung if we go to that turn on private sharing let's say you want to send a document to your friend or someone but you don't want them to have permanent access to it so what you can do here set the expiry time on that file so you can send it to them after that time they will not be able to access it anymore so here's a question for you is there a particular day of the week when you need to remember to do something for example since I moved moved out of the city and into the sticks they seem to only collect the recycling bins every 2 weeks which means if I forget to put it out I'm stuck with a month's worth of recycling by the time they next pick it up which is an absolute nightmare so this is something that's been very useful for me maybe you can think of a way that it could be useful for you too this one only works with the Samsung clock app which is this one here the purple one so what you can do here is set an alarm let's say for every Thursday and within that alarm in the settings if you scroll down you'll see you can set a background for that alarm tap background at the top you want to tap background here and here you can choose an image of whatever it is that you need to be reminded about on that particular day and there we go that morning when that alarm goes off and I see a big green weedy bin I know what day it is and what I've got to do now if you're lucky enough to have the Samsung Galaxy Ultra phone then you might have seen the tips and tricks I did for the S Pen where you can actually create create a design on the lock screen using the pen and when you do this it stays there for a while but after a while it does disappear and all you'll see is this little pin icon here now I found a way to bring back the artwork all you need to do is double tap that pin and there we go you got your custom handrawn artwork back on screen not my best work but that's just a little tip from another video that I made on the Samsung Galaxy and if you guys found this one valuable and you didn't see my killer features or first things to do or Spen tips they're all on screen right now and normally I'd ask you to subscribe at this point but nobody ever listens to me so Picard tell him make it so I'll see you in the next one don't be late
Channel: WhatGear
Views: 89,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s24 hidden features, galaxy s24 ultra hidden features, galaxy s24 tips, galaxy s24 tricks, s24 ultra features, samsung galaxy s24 plus tips, samsung galaxy s24 ultra tips and tricks, galaxy s24 tips and tricks, one ui 6.1, whatgear samsung, whatgear Galaxy, hidden features, galaxy s24+, tips and tricks, samsung galaxy s24 ultra hidden features, samsung s24 hidden features, samsung galaxy s24 ultra hidden features in hindi, samsung s24 hide app
Id: mIt8qvkHBSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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