S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max - Real-World Battery Test!

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Welcome to our real world battery drain test between the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the s24 ultra and this video is going to be a bit different we're going to travel to Liverpool for a 1-day trip and I'm going to do the exact same things on both phones at the same time to see which one is going to last me the longest we're starting our journey at 9:45 a.m. with 100% battery life on both they're also on the exact same SAR Network e in this case and I even have the exact same data plan on both right so let's get an Uber and go to the train station now to avoid calling to Ubers I've called it on my iPhone first after which the Samsung immediately displayed the same thing with location services being in use on both so I got into my Uber and we were heading to Manchester padilly station where our train to Liverpool would leave from okay so we're just in Uber now on the way to the train station and here's something quite interesting so the iPhone's battery is still 100% but the Samsung has dropped to 96% and this at this point I wasn't really doing much on my phones I was just enjoying the ride and keeping an eye on how long we had left through the Uber app the Uber trip took less than 20 minutes so at just about 20 minutes past 10 we arrived at Manchester pigly train station and just after this 20-minute ride the batteries had dropped to 99% on the iPhone and 94% on the Samsung right so we just got to the train station now and the train to Liverpool is leaving in about 20 minutes 10:37 platform 14 so we made our way to the platform only to find out that our train from 10:37 was delayed the train to Liverpool live street has been delayed we didn't really know how long the delay would be for so in the meantime I looked over some of our upcoming social media posts for wallpapers which wasn't easy as I was scrolling and trying to do the exact same gestures and slack on both however after a roughly 20-minute delay our train was finally pulling into the station the train is now moving and um take a look at this so the iPhone now dropped to 96% and the s24 ultra is now at 92% okay so the whole trip is about 45 to 50 minutes so I'm going to watch an episode of Alexander the making of a god which is a new TV show that just came out on Netflix um and I already got this downloaded on both so that you know connection is not an issue uh right so let's give it a go oh and obviously I want to watch this with audio as well so I actually brought pair of airpods pro and then also the Galaxy buds Pro I'm going to put one in each ear uh so that everything is as Fair as possible and I got to admit syncing both phones up so that I didn't have any double audio from the earbuds definitely took more attempts than I was imagining but I did manage to get there in the end so I started watching the show and I noticed how different it looked on each phone I've said both to the exact same brightness which was set to manual although throughout the movie they each decided to brighten up some specific areas resulting in one of the displays occasionally looking brighter than the other therefore while I was watching this I would often find myself adjusting the brightness to make sure that they were each as close as possible the series did seem quite interesting I might even consider continuing this at home Samsung's lower display reflectivity was really nice to have on the train and yes I did have a screen protector on my iPhone which did make it slightly worse but where the iPhone shined was in terms of detail even though I had downloaded the Netflix show in high quality on both the iPhone's download was Far higher res than Samsung's but the colors also being deeper so I definitely preferred watching this show on the iPhone fast forward 50 minutes later and our train was pulling into Liverpool Lim Street Station our final stop and before we disar the train I want to show you our most delicious pack yet for wallpapers which is fruit Frenzy by Glenn we've got 10 amazing fruit flavors for you like blueberry Apple lime orange and so many others and they look absolutely stunning in 8k both on your smartphone as well as on your desktop and you can get them in our app wallpapers the links are in the description okay so we just arrived in Liverpool and after almost an hour of video playback um the iPhone is at 89% while the Samsung is at 86 so they are closer than ever okay so we're just going to go on a quick tour to explore Liverpool and visit some important landmarks and I was going to ask galaxy AI on the Samsung but of course we don't actually have Galaxy AI on the iPhone so to keep things Fair we actually brought a second Galaxy s24 Ultra and we're just going to use this for Galaxy AI um and then of course everything else that I do I'm going to do on both the Samsung this one and the iPhone at the same time right so let's say you want to plan a day trip to Liverpool in our case um the way you have to do it with Galaxy AI is you have to use Samsung's browser then in Google you have to search for something like Liverpool day trip and then if you press this button right here it's going to give you a summary of all the headlines and this is what we got so we got a few attractions and everything that um Galaxy AI is suggesting me to do in Liverpool okay so galaxyi summary is saying that we should start our day by going to the iconic Royal Albert docks and on our way we were trusting a mobile llm that summarized a bunch of Google search headlines to hopefully give us an exciting day trip in Liverpool right so we know where we want to be royal arbert docks um but we don't really know how together so I'm just going to use Google Maps on both uh which should give us a pretty good idea and just take a look at how much brighter the iPhone is they're both maxed out so the Samsung is also maxed out on manual brightness and extra brightness on um but yeah the iPhone is quite a bit brighter in fact the iPhone was so bright that it was blowing out on our camera now once I started the navigation the Samsung was automatically giving me my orientation whenever I was rotating the phone which for some reason the iPhone simply wasn't however Samsung's Compass was very inaccurate as that wasn't the way that I was facing so because of this we decided to follow the route that the iPhone suggested at this point right at the start of our journey the iPhone was at 86% while the Samsung was at 83 during our walk which was a fairly Pleasant 20 minute or so journey I also took a couple of photos along the way to capture the spirits of Liverpool and I got to say in quite a few of these early shots I did prefer Samsung's results in this first example Samsung was quite a bit sharper and also had a more natural look whereas the iPhone's photo looked really washed out or in this 5x Zoom photo of this church which ended up looking noticeably more detailed on the Samsung I also took a 25x shot of these construction workers to see which one will end up being higher RIS and surprisingly the iPhone was more zoomed in although yes the Samsung did end up being more detailed with less noise and just as we were approaching the Royal Albert dock our destination we stumbled across this statue a perfect subject for a portrait shots and here's the result better looking colors on the Samsung alongside a Sharper Image however the iPhone separated the background from the subject better okay so after roughly a 25-minute journey we just arrived at the Royal Albert do Liverpool and just take a look at that view that looks awesome uh it is pretty windy so you'll have to excuse my uh hair now in ter of the battery life the iPhone is at 79% and the Samsung is at 78% so they're really really close so yeah we'll take a few photos and um let's see what this will do to their battery lights this scenery was honestly breathtaking so I definitely wanted to take my time and take a couple of extra photos here I took this one at 5x and once again the iPhone looked a bit lowr here as if it wasn't using its 5x module although I did check and it was the ferris wheel also at 5x was a bit better but Samsung 5X module is still Superior as everything is less noisy less processed and higher res too oh and this is where Samsung secondary 3x module came in handy so I took this photo of this boat which was too close for 5x but also too far away for 2x so so I had to use the 3x zoom and just look at how much sharper Samsung's photo is whereas apple is simply using its 3x digital Zoom here and lastly we stumble across this Diner bus for which I use the ultra modules I do much prefer iPhone's brightness and colors here although if you zoom into the wheel for example you'll see that Samsung shot is sharper here too okay so I've taken quite a few photos on both this place is honestly awesome we are pretty starving so we're just going to grab something to eat just now there's a Rudies right behind us uh so I think we're probably going to go there and just a quick update on the batteries the iPhone is at 74% and the Samsung is at 73 so once again they're only 1% apart all right so we're just about to order I'm going to get the poto Bell uh pizza and uh also Rudy's homemade lemonade okay so while we're waiting for our pizza uh I'm just taking a look at uh the Galaxy AI summary of what we should visit in Liverpool on the other s24 Ultra uh and from what it's telling me I think we should go to the Beatles Museum next okay so I was literally looking on Google Maps to see where the beetle story museum is and it turns out that it's literally right here it's literally outside like we don't even have to walk so uh yeah we'll have our pizzas and then uh we'll go and check out the museum right so we just got our pizzas and take a look at this so this is mine this is the uh PTO pizza and this is Owens this is the CH that potatoes and yeah I mean they both look uh they both look pretty good but do let us know uh which footage looks uh looks better the pizza was absolutely delicious both myself and Owen have really enjoyed him so if you're ever in Liverpool I do highly recommend checking out Rudies at the Royal Albert dock now because the beetle story Museum was just outside we only had to exit Rudies to arrive at our next destination all right so we're just inside the Beetles story Museum right now and um I'm going to take take some shots some videos and we'll see how the battery lives compare after right now the Samsung is at 68% and the iPhone is at 69% so once again only a 1% difference and this is where things started getting very interesting because up until this point both phones were basically neck and neck when it came to the battery life with only a single per separating them and it was already 2 20 p.m. with plenty of juice left on both so I wanted to take this opportunity and literally be a chist so I fully explored the beetle story Museum and I took a ton of photos and videos of anything that caught my eye which was basically everything and I ended up with a pretty large collection of 100 plus photos and videos I don't have the time to show you all of them so here are some of my main takeaways unlike Outdoors indoors and especially Lower Lights the iPhone had significantly better colors like in this photo right here the Samsung is really washed out same goes for this photo of the types of food that they used to serve at the cavern Club where the Beetles originally started look at the warmth and the vibrancy that you get from the iPhone's photo here or in this one where the light perfectly merges into the color of the window on the iPhone's photo as opposed to being this bright bul on the Samsung outside of the colors I was also surprised by how big the difference was in terms of video especially when we were inside the Yellow Submarine I was switching between lenses in this one and literally all across the board the iPhone's footage was bright less noisy and with more accurate colors too you can especially see this when I zoomed into the death gauge here the Selfies however were much better on the Samsung with a much clearer image more contrast in my face and less noise too and some photos were noticeably more in focus on the Samsung and ended up being quite blurry on the iPhone all in all the beetle story Museum was an iconic experience it was much longer than what I was initially expecting we were therefore more than an hour exploring and taking photos and to some extent it was also an emotional trip seeing things such as Jean Lennon sunglasses or deplo report from when he was shot dead not even to mention all the life memories scattered around the museum at various places I will for sure be returning to this Museum to take my time and properly experience everything that it's got to offer right so we just finished the uh Beatles Story Museum and it was it was really really good it was far better than I expected it was actually way longer than I expected I thought it was going to be like a 15-minute tour but it ended up being like what 1 hour something tour it was really good uh I do want to come back again and uh just do a proper tour uh but if you're ever in Liverpool I would highly recommend you guys check this one out now when it comes to the battery levels the iPhone is at 43% and the Samsung is at 46% so the iPhone has actually dropped more than the Samsung this time and we now have a bigger 3% difference between the two and while I was taking all of these photos I've noticed that the iPhone actually got got quite hot especially when recording videos uh which the Samsung did not so this could explain why the iPhone dropped its battery quite a bit faster than the Samsung here I'm assuming it was just processing a bit more data than the Samsung we then spent a couple more minutes around the Royal Albert dog and took a couple of stunning photos of the sun shining through the clouds right so we've got roughly 1 hour left uh until we need to take the train back to Manchester and according to this other s24 Ultra and Galaxy gu uh we have one more place to go which is Liverpool cathal so let's um let's head to it right so the Uber is on its way uh it's about 1 minute away from us and once again take a look at how much brighter the display on the iPhone is compared to the s24 ultra even though they're both said to their maximum brightness the journey to Liverpool cathedral was surprisingly a very short 10-minute one during which I kept Uber open to track it and also the battery levels all right so we've just arrived at the Liverpool Cathedral just a quick update on the battery life after the Uber trip so the iPhone is at 38% while the Samsung is at 41% so the Samsung is in the lead uh as you probably know the whole um Museum tour just killed the iPhone's battery much faster than Samsung's honestly guys I'm I'm surprised by how massive this thing is it kind of reminds me of the sear familia in Barcelona but this thing is in Liverpool I don't know you wouldn't expect to find such a gigantic cathedral in Liverpool um but there you go this is one of the biggest Cathedrals I've ever seen the time was now close to 400 p.m. and the cathedral was literally closing in a few minutes but before going in I just wanted to take some more shots from the outside and just admire the sheer size of the liverp cathedral these videos definitely don't do it justice so let me take you inside so that you get a better feel we only had a few minutes here so I tried my best to ADM admire what I later found out to be the largest cathedral in Britain okay so this place is about to close Live cathedral but this place is massive like this is one of the biggest Cathedrals it's even more impressive inside I don't know if you guys can see this but it's it's huge it probably doesn't look as impressive on camera uh but in person it's just gigantic I did take a couple of shots while I was there and the s was definitely more suited for these types of photos thanks to its wider field of VI on the main module and better processing of the stained glass windows I did also take a couple of videos although because of the size of the cathedral I had to take them using the ultra module and none of them were particularly great here both were very noisy although the iPhone did have a considerably wider field of view in this case and just like the beetle story Museum Liverpool Cathedral is another one of those places that I'm definitely going to return to and EXP explore in much more detail right so the Liverpool Cathedral is now closed and honestly it was really really impressive right and just a quick update on the battery so the iPhone wo so windy here but the iPhone is at 33% while the Samsung is at 36 now we're going to head back to the train station uh if you see that Tower over there uh that's essentially where we have to go the Journey Back to the train station was another 15 to 20 minute walk and since we already knew which way we were heading I didn't have to bring up Google Maps again I did take some final photos along the way but other than that this was mostly a chilled phonefree walk right so we just got back to Liverpool Lim Street Station which is where we have our train back to Manchester and even though I haven't really used the phones they were both sitting in my pocket the iPhone actually dropped quite a few percentages so it's now at 29% whereas the Samsung is now at 35% the time was now 4:30 p.m. and our train was about to leave in just about 20 minutes so we made our way to the platform platform and waited for a train okay so we're just on the way back to Manchester right now and uh we have roughly 50 minutes is left so just going to play some games on both do something that's a bit different than the movie that we watched before and in terms of the battery levels the iPhone is at 28% while the Samsung is at 32% yeah I'm a bit surprised by how low the each are but at the same time we did film quite a lot at the Beatles Story Museum so that would explain it right so these are the games that I have on both um I was thinking of trying crossy road because that's probably the only game that I can play on both phones at the same time so I started playing crossy Road I played a game on each phone individually until it died while the other phone was running the game and then I switched them around and this is what I ended up doing for the next 50 minutes take a look at this guy's 152 high score leave a comment if you ever managed to get further than this right so we just got back to Manchester just now um and after maybe about 50 minutes of gaming and uh reaching a 152 high score in crossy Road the battery percentages have dropped quite significantly so the iPhone is now at 11% whereas the Samsung is now at 20% yes the phones were both very close to dying even more so in the case of the iPhone with the Samsung having almost double the battery life but we weren't done yet we still had to get back to the office so we exited the train station and got ourselves an Uber the Uber trip was another 20-minute journey and what I've noticed during it was that the Samsung started dropping percentages pretty quickly to the point where the 9% difference became smaller and smaller right so we just got back and um taking a look at the final battery readings the iPhone is now at 8% so it's almost dead while the Samsung is at 133% so there you go a 5% difference but you know what since we're you know almost close to killing them I might as well just go home put a podcast on and see how long they take until they finally die so I ended up leaving Casey nad's episode on the Diary of zo2 play until they each died which in the case of the iPhone that was at 7:23 p.m. after 9 hours and 38 minutes while the Samsung died at 8:13 p.m. lesting a total of 10 hours and 28 minutes 50 minutes longer than the iPhone and I am generally impressed like I was pretty sure that the iPhone would last longer by a few minutes as we did have that 1 to 2% difference initially but for us to get a 50 minute difference at the end in favor of the s24 ultra is definitely not something that I was expecting now I should mention that even though my iPhone does have a 100% battery health just like my Samsung I have been using it since September so the real battery health has definitely dropped even if that drop is less than 1% a brand new iPhone might give you slightly better results although I wouldn't expect more than a few extra minutes definitely not the 50-minute difference that we saw here do leave us a like if you have enjoyed this video that always helps and if You' like to see more in-depth tests and comparisons then do consider subscribing as well hope you guys have enjoyed this one I'm Daniel this is me Z Tech and I'll see you guys in the next one Z Tech signing out [Music] cheers
Channel: ZONEofTECH
Views: 217,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, s24 ultra vs 15 pro max, iphone 15 pro max vs s24 ultra, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max battery, samsung galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max battery, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max battery train, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra, samsung s24 ultra battery, iphone 15 pro max battery, iphone 15 pro max, iPhone 15 Pro Max, S24 Ultra, Samsung S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24 Ultra, s24 ultra battery, battery test, battery drain, zoneoftech, zone of tech
Id: rnaORMz_Gog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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