Galaxy S24 Ultra - Change These Settings Immediately

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel my name is Jimmy and today we're going to take a look at the settings to change immediately the moment you get yourself the Samsung Galaxy s24 series now because this one is running with Samsung 1ui 6.1 and has a lot of Galaxy AI things and it's huge in terms of the display the battery and the cameras there'll be quite a few things that I'll show off in today's video that I haven't shown off in past videos so let's first take a look inside of the display settings once you tap on settings you're going to scroll down tap on display and this is where you can choose between light mode and dark mode now I would suggest dark mode just because it does save you battery life anywhere on a AMOLED display where it's black it is not being illuminated at all at any of those LEDs when you choose the light mode there's going to be a lot of Illumination happening again consuming more battery life so I do suggest moving it over into dark mode plus I just think it's easier to use on your eyes now as you scroll on down there is one thing that you see that is new which is the Adaptive color tone so what this will do is it will actually adjust the colors and white balance based on ambient lighting conditions to make the colors appear more natural in different environments so this may actually change the color tone if you were to walk outside versus if you're in the living room or a darker lit bedroom so if you're seeing that some of the color tone is changing or it looks a little off this one might actually be turned on so this is up to you if you like to turn it on or off for me I like to see my phone just the way it is all the time no matter which area or room or condition I'm in so I'm going to keep this adaptive color tone turned off and then scrolling down you're going to see this option here for screen resolution now out of the box for the Galaxy s24 plus and the s24 ultra it will be the full HD plus I just suggest it moving over to the highest quality resolution which is the Quad HD Plus option now if you have the regular Galaxy s24 you will not have this feature right here so you might as well just leave it as the full HD Plus which is the highestate resolution that you have on the regular s24 so again if you have the Plus or the ultra switch it to the Quad HD Plus now this one right here is the screen timeout originally out of the box it's 30 seconds I move it to 2 minutes just because if at any point in time I just walk away for just a second you know mixing around the mashed potatoes or mixing around the pasta or something you walk away you come right back then this way you're still able to use the device plus also for me shooting YouTube If 30 seconds was there it would be timing out all the time so you can switch your screen time to 2 minutes but if you start moving to the 5 and the 10 minutes then you'll actually start using some of that battery consumption that I was trying to save you from before now next up will be the navigation bar options and this one's a little bit more important than before and that's because we have one of the Galaxy AI features which is circle to search now it is okay if you're still using those navigation buttons If that's how you'd like to navigate around your phone all you have to do in order to use the circle to search is you press and hold on that home button you're able to Circle anything on the screen to get more details about it it so it doesn't matter which application you're in you're able to search and if you are curious about what happened to that assistant app basically now you just swipe up from the bottom you can swipe up from the left or from the right you're basically making oneir of a triangle so basically just draw a third of a triangle and that's pretty much how you're able to open up your Google Assistant now here's the thing if you're using swipe gestures it's the exact same thing press and hold where the home button would be here's your circle to search and you're still good to go just like everybody else and the same thing with the Google Assistant swipe up from the very bottom left or the bottom right now next up will be everything Galaxy AI so there is actually a full entire settings page that you're able to take a look at to see where Galaxy AI is built in and some of these you do need to turn on in order to use these features so all I have to do is head inside of the settings tap on Advanced features and then inside of here you go to advanced intelligence and this is where you have it all built in which is your phone the Samsung keyboard interpreter Sam Samsung Notes voice recorder Samsung internet and photo editor so you can actually go through all of these individually just to see what all of these are capable of doing but some of the ones that I suggest to turn on will be the one for Samsung keyboard so with this one you're able to have a writing assistant with you any application that you're using as long as you use the Samsung keyboard and with this one you can actually make sure that you turn on style and grammar so again some of these you do need to turn on to actually use these features and so now you can actually change the tone of what you have written it's a really fun way to change the style and the grammar of anything you're doing if it's text messaging if it's something with a social media application or a professional email now after that you might want to take a look and scroll down to Samsung internet just because this summarized tool is amazing it moved me from using Google Chrome back into Samsung internet and again you want to turn this one on because if you Google search something to do in a town or you just search for anything or you're just on any any website there is an option to just tap on summarize and it's able to look at the entire web page even the stuff that has to scroll down to the bottom of the page or some of the stuff that's left or right it will summarize every single thing there for you and again something that's really nice and helpful to turn on and then the last one will definitely be the photo editor because if you saw a lot of reviews and videos and tutorials about this device you're able to completely edit a photo you can move someone around make them bigger make them smaller fill in gaps do whatever you want to with backgrounds that's actually being done with this one right here which is called generative edit instead of your photo editor so make sure you turn this one on because out of the box this one was actually turned off now let's take a look inside of the camera settings so with camera what I did was I made sure that I left it on 12 megapixel because this is where you have all of your features this is where you have all of your zooms if you start switching over into 50 megapixel or 200 megapixel you're going to start losing features so what I would suggest is use your 12 megapixel so you have everything there the moment you know for a fact you want to take a really great dramatic amazing detailed shot then move it over into 50 and 200 megapixel but at the very beginning just leave it at 12 now next up you might want to take a look inside of video so for video you might want to have a little bit better quality of a recording you have the Galaxy s24 or the s24 Plus or the s24 ultra which has really great cameras so originally out of the box you are full HD at 30 frames per second you might as well at least move it to the Ultra HD 60 frames per second again with video you're going to have all of your features and zooms if you move up to the 8K there will be some things that you lose but if you want to shoot something at 8K do it at that moment in time so then you can get it at that moment with those details but I would suggest as a normal stock video settings go to Ultra HD 60 frames per second now the other thing that I want to show you is maybe you want to even go higher than that now this is where you tap on more so from here this is where you can actually move some of these down into your main settings or your main modes rather than always moving to the right hand side of all of them sitting in one spot so if you want to bring any of these on down such as pro video then you can just basically press and hold swipe it down and then you tap on Save because inside of pro video one of the things you might want take a look at is right here you can see I'm Ultra HD 120 frames per second originally out of the box if you remember full HD 30 we moved it to ultra hd60 because we didn't have the option of 120 so this is where if you would like to you can go inside of your pro video and then you can have Ultra HD 120 now if you do 8K you're going to have 24 frames per second and 30 so again from what I would suggest Ultra HD 120 is super super smooth really cool high frame rate that you're able to do and this is all found right here inside of pro video so that's two things bring down the modes that you would like to use and then inside of pro video switch it to Ultra HD 120 frames per second now for this next step move it over into photo and the reason being is because now we're going to go into these settings right here on the top left and when you go to photo you're going to have every single thing illuminated nothing is grayed out as example let's say that you move over into video you hit on settings it's going to take you to the video stuff some of the other camera things will be grayed out if you go to another one such as pro video or you go to dual record you hit settings some of the other stuff is also again going to be gray out so make sure you go inside a photo inside a photo this is where now you can change anything and everything because now everything is at default for you to make changes so with this one you can take a look at intelligent optimization when it comes down to the Quality optimization of your photos just keep it at maximum you have the best camera on the market you might as well have the maximum results when it comes down to the Quality you don't need to speed up any captures or take pictures as fast as possible just leave it inside of medium and then as you scroll on down you see Advanced picture options now for me I am not using the heif the only reason is because when you use this high efficiency picture stuff the photos that are done in high efficiency pictures some applications and some websit does not support these photos I want to have full capability of all of the photos that I take and because these have a incredible amount of internal storage on them you might as well again also not limit yourself with what you want to do with those photos so the high efficiency pictures is turned off also make sure this is off right here too because when you take a selfie the way that you preview it everything is backwards so you don't want to save it as it's being previewed so make sure you have this one turned off as well now now same thing with the photos you can do it with your videos for the advanced video options out of the box you actually have the hevc turned on you can prioritize video quality or prioritize the saving space but here's the thing I use the h264 because this is the most compatible video files again I want to do anything and everything I want with everything I record and if you use one of these high efficiency things it looks great and works great on your device but not with every application or website so out of the box this one does actually use hvc so I switched mine to the h264 and then lastly on this page as you scroll down you're going to find the option here for camera assistant if you don't see camera assistant this is actually something that you can download from goodlock but it should actually show up automatically on your device this is where you can add in additional Zoom shortcuts if you remembered with my zooms I had 6 6 1 3 5 and 10 I can actually now add in the 2X and the 100x so if I add in both of these let's say that we move right back over into the camera you can see everything gets added in if you want to have you know more of the zoom options but again that's up to you depends on how much you want to see on your screen you know maybe you do like the 2x so I will actually keep the 2x but not the 100 so that is one of the settings you can change you also have Auto lens switching some people like this some people dislike like this that means that you're trying to take a photo of something really close you might be getting close to an object over here and it might actually switch the lens as you're trying to take a picture and it's actually trying to go to a better lens than what you're you than you're what you're using to get a better angle or better focus so this one you can either turn on or off it's something that's more of your personal preference on if you're trying to take pictures and it's switching when you don't want it to then you want to turn it off if you appreciate the auto lens switching then you just want to make sure you keep this one on and and the rest you don't even really need to touch I pretty much kept everything on that was on um you know prioritize Focus over Speed video recording in photo mode you press and hold on the shutter button uh you also have some of these options down here as well too but a couple of the big ones would be Auto lens switching and some of the additional Zoom shortcuts so now that we talked a little bit about Galaxy AI now let's talk a little bit about your Samsung keyboard and the setup of the icons because once you open up your Samsung keyboard no matter which application especially this icon is now going to pop up but it may be somewhere else that is not really easy to touch with your thumb so you want to have really good access to it so I made sure that I put my Emojis on the top left I have my my writing assistant on the top right hand side and then these are the three that I would use sometimes on a daily basis but I made sure that I moved down the ones that I don't really use at all not even on a monthly basis so once you move all of those ones down you have everything up over here where you want them to be again you just press and hold on these icons you can move them around in the order you want so emojis super easy to tap and my writing assistant super easy to use so from here if I just say you know hey uh you know yo what's up now from here what I can do is I can go right on back and I can tap right there which is my writing assistant and I can change either the spelling take a look at my grammar or even change the writing style so for this one it's going to give you professional casual social polite emojify there's several different options that you can use right here and again like I said it doesn't doesn't matter if you're in text messaging if you're inside of a social media app or a professional email you're able to change the entire thing so if I wrote a entire paragraph not just a three little sentence if you wrote a entire paragraph up here you T you tapped on the writing assist this is where you're able to get the help to make it look even better now next up will be your battery protection so this was something that I found back in Samsung 1 6.0 but you weren't able to use it until 6.1 and I've been trying to test it and trying to use it so I actually did turn this thing on so for battery protect all you got to do is go inside of your settings tap on battery and then right here is where you have that option right there for battery protection so there's three different options so first off basic is basically whenever your battery is charged to 100% the charging will stop until the battery level drops back down to 95 then start charging back up again to 100 now the maximum battery protection is where your battery will stop charging when it reaches 80% so basically this is for those people who is charging their phones overnight night every single night for the full year two 3 years they own the phone it's going to start actually hurting their battery the moment you're at 100% and you're still charging it it's still plugged in it'll actually hurt the lifespan of your device so they actually have an option here called adaptive so it'll actually use maximum and basic to get you through the night so it'll use maximum while you're asleep so it'll only charge up to 80% and then switch to basic which is to get you up to 100% before you wake up so so sleep time is estimated based on your phone usage patterns so for a full entire week of you going to bed charging it in it's probably going to use basic the entire time it's learning when you actually pick up your phone to actually get up versus even your alarm so if you start waking up at 715 that means around 7:00 it's going to start trying to get you from that 80% up to 100 so make sure you go inside of your battery protection and turn on adaptive now since we talked about the battery now let's move over into the performance so what you can do is head inside of your settings you're going to scroll down and take a look at your device care so inside of device care this is where you have underneath performance you have performance profile and auto optimization so for performance profile my option that I chose here is light so it prioritizes battery life and cooling efficiency over processing speed now if you want to use standard maybe you're somebody who is doing multitasking all day every day and high performance gaming then you can choose the option of provides recommended balance between processing speed battery life and cooling efficiency now for me I have really good battery life is almost 8:00 p.m. I'm still at 80% and I use this phone all day I've actually had this thing with Google Maps most of the day there is a few games I've been playing the whole time I do play with the camera take pictures and videos so so far in terms of my option for the light performance profile and using dark mode and quite a few other things which I'll share with you um I'm still getting a really good battery life again 800 p.m. still at 50% now next up will be Auto optimization and this actually happened today for me so with auto optimization you have to make sure that you restart your phone at least once a week so with this one I chose the option for Sunday at 300 p.m. if you want you can even do a Wednesday you could do a Saturday and a Sunday you can do it however many times you want I wouldn't suggest doing it every single day maybe once or twice a week for me I find it to be successful on a Sunday I chose 3:00 a.m. for this to be done all it does is restart my phone it just just turns it off turns it right back on and then that is when the moment or the morning that you wake up where you have to retype in your password to get into your phone and not just your fingerprint reader because it did do a restart to kind of refresh your device now this next one you may not think about but it's going to be a color palette so a color palette is actually pretty nice and and helpful and beneficial to use especially when you take a look all at all of your quick settings right here so when you take a look at this one when it was out of the box and you swipe down everything was white so this one is okay you know maybe you might like this color option there but for me I went through and I found a color palette that made it easier for me to kind of read all the different settings and a couple different colors to kind of interact with your device so all you have to do is press and hold anywhere on the screen that is empty you tap on wallpaper and style and you just tap on color palette now through here you just turn this on and then you're able to choose which palette you kind of would like to you know kind of see if you want some pinks or if you want your greens if you swipe over all of these here are all based on the wallpaper that you're using so if you change your wallpaper you're going to have different colors than me or you can actually base it on basic colors you can go through here you can have a color tone of maybe two different colors so if you wanted to have you know a couple different options of colors right here what might look good together or you can do a basic color if you want a lot of it to kind of be whatever you choose from again or you can base it off of your wallpaper and this is the one that I usually use right here so I again suggest based off of something that could be just very plain and boring is going to be using a color palette especially when you're using not only just the Quick Settings but your phone and other applications now next up will be the sound of your Galaxy s24 series and not only just the sound of the phone itself but also if you're connected to Bluetooth now Samsung did improve the sound quality of the s24 series over the s23 don't know why they never wanted to share the fact that they made it louder and a more full sound but they actually did so you want to make sure you take advantage of the Improvement of sound so you go inside of your settings tap on sound now inside of here scroll down tap on sound quality and effects and this will change the sound quality of not only the phone itself but also if you're connected to a Bluetooth headset so right here out of the box this equalizer is set as normal Auto Dolby Atmos is turned off so you just want to make sure you turn this thing on you want to change your equalizer maybe to rock just to get a little bit more you know change and more more full of a sound um and inside here you can switch it to either Auto Movie music or voice I'm going to keep mine on auto but Dolby Atmos and when you actually make this change it does make a pretty big difference on the phone and Bluetooth sound now moving over into the lock screen so this is something that's brand new with Samsung 1 y 6.1 and that is these two widgets right here so originally if you tap on the on the clock or the time you have all of these different widgets that's underneath it right there so this one was already there part of the older versions of Samsung 1 UI but the thing that's new is the actual widgets on the lock screen itself so how you're able to make any changes here is you press and hold anywhere that's empty you want to unlock it and then this is where you can make some changes you can actually make changes to your home screen and your lock screen so you have a little button icon down here in the very bottom and this section here you can't really change the size of it or you can't move it around or anything you know you can actually go up here and you can change the size and the and the position of the clock and you know all the good stuff and when you move Mo everything around everything else moves with it as well uh so once you basically put your clock where you want it to be but you can tap here and you can either delete these by tapping on the negatives or this is where you actually add them in so you have a couple things or a couple widgets for your battery you have a few things with your calendar clock reminder Samsung health and weather so the ones that I'm using here is going to be basically my Samsung Health this little chart right there is sitting there and then I also have my battery widget on the top so this way I can see not only my phone but also my watch or anything I'm connected to such as you know maybe my Galaxy buds so it's pretty nice that now you have a widget specifically on your lock screen that you can actually look at interact with you can also tap on them unlock and then you can look at that application so it's pretty cool again that it is sitting right there on the lock screen right there V you know physically visible so you don't have to actually tap on the time to get into those other widgets now let's talk about notification settings because this was a change with Samsung 1ui 6.1 one from the 6.0 and what you were able to do from beforehand was you're able to let's say take a look at Instagram or Facebook or something and you have different types of notifications coming from those applications now it was turned off on oneui 6.1 so how you're able to turn this one right back on is once you go inside of your settings you're going to scroll down and take a look at notifications now inside of notifications you now want to tap on advanced settings SC scroll down and turn this on so out of the box this is turned off and you don't have the categories of notifications per each app like you used to have on 6.0 so once you turn this on you go backup page and so now when you're inside of your notifications settings you go to app notifications and this is where you have all those categories you know added right back in so again let's say that we scroll on down we take a look at Instagram and you take a look at the notifications categories this is where you have all these different categories so if you don't want to have any the notifications for you know shopping drops support requests you know if you don't want to get notifications for your view counts or if your your uploads uh if you have people who mention stuff or likes likes and comments on photos first post and stories friends on Instagram if you don't you know need those things so you can see all these different categories and all these different notifications that may pop through you can actually go through now these notification categories that again was already there in 6.0 but you had to do this one setting change right here inside of the advanced settings to actually turn them on if you don't have them on you don't have those categories now let's talk about the S Pen settings so if you have the ultra you have the S Pen that is built in all you got to do is scroll down take a look at the advanced features and tap on S Pen so inside of S Pen I don't have or even use air actions air actions is something that you can play with if you want to it's a little gimmicky it's one of those things where you can just move your little S Pen in the air press the buttons you can change songs play songs pause songs or videos scroll in or zoom in on photos take pictures the only thing I would probably use it for would be to take a photo with the S Pen but other than that I don't use it too much but this is where you have Air Command this is where you can change how you want it to look if you want it to be standard where it's larger it actually writtens out and writes out all of the application names you have compact if you want it very small you know exactly what is over there because right right here this is where you have your shortcuts so this is where you can add in you can delete you can change you can see that I have a couple third-party applications over here that wouldn't normally be sitting there I think penup would be one that would be sitting there so if at any point that you want to add in any application from your phone you can actually add it into your Air Command so now once you set up all of your shortcuts for Air Command you might want to go back a couple pages and then there's a few additional settings you might want to look at first off is what happens when you pull out the S Pen so for me I have mind set to do nothing because the moment I pull my S pen out I might be using it for something drawing on the screen that I'm actually on I don't need to have a note option to kind of pop up I don't need my air command to open every single time if you love Air Command and you know that you pull the Spen out to use something over here with Air Command you can keep it open for me I pull it out so much that I don't need to have anything happen and I'm just going to start using it right then and there without anything popping up and then you also have options for screenoff memos and quick notes screenoff memos means when the the screen is off you know it's basically powered down when you pull the S Pen out it's going to pop up a little black screen for you to start jotting down notes so you can either have that on or off and then you also have quick notes so quick notes is one that I would suggest just to keep on because all you got to do is press and hold the Spen button double tap the screen and you're going to have a small little note pop up so this way you'd be able to start taking notes immediately so this way you don't have to try to open up another note application again press and hold the S Pen button double tap the screen and your quick notes will pop up so we just done talking about the S Pen but I do also want to talk about Labs so inside of Samsung Labs there's a brand new thing a part of Samsung 1i 6.1 and that is right here photo ambient wallpaper so out of the box this one is turned off but if you turn it on it'll actually kind of have ai built in to change the way your wallpaper looks so photo ambient wallpaper uses advanced intelligence to change your own photo based on the time and weather so this is pretty fun you can go through and actually turn it on inside of galaxy labs and since we were here already let's also talk about the side button because the side button usually most people like to have it for the power off menu but if you press and hold on your side key button it's going to open up your Bixby so some people may not use Bixby so this is the way that it does wake it up so this is where you have the option for power off menu now here's the thing if you don't want to go inside of your Advanced features I was already here with Spen and Labs side button was just sitting right there if you want to make this change a little bit easier and quicker pull down twice tap on the little power icon side button settings and that's how you can get inside so this is where I would normally show it off again power menu Sid key button you know settings this is where you can choose Now power off menu and you also have the option for double press so if you double press this button it'll open up the camera out of the box which I think is probably one of the better options but you can switch it so if you wanted to open a different application you choose open app you go go to settings you choose what you want it to do right here I have the second option of flashlight so if I double press this button flashlight turns on and I'm able to see in the dark but I'm going to leave it as the quick launch camera and I want to keep my press and hold of the side key to be the power off menu so now when I do this it's going to show what most people would usually like to see now let's talk about the edge panels because Edge panels you can see it's just sitting right here there's a lot of really cool features inside of it if you don't see it there for some reason just go inside your settings go inside of display and inside of display this is where you have Edge panels so this is where you might want to turn it on this is where you can actually choose which panels is showing up out of the box I believe it's only just apps and that's it so I threw on the option for tasks keyboard and smart select smart select is one that I use all the time to just take a picture of whatever I see on the screen really quick but I don't need the whole entire thing I just basically pull this open tap on rectangle I move this right here wherever I want it to be um it'll even show me if it's a 1X by one if it's a 4x3 5x3 it's going to show me where the edge of my finger is so I can see that I'm on this application here uh and then it's where I can actually just pull something from the screen right there so I would say smart select is a big one you can even change your handle the way that it looks I changed my transparency almost super high I kept it right there for white you can even change the color of it you can bring it up you can bring it down you can move it to the left position to the right you can even lock it so when you're on your main home screens you don't change it this where you can change not only the transparency but the size so it has it so I have it pretty small also have it super thin you don't need it to be thick and and you know pushing all the way out you just basically swipe it open you know right here to get it used so those are really the couple different settings to change when it comes down to your Edge panels now next up will be the security and privacy so let's just say that you went through you added in your fingerprint and you also added in your face recognition but you might have not noticed some of those settings that were actually there when you set them up so as you you scrolled on down and you went through and you put in your face recognition your fingerprints well if you go inside of security and privacy you tap on this option there scroll down this is where you have additional security settings for your Biometrics so for your Biometrics if you want to make a quick little change with your face face recognition you tap there I'm going to put in my code and once inside of here this is the settings for face recognition so I have face unlock turned on I turned this one off because it originally stated that it would stay on the lock screen until I swipe it which makes no sense at all if it noticed your face still stayed on the lock screen I would rather it just be really quick I look at the phone it's unlocked and I'm in so I turn this off here because I don't want it to stay on the lock screen until I swipe it and I turned off Brighten screen so these are the two things that turn off when you turn on your face recognition I would suggest just keeping this one here turned on which is require open eyes Brighten screen is very nice but then gets annoying when you're laying in bed with the spouse or you're maybe at a movie theater and it brightens the screen so bright that it's a little bit more annoying in those very very dark low lit situations you might as well just use your fingerprint or your pen uh face recognition does work sometimes in low lit conditions um but other than that uh these are the two that I would suggest to turn off now let's take a look inside of the fingerprint settings so with this one here there is one setting that I changed which is show animation when unlocking so if you love those animations and you love animations taking you a little bit longer to get from screen to screen and get to where you're going to make it look pretty you can keep it on for me I'm not a big animation guy I'd rather just unlock the phone and get in and go so this one I did turn off so there is the option here where you have show animations when unlocking you also have this option here so basically when do you want to show the icon of the fingerprint icon so do you want it to always show do you want to tap and then show the little fingerprint icon or never uh fingerprint always on I just keep this one on because once I pull the phone out of my pocket I hit where my fingerprint would go I unlocked my phone even with the screen off so even though it does take a little bit of battery life because it's always running and fingerprint is always on ready to go um it doesn't make a big enough difference for me to actually turn this one off now lastly let's talk about Samsung account so once you go inside of your settings you tap on Samsung account this is one of those things that you should have done when you first set up your phone Samsung account is just as important or more important than your Gmail because this is where you can have all of your devices all synced up you can also have all these features and applications working together your Samsung Cloud advanced intelligence Galaxy sharing Samsung pass so you have a bunch of things saved all your passwords and such you also have Samsung find Samsung apps and services all of the linked accounts so when it comes down to even with your Samsung find so let's say that we scrolled on down to let's say security and privacy lost device protection because if if you don't have a Samsung account you can't find your phone if it's lost and also you can't unlock your phone if you forgot all of your login credentials also if you lost it you can lock it from a computer you just basically go to the Samsung finds website this is where you can basically unlock it you can ring it you can lock it you can do so many different things you can even have this phone find other devices such as Galaxy Buds and Galaxy watches if they're within the vicinity so Samsung account is very important so is is find my mobile so that is all of the settings and all of the features that you definitely want to change turn on or or whatever the moment you get yourself the Galaxy s24 series hopefully you guys appreciated this video if you did give it a big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe subscribe on the very bottom left hand side and if you like this video the more than likely you also like this video and I'll see you guys [Music] later oh
Channel: Jimmy is Promo
Views: 244,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Promo, How-to, Samsung, new features, features, Samsung S24, samsung galaxy s24, samsung s24 ultra, Galaxy S24 Review, Galaxy S24, galaxy s24 ultra review, Galaxy S24 Tips and Tricks, Galaxy S24 How To, Galaxy S24 Ultra Top Features, One UI 6.1, samsung one ui 6.1 features, samsung one ui 6.1 update, One UI 6.0 vs, one ui 6.0 vs 6.1, galaxy S24 New Features, settings to change immediately, Galaxy S24 Settings, galaxy s24 camera features, Galaxy AI, galaxy S24 setup
Id: qKC2tlsfBSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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