Samsung S24 Ultra - Photo and Video Tested. Say Bye to a Pro Camera!

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[Music] let's find out if the s24 ultra can provide similar quality to a pro camera to test this I'm going to be using my go-to Sony camera and this big telephoto zoom lens I will cover everything about the camera of this phone show some epic footage and hopefully you will learn how to take better pictures and videos so let's dive in and start by taking some photos and the TRS of product all right now before we compare the s24 ultra to a professional setup we need to see what's new on the phone first let's talk about the regular mode that most of the people will be using on the regular basis the most there is 12 megapixels 50 or 200 megapixels and this is the difference let me know which one is clear probably 200 megapixel has more detail and if you switch into 200 megapixel mode you don't get the access to all different focal lengths and crop factors unlike if you were using the 12 megapixel modes and in this case you would get the access to ultra wide lens and you would be able to switch smoothly between different angles like this which is really really nice now another feature that they made with this device is the new display coding and as you see guys there's barely any Reflections I'm not sure if it's noticeable for you but for me in real life it really is noticeable if I compare it to the display on this camera because here I see a lot of Reflections everything going in the back it looks like there's a little bit like a film basically on the m on the display of the phone one of the things that I was especially excited about when I got my first s23 Ultra was the 10x telephoto lens as you might have notied from my reviews I'm not as interested in the processors battery capacity or software customization as much as I love cameras I film professionally for Tech Brands and I also have to film a ton for my YouTube channel my back hurts from caring around and have a backpack full of gear so naturally I'm dreaming of a time when those bulky setups become smaller and when you see a phone that can zoom in so so well it becomes borderline creepy you realize that it's super unique Tech but for some reason this year it's only 5x T lens so let's try it in landscape photography this is the lens I'm most interested in I will match it on my camera as well on the pro setup and let's take the first shot like this and another shot on the camera and this is the result obviously if we don't have any foreground in that case they will look more or less the same because one I'm using auto mode and two because we don't get this sense of depth in the shot if we look at the shots side by side evidently a fullframe camera has more depth in the photo but if I close down the f2.8 aperture on the pr L to something like let's say F16 then these shots will look so close that you might not even guess which one is which and in this case it's amazing how similar the quality is although I do have to say that the Sony setup is richer in colors and auto wide balance feels more precise s24 Ultra on the other hand sometimes gives a bit of greenish tint here you can see see that the phone adds this green Hue to midtones and shadows and that reminds me a lot of the iPhone 14 pro processing to be honest but I think it's something that can be fixed with the firmer update now color signs aside there is still an option to zoom in up to 10 times but unlike the s23 ultra the difference with the pro setup will be more apparent here and that's understandable Sony lens has optical zoom while the s24 ultra has digital crop of the new 50 megapixel sensor to give you this image but despite all that it is still wild that the device this thing can give you wide photo followed by the optical 5x toil lens and still zoom up to 100 times yes it's a crop and not the quality you would want to use for printing let's say but just the fact that you can still see the time on this clock is really mind- blowing and the cool part is that all that was made in auto mode the mode that most of the people will be using but if you want to squeeze the maximum out of the phone then I recommend using the expert rle in this mode you can take full control over the camera settings and even take de n Raw photos high quality images that pack a lot more data for processing and editing and you can do all of that right on the phone with the stylus but that's not the only Improvement fun fact last year 6 months after the s23 ultra was released I made a tutorial on photography with this mode using n d filter later after that tutorial dropped Samsung made a camera update giving us ND mode right on the phone suspicious if you ask me but who knows maybe Samsung is watching right now so make sure to hit that like button and I will make a separate video to show how good this n d mode is compared to the real ND filters right here so make sure to hit the Subscribe button so you do not miss it on the same note free has already made the case for the s24 ultra it has this magnetic filter Mount that allows you to attach this and D filters for photos or even film and videos and also you can attach amorphic lenses wide angle lenses and so much more but now let me show you why I use the expert R mode on the s24 ultra if you want to take a photo with intention to color grade it in post or you need really good quality in that case you need to go into more Tab and then into expert bra and here you can adjust your photos and all the settings the same way as on the professional setup so let's do that and in that case we can really compare them together because before it was not really fair but now the phone gets closer to the camera because obviously the Optics true Optics would be performing better and delivering more quality but we can still tweak the phone in a way that it's closer to the professional setup I think [Music] okay so since these photos are raw they give more flexibility and potential for color grading you can set up your shutter speed ISO and even you can check your histogram for the exposure in that mode and then this beautiful lighting the phone shines it's insane that sometimes the pro camera and the phone match so well that only different depth of field like in this shot can give away the s24 ultra so try to guess which one is which [Music] whenever I use the s24 ultra five times tand without any digital Zoom it looks perfect and I notice that the phone renders Sunset photos quite well when in raw mode and since that format has more flexibility you really can squeeze maximum out of it so I think you get the point if you can learn how to use this manual controls you're going to get amazing quality out of this phone which matches that of the professional setup just look at that beautiful lighting I took 5x photos and then even zoomed a little bit closer and the phone still gives amazing results however zooming more than that is not something I would choose over the pro setup it's just more clear since it's proper optical zoom whereas here is digital CFT I'm a little bit to be honest disappointed that Samsung removed the 10 times telephoto Optical lens because for me the the point in getting the Galaxy phone initially last year was there 10 times telephoto lens but they removed it under the premise that more people and bloggers using the five times for the portrait which I do understand a little bit but let's be honest not only bloggers or like Beauty bloggers instagrammers would be using this phone it's a really cool tool if you want to use it in everyday use let's say you work on the construction site or somewhere else and you need to zoom in and look at something really close up in that case 10 times telephoto lens which is Optical lens would be really beneficial it should be like a hybrid s23 Ultra and s24 Ultra merg together in that case it would be a killer phone for landscape and Street Mobile photography and now my favorite part of this camera test and its video [Music] quality now if we talk about the video Department new things here is that finally we can record in 8k but but also use not only the main camera but also five times telephoto lens and this is really important because the telephoto lens isn't really of the best quality and sharpness so if you use the resolution a little bit higher in that case you get a little bit more crisper footage at least in appearance so let's see how good it is in 8k so I turn on the 8K resolution right here you can use 8K Ultra HD which is 4K full HD 1080 and even we have regular HD 8K is the way to go 30 FPS is available and let's hit the record button and just for the comparison sakes I will be using 4k on that Pro camera because it's as high as it can go but this camera has actually 7K sensor but obviously for those who know it's better to have higher resolution sensor rather than just upscale it digitally to 8K but this just the nuan a lot of people will not go in depth into it so let's just the compare the images side by [Music] side [Music] I'd lie if I told you that this preview quality didn't confuse me at first don't worry guys there is nothing wrong with your internet connection honestly it's once again here if I look at the preview quality it looks really choppy and does not look smooth like it's 8K to be honest it looks once again as I remember I said last year it looks like 720p very very low resolution nowhere near 8K because here on the camera the preview is really sharp and crisp and yes I can tell this is high resolution whereas here yeah I'm used to the fact that when I'm using a pro camera or external monitor I get a crisp looking image straight away but because of this issue with preview quality I might have missed some pretty epic shots yeah once again the preview quality makes me doubt if it's actually 8K and you see right now I have no way to see what resolution I'm filming yeah I understand I cannot change it mid filming and I have to actually stop the recording and then change the resolution but at least I wish I had an option to see what I'm filming in because right now it really looks like I'm filming in some I don't know 720 or 1080 quality whereas I'm supposed to be using 8K so I have to stop the recording and only then I see yeah okay it's 8K 30 FPS so this tiny things like this are have to be improved on this phone and guys I always say it with any phone whether it's iPhone 15 Pro Max Google pixel 8 whatever needs to be fixed or from my user experience I wish would be different I always say it out loud so this is one of the things so this panel here yeah I understand I can't change it but I wish it stayed here no matter what if either I'm filming or not it's always there so I know what frame rate I'm using as well because sometimes you want to film in higher frame rate let's say 60 FPS but then you want to switch to regular like interview kind of shot filming 30 or 24 FPS and in this case you have to stop the recording and see see what actually I'm filming but then the shot is already gone so this needs to be fixed with the future fir updates and as you see right now I'm using 30 FPS and 160th shatter speed which is perfect for having that motion blur to get the most natural looking image usually in the bright environment when you're filming in bright daylight then you need to use something like an Z filter but right now it's already past sunset time so this is more than enough light for that instance and actually my EV meter says I'm at zero so that's actually perfect you can also have a look at the histogram here here and this is just the perfect conditions to film with the right motion blur amount now I also want to try to help some of you wrot me in the comment section saying that the footage you're getting from the phone has a lot of noise and the problem might be that your ISO is too high now let me show you how to fix that and also keep in mind if you want to get as less noise as possible you need to use the lowest ISO on this camera at least for the exposure your film and don't use too low of the iso so you can't see anything in the shat but you have to find find that perfect amount of light just so you not underexposed not Overexposed I think this is perfect framing actually I really like this framing more or less similar shot on this camera and actually so they match each other more or less I will use higher F stop on the camera so I'm using F20 stop on the camera and the shallow depth field should not be there at all let me know if you can tell them apart and last but not least let me say a few words about what I wish could be improved here and one of those things is focal length indication this is not a comparison to the iPhone 15 Pro Max but if you're using the camera on the 15 Pro Max and you're switching between different focal length let's say I'm using five times telephoto lens it shows me that it is 120 mm focal length so I can actually set the same focal length on the professional lens because this is the markings that's supposed to be used but here it's none of that it's just 5x 5 five times 10 times one times and you don't really know which focal length it is so for instance this 5x telephoto does not equal to 5x on the iPhone 15 because iPhone 15 Pro Max is the 120 mm lens but this one right here is 109 or 115 mm which is a little bit different and even though it's nothing major I do think this is something that can be added if not to regular mode then to an expert raw mode for sure as I continue to use and test this new s24 Ultra more things that I like and dislike might come up but as of right now that's all from me so as usual I hope you likeed this video and found it helpful and if you did make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel so you will not miss any future videos and meanwhile you can check out this video next because I think it will be perfect for you and I'll see you there [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Steven Divish
Views: 680,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samsung S24 Ultra vs 5000$ Pro Camera Comparison and review, S24 ultra camera comparison, S24 ultra Camera test, samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra camera review test comparison, Samsung S24 Ultra vs Camera, S24 ultra vs Pro Camera setup, Galaxy S24 ultra, S24 ultra camera test and review, Galaxy S24 ultra review, s24 ultra comparison, s24 ultra telephoto lens test, Samsung test and review, S24 ultra comparison review, S24 ultra tips and tricks, S24 ultra review, Samsung Galaxy, S24 u
Id: Z-W-fzHAdeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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