Galaxy S Pen Tricks the PRO's use the Most!

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the pen is truly mightier than the sword in this video I'm going to show you some incredible and unique Pro S Pen tips think of this like learning Spen jiujitsu Jiu-Jitsu I'm going to learn Jiu-Jitsu only it's not a martial art but there is an art to using it right a set of skills that you can learn and leverage to improve your productivity and I actually started using the Spen more after learning these things so I thought why not share them with you and who knows maybe you'll start using the Spen more too and the reason this video is important is the fact that the S Pen is one of Samsung's biggest differentiators and advantages over pretty much every other Flagship smartphone out there today of course including the iPhone that's not true that's impossible but first in order to complete your training You' better understand the basic rules of engagement the fundamentals okay so here are the basics that you need to know if you want to follow along with this video when you pop out your Spen you will see the Air Command menu which looks like this at the Bott bottom here you'll see the settings icon and this jumps straight to the S Pen settings and we will be coming back here a lot so make sure you remember how to do this the second basic tip that you need to know is which apps are specifically built for the SP pen so if we tap on the Air Command which is the little pen Circle there we can actually go to this list and hit the Plus at the bottom when you hit that plus you'll see shortcuts and you can see all of the ones at the top here are Spen features so these are the ones that it recommends you add as a shortcut because as I said before they're purpose built for the Spen so what I've got set up is smart select screen WR pen up write on calendar notes magnify translate and we'll come back to that last one in a few minutes now the basic thing you need to put in play straight away is the air command shortcut which is this little pen icon here you can actually drag it to the left the right pretty much anywhere around the edge of the screen the only issue with this is when it's not in use it fades into the background and can be hard to find so in order to make it easier to find I recommend you do this you don't have to tap on the Air Command go to the S Pen settings go to the Air Command menu and at the bottom here you'll see this option and this will actually be switched off by default Open Air Command with the S Pen button so enable this and now instead of looking for the S Pen floating icon all you need to do to quickly access the air command is hold your pen over the screen so you see the little dot on the screen and push the S Pen button and that way you can quickly access the air command and also the quick shortcut to the settings menu now this next basic tip will definitely help you from time to time think of it as a troubleshooting tip so when you pop your Spen out you should see the writing surface here on your keyboard by default however sometimes it will switch back to the regular keyboard and you might be wondering how do I get that writing surface back and actually there's a few ways you can do it but the easiest one by far is to open the air command menu and go back to whatever it is you're writing on and then your writing surface should reappear and if you set up the button like I just showed you in the previous tip you can literally just push that button and that will reset the writing surface here the fourth basic tip is this and you can thank me for this one later and actually even if you don't have the S Pen you should probably set this up it is on the edge panel which is the little side barar here if you hit the settings down here in the bottom left corner it does disappear so you got got to be quite quick this will bring you to your Edge panel options and one of the most useful tools here on the edge panel by far is the Smart select so tick the smart select and that is now added to your Edge panel and now when you drag The Edge panel out you have a second panel which is the Smart select and we will come back to this okay so now you've got the basics locked in nice nice so now let me show you something a little more fun when it comes to messaging people and getting your message across Sometimes the best way to do it is with a meme and even better an animated meme something like this scene here from Star Trek and this is a very iconic scene because hry God damn it dog all right let's try that again so this moment here is where a sentient AI in the form of data wants to create another Ai and this is Picard's reaction to that and the reality is that this moment might actually represent the Anarchy that Humanity might be feeling in the near future if AI does become sentient anyway on a more light-hearted note this moment where Picard does the legendary face pal is a great little gift to capture and have on your device so you can share it with your friends or on your social media whenever someone comes up with a bad idea here's how you do it open your Air Command go to smart select at the bottom of the screen you will notice this it says GIF tap on that you get the square box on the screen and you can drag these Corners to the area you want want to capture and you even get the little magnifying glass there as well to make sure you get the corners right so this is the area that we're going to record the gift from now I'm going to hit play and then record and as you can see it's creating that gift of that moment and we can stop it at any time and there we go we now have our Picard face palm GIF which we can now pin to the home screen we can crop even more if we want to after the fact and we can also download it to the gallery on our phone and there we go we've created a sharable gift of an iconic moment and this is exactly what my expression was when I found out that the UPS driver delivering my custom night trainers had stolen them shout out to UPS so right now you know if you hold the S Pen near the screen where you can see the dot and you push the button you get your air command but if you hold your pen away from the screen and hold the button it can open an app and by default it will open the camera app if I hold the button down but if you want to you can remap this push and hold to open something else and here's how you do that let's go into the air command go into the settings for the yes pen tap on where it says air actions and here you'll see this option push and hold pen button so if you tap on this you'll see the options that you have now my recommendation here is do not change this just yet definitely watch the rest of this video and come back to this tip because then you'll have a better idea what makes the most sense for you when it comes to push and hold on the S Pen now do you know about the magic that is Samsung's Air actions apparently not well maybe you do maybe you don't either way here's a refresher for you first of all it's important to know which apps actually support the Spen air actions and the good news is it's very easy to find out and to remind yourself from time to time here's how you do that push the yes pen button whil close to the screen go to the settings go into air actions at the top and you'll see here all of the apps that are shown are designed to work with Samsung's Air actions and there's even some apps that I installed manually which can also support air actions and let's go into the camera for example if you tap on that it brings up all of the instructions for the camera app if we go to the gallery we can see all of the instructions for the gallery app so I do recommend you spend a little bit of time familiarizing yourself with the air actions that work within these specific apps and just to show you how they work here's a little demo okay so I've placed the smartphone down in a spot where I want to take a photo from I'm going to hold the Spen button to open the camera and with the S Pen away from the screen if I hold the button and swipe up I can switch to the selfie camera and yes I do look like a right state right now and that's because I've barely slept lately anyway here's an air action you can use straight away so if you hold the pen button down and circle you can actually zoom in and zoom out this actually works better on the primary camera because we only have two focal lengths here on the selfie camera so if I circle like this zoom in circle like that Zoom back out and if I want to take a photo I just click and when you are using an air gesture app and the air gestures are available if you hover over the air command button you can see all of the air gesture controls that are available to you so this is definitely something to keep an eye out for whenever using those apps that I showed you already so for many years Post-it notes have been an incredibly useful tool in an office environment but nowadays you can do the same thing with less waste of paper and more efficiently right here on your smartphone and it's even easier if you do have the Spen okay so this website right here looks kind of oldfashioned but it does have the greatest jerk chicken recipe ever in my opinion and it's right here at the center of the screen now let's say I want to make this recipe and I want to go shopping for the ingredients here here's a great way to pin those ingredients to the screen so if you tap the Air Command button go to smart select which can be done without the Spen as well so if you don't have an Spen you can still use this tip hit the square icon here so we're going to draw a square around the section that has the recipe now once we've done this we've got a bunch of new options so we can pin it to the home screen which I'm probably going to do we can copy it we can adjust the selected area we can crop the selected area we can share it straight away to somebody and we can download it to device and then this icon here will extract the text from what we've cropped now what I'm going to do is just pin it here and now when I go back to my home screen the recipe is right there now if I find that a bit too distracting I can hit these two inward arrows and just have it as a small pinned note and keep that ready to go for when I get to the supermarket now remember that tip where I showed you guys how to add shortcuts to your Air Command Center here two of the apps that I recommend you add here because they're so useful is the magnify and the translate now the reason I mention magnify is because sometimes these pin notes can be quite small and with magnify enabled you can actually hover over with the S Pen and see them enlarged and we can change the magnification by tapping at the top here so I'm going to set it to 200% that way I can hover over and read all of the small print here because with these sticky notes you can't expand them unfortunately however if you do download them to the gallery you can expand from there you might find that you don't need to use it that often but it is a good tool to have in your utility belt now the second very useful tool is the translate tool so once again Air Command I'm going to go to translate here now when you open Translate you'll get this little window at the top where you can choose the language that you want to translate so I'm going to change this into German since we're on the Porsche website here now if I hover over any text you'll see it does some work on it and it will fully translate that bit of text for me so as I'm scrolling around here on porsche. De website I can highlight what I want to read and I can get it converted into English text very very easily that's a very powerful Spen tool that you can use right now okay now going back to that pin note feature there is another way to take notes more efficiently without having to crop part of the screen this is exclusive to the Spen you can't do it with the smart select so if you hold the Spen button and double tap the screen you'll get this window this is Samsung's quick note feature and these will be accessible in Samsung's note app but the great thing about this is it does work kind of similar to the smart select so let's say I write a note here I can hit the little bar at the top of this window for the quick options and I can minimize this into a smaller note which stays floating here on the home screen to be recorded at any time and within the quick options if you tap the top bar you do have some other features here for example this one can allow you to make that window a bit more transparent so if you want to have it kind of floating on screen at all times you can just have it there instead of minimizing it I just tend to minimize it though it just seems to be the best way to keep it out of the way and just in case for any reason if this feature isn't working for you here's what you need to check open your Air Command go to your settings here and then on the main settings page you'll see quick notes here just make sure that this is actually switched on okay so here's another fun way to take notes and keep them top of mind without using the pin or the smart select so this is one of my favorite features to use on Samsung Galaxy Ultra phones if you hold the S Pen next to the off screen and you push the button you'll notice this little drop hits the screen now you have a surface on which you can draw on and you can draw pretty much anything you want you can write anything you want and it will stay there on the always on display for a good few hours eventually it does disappear though and when it does you can find it in your Samsung Note app now once you've created your Masterpiece or very important reminder you can hit the little pen icon here at the top and this will save it to your always on display so you can create these interesting and unique always on displays anytime you want however they do disappear after a certain amount of time I'm not sure exactly how long that time is but I did make a few like this before which have completely vanished and the only place I can find them now is within Samsung Notes so thank you for making it this far into the video and as a little bonus reward for you guys here's a little tip that not many people know about so if you want to show off to your friends a little bit because you have a feature that they don't I think you're going to like this one and you might want to keep it secret keep it safe keep it secret keep it safe so check this one out if you swipe out the edge panel go to the settings quickly before it disappears and then here you'll see the Galaxy store at the bottom this will take you to a part of the Galaxy store which is specific to Edge panels and here are some really cool tools that you can add if you want to these are the top ones some of them are paid some of them are free now this one here if you go to free this one the control center if you're coming over from IOS this will look very familiar to you it looks just like the iPhone control panel it's very easy to install just tap on it go to install wait for it to install now you can drag out the edge panel hit the settings again and right at the end of this list we have our new control center free Edge panel so you just swipe it out and there we go we have some quick settings they look very similar to iOS but there are some other really cool Edge panels that you might want to check out within that Galaxy store that I showed you okay so here's another one of those very useful tools that I mentioned at the beginning of the video so let's open the air command and go to right on calendar now this is a fantastic tool and you can use it quite simply and you can get quite Advanced with it so simply you could literally use this to Mark the days until you earn your freedom like Nick Cage in that film or you could get more advanced with it and really Zoom right into the days for example this one and write a more detailed note and what's really great about using the Calendar app this way with the pen is that actually these little notes that you write on the calendar can be easily moved around using this the lassu tool so we can use it in the lassu mode or in the rectangle mode and if we want to we can set it to include partially selected objects as well so here we go we can draw around the little text that I wrote and we can move this so if you wanted to you could create some handdrawn stickers which you can use continuously on the calendar app and of course you can use the Eraser to get rid of them completely so you know at some point you may need to sign some documents and you can do this on your computer or within an app like Adobe sign or something like that but signing things with the Spen is one of the best use cases for it so let me show you how you can do that very easily here on the Samsung device so if you go across to your Samsung Notes within the Samsung Notes you'll see this a little PDF icon with the plus the great thing about using this is when you tap on it it will say where do you want to look and typically when you download a p PDF document from an email it will be in the download folder and it will only show you PDFs and not all of the other stuff that's in there so here's a PDF that I just mocked up for this video and there we go and here we can just sign it probably should have used a narrow pen here but check this out not only can I sign it let's say I sign it all W key like this we can actually use this tool down here with the little magic one next to it and we can align the text correctly and you can see there are a bunch of different tools you can use here when it comes to aligning text but if I hit okay it straightens up the signature then I can hit the the three dots up there and we can save this as a PDF file and if we want to we could even convert it into a Word file or something like that and then send it back to whoever needs to have the document okay here's another very good use case for the Spen let's say you want to take some quick notes whilst browsing the web at the same time if you hold the button down on the S Pen double tap open your quick note hit the option here at the top the quick options and hit the split screen icon now we can choose the app we want to open at the bottom of the page I've got Google Chrome here and now I can look at Google Chrome and take notes up here and if I want to flip this around so the writing surface is at the bottom just hit the three dots in the middle hit the little arrows and there we go we can take our notes here and if you want to you can resize the areas so we can have more website and less writing space and then you can save these notes to your Samsung Notes and if if you hit the options again we can expand it we can turn it into pop out window again if needed okay this is a fun little feature with the S Pen and Samsung's Gallery app which supports the S Pen as well as air gestures but one of the cool features here is the ability to just hover over images in your gallery to get a sneak peek at them and the great thing about doing this is when you hover over you do get the share button and you also get the button to delete so if you're filtering through your photos because you don't need half of them you can just use the S Pen to quickly delete those photos if you want to expand them you can literally just tap on them just like you would with your fingers and with the air gestures of course you can just swipe through your photos and just like before if you don't know what gestures are supported if you hover over the S Pen it will bring up all of the air actions that you have now one of the cool things you can do with an S Pen that a lot of people don't realize that you can do is you can write in any text field on a website or on your phone or pretty much anywhere so if I go into the settings on this phone and go to the search up here we've got a text field at the top and when I hover over that you see you'll notice a little squiggly line pops up indicating that I can write here so up here I'm going to write S Pen and this does work better if you write individual characters as opposed to as opposed to uh as opposed to uh joined up letters but check this out this is a good example so if I cross out or scribble out the W it deletes it now let's say I want to put a space between the S and the P if I do a little tick above it it adds a space now I can move the cursor back here and do an N so we got S Pen once again we got the space if I want to join a space not make a space all you need to do is a little Arc between the two letters there we go the little Arc joins the letters back together now that was a terrible demonstration but let me show you how you you can learn and practice these handwriting skills if you go to the Air Command go to the settings here go to Spen to text now here is a nice little tutorial that can explain this way better than I just did so I do recommend you take a look at this make yourself more familiar with how the editing with the Spen works and with a little bit of practice you'll be able to use this like a true Spen Master okay so now it's time for a fun one you might be looking at these images that I've drawn and thinking wow Troy you're a little bit artistic well in response to that I would say maybe switch the r for a u and that could be more accurate so anyway here's a trick that can instantly help you improve your Art and Design skills so let me show you how I created this artwork and how you can too so if you open your Air Command if you don't have the penup app already here in your list just go to add and then you'll be able to find it here here within the shortcuts menu and you can add that to your air command open pen up and here you'll find a bunch of really fun coloring books but what I want to show you guys is this the photo drawings so we can take a photo or we can select a photo from our Gallery we drag the area over that we want to use and check this out if you go to sketch filters you can turn any photo essentially into a coloring book but that's not what I'm going to do in this video I'm going to leave it on the default and you can see right here we've got the opacity slider I'm going to keep it at 50% going to flip the image so now he's the right way around going to hit done now this is in the background and I can use the colors here and the different brushes to create my own version of this Spider-Man so you get the idea I've just put that together very very quickly just to show you in the video but here's where it gets really cool if you hit the little backgrounding button here you can actually get rid of that back layer and just have the top layer and if you want to you can even add additional layers so something that could be really cool to do here would be to actually have done all of the black lines on the top layer and then that way on this layer we could add an effect like I have on some of those other images where I've kind of smudged the the art to make it blend in and look more like a a watercolor and this definitely hasn't been the best example of what you can do with this but now you know how to do it play around with this one cuz it's great fun you could draw pictures of your friends and family if you really wanted to all right so you've made it all the way to the end of the video and I have saved a fantastic tip for you guys and it is an app called pentastic previously you could only get this through good luck but now you can actually get it Standalone so if you go to your Galaxy store look for pentastic make sure this is installed once you've installed it and you open it up you'll have a bunch of customization options specifically for the Samsung Galaxy S Pen so the Air Command which I've been talking about all the way through this video this is the default Air Command if you prefer you could go with the line appearance of the Air Command Which is less distracting and has all the same tools there but just presented differently we got the circle which is really quite cool I do like the circle animation it just kind of pops up and you can scroll around the wheel and then you've got the Retro style so this is what we used to have back in the day on the old note series Samsung phones this one's not bad I like the real one I think the most now check this out when you scroll down you can change the type of pointer for the S Pen so we can have this kind of Arrow pointer and change the size of it if we want to so instead of the little circle that it defaults to we have that if you want a little heart instead of the circular pointer you can have that and you get the idea there's tons of these but the great thing here is you can actually create a custom pointer for yourself if you have Photoshop or something like that so you can be truly unique and use something that nobody else has what you can also do here is customize sound effects that the Spen makes and once again there's a bunch of different ones and you can create a custom one if you want to now remember the push and double tap shortcut that I've shown you probably 100 times in this video to do the quicknotes if you don't want quicknotes as the double tap app you can use this pentastic app to remap it you can't do this without pentastic and then here you can choose something else for example smart select or something entirely different and if you're into customization and you want to learn more I did spend ages making a good luck guide for you guys now this video has taken me so long I've been staring at these screens for what feels like forever so I'm going to go now because if I stay any longer my face is going to look like this so don't forget to like the smash button smash the like comment button you know what I mean you know what Picard tell him make it so see you in the next one don't be late
Channel: WhatGear
Views: 253,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s pen drawing, galaxy s pen tutorial, galaxy s pen review, samsung s pen, how to use Galaxy s pen, s pen tips and, s pen tips and tricks, s pen tips and tricks s22 ultra, s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra s pen, s24 ultra features, s24 ultra hidden features, hidden samsung tricks, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, Samsung s24 ultra, samsung galaxy, s pen tips, s pen, s pen features, s pen tip and tricks, best s pen features, advanced s pen features, useful s pen features
Id: g4_hzSEIB-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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