TOP 24+ SAMSUNG GALAXY S24, S24 PLUS & S24 ULTRA Tips, Tricks - Hidden & Advanced Features

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if you just got the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra Galaxy s24 Plus or Galaxy s24 then we have a ton of tips and tricks and features to go over there are over 120 of them in chapters down below this is even more exciting because we have a new version of one UI and some fun AI features to check out you'll find something that you didn't know about before in this video I promise because this video will help you utilize all that this phone has to offer of course if you haven't already picked up a Samsung Galaxy s24 series device or want to get some accessories check out the links in the description to find the best price free upgrades and more using the links help make free videos like this possible and if you look at the battery Lifetime and my voice when this video starts and then when it ends you'll see how much work goes into it and probably get a good laugh tip number one is the first thing I do on any Android device and is the favorite amongst the hardcore Android Community if you're not used to this it may seem scary at first but it isn't trust me here is a really awesome clever way to supercharge your Android phone like the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra first let me show you what the animations look like normally if I'm moving up and down right here or I bring up you know some sort of window and pop it up so that's what the animations and everything looks like normally let's change that a bit so swipe down from the notification shade and hit the gear icon there swipe all the way down to about phone at the bottom and then you're going to click on soft forare information and then you'll click on build number and you're going to keep tapping on it it'll tell you your certain steps away from being a developer and then it's going to ask you for your PIN number this is the PIN number that you chose when you set the phone it's not the one that I'm putting in and then it says developer mode has been turned on now that we've done that it unlocks a new setting so if you swipe back two times you'll see here at the very bottom there's this option called developer options click on that you're going to swipe down all the way until you find the one that says Windows animation scale so right here we have it here and it's defaulted to 1x that's the normal animation speed of everything that we saw now remember this is what it looked like now I'm going to tap on this and I'm going to choose 5x for all of them and I don't know if you can tell but things are a lot faster and snappier it's like you kind of supercharge your phone so everything moves way faster than before you want to go really crazy you can turn off the animations all together it turns off like all the smoothness for things though so I I like to keep it at the5 animation scale and it makes things feel really fast and snappy and no this does not not negatively affect your battery life if you ever want to see more things on your Android device like the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra or you need to make things bigger so it's easier to read maybe you or a parent needs a little bit more assistance to be able to see things more you can control all those things and customize it on your phone the way to do that is you would go and swipe down on the notification shade and hit the gear icon and swipe all the way down to display now you can tell that mine probably looks pretty small in this video and that's because I like things being really small and fit like a ton of stuff on it so you have your font size it's right here but I'll default it to the normal amount for the rest of this video so it's a little bit easier for everyone to see and you can change the screen zoom as well you can see that you can have control of how much you can see on your screen here's an interesting thing that happens on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra when you initially buy it the Default Resolution and refresh rate is lower than what it can do which is interesting because you can do so much more with this especially for the price you pay so let's figure out how to change the settings to get the most out of this display all right swipe down go to the gear icon and then go to your display settings here and then you'll see this option for motion smoothness now it will default to standard which means it only goes 60 htz per second but this can go all the way up to 12 HZ which means everything can look way smoother so you can turn on adaptive smoothness and your phone will seem snappier and smoother it's easier to R text and things like that the other thing that you can do is change the screen resolution what's interesting is on the ultra models you actually have a QHD plus option here for your resolution but it defaults to the fhd plus I mean you're paying for this like really nice screen so use the whole resolution and that actually doesn't affect your battery life there's been some tests out there that show that there's no difference between the resolution and here's a bummer if you use the s24 or s24 plus you don't have AQ HD Plus option for your resolution you have a lower resolution screen bummer if you're trying to extend the charge or the battery life of your phone daytoday or you're in a searious pinch while say traveling here are some tips to help you extend that charge the two easy ones are found by clicking the gear icon in the notification shade and clicking on display if you are in the default light mode you can change over to dark mode now this uses an OLED display which means each individual pixel is illuminated when there's light going through it if you change it to dark mode it goes pitch black it means that the pixel is not on which means it's not utilizing energy or power from your battery that's one way you can increase your battery life another thing is in motion smoothness if you are in the Adaptive mode it does have options to go below 60 HZ to 1 HZ to help alleviate some of the power draw of going up to 12 HZ you want to lock it in at 60 HZ you can do that and it will help get you a little bit more battery life throughout the day I like adapted though cuz it looks nice and smooth now if you need some serious battery savings you can go really extreme can turn off things like your Bluetooth your GPS your WiFi turn your brightness all the way down or as low as you possibly can and that will give you a lot more batter life if you're in like a dire dire situation you can go to your settings go to battery and then you can click on power saving Now power saving will help you with some of those things but also limit your CPU speed and your brightness turn off always on display and things like that so that can get you through a long period of time with the most essential features if you're in a pinch but I would strongly advise having a charger or battery bank with you when you're traveling and if you want to know which ones I use and I travel with there are links Down Below in the description now when you're spending a lot of money on your smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra you want to be able to use it for a long time A lot of people are using their phone for more than a year or two they might be using it for 3 to 5 years so you want to extend the entire lifetime of the battery so it can hold charge for a long time here is a tip to protect the battery on your phone and swipe down from the top and click on the gear icon go over here to battery there's this feature here that's called battery protection if you turn this on you have a few different options here the first option is basic that means that once it hits 100% of charge it will stop charging again until it reach 95% battery life and you can charge up again there you have the Adaptive One this is probably a good one so you can use the maximum while you're asleep and switch the basic before you wake up so it is a little bit smarter about when to adjust the protection on your battery whether you're sleeping or awake or if you want to go maximum and this is the best way to extend the battery life on your phone especially if you're using it for 5 years might be a good idea it prevents your battery from charging any further than 80% there are some um issues that you can have by going all the way to 100% to all the way to 0% so you kind of want to avoid going to the extremes over and over and over again on on your battery this is a great way to help it whether or not you get to 0% though is uh on you so I think I'm going to go with a adaptive that seems like it's pretty smart to me if you ever have a friend who is in a pinch or maybe you have an accessory that uh is running low on battery and you don't happen to be near a power plug or have a charger or battery bank with you there's a neat feature that's built into the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra or 24 series that can help uh provide a bit of battery life so swipe down from the notification shade hit the gear icon swipe down to your battery option and then swipe down to wireless power sharing turn that on and it's ready to charart so we're just going to take this we're going to grab these Galaxy buds right here the light is on and it is charging this also works with phones so if you have a phone with wireless charging you can put it on here and and you can see that it'll start charging it's always nice to have in a pinch and you also have a setting here where you can change when it will stop providing that wireless power sharing depending on your battery life so once my battery hits 30% it's not going to wirelessly Power share anymore you know so you have a battery as well hey have you ever used your phone at night say you're laying in bed trying to go into bed and the screen even though you turn it all the way down still feels really bright so it kind of seems a bit much or you're outside and you need even more brightness well there are some settings here to help with that all right let's try to go with the dim one so it's swiped down from the notification shade and click on the gear icon if you go to accessibility you can go to Vision enhancements and you'll see an option here to click on extra dim and you can see that it's just getting a little bit darker here so that's a clever way you know not make this as bright at night time now if you click on back a couple times to go back to the main settings menu and swipe up until you get to display there is an option here for extra brightness so that it will allow it to get even brighter this is also available in here on the notification shade if you click on the little three dot here on the brightness slider and you see extra brightness here and you can see that's getting brighter so that can be even nicer when you're outside and you happen to need it now the extra brightness option is only available if you have adaptive brightness turned off see how it went away there hey did you know that the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra allows you to have a wallpaper that will change depending on the time of day and like what's going on outside it's called a photo ambient wallpaper it's kind of crazy let me show you so go to your settings click on the gear icon scroll all the way down to advance features so here it is here it's the yellow icon then click on labs and then tap on Photo ambient wallpaper let's turn it on but there's more to the photo ambient wallpaper go to your home screen tap and hold on it go to wallpaper and style click on change wallpapers and go to creative or you might have like a shortcut here it says photo ambient just click on that one it says see how advanced intelligence changes your own photo based on the time and weather works best with outdoor photos taken during the day so we'll click on try now and it's going to give you a quick link to your gallery so let's click on this one for instance and then it'll show you what it looks like at different times so you can see here there's like rain and then snow and it's generating all these other different options here that is contingent on the weather outside kind of neat there's been a lot of fuss about the iPhones always on display and lock screen features and a lot of those are actually available on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you tap and hold on your home screen you'll see this little settings menu pop up at the bottom click on wallpaper and style and then click on your lock screen now you'll see a bunch of things are highlighted over here so you can click on your clock change the way it looks to calendar even change the font if you want to down below here you can add widgets for various things like your calendar clock reminders then you have your quick icons here as well you can do details icons so those are like your notifications and whatnot you can also add your contact information if you want to do that in case your phone gets lost and someone actually wants to be a decent human being and return it to you and then you have options for the quick launch options on the left and and right here so you can choose a specific app to launch now what about that always on display feature that's it's like on the iPhone let me show you how to do that swipe down click on the gear icon and swipe all the way down to lock screen and aod or always on display now click on always on display and then show lock screen wallpaper so let me show you the comparison of what it looks like now so if I turn it off the always on display only has time and your icons and stuff like that it doesn't have any wallpaper there now if I turn on show lock screen wallpaper if I turn it off now you'll see that the wallpaper is still there it's showing up and it looks a lot more like what you see on an iPhone now that may have uh an impact on your better life but it does look pretty cool now there's been a lot of hype about the always on display and all those features on the iPhone but here's a way to oneop it with the Samsung Galaxy s24 so yeah you can do your always on display with the wallpaper still showing like this let's do it even better and hold on your wallpaper here and tap on wallpaper and style now you can change your wallpaper and click on the one for the lock screen hit wallpaper papers now here's what's really cool if you click on the gallery for video and you choose an actual video you can hit done and now your lock screen looks super dope because now look at it it is this cool animated star field how awesome is that I don't see that on an iPhone and if you want to get this lock screen wallpaper I've made it available to channel members so hit that join button that's next to that subscribe button hey did you know that you can use a I to generate wallpapers on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Device it's pretty cool let me show you go ahead and tap and hold on your home screen let see the wallpaper and style icon here at the bottom menu and click on change wallpapers scroll down to creative and you'll see probably a shortcut to generative but in case you don't see it there you can click on creative and see the options that are available and then you see generative now here you have a bunch of different categories let's click on imaginary and then now you can type in something depending on what you're interested in so a surreal let's say Castle oh I just saw some castles while I was in Ireland made of obsidian in shades of pink and purple let's choose blue and indigo and then generate and it's going to use generative AI to create a custo wao that's pretty cool it will generate a custom wallpaper for you and there it is how cool is that ah hey did you know that the Samsung Galaxy s24 has a screen saer feature that's kind of like an old school Windows computer pretty cool let me show you go ahead and swipe down the notification shade and hit the your icon and now you're going to click on display here and then there's a feature that's called screen saver there it is at the bottom click on that and now you can choose colors your photos photo frame things from Google photos if you want to use that we'll just choose the colors one just to see what that looks like so it's a nice little screen saver here that looks really cool ooh I like that so this is what happens when you plug in your phone to charge it now the other options are like Photo table or photo frame so you click the gear icon just choose camera and then click on back and preview and we'll see a bunch of different shots that I took while I was in California and Ireland recently so it'll just show up like that pretty cool hey do you want to like spice up the way that your call Background looks like when you receive a call what you can do that on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you go ahead and open up your phone app here and then there's a little dot dot dot in this top right corner click on that and click on settings now you can see an option here here for call Background so let's click on that and now you can change what your background is here here's a that an image there you know that'll pop up for your call Background you can do something a little bit more interesting here let's choose a video and right now I now have this here it's a video that will show up whenever I get a phone call which is pretty cool there's a surprising amount of things trying to hack you out there in the world you know those scary things that you hear about plugging your phone into at an airport well there's a feature on the Samsung Galaxy that can help prevent those issues from occurring let me show you swipe down from the notification shade and hit the gear icon scroll all the way down to security and privacy and then you'll have an option here that says Auto blocker click on that one and turn it on so this blocks apps from unauthorized sources turns on app Security checks and blocks commands by a USBC cable so the first two are options to prevent any sort of apps that have code in it to mess with your phone or compromise you additionally to prevent software updates when you plug into those cables you have an option down here as well lastly you have an option here for message app protection so it blocks images suspected of containing malware in your messaging app which is crazy that an image could have malware but this helps protect you from that this is one of my favorite features of the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and it gives you all the info you need at just a circle away so all you have to do is tap and hold at the bottom area where you would swipe up and then Circle in a certain area and it'll search for things so if you want to this is like the best part if you take a picture of something maybe you're looking at furniture or like shoes or you know clothes or whatever you can just open up that image there tap and hold and then Circle to search and it'll pull it up and right here we see a whole bunch of places that you can buy a copy of that classic iconic Michael Jackson jacket that I just saw the Grammy Museum recently I this feature I totally use it for finding Furniture like I took a picture of a lamp that I saw recently when I was in Ireland and I was like oh man I want that one so took a picture of it Circle to search and now I know where I can buy it look at that all the options right there how easy is that great for Furnishing your home now there's an interesting Quirk with one UI that I have a fix for if you swipe up on your Samsung device you see all your apps and if you swipe down you see your apps again that seems a bit redundant and weird I would want to see my notification shade especially on this big old display it's you know it's kind of hard to reach the top you you know what I mean so if you tap and hold on your home screen click your settings icon here and you scroll down there's an option here that says swipe down for notification panel so instead of swiping up any you get apps and then swiping down you get apps you get woo your notification shade one of the great things about Android and the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is that you have a lot of customization options like controlling the way that your notifications are displayed in your notification bar and including that percentage for your battery up so let me show you how you can customize the way everything looks and operates on your phone swipe down from the top click the gear icon go to notification settings or notifications right here and then click on advanced settings now we have the option to contr show a lot of different things here you can show the three most recent notifications so you don't have like a whole bunch of things over the top the number of notifications that way you can just see the number of notifications that you have there now the other thing that I like having is showing the battery percentage there instead of little like icon for how much battery life you have so if you click on that you can see exactly how much battery life you have but speaking of percentages over 94.2% of you are not subscribed so please consider subscribing and if you want to receive notifications when I post a new video go ahead and tap that Bell icon you see what I did there oh you've probably experienced this and had anxiety like me you get a notification and then you accidentally dismiss it and it's gone you don't know what it was for what app was it a text message was it important I don't I don't know well on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Samsung devices there's a really neat feature called notification history that allows you to not miss a notification again let me show you so see I have this notification here oh and I swipe it oh no it's gone bumber if you swipe down click on the gear icon and swipe down to Notifications there's a feature under advanced settings called notification history now it is on so you can see a whole bunch of different things here that I've dismissed now here's the thing anything that you have received and dismissed before you turn on notification history it won't show up so you have to turn it on and then it'll show up here and you can see what app it came from and what the message look like and if you want to find out more information maybe you're kind of nerdy you can see what apps are giving you the most notifications out of all of them hey if you're finding tons of value in this video and want to say thanks the super thanks Fe is enabled it's kind of like tipping through YouTube also Channel memberships is enabled and that's where you can get that really cool animated background and other features that are available to channel members and of course if you use those affiliate links those help out a ton not only did this video take over 10 hours to film it has taken over 105 hours to edit it that means combined it almost takes as many hours as tips in this whole entire video it's crazy so any of you who want to support me I really appreciate I don't have have a sponsor for this video so it means a lot but thanks for watching all right let's get back to the tips and uh make sure you share this with your friends see you do you ever get a bunch of notifications maybe feel a bit overwhelmed by it or you're busy well there are some features on the Samsung Galaxy like the s24 ultra that allows you to kind of dismiss it for a temporary period of time so let me show you two options for that say I have this text message here if I click on the little down carot here I can do remind in 1 hour and it will remind you in an hour you can also swipe down and click on the gear icon click on notifications click on advance settings and then choose the show snooze button and that'll snooze things as well that one's a little bit different than remind me in an hour because that one's a suggestion for specifically an hour so if you swipe down for the notification shade find that notification hit that down care icon and you'll see here there's a little bell icon there now so if you click on that one now you can choose something a little bit more specific so you have a little bit more control over when you're reminded about that notification now there's been a lot of fuss about this Dynamic Island on the iPhone but did you know that the Samsung Galaxy phones have had something kind of similar to it normally when you get a notification it just shows up like this on your phone but you can make it look a little bit more like what the dynamic island is doing but for your notifications go ahead and swipe down click on the gear icon go to your notifications setting here and click on notification popup style you can choose brief it'll pop up a little bit like that like a dynamic Island now you can make it a little bit more fun swipe down for the notification shade hit your gear icon click on notifications and now click on notification popup style instead of detailed which it defaults to click on brief and now you have a bunch of other features that are unique to Samsung phones so click on edge lighting style you can also change how the edges or borders of your phone reacts when you get that notification well let's be honest it's not the dynamic Island it's just kind of similar in in nature it has that popup for notifications but the dynamic Island on the iPhone can do way more perhaps inspired by Samsung I don't know let me know what you think in the comments have you ever gotten like a bunch of text messages or phone calls and your phone is just buzzing and making tons of noise and you just want to mute it all there's a neat little feature that helps with that in a simple gesture we'll go ahead and swipe down click on the gear icon we're just going to go to the little search icon here and type in motion and gestures here it's in advanced feature and then click on it right here now you have an option here for mute with gesture so mute incoming calls and alarms are putting your hand over the screen or turning your phone face down that means that when you get a call and you want to mute it all you have to do is turn it over and that's it have you ever wanted a glance over at your Samsung device and see what the notification was or what time it is and you didn't want to pick it up unlock it in order to see it well there's a really neat feature that allows you just double tap and now you can see what your screen looks like let me show you how swipe down from the notification shade hit the gear icon go to advaned features and then click on motions and Gestures you can double tap to turn on the screen or double tap to turn off the screen so there's a lot of options there so now when I want to get a look at it I can double tap on it and if I want to turn it back down I can do that that makes it very easy to see what's on your screen so there's this neat feature that will give you an alert when you've missed a message or phone number when you've picked up your phone if maybe it's been sitting there for a little while I will vibrate so you pick it up and now it just vibrated in my hand let me show you how to turn that on so if you swipe down and go to your gear icon right there go ahead and click on Advanced features and click on motions and Gestures you'll see an option for alert when phone picked up when you have a notification for a you know text message or whatever else or a phone call that came in that you missed the moment that you pick up your phone it'll vibrate and let you know that you missed something one of the cool things that was added to the iPhone recently is widget Stacks where you're able to have a bunch of widgets here and swipe through it like this but did you know that you can do that on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you how so all you have to do is place down a widget on your phone already and then click on it and then now you have a create stack option here now you can add other things onto this that match that same form factor or size so this is really great if you happen to have a music app you can swipe between the stacks so instead of going you know vertically this one's a horizontal stack here you can keep adding to it it's awesome so now you have a ton of options for multiple widgets without taking up a ton of your home screen which I love here's a crazy feature that the moment I heard about it I was like H duh that is so helpful on an Android phone so let me show you all you have to do go to your your text messages click on it and then now we can do if you want to make the text messages bigger or smaller it's just pinch and zoom how obvious is that this is so easy how many of you are like Well Done hey did you know that if you have a video playing on your Samsung Galaxy phone like the s24 ultra and you have a video playing in picture and picture mode say from like Netflix or Disney Plus or even YouTube If you have premium premium is the key thing to make that work you can pinch and zoom and resize where it goes and even snaps into place but I just love that I can make it bigger and multitask from doing that hey did you know that there's a easy gesture when you're watching Youtube like this video right now that allows you to go to full screen and all you have to do is just swipe up Boop now you're at full screen and there's swipe down and your normal player swipe up full screen how convenient you're welcome here is a multitasking feature that use all the time on Android I'm going to show you how to do it this allows you to easily move between multiple apps really fast so all you have to do is double tap on the app overview button two times and a switch between the last app now I know a lot of lot of you are still using the three button navigation at the bottom but some of you are actually moved over to gesture so let me show you how that looks over here all you have to do is swipe from the gesture area and it'll bring up your last app here but it can do even more because it's like a card view so you can keep swiping and to go to different apps here but this is an awesome way to move between apps when you're in gesture mode now if you want to be able to change the navigation style of your phone or even the order of the buttons to the correct one where the back buttons on the left all you have to do is swipe down from the notification shade hit that gear icon click on the search icon and type in navigation and you'll see an option for navigation bar click on that one here and you'll highlight the navigation bar option here and go to the more options for buttons and you can change it to the correct one or you can change it to swipe gestures and you'll see it resets down here and now I have a little swipe options which one do you prefer do you prefer the buttons or gestures and are you a heathen that uses the button order in the wrong order or you going to use a back button on the left cuz you're going back if you're getting a Samsung Galaxy phone and you want something that is not so complex with tons of features and all these different things maybe it's for an older uh parent or grandparent you know or a kid even there's a a neat easy mode that makes this look way different let me show you so what you're going to do is swipe down from the notification setting hit the gear icon scroll down to display and then you have an option called easy mode click on that one and it has a more simple layout for everything everything's bigger it's a high contrast keyboard and now it looks like this look how big everything is the touch areas are a lot easier to interact with you can see that the text is big and bold so this is really great for accessibility and for you know just being able to easily tap on different things on your screen while the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra comes with 12 GB of RAM sometimes when you're using some really intensive apps they'll just automatically close on here's how to keep those apps open and not close on you say for instance you have something like cap cut open which is a video editing app you swipe up or go to your app overview screen and tap on the icon for the app you can tap on keep open now you'll see this little lock icon show up here and now what will happen is if you go to something else say you're going to take a break from video editing for a little bit it can be a lot watch a little bit of Loki you can go to that and it'll keep your app open in cap cut without having to reset and refresh everything so you don't lose your spot so even though the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra comes with 12 GB of RAM do you know that there's a way to get free RAM and swipe down click on the gear icon and type in the search bar RAM and then you're going to click on Ram plus it it'll check your memory and see what's available you can also clean out things from your memory like your wallpaper and things like that and click clean now and now you also have Ram plus so you can actually increase the amount of ram that you're utilizing I have it already set to 8 GB so now I have 20 GB of RAM available to me that's pretty nice if you really need that just keep in mind that it's technically using your storage and potentially if you happen to use your phone for 7 or 8 years you might have some degradation of the quality of that Ram but most of you will probably replace your phone in 2 to 4 years so I wouldn't worry about too much now with this massive screen on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra you want to make a good use of it so let me show you a neat multitasking feature that I use all the time so what we're going to do is bring up you know whatever you're looking at say it's this amazing recipe for spaghetti carbonara if you swipe up and go to your app overview screen and tap on the icon you can open and split screen view now it's going to ask you what other app you want to have open below it so I'm going to tap in notes I can take to notes on you maybe what ingredients I need but there's more to it you can readjust how much space it takes up so maybe you don't need to see everything here and if you don't like this orientation of the web page up top and the notes at the bottom tap on the three button icon here and you just hit the swap and when you want to just close out out of it you can just go like this and now it's in full screen this a pretty neat feature on Samsung Galaxy devices for your notifications that kind of gives a little bubble like Facebook Chat Heads like back in the day that's pretty neat that makes it really easy to just pop in and check out an app and then pop out let me show you so swipe down for the notification shade and hit the gear icon down and click on notifications and go to advanced settings now you're going to click on floating notifications tap on that and you have Smart popup view so now you need to figure out what app you want to use so I'm going to use this app right here go to your app overview screen tap on the app icon and tap on open and popup view now it'll show up in this orientation here it's in a window of sorts go ahead and tap at the top part and click on this collapse option here and now you see it's in this little icon right here that you can move around and then it's available so you can keep using it as you need and then tap on it it'll pop up kind of in a window mode if you want to close it you can go down here and remove it or tap on it and close right there you can change its opacity if you want to you can do a split screen and you can see that you can change the way that the settings look right here if you want to utilize smart pop-up view on your Samsung Galaxy device with just a swipe there's a feature for that let me show you swipe down for your notification shade and hit the gear icon hit search and type in multi window and then tap on the Highlight there and you'll see swipe for Popup View and then it'll show you a gesture for creating smart pop-up view so we have that on now and I'll just swipe down from the top and now it's in smart popup view you can also increase the touch area of that corner to make it easier to utilize now we have the app open that we want to utilize for pop-up View and The Wider touch area and you can see that it works pretty easy sometimes you'll get the notification shade so you want to go right in the corner right there if you want to go really hardcore with your multitasking and split screen and you don't want to jump around to a bunch of different settings there's a gesture for it that makes it really easy let me show you go ahead and swipe down click on the gear icon type in multi- window click on that click on where it highlights and swipe for split screen turn that on and now you have an option or gesture that's at the bottom that allows you to go to split screen all this is two fingers and you swipe up you can choose the app that you want pretty easy isn't it awesome and then swipe it down and then multitask again magic so while you can have a split screen option for multitasking on your Samsung Galaxy Device you're still not using the entire screen here's a way to utilize every single bit to get the most out of this gorgeous display swipe down click on the gear icon click search type in multi and you'll see multi- window tap on that it'll highlight over here and then click on full screen and split screen view now what this does is it hides the status and navigation bar so you can see more of every app so you swipe up from the bottom of the screen and down from the top to show the hidden bars so now you can see it's going all the way to the top I don't see any of the clock here but if I bring it down you see the clock is there see how I I can bring up the navigation bar at the bottom and the clock but otherwise it disappears when I have the full screen and split screen turn on now multitasking on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is awesome and having a split screen multi- window option is amazing but not all apps support it there is a way though to force those apps to work for multi- window let me show you swipe down for the top hit the gear icon scroll all the way down to Advanced features click on Labs now we have this option here for multi- window for all apps turn that on and now all apps are able to have a popup view or a split screen view even if they have not been like set up to support that by the developer Samsung will make it work that way which is really cool do you work in social media or use WhatsApp and have multiple accounts well a lot of those apps only allow you to have one login per device which is really annoying with this feature you can have multiple logins for your social media accounts or Whatsapp or whatever else let me show you how swipe down hit the gear icon and hit the search button and type in duel and you'll see this dual messenger option type or show up here click on that one and then you'll see at the bottom so click on Dual messenger and you see the different apps that are supported for multiple login so essentially it's duplicating the app for a second one a second login so you have two apps available and now we're going to install a second copy and boom you have your second app right there for your other account hey have you ever handed your phone over to someone to make a call or to a kid to play a game but you don't want them snooping around and looking at other things like maybe your photos and stuff well there's a really neat feature that keeps them locked in to that that specific app that you gave them access to go ahead and swipe down from the notification shade and hit that gear icon there click on the search icon and type in pin and you'll see this option for pin app let's click on it and activate it so now that this is activated if you swipe up to your app overview screen tap on your icon for the app and then tap pin this app now you can't get out they just use this app they can't Snoop around they can't swipe around but if you want to get out of the app they have to swipe up and hold and now it goes back to your lock screen which requires your PIN number or your Biometrics in order to get back in and now you're out so that's a very helpful way to make sure that someone's not going around in your phone doing something that they shouldn't do you always hate unlocking your Samsung Galaxy phone and wish it just kind of knew and was smarter of when it's on you and it kept it unlocked more often well there's a feature to extend the unlock depending on where it is on your person and how it's being used let me show you swipe down from the notification shade and hit the gear icon and type in extend unlock lock so you have this option right here and then it'll ask for your PIN number this is your PIN number not mine and now you have a few options here so you can set up on body detection so when it's on your body and can detect that movement it'll keep your phone unlocked and then you have trusted places so maybe you're at home or at work you can keep it as a trusted place and it remains unlocked and then trusted devices so maybe you have a watch or earbuds and if those devices are connected to your phone it keeps your phone unlocked so now you you don't have to always worry about typing in your PIN number getting your face or your fingerprints your phone will be unlocked a lot but keep in mind that comes at the expense of security so it's up to you what you choose but keep that in mind we never want this to happen with our phones but sometimes it happens maybe it drop it and it cracks or something weird happens with it and you need to bring it into the service center to get looked at but you're kind of worried about someone being a little creepy and snooping through your stuff well there is a neat mode on here that prevents someone from well being a creeper let me show you go ahead and swipe down for the notification shade hit the gear icon click on the search button and type in maintenance and you have this option that's called a maintenance mode click on that one and you can turn on maintenance mode by tapping on this one and it provides all these different protections like the ability to look at your pictures messages and accounts you can't download apps you know different things it turns off the ability for the repair technician from being able to go in there and kind of Snoop around which is really helpful especially for the women out there so looking out for you there's also an option to create backups just in case something happens where they can't recover something or fix something on your phone and you have to get a new one if you're like me you like having your rotation settings locked so it's not flopping all around there's this really neat setting here so if you rotate it there's a little icon that shows up in the bottom corner if you tap on that it will manually rotate it but keeps it locked so if you rotate it back to normal you'll see the icon again and it'll manually rotate back to Portrait so that's a good way to keep your rotation settings locked but have a little bit more control of it and to change it quickly look I love a big screen like on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra but you know unless you're a giant it's kind of hard to reach everything well there's a neat feature on here that makes it really easy to use with one hand swipe down for the notification shade and hit the gear icon hit the search button there and type in onehanded mode tap on that one and then turn it on and now there's a gesture to do that all you have to do is swipe down and now it's in one-handed mode and you can swipe to what side it's on with the icon there and if you want to get out of it just double tap and it goes full screen pretty sweet that you can do that you can even resize it manually if you want to do that if you have the button navigation style all you have to do is double tap on the home button but uh you should use gestures they're amazing do you ever have to like type in something over and over again like an email address or some sort of can response of sorts well there's a really easy way to create a shortcut so you don't have to type it out all the time let me show you go ahead and swipe down for the navigation shade hit the gear icon click on the search button type in text shortcuts tap on that one and you'll see it right here it's highlighted click on that and now you can type in text shortcuts here add so maybe the shortcut is let's say period T and whenever you type that in it says this is Tech today so say you're in a note here you hit period T and then hit enter and now it types it all out for you how convenient is that you can just like put a whole paragraph in there for goodness sakes that's awesome now I really like a lot of things about the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra but one thing I don't like is how huge this keyboard is and I wish I could customize it well you know what I can let me show you click on this gear icon right here and click on the option for size and transparency now you can see it right here you can make it bigger if you want to and you're crazy or make it smaller hit done now you can adjust the font size as well so if you want to you can make the fonts bigger or smaller I like it uh you know normal oh maybe bigger that's actually kind of nice I'll stick with that now one of the greatest things about the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra has all the customization options that you can do with it but there's a lot more you can do with the keyboard than adjust the size or the font size you can actually customize the way it looks let me show you how if you go to the Galaxy store the one that says store on your Samsung Galaxy device and then you type in Keys Cafe you'll see an option here for this app called Keys Cafe let's open it up so now that we're in Keys Cafe you can click on my themes you can go through the options are already created or click on your new one there so now you can go through it and adjust the color of the different Keys the style of them there's a lot of customization options here depending on your taste and look at this you can do a lot my goodness how cool is that you can replace the background with an with an image if you want to it's pretty crazy the the actual key has an image underneath it which is insane mess around with it and have fun did you know that the Samsung keyboard has a lot of really neat features built into it like grammarly for spelling and grammar or giy or jfy antenor gifs or gifs whatever you want to choose fight about in the comments I'm curious which one you would choose let me show you how to enable first you're going to want to make sure that the keyboard is up just click on any text box somewhere hit the gear icon the first thing that we're going to do is enable grammarly so you'll go to suggest text Corrections by default strangely grammarly is not enabled so you're going to click check on that one and you can choose what apps benefit from it it's defaulted to your all available apps and then you can go all the way down here and now there's an option called select third party content to use so click on that strangely grammarly is not turned on here either so let's enable it again I'm not sure if it doesn't actually work until you enable it twice but there's also gify and tenor and then Google for translation so and these bit emojis and mooji do whatever that is so you can enable that so now say I go to a text message and go here I can now add gifts so now you have that there you can see all of them over here how cool is that hey check this out I just took a screenshot with my palm let me show you how this is available on Samsung Galaxy devices swipe down for the notification shade hit the gear icon go all the way down to advance features click on motions and Gestures and click on Palm swipe to capture so once that's turned on swipe your palm against it and now you've taken a screenshot hey did you know that you can save your screenshots to the clipboard of your Samsung Galaxy keyboard so you can just paste it in other places it's kind of cool let me show you take a screenshot and then go ahead and open it up now you'll see the dot dot dot in the top right corner tap on that one and now you're going to copy it to the clipboard so it's right there now I'm going to open up a note and you can see that it's here in my clipboard I'm just going to paste it and now it's in my notes which is really cool and then you have this clipboard right here and you can see a history of what you've copied and what your screenshots are to make it very easy to paste wherever you need one of the great things about Android phones is the ability to customize your home screen and have a choice of where icons go instead of being forced all the way at the top you don't want to have that all messed up maybe you give it to a kid and they just get all snotty and just move things around and it's annoying well you can lock it let me show you so tap and hold on your home screen click that gear icon for settings and then click on lock home screen layout now everything is exactly where I want it and intend it to be here's a really cool feature if you have guests over to your home and they want to connect to your Wi-Fi easily and you know you don't want to give them like a crazy long password maybe you don't even remember it well this is awesome swipe down from the notification shade long hold on your Wi-Fi network go ahead and click on details click on that gear icon there and then now that you have your Wi-Fi network up click on QR code it's going to ask for your PIN number and then now you have this QR code that pops up that someone can quickly scan or you have the quick share option for those who have an Android phone that makes it really easy to connect to your Wi-Fi and if you want you can save it as an image what if I told you that this 20 C little sticker here unlocks a ton of power for your Samsung Galaxy s24 device let me show you this right here is an NFC or RFID tag or sticker and if you download some apps called NFC tools and FC tasks you can unlock a whole bunch of features I personally went with the Pro Edition cuz you can do even more let me show you though so this app is really cool CU you can read the tag and get information about it you can write to it so you can add a record and you can add things like text a URL so if someone Taps it it brings up a website you can copy a tag you can erase a tag lock a tag read from the memory so on so forth and then t task are where it gets really cool so you can add a task here and this is where you can start really controlling a whole bunch of features on your phone so you can control your networks Wi-Fi change your microphone settings mute it you can adjust your display go to screen saver do adaptive brightness or dark brightness which could be really nice if you're going to bed and you just tap it on your nightstand and now you're an extra dim ton of different options here and if you want to there are more options so you can go even more advanced so I have something really simple set up for my NFC sticker where where I just tap the NFC area and it toggles on and off the flashlight and that's it there are tons of possibilities with this sticker you can even create routines and things like that I personally use it a lot when I go to trade shows like CS or NAB so I can easily share my content information like a business card or my Media Kit so super cool there's a link in the description if you want to pick this up you can also find more things that are cool like this sticker and my Samsung Galaxy s24 accessories video which can be found up here or the link in the description once it's posted now we use our smartphones a ton and sometimes we can use it maybe perhaps a bit more than we're supposed to or we need to get some data to find out if we're using our devices in a healthy manner well there are some really great features allow you to track how you use your phone so if you swipe down from notification shade and hit the gear icon swipe all the way down to digital wellbeing and then at the bottom you have a driving Monitor and so this can let you know of how you use your phone while you're driving a walking monitor you can see how much use your phone while walking and it can help you uh avoid distractions when you're walking and then a volume monitor which is really important to me as an audio engineer it will let you know if you are listening to things too loud and to turn it down a little bit more that's really important because you only have two sets of ears and once you start losing hearing ability in your ears you don't get it back so take care of them one thing that's been really cool about some of the latest versions of Android is its adaptability and you have the ability to change the color palette of your device depending on your wallpaper and let me show you how if you click and hold on your home screen go to wallpaper and style and then choose color pad so you can manually choose your color palette if you want to do so you can also apply that to the icons you can see how the apply button is changing colors especially between these if you change your wallpaper you can have different color palettes so it'll adjust depending on what kind of wallpaper you're using so let me show you here the color palette now see how it's different now it matches what the wallpaper looks like it's a little bit more of these earthy gold tones T and stuff like that which is really cool so now we have this blue one if we go here for the color palette you can see how there's a lot of blue and cool tones and things are on the opposite side of the color wheel like a yellow pretty cool try it out say you're playing some music or a video and you want to have some control of where the audio is actually being output maybe it's to a soundar your earbuds or you want it to actually come out of your own device here's how you can do that on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra so I have something playing already so once you have that going you would just click on this media output option right here click on that and now you can see that I have my various devices available like my soundbar downstairs some of my displays like my Google home or my uh pixel tablet so you can choose that right here and adjust the volume 4 easily just from clicking on media output hey did you know that you can have some granular control of the audio output per app on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra for example if you are say driving on a road trip and someone in your passenger seat wants to listen to some music and you want to listen to the navigation information but you don't want to listen to the music well you can specifically choose to have the music play on their Bluetooth device while the maps information is played on your actual phone let me show you how swipe down for the notification shade hit the gear icon click on sounds in vibration and go all the way down to separate app sound so click on that turn it on now and then what you can do is you can choose to have like the YouTube video for instance uh or another app that you want to add maybe it's Apple music you can have all that set up now to play out of a Bluetooth device that is connected so now only those apps are going to the Bluetooth device but your maps are playing out of your phone kind of neat to have a little bit of more control over app specific output here's a really cool feature that's amazing if you want to share the ability to play through a Bluetooth speaker with others great for like a party one of the many amazing features on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you go to your settings swipe down and hit the gear icon and then type in music share and then you'll see this option for music share right here now the way that this works is that you have the ability to share control of this device with other people because you make it available once I've turned on music share I can share this device with my contacts only or everyone you can have them ask permission in order to connect to it and disconnect from them after a period of uh no actual activity so you can see the different devices that I have available for them including the Sony speaker that I have right here so I have some music playing from this phone right here on this speaker and now I'm going to bring out this other phone that is connected to this speaker through the Samsung Galaxy device and now I can hit play and now I'm playing something else through it so that's pretty awesome I can pause it and I go back here and now it's playing from this phone so pretty cool that I have the ability to control that between between devices all of them sharing this Bluetooth speaker through my Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra awesome one of the great features that has been added to Android and kind of unified this year is Quick Share it's kind of like airdrop for Android so what I'm going to do is go to like my gallery I have this image of myself I'm going to click on the share icon here and then type on Click Share and then I'll see that my phone over here is showing up so I'm going to tap on that one and then once I do that what will happen is I'll get a notification over here saying that I'm receiving an from my Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra I can see that this photo is now in my download pretty awesome right do you know that you can launch an app of your choice by double clicking on the side button for the power button it'll bring up the camera like this you can change it by going to your settings hitting the gear icon hit search and click side button and you have the option to quick launch the camera or open an app of your choice so you can open a specific app so could be really great for like your airline miles or whatever whenever you're traveling you can also press and hold and it'll open up biig spe but I'm going to keep it at the quick launch of the camera but what app would you choose do you kind of hate it when you hold down the power button on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and then it brings up Bixby here's how to disable that and get the power menu like it should be swipe down on your notification shade hit that gear icon search for side key and then you see side button here tap on that one and then instead of pressing hold for waking Bixby you can tap on power off menu when I hold it down you get that option instead which is how it should be if you want to have more control of your power button when you hold it down that's beyond just the power menu or Bixby let's say you want to change it to the Google Assistant here is how you can do that on your Samsung Galaxy s24 old drive you're going to go to the Galaxy store so it's not the Google Play Store it's the Galaxy store the Samsung store so you click on store you're going to find an app called good lock going to download and install that now when you open that up there are two different columns there's the makeup and then the life up let's click on the life up one and then you're going to scroll down until until you find the one it says registar so we have the registar here now once this is open we'll have the ability to control or map out what this button does so let's install everything so you'll see the option here for Sid key press and hold action now we can turn it on and you have all these different options that you can choose for holding it down like turning on and off your flashlight mute or unmute things show notification show recent apps back button or open app so now you'll have to click on the gear icon and you can find different options for or what you can launch with it but we'll choose the assistant right here now when I hold it down boom Google assistant and it works like that so that's pretty awesome so not too long ago there's this craze with the iPhone where you could back tap on the back of it and it would do certain actions well did you know you can do that on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you how so you want to go to the Samsung Galaxy store the Samsung store not the Google Play Store click on store so you're going to want to install this app called good lock once that's installed open it you'll see two columns click on life up and you're going to find the one that says register I already have it installed here but click on register and now once you've opened that you'll have the opportunity to adjust what the backtab action does so click on backtab action and turn it on and then you can create an event detection notification just in case and you can set up what happens when you have a double tap so now I've set up what happens when I double tap on the back and what I triple tap on the back and you can adjust the sensitivity so now when I double tap it'll open up the expert raw camera app for for me now if I triple tap it'll open up the normal camera app for me so I can change what happens there so really nice that I can adjust that to get the option that I want do you know that there's a modes feature on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and maybe you don't know what modes are let me show you down for the notification shade hit the gear icon search for modes and routines click on that and now you have a whole bunch of different options right here for modes now you can have customization settings here so this one is a little bit more in-depth features here that you can have but if you want you go to mode so say you're going to sleep you can turn it on and you can set it up so you turn it on manually or automatically and then you can choose what happens when you're in this mode like do not disturb you can add other actions you can go to gray scale dark mode you know eye Comfort Shield all those different things another option for when you're in the theater driving exercising relaxing so on so forth so uh maybe you turn off uh text messages and things like that uh when you're in driving mode what would you use it for let me know in the comments and let's see if we can get some ideas that we can share with each other did you know that you can create a routine on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra essentially it'll do a whole bunch of tasks automatically based upon what you create it's essentially an if this then that statement let me show you how swipe down for the notification shade hit the gear icon search for modes and routines click on that right there and go to the bottom area and click on on routines and now hit the plus sign and here you have the option to create an if this then that statement say you have a fitness equipment of some sort or earbuds that you wear whenever you work out you can choose what triggering event you want to have uh as your if statement so let's choose a Bluetooth device and choose the device that's connected to you so if my Galaxy buds Pro 2 are connected that's a condition and then we choose the then statement so maybe you have a fitness app that you always use and you want to choose that you can choose from apps there's a whole bunch of other options you can choose as well and now you're able to just start working out because you just connected your earbuds to your Galaxy s24 Ultra pretty cool stuff that you can do here there's a lot of flexibility and power available to you now I would love to know what kind of routines that you use or would like to use so let me know in the comments so we can share ideas with each other and make our phones do even more cool things hey did you know that the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra has free live TV on it at least in the United States let me show you how to walk watch it all you have to do is swipe up to your app drawer and in the Samsung folder it's usually Consolidated there or maybe it's not in there but you want to find the app that's just called TV open that up and you have a whole bunch of live tv that you can look at there's categories for all of it depending on what you want to watch there's stuff for kids on here if you want there's Teletubbies whoa nightmare feel right there con and O'Brien you can watch all this live TV on here right now which is pretty cool they do have some ads on here to keep that in mind that's how it's free but you know have a bunch of different things you can watch you can watch 21 Jump Street Baywatch whatever you want to do that's on here there's even the local news and national news pretty cool that this is free on your phone if you ever wanted to watch something and you can't listen to it maybe you don't have earbuds available the battery ran out or you're in public can't listen to it out loud on your device you still want to see what is being said or maybe there's no closed captions and you just kind of want to have them available well there's this really neat feature called live transcrip all you have to do is hit up or down on the volume on on your Android device and on my Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra I can hit the dot dot dot right there and there's this little icon that's right there if I tap on that it'll start creating live captions so I can see what is being said so you can see right here and you can change what the languag is if you want by adding a language but I like it right here just fine you can change the settings here however you want and move it around and if you want to dismiss it you can either swipe down to dismiss it or hit the volume button hit the dot dot dot again and hit the icon again to dismiss it hey have you ever found yourself on a call with someone who speaks a different language well one of the best things about the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is the ability to live translate your calls so whatever you're saying is translated into their language and whatever they say is translated into your language pretty cool here's how you enable it go to your phone app click on the dot dot dots right there go to settings and click on live translate now you have to turn this on first now you can adjust things a little bit so you can mute their voice so you're not confused and it's not overlapping or whatever and you can choose what kind of voice it sounds like you add different voices depending on what you want to do and how fast it reads it off as well as what language it's in so we have English and Spanish uh here already okay now we're connected we're going to click on call assistant and now we're going to choose live translate so now you can see that's translating between the two it's super cool super helpful if you need to make those really important calls and you just don't happen to be able to speak each other's language one of the cool features on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is interpreter mode so if you are traveling to say another country and you don't speak the language or they don't speak English or your language you can actually have it interpret and translate live right there from your device to enable this swipe down click on the gear icon scroll all the way down to Advan features you're going to click on advanced intelligence and then click on interpreter so now you have the options that are available so language packs you can download additional ones for different countries and languages there's also voice Styles and a tapto talk option I think this is probably the wisest choice because it's a little bit more manual and easy to use so let's open up interpreter if we swipe down you'll see it's in your quick settings right here and if it's not you can edit it and add things to your quick settings uh based upon this but it's already there for me so let's open it up and then here we have interpreter hello where is the bathroom no I'm sorry I don't know so there is interpreter pretty neat right man so many AI features on the Samsung Galaxy S 24 Ultra here's one that allows you to translate live in your keyboard so say we have uh this is a test message what happens now you'll see this little sparkly thing over here let's click on that and can choose chat translation so now that we've clicked on that you can adjust what language it goes into so we have Auto into English so we can change it here to Spanish you can add languages if you want to but we'll just stick with Spanish here so what you're going to do is you just type as normal so hello can you understand what I'm saying and then I'm going to click this little AI magic button right here and click on chat translation I'll choose English to Spanish and then just hit send and then what will happen is automatically change it over here boom just like that here's a really cool AI feature built into the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra that is awesome if you're a student or you're taking a bunch of notes and you need to you know summarize things format things or even translate let me show you you can open up a bunch of different things maybe it's your note app we'll just click on this little AI button here so this is like a whole little article there and you can autof format it so let's click autof format so you have headlines and bullets and it'll automatically format it based upon that right here if you want to you can also change it to a different type of formatting so meting so more of like a bullet point style boom just like that you can also summarize it which is really awesome boom just like that and if you want to you can correct the spelling if there's anything you know grammar and spelling even cooler translate it so let's translate it into Spanish and translate boom just like that how cool is that you can even change it right here I have French installed you can add more languages huge for business and schoolwork but I'd love to know what you would use this for one of the best features of the Google pixel 8 and 8 Pro is the ability to use a recorder app to get a full transcription of the recording Samsung wasn't going to be left behind for long using the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra you can easily record lectures interviews or brain storming sessions and let the s24 ultra transcribe them for you here's how to do that so I have this voice recording that I already recorded prior to this filming and you have this option here that says transcribe so I click on transcribe and we'll transcribe it into English you also have the ability to transcribe it into another language but don't worry you can translate it later on if you want to and it'll be able to identify and label different voices so if it's like a interview or podcast you can see that so see speaker one and speaker two now let's click on summary and I'll use the AI to summarize everything you can see all this right here with headlines and everything it has keywords in there as well if you want to do that and another thing that you can do is you can take that transcript or that summary and hit the dot dot dot right there and you can copy it into your Samsung Notes it's right here so now it's in the Samsung Notes and it also has a voice recording there as well if you want to reference it but if it's in a Samsung Note you know what that means you have the AI in there so you can tap the AI there you can autof format things summarize correct spelling or translate it so we can translate it now translate into French if you want to pretty cool stuff that you can do there pretty awesome especially if you're doing like Foreign Relations for business awesome have you ever gone on to a web page and you're like I don't want to read all that what's the tldr or maybe you need to translate it you can do that on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you how so I have this really great article and review of the s24 ultra by my friend Ben and what I can do is just go here to this magic AI button here tap on it and now I can summarize the whole review here there it is and if you want to you can copy it and then paste it into Samsung Notes or you can translate it into another language just like this now it's in Spanish or if you want to you can translate the whole entire page into a different language let's translate into Spanish and now it's translated the whole page into Spanish now the one downside though is it only works in the Samsung internet browser it does not work in Chrome or Opa or whatever else you're using have to use the Samsung internet browser while the s24 ultra talks a lot about the 200 megapixel lens and to a lesser extent the 50 megapixel lens those settings aren't on by default you have to turn them on so we're going to go up to the camera app right here and we'll tap on the 12 megapixels and you have the option for 50 megapixels which does change the focal lengths that you have available so it's 1 to 5 and if we click on 200 megapixels we go to 1x now keep in mind that not only do you have a limitation in what focal ranges or lengths that you have available depending on what megapixel size that you choose but the lack of shutter lag that's available on the 12 megapixels will disappear so you'll have a little bit of that lag return on the 50 megapixels or 200 megapixels on top of that they do take up more storage space so keep that in mind thankfully the base storage is higher on the s24 ultra than some other phones out there and when you're ordering the s24 ultra maybe opt for the one with the higher storage option one of the coolest use cases for the 200 megapixel option on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is the ability to take one photo and get multiple photos out of it let me show you so this photo right here I took in 200 megapixel mode and what I can do is click on edit and maybe I just want to crop into this area right here and then what I can do is click on save as copy and I'll swipe back now we're going to edit over here and change this one to just have that area and we'll click as save as copy and we'll swipe over again and and edit again and just kind of crop out this area right here and click as save as copy the 200 megapixels gives you a ton of resolution so it's really great if you want to print something out like a poster or whatever but also the ability to create different images out of that one image so see how clear this is so maybe you don't have to be so concerned about the way that you frame your shots in 200 megapixel mode one of the coolest things to find on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra that wasn't there for the s 23 Ultra is the ability to record 8K video even on the telephoto lines let me show you here we are in the video mode here and I'll tap on this little setting here and you have the ability to click on 8K here and it's 830 but you can also hit 5x and now it's shooting an 8K on the telephoto pretty awesome and you can have all that resolution amazing a huge upgrade to the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra that wasn't there in Prior models is the ability to record 4K 120 frames per second for slow motion video let me show you how so I've opened up the camera app and I've gotone into this menu for the resolution and frame rate and you can see that there's no 120 frames per second so where is it we click on more and click on pro video once you've clicked on that you can click up here now we have 120 frames per second in Ultra wide and wide so now you have a really convenient video that you can slow down a whole bunch in four K which makes things look amazing so Google has had a really neat feature called object eraser that has gotten a lot of attention and in many ways Samsung has had their own as well but now it's been upgraded with AI let me show you how it works so go to your gallery and pick out an image now what you can do is hit on the edit button there and now click on the AI little button there it'll scan things out for you and you can tap and draw around anything that you want to get rid of this is especially nice if you happen to use the S Pen cuz it gives you a little a little bit more granularity of what you want to remove so now I've selected all the people on the street if you don't want to draw around them you can also just tap on them and it'll select them which is pretty cool you can tap and hold on them to move them around if you want to or you can simply erase them so we're going to erase them and now we have the empty space there and we're going to click on generate and wow that's pretty dang good you can see the original surprising that's not bad at all what do you think how do you think it did another thing you can do is move someone somewhere else increase the size or make them bigger or smaller depending on what you want to do H it looks okay not as good as the Magic Eraser type thing now one of my favorite features on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is generif fill which is going to come in really handy for my crooked images let me show you so I took this image over here when I was in Dublin but it's crooked so what I'm going to do is click on that AI thing there the icon there and what I'm going to do is I'm going to straighten out this IM image now if I straighten out the image you'll notice here they have all these extra things around the Border where there isn't actually an image that was captured if you click on generate it'll fill in those gaps there so it looks proper and this is doing this all with AI which is pretty cool and there you go it looks like I actually took a straight photo it did all right not bad and keep in mind that you can save it as a copy so you're not overriding the original which is always helpful a neat feature that's available on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is the ability to remove glare and remaster your images so this is really helpful if you happen to be in front of glass when you take a picture so like this one I just click on the info button here so now what will happen is it has some options or suggestions here available like erase Reflections so we'll tap on that it's going to analyze things and you can see here that it has removed some of the reflections that make the image a lot easier to see you also have the option to remaster it so here we have this image that I took from the plane and it looks a bit washed out when I click on remastering you have this as an option so it looks a little bit more contrasty and nice have you ever taken a photo and you realize that your Shadow or someone else's Shadow is in the way well you can actually remove them on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra kind of neat so here I have this image where some Shadows are ruining the image you click on the IE icon here so now you have the options that pop up like erase shadows and it use some AI stuff to remove them how crazy what the heck how well do you think it did now the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra has a lot of really awesome features that help fix your photos but can be a bit tedious to go through each and every single one to find out what to fix well there is this convenient thing in the gallery app that allows you to see all the suggestions easily click on the hamburger menu in the bottom right and click on suggestion and now you'll see remaster pictures for a bunch of different images suggested here so improve color brighten and reduce blur so it pretty much scans through all of your images to find suggestions for you so that way you don't have to do all of it on your own manually hey did you know that you can add a portrait blur to an image after the fact for a selfie shot or a shot of people let me show you how so here's a photo that I took with the main camera lens kind of pointed it at myself like this and maybe I wanted this to have a portrait mode like kind of blur so we can add background blur and then it'll analyze everything and add it for me and you can choose how intense it is or not intense so that's pretty crazy that I can do that after the fact so that looks pretty dang good to me what do you think here is a really crazy feature on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra that makes a photo that you took become like a 24-hour time lapse it's it's it's C let me show you so go into the gallery app bring up an image for something outside or whatever else click on the I icon and then it'll pop up and say 24-hour time lapse it'll use AI now to generate a 24-hour time lapse going from the time that you took it to night time and you know morning and things like that you can see how it's changing right here oh my gosh how crazy is that and you can even add a some sound to it or adjust how fast it goes you can also save it as a copy so you don't destroy the original image I mean this is kind of dope this is kind of cool what do you think one of the coolest features on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is the ability to create an instant slow motion video let me explain what that means so I brought up a video that I filmed recently in the gallery app and it goes by pretty ding fast it's only 8 seconds long and things move by pretty dang quickly so I don't really get a good look of it now if I move over to the beginning and tap and hold on it you can see it starts moving everything at slow motion it uses AI now to add additional frames to make it look slow motion so now that I have hit the edit button while holding down for the instant slow motion and you can click on adjust speed you can choose it to do 1/4 of speed and you can choose where this starts um so maybe it's uh right here this is all the slow motion parts that I want to have here so it's at 1/4 speed can hit play can see how right when he goes into the area it goes into slow motion a little bit of a speed ramp right here now this is really awesome that you can add in slow motion after the fact and in a specific area if you have pets or kids a lot of times we're filming video and we're not always expecting to need slow motion and this adds an option to add it after the fact in a very high quality way that is pretty convincing especially for social media now there are a lot of AI features on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra but did you know that most of it is not processed on the device but you can choose to make it process on the device l let me show you how go to your settings by clicking on the gear icon and go on to Advanced features click on advanced intelligence and then you have the option to process data only on device now keep in mind this is great for privacy but the results of the AI processing will not be as good as being able to send it off to an offline server and then coming back to your device so keep that in mind I personally would rather keep it off but I understand if people people want to keep everything on device also some services do require that you have the option to process it off of the device so you know if it's searching for something specifically then that makes sense it needs to search the internet did you know that you can cut someone out of an image like on the iPhone but on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra this can be really great if you want to make some stickers or create thumbnails so I brought up an image here on my gallery app and I'm just going to tap and hold and boom now I can save it as a sticker or copy and share you can see that you can create an outline or cutout this could be really great for Discord emotes or twitch stuff or even in cartoon my goodness so click done and now we have a sticker we can also tap on it and click copy bring up your messaging and we can paste it and now I just pasted a little image of myself right there pretty awesome so that could be really cool if you copy the sticker and you want to go over here and you can choose to paste from the clipboard and then now I have another me in this image did you know that you can use the volume keys to do a lot of different things in the camera app on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you so go ahead and open up the camera app hit the gear icon for your settings and then go all the way down to shooting methods and then you'll see the option for press volume buttons too so right now it's defaulting to take a picture or start recording or ending the recording of a video you can also zoom in and out or control the sound volume so now I have this here and I can use the volume key to zoom in on my teleprompter or whatever else or I could just zoom in on myself and hold it up kind of like a tell like a little camcorder like a dad like a like a dad did you know that you can take pictures on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra by using your palm let me show you how open up the camera app hit the settings button go down to shooting methods you'll see show Palm so now I just hold up my palm it notices it and it takes a picture and it also works on the video mode have you ever had this happen when something's happening really quick and you go to bring up your phone to take a video but you're in photo mode well if you just tap hold and drag up now you're in the video mode just like that and then you can stop so that's a quick and easy way to go to video mode in a split second in case you were in the wrong setting there's a really neat feature that acts a little bit like you have your own camera person when you're filming video let me show you open up your camera go to the video settings and click on this icon right here it's the auto framing on feature so now when you have it like this and you move around I don't know if you can see it's zooming in and framing things around for me pretty dang easily oh it's pretty that's pretty neat right here's a neat feature on the Samsung Galaxy that allows you to group together similar images so it's a little bit easier and less overwhelming to swipe through your gallery so go to your gallery click the dot dot dot right here and click on group similar images and you can see how there are little icons right there for multiple images and if you don't want to group it anymore you can ungroup it click the dot dot dot and ungroup similar images did you know that there's a really cool astrophotography mode on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you you have to download the expert raw app from the Samsung Galaxy store and then there's this little icon up top here that looks like this like the stars and you can have a sky guide so you can click on show and based upon your location it'll show you what the stars are and constellations are around you pretty dang cool isn't it and this will allow you to put this on a tripod and get an astrophotography like long exposure photo so maybe you want to capture this kind of a constellation here it'll capture an image for 7 minutes you have a bunch of different options here for seven and 10 minutes to get the shot that you want for as for photography and you have a little guide there pretty cool even if you just want to see what stars are around you with the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra there's some really awesome features in the Gallery app to create albums and albums that you can share with others so all you have to do is click on the albums little tab here in the gallery app you can see a bunch of different things here so click on the plus icon here so you can create a generic album an auto updating album based upon pictures of people that you select so familiar faces of sorts then you can even group related albums if you want to you can share an album that you've created or create a shared family album so if a whole bunch of other people have Samsung Galaxy devices you can invite them into this album and everyone can contribute photos to you know that album so maybe it's stuff from a holiday or a birthday and you all want to just take pictures and just throw it in there and not have to deal with kind of sharing it another way through like Google photos or Google drive or whatever else you can do it through the family shared album which is really awesome here's a really cool feature that I just used recently when I was at an event and it's called dual mode camera go over to your camera app click on more and click on Dual recording so now I'm recording on the main camera and the selfie camera you can control the resolution and the frame rate you can even adjust whether or not you have this little picture picture set up like this or if you have it like top and down like this along with a picture and picture options you have this little icon here at the bottom so you can choose the different camera angles that you have available so maybe you don't want to have your selfie camera on here you just want to record the ultra wide and the wide at the same time so you can record both of those and you can see both of those options here and if you want to you can record the images or the video as burned in like it looks here or you can record separate video files which means that you can utilize these in different ways how you want that's really great for post- production cuz maybe you're not sure which video you want to utilize and now you have options now if you've ever wanteded to have more control over the audio settings in your videos on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra you now can so go to your camera app click on more click on pro video so when you're in the pro video mode on the camera app click on mic and now you can see the various options that are available you have Omni which records everything around it you have front which is in front and rear which is in the rear if you have a USB microphone clipped into it like the DJI mic you can use that as your microphone if you have earbuds you can put these in your ears and you can use this as your microphone instead hey did you know that you can create your own custom filters or LS for your images it's super easy and really cool all you have to do is find your own image that looks the way that you want it to look I'm going to grab an image from my friend Evan Schneider at Lu company or letco I love the way that he color grades things it's beautiful now I've downloaded the image that has a look that I like now I'm going to go to my gallery click on an image that I want to adjust click on editor and then what I'm going to do is click on the filter Circle so we're going to click on this now you'll notice that there's a plus symbol over here we're going to click on that and then we're going to create our own filter we're going to choose the image that we downloaded and we can see how it's made it look similar to the image that uh we we added here so we just create it and now we have our own filter to add whenever we want now here's a cool thing now we can go to other images cuz we've created our own filter and we can use it on those so let's click on this one over here and we'll click on edit and again we'll click on the filters and we'll go over to the far right one pretty cool right one thing that is kind of a bummer about Samsung Galaxy devices like the s24 ultra is that some apps are duplicates of Google Apps and I don't want to have two there is a way to hide these apps and let me show you how go ahead and tap and hold on the home screen click on settings at the bottom and then click on hide apps on home and app screen now you can find what things that you don't want to have on here anymore and hide them from your appd drawer and your main home screen so maybe I don't want to see tips and now we're we have that done and you'll see when we swipe up over here under T you don't see uh tips anymore so you can hide whatever apps you want beyond a typical fine my device or find my phone you can turn on the ability to find your phone even if it's off it's important to create a Samsung account and then turn this setting on so we'll swipe down from the notification shade hit the gear icon go to search and type in find my and then you see this option for offline finding so you can turn it on and then you can locate your phone even if it's offline and help others find their devices now what this does is it correlates the location based upon other Samsung devices even if some thief takes your phone and turns it off it's kind of like there smart trackers which I have a review of which you can watch up here hey if you ever end up in a rough situation and you need to get help from doctors or some medical attention it's important to have your medical information readily available on your device here's how you can make it easily accessible to someone who finds you in a dire situation swipe down click on the gear icon hit the search button type in medical tap on medical info here you can enter in information about yourself like your name medical conditions blood type allergies medications so on so forth whether or not your organ donor you know address so on so forth in dire situations whatever extra information you can provide is really important if you ever end up in a dire situation where you need to contact some designated people quickly and easily or maybe you're not conscious or able to contact them and there's a police officer or a doctor whatever else that needs to contact them there's an easy way to set up emergency contacts swipe down from the notification shade hit the gear icon hit the search button type in emercy tap emergency contacts now when you click on this it'll allow you to add certain people here I've added my own account here and you can add additional people there and you can also show them on the lock screen so whenever something happens it's easy to contact them so if it's over here you can click on emergency call and you can see that there's a emergency contact right right there say you're in a really rough situation that is uh pretty scary and you are trying to get some help but also document something that's going on there is a mode on here called emergency sharing now the way that this works is you would have to turn it on go to the gear icon click on search type in emergency and then click on emergency sharing over here you can enable this now what happens is it'll contact someone it'll send an SMS there it'll share your location it'll send notifications it'll even take pictures so it can send it to your emergency contact so let's hit continue and give it permissions we have our emergency contact setup let's attach pictures attach an audio recording and then start emergency sharing so okay so we'll start emergency sharing over here it's going to capture images so it has emergency sharing we're going to have our it'll share where you're located it'll send uh information about my battery life it'll even uh send an audio clip of what what going on right now and it'll also attach a picture from both the rear image or rear camera and the front-facing camera so has a whole bunch of different things for a very dire situation and then once you're done click on emergency sharing and click stop sharing hopefully you never have to use this but just in case this is how you do it now if you are in a dire situation and you need to make an SOS call you can enable it with emergency SOS go to the gear icon to your settings type in SOS and you'll see emergency SOS right here open that up and then what you can do is have it so that you hit your power button or your side button five times in emergency to call for help and you can set up so you it requires a swipe to call so you don't have accidental uh activations there and then can choose the emergency number to call so we'll choose the 911 option there you can also choose Mountain Poli things like that there's a bunch of different options there or a custom number and then you can also make it so it sends an SOS to your emergency contact so just look at the prior tip if you want to know how the send SOS to emergency contacts works so now that that's activated you just click five times on the power button or just keep clicking on it and you'll see this option you just have to swipe and then it'll call 911 we'll hit cancel so we don't do that hey uh if you ever end up in a situation where you don't want someone getting into your phone even utilizing biometric unlock like your face your finger uh print or anything else maybe like a mob boss gets you or an X you can go to your settings swipe down hit the gear icon go to search type in lock down so tap on show lockdown option It'll ask for your PIN number you'll type in your PIN number and you'll see down here there's this option for show lockdown option we'll activate it now when you go to the power button up here you'll see an option that is called lockdown mode now this means that no matter what you can't get into it you can't use biometric or anything you have to enter in your PIN number or your password that you set up in order to get into your phone hey did you know the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra has an earthquake alert system built into it let me show you if you go down and swipe down to your notifications and hit the gear icon and just type in earthquake alerts tap on that one and if you tap on it you can enable earthquake alerts so it give you a little bit of a heads up before an earthquake actually arrives this is really helpful if you're in California Oregon or Washington uh may not be available everywhere else but pretty cool if you're in those areas I used to live in California and it actually has worked for me before which is crazy hey did you know that there's a document scanner in the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra go ahead and open up the camera app just hold it up over your document right here and you'll see that it highlights it and then you can just tap the little text button there off to the side in the corner it's going to scan it and you can add a note to it or scan the text or copy all or you can just download the whole image so there's a lot of different features there for documents are really helpful hey if you have sensitive apps documents photos videos or whatever else on your phone there is a really convenient feature on the s24 ultra that allows you to create a secure folder that uh makes it easier to kind of hide all that stuff go ahead and swipe down for the notification shade and hit the gear icon go to search and type in secure and then you'll see an option for secure folder let's tap on that one and now you have the option to create a secure folder let's hit continue and here are all the different things you can add to it and it's going to create a secure folder okay now it'll ask you to set a pattern pin or password I'll create my own and turn on and reset with Samsung account so if you have your Samsung account you can you know reset it if you need to we'll click next so say you go to your gallery and you want to hide something like this document right here you can choose move to secure folder and now this image has been moved over there so now that I've done that we'll just find the option for the secure folder and go into the gallery and you'll see that it's in there now the other things you can do when you have the secure folders you can go into it you can change the customization of it so its name so it's not secure folder you know the color of it and the icon you can also encrypt it if you need to add additional files sort it and then lock and exit so now when you go into it it'll ask for your PIN number in order to access it now while the display is way more durable on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra it is not scratch proof I even have a little scratch on mine already which is kind of a bummer and that probably means you want to have a temper glass screen protector like the one I have linked Down Below in the description the downside of a tempered glass screen protector or a screen protector is that it can impact the sensitivity of your fingerprint scanner so here's how to make that better swipe down go ahead and hit the gear icon and go to your security and privacy and click on your Biometrics now click on fingerprints and then it'll ask for your PIN number or password to access it now what you want to do is make sure that you re-register your fingerprints after the screen protect detector has been installed on your phone so kind of erase all these and then scan it all over again once you've done that it'll understand that this is what your fingerprint looks like with the screen protector on it and that's how you improve the fingerprint scanner when you have a screen protector hey did you know that you can make your own animated gifts using the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultras Gallery feature let me show you so let's uh go into the gallery app on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and say we choose you know these options right here now that we've selected those will tap on create now we can click on GIF or collage or movie so we can click create a gif right here and it'll look like this or you can create an option like this so we selected those we'll create a collage and you have the option of changing the layouts aspect ratios things like that so you have 1: one we can go to 3x 4 9 by 16 this option is really great if you want to share something the Instagram now these final tips talk about the S Pen so it only applies to the s24 ultra but there's a bonus IP that works for all Android phones at the end so you should stay until the end one of my favorite features of the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra with that S Pen is the ability to make gifts super easily let me show you so now that I've taken the S Pen out of my phone you have this option here that's called smart select so we'll tap on that one and we'll just choose gif as the option and it automatically detected that this area right here is what I would want to capture but now you have the option to just record the video right here you have standard quality and high quality so we'll keep it high high quality and then hit record and so now it's recording right here it'll go up to 15 seconds it'll show you what the file size is as well and then you can stop early if you want to do so so this is really great if you happen to want to post something on social media this is great for Content creators you want to post an anime gift for your community tab on YouTube or something on Twitter or threads or wherever you want to do really neat you can pin it you can copy it you can download it you can re adjust the aspect ratio whatever you want to do hey did you know that there's a little Harry Potter setting for the camera on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra let me show you when you open up the camera app you can tap and hold on the button it can swipe up and it'll change to the other camera mode if you swipe up again or swipe down it'll go to your selfie camera you can also swipe right you can change to the portrait mode or keep swiping over to go through the different settings and then if you want to you can just hit the button and take a picture now make sure that this setting is turned on if you want to use the Harry Potter wand for your camera go all the way down to Advanced features go to S Pen and then make sure that air actions is turned on ooh look at the time and the percentage on the phone I got to charge this all right we charge up the battery a bit more look at what time it is now one of the best features of the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is that s pin but it would really suck if you lost it well here's a way to make sure that you never lose your S Pen swipe down for the notification shade hit the gear icon swipe all the way down until you get to ad Advance features and then find S Pen click on that one go down to the bottom click on more S Pen settings and then you have this option here for warn if S Pen is Left Behind so a sure warning if you leave your S Pen behind and walk away with your phone while the screen is off oh so it will say look got your S Pen it's not inside your phone make sure it's somewhere safe so now that's how you know how to never lose your S Pen now if you want to make sure that you never have any sort of latency or connection issues with your S Pen there is a feature or setting on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra then make sure that you're always connected to it so go to your settings swipe down all the way to Advanced features find S Pen go down to the bottom click on more S Pen settings then choose keep S Pen connected this will use more of the battery on it but ensures that it never loses a connection with your phone if you have this turned off every single time you take the SP pen out it will have to reconnect to it so there may be some delay there hey did you know that you can unlock your phone with your S Pen here's how go to your settings swipe down click on the gear icon go to advaned Features go to S Pen go down to the bottom click on more S Pen settings here and then have yourself check the S Pen unlock It'll ask for your PIN number it's not the one that I'm putting in I don't know your PIN number so now it's locked double click on the button and there it is it's unlocked how convenient is that but just keep in mind that uh there might be some security issues with that so if you just want the convenience this is awesome but uh it's not very secure have you ever received something like a contract or you're trying to look at a menu on your phone and everything looks super tiny well if you have the S Pen on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra there's this option here called magnify that allows you to just hover over an area and you can see it a little bit easier you can even zoom in a little bit more so you have 300% if you want to do that and you can read it a little bit easier pretty awesome if you just want to skim around and things like that and you just happen to already have the S Pen in your hand and pinching the zoom seems a little awkward cuz you have to set down your S Pen and or like do this thing and it's just a little easier sometimes when you're already using the Spen to have magnify now it's great that you can use the SP pen to write notes and everything else but sometimes uh the notes look like a chicken scratch and you need to just kind of convert it into text here's a way to do that so you write something in your notes so please subcribe and then all you have to do is tap and hold on it right here and you can change it to convert to text so tap on that one and convert and now it's just text and you don't have to look at like some sort of doctor chicken scratch you never know when you need to take a quick note and being able to just take the S Pen out of your phone and get to writing a memo real quick hit the Bell icon wow that's awful uh is really convenient let me show you how to turn this on and when you go to your settings here hit the gear icon to do that go down to Advanced features go to S Pen and you'll have this option to enable screen off memos that means that once you take the S Pen out of your phone even when it's unlocked you can start taking notes immediately did you know that the Samsung s24 Ultra is really helpful if you need to translate something or learn how to speak another language let me show you it happens to work with air command so you take out your S Pen and you want to add in the option for translate so I already have it added right here so what we'll do is click on translate and we'll choose the language that we wanted to translate into so we have English to Our I'm going to bring up some textt here so all you have to do is hover over something and it'll translate it so you can see how it's written in that language and even have the option to listen to things it's kind of interesting but it is a little bit more tedious cuz it's word by word now here's a really quick way to take a screenshot and annotate it using the S Pen on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra all you have to do is take a screenshot there's a variety of ways I have it set up so I can do a palm swipe here go ahead and click this little icon here and now you can immediately take a note here so you can see that right here it is now midnight while I am recording this after I don't know how many hours and now you can save it and there you go now the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra does have a built-in screen recorder but I actually do not use it and here is why I use AZ screen recorder and this is a really awesome screen recorder that provides a lot of options that are more powerful than the builtin screen recorder it gives you so much control over a variety of different settings and it's how I'm able to make highquality vide like this so you have the option to record at 2K with a High video quality and I can choose a frame rate that's 25 frames per second so I record at close to 24 frames per second just like slightly under and that means that the screen recording doesn't drift a ton while I'm recording this talking head which can create some severe sinking issues while I'm editing the video if it was at 30 frames per second or 60 frames per second like the native recording app I would be constantly retiming this screen recording like no other so this this app a screen recorder is amazing if you're a content creator uh just remember to enable show touches in the developer options unlike what I did for this whole entire video so shcks do you have any other tips that you think would be helpful go ahead and leave some comments down below to help support everyone in the community and help me learn of more things that I can add to the next tips and tricks video and don't forget to join the this is Tech today Community Discord chat server I really appreciate if you share this video with others to help them out and if you subscribed and hit the Bell icon to be notified when I post a new video thanks for watching this is Tech today until next time
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Keywords: Samsung Galaxy S24 Tips, Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus Tips, Samsung Galaxy S24+ Tips, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Tips, Galaxy S24 Tips, Galaxy S24 Plus Tips, Galaxy S24+ Tips, Galaxy S24 Ultra Tips, Galaxy S24 Tricks, Galaxy S24+ Tricks, Galaxy S24 Ultra Tricks, Galaxy S24 Hidden Features, Galaxy S24+ Hidden Features, Galaxy S24 Ultra Hidden features, Samsung Galaxy S24 Hidden Features, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Hidden Features, Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus Hidden Features, S24 Tips, S24
Id: 2z4kmas8ztM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 25sec (5905 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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