Lovers? Card Challenge #4 - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up people on youtube we are about to jump into a lover's reverse card challenge reverse lovers card challenge is probably the best way to say that remove d6 and we're gonna set the lover's card it's already there hurt by enemy damage repentance that's the one right hurt by enemy self-inflicted damage no hurt by enemy got it so now the mods been updated we can now do curse rooms we can now do self-sacrifice rooms we can now do iv bags we can now do things like that um we'll have to keep a lookout i feel like there's probably something that's gonna fall to the cracks but pie flavor is here i'm i'm in contact with jsg all of these things uh good to write down and then i can send them off later or you guys can contact the mod creators i think that like the isaac modding community it's probably mostly because i am me but uh anytime that i've ever downloaded a mod or had a problem with the mod or contacted a mod uh creator they've been so nice and they've been like actually responsive and that's great isaac modding community tenant then like you wouldn't believe how much trouble i have trying to get my skyrim porn mods to work it's just like come on like nobody wants to talk about it with me wait a minute what my three-year-old is watching well yeah yourself is you gilgamesh thank you so much for the tier one sub welcome gonna read things and dodge these guys at the same time camera rose 100 bits can i send you my pencil lead you want to send me your pencil lid or is it so small that you just nicknamed that hi oh swish got him high fives everybody zen 34 months say i still exist i fell off the face of the earth for a little what up guys oh we're just come up with awesome fun challenges all day every day it's what i do how do you guys feel about the dip love um the the poop love item what's it called one that makes uh all poops pay out with dips i personally think it's great mollo is here oh snaps in ah tang there's a tender rock you guys that's my face you guys oh do you consider that cheating tempted rocks it's like almost impossible it is pretty much impossible to miss them now no it's fun nah it's fun i never missed tinted rocks in the past anyways right tim's a liar impulsively tempted rocks are okay it's not like you miss them usually usually there's a tim rock i'm sorry if i missed some of you guys's stuff uh that you're typing especially the new people like gilgamesh if you type to me and i missed it i will apologize um i really do try to pay attention to chat morgan says huts i don't know if you're told if i told you but i've been battling a new onset chronic illness and i finally got my meds worked out and i'm finally able to walk around without fainting and my heart rate is below 140 on average super stoked to finally be getting back to my life and vet nursing school congratulations morgan i hope that you knock it out of the park and i hope they uh give me the best damn vet that you can be good to hear you guys doing well positive energy i'm getting positive energy today except for void boyd's like a big cloud for my positive day you read chat a lot more than many other streamers that feels good because i like i said i try would you just not be in positive void you're supposed to be negative cameras hundreds wow that's i remember that for the rest of my life and put in my will to my kids to take revenge on your children wow that's nice jumbo dingus rainer bits what do super tempted rocks look like uh we'll have to find one i could tell you but it'd be better to just find one okay okay i'm not sure what that was about he met me at the door and then just shotgunned my face here's how this challenge works every single time i take damage i automatically automatically use a lover's card gaining one broken heart losing one heart uh piece or two soul hearts and spawning one item from the room's item pool no these guys what the hell they're like working together better than they've ever worked together in their entire life because they're on fire oh my god why did you not holy shy side we got absolute bengal bungas to back it up and you know what i am going to take this what do you got for me i thought that was going to be a reverse lovers card [Music] ace of diamonds anyways in the room are weakened take double damage that's pretty good if you wanted to save that sun card could be helpful but it might be better to just turn it all into money might be best just to turn it to money you know what i kind of want to turn these red hearts into stuff too but there's two red hearts in there so it's it's kind of it's kind of same same i can open up that chest too what's that going to give me yeah that's that's really good consumables early on i like that okay let's take our ace of diamonds ace of diamonds also really good to use to turn enemies into money but i kind of want the five cents for the next floor now that we can use iv bags maybe we'll just check out the shop here then since we got that time maybe find the secret room as well extra keys with six keys we went from what zero to six no it was two to six you should also use a normal lover's card on damage to salt your wounds and we were already in here we already knew what it was and not shall be leaving we didn't we said we did we haven't gone alt path with this yet let's try it let's give it a go it's a horrible start horrible start really bad start cursed rooms are free a n e a now first rooms not for me they just don't take they don't use a lover's card we keep seeing polyphemus so i don't know why i don't know why but i i'm he's dancing i'm not gonna not take it oh wait no they are free because if i if i use my my horse on the way back out right now it's such that we just keep going and we just hit the wall yeah yeah i remember that now poisonous is that how it said after turn 20 today and i have a drink out here in minnesota wisconsin i think there's more relaxed rules if you're like alone with a parent or something like that i don't know classic wisconsin though all right classic scone town bucket boys no white's good i i said this was a horrible horrible start just because we have two broken hearts doesn't mean that we're to lose i mean starting with flight and a healthy amount of consumables is that's a pretty good start you know it's not that bad in wisconsin if you're 19 and 20 you can you can't have any legally i thought there was something i could be wrong though people lie a lot too didn't you know that like in this one thing in place i mean the past five years have shown us the power of lying let me tell you you know what thank you guys white speckles is good white speckles is worth buying i don't know why i didn't bomb into my shop long time fan is mr ultimatum loved your twilight princess series hell yes get some love for these other series non isaac series these are both good this is good you know pays to have money yeah i'm good with it princess best zelda game it's master xeno i i i agree i'd have to agree that's for you you can't jump away from that you can't be a big cheater pants you know blanket stopped me from taking damage there i'm i'm honestly i'm i'm kind of feeling uh devil rums right now kind of feeling it outside your chest okay well we have mom's knife now poly famous knife 15 damage knife we are going to literally shred all right all right game's on game is on the game is a foot oh it's not a foot though seated says chat yeah see look at me i'm using the blow donation machines god it feels good huge huge plays now that we can do that before we had to like avoid curse rooms and the donation machines and demon baggers and now we can do all of it going to be a good day tater pre-recorded gotta run glad i caught the intro i have wanted to donate to you for a while thank you bud look forward to seeing this on youtube hell yeah at the bud on youtube [Music] means nothing to me question question means nothing to me as well that was awesome jump our music is so nice alpha music is so uw multi-dimensional does that work with the knife now [Music] bertrand is updated that's good to know off the check we're trying out again don't you ooh me finger yes finger is like uh really good at applying status effects or at least it was it also just killed all of those flies health up is really good we now have two red hearts [Music] wouldn't it be interesting if i took a little baggie and it and it mucked up the challenge piggy bank is not good here i mean the whole the whole challenge hinges off not taking damage we have some good pills so far like the baggy pills actually wouldn't be that bad of a play but pays for these chests oh my god dude polyphemus mom's knife is unreal i don't even want fire right that's the weird thing right now i'd switch be a little [ __ ] and just take it all the consumables like it ever wants don't need any of that yeah i do really how much i think he is pogged sometimes [Music] kill him before he even goes down under ah his tail whoa hey wait a minute his tail never even went down before his tail popped back up and lies there's two of them i'm disgusted by these lies right into my knife he dead [Applause] mom's underwear spawns three to six blue flies now didn't know that we have a butt knife as well oh that is just delicious i really yup gonna need to get that [Music] no item from the hit now i blank it gives me a shield no i cheat a lot the rules just don't generally apply to me dude 15 damage uh finger two 15 damage finger did we talk about this already i mean that doesn't do full force damage i have 15 damage and i have the finger what what does the finger do you know what i mean before i say it so like trying to correct me on the things that i'm saying when you know that i know the difference it's just silly ten percent of your normal damage [Music] that's why we're shredding these uh flies here okay arm dying destroying these flies instantly dies takes own words up ass if you get 150 damage it will then do 15 damage easy yeah we'll just have to get there you gotta cheat again dude no you're not [Music] negative [Music] from the cheesy dude one question calm what's up finger knife synergy you want to do what to me i had two bombs by the end of this are you proud thanks finger fin 145 butts what's your favorite dad joke i i don't i don't keep things on the forefront of my brain i don't have a memory that works like that i don't know but you can rest assure that uh chat will be uh giving you some dad jokes in chat now [Music] we took damage that's fine i'm okay okay unexpected i'd say you should come over here [Music] my friend just died spike rocks are like the most overpowered thing in the game [Music] sad bombs are fun rubber cement with knife uh-huh oh i got burrino it doesn't make sense to take it though i don't think red hearts are going to be important because um it takes one red heart or it takes two soul hearts [Music] they're taking the bombs sad knife bombs yeah i don't think that the sad knife bombs are that good the knife moves too quickly try out sexy awesome tier 3 sub for a full year welcome back [Music] pronation i think i missed you in there 42 months are you ready to wake up to billy joe armstrong pretty panda hey it's only my second time watching loving your vibe it wasn't undead in 33 months brother princess is great but wind waker will always be my favorite holds a special place in my heart windbreaker was good too yeah for sure they're very different they're very different games [Music] like seafood because i can bring my muscles for your clam organs as i hate it here that actually would have been able to proc right now but once again i don't really need fire rate [Music] see what else this guy's got [Music] boop not very lucky with this guy are your odds even lower with that guy and they are with the normal dude [Music] feels like it i like how there's just a nail button in some of the rooms honestly it's not going to affect me too much arts can we add that to the mod i'm actually saying that [Music] say yes [Music] well the finger what does it do it was a 10 10 of uh 18 1.8 damage and it's like 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 it's probably like if i were to just hit them with my normal tears bass bass stats broken watch yeah fine yeah by the key yeah by the pill yeah fine i'll blow this guy up down by tempted rock would be awesome [Music] how powerful i'm one shot in those dudes x eyes x fires x eyes x fries gears up lemon pad thai it is [Music] coronation gifted a sub the paradox thanks bro same wave huh whoa that's the most crooked uh one of those blasts i've ever seen the box who here likes the box [Music] golden ring bosses become more aggressive and gain 1.5 times more hp but they spawn an extra boss room item when defeating them that's a no-brainer lovebox i do box good box like maybe as the first boss item fine i'm in the box sucks i hate it slip's going i miss the nice man commentary you know you gotta move you gotta adapt improvise let's do the same thing again and again forever oh what floor are we on ash pit one so we're good to go [Music] i only just realized finger was infinite range i'm pretty sure it goes through [ __ ] too like it's like spectral and piercing and you're good and like i said it hits them so frequently that if you have something like poison tears it just will apply poison that's hey i'm trapped over here help me out wait no don't bother me i wanted to get out of here i'm a grown man i swear shots speed up shot speed up look at this guy oh mad be mad about bro our plug is not a very good idea we have good pills in our mix but i'd like to take two cards possibly what if i you think i can ace a diamond's mom's ghost that chases me around too late ace of diamonds that guy huts is pretty funny he should make youtube and start streaming apple probably works with the knife i'd have to imagine the chance for let's just read it what does it do not a good room to stop apple six point six six percent chance to fire a razor blade that deals four times your damage it's also a tears up apparently at plus 14 luck you fire 100 razors every item is the finger could actually be a good challenge assuming they stack i don't know why they wouldn't stack i wish i could donate but i'm poor right now well you should work on you then and not worry about me i'm just happy that you are here in chat hopefully enjoying yourself spreading good vibes [Music] even if change is inevitable i'm proud of how you've grown thanks kelly billy [Music] wait we're supposed to enjoy ourselves why aren't you having fun i specifically requested it master zenel hearts hey i know that you just got in here you don't have bombs but you should just bomb this don't miss it even after having isaac since after earth plus i still find new room layouts even since playing isaac for 10 years i find new [ __ ] it's afterbirth plus you make it sound like you're old you want to see old scones right there in chat kidding it's going we did the same exact thing to each other 10 years is quite a number [Applause] back in my day got a blast since after birth plus this guy it's been a while since i've had to actually try to do this another blockage in my way it's a tough one slime dunk you guys think that scone's a super nice person but little did you know this ghost is actually modeled directly after scone oh oran hearted two months what's up [Applause] that's all they be before i had my coffee love your content heart egg i got three knives baby baby with three knives so much for our 150 health i'll take some crack yes i don't know though safety scissors is that more worth it than getting double boss payouts safety scissors has saved my life for big time we don't need a hanging man car we're gonna fly no no no maybe with three knives that a sequel to baby with a gun what are your thoughts on using an anti-birth music mod on stream yeah no people have talked about it before i'll probably eventually do it two items versus bombs away look at what this is take it 20 damage feels pretty good ring all right you guys want the new thing wrong all right that did not take it did not cause me to use the lovers card thankfully because that would have been just a big no-no um there is some helpful that we could go grab since i just did that and we shall is the ring modded i think it is a mod i remember what it's from but from job [Music] special ring for your 21 finger what huh let me make the lovers card not be used from non-enemy damage [Music] by selecting hurt by enemy which i believe is a new update turns out jsg is just on top of it asg must be like watching oh that's an interesting shot there you gotta remember that the when the blood goes down on the ground it like spurts something up in the air my last red heart there it goes four bonies okay [Music] yes he's either watching stream or watching the vods clearly not jsg get him fruity get him destroy him do it and again do it hey seriously though come on do something here bud hey yup let the fruit flow through you good every item is fruity plum you'd like that wouldn't you [Music] we should do when every enemy is blah remember what i did everything shoots brimstone god that was fun wasn't it you cat 15 months it's been so long you know what would be really cool it'd be really cool if we came up with like hard mode enemies so like not every single enemy shoots brimstone but maybe like i don't know the names of all the enemies but certain enemies shoot it probably should have taken the other thing for health but i'm gonna get rid of my flight here every enemy is five corn flies fyi jsu's next plan is to make a per entity damage rule so you can even explicitly disable confessionals if you feel like it go [Music] it sounds like you're in contact with doesn't even know all the enemy names hey can i remote control you pretty plum no i can't i can just remote control my battery buddy that's just oh and my my other knife that's weird that's an odd one what no tim pretends not to like me but he just helps me out a lot or tries to at least [Music] is tim your son hmm look at that something else to talk about removing confessional would remove half the fun that you have a capped max number of hits but it would give purpose to confessionals which at the moment are kind of [ __ ] which sounds exciting i love taking things that are absolute [ __ ] and then giving them purpose that's why i adopt no kidding that was a it was a joke and bronchitis is really getting not okay at this point is what i'm saying void you're such a negative energy cloud i'm kidding i hope it gets better archives does not sound fun bronchitis i hardly know itis oh joe j thanks to the prime appreciate that you guys tail end of september right now 20 off of news uh subs and gifted subs it isn't fun just i void fired i missed act is just deliciousness i fired again i missed again i missed 22 even damage [Music] warm up 45 uh devil chance [Music] you were a secret would you be right here probably right here probably i had a popsicle and i passed out in the snow [Music] him as hutz as he was a child but brain damage made him a voice in huts's head beast mode on five months what is up thank you for the wreath sub we are tim's is master zeno yeah who's got the brain damage chat or should i call you tim not gonna be spun just yet but i man it says gain four random stat ups and two stat downs i didn't know it was like very set like that i thought it was random oh yeah probably gonna give me health and less damage i knew it less damage and it gave me health this is being recorded oh my god i already know that run gehenna won [Music] the gayest of hennes tim is canonically armenian yeah but the manga when is someone gonna make tim manga experimental treatment on damage son of a [ __ ] d7 so bad sometimes it's good though it's good when it's good when they help you it helps every enemy is those eyeball guys how about those mines i can't afford taking more uh broken hearts at this time just leave your name and number with my secretary thornhardt thanks to the five gifted subs appreciate it [Music] bloody lust the more damage i take the more damage i do not very helpful resets every floor i think i just where was i supposed to go where the [ __ ] was i supposed to go we're probably almost dead i had to guess three soul hearts one more hit i'm done free fitty from vernal path got all my teeth extracted at 23 and replaced with dentures you've been splendid help with the recovery period well you know every single shot i've seen of people getting dentures when they're younger they look great the best of luck on the recovery [Music] what do we got here coin purse that's gonna be four cards judgment a restock machine that could be really helpful for a deal with the devil joker plus judgment question mark sounds like a pretty decent combo world crawl space that's i am your fan what up clicker doesn't sound like a good idea uh cross space pool the treasure if it was secret room pool i would consider using my judgment in there if every enemy was those guys that bounce around the room that could be a tough one came from youtube man happy to catch a stream use the clicker you could change the tank to jacob alphonse 14 months hey how's everyone feeling today i'm feeling pretty good that's my t that was a close call that's not close to me every enemy is obama so my health is hurting what's the current plan 67 chance deal with the devil does that mean that i did or did not bomb the shopkeeper did not should be 70. yep [Music] every enemy is doubled we pretty much did something like that and that's already a challenge called double vision [Music] i think i'm ready [Music] where's my doubleage okay we want to take probably if we're going mother it doesn't matter so we take the damage [Music] guppy uh you know i actually i can't see my health so i think it would be i i think this would kill me i went on good authority that it would be a i would either kill me or bring me close to death going for guppy would be super cool but i can't take two items anyway so i don't know what you wanted me to do with that let's see here do we have any guppy pieces right now because i remember we touched a guppy's paw and i think that's it guppy's knife doesn't even work so copy knife oh i see what you mean new item guppy's knife here goes that's what i wanted i'm glad i did not get shot by the eyeballs [Music] what would guppy's knife do it's guppy but with a knife look out guppy has a knife every enemy is quadrupled but when you take damage you get an eraser [Music] all right we have a little bit of health here still probably worth it for me to try to wait until like a red heart oh that's pretty good two of spades could probably pay for it now the room is d10 or and or d8 what about 20 percent chance to d7 after every room what about what if it was just like a dice uh run right we craft a dice run 20 chance to use any amount of dice separately i might have a room where a d6 a d20 d8 d10 all of it what the [ __ ] was i supposed to do there's no more item room so that doesn't matter oh that sounds good called the deez nuts challenge no hey look my health is doing well said the game laughed the boy excuse me [Music] not a good spawn okay that's a nice tiny little corner you're sitting in all right one more hit and we're dead just a heads up nice boss armor you got there come back and take that oh my god oh maybe i should just stay back and finger him every item is an orbital that'd be kind of cool if in the options i jsg um there were like classes right lots of these split up things like orbitals or certain types of items types of items types of enemies and you could do like like like that thing every item is a random orbital you know you know to the finger comment or the challenge idea when you take damaged vegetable peeler do we have any plans on playing or trying out repentance eternal edition mod you know i kind of forgot about it but yeah but yeah sure whatever their nerd got him get roasted is it is he healing is she health and health okay so is now a good time to joker then [Music] joker um i believe probably works with the knife if i shoot it at an enemy and it goes through them does it then gain homing and double damage and then keep ticking on the same enemy no it doesn't it does not no no bad with knife all right we'll just re-roll again i want a twisted pair inky waist is gonna be good enough what if we get nine lives though offing myself would probably be worth it for nine lives uh well we get two black cards for that and then we can dump off our active oh yeah it's agreeable anything that gives me health back guppy's head not the one that i wanted i mean either way we were one shot from death right so wish me luck don't forget you die if you get hit did you hear anything about an update no stay back and finger what the government told me to do during the quarantine look just stay away and finger nice try nice try game stunt man six months welcome back did i say alphonse i think i did 10 minutes ago i hate these guys oh my jesus they're like faster trites shhh they're going with the beat if that would have been a guppy piece food i feel like inkyway should also get its own finger i mean wrong sandal hey mods i just got nitro for the discord channel is it worth it it's kind of like uh why the hell not kind of a thing like ah i do this professionally maybe i should at least have nitro is that a bad idea i mean you don't discard much but sure okay i want to know your opinions wasn't asking for a personal attack nitro is pog for the emojis okay if it's [ __ ] if it's not worth it then i'll just take it back [Music] you must look within yourself to decide look at this nitro is pretty alright since you can upload bigger files files that i have to upload they're so big you know massive files that i just want to share with everybody your mom loves my massive files oh [Music] should have died there oh so you just use your active item to get out of there big boy can't fly let's get as many as as many flies and spiders as we can from this bro what all this money that's about to give y'all his terabyte she does share them on facebook facebook makes me shudder i need all my friends to stop planning events on facebook for the love of henry we need something better don't have a facebook i uh i read an article the other day it was yesterday it was talking about how uh a majority of the christian pages on facebook like a good majority of them are actually run by russian troll farms and i am negatively surprised surprised [ __ ] pikachu face the people calling everybody else sheep are the biggest [ __ ] sheep that have ever existed on the planet my god the hypocrisy i only use faces to buy magic cards we need a better platform troll is not sheep sheep just being going along with other people what other people say with others lies without questioning it in any way shape or form yes i do believe in this context it works i'm a sheep because i ate grass we call that a vegetarian under bits facebook had stuff leaked saying that children are an untapped source of profit you know i mean we all know that facebook doesn't give a [ __ ] about you you are a dollar signs in their eyes zuckerberg is a psychopath fishtail you think fishtail is going to work right now no that is the fishtail's the one that take damage isn't it doubles all spawns oh okay no that's fish head this one will make it so it spawns more potentially i'm not gonna really get money in the boss fight one hit and we're dead so it's gonna be a perfect fight now he's paying out with nothing but rotten hearts these instagram for photography other than that i pretty much avoid social media what else you got for me bud no items though huh all right it doesn't really matter which i mean potentially the ring would give the the boss extra health so i missed the four items we used to get here i think that does make a lot of sense to still give us the four items considering how difficult the mother fight is how early on you fight the mother uh instead of like going down multiple other floors that give you tons and tons of items yeah what basically has to happen here is we got to kill it before it does anything shielded i'm shielded go done already yeah another victory [Music] feels good feels good i mean that polyphemus mom's knife had we lost that run that would have been pretty embarrassing [Music] feels good [Music] hey guys thank you for watching see you in the next video
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,715
Rating: 4.9174042 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Kel5jtMU03I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 26sec (3626 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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