Must Have Tools In The Kitchen!

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well hello there friends everybody's been asking me see why do we buy what do we need in the kitchen well we need a lot of stuff but I'm gonna tell you today the essentials the thing you really really really should do okay you really should have in a kitchen so I'm gonna start talking about the equipment that I use the most often and you know I got drawers full of stuff sometimes I use them once a year sometimes I use them every other year those you don't need unless you're going to make something special you know like a mandolin or some some stuff you don't you really need it only for certain things but some of the stuff I'm going to talk about today you need you could need it every day you could use it every day all right friends so let's talk a little bit about it I got a few right here on my cutting board I got a an an immersion blender that's a must my friends they hear you an immersion blender that's a must-have for certain air for soup and sauces and all that and and whisk look at this what's the difference in those two and see how many of you know what's the difference between this one this one this is a regular whisk missing whisk and this is a balloon whisk balloon the thing of balloon as a pumping air into things like if you want to make an egg white you want to make a whipped cream balloon whisk there you take a quarter whipped cream you whip it with this and you take a photography and you're working with this half the time with this guy balloon whisk but that of Masha potato ricer you're making mashed potato with this instead of with this ah let me tell you this is going to be nice and smooth and and silky and buttery without even putting the butter now when you put the butter then oh anyway then it really is by the way so potato rice very important I like this one because it's big and plus you can take it apart you see to wash it boom you wash it it's very simple so potatoes might show you all got one of those I use those when I make a a tomato sauce and I don't want to puree the tomato sauce I want to smash the tomato or The Cranberries or things I use that a lot also it's the meat pound though you gotta have a meat boundary I see everybody ponding with a bottle or pounding or the Mamma Mia this is like you know you don't cost nothing and if you buy one of those make sure it's a heavy one and and 99 of the time you don't you only use the flat side when you're not going to use this this is good for raccoon or possums you know or roadkill if you got to use this you know I don't want to eat it okay no it's so good we use it for alligators crocodiles we have alligator in Florida micro plane graters really important this tutor is too tight okay this is a fine one for the Citrus and there is a coarse one for this chocolate and and Parmesan oregano and uh and ginger in the layer and there is a strainage you know you got double mesh trainers and single mesh trainers I don't know if you can see the difference but this is double messages twinkle a single mesh very important for uh the different straining you want a sauce to be really really smooth you take one of those and you want to strain things rough you don't really care about how smooth it is I don't know why but once in a while you take a single mesh now I put those things first friends what do you think they have in common let me see how many cooks there is out there what do you think this have in common the reason why they're so important friends because they're gonna change the texture of things and remember the texture is a conductor of lever so very important to concentrate on texture that's why those tools are important let's put them aside because I got so many things more things to show you my friends so let's put those sides aside okay I put them here now let's talk about uh oh this door too we can take this aside right there and knife I already made a video on the right knife to do for philosophy that didn't see it I'll make a quick okay this is a honing tool very important to have it's still it's not a sharpener it's a honing tool I have still have to make that video on how to Sharp the knife and I'm doing it so maybe by the time we do this video in the next few weeks after that the video on how to Sharp the knife is Gonna Come chef's knife very important this is probably the most important tools in the kitchen you use that the most and we have those back those are fabulous this is a a it's an amazing knife it replaces the serrated knife when I did the video on the knife they didn't have any more so I didn't talk about it because I didn't want you to be looking for it but they got him back this is an offset daily slice so this is so many of my friends favorite knife I give it to them with Christmas gifts and they go well that knife you gave us is one of the famous nights I'll absolutely love it boning knife must have it to clean chicken to clean beef and and paring knife so you really five knife you can do a lot with five nights now I know I gotta draw food of it and I use a lot of them but you don't need more than five nights okay when you become a really really good cook then you get more don't forget also friends to get a scissors a scissors then you can cut things with and you can wash them you see they take them apart very important okay then measuring cups You're gonna say I got one measuring up this is for Wet This is for dry very important you do both of them okay because it's much easier to use both of them so we're not going to talk too much about that scale most important a lot of recipe today are in grams or milliliters this is going to help you to do it so a good scale is very important and this is a quick quick introduction spatula my friend make sure you get them not rubber silicone silicone can take a lot of heat and one of the most important tool my friends scraper very important you get a scraper okay you know what I do I keep it right here and then it's my cutting board you see I hope the camera can catch it how I do it let me put this out of here look you see I put him right here why is it good like that cutting board get the biggest cutting board you can get my friends because it's so much more fun so much more enjoyable to cook with a big cutting board and you hear a lot of people tell you put a wet towel underneath don't do that don't put a wet towel underneath your cutting board my friends you because wet is the enemy of this guy we don't want to leave water here at all time you get one of those guys you see you get those you put in the bottom of your drawers and you get those everywhere everywhere everywhere they cost nothing they come in a roll you put them in here like this and look you see look boom boom you see it doesn't move when you get a cutting board for instance two sides usually two recorder a cutting board a flat side and one of those side the the one with the with the draining thing this is great when you're doing a roast when you're doing a chicken when you got a lot of juice because if you have one of those if you do this and you have a lot of juice you know what juice is going to go right all over your kitchen however you come to and this way it'll go right in that channel over there so it's important when you get a cutting ball make sure yeah and then treat them correctly my friends don't forget to sanitize them and also don't forget to put some wood oil in it uh I forgot the name of it it's a um I forgot the name I forget things these days mineral oil don't be putting some olive oil in there because a lot of people they put cooking oil on there oh don't do that mineral oil okay and you should do it at least two or three times a year all right and now friends let's talk about the pots there's so many parts you can get that there one recommendation if I may friends if you're going to buy stainless steel which you really should have stainless steel because it's the best cookware to have is still in steel it really really is it's easy to clean it's uh it doesn't interfere with the flavor of the food aluminum not so good aluminum I don't like aluminum but let's not talk about that if you want to get a part of my friends you want to make sure you get at least a three-ply those are seven ply those are fantastic but three to five ply at least my friends they know they're more expensive but they will last you a lifetime I promise you they will last you a lifetime this part right there and you're looking at is at least 25 30 years old they all have 25 30 years old and and I'm pretty they're brand new you're going to say how do you keep them clean you know what I do every time I clean them every time I use them I clean and I make sure I'm everywhere and I Ajax it and an injection or comment don't worry about it so you're gonna scratch them big deal if you Squatch them they're cooking they're not like uh you know know they're not a piece of art you're putting somewhere they're cooking tools and look after a while they don't shine anymore but they look really cool so this is a regular saucepan this is a reduction saucepan I use it all the time if you're gonna fold the two of them fabulous and a good stainless steel fry pan my friend you gotta get a good stainless steel fry pan this one's got to be 35 years old I use it all the time to cook a steak in it to cook a chicken and it's fabulous cast iron pan they're wonderful uh and you can have different size they're not expensive we're gonna do a video on how to keep them clean because if you don't take care of them properly they're gonna rust on you we'll do a video on that nonstick cookware a lot of controversy about nonstick cookware some people don't like it because they uh they release some Teflon stem those are not Teflon I love them uh it's a brand and I've used it for a long time it's called wall and uh I think it's made in Germany I'm not sure I think it's Germany or Belgium and uh and they're fabulous so you need a non-stick you know for your fish for your eggs for delicate things then then stick usually to those span so it's up to you but I like it cast iron oh gosh now you gotta have a good cast iron friend in this part you're looking over there it has to be 40 years old 40 50 years old maybe and uh and it's a fabulous part they you can't hurt them you can't hurt them and again I do the same thing I clean them with Ajax if they sticks in the bottom this is not non-stick this is the normal cast iron more I use it softer it gets so don't be afraid to scrub them and scrub them the way the reason why I like the stop this is stub it's called stop the brain and the reason why I like those my friends is because they got those little nipples right here and you wonder what are these nipples for they redistribute the moisture so when you pick when you're making a stew and you're cooking it in the oven and you lift it up you'll see it's all wet in here it redistribute the moisture evenly on top of it so it's really important otherwise all the water or the liquid is going to be in here and it goes on the side but this redistributes correctly it's the only one that has that I believe the stub so it's a great part if you got the expensive but the one in your lifetime purchase okay you buy one of those you never have to buy them again what else do we need friends and like I said I'm skipping a lot of stuff but this idea essential if you can't afford them they're wonderful silicone brush my friends silicon French are we okay with a camera here Jack you're good silicone brush This Is Amazing by the way this this a few years ago at the house where a Chicago show like five six ten years ago I don't remember they won the gadget of the Year this is a fabulous brush for barbecue it picks you up like a quarter cup of sauce you put in it's wonderful and I I always buy my brushed silicone when I see people cooking with a painting brush mommy those are plastic or nylon or something so they're gonna melt if you want a nice little uh after test of an island in your food or maybe but otherwise silicone okay five six hundred degrees don't we know we gotta get tongue okay and those are the must must have I love those because they close like that oops they close there's a really good tongue wooden spoon I got a whole collection of wooden spoon they're great in the bottom of a pot I love them they're wonderful um thermometer friends oh you know I forgot one kind of thermometer also the oven thermometers um I forgot to take this one out where there is the the little box right there I tell you what I'm gonna do friends I'm gonna go real quick and I'm gonna go get it because it's a must for you ever friends this sister is so important one and I can't believe I forgot to put it in you're going to say what do I need three thermometer for well you don't really need three thermometer but you need one of those this is very important you're doing a roast uh you're doing a turkey you're doing a chicken you put this in the chicken just in a roast this and whatever it is you have uh and and you tell the the thermometer okay tell me when it's 120 degrees so I can go do my business in the house and it'll tell me at 120 degrees you check it out and you take it out and you don't worry about it it's wonderful I love it and so you put this in a turkey or whatever the roast whatever you do is you put this on the outside and don't worry about the wine it's made to go in the oven you put this on the outside of your oven I say that carefully because somebody put it in the oven it's not for the oven this is for the outside of the oven you'd be surprised so so we have it right there instant read thermometer there's many instant read thermometer okay and as I tell all the time you know you can buy one of those for 20 bucks or you can buy a fancy one for a hundred bucks and what's the difference between the two of them this one is faster so uh I always tell that because it's true it's faster is it better no I promise you you hold by you hold both of them in your hand and you read and you go wow I'll be surprised exactly the same rating on both of them you see this one says 90 this one say 88 I guess it's not exactly the same but um I I have to put them at the same place but this one goes faster three seconds you get a reading this one a 10 second you get a reading so if you have an extra three second to say to to spare you save 70 bucks 80 bucks it's up to you they both works the same digital I mean a instant read thermometer really important you want to know temperature the oil temperature of your butter temperature of your pan you check it out it should be 365 before you put the oil in there okay right so digital thermometer very important I love those they're not expensive and this brand is fantastic because it reads the oil temperature not all of them read through the oil temperature so it's very important all right another quick thing and then I'm almost done my friends cookie sheets need a lot of cookie sheets I love them you can have them and also make sure if you're going to get one one day you got to get one where you can put a rack on it so you can put the rack on it so when you when you you take something out of the oven you don't want to get saggy in the bottom you put it on the rack or when you're doing meat when you're putting your your New York strip in a refrigerator for overnight so you get a nice crust the next day you put them on a rack like this so there's air then circulate get different size cookie sheets and then to finish that's it my friends I know there is a lot more uh but I wanted to make a quick little introduction because so many of you have asked me what do we need in the kitchen do you need all of it no but start with a few of them and remember whatever you buy my friends buy quality they last you a lifetime I promise you you're buying an expensive part an expensive white paint what happened two years later three years later they walk they touch they they're not the same quality they're they don't work the same good quality pot will last you a lifetime my friends if you want more information remember to write a comment and we'll be happy to answer it thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy the video [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 317,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen tools, kitchen essentials, essential kitchen tools, best kitchen tools, must have kitchen tools, basic kitchen tools, essential kitchen tools for beginners, kitchen tools you must have, kitchen tools review, what kitchen tools to buy, must have cooking tools, kitchen equipment, must have kitchen equipment, beginners kitchen tools, Herramientas de cocina, Utensilios de cocina para principiantes., Outils de cuisine pour débutants, Outils de cuisine, cooking tools
Id: JdMNw3gIGM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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