Salvage Squad Massey Harris 780 Combine Harvester

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[Music] all this yellow stuff may look like a lot of old dry grass but it is in fact almost ready to be turned into bread it'll be lovely with a drop of sama butter on it what a city boy is trying so is that this is wheat and we're surrounded by thousands of acres of the stuff here in Lincolnshire the heartland of British farming and what a perfect place to restore a giant of the fields a 1955 Massey Harris combine harvester isn't exact specs are did it work [Music] just after the Second World War these red monsters transformed British farming Philips job both dead got one backbend and Philips never forgotten the thrill of watching the 780 slicing through the week and five years ago he managed to get hold of one of the few survivors but it's done nothing but sit in his yard since and that's where we come in so this must be them Phil yeah this is the Massey Harris 780 we'll take a look look Hey sausages well there's certainly a lot of bits there's a lot of machinery though most of its there you think so yeah yeah I'll go and have a closer look at that point okay we had one on the farm exactly the same as this and one of my early childhood memories is sitting on the tool box behind father as he drove it and they used to be a huge big pulley wheel to the side of the toolbox and I can remember him saying don't put your fingers in that boy and that was one why highlights of the harvest day to be able to ride on the toolbox there noise and sound will go with me forever amazing these machines yes packs so many jobs into a small space Murphy how is 780 mr. pilings what a Model T Ford it's a motor in a combine affordable by the average farmer it was such a common sight munching through Britain's fields that exist Maine the red beetle but of the thousands made only a handful have survived is fantastic it's at this point in your life is supposed to get a desire for a sports car feel not combine harvester in a good point um yeah but it something like this wants restoring not everybody's going around restoring combines plenty people going around restoring old cars and boats and aeroplanes that sort of thing but combine harvesters no and I think unless we do they're going to be gone forever so Phil here's the deal we'll take away the combine and do I absolutely s to restore it to perfection but you won't be able to see until it's finished is that right were you I'd like it up and running for this harvest when I'm no expert on the country but here and I know the harvest only four or five weeks away what do you think there why are you pushing it we don't know quite what we're going to find inside it doing react but we want to see it in action what's that no no I know point otherwise you say well what do i paste all right you're so deal yeah now the work starts loading up all 900 pieces of fur and it will be me in trouble if we leave anything behind do that class good luck and I'm off see if I can find out any more about these giant red vehicles it's a pretty complex but a kiss I've got on the back but I think I found the best man in Britain to give her back the brother a man who truly knows his wheat from his chat run nights factory built some of the world's most high-tech spraying equipment but his real passion is restoring classic farm vehicles if you're doing something you really like there's nothing better he's lost count of how many he's brought back from the dead he's a man who's never happier than when it's got a spanner in one hand and a corroded combine in his workshop there's not many people restoring calm Minds he's got to be a little bit of an eccentric said about one of them if he can't get this beast running then no one can well yes I'm not if I'm a nice piece of carrot it's okay it's beautiful there's nothing wrong with it as the I first but we have a little bit in detail yeah that's correct that's correct we go through it in the western door sir if we start on the header whilst the engineering department get their hands dirty delving into the innards of our machine I'm doing a bit of digging of my own I got its logbook off Phillip so that I could try and find its previous owners I'm trying all the farms on the list but so far I'm not having much luck oh that's a shame yeah thanks very much for your time yeah goodbye that's one of the bigger farms in the area and they have no record of it at all but I know it was there because it's on the log book unfortunately they just can't remember it I'm going to try the next one next it's the Coopers I would remember it I'm sure you'd be pleased to talk to you about it oh that's great thanks very much indeed yes bye well that's good news that was a certain Mrs Cooper whose husband owned the 780 and she's very sure he will remember it and he might even be able to tell me something about the history of it but I'm gonna go and see if he can write now well the research might be going well but this week's challenge is fast turning is where race against time as Phillips beat rivals in the fields if we're going to make the harvest then I'll me all my engineering skills not there we'll have to go into outer space I lose this spare part don't grow on trees Lassie at the survey squad workshop clear and our combine connoisseur on night are giving our Salvage 780 the once-over we go through in the water if we over start on the header the small bit of the harvester is called the heavens it's like a giant mall mower which gathers and cut the crops feeding it deep into the machine the fingers are in pretty good net and not too bad at all but it's been left with water and Chaplin shoreland all up in the header thruster through yeah right through it's got the Weber new bottom in there and when you've had a hard day working you don't always clean things outrageously well working them in the day don't give them any problem or in the time it's when they store they've got only used a few weeks ago - it's now 11 months another one maximum I would think this would do Baba Tendo support night no more the working of it is not ruined it it's the storage of it yes and an even modern farmers leave the combine outside that costs two hundred thousand plans so there's your problem so my old mate ruff have seen to the header but what about the rest of this beast the next bit of machine the wheat meets is the threshing mechanism two rotating drums called thetans they smash the heads of the stalks and drop the outer half boar champ away from the grain itself once through the beta's the grain chest drop down past huge fan which blows the lighter chap out of the back to combine him whilst allowing the heavier brain to drop through a civic mechanism the fort is lifted up to a storage tank to the top when the tank is full its emptied using an auger tube giant Archimedes screw meanwhile the stalks or straw is shifted away by moving platforms called straw walkers and chucked out the fact the machine but it looks like our strong Walker's need some work oh that's where the straw walkers clear all the way around there really they walk the straw out the back when it comes off the back of the Beto's it's thrown up and it comes around so you can see that the wooden straw Walker blocks these lumps of wood have seen better days leave them as they are and straw walkers will platter like hell like everything else on the combine the straw ball cause it driven by a series of belts and pulleys connects to this beast of an engine a perkins l4 diesel well it's a big lump of a power you yeah yeah it is a big power unit well more suspicious than things have been sat around for a long time but this is barely running is it any worse two weeks that's right you're nothing it's wore out more by standing that is by working just in its aroma that will strike up you reckon I assume rest on these things I think 600 you would think so well but we're going to know NOAA Perkins elf for it will be difficult to start but it will go if it'll run what'd we ever say and if it works don't mend it yeah fine by me yeah crikey they're getting cocky I know I'm just a city boy but shouldn't we check it out before we go any further I'll keep my fingers crossed that run knows what he's doing because he and Claire I've got a heck of a lot of work to do on this baby and not much time to do it starting from the front they'll have to patch up the rusty header adjust the threshing mechanism overhaul the straw walkers and track down a hell of a lot of red paint if our engine works after that she'll be as good as new but that's assuming there's nothing wrong inside this combine and it's only one way to find that out take it a bit the first job is to get the hood off and look inside only then we really know how big a restoration this is going to be wrong come on look at this good gracious what we're going to do with that this mess is one of the most important parts to combine the fact beta which sweeps straw back onto the walkers even though it's made of steel it's been ripped apart like paper how did it get into this state hole it's not supposed to be there no no no well we're going to fabricate a new one I look like a new one major operations that start of a balance and everything all the steel got to be exactly the same good it's turning out the bad I was in bid over thousand rebel a minute right so if it's not made correctly it vibrates and why this isn't shook itself to pieces I don't know oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear well this is all past the farm restoration you can look at something from the outside for as long as you like make as many plans but it's only when you take the covers off that you really know what's going on inside on a 50 year old combine harvester and sound to be something dear oh dear indeed with Morel wilting in the workshops the fields at my end are looking green I found out from the logbook that our combine used to be owned by a chap called Clive Cooper there's still farms in Norfolk I'm on my way to see him now but first I'm stopping off for a bit of time travel even I know that the century slides were used to harvest but there was some mechanization before the combine harvester and I'm off to the Norfolk rural museum to find out how they harvested 1940s style who are before the introduction of the 780 this is what a harvest looked like on most British farm mechanization was 2 horsepower at the front and a Reaper binder like this Alba 5a at the back but the rest of the labour is a bit more human as my team mate Richard Dalton knows only too well gotta keep upright yeah he keep moving some sense of urgency get the crop in right in an amazing machine and it's doing this well what it does it actually goes along the standing crop is actually cut it passes along the canvas belting up an open machine and this packaging piece of string to hell in an automation ISM and it gets a certain size of trips that the needle comes over and brings the other piece of string round behind it and then throws them throw the Sheep out ready turn to be handled obviously very different world the world of farming with horses rather than machines and presumably a much more social world yes you've obviously working with an animal to get that sort of nice bond between you and the horse and then the volume of the sheaves that you're producing out the binder all the times flying out fine they all need to be stood up so you actually it's a tremendous team effort the whole village sort of would be involved the whole country style to be alive many many people just actually getting the harvest in blimey I'm naked and I've only done an hour during harvest this back-breaking work would go on for days and all that sweats only cut the wheat we've still got to get to grips with this monstrous old threshing machine it has two beaters just like our combine which one is taking apart the beaters are the rotating drums which hits and rub the wheat has smooth metal surfaces separating out the grain the front beater is the main one in strongest because the majority of the work whilst the bike beat have sweets the strips draw further into the machine and onto the straw workers most of our bike pieces they smashed up at some stage so I've been let loose with Ron's new toy a plasma cutter the kind of scat torch to Surgeons rather than scrap men are fantastic tools for cutting away the rubbish without harming the good bit [Music] Thunder why life is restructures very fast about cor blimey give her a scalpel to do it carefully but she can't resist a bit of books when it comes down to it what's left of this frame will end up spinning inside the combine of 1500 revs per minute so don't wreck it ignoring Claire's vandalism prongs doing washing up get cleaning years of grease and oil off the combine not a pleasant job so perhaps sweating we're in a field was not such a bad idea after all we must have cut a right few loads worth of wheat fry now next we've got to feed it into this 1920s Clayton & Shuttleworth threshing machine what are we up to here it I'm going to get the sheaves off the sack now on top of the drums so it can be said we can separate out these the grain from the straw so we need to use the pitchfork get it in points up to the ears up in one movement up and over to the feeder nice and quickly so you can keep that nice constant rhythm and flow going so what's exactly going on in this machine it's been driven by the 1950s diesel Ford Field Marshall which drives by our belt the drum mechanism in the threshing machine and the sheep will be fed through the top the string will be cut it'll go down hit the drum which is really rotating and will go through a curve making which squeezes the crop and that then breaks off the straw and the straw will go out the back end the drum then presses an aggression it runs it really hard the big fan of the bottom which is blowing up through the machine blows the actual chaff away and then you're left with the grain which it then runs through the machine via sieves so it's a good sample an actual bagged at the end in sacks so it's you know the whole process done the end product and koala hell and hard work place to happen beautiful and that's why our 780 and its descendants are called combine harvesters because there are combination of these two machines the combines header does the job at the reaper binder cutting the crop ready for threshing and the body of the machine that's the job of the thresher separating out the grey the difference is that in the combine it all happens at once and the 780 was the design that first of all all of this together for British farmers for all the technology the end product remains the same how many people need to run this on use about five five six people it's quite labor intensive and you get the boy to clear out the jump bottom I knew I get it get everywhere while folks is going back in time I'm going up to the Space Age I'm going to zap rust with tons of fans fired out of my gun at hundreds of miles an hour [Music] it sends the old paint and rubbish flying and results in a gleaming header off just 20 minutes back to the metal and you can see just how destructive the roughed moths of being thin corroded metal that looks like lace work not to mention the years of bumps and dents gentle our top panel beeping left like this and the header would soon fall apart as a result with D denting with a hammer so it's more skill than it looks I'm bending up you plate to cover all those holes [Music] well my solutions knew it was a homogeneous yeah we're just trying to pull everything up and then weld what isn't bolted into place so it's not going to move but most of that seems to be involved in it with a large hammer is it necessary to making that noise all right here defenders I'll ask you working with you but the panels welded in place the header is structurally sound again and the wheat has a smooth path up into the machine back in the 1950s this header was the farming equivalent of Conchords nodes these seven 80s were a revolution for the British farmer one man who remembers those times well is Clive Cooper past owner of our 780 so this is a field you what it works yes yeah the old messy yes we used to do it in here with that farming was changing so fast back then that Clive's family were keen to capture it on this amazing film that's his father-in-law Herod our field and there's a much younger Clive on a tractor but pride of place in this Norfolk epic is the red beetle herself our 780 so it must've been a big day when this great big new machine arrived oh yeah it was yeah I mean I used to all come to food see one that particular time but they don't know too much now that was a took a lot of back-breaking out and combining because that was a tanker comboing and we made a whole trailer and we had 16 stone corn sex and we used to start the combines and fill this sacks up on the trailer so when we finished it no we didn't have to go around and pick them all up will lie about the failed the tank used to hold a ton so we used to carry about 24 on the trailer so we used to fill the 24 up and then I would go and unload em for the father no we're still Carbone yeah there's been a revolution yeah Clive also held a vital piece of information which might solve the puzzle of our smashed beta the one which is giving one and Claire so many problems from the storms would like that are not all failed over there and you learn XXY some damage now our combined had worked in the flintstones fields of Norfolk all its life and one of these big stones must have become caught up in the header and thrown on so our beta it caused catastrophic damage which Ron and Claire are still dealing with ah they have made up new metal seats to be welded on to what survived at the old piece of spindle oh let me get some grips to hold it I say well I like having to use my beautiful assistant would you really Marga tender completely bare back you bronze just fine-tuning it aren't you that will do for the time being that Scott is out of trouble anyway because this this was a complete mess well it was unexpected to put it that way yeah hey it's put us back a little while but never mind it's not too bad that'll be okay there's nothing wrong with that at all it's okay it may not look much but it's important we get this right because it's spinning at a thousand rpm if you don't get it balanced it will just tear itself to pieces unfortunately with all the delays we might never get to see this beast in action three weeks of good weather has brought the harvest forward and we're still Ron's being called out to bring in the early crops with one of the seven 80s descendants Ron's gone also helped with the early harvest leaving me here alone and you have to ask yourself is our combine harvester really going to be ready by the time our crawfish this week on Salvage squad we're restoring an agricultural phenomena we've got to get a 1955 Massey Harris 780 combine harvester up and running for this year's harvest but the summer is nearly over and our combined expert one night has had to stop work to help on the farm as Kerr set to repairing the store workers on her own it's becoming obvious we are falling behind schedule and you can't ask week to wait the straw Walker's move the straw it films but back in the combine where it's chucked out these things are sacrificial wooden bearing blocks they called that because the wood wears out have stood of expensive metal crankshaft [Music] even though synthetic materials were available in the fifties Massey founds at beach for the clothe grain still made the best berry [Music] [Music] this is the old worn-out suspension straw walkers after 50 years I think it's about time we made a new set [Music] [Music] well actually good for another 50 years but before the blocks go back into the hood I've got some more patching to do so I back to bare metal here how about a new bit to put on now let's do it hold it up how hard can it be very I suspect come on they look at that one I didn't quite weld clamp to it but I've made a bit of a hole explicit don't tell Ron with weak being cut across the country and Clare intent on melting holes in our combine I figured it was time for this city boy to sort things out come on what a bit of brute force on this man your phone yeah yeah we'll separate the order this is the unloading tube which attaches to the bottom of the 780th grain storage tank inside it an Archimedes screw turns and transports the grain from the storage tank up the tube and out into a waiting trailer we're trying to get out yeah well pull it hold on Clare let your fist be holding it um I was holding it are you pull it very hard at leas yes so I know that that's been cracked for ages but you broke it ah I did not you did you pulled I was just holding it no it's your phone yo that's get a shelf there anyway all right we're in trouble this pulley casting which I pinion break should attach the Archimedes screw to the engine fire a rubber belt now it's broken the screw can't be turned and our combine can't be unloaded it's not believe you snapped that what you want to do that telomere strength we still got visas I bet you've lost them I've got them here you can tell run clear he's dead so wrong yeah I don't want to turn you on aren't you big boy now you do it you broke it I didn't break it I was making hold on you pulled it off the broken casting is 50 years old and recasting this precision-made piece before the harvest won't be possible it wasn't like this in the 50s when Messi's had local teams of engineers ready to go into the fields to make repairs ensuring that the harvest never had to stop but Macy's closed years ago which means a trip down to the local part shop is out of the question luckily we've got Ron back on the job he thinks our best chance is to cannibalize an old combine but they are few and far between it's like looking for a needle in a haystack bottoms fall out that for Vox look it's gone look in the other one sure he's driven over a hundred miles just to get to these rusty remains in the Midlands and despite an extensive search wrong can't find what we're looking for that's disappointing that's disappointing it's hard to believe that these rusty wrecks or once the most sought-after farm vehicle in the country and until they came along British farming was still dominated by horses and manual labor however the widespread food shortages of the second world war forced the government to heavily subsidize farming and Canadian combine Kings Massey Harris already successful across North America developed the 782 break into this new prosperous British market the 780 proved perfect the UK conditions Maci's factory in scotland went on to make a staggering 28,000 793 machines in just nine years whew [Music] hopefully the remains of one of these combines will contain a replacement for the casting I allegedly broke it's just the case of finding it luckily rom never quits despite his initial setback he's tracked down another possibility it's a long shot and it's owned by farmer Colin how who bought the 780 years ago but hasn't used it for some time this 780 combo that's right disguise it looks if it's hiding yes I'm afraid it's gone a little bit beyond its elbow I don't do anything airtight I would say late seventies we bought it as a scrap combine we use the engine over it on the drawing pad and it's been there since if I it's got some vegetation in it good gracious gracious good gracious I was much less drunk oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear you kicked me your language mate tonight if the bits on it that we want it's perfect yeah what works for instance a tunnel in the oven that lays out the back yeah see if we can get out it and see what we can do oh dear oh dear okay yeah is a bit whereas with it we want on there this pulley at the back corner picnic can you with a hammer well combine it's the happiest thing I've ever seen here oh dear seen better days right Colin the map the piece could be on it that we're looking for and can we have it you help yourself doing this anyone profit no thank you very much this isn't a combine harvester it's a nature reserve tree huggers look away now we're to get to the casting on the other side where the boys are planning just hit the hole love that combine over including the tree using the power of the JCB so it's gonna be messy but we'll get a bit we won I hope we don't break the bit I want come on my boy I'll be watching that casting Google right over flipped it up oh good boy all three gone [Music] you only get no out another okay idea there's no affirmations Robinson if he wants a bit and it's on the back tip the whole thing over take the tree with it telling you a few times back that's a better one just bring it out don't rope I'll bet that captain's imperfect Nick look good on it they're good where's my almond chiseled class you often find yourself doing this wrong in field yeah yes turning other people's combines upside there just to get a bit of yes occupying hazard okay that's the bit we want remember that brand new one well what exactly so brand new Ron thanks for the feels though right oh let's go and get it blasted we'll leave all the nice to call him that way okay yeah I know where that whole forests have been destroyed to fix his combine our owner Phillip is taking a break from harvesting the same fields his father cut 50 years before the picture we have here is my father driving it here was always the combine driver I suppose that reflects us how easy it was you know the boss drove the combine cuz it's easy job yeah back in the 50s when we had when father had five full time men on the farm each man would have had his own job there would have been a Stockman a dairyman probably a shepherd probably a couple of tractor drivers whereas today my job now is on the combine driver on the tractor driver on the dryer operator I'm the forklift driver I'm I'm all there is I'm everybody that's the difference that we've got today when Philip was a child the harvest was the highlight of his year we've all got sights sounds and smells that we remember from our childhood and sad or funny as it may seem the 780 is one of my childhood I mean I can remember standing outside the barn when they were getting it ready for harvest and thinking oh the combines started harvest is not very far away and at least be jumping up and down getting really excited and going to bed that night I'd be really excited because I knew that harvest would probably start the next day or the day after and it was a big moment in the farming year to see the combine working and they were everywhere the 7/8 is where everywhere you looked my red beetles all over the landscape back at base Claire's been busy painting our combines 900 plates cogs and wheels she's left the biggest part the header until last hour bezel is finally turning red it doesn't want to stop rough okay it could work too long on something but it isn't until you get that first coat of paint on that you really feel you're getting somewhere and at last it's going to look like a combine harvester now we can get her back together first it's my bearings the straw Walters talked too much all I'm getting most bit more for it this way silly eight you're gonna hit it with a hammer I do cure our scurvy see there you are no sweat correctly files are working you'd hit me with a hammer as well now for the be smashed back betta I'm afraid a jigsaw puzzle bathroom [Music] [Music] these models Ryder play that I want now I'm sure you guys are they all want to display them is your favorite work sort of tools but it always comes down to the handle in the end he'll be four hands that they'll be servicing the wheels are on but we're not rolling yet despite my little mishap Claire and runner so up against it and being allowed back to help otherwise we'll miss the harvest there where's this go I've got to go in a net well first task install the elevator which takes the grain up into the storage tank that's it hey there's always a stubborn one well at this rate we should have it done by about 2019 success we-we-we or you to hang around libraries when Phil not pay again it'll only knit new tackle what if I knew is going to be this - never fear sug Liz here just want to move all right Cameron I guess who saves the day how about I gotta let's go oh forgot the flavor figures there's one thing still needed to get a running though the huge Perkins diesel which run swore would work just fine no la Perkins elf for it will be difficult to start but it will go so apart from a lick of paint it's exactly how it was when Philip handed it over to us was it one is it really worth putting this fan belt on in the engine gonna work its course it's going to work it's perfect well you keep saying that look it's got a coat of paint on his bow no more the cocaine's make it well there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza I'll stop singing mate you'll never make a living at it filled with water and diesel it's time to find out if Ron made the right decision if the engine doesn't fire up we'll miss the harvest 16:55 Massey Harris combine harvester the wheat is more than ready for her but it will rot in the fields if the engine doesn't start right here in the air-conditioned cab i standard salad we get the engine going this Richard on on the table you sure it's gonna work yeah I don't know well the autorun don't win it games watch out yeah I've got 50 50 yeah you have you spent your reputation on the line here well I said the engine didn't want anything doing into it for a start and these engines are never wore out we never do enough work to wear out yeah and I will relook them to dig into bits could you make yourself work you see it worth every won't tell many you've given it some build-up let's see then yeah all right Keith admissions on Corrado Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're engine is pure music but we ain't harvesting yet the weather's going to change tomorrow afternoon so we're going to have to work late into the night in a race to get her done in time if we do then look out wheat almost look a lot of combining I've stayed with it for you recognize that yes that's that you broke no that's a bit that you put me off and I broke accidentally excuses it goes on down there my song I'm all right softer I got the heavy bit time for a point I feel we've done all we can for now so tomorrow if the weather holds we can river up and reunite fill it with a combine like the one heroes when he was a kid it's the end of summer we must have the last patch of wheat standing anywhere in Britain it's ready for harvesting and our combines raring to go all we need now is fill it and suggs five weeks ago this machine with a sad pile of scrap tin and cogs list into rust away like thousands of others but now restored and painted in its finest red it's ready to gather in the harvest just as it did when seven ATS ruled the fields and just like those early combine days the whole village is turned out witness our farmyard revolutionary in action farmer Colin Howell has turned up to see what we've done with this bear part I've managed to get clive Cooper over from Norfolk this beast was once his and he never thought he'd see her again but what about her new owner Phillip will it look and sound like the one he rode with his dad oh it's right there Phil Wow get under my combine is this the OL 780 I don't think it is mine I don't think this is mine what you think that's it you've been busy you think we've been we've been very busy yeah yeah congratulations both are we're looking for food Riley yeah I'm looking forward good go I've been back memories though and you were boy when I was a boy dancing on that little toolbox like that and sure you can sit on it now could you know me you're getting the way you sure you want it you sure you don't want sports car no this will do me that's all though me your driver then I'll actually don't want a little bit of melting and now for the moment of truth cut corn or red faces all around [Music] and this is what it's all about bringing the past alive the even sitting on the toolbox Phil yeah good to go back for you clean up a bit yeah I have yeah must be at least 40 years ago since I no longer than that 45 years ago I think I wrote on the toolbox or 780 so how's it feel to be driving it then good yeah really nostalgic love it forget some memories yes very much so and they can take away everything the counting away your memories when it's not the only man here who's past is wound up with this 780 so Clive how does it feel for you to see the old girl running again that's Roy Street you come and look that I never thought I'd share or don't know yet again that one I sold three where's the memory fill yell our memories yeah Clive thought that these fantastic home movies would be the only lasting memory he'd have of his old 780 a combine that changed his working life but now he's going to get another chance at driving this revolutionary machine thanks having to go on it I would love to okay brings even more money if you end up coming into a saloon gone there go give it a go it's taken Clive's no time at all to get back in the swing of things thank it's definately soap that's one ton of grain being empty I hope my casting whole bag inaccurate my mother [Music] now I know what it felt like the farmers getting hold of these machines in the fifties instead of taking weeks of hard work by hand they could now gather in the whole year's livelihood in a few days safe from rain and storms giving out the urban life I become a farmer double garment of field of wheat as this is a Gary every farm in Britain now uses technology derived from the seven 80s groundbreaking design and thanks to this the week in every loaf of bread we eat would have been harvested by a combine harvester the Massey Harris 780 really did change farming forever for next Monday at 8 and don't forget to visit the salvage scored website at channel 4 comm slash science to find out more about the show thanks tonight Stevenson
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 21,333
Rating: 4.7906976 out of 5
Id: 8A-e1-EEKh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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