Salvage Squad Model T Ford

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[Music] another problem Marvis neil puckett is mr. model-t the foremost restorer in europe the plug crime when he inherited this old van from his uncle and soon it given up farming in favour of restoration now his workshops turn out about one a week but the one we're after is so special is kept under lock and key Hey look at that see this is the car this is a unique Model T uniquely need a quite a lot of work you know yeah it's unrestored our amazing thing you can see it all there's nothing hidden here we can also see the little hole work oh that's your job okay what do you find out how much work it needs maybe to tell me a bit more about it now everything about this baby is a bit different this is not a standard Model T Ford engine it's got overhead valve and a larger air intake which means it's more efficient and therefore more powerful normally on a Model T you'll expect the wheels to have wooden spokes off a cart but this one's got metal discs very very strong very aerodynamic this car has so much personality I mean look at the steering wheel slowed down it's mean it's nasty it's racing its heading forward so where did Neal pick up this one off I found it on a farm in Herefordshire and the old boy bought Model T's in the 60s and he'd collected this off a farm somewhere nearby it was all indexed and boxes we knew it was something interesting we didn't know what in the early 1990s we've worked out what the number plate was on the old radiator and I saw a picture of it in one of these books and then we realized it had some racing history and here it is at Brooklands in 1912 here's a picture of it I was fantastic with the body and that's when it was known as the golden cord that's really beautiful isn't it none of that's left unfortunately the body doesn't seem to survive emotion it's pretty dazzling on the year I'm quite excited to see Claire tell me over look at this rusting Hulk in there and that beautiful shine on it daughters like micros you can seriously mean especially this right well here's the deal Neal we think I'd be daft to take it away to get the mechanical restoration done somewhere else seeing as you're the mechanical expert but what we thought we would do is take it away and get the lovely body work done coachbuilders but there see that sounds good to me yeah antastic that's a deal you're on and hopefully near the next time you see it it'll be at Brooklands racetrack ah excellent all shiny and beautiful well I'm looking forward to taking up the test feels fantastic well all I got to do now is go and try and find someone who knows how to build this lovely coachwork I'll swab you then it would seem that way clear honking you see you later good luck I am our goal is to have the golden board screaming along the famous home banking what's left of the Brooklands racetrack the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit we also want to fulfill Neil's dream of powering her up the famous Brooklyn's test Hill right then a good time with 7.9 seconds quite a challenge for Neil and if we aren't going to push her up then Claire and Neil are going to have to sort out her chassis see how far out of this they need to tune up her engine and attend to a very dodgy rear wheel and I'm going to have to find some little company who can help us restore a wonderful brass body [Music] this week's challenge takes us to the dawn of the automobile it's a 1911 Model T Ford but this one's no black banger it's the golden Ford a brass body thoroughbred with a pedigree to prove it and whilst Claire and her owner Neil Tucket get to grips with what's left of her I'm out on the road burdened with questions why would the ultimate utilitarian vehicle are the Model T Ford returned into a racing car why was it chosen and more importantly what happened to our car the golden ford to make her what she was I need to find a historian somebody who knows about these kind of things and I think I know where to find one right now I know it's in one hell of a state but we can start like in the workshop and there and I is thinking about sparking around it's so what absolute madness isn't it but it sells work these things are so simple but if you put a battery on it and you set fire to it sometimes works you jack the back wheel yeah that makes life easier normally I'd be a bit worried about starting up an engine like this without first having a good look inside easy this way but Neil the expert and it's his engine so here goes go on action it wants to go you just hold that about there yeah [Music] well the engine sort has started but it isn't exactly environmentally friendly make it clean Ameen for the pits we're going to have to reboard the whole engine and tune it up the rest of the work should be fairly simple we all need to check that the chassis is ok replace the spoke two front wheels with disks like those she had in 1913 luckily Neil's got to lying around but the tyres are ancient so a new set will need to be made and then of course is that wonderful brass body a brilliant mix of sexy good looks and true Grand Prix aerodynamics this is one of my favorite bits of restoration taking it apart you don't know what you're going to find or if it's ever going to go back together again but one very very small spanner I'm very very big spanner I sit somewhere their egos one radiator once upon a time this car would have been a bog-standard Model T for almost a hundred years ago someone did one of the world's first custom jobs from her and rather conveniently left their calling card she's got keep your eyes open we're taking this thing apart Jordan Jobling newcastle-upon-tyne builders these clues to its past so what did George and Jobling do to turn a standard Model T into a racing car first they got rid of the bodywork and the rear seat they removed the old petrol tank and dropped the driver seat back along the body and stuck it low over the center line down went steering wheel too rather driver could reach it and the pills got shifted to the right a small petrol tank was put between the steering wheel and the engine the engine was beefed up with overhead valves and anything else they could think of and they got rid of the spoke wheels and fitted solid discs finally they added that super sexy body and the Model T became a racing car the only thing that remained standard are the brakes which were next to useless on the road and positively deadly on the track so with the car in bits we have the beginnings of our history she was made by a bunch called George and Jobling up in newcastle upon tyne but who drove over all those years ago to find out I'm heading right to the birthplace of motor racing what's left of the Brooklyn circuit in deepest sorry while Henry Ford was designing the Model T across the pond in the UK the British were building the world's first purpose-built racetrack on July 6 1907 the first race was started at the new track and it marked the start of a golden era of motorsport it taken nine months to build and cost over one hundred and fifty thousand pounds a small fortune at the turn of the century Elvis unit over the next 30 years records would be set and broken and this track would become synonymous with motoring success at three and a quarter miles in length with two huge banks 30 feet high motor racing soon caught the public's imagination and the brave young chaps who took to the circuit soon became household names fame and fortune not to mention women followed them on and off the track deep in the archives I discovered that the driver and owner of our car was a chap called AE George one-half of George and Jobling who owned a Ford dealership opinio castle upon Tyne it's right here that 90 years ago ae George and his fearless chums tuned they carted a fearsome racing machines before taking their lives in their hands over there on the hallowed track but what was a Geordie car salesman doing risking life and limb on the Brooklyn's banks I'm hoping motor racing historian David Burgess wise knows the answer the people who came down here were the pioneers brave men who wanted to go faster than anybody else and the dealers who came down here people like a II George they had something to prove perhaps more than the wealthy amateur they wanted to show that their makeup car was the best so that's where the phrase win on Sunday sell on Monday came from exactly and racing a Model T Ford I can tell you is a pretty dangerous pastime but this is how the Ford first appeared at Brooklands just a strip chassis George being a motor trader knew the easiest way of making a car go quickly was just to throw the body away you know that's just what he did one seat and in fact he made it so light that he had to put a piece of pig on over the back axle to keep the wheels on the track so really it was nothing but a giant pram with an engine well exactly and then in 1913 George covered up the pram with its super sexy brass body but why wheels the only racing car I've ever heard of that had a polished brass body and I suspect it was done for publicity rather than any increased performance because obviously among all the aluminium and painted cars a polished brass car would have stood out like a ray of sunlight the cars might go faster today but so much else is the same even at the dawn of motor racing the whole thing was about getting your car seen so the Colin punter would come and park with the readies down at the dealership but standing out from crowd wasn't just a matter of a brass body you had to win and to do that you need to beef up the engine which explains my trip up north to engine specialist cocktails you've been given our engine the full McLaren treatment every bearing has been coated in white metal and re machined and each cylinder reborn when it fires up next time not only will it be as good as new it will be as powerful as when AE george raced her at Brooklands and 90 years ago [Music] but when I got back to the workshop all was not well Naomi's assistant Peter had discovered a problem of the chassis which could literally knock us off track you've got a hundred on a lot of dips here where the engine sits so we've got to get that out and we got to get rid of this twist it's not surprising that the chassis has a bend or to the banking at Brooklands was an unforgiving place and with breaks little better than the bicycle trying or to is inevitable but what's the best way to fix a race bones Ford chassis simply flatten it with another Model T cannot read against up car lastly anyway we have a stroke we don't have sex to Model T happy about L see me [Music] coming down slower inch all right going touching now like for anything this is the great thing about Model T it is so simple this chassis may look like a bed frame but it's made of high-tech metal if we manage to straighten it it will be the only thing keeping the car together at speeds of over 75 miles per hour level along the top now that's pretty good that so it's not bad either that's my present oh yeah now with the chassis flattened we can turn our attention to our reconditioned engine a three liter brute of a thing really the original Model T engine was designed as a plodder but by changing it to overhead valve AE George was able to get the fuel in at the exhaust out much faster the result more revs and more power how much new power I think we're about 45 50 horsepower sorry 22 he doubled it also the compassion ratios increased at the same time on that little tiny flimsy car yeah he doubled the amount of power yeah it must've shot along oh it was it's very quick can you imagine turning up and when the house is over all their cars and you turn out with what they think is a Model T Ford and then someone spots the overhead valve yes yes there must have been people at the start line not knowing where to put their money no that's right the next job was rebuilding the car itself so it just looks like an all over well bit of words fix a little burner but you turn it over there's our makers plate scoffs go back on car that agricultural step our Model T is all about feed so every little thing counts sitting those original disc racing wheels not only makes them look the ticket but they'll cut down on wind resistance even though our car is unique deep down it's still a Model T the world's first mass-produced car in total there were 16 million of them made coming off the production line at the rate of one a minute I'm really cutting corners mill in order to get the profit it um no not really but he was saving money and if for example you realize he was using 10,000 cars a day in saving one bolt for one bolt worth one tenth became $100 a day once that's nothing yeah $100 a day was one man's wages for a year so that was saving money that's right oh yeah with the engine ready it's time to drop it down onto the chassis and write down slowly nice and slowly see it's the heart of our car and even in 1911 no boy racer is going to be seen without an extra big exhaust not so fast look like a college fortieth no sciences on this one as well so everything sizzling yes this is definitely go fastest TT gradually our golden ford is coming back to life but now we found a problem with the steering column I've got the steering wheel but we've got a problem to restore respecting single seater racing car has to have its daring all in the center and at some time in this car later life someone shifted it all to the right-hand side which means we've got to bend everything that swirls it's going to fit we've sorted the steering column now we've got to bend the pedals back to the center there the original so we don't want to slap them hence the heat and the strange faces this how's it going well we're getting there perfectly spaced well the difference could be between driving a bog standard ordinary Model T and this racing one you've got to be mad to drive this yeah he got a much more cramped and this not be able to see what you're doing your feet will have to be on instinct actually it's gonna be tiny isn't it I've always got the body work in here just rub you keen to see our car in bits I raced back from Brooklyn's armed with loads of info about a Georgian our card hey date but it seems the workers have been on strike what's happened he's was rebuilt it it's exactly the same as the last time I saw it it's all been stated members but that's why there might be one in there yes mr. 82 affect the Claire and the boys have done the mechanics so quickly shows just how simple these old Fords are but there's one thing bothering me there's no point fitting the bodywork till we've checked out that she really is a runner safe enough to burn rubber at Brooklands now gonna have to test this car and actually I know just the place corners get loaded up [Music] [Applause] [Music] your a3 goes backwards till the one is to get flattened by it it's a bit of a gamble but it's worth a try Ford must have a test track and surely they couldn't refuse one of their firstborn I'm going back well thanks very much Neil he's done a great job we're going to take it away and have it thoroughly tested but I'm afraid the bad news is you're not gonna be able to see the car again until it's been fitted with his bodywork well I'll miss it being in the workshop but I look forward to seeing what you can achieve well hopefully when it's beautiful brass body work it's going to look like a dream yeah I'm definitely looking forward to thank you a lot as long as we don't kill it at the test track okay oh boy like a pilot [Music] [Music] what finer place could there be to test our fabulous racing car than here at the board test track this is our last chance to find out if there are any really serious technical problems it looks the part but it hasn't really been driven in anger yet now what young brave young fool would dare to drive this thing girls but Claire Barrett yes she's a trifle for the day it's me and I have every faith in Neal and Pete's engineering skill but this thing is capable of doing 70 to 80 miles per hour and it's like nothing else I've ever driven before it's unbelievable the throttle is up here on the steering if you hit what you would normally consider to be the grade pedal is actually reversed and the brake is actually well accelerator is basically near the head on back to front Claire just doesn't bear thinking about if you get into a panic and hit the wrong thing that's it that's me all over the test track well all I could say clay is the best of British I'll get it start it up I can't tell a lie I really am pretty nervous I just don't know how I'm going to react if something does go wrong and if it's just the brakes I'm not kidding Anne Eckstein useless but even if the chassis performs on the test track I'm still going to have to infiltrate Ford's European design center to help Claire turn this old Bram into a golden chariot fit to whip on the deadly banks of Brooklyn's Challenge the restoration of the golden Ford is going pretty well we've managed to do all the mechanical work in double-quick time but before we rebuild her brass body we're going to have to church he's up to taking on the treacherous banking at Brooklands this is the first time the shuttle run in Angers probably 60 years or so but anything could happen with only two years to choose from I'm getting pretty skeptical about this cars mythical speed however there's only one way to find out change up to the top Wow [Applause] [Music] she's a very brave girl but unless I'm very much mistaken it is enough wobbling even though I had a Tony Blair smile pasted to my face I was breaking it every time I hit 40 miles an hour the steering just went support the back end was just kicking out all over the place it can't be the chassis or the axles because we fix those so it has to be the wheel itself okay it's an alive absolutely brilliant I was trying to be sensible but it just wants to go fast but what main thing is this wheel though I can see behind me it's wobbling all over the place it's really throwing the back end of the car out we're going to have to get that straightened out so it's got to be done but apart from that she's running like a dream she she is ready for her body work it did look very like Lady Penelope in a Wacky Races oh I love it I don't want to give this one back it's really really good lovely smooth test track that back wheel was doing its best to kill me there's absolutely no way I'm going to burn rubber on those crazy bumpy bends at Brooklands unless it's fixed with Claire getting rid of her wobbles I've been given the task of getting the body sorted and for that I need a plan man I'm in the heart of the Ford Design Centre for Europe I've almost had to sign my life away to get in here it's top secret from here all the designs are conceived it's big business and it's big bucks my contact is Matt Jones he might look a bit art school but I'm told he's a whiz on the computers so Matt where did he start designing our bodywork well we had these photos and not log information on them took the measurements off the chassis and came up with this here we look at it from the front you can see how we've put in the attract dimensions and Shafi dimensions in the radiator and all the bodywork is made from the photos which is sort of guesswork really come out like that and if we give it some color Ivan it starts to look a little bit more like a yeah yeah and how confident are you about something our body workers and work with reasonable because luckily with this system we can reach this idea here we can give him a drawing of that and he'll be a measure off the drawing scale drawing exactly what he needs to make the body right yeah with that done it was trying to get the plans off to our coachbuilder good luck great doing business for this actually is it last legs was mucking around with supercomputers I was heading north of my wobbly wheel to probably the only firm in the country who's be able to fix it specialized automobile services these guys are pretty much the best in the business there's not a car worth owning that they've not made a real bull we've got seen Hopkins of Fiji's himself straight now but I think we're going to think that somehow wobbling yeah I laid it on the jig into your arms how I hold position you want to put the bolt this is pretty much the last chance saloon if it doesn't work there's no way we can make breasts stands out a new one we have to make it work it looks fairly what is my incision alleged problem let's just see exactly how far this is out quite what we on the car Wow look at that terrible how fast were you here I got out to 50 miles an hour yesterday and the going towards the track could slow down I'm not surprised that is absolutely horrendous it caused it to buckle like that while looking at it you gonna a weld here that's what the original manufacturer no no no I think sometimes it's like he's had a fatigue crack so we have travel weld it to a repair world and soon as you put any heat on the disc and it's gonna buckle exactly like that ah so can we repair this it's a difficult one it's a very difficult one I think the only way we're going to be able to do it is to cut around there make a new center and hopefully when we weld it back up again I'm a bit of a same problem cause it's a buckle what do you think the chance of success is well putting any heat on a disc wheel like this always causes problems so slim to none but which I'll give it a try now being organized I sent the measurements on the head and they've actually made up the central hub now all you have to do and I say all is prepare the whale and weld this in position it probably won't work but we don't really have a choice we have to give it a go the idea is to use new hard with a flat surface on which the poles are bent wheel by tightening the nut bit by hit which is gently coax it back into shape [Music] okay guys get going past the data okay this might seem crazy but the first thing Steve must do is butcher of love is wheel cutting a hole for the new hub right leg enough a camel cannot be done now on the mark some point with the hospital it needs to go back on the jig and thick by bits just a few thousand times these tightens the bolts bringing the wheel back into alignment [Music] laughing all the time [Music] it's then we can begin to weld it all back up again now comes the hard bit as soon as we go anywhere near the thin bits of metal with a welding torch they're going to heat up expand and buckle in all sorts of interesting ways if we're not careful we're going to end up creating a real worse than the original one we had the alternative is to spend thirty thousand pounds and a brand new one and we haven't got that money this is the moment of truth if we're going to sell our promise to kneel and get the car screaming at Brooklands once more then this has got to work come to us before the little bit of distortion there but it's not too bad I think we can live with us thanks very much fantastic you've got to do 150 mile-an-hour on that now yeah don't tell me I'm going to get that back to workshop straight on the side [Music] the only thing we need now is a set of size rubber might start growing on trees but before it's a tire the black stuff's going to have to spend some time with Dunlop being called stretched and rolled into shape just as it was ninety years ago the real skill begins when each of the layers is glued into place by hand and the edges built up this rubber band is then placed inside a vacuum mold to give it its basic shape the final pass the process is sticking it in another and squirting in water and baking the loss at gas mark for the results one set of 1911 racing tires but one steaming tire does not a golden Ford make which is why I've signed on with the firm of Rod jolly one of the best coach builders in the business and as usual I'm late these flat sheets brought are absolutely beautiful I can't believe that we're going to actually fare to start folding them and turning them into a real car it can take a long time it's gonna be worth it I feel a bit like a Zen monk learning at the feet of a master rod Johnnie's the person you go to with your two million quids worth of bent Lagonda I better pay attention ah see you got the photograph there of the original car how are we going to achieve this in real life and well we'll be working from the obvious dimensions that are given to us in the photograph we know that the radiators correct we know the shaft is correct what things we have to change on the car at the moment we will have to change probably the body very slightly because the steering does appear to be higher than it is in the photograph no I'm actually proving this already and it's incredibly cramped - it is it's not the steering wheel we'll never get in it yeah that's right now we can't love is doing real clearly it needs to be drivable so what we've got to do is to actually change the bonnet line very slightly and just bring that up just a tiny bit there and just bring the cowl up a little bit more if we look at the photograph there is a seat correct now the seat is obviously obviously high so I think we'll have to dispense with the with the SI to make a purpose-built one for the job after we've built the body all right we should get on with it then yeah go for it sadly it's going to be a long time before he get my hands on that brass first job is to make a wooden frame or but based on the plans that subs got done at fall [Applause] [Music] we're making this of temporary skeleton in order to fit the brass body work on over the top so all this hard work is adventures it can be thrown away but I'm still not being allowed at the brass the next task requires scissors rather than pin clip a false alarm inch of the Golding stuff is cut we're going to have to make a whole body out of card then when we finally get the snips out we'll be able to fold and cuts along the dotted lines with confidence cladding it looks pretty close to the photograph got a basic outline they're starting to work to it in paper we're not getting reflection it's just paper Engineering's it's looking pretty close how long is it actually going to take turn it into brass believe it or not there's no enough four weeks four weeks for a man put it out with the bat now we did that in the morning yeah while Claire works on the golden Ford I've tracked down a lady in a similar vintage amazingly a George's daughter Clara is still alive and I'm going - sorry - Mia [Music] apparently her dad was a keen cyclist once representing South Africa but he gave up cycling after a particularly nasty accident I moved to England in search of further adventures we always had an eye on the Sun addiction and he loved speed always you know he hadn't Motor Engineering business they had five six branches over the Northeast Roskilde hexam Lake District all but his first love was always racing the things not selling them even seaside holidays were devoted to the sport soft burn used to have racing on the beach and used to compete there and I used to go there sometimes with a man watching Gracie Georgia raced the golden fort between 1911 and 1914 he won dozens of races most notably when he lined up against one a B Coulthard to go on and win the Ford Cup at Brooklands presented by none other than Henry Ford himself but all that success didn't come without its dangers once when he was racing for some reason the car was insane exhaust trouble or something but he finished the race just the same we came in second with a blazing car my father knows different AE Jorge certainly was different the golden thought is the only car we know of to be built with a solid brass body and looking at its replacement you can only wonder why when I saw the bodywork really moved on the paper I think it looks absolutely fantastic has it been a difficult job Suraj no it's fairly straightforward job the main thing that we have to do is be very very careful about marking out all the rivets filling the old and the correct position and making sure that we don't put any scratches on the material because it's a polished body and we can't afford any mark or any error at all at last I can lay my hand on the gold stuff itself then we've just got to try to ease a little bit of shape in if you can put a hand on the side I'm sure about it is a bit of shape in like that what we're trying to do is to create a sharp shape at your end and a general curve at my end yeah there's no machine in the world that would do this forest Oaks we just have to use that small piping anything we can lay our hands on really a bit of old-time pipe oh how about it yeah so that they have to get it right first time I just ran the whole jobs are with the bonnet cut and bent the next job is to mark out the hole to the rivet with the help of the wonderfully named chalky also known as a man full of love you've seen that photograph nourishing food girls are we using sensitive construction workers absolutely that's a way our old cars were ready together boats and planes were all riveted together with a smithy yawn yep he always worked on racing car and most of my life and I work that I started at Lotus and I went from there to Brabham's and the McLaren's that's all a big girl isn't it what's about and I just picked up the skills I was taught a lot of fields unite load that's working on the car thing this very minute yellow monocoque our minyan cars and then the technology didn't change until probably the 80s with carbon fiber came along and actually put a lot of us out of business with the last few cups to the brass the body is almost finished and we are ready to take it back to a home the huge towering bends at Brooklyn [Music] when we started this project we had an old model t chassis in a shed plus some black-and-white photos of a car that was once a golden star it looked a simple job but it took five months now this star is rekindled and back where she once shone the racetrack at Brooklands [Music] so we had to reunite her with her owner and watch him burn rubber of the famous Brooklyn's test Hill but first there's an even more dangerous challenge well today's the day we bring the Model T back to its original racing track at Brooklands and this racetrack wasn't only a place where young enthusiasts came to race it was unfortunately a place where some of them came to die [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was dangerous then it's even more dangerous now it's full of enormous cracks and completely covered in moss and lichen which make it extremely slippery then I won't be able to change Claire's mind but really I'm worried about driving on this then as if to underline my fears a fire tender turned out all the way from Heathrow but oblivious to it all Claire already had the engine sparked up and was getting some last-minute advice from rod and McLaren veteran chalky it's going to be very powerful in it we've got no seat belt in the car and yes really careful of those the bump the potholes is that the car find its own way around and avoid you know obvious sort of hazards and then very little in the way of right we've got no shock absorbers but our will comes along right they are the potholes vital second key files just remember Claire you've got no seat belts and no brakes so keep out of the potholes and stay low on the banking and you might just come back in one piece [Music] maybe by driving a president of one of the world starts raising powers the plan is to start with a couple of gentle runs to get the feel of the thing then scan it as hard as I dare but gentle is just not possible here coffee Franco's honestly okay and opens obviously I'm going to find myself wrapped up in his king house which is not a nice way to go there's only a minor track here as all is less distort septic truck show the big thing we're driving the Model T is what to do your feet a gear change is on the left hand pedal reverses in the middle and to break you fit what in a modern car is accelerator pedal it all adds up to be a recipe for disaster [Music] [Applause] [Music] just getting about all over the place [Music] come on so much [Music] after a few very bumpy runs it was time to kick into top gear yanked the accelerator open and just hope I stay on the track [Music] [Music] whoa this track is just too far gone to get up to any real speed really what about like Oh behave like a robot [Music] well I think we can consider that car fully tested and it's with no little relief to see Claire getting out of it in one piece I know she's not going to like this now but I think it's time we handed it back to noontime Vanille the last time you saw the baby it was just a chassis on world wow look at that would you rate that is stunning better than I expected for the hotel I only thought other people would look like that can't I mean the photographs don't share it life happens it is stunning isn't it I'm really true [Music] the golden thought before you can see why it's a hero yeah I'll go on in there better see if you can get I'll be waiting long enough so well I'm gonna get in there no doubt about that you're gonna fit with me I'm afraid gonna say I'm will always worry a little bit like as well with the banking in such a state we did the best we could and it was very scary but there's one place where we can push you even more the famous members he'll a 350 two-foot long hill climb at a gradient of one in four but before Neil takes on this challenge there's one person who wants to see the golden Ford while it's still in one piece Clara Howard a George's daughter I remember the car yeah I was very young but I remember having my father having my body changed gosh golden Troy older that's right gosh I love this racing day can I hear inside so could you imagine your father sitting in there yes I could I could exactly remember when my sister was learning to drive she's very nervous type and my holodeck relation body off and putting the only two-seater body on but really far back as I can remember the childish guru you know here Trials O'Neill at our scope we like to deliver and you said your dream was to take this car on a hill climb well now is your chance me old mate base they're pretty luck thank you very much I'm gonna go up to the top where this is no watch right I will see you up there with any other top : no dick you see no Dicky suggesting we let me come and passenger then yeah we're gonna squeeze you in his harness and where you can sit on my lap Oh that'll be lovely it's a straight run but it's very narrow if new hits either side of the banking your bounce back thoth like a pinball before ending up on his head best of British luck Mele the record at this track in 1932 is an incredible 7.3 seconds from a standing start I think it's gonna have trouble no you won't do that but he will make it up the hill let's hope he makes out the hill because it's rather dangerous looking tricky absolutely where you lay on it there's an awful lot of moss on it very slippery and people die doing this they come off the track oh that's wrong that's an actor good luck Neil don't let the car so we're the timekeepers in position up top and the start already at the bottom Neil revs it for the big one it will be a lovely tribute to my father [Music] yes yeah well darling his father is fine [Music] I'm captain unnerving sight sitting at the bottom and seeing that hill ahead is really good brilliant thank you very much very very pleased I need an extremely respectable nine and a half seconds well that's not bad I'm glad Allah better than organs all right it's something else that's especially true a bit worried a wobbly halfway up yeah let's get quite rough but I was in computer thinks about of that that's hard that's worth every racing champion [Applause] [Music] for the very latest new car road tests features and motoring news visit the all-new website at channel 4 comm slash for car next the story of the man who told his lover to eat me [Music]
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 25,753
Rating: 4.728395 out of 5
Id: zQwR2s-IWiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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