Salvage Squad 1949 Centurion Tank

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I [Music] [Music] this week on Salvage squad we've really given them something to get their teeth into 50 tons of clapped-out rusty and old centurion tank hidden away in a fields not far from Luton Airport is the largest private collection of armored vehicles in the UK they've all been lovingly restored by tank now Nick means except one the Centurion the task of restoring this massive tank that's fallen to the salvage would axle click on the strong yet sensitive mechanic who can always be relied on for the subtle approach Oh Jerry Thurston the classic car obsessive an engine freak and Claire Barrett the level-headed steam engineer the squad get their first look at this week's restoration and it's a monster oh there is there are three people who look like they're beat and we feel like you're going up against Isis big very big in need of some restoration just a little bit it's 50 tons in weight that's where you're dangerous anybody ever put a tank together before they fix air fix I did have a model center in the galaxy I did it could be Nick our owner I'm going to give you five minutes to give it the once-over I'm going to go in a little chapel here mate enjoy yourselves okay okay nearly there you go in nice to meet ya Nick why have you got a field full of tanks well it's just my business now I used to be a kind of local butcher and putting out a warlord no gain that way I just fancied a tank one day instead of a classic car I used to mess around with old cars but was always fighting the rust and just got bored of them Lysol this tank advertised and I thought what a lot you get for your money and then though you're a butcher with the self repairing yes and then someone tried to hire it off me for the day and they paid me basically half what I paid for it for the day Nick now owns his bike and running tank driving quarters and Heisey tanks out for film work he's even flogged two of them to Steven Spielberg got a century in it when did it come out of the army no I had her about four years this is sort of a mistake really I didn't know much about Centurions and I thought I'd have one anyway it was an MOV sale and it's a bit of a big white elephant can I ask how much I want to figure out quiet now it was three or four grand I think I've had it a long while but it's an old beauty or in say old how old we're talking that had be made early 50s they actually saw service in the Gulf War and they called it the antique go check that plank was regarding the oil for yeah hang on a minute so fisted now I'm 40 years old well it's a special kind of thing there's probably only four or five left in the world now the Centurion is a thoroughbred amongst tanks during the Second World War the lightly armored British tanks were no match for the German Panzers tank commanders were desperate for a heavily armoured tank with a decent gun eventually the British came up with this interior just as the war ended it first saw action during the Korean War in 1950 it may have been late but the Centurion was just what the tank commanders wanted the Centurion last saw action in the Gulf War in 1991 as a tribute to over 40 years of service Nick wants to restore our tank to its Gulf War condition so you're looking to get it back up to the the Gulf Wars lift I want it to go 4 to 10 years ago would you think about it sir we scored those written I got a chance for and over as we speak I think they have picked the hardest tank possibly in the world to do and I have spent hours and hours and I'm still going down in on it everyone wants to see the old girl running again but no one's kind of rolling their sleeves up apart from you fools people the squad's first task is to find out what's wrong with the tank track smokes Wheels tracks favorite engines but look at the size of it I like to use monstrous they divide the tank is our three main areas the turret and the main gun the engine which sits behind the turret and finally the tracks and wheels and we got all the parts actually fix all this noted thanks brain Jerry friend it is Nick Young he owns the beach right actually you've got your red book there yes I have me have you made copious notes yes that well now glad yeah yeah what's wrong with it obviously needs a clean yeah a better dog name because I sort of yeah I was a bit where else we got them cut with the Oh all these club this doesn't let me come up I mean alpha we're going to level really connect well we've got to do it good so we've got to get all that paint off anything that's loose has got to be seriously scratched off exactly by another face and there's unloader things centurion his trouble so right we've got tracks what wheels the squad have jotted down a list of tasks needed to bring the beast back to life it's a truly mammoth task and Nick wants it all complete in time for one of Britain's biggest military shows we've got back what was we found about cut the links to reach you was there oh my life there's no time to waste so the squad hit their number one priority the engine if that doesn't run the tanks go in nowhere the salvage squad are working hard to restore a 50 year old centurion tank Gerry's passion is restoring classic cars he's tinkered with many engines in his time but he's never seen anything like this he's face to face with one of Britain's most historic engines the tank's engine is a meteor a version of the legendary Merlin engine that powered the Spitfire the development of the merlin by rolls-royce was crucial in giving Spitfires the edge over German fighter aircraft so when the designers of the Centurion were looking for a powerful yet compact engine the Merlin was the obvious choice 24 litres of the 12 X aircraft engine that's why I'm here to play with this I mean it's just sheer classic joy hear this roar I'll be a happy boy it may be historic but this engine hasn't run in over four years to make sure it's even safe to start Jerry gives it a detailed inspection he checks the fuel lines for blockages and make sure the electrics are clean and dry with a bit of luck that's all the engine will need to bring it back to life while Jerry gets stuck in I start my quest to find out more about the tanks history because it got a name or a number it has got a registration it's own one said our 1501 Zed our fifth been yet on bed ad announced this year I'm about to forget that you have to write that down for me but you do I'll take that away with me and see if I can find out any of these I was going to say former owners would be former drivers wouldn't it oversize former crew yeah now I've tried to do that and I haven't had much success I'd love to meet some people who run who drove it and served on it and everything else be well interesting and if anything that I've got is going to have it it's going to be this one because it is so old it seems so much service Claridge you know what buttons press yeah the question is as the engine seems to much service to ever run again [Music] that is laminated it it's it's fluttering yeah if that was going to go that would have gone right guess spin it once more to one more time I don't want to wake it up though yeah dead dead Joey starts trying to hunt down the problem the batteries obviously okay because the engines turning petrol is getting through so Jerry reckons the problem must be with the engines fifty-year-old electrics you need two things to start a petrol engine firstly just the right mix of petrol and air squirted into the engines secondly you need a great big spark to light the petrol but the meteors antiquated electrics don't produce a big enough spark to start the engine Jerry's had an ingenious idea to replace the old electrics with a modern electronic ignition from a Jaguar sports car cannot my instant thought is plus another v12 jag oh well yeah Jerry starts by removing the old electrics from the engine the old system is called a Magneto the magneto is a mechanical device that needs to spin fast to generate the sparks the problem is at startup the massive meteor engine turns over very slowly and the magneto doesn't spark Jerry's modern electronic ignition gives a good spark whatever the engine speed the beauty of it is is no matter how slowly the spark system is turning it develops the same big whack of electricity so I've rigged this little kit up here with essentially what is the ignition system from a jagir with its battery with the electronics box with a coil and if you imagine this here it's a spark plug within the engine no matter how slowly I move this across you can even hear the spot banging into the cylinder and that's almost certain to fire our tank engine hopefully first times it's a brilliant idea in theory but bright spark Jerry now has to work out how to cram the electronic ignition into the casing of the old Magneto while the squad were battling to get the Centurion ready for the show my mission was to track down a tank's history and trace some of the men who had served in it armed with the tank serial number I went to visit tank historian Simon Dunstan as some we've got a centurion tank that we're trying to put back together he's in a crusty state in the moment then it's I'm just giving on a little bit of paper Oh one's ed r15 and I wonder if you could tell us a bit more about it sure we've done a bit of research and what we found so far is that it was built in march 1950 all that was the data came into service so it could have gone to the Korean War later it would have been modified into mark 5 now mark fires were used in Suey's [Music] in 1956 the Egyptians decided the Suez Canal which ran through their country should belong to them Britain and France though otherwise and in what is seen as a last-gasp with Empire troops were sent in to try and regain control with the canal so there you have then landing join the early days the invasion yeah so what are we looking for we're looking for o1z ar-15 so you might actually have the I never got those to set up so we're getting in the same area hang on what have gone here well initially it's a horse and car at the front but yeah there you got your fair one then ar-15 Oh my goal there is using Simon's amazing collection of photos with establish the add tank had definitely served in the Suez conflict the research was going well I mean while Jerry finishes his electronic wizardry all he has to do now is fit it back onto the engine it's just a pig to get underneath it isn't it the magneto is attached to the back of the engine yeah Jerry an actual working blind now I can reach the bolts my side yep can you see that bolt there yeah we're just there one more thing great yes that's a he's fitting the magneto but there's some nuts he can't reach from his side so I like to loosen up some nuts type them up from this side they say Craig's working conditions and big on jamming the little forward doesn't really work I'm certainly intimate with this engine now can you see that bolt there can you were yeah I deal with out there you go that is it well done ah the electrics are on but will they work you ready glad ya honor that's axial pumps petrol into the engine that's it lovely right ready neither now you don't want to go now you don't want to go it seems that the problem with the engine isn't the electrics after all Nick the tanks owner is worried we're taking it to a show he's got to be totally reliable and this show you're going to have lots of people there with shiny vehicle is enough be embarrassing be worse than embarrassing I'm sure I can find a way of sorting it yeah luckily Clare spots the problem are you sure you've got all the bits Gerry was letting her hide silly beggar Gerry's been a bit too clever modern cars electrics run on 12-volt batteries but this 50 year old monster runs on 24 volts so sorry yet the voltage converter because it's 24 volt like I say normal cars at 12 yes this is 24 right Jerry's forgotten to plug in the voltage converter so 10 Jerry's clever electrics coax this cantankerous old engine back to life haha Oh baby running come on what is my car for a little while the mighty meteor engine is roared and the tank is beginning to come alive very nice isn't it yeah excellent Claire an axle now start work on the innards of the Beast good god the breach or no sanity was clear yes the tank's turret still moves perfectly yeah don't let it's gun was permanently deactivated when it left the army and the sad thing is we're not really allowed to get it going again Stickley the turret is the nerve center of the tanks operations the Centurion would have gone into battle with four men crammed inside the tank commander sits at the top of the turret it's his job to navigate the tank and direct the firing of the gun the gun is operated by two men the gunner who aims the weapon and the loader the driver sits in front of the turret the tank also held ammunition maps navigational equipment a two-way radio as well as food and clothing for all the crew all this clubber was stored in metal bin boxes that cover the inside walls of the tank the bin boxes are going to have to come out so Axl takes a few snaps with his digital camera to make sure he remembers how it all fits back together okay we better stop just mending these favors baby forget impressions pain yes till we get resolved exactly they come out basically we can't paint around for under we will move sadness adjusters inject remark imagine what it was like we try the commands I've done that the loader yeah anything don't even think about it mate make love not war you know the job Claire and Axel start gutting the inside of the tank but I'm more worried about what's going on outside there's supposed to be a bulldozer blade going onto the front of the tank and there's definitely something odd about that gun I need some answers I know it with the others as well and from this I might head on but this is got you know a very long barrel like my little toy tanks I had when I was a kid yeah and the one we have and Nick said it was an average IV re they didn't know what it meant right well every stands for armored vehicle Royal Engineers now I think I might have a handbook here on that Ray vehicle we have tank every 165 millimeter now that was the demolition gun which was put on the front so let's see if we can double yup let's see if we can show you that now that more like it that is definitely more likely yeah now these were actually used as assault vehicles they have various tasks because they have this thing on the front the short stubby gun he was saying that 165 millimeter demolition gun which could be used for destroying pill boxes for attacking bridges it also has a dozer blade on the front of the side my other side just lying right right so that's also used joining these sort operations to fill in anti-tank ditches to prepare crossing points across rivers after starting now each life is a main battle tank our tank was one of 40 Centurions converted into a kind of armored bulldozer which the Royal Engineers used to breach enemy defences now they've been converted from standard standard gun tanks I suggest during the 1960s and it carried on until it seems it's gone into the Gulf War so there you have a tank which was essentially built in 1950 which was still in combat fifty years later and that is a remarkable testament / of tanks it's not a bad effort as actually remarkable it turns out that our Centurion has the longest service record of any tank in the British Army with such a long history I was hopeful I could track down someone it served in it maybe Simon could give me a lead we have here a photograph which shows to this position where all the tanks were a little echo to Centauri who 2:06 fog yeah her 1 0 1 5 that would be 9 troop C squadron 6 Royal Tank Regiment and you can see also who was in the crew got up shortly and as others drive all the loader within Turner so that's something you pursue so you can drive and the crews back at the grubby end of the operation the squad have successfully started the tanks engine but they're not going anywhere until they fix the tracks and wheels the tank track is an ingenious invention each track is powered by a sprocket connected to the engine the tank is in effect laying its own road which the tanks wheels run on the Centurions tracks are made up from 112 separate links each link connected to the next one with a steel pin but two are missing well hopefully put these back in problem being is so tight that they may not fit hmm why on the easy bits the first ones yeah you're like writing that's twisted jump okay the first link goes in with no problems don't get stuck while eating teeth yeah but the second one is proving a bit more of a challenge no no no angular work this way right new plan we haven't got enough clearance here job right I think around a house I think really yeah and put this one on first yeah because then it gives the last link has to be fixed at both ends there's only one way the complex shapes will interlock to complete the track it's a bit like a Rubik's Cube in it yeah you can okay whichever way they try it just won't fit to get them to new to finally axle applied a bit of welly it manages to get just enough clearance to let the last link slot into place but it oh yes Wow well done axle the last pin is driven in that's it for Jerry yeah find gold go go go go little yes well done man that's it job done excellent now we have traction we can move I've unearthed the list of crew members who served on the tanker and the Suez Crisis and plan to track them down meanwhile the squad face a grueling four-day campaign to remove all the rust and repaint the tank in desert colors I've got another bit for you yeah you know I know it's a killer in it a little bit okay it does take a little while did it [Music] the salvage squad have just eight days left on their restoration of a 50 year old centurion tank the main weapon the squad having their battle with the rust is a nail gun two steel rods or nails knock off any loose paint or rough it's a noisy and mind-numbing task Nick takes pity on the squad and gives them a hand he also confesses his obsession with all things military if you're a medical term for your condition thank you like us or something not the only one mate there's loads of slinky feet without their slice to look at them as an erect right and I thought well if I get myself a military vehicle I won't dress in army gear but really it's cheap you get a pair of trousers for 50p you don't yes that's your Excuse I mean Einstein used to have six brown suits and that way I didn't have to waste time deciding what you're gonna wear in the morning I thought you pairs the green trousers 50c shirt even got pants this is the defense attention my wife loves them I'm not showing them your pen no please no so don't show me your pants I'm sure they're lovely their army period karthi color in case you get scared in battle they think of everything the mo d while Jerry was getting to grips with Nick's pants I was still on the trail of this sewage tank rope I've contacted the Veterans Association and they've put me in touch with Hugh leach it was in C squadron at the time of Suez and I'm hoping he can tell us a little bit more about our tank yeah I've got a photograph here of a Centurion which we believe is in Suez this is actually our Centurion that we've got we can just about make out the number there if you look at that Oh one's ed r15 right this is a we believe this is your squadron in series I recognize I recognize the commander instantly that some set sergeant London but my guess is it's taking a good week or more after landing because I say it shouldn't be walking around their lives or relax their lives but from lotronex I have an album and that tank of yours actually I think has a brief mention um I can find here half an hour later at osan 15 hours the little column was on the move led by nine troop with sergeant Samson commanding the leading tank your tank was leave actually led led of course with the Marines yes sir 41 actually accidentally this was the chaotic state of affairs in portside harder when and I thought is entered on the sea huge tank squadron led the ill-fated invasion of portside at the mouth of the Suez Canal tanks had been ashore for some hours and were engaged in dealing with pockets of resistance by the end of the first day British and French forces were in control of the town however just before midnight the UN ordered a ceasefire over all 22 British soldiers and over 900 Egyptians were killed in the fighting the UN decided the action was unacceptable and the troops would have to withdraw a military success ended in a political fiasco I mean this is actually a map you know we grew up for down to the chlorides it was 87 15 years old it was a great moment of glory of your techniques my guess is it was about there and then it would have led devolve probably lon Mohamed Ali Shah Liam Hamid Ali until they got clearly guest works stair which I think they reached that midday maybe wasn't was the fine quite heavy because that's my office by there it was it was water you had to go very slowly because there was all the sniping from both sides of the bed from both sides of course for Martha story windows and streets Street clearing is a very very slow process usually mostly small and middle around yeah and I think your grenade the squads efforts now turn to the next chapter in the tanks history the Gulf War on the 2nd of august 1990 Iraqi forces invaded the oil which State of Kuwait the United States amassed an army from 39 countries around the world to repel the Iraqis of the 3,000 tanks used in the operation a centurion must surely have been the oldest it was used by the Royal Engineers to breach the formidable rocky defenses along the Kuwaiti border to protect it from modern weaponry the 40-year old tank was fitted with an additional layer of top-secret reactive armour I've got some photos in the back of this should give us some idea on what the armor looked like now they only sent 12 or 13 with these after he's out to the Gulf and they were a siege tank probably intended to take Baghdad assassin tomb Obama it gives you a second chance if you got hit by some sort of powerful anti-tank weapon there's a chance it would damage the armor and the tank would survive and you could replace the panel of armor and get away with it when a Centurion was built it relied simply on the thickness of its steel plate for protection but by the 1970s a new and far more deadly weapon started to emerge these armor-piercing weapons have become increasingly sophisticated and can now be launched by a single soldier at a distance of three miles reactive armor has been designed to give some protection from these ruthlessly efficient weapons the tip of the shell contains a specially shaped high explosive charge that forms a jet of incredibly high temperature metal that can bore through virtually any thickness of armor the reactive armor explodes when hit by one of these shells deflecting the deadly armor-piercing jet the army have a policy of not selling its top-secret armor to ex butchers so Claire is going to have to make a replica all she has to go on are some old photos and a tape measure the replica Rama will be made from three-quarter inch steel plate which can't be cutting the middle of a field so Claire cuts out a card blog version of the armor as a pattern for a local engineering firm the armor must fit like a second skin around the complex shapes of the turret if clare's measurements are out by more than a few millimeters it won't fit while Claire gets stuck into some precision engineering actual decides it's time to get physical and fits the bulldozer blade where does it at massive crowbar [Music] the blade has to be fitted to six hydraulic arms thick steel pins hold the dozer blade in place just apart the judgement yeah smashing nice one mate the bulldozer blade is on Clare's taken a template and drawings to a local engineering firm to get them made up in thick steel plate finally Jerry washes down the tank to get it ready for painting the next day day 10 of the restoration and the squad are still wrestling with the rust so about the futility of war the futility of rubbing down with the strength this is don't least that it's rough it's the document place Macklin you're back know myself awesome rubbish this is P foster HM Forces Gulf War this is your actual golf whatever yeah it's from Captain foster to mrs. foster six strokes supposed to army engineering regiment and for their one most fun postcodes on it that's your man's no other man who knows that tight inside out there yeah wait I want to fall it over it let her found a new tank no yes officer HM uh sources golf no you didn't really know right what we should do a listen you got some information we've got a name and it's all four so it's just leading on the story from foe nice girl she found superb I see you later I was off to track down corporal Foster meanwhile Claire's armor returns from the machine shop we've got this construction back from the machine shop which they've made from like terrible put cobble back and we can see if it fit the colossal suit of armor has been tailor-made for the tank the armor which weighs as much as a small family car has been designed to fit the tank precisely an error of just a few millimeters and we've got problems we don't want to scratch the paintwork no I've got that way a little bit I think it looks marvelous not bad but then I'm bound to say that she looks bit on the benefactor the other side the passenger side is a network caching yeah yeah it is a symmetrically rough not wrong just general we'll take it back to the machine shop and take that little extra back off and give her a lick of pain Claire puts a brave face on it but the squad are now falling badly behind with only two days to go the replica armor is taken back to the machine shop this time there can be no mistakes Claire goes through the changes with Julian the machinist it was a good fit well that's nice nice fit just couple of things but I think this edge here it clipped the bin boxes on the side don't click it outright as the armor gets a few final adjustments Jerry paints the last of the bin boxes it's now time to refit them all back in the turret that's rare to be drawing on it better look why don't you get in the tank all right crank up your computer and I'll chop that fits in at random seeing a new Chuck missing out okay okay Claire [Music] axel took loads of digital pictures of the inside of the tank I hope so look at his first boxes they're now downloaded onto his laptop he reckons this will shine exactly where all the boxes go Claire hazard out three boxes longer the end yes excellent there goes Nick Smith after eight days of removing rust Jerry sprays 25 gallons of the Army's finest sand colored paint all over the tank don't access it one more thing listen you have six thousand pieces to go there I haven't got any more room honestly Alec this new agency I think it is a bit that big on the last day of the restoration I returned to see what the squad were up to with just a few hours left the armor is back from the machine shop here we go excellent yes with the light beginning to fade the replica armor is maneuvered into position are you ready all right a little bit if it doesn't fit this time the squad will never make it to the show now do the tank has been transformed Claire's replica rama looks just like the real thing and most importantly it fits with time now running out the squad brush to fit all the last bits and pieces a new driver's seat for periscopes to give the commander all-round visibility [Music] pick-axes a smoke discharger a crowbar one last spray of paint and a machine gun so the tank is finally ready for the show but there's one last thing to test out is it a runner Nick sparks up the mighty meteor engine guided by Claire Nick reverses the lumbering beast onto the test track Hey the tanks going well and the squad are reaching for a drive Oh Nick wants to find out if any of the squad are good enough to drive the tanker in the show time for a competition that I airing beautiful Claire draws the short straw and gets the first run why not wear that way are you sold it go check on your mind we got to do please on the clutch Clare stalls but soon gets the Beast back under control with its heavy manual gearbox and no power steering the Iron Giant must be wrestled around the course [Music] next up Jerry I'll get it I really can't get in then yes no I think that's a refusal at the first gate all right I'll ever go finally its Axl's turn I hitch a ride in the commander see axé was going well but he can't get it out of second gear and he's still nowhere near it takes top speed of 22 miles per hour a spotless round surely something to do with my directions I knew you do right man military Odyssey 2001 and it's very odd indeed hundreds of people have come to the Kent County Show ground to reenact 2,000 years of military history our tank has been entered into the competition for best allied heavy armor NYX called away to do the commentary for the show while the squad get busy preparing the tank for the judges I haven't actually told the squad yet but I've had a bit of a result tracking down Mark Foster the guy who wrote the letter that Claire found in the tank I tried contacting mark using the address on the letter but he was no longer in the army however an old mate from his regiment gave me some leads and I finally tracked him down working for a bank in the West Country mark hasn't seen the tank for ten years so I asked him to come along to the show to reuniting with an old friend I like I come over to lay out oh yeah this is a man I got your Gerry axle and Claire and I was behind on your Linus's get home we might recognize I mean is it anywhere I've linked on it near enough for home I would say [Music] the salvage squad have spent two weeks restoring a rusting 50 year old Centurion tank in time for one of Britain's biggest military shows mark hasn't seen the tank for 10 years so I asked him to come along to the show to reuniting with an old friend it's exactly as it was apart from all the governor's that we serve on you know they're just like your personal yeah and actually talking a which personal gear don't believe that is yours that's how you trace it that's already get behind in your nut box it's there you want to stand where I'm going or where everyone you haven't ready I'm ready we're not emotionally I guess I didn't read it mate did you did you write in the tank yeah yeah yes humanik guy who was in the same troupe that this was in in in series in 1956 and it kind of for a brief spell he actually led the way yeah in the series campaign well this is the first tank off that algae boil as well in the Gulf really yeah they've done it it's a nice job then over here it's done really well and I say went all the way up from the border through to Iraq I know most communists you having a fault year old tank that you do mr. Potter you'd be surprised I sleep in support of the American forces life and they're in their multi-million dollar tanks and it's stuck in the sand and this whole thing is chugging a lot of tourists over here absolutely yeah because you're in a forty-year-old they did originally when they used to see us chugging away but of course you know because they've got automatic transmissions and all computerized systems and all that here we aren't pulling away so everybody's looking at us and you know we're the first in then all the Americans come charging so if you're if you're first in there you like when you're looking at you're going like okay very pleasant in there yeah no you know you're number one and then all the sudden has say the Americans came through and brought up the rear per usual hidden filter glory glory and family degree Rudy model it so there's a prize being awarded for the best vehicle here today right and expect to ferry we just coming up with their that I've actually come and earnest all the way I was earlier excellent yeah if I can remember house the tank is competing against two armored personnel carriers an Abbott self-propelled gun and a couple of small stewart reconnaissance tanks with Axl what that controls the Centurion lurches into action [Music] during the Gulf War the tank was not only the first in across the minefields but also the last out clearing up the carnage left by the conflict mark left the army on the day the Gulf War ended it was very strange finding that letter Thanks I'll remember the Dow wrote it loads of rocket through enough overhead [Laughter] and you actually I mean your handwriting's not bad we actually start Valerie to listen we're very good at that I think that this will now be the last move we'll make before anything will happen we've ticked off a couple of supplies like bread and a couple of drinking mugs when we asked how much he just let us have them so he gave his children some chocolate the sweets you should have seen as the kids they thought it was Christmas I hope you will think about you all the time hopefully we'll all be back together huh long time ago just thank you back you know and just the smell of it reminded me of it again all those years ago do you think it was the right thing to do to install a tank yes I do yeah and I think a lot of people have given that you know a lot of the lines lifetime - no it's it's gone through too much to just lock up put away I'm really pleased to say something you're turning up okay actually she just sold it for scrap thank you well flyby yeah in just two weeks the squad have resurrected the tanks engine with a modern electronic ignition restored the cramped interior fitted several hundred weight of additional armor and given the whole thing a nice beige paint job everyone's exhausted including Nick I asked him what he thought of the squad's efforts Centurion has got rid of hardest one to work on it's an ass del bucks you know it's just everything's awkward I mean we've modified this in many ways now and it's a usable serviceable tank and our find all sorts of jobs for it time for the final verdict from the judges laughs sinisterly farces by no means loose and one of the heavier the heavy allied vehicle and outstanding restoration is here in every tank by Salvage [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 30,640
Rating: 4.790576 out of 5
Id: CorYKJ-CHg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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