Salvage Squad Amphicar

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[Music] Oh what if a few players United we float divided we sink and with that thought in mind Clara sister seaworthiness well I asked the obvious questions to David the rust-bucket why Twyla had classic cars before but I will always like both and this is great because it does the best about I can't believe these doors it will strike at all the engines on the deck people love it it's something people immediately recognize with the ropes and the propellers and that and the fenders on the side the main thing is that this car is all about show and all the cares at the front the points of fins at the back whitewall tires classy so it's going to slug huge cosmetic jobs this one why not get yourself a nice classic car and a nice classic boat and have the best of both worlds oh this is the best about you can get in the car you can drive the river no faffing around with trailers and slipways you just in off you go and then we could spend some time on the river a lot of people on the bank calling out the emergency service that has happened yeah we do occasionally get chased by air sea rescue helicopters but nothing I've seen about this car boat for whatever it is is reassured me twas a gearbox down there somewhere and all sorts a lot of bits and pieces and he knows what that is it's great fun to have it all in one package all in one box it's wonderful well if you're clear makes it if package so Clare would you reckon well it's got an awful lot of potential you're reserving judgment lid it's also got an awful lot of rough it has indeed but I've got a man in mind you can give me an hour with it so I wake you up - vaguely optimistic well David here's the deal we'll take it away and do our damnedest to restore it to its original beauty effect but you won't be able to see it until it's done okay could you manage to live with that I know what about yeah well Claire I'm off to find out a little bit of the history of these things all right I'll get unloaded up see you later got mixed feelings about the Africa it's not a thing of great beauty and I know that at some point rather I will hate working on it but swimming in it at the end come on that has got to be fun my tentative research tells me that RM fiqqar has a military history so I'm checking out the library at the Imperial War Museum it says here that the mad hatter war genius behind the amphibious car was in fact an engineer called hands triple well in 1932 age 24 he was obviously an amphibious car nut from a very early age because he designed his first floating vehicle and called it the DG six and it was first used for the German Forestry Commission on big private estates tribbles versatile invention was supported by the Nazis who encouraged him to develop it further [Music] Holmes was even summoned to berlin to show off his latest creation to the Fuhrer once again war accelerated engineering excellence in progress and in fact us Brits played a part in pushing forward the production of empty car when the RAF began bombing German bridges the Nazis stepped up production immediately crippled took over the Ducati factory Morsch I'm in France and a thousand vehicles were produced using Opel then tapri engines no DG sixes actually survived the war or when peace was declared naughty hands was imprisoned for five years by the Allies for his services to the Nazis and so his amphibious car dreams were temporarily sunk with Suggs deep in a khadeem I'm taking our wreck of an unsecure to Lance McCormick this week's expert I turn up this swimming car I can't wait to see the look on Lance's face I only hope he's got a sense of humor those McCormack is a hotrod fanatic but when he's not racing around in his 1929 Ford highboy hot rod he's showing off his pride and joy a 1950 mercury custom he calls planet wounded a Rolls Royce train panel beater with 25 years experience in classic car restoration whether it's a hot rod or a 407 Bristol loves is the man for this plastic stock so if this restoration project of go or not a boat or a car that have only had cows and company to the last piers an engine that's all seized up its saltwater and bodywork that's rusted to the core this is any other car for this amount of Russell this is really beyond economic repair it's clearly not going to be plain sailing I'm afraid that I'm going to have to condemn this tank motor vehicle it's a 14 foot in their motor cruiser and the question is with our expert classic car restorer last McCormick's be able to fix the boat fit to Claire's just about to find out well what do you think it's a vessel in more ways than one isn't it especially what do you think where do we stop look at its on most cars it's enough to have some metal on there this thing's I'll keep the water out and that's clearly not going to do that what we're swapping interior I mean this is the original so this this to me is a mid 50s Volkswagen Beetle thing if this was any other car for this amount of rustle this is really beyond the economic repair I can bring it back from the dead but typically if this was a rolls-royce a Bentley if there's an mg we'd go and look for another one there's nothing sophisticated about the construction it's just that obviously it's done some service under water now the under seal on here on a normal car that beefs a sound proofing and a rust proofing on this it's a bit more than that this baby's got a float so what I do we get marking and we're getting to strip off all this we check for cracks or rust or anything in there and get it rolling okay well hey you've got propellers you know it's all it's all these heads up in farm it's neither one thing or another is it we just got to remember it is a boat and not just a story of the car the outer car model 770 is a model mishmash of German car pal but VW steering well petrol tank is in the bonnet with the luggage fantasy suspension and taxi wheels approach three five six gearbox and especially designed homies drives between the fellas which is such as to when you hit water there's an extra large radiator and the exalted high up above the waterline the greatest oddity though is the engine which is placed in the boot behind the rear axle it's British that has the engine which is try and hold what I choose a Harry was plus three five six trans axle in there I can't watch that while I've got an English engine in here I'm it's a good solid engine there's nothing done some of our Homer and I know they've mated this to Porsche three five six transmission I mean you've got like an aristocrat and then you've got this solvent boat and car really snob okay right so with mark lots of assistance helping out we begin stripping the car down let's go [Music] the first job is the hull of the ship looking for weak points that might leak and I'm starting at the stern oh my god I don't know I know all right where it is paint it just peels off that's life but here's a Spiller yep the massive massive chunks event this is new they've made up this section well I'm very very bad that's going underneath there that's it as a result this barreling has happened from the distortion beyond repair we're cutting out the back sections of the wings and making replacement panels from sheet metal not to say hence the crash course in panel beeping [Music] they were singing then this gizmo crimp the edges of the piece which papers the metal for a fine finish wasn't even via step 3 that's not going in - rheticus ok let's together surely [Music] body repair is Lance's speciality and this is the posh way to it most amateurs would do what the previous owner has done Bob and make do with filler but there are no shortcuts for us on this job this baby's got to float are you finished on that night yeah ish there's a couple a little bits of undercut in the world there but I think given its lots of Pebble Beach what we've got here I'm going to leave well beat that it's not criminal I can't see any dog that's good that's natural but whales fatty so waterproofing is now become part of the body good job man key that's the kettle good but the problem is really worrying car nut but boat version Lance is the boat safety scheme a very scary boat MOT that the empathy car will have to pass look I so not only does our bathtub gotta have an MOT it's a little bit of a boat test that's right and this is where I'm it's a very gray area we didn't look this is just the checklist for the fuel the real problems the main problem is just what one area good clue what there is a real requirement sighs detective right like what cut through all this let's just bones on getting done without the certificate the project will be sunk lowlife unease negly happen from the boat safety came by and I've come to examine this wonderful costigan of yours suddenly me and Lance are seemingly sittin off more than we can chew the engine you'll need to connect that up with a pipe performative ESPM iso 784 oh did you get their kids are you planning on sitting at any old bit of hose pipe well I've seen that on plenty of boats and the old had a guy I have indeed and obviously that can't be used this could get tough and he hadn't even seen state of the fuel tank in the bonnet you've got a fair bit of rust here on this tank and the rest of it there's a little bit of rust here I'm afraid that I'm going to have to condemn this tank it is not good enough to refit I think we just opened up one huge can of worms on this I don't think lance and I realized that everything on this car boat thing whatever you want to call it is completely rusted so it's all hands to the pump lance assistant mark is given the engine fancies whilst Lance gets on the cleaning silt from the carburetor wall appears to be there which is a good thing Danica X is really hardware I just need to join the cleaner and the kick digital meanwhile I'm up see if I can get the petrol tank that will meet the stringent boat safety specifications okay Lance has sent me to a friend of his who makes bespoke mg petrol tanks and metal Mickey I bought the original but I've also got plans for modifications needed for a new tank right so I've got to pass as a boat as long as a car michael mickey' has been making handcrafted petrol tanks for over 30 years put that pedal down and essa it's a little bit of kick powered arm by elbow grease we moved quickly on to the fibrous another your fantastic machine lover ol machine amazingly this tiny workshop is the mecca of handcrafted petrol tanks it's metal Mickey's products that supply the juice to classic cars around the world there's a shape we need car work that is suddenly this petrol tank is beginning to take shape laughs okay we're going to our paintin the next stage is to spot weld the edges strengthen the body with grooves and put the baffles in that stopped it from surgery so when you corner you don't end up with everything going to one side all right and remember sometimes as well a spot of spot welding and it's time to test the loop of the beers I'm lifting like fixing a punch on the bike that's why I thought is that a bit of patching and we have our bespoke antique our boat safety scheme of these tank finest anti-glare so thank you with Claire tanking I'm scouring the film archives and I'm finding out much more about our empty car salubrious past after the Allies released our inventor hands gone were his plans for world domination amphibious style with the Nazis and in came the dream of a floating sensation yes our empty car let me show you a little bit of archive I've found and check out the man's hairdo and the fantastic music [Music] this is the fish-out-of-water turned inside out the rear wheels if it claimed double perfectly is killed and the front wheels were idea is rudders the wild spins at the rear weren't just the frivolous fashion but functional there to keep the waves from flooding the engine the empty cars were sold in the UK by Sidney Marcus a luxury sports car dealer in London and I'm meeting up with our owner David Chapman to see if young Sydney's still in business well it goes on the empty car our brochure here that they're showrooms were at 33 tun Street and if I'm not mistaken that's right here it is the depth but it's not an empty car showroom now is it mate it's a hamburger in the swinging 60s the empty cars were sold next to other luxury cars and was simply an expensive toy for the same money you could buy an e-type jag perhaps that's why only a hundred was sold in Europe and the company went bust after two years I'm presuming that they wouldn't have actually tested the cars in a huge bath in the basement here no we're only miles from them I think what happened is you sign your check jumping the gas top down there in fifth headlight I never it sank you still have time to cancel the check yeah house maybe it was dry so we stole down to the Thames to see where the empty cars were baptized well here we are at the very spot so they would have tasted our little empty car after it came out of the show but I must say it doesn't seem really interesting history about our car no I think our car had a sheltered life in Africa it was bought by a couple gentleman farmers and ethic but I do know there was an anti car that once tried to cross the Straits of Gibraltar and I think there may be an interesting story there to research though it does sound like an interesting story and maybe it's a lead I will follow up okay well David I'm going to leave you now and hopefully the next time I see the old rust bucket I last encountered will be looking in some kind of shape to be going back on the terms that that race is looking forward to it following lots of orders of companies Gary stitch do the wizard of so machine if you succeed oh hello Gary right there oh sorry about that look what I bought you the rest of the empty car seats well says you've already made a store from it yeah got a door panel already made up to give you some idea of the colors and what it's going to look like when it's finished looking really small we're not going to the red anymore are we no you don't think that's the original colour so I've gone on the internet found some pictures of air should be with all the measurements of the flutes at the top where the pocket should be the colours long so I'm going to the car he's a bit snobbish about the Triumph old engine but everything else is sort of quality German marks don't need evidence on the seat yeah and seats of German they've used the imitation horsehair that's what they use on the Porsches and Mercedes is on the early stuff but we're going to replace all that anyway so they'd be nice and padded out and thickened up on it we'll be doing them later in the cream today we're just going to do that the door panel for the other door you can cut and machine up and hopefully not yourself using the old door as a template we replace the weathered non waterproof cardboard with marine ply but make sure you mark every hoax and hold it lock the door shut so that right yeah and we're all flying open [Music] next it's out with the scissors to cut the specially selected marine vinyl ready for sewing so you just get on with it whenever I do anything work I do this for ages so that'll work so this is I call it then it's not needlework for me doing that's just a macho versus legal work this is a frightening bit Gary's giant 1945 original singer but it's frightening needle and we go Pierre come on I'll take a safety boots on still toe cap boots those amazing local swimming swimming but I'm still flying or at least I think so [Music] hey guess well it's let's be off must've been a sort ofit the boots you know we'll then we'll do some of those it we should have pinned this fit for these professionals what's not special I need a little work I don't running up super skirts at home is not the same as being professional practice makes perfect so being a real gent it gives me another go what Oh what's wrong with that I do for a living oh there's nothing wrong with that one more you've got a problem no no proper fix yourself hmm third time lucky [Music] hey guys not that bad well here's the big attention big it's not that bad what are we going to use it one I need space tonight facing forward now the proofs in the pudding stapling this masterpiece together all right look at us I'm fry saving stop laughing it can't provide it will whistle that one out later on I don't feel you're respecting my work - ugh I think Claire should stick to the engineering and leave the trimming to the skin it [Music] back at base our patched up body had been in the paint shop being primed and pampered to get the best out of its sleek sixties lines this will be the last chance Lance has to check it out before painting its most on a lie since I last saw isn't it that's the wings now this is arrow straight I know if you can remember this wing but it was a long way before I got here that's beautiful you must be working through the night but what color are we going to paint her my god mint there's red there's red and it's red [Music] red or not she's still a car and a vote not only will we have to get her running again but we're going to have to find a way of stopping her tooth this week snow which scored a trying to restore a 1960s amphibious sports car but with engine problems and a badly rusted hull to patch up will this car both float whatever it color wow what an incredibly red shiny car it's kind of warm into it it's very nice it is but look at the wheels we've got Old English white on Mercedes Benz taxi rims ER so ignoring all the pretties which I'll know that you like what about mechanically what's going on well we've been very busy here we managed to get a new old stock carburetor on there we've done the points plugs condenser you know years also converted it to an alternator for the pair liability they rebuilt starter motor moving on to the Porsche three five six gearbox we've got a new clutch you let me label that yeah what is it and then of course on to the Hermes final drive which is the one that drives the pot that's been reconditioned new bearings and seals but we have been busy does it work we haven't run out you've done all haven't actually tried out this is the first of all these names into it and that's going to push this man in black maybe also no content wisi see she set fire to it then yes well okay I'm dreading this moment because the engine was in such a state oh goodness you give it a whack I will here we go good turn it now great stir well we've got a heartbeat she won't as a swim I think she does well I'm gonna have to make an exhaust obviously our details detail but there's one other very gray area at the moment that's the brakes now that is quite important not come with me the brakes are something we've got to get right there are life and death issue they've got to work first time straight out of the water all wet there's another one of these on nutty boat things it's the lining that's the problem because it has to be a waterproof material I've tried all of the specialist supplier hello I'm looking for some grapes from out seeker exactly and surprise surprise they don't have one on the shell but someone out there I've got the technology to make them yeah well I made them once we're gonna make them again whether the criterias they got to be waterproof and on the first application and a break it's got to shed all of the water outside run you come out of the water bang goes goes goes your pedal water's got all exit the drum and I think these leading edges have got something peculiar about them that squeegees that yeah hello sorry you caught me in the library good job for you Alyssa Claire I'm very busy I'm did some extensive research break break what break Frodo Frodo weather in the pizza strip the countryside if the Ruby cow a sensible shoe yeah yeah yeah whatever next morning when he boots in the back I was living through the Peak District the center of a huge breaking industry found it by local man Herbert frood and it all started in this very shed from a humble shed to a whacking great factory even with all their history and although robots I wondered if a Rhoda have had any experience in making breaks for boats I spoke to the head of development dr. Tim Hodges so Tim would you have amphibious brakes the funky type cars yes rather actually don't have to make variants of that during the second war the government active surprise and lining for the Bren gun carrier oh yes for the Normandy landings and they were use London Underground friction material is a very extremely waterproof yes what's brute and very hard we use different ingredients for each path and there are thousands of different ad types in our catalog one of which I've got here but this is too much we look at this place to beat him no use yes what you've got here for the Amphicar is a drum break and that was the type of technology used in the nineteen fifties don't worry you'll be safe we'll wait something up for you I'll try not to no breaks and we're in deep water thankfully the R&D laboratory's mix up a secret recipe and make up some special brake shoes just for us which is an essential part of this restoration project a blend of chemical compounds whipped up by a giant industrial cake mixer going to be mixed up in here then taken up through the extract and pressed and bake no razor no raisins at all this is where the final products going to come out on the rollers here they are if there are little bit tribal at the moment that when we finished them selves up like this and then we'll come up and they're aligning are you sure they're going to work - because clear alarms going to kill me if they don't course they're going to work so but if you've got any doubt then fit them on the car bring the car up here and Welfare a bit to run over there so it's back to the workshop than my prized cargo Wow well that's looking very red it's a lot better than last time aside really come on yeah see for me well yeah I've traveled half a country to find you the finest brakes man can make spoken ard but are they gonna work they should do but they have told me if we have any doubts we can take them up to the test track and try them out up of Frodo I think we should take them up on that yeah it isn't an ordinary car it's certainly isn't that let me go fit in is we got not much time okay you get on with doing that Drive what other things to do I don't think scissors last freshly read the antique our main look finished but it's only makeup there's still a lot of mechanical and engine work to do like what is the old ones so have you got the new ones Esther's Tecna second lecture fantastically absolutely spot-on I still don't believe that wet brakes will stop this car even with special material well these guys know where they're wrong they're very special to something Frodo may be experts but I want these brakes tested out so slugs is back up to the peak district and the cerrado test track and frankly I think it's a bit premature they've not tuned the engine yet have a listen but I have faith in my driver for the day expert brake tester Graham Smith that means they can be driving better oh all right Craig come on bring on a real testers have a come I think Glenn's more used to testing the latest models of luxury sports cars and not our half restored empty boat thing I remember were the last Valley changing Sears arseholes orotate opportunity to thank me for not wearing a seat belt it we're resetting the brain knowledgeable look to take to love their heads off it's the many ways once you do get her going the first task is to get the brakes wet in a giant sheep trough but will the body work Lee I'm taking no chances come with us you're gonna cover later you okay [Music] right now get a real whistle conspiracy yes and I protested exhaust IVA [Music] well I got the test data back from the Frodo track and the computers say that the brakes work hooray that's about the only thing on that car that does work though I'll I'm off now to have words lands [Music] Lance Claire how marvelous are you doing it was a time when I thought I might never see you again oh well what happened to you what happened to me Lance he trying to kill me in this flaming thing I took look up the test track for odo to test the brakes yeah but no one had informed me there not only was the seat not actually attached to the car but those lovely handmade seat belts weren't fixed to anything because they weren't even in the car we have some work it's still about five times first gear wouldn't work with us wouldn't work I only started leaking water but apart from that that's what happened applying time again people that shop ago oh the paint work the paint work cities and they forget all the lucky dog horrible jobs didn't find insurance well I'm a nice extrordinary presumption that taking out the district that tested the brakes would involve some of the interior being bolted to the bodywork but hey I'm an amateur what do I know well you ahead of the game listen until you need to backing down that very narrow alley because I'm going to go off I'd speak to some empty car fanatics who hopefully you haven't gotten mine to kill me really I feel which sucks safely out the way the first job is Gary the stitch fitting the interior which I think should be straightforward they're gone better news it ah can I get nothing three noodles I'll press it going piece by piece all right [Music] while the others get the car shipshape I've come to Dover to meet some intrepid ex empty car owners I haven't found the nut as who sank in the Straits of Gibraltar but I have found two pretty good substitutes most people when traveling to the continent take one of these you guessed it on the 16th of September 1965 my research tells me four intrepid British eccentrics set off from Marble Arch for the Frankfurt Motor Show only one slight obstacle that the plots across the channel in an empty car was cooked up by two army captain's Mike Bailey and Peter tap ndon who fell in love with him after testing the empty car for the army rather than ferrying the car back to the manufacturers in Berlin they had the insane idea of sailing it back instead Tim dill Russell another Amphicar owner heard of the plan and joined them for fun I've tracked down both Mike and Tim they've not seen each other for 38 years so they're in for a bit of a surprise they coming straight towards you you don't realize what the heck's happening his desk and you may or may not remember Tim to Russell good god Tim really Michael Bailey yes hahaha amazing I recognize you now the trip took seven and a half hours with Tim breaking down and being towed by Mike for the last two miles they reckon it was a force five it was just like it is today you know with the white caps and we were going like this and I said to Peter what the hell are we doing here but people have a need in our answer what I do remember very clearly was on television at night it from first item on the news the US I had Englishman who'd come across yeah yeah yes haha we're actually not Vietnam or the second place I did okay yeah it was second time and all this Johnny japes happened in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world I won a case my counter number of ships are out there there were 16 of course they had no idea we were there they wouldn't see us on their radar at all we had the lights going and the horn and the flashes going well chaps my research tells me that a couple of fellas tried to take one those empty cars across the Straits of Gibraltar I got sunk by a passing boat and it just before you took on the English Channel yes well that's why we did it because you knew it could be done yes yes and hopefully not be mowing down well my sort of optimism I need and I'm going to be test drive with empty car and water I wonder I don't trust Lance and Clare Tim I know you live in Spain but my tweed you fancy coming down and giving me a hand teach me how to drive it yeah that's quite an idea I'd like to do that yes Holly good yeah really would ya good where do we start where we're all going across the channel I'll tell you that much leaving Dover with Mike on board I felt at last my life was no longer in danger and when our MP shipshape I'll happily set sail in her hey will you start to look nice hello on the way could've done with your help a bit earlier I've got a terrible phobia it's hard work you know that everything clear I've been on one of my quests actually to find out more the history of this fabulous looking car and in fact I came across two guys who say they drove a car like this across the channel what in the tunnel no actually in the water and a parent is a real bugger to drive waves coming over the side and presumably through the bottom as well what you're trying to so what I thought might be a good idea after my limited experience of driving it on the end at the farrotto test track is to get one of these fellas down to help out look like and give an instruction on it for a little bit of instruction how to actually keep it flat I've got carry all the plumbing at the fuel system if you and collector go to the other end and there's some cables and ties and things like that to be good can you show so you still up for healthy absolutely yeah ok well as we Dominic yeah I'm glad to see you got the seat belts on to the BHS test thanks Lance me I'm afraid all desk jobs are gone chucked at the lights are in there just need tightening up and let's get quite tight on the rubber only leaks we've done and doing fair even I know that with all hands on deck there was just a few finishing touches left to do then we hurriedly sent off for the boat safety test our license to cruise on the river okay this olaf's well it's in of evil chitty-chitty-bang-bang for scalloping we hardly had to push it at all we're here to meet Nick Allen from the boat safety scheme could advise this earlier on exactly what we had to fix well certainly hell's yes it got rid of the rust the other man is going to condemn it I presume I've probably rolled it out of its misery great well yeah well let's see if it is waterproof Nick to your stuff so as Lance attended to the details I can see you've done a lot of work since I last saw you have a skill thank you your key concerns about that fuel tank were much better than the last one we saw rusted through through just right to sort the one and the fuel filler is fine be any problem is here on the men pipe you've got a problem here we know the dip in the vent pipe and that will hold petrol and it will negate the tank squealing quality at me well the MacLean oil keV we made the tank first thing he looks at with the problem with it he'll be unbelievable this thing I feel like I'm sitting on a big pile of manure which has been painted a very beautiful glossy red also the fuel feed pipe isn't to the required quality that we both say perfume desires which is BS ISO seven eight for our mark for your line and it's fine for petrol cars but it's not designed for the safety scheme well the only thing for it is a controlled explosion but everyone stand back a bit Claire but if the design right it seems Lancers got all the car beats working beautifully but this boat is not shipshape yet well unfortunately as you know I found a few problems with it so I'm afraid I can't issue about say versus every other stage but with a brisk winter starboard Lance is still determined to prove its seaworthiness certificate or not you're coming in love it either on the plane anymore down as on what's been quite a difficult day but to be perfect I just don't believe this thing will even float now I'll show you that will flow are you up for company thank you but I'm I don't think it's gonna float or if I'm a little slow I'll rephrase that you are coming [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what did I tell them he's got the nice dry feet what it was really going for it there on that Gator so what did show you my missed out on that experience Otis is it all plug leading let that out two minutes later and the water feature is still flowing [Music] with one night left before d-day and the big launch will Lance be able to plug the holes and make this puppy floats it's getting critical there's still lots to do and Lance will have to burn the midnight oil because in the morning his reputation is on the line so the big day has arrived at the Putney slick way on the River Thames so this would have restored a 1960s empty car back from dead yesterday it was a sinking ship so head Lance fix the problems and will it float hey run run it pose well I'll tell you what Lance out I've got my own very experienced empty car driver here who actually cross the English Channel you're more than welcome and Claire lovely as it looks and challenge before I get in this thing if you bits and pieces I need to buy shopping yeah that's good right fenders when your fault checks ain't work never mind protect me the paintwork there it stays on okay what does I want to eat this back up no it's a perfectly good engine is all wrong and for this it's got all's and everything which I need it there's got a phone I could be towed behind [Music] I'll come on let's have some office keys no time to think so only now was are willing to risk my life and climb aboard by one of those on there we offer you have known up to me this is with a captive yes then right you're getting it as well sucks well bumble eyes I don't want it too high well where's the handbrake on now here's another image over one of these right 1965 I'm very sure [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] in place I love here [Music] oh yeah I want to said it would work I never had any doubt it would be this much fun [Music] so far so good but before proceeding any further we still need up both safety certificate no paperwork and we can go to any locks legally ah they are so tired I just got a double check a measurement here before I can give you this certificate yep five feet that's what I've got down yeah anyway I'm very pleased to say you're all legal now there is about safety so Carol area all the jobs to be sorted up never thought we'd see the day thank you then you going to go off through the lock and look good right okay we all need these as well anyway thank you very much have an enjoyable cruise that afternoon there you go turn right turn to stop right thank you very much using nautical terms from now on we'll give up I I jog to why this is the perfect empty car journey sailing 110 miles along the Thames to Oxford and then driving the remaining 58 miles by Road to Upton upon set [Music] this was the first of many locks as we headed west the Worcestershire and to my surprising good Mike safely steer this until I couldn't stop Claire from having a goat the best thing about this is the way it makes everyone smile we've made everyone smile along this river banks a never going to work back on land though our troubles are far from over again why me you scratch the paintwork he's doing your survey I'm talking again probably it for me to make myself look any more foolish than I already do in this program but um do we have any gas a simple engineering solution to a simple problem know what it is then we feel like a fool Oh didn't I say that didn't I say an hour ago is lack of fuel oh my you didn't say that oh it's not in it no I suggest that we might well I don't think as much in it haven't seen back on the road [Music] Claire loves alongside was getting this car fixed up is over let's just hope he appreciates it [Music] and to add a little spice to the occasion I've set up a fake interview with local rescue organization Sora to surprise our owner David Chapman okay yeah we're slowly turning gay that's right yes well I think an antique I'll be very useful to serve oh you don't excellent guys I know I'm stunning what a beautiful looking thing and that we go learn and avoid and Hawaii work in the water line on the left that's Irving thanks dad thanks for all your effort as well it's a nice fun it's a month forever isn't it it's a month fun you can have with a child powered engine I love this thing I've hated this thing haha having to go for a splash okay very good [Music] I may be used to come when we have Brandon cigars okay we'll reflect on it as a beautiful beautiful thing which is obviously well but I think it was a branding cigars that caused me to think next Monday at 8:00 the squad restores a combine harvester and you can always visit the website at channel 4 comm slash science a more heavy metal next on four with a new series celebrating those 19th century men of iron [Music]
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 12,674
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Id: JXGw_rZqqNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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