salvage squad bristol car

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[Music] this week the salvage squad have descended on North London where they're going to use their Healing Hands to try and bring back to life a classic of British motoring history it's a Bristol model 407 a classic of British motoring history they're having a laugh and they are we look at this Titleist I'll come on Lee underneath this life this dedicated lady which is not looking hard enough well maybe you want to Jackie out and see if she's still breathing the Selby squad two determined to restore this old banger but clear Axl and Jerry have got their work cut out if they want to convince me that this project is worth doing this is just the heap a little business call just bah look at that now that is a piece of class I'm sorry it just doesn't do it for me push stood I mean I've never even heard of it looks early 1960s if he got some money he bought a Jag I've got some money in some class you ordered literally hand-built Savile Row tight motorcar they don't rust they don't rust a million guys Little Miss dishes might have been you yeah I won't give you that ass good scrap car bodies are normally made from steel but Bristol's are different they use aluminium more commonly found in racing cars and planes always that their wheel cutting the spare wheel goes on the side yeah why is that because it was close it's different maybe crawling around underneath your suitcases in a bit not for your pistol man like this Carly you might like he will eyes caught the end of Italy well I don't you know if you convinced me by finishing it off maybe but I can't see himself fired did we the fact that he owned it means taking a car off me the car is owned by Bristol lover and McCormick they said I was lagging if I wasn't flagging it off at all I was I was it was constructive criticism my life's fill-ins I was play it's a bit you know be honest there's no lens color it's a bit bit of an old car you can lose a man's but you know I mean what are you doing with it it's a piece of this thing it's a work of art I mean look at the lines the lines I mean look at a small sort of the curve isn't it yeah it's roughly ended by Jerry's bottom how old is it it's nineteen sixty to sixty I was probably 1962 oh he's in slightly better shape oh thank you very much how many of them are still around you know I'm not sure in total 80 they approximately 80 of these were built originally I usually Marcus m80 is specialized well yeah especially after all even Ferrari bang out more cars than that this is a very rare bird indeed apparently worth up to 25,000 pounds you're gonna let this watch I'll put it back together yeah there's a rally coming up it's a Bristol rally coming up and I would welcome the opportunity to take it along maybe it could win a prize if it doesn't fair enough but just to get it the whole Bristol cars day every year Bristol fanatics gather for the annual owners club rally the highlight of this event is a concourse competition the kind of beauty parade for old cars actually don't drive the cars but you might get them dirty it's all about appearances cars are judged on everything from the quality of the upholstery to the cleanliness of the mud flaps nothing short of perfection will win preparing a car for a concourse competition can take years but the salvage Squad have got just two weeks the squad load up the Bristol to take it on its first journey in three years to a workshop in West London if the squad etre stand any chance of winning the concourse competition they will need all the help they can get luckily they've got just the man for the job and husband Lance mcCormick Lance started out at rolls-royce making specialist limousines for the royal family in 1990 he saw his own restoration business he's never lost that obsession with detail and quality he'll earn as an apprentice Lance has been promising to do hands car up for three years but like the kitchen shelves he never quite got around to it but now the waiting is over as he and the squad map out the tasks that lie ahead really we're looking into stripping off bumpers lamps right work screens that out when you say bright work is that basically this is chrome back on the shiny shiny shiny bits and features they don't drink it and come into insulin and car headlining replacing carpet have you've got any experience and that axial breakup upholstering left no go no it's okay I'm going to do another good look amazing I can't read mess in some of the books no no that is as bad as it looks mate I mean this is like the spit on is nothing they're lumpy bumpy's here there baby up stop the clean yeah yeah definitely and they reckon Isha's a rather yeah very dirty according to Lance all the engine needs is a good clean but the car can't be driven because of a problem with the steering over the coming weeks Gerry is going to discover the joys and the frustrations of hand-built cars oh yes oh yes Clary's going to have to try and master the black art of body shaping can you you know you want it real says it well an actual perseverance will be tested to the limit the first job is to strip everything off the car the salvage squad of just nine days left to transform a 1962 Bristol into a prize-winning car as the squad rip into the restoration I make a quick exit in my old Alfa I want to find out if there really is something special about these Bristol cars the company was started in 1949 by Sir George Wyatt Sir George isn't around anymore but I did manage to set up a meeting with his son also called George I hoped he could tell me what inspired his dad to start making these cars what he really did love him did was cars and always had done I've got a serious effect ourself him in motorcars really from the earliest time that for example saves him in 1915 at the age of 30 I suppose at the age of 17 he built really a very fun motorcar there I guess that that must be the very first Bristol and this one here ever ever built and he made that with his own hands not a bad effort for a 17 year old but then again he could always call on some pretty impressive backup he's family ran the Bristol Aircraft Company in 1910 it was the first ever factory set up in Britain to manufacture aircraft and by the Second World War it was the biggest now zero our head struck that Lenin's are taking up Bristol created the famous Blenheim bombers the first Allied planes over Germany in 1939 but even as these planes were taken off George's family were planning what to do with their warplane factories once the fighting was over they were actually considering what their games do on the war ended right at the lowest point in 1940-41 they decided that the aircraft engineers should turn their hands to cars and that was why the early bristol cars was such exceptional quality everything was absolutely stunningly perfectly made and there was up for us a very good net account because they were making as if those that go inside yeah yeah yeah the early bristol cars like this type 400 stood out with their bulbous aerodynamic shapes and soon earned the factory a reputation for quality hand-built cars Bristol are still making cars by hand like this Blenheim but never more than three a week the gloves are on and the paint strippers out it's a big old motor and it's all got to be stripped back to bare aluminium while the rest of the squad are hacking away at the paint Claire is taking a slightly more painstaking approach she's uncovered a surprising fact about the cars history no yep zero all the way to this superb got the full archaeology at the car colourful smooth which is at the moment and then beneath Lux is feel free great excellent so the car was originally silver yeah this is Lesley not blue blue please like because I've noticed you yep it's not exciting I'm at a shape this shape to take a silver it's going to look really amazing like an aeroplane get the paint off before this goes anywhere near paint process all of this area here has to just a shine virtually you know we can't leave any contaminants in there at all because otherwise it could mess up a what's a very expensive paint job excellent but you are a few hours on the right track there there are hours there just it's going to have to come up with a mentor educator it mantra car maintenance anyway while Claire tries to find inner peace Jerry tries to work through his problems with the steering stare wheels come off of me and lovely the steering wheel is connected to the road wheels via the steering column to circular bushes hold this steering column in place the bushes are slippery on the inside allowing the steering column to turn while the outside of each bush is bolted down to keep the steering column steady varied inside this tube here are two steering Busch ISM and they stop the steering column which is a bit the steering wheel goes on - from doing this the only problem is Jerry can't make the new bushes fit any felt wagon is it yeah it takes it out the shot Jerry looks for inspiration in the cars manual he even calls up the Bristol car factory but there's no one there who can remember how they're supposed to fit Bristol's themselves have never done this before for they make new clothes well exactly so if I get it right I'm now the world's authority here how do you push it the titrant personal Katie do you think we're dancers of like the the hand-built car syndrome here that this was modified at the factory on the production line almost and the problem jerry has is that Bristol cars are like Savile Row suits each one made by hand the guys reckon the bush is never fitted even when the car was first built and would have been trimmed to fit by mechanic in the Bristol factory so Gary makes a few adjustments to the bushes very will be a great employee goes somewhere just on the phone we're kid success for the world expert on Bristol bushes it appears I am made the world expert on sitting where they strip the car back to its aluminium birthday suit but they've uncovered some rather unsightly wrinkles if you look at this front edge very sculptural all made by hand as damaged four hand as well this has been and I thought from that it looks fine nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh though if you'd let your hand go really slacking see this but of course you can see an all in the slight hollows and undulation is on me years of wear and tear have left small dents all over the car soft aluminium body to smooth them out Claire is going to have to learn the panel beating skills that took Lance 25 years to perfect okay guess what I got here I'm also learning some basic traditional body tools the hand wakes or dollies as we call the various shows we use these as formers and even sort of like M builds and mini roundels this is a very very old play machine her madness for finishing no I'll go and I'll friend of mine came in it and is not with us anymore so so it's really nice to have to oh you know sort of sit down looks like lives iam this is a body fault it's a dread little blade on there we uses for checking over the body we don't sigh all the shape into the body mrs. DISA moves a check over device Mortimer want to be the file doesn't change the shape of the body it's just used to show up the dents in moving so when you do that you're looking to see we're not looking for the low spots are looking for being high spots but I've spot there is high spot then that's it and if you notice what I'm doing now Claire is identified the dent it's down to her to remove it you're confident about it in that area this is it I didn't do it keep the smooth flipper get the right tool so I'll get the Crowell of this here yeah often up from the center man try when you just use the end yeah try to massage it out you think of that as an extension your body and relax let me risco loose and flicker it and allowances expert guidance Claire flattens out the body between the specially shaped dolly and the steel flipper amazing what difference it makes come back okay I'll be very satisfying you look down it's pure line exactly as the designer intended it would go or will ever sat down and drew this out they do a shape and what we're doing now is putting that shape back we've been put into the concours arena so let's start with the body straight now the best possible we can we get the best possible paint on it and then it's down to them an awful lot of detailing they're not looking for the car that came at the factory oh no no no no no no they're looking for a really tight car wreck up a car that in reality never existed but they want they want oak for a presentation for me concours doesn't exist is something you aspire to why we got plenty of work to be doing yet on this one before it's anywhere near a work of art but carry on we're going we're going to start the front and work all through the body with this same critique there and come over here a real push but where we get that and when I got it right right one or two times and you really feel the difference really feel the difference it's just this new skill hi you know you want it you really want to have to do it well it's it's such a funny feeling but just wanting to learn to be as good as someone else at something like this magic the magic thing the squad are putting a lot of effort into this car but I'm still not convinced it's worth it the Bristol Wellness Club are holding and select gavurin in London's Berkeley Square I've come along to see if they can persuade me that these cars are worth all the fuss Jeffrey herdmen the club chairman shows off his 402 Drophead Bristol lovely lovely car to drive it's like having a handmade food rather than having a modern solution over here something very very satisfying about driving I just want to stop another walk abreast of it because you know they're handmade okay Bay Area syncretic in one of my crystals the most remarkable thing with the ABP where we're going and then I can get back home from anywhere super that's another story but didn't matter that was part of the blowing over universal I thought if we go for something else all of these indicator lights the backtick have gone terrible in it so hadn't done by jeweller any table of while you're about it all day event the were don't why don't you have to so this is a ruby no this is an amethyst this is a citrine and this is an emerald that we have in the car emerald indicator how called that now that was a nice set of wheels the Bristol car is why we say agenda was expressed this is been booked for a reason well it's a wild card in the Bristol play John and Julie Hampshire showed me their Bristol Zagato engineered in Bristol but styled in Italy rosin it was short run of six cars by DiNardo the Italian coach builder built you lots of racing machinery from the 1930s through the 1960s the 2.2 liter Bristol engine can power this car to speeds of over 120 miles per hour if you look traveling in it it's noisy really noisy with your passenger when you're driving you don't hear it is wonderful I love math leader X quite noisy you're right as a driver you just sent your work I wouldn't mind Evan ago but no car have a go this is awesome the direct fit my let's have a go oh yes then you just push it up there are now only five of these cars left in the world it's reckoned to be worth over 60 grand and I'm being let loose at the wheel so what are the other owners like the Bristol completely different it's a fantastic car to drive and full of Bristol quirks like the strangely placed indicator switch got a module ultimately cerebellar I believe the outpost at all don't worry I on obtaining my water Rosalie we're doing right now I'm sorry sis but you're not hungry but Tony Fisher isn't capita around an hour so I get to drive one of the rarest cars in the world and I break it despite my act of vandalism I have to admit I'm really getting into these cars that was fantastic but now I'm sold on the idea I'm worried the squad are never going to get a Bristow up to the same standard as these immaculate cars what we've got here is what was lurking under the paint and the fellow as we explained only went with a stripping old paint off the curl this is a previous repair which almost put a new back pedal on it the car it obviously once had a rear ender which had been badly repaired the only way to sort it out is to replace a section of the real wing it's come back to endure especially a really nice paint job Savage it's kind of a bit brutal the damaged area is cut out provide the guys with provided more metals in every large hammers out a sheet of aluminium recreating a complex shapes at the back of the car you could say now there's a top of the wing there it goes in that's beautiful look at our serpentine design they're like freebie now yep that came that claim lasted Cena excellent for this case is to establish what your welding is like the new piece of aluminium must be welded into place welding our mininum as thin as this is a specialist skill so Lance wants to see if Axel's welding is up to it this is scraps I might suggest you er have a go what what I'm up to here I think the over me really actual practices his technique on a piece of scrap the welding torch uses an electric current to heat the edges of two pieces of metal until they melt and join up at the same time the torch melt is a thin rod of metal which fills any gaps and strengthens to join to get a good weld you've got to get the heat just right not enough and the metal won't melt too much and you'll blow a hole straight through it he's very very hard you can see why he's very skilled yeah you can cogitate all day long but the way to do it is exactly one there Lance is still not convinced by axles welding two hours later and Axel's had enough luckily no slowly I can get over that for you I can work there it'd be a less than ideal situation but then I think we'd end up with us today on these on these already okay and leave blowing holes in this isn't going to make us any more times good actually coasters time axle has to admit defeat and takes a backseat as Lance finishes off the job you see actually physically losing the world there yeah finally Lance uses his panel beating wizardry to blend the world into the rest of the body there's a well let's stop welded everything your blue support you're on hosta of something the old dodgy repair has been completely replaced and the flowing lines of the body have been restored after a week of careful preparation the car is now ready to be painted the salvage squad of to transform in 1962 Bristol into a prize-winning car once more the car is on the move this time to a specialist paint shop down in Sussex the squad have got seven days left before the Bristol rally the only problem is the paint job is going to take five everything must be ready for when the car returns so the squad plan a visit to classic car upholstery expert Gary the stitch the first task is to replace the lining from the roof of the car known as the headlining okay where's it headlining coffin we go stuff lovely whenever England Gary wants to see the old plastic material replaced with an all wool cloth the old strips of fabrics are used to mark out the new cloth ready to submit your meter 32 pound so we're talking like 20 quid yeah the Papa birther Union having lost face with the welding axle decides to play it safe and cut out the fabric leaving Jerry to sew it together Jerry confronts Gary's trusty industrial sewing machine it's strong enough to pass through several layers of leather keeps fingers away it goes through don't pull away this machine is strong enough to go straight through your finger squeals screams shout there were just over okay that some slowly in a set well that's like too frightening let's think that's about it now I gotta tell Eve me I am so unhappy okay Jerry is completely freaked out by the machine and can't get it to sell in a straight line yeah absolutely as the crow flies providing the crow is completely drunk axel takes over right yeah come on son think excellent Claire you're sacked axel seems are as straight as a die so after being flawed by the welding axel discovers he is the undisputed champion of the sewing machine sure there we go as the Bristol 407 returns from the paint shop the salvage squad reached the final phase of their restoration the credits all the work has gone into it so far this point from here onwards again is a bit of brings all the coachbuilders are together would it be the interior man has to meet the body man where the paint man has to meet the engine everything has to flow has to become one nail but we've got to work towards that concours in Somerset and everything must fit perfectly it's painstaking work and the squad of just two days left well go good let's say it's an Opel with the tape up yeah we don't want anything nothing back then nothing like I've seen there we take a put us back early for exactly we lose the challenge all right okay yes the rings and zips are taped up a scratch at this stage could scuffle their chances of winning at the Bristol concours event EXO put you on the front player I'll put you on the rear yeah and then suddenly it starts breathing in what were you going to be doing you're going to be creating the face of the card in right it mustn't squint so headlight so I'm going to be super critical now and excellent it's going to be a race against the clock so Claire sorts out the tower lights Jerry sets about refit and all the instruments and acts will begin his task at the front of the car small in original place of the class installing the headlights beam lights and grill the badge axles work will be closely scrutinized by the concourse judges the grill must be absolutely level the headlamps must fit perfectly square onto the bodywork a few millimeters out and the car will end up both sides [Music] Jerry tries his hand a refit in a 39 year old windscreen it seems he hasn't quite got the hang of it fit another haircut so the rings rings cracked is cracked the screen is now scrapped this could be a serious problem Lance starts the hunt for the new screen thank you very much all right Felicity there's definitely not linear old archives I'm winner no okay all right thank you very much for help nothing at all absolutely nothing as yet I think we're saddles if we can't get on them we're in the dog dude really I don't really want to be taking that long to a show professing that it's relative okay let's go get screen I think we've got to do that we're going to hope that one turns up somewhere these typical isn't it you leave the cell we squat alone for five minutes and I'd bust the window and get a phone call from axel Ming Lee can get a new windscreen with broken it I don't know what they've done apparently it's cracked it's no good to us so are there to get on the blower ring around until you're going to rustle up another one and it's not easy and I've come all the way here to warm it sir in Wiltshire and I think we've got one I finally tracked down a Bristol 407 windscreen ad specialist restorer Spencer Lane Jones do you know how many phone calls I've put in the gas since I know the most of those delays I mean if they that rare there aren't a lot of bottom about we've had a high one to one tomorrow I wouldn't know where to go in foeman so we taken your last with here is it when you say it I mean you say it you know you will know where to get another one once we took this viola that's not a sales pretty that you're not just not above my price remember sir so where did mr. when did this one come from there but the base had story there was a chap who restored this 407 he spent years and years restoring it and he'd finished it the day before the bristol ernest tubb conquers about five years ago and he was dragging it to the concourse and somebody drove into a limit the cars yeah yeah and the absolute right off but the screen wasn't broken well it's a good looks good look our feelings to me you'd be no good at traffic lights with you not really see that's the way from people are like four hours love stays yeah Scrooge emissions so what's the damage it and what that means it was scratched well if you had ever made expect to be over a thousand pounds yeah recommend possibly little bit if they you know monetary stresses and strains 606 times a quid there is a bit of a crack there I'm not your day right 550 okay we've sold out and we'll wrap that up and stand it up not to the journey home as I wrap up the deal Gary the stitch helps Jerry staples a new roof lining back on the car oh that looks oh nice looking at they come out they'll come out yet as he took ours beautiful so nice if the stitching wasn't pretty much bang on the star with it would happen the axle stitching seems to be pretty spot on which it I just lay down here for there we have a look at so you see what's cooking it so it's good second hand rather than a new one every way so it has got a little nick in it the little Nick now all right would you think okay bit disappointed very much was his screen I think it was far enough I had called in I agreed in my work t marred it you know at night Emily I'll build suppose they all think I wouldn't part with 550 good foot could it's a lot of money group for a damage screwed but when you got yeah because I thinks because it's are you going to get my deal look at Lucas sweet it goes right through this yeah and it's someone that's got a worn-out rubber on it on their window wash and iron and if they're made of stainless steel so stainless Google over what cutter flippers with and got a whole thing so I'm talking about back thanks for effort that's right like you know I appreciate you all being graphic about what's wrong with it now he's doing a life you know it's your mother you know into basic ain't I ain't right we were people in again job to take you back to the coffee so yeah if you wouldn't mind you know you can't down smash it is five hundred fifty quid you carry in there alright well that was worthwhile weren't it I'm not even a good guy probably there may a failure right sound cycle David on the road again this time I'm off to the Bristol factory they've had another look and they think they found just one 407 windscreen left in their stores there's just six hours left Axel and Lance fit the car doors the doors must be adjusted to blend in with the rest of the body one slip now and the paintwork would get badly chipped earth sacrifice try without cool gets cool with time running out Jerry puts the finishing touches to the instrument panel go wrong with okay well then finally Axl completes the face of the car the headlamps have been fitted the grill is on and the Bristol is smiling again but then Lance finds something has gone seriously wrong that's ridiculous isn't who scratch the front link we're here where Axl has spent over a day trying to get the face of the Bristol perfect but now there's a floor just where you don't want it I've been working in London I'm sorry but I didn't really know I thought I've done it I put me up to it but it's not really worth I've happen is that this days ago we want me I'm sorry but I don't remember doing it and we get our comics right that's ridiculous the only visible badge on the carts is Bristol part from the hubcaps so is that the most focal point that I couldn't happen in the workplace yeah didn't need that scratch there's more days behind at reading the windscreen what right I got you in screen here from Bristol cars not Madoka see if this one works hello mater excellent this is the last windscreen you're getting off me to know what I get to not drop it nice for magnimous I knew as I move have you got nail off yet lovely you got that cat it where yeah I will be so you plays with lights coming up oh imagery using company cuts of the screen in the the paint defect complaint they test it what they fit defect edging will Spartacus or someone please we gonna so the scratch on it Oh couldn't we couldn't got all in a bit better place Oh gold that people look at the car it's not lighting with veggies they're gonna be looking for the or denting which they cut insert it's a scratch we stay that's that one it's not I'm the baby coming in dinos so Gerry did you do it scratch I'm going to be asking everybody I'm not just accusing you because I'm very good body language reader your eyes went down into the left that means you like I saw that on the film in a go show your objection talk about whether the right if you go up and to the right I think I mean you've got wind where yeah did you scratch the car really nice huh denotes I'm just trying to see if anybody will crack under pressure I just need to put a quick question here yeah all right first of all look who won the long jump in 1968 Mexico depicts world record holder lastly for many years pass Bob Famer right okay second question did you scratch that car there no no the squad remain tight-lipped I'll have to get the thumbscrews out nobody fancied the job of fitting our precious screen so we've called in professional fitter Jeff windows smith jeff has to slide the screen into the rubber seals that hold it in place it's a tight fit we did tell him it was the last one in the world despite the pressure jeff squeezes the screen into place it's done done oh yes okay we'll see things thanks very much job well done very very much mate stop there Cheers wiki's are - save the day one lovely windscreen on the temple - I've it's midnight in just 12 hours the squatted you at the Bristol owners club rally with the tradies once the plate there's just one last thing to check the engine [Applause] the Bristol fires up and they're on their way the exhausted squad worked through the night but can they do enough to win the ultimate prize the concourse now only hours away after two weeks hard graft the salvage squad have brought this 1962 Bristol car back to life after years of neglect the car is back on the road and on its way to the Bristol owners club rally in Somerset cars from every era of the Bristol history are here and they are all immaculate with two hours left before the cars are judged the air is filled with a squeak of chamois liver and the smell of wax talk here with the squad check out the opposition some of the competitors here have spent years preparing their cars for this show so after just two weeks work could our Bristol possibly make the grade just a couple of weeks ago the car was a wreck sitting on an McCormack's drive she hasn't seen the car since we took it off er what do you think oh it's a different colour in it it's difficult to get off and below there it's all new phone oh thanks thank you thank you personally sighs that you yeah who didn't think much of it when he first saw it yeah well you know what I think now I must me I don't prefer it this color it's very dull before but now I think it looks like a racing car what's fingers charges up I think we've got a good look at the competition and I think I've got every chance my loss yes why you succumb to the joy they're asking the other cars there are this is the only car in your class it's good monopoly still concours rules say the car will only win the Cup if it scores over 85% of the possible marks [Music] to maximize the possible silverware Ana's put on a bit of a spread in the hope of winning the treasurer's award for the best picnic even the squad have spruced themselves up for the event as we tuck into the cucumber sonnies the concourse judging begins in earnest the Concours is an event specially designed for the auto obsessive the cars are subjected to a full body searches judges look for the tiniest speck of rust or hint of dirt vehicles are transformed from practical driving machines into glorified pieces of sculpture nuts and bolts must shine even the tires must be in perfect condition judges are looking for no less than the perfect car we've come to judge this car so whose car is it be that'll be what is it 1 [Laughter] times cause you're kind fantastic words but looks very nicely prepared this is Jim I'm Jerry and we may now would like to inspect the car going through every aspect of it the engine the under body compartments the interior that the moment of truth has arrived yeah you know what that is no that's done oh okay right yeah what do you want to hold up the oldest tree I don't mean you know I'm 24 upon you here but we didn't actually check your hands before you lie upon in that day you ran away grubby hands off the opposition and put it in there seriously this car is in immaculate condition it really is what do you think him well we take could you points off excited and you just let down by the rust over there yes I think little wiring rubber hoses apart from that rather loose wire this rather interesting you see that playing they were the preeminent indicator ah right I think we can probably give them 45 to think looking good 45 out of 50 not a bad start just make sure it wasn't like thank you good clearance yep we're over there Jim they give us a maxim of positive 49 nearly perfect someone has not clean back Little Rock I'm terribly sorry but we're only going to give you 20 out of 50 for this okay you knew that she would with very little alternative I understand I'll just find out who was supposed to clean that and have them kill because it was sparkly net 30 points drops we could be in trouble Spartacus now we come to the interior upholstery and door panels including true typing etc oh gosh it's stunning isn't it beautiful blue and the names of series right there grabbing screw so let's cruise learning there's a frozen no extra marks for that though nice try and this year and cleanliness I think we shall give them 40 out of 40 result what do you think of the headlines headline Gary it now all hinges on the bodywork and there's the scratch it's now touch the blemish if there's a blemish Jim we'll find it hello this isn't now that happened they're not very nice this is very limited that with Ruston Oh first time me when you do that yeah that pen eagle eye Jim spots the scratch but how will it affect the marks so we just give it two hundred nine hundred nicely despite the blemish the bodywork still scores amazingly high we have never ever marked the car as a high as 199 there is a cure right never before 370 out of 400 for the bodywork that was extraordinary so have we done it the squad must get over 1,000 points to win the Cup after a thousand two hundred you have scored a thousand and seventy nine that means you've stopped just over 100 points 121 points which is quite extraordinary [Applause] welcome very much thank you thank you thanks iris all that hard work has paid off we've also got the picnic over here but it's still all to play for what about the picnic well I have to say and where then and this is most elegant and I think this definitely wins the treasurer's or even the Chairman's prize for the best picnic title and I just haven't have a bottle of champagne [Applause] Oh [Music]
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 16,012
Rating: 4.8319325 out of 5
Id: pEZTkOM9rL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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