Salt in the Wound By Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] oh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome to the lighthouse experience now i'm telling you gather everything you need get the kids ready get the couch ready wherever you're going to be worshiping and get some room because you're going to need it and get ready because we're about to go into the sanctuary and prepare your hearts for a dynamic word some transformational worship this lighthouse experiences [Music] this is the day that the lord has [Music] i will rejoice i will rejoice we praise you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bless you [Music] this [Music] i will is [Music] i will rejoice [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] he's worthy [Applause] is hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you have hallelujah oh hallelujah [Music] father we give you glory and we lift up your name and magnify you because you are the only god there's none that compares to you none that can challenge you none that can supersede you we esteem you this day that you are the lord our god you're our deliverer you're our healer you are our waymaker you are the god and even in the midst of crisis peace in the midst of storm you are the god who keeps us even when we don't want to be kept and so god today we give you glory in our moments of prayer in our moments of fasting in our moments our praise we lift our heart to declare that you are the most high god and wherever some of us are in our homes in our kitchens in the car some of us we're creating a sanctuary wherever we are to declare that this is a day that the lord has made and we will rejoice in your goodness we will rejoice in your faithfulness we will rejoice in the integrity of your word now father you are the god who knows what we are not saying who feels what we feel who hears what we don't know how to utterly say and so god we lift every care to you every concern to you and with those cares we stand on your promise and your promises are yes and amen and so god for every situation for every dilemma every problem everything every sickness we declare that you are the answer you are the healer you are the resolution you are the solution you are the keeper and you are the reconciler you are the propitiation for our sin and so we say it to the pits of hell say that the lord rebukes you and we say to our accusers the blood covers and we say to our future that the best is yet to come we decree it we declare it and we release it to the atmosphere now lord let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven the things that you've said about us what you've spoken about us let it be done on earth as you've spoken in heaven and we decree it we declare it to the name of the most high god be high and be lifted up and to you we give an everlasting praise and we say hallelujah in the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah will be [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah peace so i'll say [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] well we thank god for the praise and worship ministry of our praise and worship team they come ready to go every single time you know i believe that worship is the conduit by which god connects with his creation and i am a worshiper i told you that sunday i'm a worshiper i love to do it it's a part of my dna it's a part of my strategy it's a part of my structure i love to commune with him and i hope that what we're doing in the praise and worship sense is meeting you and your need and i hope that the word of god is lent to your feet and the light to your path today i have a word for you um it's an oldie but goodie uh and believe it or not i've never preached this scripture i've never preached a scripture i've quoted it a thousand times but i've never preached it here's what the word of the lord says it's found in matthew chapter 5 verse 13 it says ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men i'm going to read that again for your hearing in the king james version it says ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost its savior wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men i want to talk on this subject for the next few moments salt in the wound that's what i want to talk about salt and the wound without extreme proliferation as it relates to the introduction of the sermonic expression i think that the text is pregnant with his own possibilities and worthy of diving right in without the assistance of my mental capacity just the text itself lends itself to deliverance the scripture is clear it's clear it's concise it says we are the salt of the earth bottom line who is ye you and i the christian the believer we are those of us who have confessed with our mouth the lord jesus and believe in our heart that god has raised his son from the dead those of us who have been baptized in the faith those of us who believe in the gifts of the spirit ye you you and i are the salt of the earth and when the bible says consider this you have to always consider the time what we call context and culture of when and where the text was written and distributed to men when the bible says that ye are the salt of the world maybe it doesn't resonate to you and i as it should because of the way we view salt see because a perspective is really a reality it doesn't matter what a thing is what matters is how you see a thing how you consider a thing you have to consider then that at the times of antiquity and in the moments that matthew wrote this text inspired by the holy spirit you have to go back to matthew's mind to find out why he would use salt something that you pay 50 cents for you know when you go to a restaurant when you walk in on the table there is no filet mignon because it's too valuable you have to order that when you walk into a restaurant there is no calamari sitting on the table it's too expensive you have to order that when you walk into a restaurant you don't get a complimentary bottle of red wine or white wine there is no spirits on the table there is no dessert on the table all of that has to be ordered there are a couple of things that come gratis there are a couple of things that that are given to you at most restaurants without your request at most restaurants there are at least two things on the table prior to your arrival one is pepper the other one is salt it's so cheap and so irrelevant that they put it on the table even if you're going to need it or not they just they just sit it there they just they just leave it there and and if you knock it over you just sweep it off the table and and at the end of the the shift they take a larger container and they fill up the salt shaker and they put it back on and they leave it there all night because it's insignificant but in matthew's day that would have never been any salt on the table in matthew's day it would not have been insignificant because in the days of matthew in the days of jesus salt was a precious commodity it was a valuable commodity and it had a multiplicity of uses you got to understand this this is very important because in the days of scripture salt carried so much weight salt was an important commodity today it's common today it's common we don't we don't even look at it as an expensive commodity but gathering salt in the days of jesus was a difficult proposition and the only place you can find high quality salt in israel was near the dead sea the dead sea is so full of salt that its viscosity is so thick that a man a car can actually get into the dead sea and i've done it and you can float without shredding water because the salt content versus the water content is so imbalanced that you can actually float in the dead sea without shredding water here in america if you go to utah and you go to the lake there it is so full of salt that that that a car can float in it because of the viscosity and the density of the water because the salt has taken away uh the sinkability of h2o and and and salt was valuable in israel and they had to to to mine it the same way we did diamonds it was an expensive proposition to get salt in the days of jesus so when jesus says that you are the salt of the earth when jesus says that you are the salt of the earth he's not talking about some common thing when jesus says you are the salt of the earth he's not talking about some ordinary thing when jesus says you are the salt of the earth he's talking about an expensive thing when jesus says you are the salt of the earth he's talking about a thing that that that you have to go through something to ascertain he's talking about a thing that that you had to put some work in to get he's talking about a thing uh that that that you have to understand that it is expensive to gather that that's from the holy ghost thank you holy ghost he says that the salt is expensive to gather because the cost of a thing thank you holy spirit the cost of the thing is not decided just by the thing the cost of a thing is decided by how difficult it is to get the thing you see a diamond is not just expensive because it has been under pressure for millions of years because in order for that diamond to be under a cold to be under pressure for many years that didn't cost america anything it didn't cost south america anything god created that pressure that that pressure was not something that we instituted that pressure was not something we created god created that pressure he was the one that described and decided the process from diamond would be a coal under pressure over many years it doesn't cost man to do anything to create a diamond so why is a diamond so expensive it's expensive because of how much it costs man to get because of the machinery and and and all of the things that are necessary to cut a diamond so that it will have its color and brilliance for us so the cost of a thing is not determined by the thing itself but it is determined by how difficult it is to get it and in the days of jesus christ salt was difficult to get salt was hard to get you have to work to get it and that's why it is expensive and and and so if that's the truth and god says that we are the salt of the earth then the first thing he's letting us know is that salt is precious and you have to stop giving yourself over so cheaply you got you got to stop allowing yourself to be on anybody's table you got to stop allowing yourself to be in anybody's life you got to stop allowing yourself and your business to be a part of anybody's conversation you got to stop walking with common things and stop thinking commonly and having common conversations and recognize that when jesus christ said that you were the salt of the earth he was saying you are an expensive thing do you understand how hard it was for me to get you i had to leave heaven get down in the womb of a virgin i had to be born of that virgin i had to be ostracized and ridiculed i had to live a life for 30 years and die at the age of 33 and go back to be at the right hand of the father do you know how many millions and trillions of miles it is between my exodus and my genesis and i did all of that to get you you are the salt of the earth do you know how expensive you are do you know how much god had to go through to get to you do you know how expensive you are do you know how valuable you are the bible says you are the handy work of god i want you to recognize that you are not a cheap thing you are an expensive thing you are the handiwork of god created by christ jesus and let me give you something else to put in your pipe and smoke and all of the things that god created when he created trees he spoke it into existence when he created water he spoken into existence when he created the sun he said let there be light when he created darkness he spoke that thing when he created the fouls of the air and the fish of the sea he spoke it but when he created man he bent down into the dust and created it with his hands do you know you're the only thing god ever touched you're the only thing god ever touched he never touched a bird he never touched a lion he never touched a seagull he never touched a seal he never touched a shark he never touched a well but you he put his hands on you are valuable stop playing yourself so cheap i wish you in church right now i tell you to high five your neighbor i know you can't touch nobody right now but you don't have to social distance in your house touch everything and say you're expensive touch your daughter and tell them and let her know you're expensive touch your son and let them know son you're not cheap you're expensive god did a lot to get to you you are the salt of the earth you are precious can i tell you something you're the salt of the earth it was expensive then it is sheep now so when we spill it on the table we sweep it off i want to give you a new word in 2020. don't let anybody else spill you don't let anybody else knock you over and walk away from you like you are not anything like you or nothing you are the salt of the earth i want you to refuse to be wasted by anything or anybody i want you to refuse to be wasted by any moment or anything i want you to refuse to waste time i want you to we always tell i'm killing time don't kill time utilize time don't let anything waste you you are an expensive commodity you're precious salt is precious number two not only is salt precious salt is a preservative in in those days they didn't have viking refrigerators like you have in your house in those days and times they didn't have sub-zero refrigerators in those days and times there was no home depot or lowe's to go to uh to get a refrigerator if you're in the midwest there was no menards there was no place if you if you remember sears and roebuck there was there was no satisfaction guaranteed there was no refrigeration so so how did they keep meat what they did is they hung meat which would allow the blood to drain from it but that's only one part of the process they would take salt and pack it on the meat they would pack it on the meat see we think that that when we put salt on our meat we're seasoning it but but in those days in time they were preserving it because the salt would draw the blood out and it would keep the flies away and it would keep the meat from decaying and it would keep the meat from rotting and it would keep the meat from spoiling because salt was a preservative so what god is saying is he says you're the salt of the earth he says watch this anywhere you are death has to leave and anywhere you are if you utilize your power and your anointing decay has to go in other words he's saying that any environment that you're in you can preserve and i decree and declare when you find out that your assault you will stop the assault of the enemy on your family and you'll start to say to your family you shall live and not die that when you understand that your assault that you can preserve your income when you understand you are salt you can you can relent from the attacks of the enemy when you recognize that you're salt you'll understand that the reason why the enemy is after you is because as long as you're alive god is going to preserve your seed you know that's what that's why he wanted you to die in that car accident that's why he wanted you be afraid of breast cancer that's why he wanted you to be afraid of lupus because if he could kill you then he can get to the real thing which is your seed you understand that when the devil wanted to get back to god he didn't attack god he tried to kill his seed and so when the devil wants you he comes after your son and your daughter and as long as you're in the earth praying for them and anointing them with oil then you are preserving their life so that's why the enemy is after you because you have a preservative quality you are you are preservative listen a lot of people may not know this but back in the day especially for those people who are a little more seasoned in life we we young people we eat jelly we eat jelly you know you eat grape jelly and peach jelly and strawberry jelly but if you grew up in alabama and and arkansas and mississippi and and and you got some some families even if you live up north and you got some family members that came from the south you know they have these mason jars now let me tell you something that mason jar has a multiplicity of uses it can be a kool-aid cup it could be it could be a tupperware that you can take food over to your family's house but the original use of it was to make preserves to put something in and to seal it had a syllable quality so you can put it on the shelf and use it for later so that in a famine you'd always have a preserve and and in short times when you wasn't making the money you had something on the shelf that you can ascertain and god says listen you may want to be effective now you may want to be rich now you may want to be famous now you may want your ministry big now you may want to be a ceo now you may want to be a supervisor now god says you will be one day but the reason why you are not today is because you're a preservative i put you on the shelf so that when i can get all the cheap stuff out of the way i can pull you off the shelf i'm saving you because once this famine has started you'll be utilized and guess what anything used in the famine is appreciated god told me to tell you you about to get off the shelf god said i've been preserving you i know you wanted it by 45. i know you wanted it by 55 but god says i couldn't deliver it right now because i preserved you for such a time as this i declare a decree to about 5 000 of you all god is about to take you off the shelf god is about to put you in the game god is about to utilize you god is about to put your strengths on display god is about to use your gift and god told me he's about to make room for you as a matter of fact i dare you to speak to your atmosphere and say make room for me because god's about to take me out the cabinet god's about to take me off the shelf god is about to utilize me in this season god told me to tell you he had not forgot about you he preserved you he hadn't forgot about you he preserved you and not only did he preserve you he's going to use you to preserve others get ready get ready for god to do something right now i don't know what it is but you get it you better get ready covered 19 was a preservative cavity for you it was god putting you in a container and not containment and when you bust out of this season when you bust out of this depression when you bust out of this frustration here is the word of the lord and i'm saying it to the camera man god is about to show you your purpose you're going to find out in this moment that god was using this moment to create a fire inside of you that would cause you to find out your destiny because you do not find out what you can do in peace time you find out what you can do in wartime and in this season in this season god is about to show you what he intended to do for you you didn't know it when you were in pain you didn't know it when you had tears in your eye you didn't know it when you were frustrated but after you have come forth out of this fire god says i'm going to make sure that you shine like pure gold god says i'm doing something with you because you're precious i'm doing something with you because you're a preservative but number three salt was a prophylactic i know that's a big word i'm gonna tell you what it means only reason why i use this because it started with a p with the rest i could have used something else but here it is salt was a prophylactic and and that what what a prophylactic is is a medicine that is applied to one who is sick and in those days and times they believed uh that that salt was medicine so much so that when anybody was sick in a bed or in a room that once that person either got healed or they died they would move that person out of that space and and they started to sprinkle salt over the room help me holy ghost see salt was their lysol salt was their clorox they didn't have clorox bleach they didn't have uh they didn't have aerosol cans they didn't have all the things that we have they didn't have fabuloso help me holy ghost they didn't have ajax they they didn't have comet they had salt and whenever they tried to get rid of disease they would throw salt in the room this is what they would have done uh in the advent of covet 19 that would people with coronavirus once those people were healed or or they had perished they would come in the room and they would sprinkle salt over the room help me holy ghost because salt was a prophylactic so when jesus said we are the salt of the earth to those who heard him he was saying that you have the power to heal anything you walk into he's saying that you have the power to walk into a room and declare it free from evil because you're in the room you have the power to lay your hands on your children and declare them healed psychologically mentally and physically in the name of jesus that means you have the power to speak adhd off of your children you have the power to speak uh to childhood diabetes you have the power to speak to childhood cancer why because god says that you have a healing power and this is this is why the enemy hates you because he understands that if you ever find out how much power you have god will start to sprinkle you in the room i don't know who i'm talking to but you're getting ready to go in the rooms you've never been in before you're getting ready to go in the board rooms you're getting ready to go in the rooms where decisions are made you're normally used to crying in the bedroom god says i'm moving you from bedrooms to board rooms help me holy ghost you're getting ready to get that stuff that you laid in the bed at night when you had your back up against the headboard and took out of the nightstand the book and you began to write the vision that god had for you and you took it and you put it back in the nightstand god says when you get up tomorrow take it out of the nightstand because i'm getting ready to take that vision from the bedroom to the boardroom i don't know who that word is for but when we come out of this thing god says i'ma sprinkle you all over the place just like he did with the seed of abraham and the seeds of joshua and made them as plentiful as the stars are in the sky isn't that amazing thank you holy ghost it's amazing because he says to abraham and this is revelation this is a rhema word the lord just gave me he says that to abraham i'm getting ready to bless you as plentiful as the sea the sand on the sea but then he flips it and says i'm gonna make you as plentiful as the stars in the sky and it just came to me that the sand represented man because it's dirt but the stars represent the church and god says i'm going to multiply you in the spirit and in the flesh i'm going to i'm going to multiply you in every dimension i'm going to multiply you in in areas of influence i'm going to multiply you in places you've never been getting ready to have influence because you're a prophylactic you are a healer god is getting ready to sprinkle you all over the place somebody say sprinkle me lord sprinkle me right now put me in places that i would never have been put me in places i've never dreamed of because you are the salt of the earth not only are you precious not only are you preservative not only are you a prophylactic but god says you also are a protector because this is not the practice of the christian but in the days of roman antiquity they used to use salt to drive away evil spirits you you can still see that practice today that they will use salt to drive away demons that they will use salt to purify the spirits in their atmosphere i don't know who this is for but god just told me to tell you you are a demon chaser that you can cast demons out of your house help me holy ghost reason why you won't do this because you're scared you won't you're scared but you don't understand that the enemy is afraid of you i was i was with my daughter yesterday and we were riding on the bike and she said something to me about a dog chasing her on the bike i said well baby if a dog chases you on the bike what are you gonna do she says i'm a get off the bike and run i said baby take it from a professional dog runner you don't get off the bike and run on your feet i said i have ran for more dogs in my youth than you have seen in your life i said stay on the bike she said why daddy i said because the dog is going to try to bite your feet she said daddy i don't want to get bit on the feet i said you'll never get bit on the feet if you stay on the bike she said why i said because baby as long as you're on the bike your feet are moving and i said you are afraid of the dog hurting you but what you don't understand is that while your feet are moving the dog has enough sense to know that if your feet hit his face he's going to get hurt so what he's going to do is he's going to chase you but he'll never bite you because you're on something that moves and i don't know who i'm talking to today but as long as you keep moving you're gonna kick that devil in the face as long as you keep moving you're gonna kick those demons in the teeth don't you get off of your vehicle don't get out of your bible don't get out of your worship to deal with a devil you stay in your worship and you kick that devil in the mouth that's why the bible says we have the authority to place our foot on the serpent's head you keep moving no matter what's chasing you you keep moving no matter what's after you you keep moving no matter what you see on social media you keep moving no matter what racist demon has entered our earth you keep moving no matter what you see in your mind you keep moving because the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein i came to tell you don't get off your vehicle don't come out of your worship don't come out of your praise don't come out of your prayer closet don't get out of your word keep it moving touch everything in your house and say keep it moving when she got off her her bike some time ago my daughter has a scar on her right knee and it took almost two or three weeks to heal because when she was learning to ride her bike she didn't know how to stop so so she jumped off the bike and the tire rubbed her knee and took the skin off of it i said baby that's what's going to happen to the dog she said well daddy what if the dog tries to bite my tire i pointed to her knee i said you you see what the tire did to your knee she said yes i said baby the same thing the tire did to your knee what happened to the dog's face if it tries to bite your tire what i'm trying to tell you is that the devil can't mess with nothing that keeps moving as long as you keep moving you got security as long as you keep praying you got security as long as you keep fighting you got security as long as you keep watching you got security don't don't get off of what you're on to deal with your enemy last point salt is precious salt is a preservative salt is a prophylactic salt is a spiritual protector but lastly salt was a producer so was a producer what do you mean what do you mean pastor what do you mean saul was a producer well at the time of antiquity in the days of matthew matthew didn't have scots and miracle grow for his plants they didn't have that so this is how they grew their crop they put salt in the soil they put salt in the soil now you get this because the bible says we are the salt of the earth but if you translate the original language it actually says we are the salt of the soil because the earth is the soil and then god put salt in the soil and the and and the olden day farmer knew that if he put salt in the soil it would make sure that whatever he planted grew larger than it would without the salt salt was a miracle grower salt made things that were going to be medium large and made things that were going to be large huge and make things that were going to be huge gigantic because the salt made the ordinary thing grow god told me to tell you because you're the salt of the earth everything that comes through you in this next season is going to be bigger than you anticipated everything that god puts through you is going to be bigger somebody just shout bigger pastor mike mcclure had it in birmingham alabama when he created the song bigger it's going to be big i don't know who that word is for but it's going to be big the job that you're going to get when you come out of this is going to be big the paycheck that you're going to get when you come out of this is going to be big the house that you're going to live in in the next five years is going to be big the opportunity god's about to give you is gonna be big why because god has put the salt in the soil and now you are a producer and get ready for the most productive season of your life to be on the horizon you are about to find your purpose in this season you're about to find your purpose in this pain you're about to find your purpose in this moment and everything that comes through you in the next three years is gonna be bigger than the thing in the previous three years get ready for bigger opportunities get ready for your name to be bigger than it has ever been get ready for your thoughts to blow your mind that's what it means when a thought blows your mind it means that the thought is bigger than the capacity of your mental state and i'm telling you right now god is about to blow your mind because you're about to see bigger speak bigger think bigger act bigger walk bigger because god's about to produce something through you so what am i saying as i close this message the world is a wound the world is a wound how do i know how do i know because we go through different wounds remember remember jesus came out of heaven which was a big wound and then put himself inside of mary which was a smaller wound and then came out of mary into the world which was a bigger wound so that he could ultimately go back to the bigger wound and now we do it in reverse we come through our mother's womb and then we come into the earth which is a larger wound and then we go to heaven which is the largest of wounds watch this so god says i'm about to put salt in the wound i'm going to put salt in the womb and when i put you in the womb you preserve it when i put you in the wound you produce it when i put you in the womb you protect it you think this world is bad now my last word to you is with all of the wars with all the racism with the police brutality with covet 19 with 25 percent unemployment with human sex trafficking and cancer and hiv and aids and depression and abuse and rejection and insecurity all of that is in the earth now flooding hurricanes people dying along in hospital beds people not even been able to funeralize their parents and grandparents women giving birth to babies in hospitals alone because of the transmission of a disease you think the world is bad well here's my final word to you imagine what it would be if you were not in it imagine what it would be if the salt wasn't here you are the salt of the earth you're the salt of the soil god says i'm going to use you to produce this world i'm going to use you to preserve it i'm going to use you to make sure that my presence is still in the earth god right now in the name of jesus bring us to the awareness of who we are show us your glory have your way in this earth and we as christians declare still the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof know who you are know what he has created you to be as my mama used to say america it's time for us to act our age and not our shoe size god bless you it's giving time here at the lighthouse church and at your house and i hope that you are keeping the light on thank you so much for subscribing to our youtube channel and watching our messages thank you so much for following us on facebook and watching our messages thank you so much for watching us on instagram with the clips and our igtv you are the reason we're here thank you so much for your support with our podcast take action with keon and guess what through all of those medians you all are giving in different ways because we are still about the mission of christ do you know i thank god as to date that we haven't had to lay off any of our 75 employees because of the gifts that you continue to give because of the gifts that you continue to give we are still feeding thousands of frontline workers and we are actually adopting entire hospitals making sure that everybody who is going through a shift and i know that's a shameless plug on the book but everybody who's going through a shift from morning to afternoon from first shift to second shift for the third shift we're able to to to uh take entire hospitals and feed all of the people who are eating through those shifts here on the north side and out there in katy where we have a church and out there in in the south end of town where we have a church and thank god for our central church who is our youngest and demographic but doing a great work all of our locations all of our campus pastors are doing a great work we're feeding people all over our city people are coming here on mondays and getting meals we're still uh doing online courses for our for our students in the aba abbey preparatory academy all of this work cost and the only way we're able to do it is because you are staying faithful in your giving and i want to give you an especial encouragement because in a country where 40 million people are without work we in the economy of god understand that our working class has nothing to do with our tithing class that we give no matter what and the lord continues to give it back to us good measure press down shaken together and running over thank you so much for your gifts there are three ways you can give number one you can text to give at zero four 832-924-0444 three number two you can give on our app tlhc number three you can go online at and you can give there if you are a part of our lighthouse church 2.0 members and you are online and and you're with us you can give through giblify and it's an app you can download on your phone and you can give through there and i want to thank all of our friends from minneapolis minnesota uh through all of the things that you're going through when we look at our registry and still see that you're still giving and about the things of god thank you so much they're also going to put a um a text message up on the screen right now as we're giving i want you to understand that we're also about the social justice that is going on in our country right now and if you'll text floyd to the number that they're getting ready to put up right now you're going to find out how to join the fight with us to make sure that no matter what our skin color is in this country we can all get a fair shot this is the work of god it's the work of god he liberated the jews from the hands of the germans this is the work of god that all men would be free and that there would be no more slave that there would be no more greek or jew that we would all be precious in the sight of god so i encourage you to text that as well and i want to thank all of you all who are mailing and bringing your tithes to the lighthouse church our greater campaign is still going the building is still being constructed i think that when you get here you're going to see your ties in offering at work and you'll recognize oh my god this building is immensely different from when i left it and my god we cannot wait to see you again somebody's been asking pastor when are we going to open when is the date i want to tell you right now where i have your attention there is no date there is a state there is no date there is a state when we are at a state at a certain state then i will bring us back together at the most intelligent and wisest way possible but for the sake of having church i am not willing to put you at risk so that we can come together to lose somebody we love when it's safe we will be back and as long as you keep supporting from a distance we can continue to bring you the word of god and to keep everything in order are you ready all right i want you to repeat this after me as i move towards greater say this like you mean it i will accept all divine ideas thoughts and concepts that will connect me to my destiny i believe that what jesus christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can or will do to me and because of his full gift i will lend to many nations but will borrow from none i decree and declare you're getting ready to go from borrower to lender in the name of jesus god bless you and may god bless your gift one hundredfold listen i know you've been impacted by this dynamic service you know make sure that you recap this i hope you did a watch party to start off to begin with but listen i want to encourage you wherever you are and whatever you're doing i want you to take some time to be intentional about these next steps i'm about to give you you ready all right here we go so listen i want you to sow into your future into your destiny into the ministry that god is using is speaking to you and of course there's three ways to give so you can give um by text you can give through the lh app you can also give on our website now you might be saying i'm really not a part of the ministry i haven't really committed to the ministry yet we've got room for you you can give by using the giblifie app it's always a way for you to give we understand you're just dating us for right now but we'll bring you home soon now listen the last thing i want to do is i want to offer you the opportunity to join this ministry join the initiatives join in the vision and the leadership under our great leader pastor keon henderson so if you want to take that step a life-changing step it's really simple so here's the number you simply want to text lh nation to 84576 it's just that simple text lh nation to eight four five seven six now let's pray father we thank you for every seed every tithe every offering that's sown we thank you god for every person who has decided to follow you who's made that decision to connect with this ministry we thank you for the word and the worship from today and in the midst of all that's going on we thank you for your grace thank you for your love and for your covering now father we speak peace and we speak wholeness and we speak the richness of your blessings to the life of absolutely every person that's listening every family household every man every woman every child boy and girl even the newborns that are on the way we speak hope and destiny to their future in the name of jesus we pray amen we love you we'll see you next time [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i oh i know i know i know he's all right [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] he's [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's he is [Applause] when i think of my father [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] hahaha you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 18,238
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, Sunday Service, sunday service sermon, sermon, church, bible, joel osteen, jesus christ, latest sermons, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, lighthouse christmas, lighthouse church worship, latest sermons of light house, keion's korner, Pastor, worship, faith, jesus, God, grace, forgiveness, bishop, pastor, god sermon, power, strength, lighthouse, Salt in the Wound By Pastor Keion Henderson, Salt in the Wound, salt in the wound sermon
Id: P_j7VdEjm0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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