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she is the top video within the 4c hair hashtag and she doesn't have 4c air hey guys welcome back to my channel so I'm back I am back because you guys asked me to come back because me it feels up to me I'm beyond fact I'm tired of what I am seeing on this app called tick tock welcome back guys if you are new here I a few a week or two ago I made a video reaction to 4c hair videos on tick tock well videos using the 4c hair hashtag on tick tock and we came up with some really really interesting stuff and you guys really wanted to see a part two so I am back I'm giving y'all watch out 1 and let's start reacting to some of these videos within the 4c hair hash tag before we get into the video though I just want to ask you to do once they don't wants it only for me and that's to make sure you are subscribed ok it's very standard around here just make sure you're subscribed hit the notification bell as well so you always get notified when I post a new video and let's get into it so just a preface I am not reacting to four-seater videos to type peoples hair I don't watch out of things that I'm coming on here trying to find peoples hair types that's not the case at the end of the day I can't see their hair I can't touch it I can't feel it there's a lot more to it than just what meets the eye so I don't want y'all to think I'm here just typing peoples hair I'm just reacting to what we see [Music] my washday all right some applause right here I'm a pause right now because I am very very confusion what is happening and why are you within the 4c hair tag actually let me go y'all this woman Karen Quran Natak I don't know but lovely beautiful hair I've actually seen her a few times on singsong who's very beautiful girl however it is clearly not for to see you and she is let me go in the hashtag she is the top video within the 4c hair hashtag the top video and she doesn't have 4c air okay so yeah this is literally the epitome of why and how it is so problematic to use hashtags that don't even pertain to your hair so this girl who is so beautiful by the way and her hair is gorgeous I'm not gonna knock that at the end of the day all hair is beautiful of course but we could see clearly just from when her hair was in conditioner she was brushing it out that she does not have 4c hair she's the top creator she's the number one person within the 4c hashtag to me that is very problematic like the top creator within the 4c hair hashtag should have 4c hair anyway that's my own moon let's come on scene next one oh my gosh yeah whoa interesting okay so yeah that is that is the wildest thing I've ever seen in my life so as y'all saw her hair when it was wet when she has water like actually drenching on her hair it looks like the curls look extremely loose like not even just a little loose it looks extremely loose me so I'm very confused I don't understand but her shrinkage and what her hair looks like dry is very interesting do I think it's for theme I'm not a cosmetologist I got my license ooh and I don't know I don't know this woman I've never seen her hair I'm not an adult it I never done nothing I don't know okay I don't know from what I see just based on this this is very interesting but also the thing about it is like black hair is actually magic like actually magic because if what we're seeing is true like if this is actually her hair when water is you know running through it and I'll miss that and that's her hair when it's dry that is actual magic that is magic and I've never seen anything like that and that's really cool but from what her hair looks like dry I honestly I don't think I would consider it for see though I don't think I would [Music] actually actually I don't know I like to get it I don't know but yeah like I was saying black hair is literally magic and also less let's just get something straight really quickly not all this has nothing to do with this but now all black hair curls and coils there is hair I have people within my family COFF COFF my brother that have wavy hair that have straight hair okay you can have type 4 hair as in the texture right but your curl pattern some people some like you who don't even have a curl pattern I'm just saying that to say that like our hair is magic and I hair can do a lot of different things in terms of what this one is doing right now I have no idea I've never seen anything like that that water pressure must be so intense that it loosened that curl up so much cuz that'll make no sense but like I said before it is not a competition it is not a competition for you to be a part of among the before see hair crew is not that serious anyone would foresee hair has any higher done that before I don't know next video please not a club whoa first off can we get into how healthy sis's hair is what's her name please I don't know not Nassif II underscore waste I'm sorry I'm so sorry if I messed up yeah I am her hair is so healthy okay so let's first off let's debunk the idea that shrinkage is bad I don't know where that came from shrinkage is a sign that your hair is healthy and it is doing what its naturally supposed to do curl and coil and kink up and do just it wants to come together because that's what it naturally wants to do that's what it naturally does so anyway her hair is so healthy like this is a prime example of 4c hair for sure yeah so she has standard 4c hair and I can't find her videos within the 4c hair and hashtag I don't see her video that should be a top video to meet personally because that's a pretty good example of what 4c hair could possibly look like what I'm seeing she definitely has highly dense hair like we saw that other guy have her curls she does have some curls she has some coils that are really tight and her shrinkage is insane it goes from here and then just bounces back up that's beautiful to me that's beautiful that's magic and that is a great sign of healthy hair so this was a beautiful ass skin yeah skin this is beautiful that was so gorgeous I don't know I'm sorry I'm just a little in awe that was really really beautiful next video so this was a pretty interesting one I feel like there was a lot of like debate over this video please let's watch it [Music] [Music] [Music] if you look at the hurt comments are in shambles people saying it's not for seeing people saying it is girl first of all let's first say that our hair it is beautiful it is gorgeous and I do think the debate and just kind of the gatekeeping of what's 4c and what's not is a little annoying and I completely get it now I'm not trying to feed it to that at all I hope yeah oh yeah I can see that I don't know it's not that I'm trying to get keep it's more so just it would be nice if people were looking for a certain something that they could find that that's all there was this one song where it was like for black creators and it was filled with within the hashtag for that song or within the sound it was filled with you know black creators at the top and then a white a really big white creator I think it was a Lopez brothers made a sound to it and then all the big white creators started making a sound to it and that sound was now filled with white people and it's just like that was kind of a sound for you know it was just for our community and now it's infiltrated with things that it's just wasn't meant to represent so it's kind of the same thing with 4c hair here regarding this video though I don't know I think I think well I definitely think she's type 4 for sure I do think she has 4c features within her hair I think there are some parts that are 4c and I do think she has some other curl patterns in there as well I think she's a mix oh for bf4 see she did define her curl she sat there and she put multiple gels Eco in there and anyone with 4c hair knows I mean if you sit there and shingle three strands together you're going to see a pearl that's going to come you are going to see it because yes our hair does to help them cross in there yeah I think I think she's a mix of a lot and I do think she is you know horsey in there as well I do think so her hair seems a little finer a little less dense yeah I think she's four before see personally because if i sat here and shingled and defined my hair and if i had the same density as her it would probably look like that as well so yeah what caused it is this for before Steve in a way it really doesn't matter after the day is beautiful as long as she's taking care of it that is all that Mauro's okay thank you all right no seriously I want to know why the other deuce why do you do this why why not like this why this is for you this setting with your mouth - this is for C mid-back length hair so that isn't for anyone that's confused that is not does not force the mid back leg hair please it is weighed down heavily with conditioner but no like you can literally see big clumps of her hair clumping together and curl it's just not it's just not okay this is literally for a hair in fact you could even say to see no I think it's for a first of all there's a lot of representation for 4c hair mid-back length hair a really good example is West African baby she has mid-back I believe hair really long 4c hair and I don't know what y'all but dude look the same to you okay like you can tell like even though our curls are tight and yes when water hits it they do loosen up a little bit and the longer it gets yeah okay yeah you will have some stretching off the curl but for the most part it's still gonna look pretty standard for C and that's not that anyway alright guys so that is it for this video this sounds like this one was actually a little more problematic than the I just I really really urge some of you creators like if your concerts gonna do well it's gonna do well okay and I don't think you should try and make your content do well at the expense of others there are other people that are really looking for inspiration and creators that have hair like theirs and you know you don't know you know you know in your hearts of hats that your hair is not force the end and that's okay that's okay because it seems like it's all of a sudden ya want to be a part you want to be a monk it's okay your hair is still beautiful whatever crop pattern it actually is and I think it would be more helpful actually if you typed it correctly cuz you know what your air texture is you know it's okay and even if you don't you have an idea and you know what's not for see so just I think it would be more helpful if you know we actually typed a hair correctly especially if you're a concentrator I don't know just an idea but anyway that's it for today's video let me know down below what are your thoughts what do y'all think about some of the videos that I reacted to today and also if you guys want a part three let me know or just let me know what would you like to see me react to next leave that down below in the comment section because you guys did enjoy today's video make sure give me a thumbs up make sure you're subscribed if you aren't already I know yeah it's a lock I heart you you're just sitting here lurkin hmm go on subscribe thank you and yeah I'll see you guys in my next video bye all [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chizi Duru
Views: 446,571
Rating: 4.8838854 out of 5
Keywords: chizi duru, tiktok, natural hair, 4c natural hair, tik tok reaction, curly natural hair, reaction video, long 4c hair, short 4c hair
Id: XGCbWjypljQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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