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I literally just woke up you know one of those when you have your head tile on and then how for you three asleep it falls off and this is it hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is RAL AKA el of glad please if this is your first time on my channel please do not forget to hit the subscribe button now that being said i'm sure you're here because you really want to learn how to make your 4c afro-pop basically how to define your curls and today i'm going to show you guys how now that being said I am a 4c hair however I do believe right now the front of my hair right here is probably like a 4b because it's going through things but I am predominantly a four-seat so this isn't my hair 7 days later after my big chop after curl defining it and what not right now it's flat at the back because I sleep over my back so don't mind it also something else that I notice is that it is now flaking I don't know if you guys can see that 7 days later for flake is not bad at all because in the past I've used products that started flaking like two days into it or even three days into it like eco styler gel TJ and curling custard kind of started flaking on me like four days in so this is pretty good so let me show you guys what the back looks like but this is the front I don't know if you guys can kind of see it but the curls are still there the back it's flat and everything because I just woke up I'm about to go wash my hair anyway over here around here it's kind of like more kinky or no more curls I can kind of feel some curls on to these ends and then right here I can kind of feel like half curl have back so I'm going to go shower wash my hair and that we're going to reactivate it for the next seven days let me tell you guys the four reasons why your 4c curls are not popping number one how you dry your hair and basically what I mean by how you dry your hair is are you drying your hair with a towel towels tend to have what you called up so basically the wrinkly frizzy looking things on a towel what that does it does affect your cuticles your hair cuticles so it ends up raising the hair cuticles and as a result your hair is already frizzy and matted and also drying your hair with a towel sucks out the moisture from your hair over dries your hair absorbs all the water for me your hoes already freezing it's matted it's dehydrated so when you're trying to make your curls pop it is not working so instead what I do suggest that you Duke which I'm sure you guys probably already know this just dry your hair with a cotton material aka a t-shirt make sure you dry your hair with a t-shirt and if you got the little I got the time make sure you dry in here with some microfiber cloth and that's the best to dry your hair and that way it's going to leave your hair cuticles looking smooth rather than frizzy and matted and dehydrated and now we're going to put some product spin it and begin to define our curls the first things first because of course I dried it with a t-shirt I'm going to go ahead and spritz it just to get it back wet up again because it dry a little bit too much and you're just very slightly so this is the Cantu shea butter leave-in conditioner a little bit last time I used quite a bit and it did leave the white residue like this in my hair and my hair does not absorb products that are in custard form as much it's almost like it just stays on top of my hair for a while so this time around we're using it but just a very little amount and as you can see it is absorbing it a lot better this time around when I go ahead and spray it with more water just to help everything absorb properly so for the definition I'm using the curl boss and this is my own Jackie as well and it's the coconut creme recipe cook and our curl in jelly so this is the new thing or the only new thing that I've incorporated into my hair and that's the reason why my hair lasted for like seven days in my opinion at least so you guys try it out let me know down below if your curls actually last that long and I'm going to part it where I like I just found that parting it does help shape my face a lot better than just leaving it as is I'm going to be defining these curls downwards like so and then I'm going to be defining these ones this way so we're gonna start on this side so I'm taking a little bit of the jelly and I'm just gonna run it through my hair and then this is where it comes and this is where your patience comes in it's gonna take it like so and begin to define it so reason number two why your 4c curls are not popping is basically you're not using enough water when you're trying to define these curls so let me tell you one thing real quick when you're trying to define your curls especially as a four-seat girl you need your hair to be soaking wet in order for the definition to appear if your hair is semi wet if your hair is completely dry cuz a lot of people tend to add a defining product on dry hair it's not going to work you're literally going to end up with an afro frizzy hair with no curls at all so make sure your hair is soaking wet so when you add in water to a particular section over time the rest of the sections will dry out so you need to keep your add in water while you're trying to define the curls so that your 4c curls could be pop bang so reason number three this one is a big one and that's because you are not patient and what I mean by that is guys it took me 15 minutes 50 to 55 minutes give or take to activate or to define my curls as you guys could see in the video I tried to include every step of the way I even included how I was resting when I was resting because a lot of us we want on a popping curls especially as for see girls because we're we don't have any curls to begin with when we're done washing our hair so now what we end up doing is we're magically thinking that our curls are going to happen overnight but no that's not going to work you literally have to be patient with it your hands are going to hurt this is real life whatever that is worth having does not come easy so you got to take your time and do it I was talking to my cousin and basically she was asking me how I was able to define my curls to look on a popping and I told her she said my hair it's not gonna do that plus I nobody got time for that um my friend said the same thing they're like oh my gosh I love your curls how did you define them so well I told them how long it took me and they're like nobody got time for that so if you do not have patience you will not have on a popping curls as a 4c girl is as simple as that we can not up and do wash and gos unfortunately so you got to put in the word and the reason why this is not really bothering me is because this lasts for seven days so I don't really mind because I only have to do it once a week and I'm group chief for the rest of the week okay so we are more than halfway through the curling right now as you guys can see I've curled here let's see here and like I said you don't have to be perfect at these things you just have to have patience because I curled the back of my hair without a mirror I'm not necessarily seeing the back to see how well it's curling but to me that doesn't really matter I feel like the precision happens in front so that's where I'm concerned about the back so far it's not like a throwie I surprised a little bit more curly you're pretty much good to go right now we are almost done so far it's been 20 minutes it takes time guys okay it takes time all right so number four reason why your 4c curls are not popping is because you're not using the right curl definers so basically my products are in a custard form like kind of like the leave-in conditioner that I use in the video you will notice that it does not absorb quickly into my hair so as a result you got to be able to pick curls definers that do actually absorb into your hair and luckily enough I was able to come across the on Jacqui curl definer and I am obsessed coz it's literally a coconut jelly its gel but not really gel because gel I also feel this is not really absorbed to my into my hair properly so if you're anything like me you find the products do not actually sink into your hair cuticles right away try this product you guys are going to absolutely absolutely love it and when was done this is all I have to curl like I said the wetness something here really makes a difference and it really does make it easier even on right now for styling it as well as for maintaining it throughout the week because when you wake up all you have to do is just spray a little bit of water and it's almost kind of like every activates the gel in the hair and then your hair is back up to in my opinion I've noticed also it helps keep your hair hydrated and moisturized throughout the week I found carrion and lastly honestly this is not even part of the four reasons but this is just something I had to throw in there because right now it's midnight and I've been doing this all day so I literally wanted to throw it in there and that is the hands in hair syndrome and basically what that means is when we put in all this work to have her hair pop a instead of us now leaving it alone so they can actually last you for a week we end up putting our hands in it like right now I was laying on my bed because I had to refill this part of the video because I did it outside and it was raining it was too overblown long very short this is a refill Minh of this section so from morning time till now I've literally been playing with my hair and as you guys can see I'm already losing definition in the front because I have the hands and hair syndrome so you guys remember the parting we're trying to retain that although we can always go back and fix it but I just want to make sure you retain it as much as possible so you don't end up breaking any curls trying to fix it afterwards if you mess it up I'm gonna curl this to fall right here and then curl this right here curl this right here and basically what I'm just trying to do is kind of like create a bump there I don't know how to explain it you guys are just gonna have to pretend to get it but I hope it makes sense so essentially the side of this part was falling here and now this is gonna fall here and then this is gonna fall here so if you guys want your hair to be on and pop of your curls to be autumn popping please do not play with your hair because you're gonna be there like oh ooh and then as you're on Instagram and snapchat you're literally just touching if you're bored you're stretching out the curls I'm playing with it I do that all the time so if you do that girl and so sorry but even your curls are not gonna be on involving that's alright this is pretty much it all curled up just kind of like looking all over the place now we're going to go ahead and kind of define it more especially like the part that we had initially because it's just there we're going to find where the part is which is right here and I'm going to take the same Carlene jelly and I'm just going to use that to drag it's almost kind of like hair gel in your own hair down I'm also going to spray it so that area is dry in a little bit the key to this hairstyle really is just wet hair more wet your hair is the better so I'm going to use that right here so this right here you just have to push down here as well it's going to end precise the part so then the part could be more prominent and this was what I was talking about initially about making sure your part is somewhat clear because if you separate it you're separating the curls so I'm gonna have to recur this and put it on the side and that's pretty much how I style my hair I'm going to let it dry I'm gonna do my makeup and I'll be right back okay you guys will probably see me tomorrow because it is like 5:30 now I'm just gonna let it air dry and then tomorrow morning I'm gonna do my makeup and no finish talking and that's pretty much all the tips I have so that it will help you guys have your 4c hair popping in no time so please comment below if you guys try out any of these tips and let me know how it works for you have you been doing it before is this your first time doing it and I hope this video is very helpful and I hope you guys are able to follow along with me trying to define my curls it was a long process not gonna lie but like I said nothing worth having comes easy enjoy the rest of your evening and I will definitely see you guys in my next video so now I'm just gonna say bye so bye
Channel: Loveglam
Views: 1,349,486
Rating: 4.8937945 out of 5
Keywords: my big chop, natural hair big chop, my second big chop, second big chop, patricia bright, loveglam, natural hair journey, aunt jackie natural hair products, 4c hair styling video, how to style your TWA, natural hair style protective styles, ral.onyes, reasons why your 4c hair is not curling, my 4c afro isn't curling, how to define your curls on 4c hair, 4b hair styles, defining your curls on natural hair, how to make my 4c curls pop, 4c type hair, hairstyles for 4c
Id: ZWjLm_KiTXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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