How to make old fashioned fried collard greens

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[Music] welcome back to my channel before I get started today I want to say thanks to my daughter-in-law my son and my precious two granddaughters but giving me this apron in support of my new channel my daughter-in-law has a penis cute monogrammed things where she do this type of work where she personalized our type of items so I want to say thanks you guys never love you okay let's get started this right here don't need too much of an introduction oh really how you cook it how you cook how you prepare but I'm gonna do him a way that my mother used to do when I I was a young girl coming up the sometimes colors down through the years colors have lost a lot of their flavor and some of you guys may not even know anything about him you too yarn to know that long years ago it didn't take much to fix colors it was not a whole lot of meats and out and all that stuff anywhere just you normally if you use a little piece of seasoning meat your collars and your salt sometimes they would put onions in them and the pepper a green pepper they would put that in it but comments have changed and now it takes a little bit more work but I remember one I remember one way my mama used to prepare that made them just always taste amazing she used to fry she was the fry fry our colors before and I don't know if you would call them actually from you just breaking the collards down to have them take on this speed up not speed up enhancing cooking process in me where the collards become tender and all the flavors and stuff just soaking in or whatever but she always used to call it flying and she had two different methods that's the way she did it friends one of them was when she was fixing up small amount of colors and she actually did them in a cast-iron skillet but then she had this way that I'm gonna do it today for I just kind of break the Collard sound and didn't add and add it to my to my seasoning my own seasoning meet my ham parts which were gonna be doing today so [Music] not anymore talking I'm gonna get ready and show you how I cook my collard greens and ham hocks I got my I got three ham hocks separate seasoning you got the what because this is a smoked meat now this is one thing I love always helps when you taught me because they raise they have it they be in the young it was in a smokehouse and I don't know whether it was this was a ports and stuff like that well it was because of the smoke us selling on it or whatever but she would always wash up her smoked meat really good at rinse it out real good and covered it into water so people make better take the flavor away but I can guarantee you don't because this is all the way that I cook lamb any time I'm using smoked meat this is the process I use the smoked neck bone smoked turkey or anything I always put it on covered in water cut them in water and put them on the stove all kind of high and let them come to a bowl some time I let a boy maybe about five minutes you can kind of look at you you slope me and tell some skins of a darker and they kind of tough I always try to pick my ham hunts or the skin on them don't be as dark cuz just take them longer to cook when they up when it's kind of darker like they almost made a skiing or something like that I don't know what we going on with it but I always try to choose my ham hocks pretty good okay just come to the ball and probably ball approximately five to ten minutes then I'm a POTUS water I'll rinse them off and then I'm gonna put my put them back in water and put a little seasoning to it and that'll cook and I bring you back when I get ready to start that process okay you guys I have all these for two minutes they are all enough you know you see that little whatever that comes up on the top I don't care for it I'm get ready to take them over to the UH to the sink and I'm gonna pull these water off and get your fascia tube you can see a lot of the lily emerges and stuff on top of the water but I'm trusting believe me this is not going to take away from any flavor out of your ham hocks I know I've been doing it for a long time okay I'll go ahead on and I rinsed this recipe so [Music] that's the time we're going up okay they're instant pot rinse these down pops up it's a little warm water [Music] okay sits a little bit phone whip something up the only that I don't make the seat now I'm gonna place a bike over in the park [Music] oh uh cold water I show you how much I'm going to it on it because I will start from a starter pack oh hi Andy another turn the of a turnip burning down on them and little do like a medium bowl of simmer because they're gonna have to cook probably I'll say in a well for two and a half or three hours because I always get my ham hocks rent it door before I start doing anything with the colors so make sure you have enough water on them because i season this is one thing that did all the cooks used to do years ago they always season up the water that's the purpose of seasoning seasoning meat that they used to cook in and help with the flavor but my mom i'ma put it like this and my mother always season whatever meat she was cooking with some people say at the salt pork don't put no salt much salt because it'll make it too salty you don't you're not trying to season the greens for say but you are need to get yourself liquid a pot likker broth whichever one you want to call it you need to get some season today let it be anything other than just plain water I'm going to show you by putting in my hand the palm of my hand just about this is some sea salt just about how much salt that I put over in my ham hocks when I'm starting to cook them I said that's probably about a half of a teaspoon full cuz you're gonna you're gonna season it your all your call ups and things back up when you start cooking and I'm a black pepper okay I have to put maybe like two or three shakes of this black pepper now this is something new that I'm trying to date and this is one of the benefits of coming to cooking challenge especially not cooking channel that's probably you need to subscribe to me I'll do it for it I'll do it for you I'll bear all the expensive tests and stuff not to see at work before you go spend your money on a deer you see it's not something that you're like cuz I will tell you I'll tell you if it's okay don't you touch that stuff it was god-awful whatever I'm not a fake person I will tell you the truth whether you like it or not cuz I know everybody got different cases but this is some it's sort of like a vegetable base and because normally I would put a chicken Beyond cube in there just for seasoning but I wanted to try this vegetable base and I this is like a teaspoon in a hand you can follow the instruction on this silly sure but I'm a Trotter here I'll try and you know you supposed to be putting it like in your uh come on out of there waters not hot enough probably to dissolve it in there but trust them believe I will get it out because if it don't taste like I wanted to tell you something right on here all I have to do is not use not use this improperly now [Music] the waters cold you're not started this in cold water and Serena's not dissolving it because I think the inscription on this here jar it tells you to dissolve this in a cup of water but what I do mess up another cook when you got all this water right here you know a lot of like I tell you a lot of things that do be cooking it's common sense now that's all I'm gonna put in the ham hocks and I'm a little come back a little come to a bowl no it's where my Banga put in you I always put me a cup of shakes I'm on your paddle super because during the cooking process or the collard greens I'm gonna add some regular fish onions and I'm gonna tell you something else and I'm gonna put in there it's gonna really hit the flavor or your colors cuz you're gonna need some I got some bacon dripping that's gonna go for my cause if you don't have bacon dripping you can use some cooking oil but I like to I like the bacon drip it but I also use I got two jalapeno peppers right here but I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna split these peppers down the center and I'm gonna get all the seeds up and then I'm gonna take you just chop the membrane the outside Nina's outside I don't know what you call it I'm gonna just chop just chop the pepper real fire and I'm gonna put them in my collars no I'm not I'm green I said I'm taking the seeds out that's gonna Lymon ate the hot as if you being a child or something like that what are the reason that I do this it gives your color colors a very peppery it gives you that illusion that this is some delicious hot pepper here with that the heat when you do the outside now you go putting them seasoned in your back and I'm getting ready to fry the collard greens and then once I get them broken down we're gonna put some liquid in them and that Demma finish cooking okay right here this is our bacon dripping and I'm gonna put in three tablespoons may not reduce the most during the process so we got quite a few greens here [Music] the greatest thing bring it on the gotta learn to spot the breathable right that one quite a bit [Music] talk about me ability at all enough yes friends a little brain is like a possibility so heat and warm water or anything let me join it I'm a theatre spot and he and I thought turn [Music] let me tell you this my food if they smell it already I'm gonna tell you do play I'm thinking about it I forgot to say it earlier I had already prepped my dreams wife's cutters or whatever but if this show is new beginners cook is watching me and I'm really not sure how to clean and prepare your grease for cooking after you drop me a comment and tell me you would like to see a video I'll meet getting the greens ready to cook and stuff like that I'll do a whole new video toilet I'm just assuming everybody just know how to you know why should pipette it rings but I'll be more than glad to do your video to show you how you clean you greens and get them ready for cookie what totally do that for you as it may be some young cooks that near ready to crannis [Music] you can already smell the aroma of the colors mr. fried process [Music] [Music] yeah no liquid in there just oh yeah just store that I'll put a liquid later it's turn around be careful let them kind of roost reduce so now before you put it at mo all in it just keep on toast because let's go be the eyebrows from the smoked ham hocks it has a little ol limit and then you put that you want to control the amount of oil you put in them you don't really need to put a lot lots of all in to cook collard greens in you know you need to put some that get breaks to college just up down you know 102 and this time of year collard greens are normally pretty tender that's where you have to do stuff back here wants to throw spell on collards and vegetables stuff like that normally they're tender now certain time of year long time ago people didn't eat collars all through the year like they do now because you know they didn't taste as well so um just their proper [Music] you don't have to put a whole lot of oil in your greens at all I'll probably do another beating your own colors in a way because I I also cook collards in the pressure cooker don't take long at all to do it I usually put beyond ham hocks and I do them first like I did it now and this time of year I'll make sure I get my ham hocks done because the collars don't take long to cook they would just cook their hip-hop sadly you know the input put them off you know cook the ham hocks halfway didn't go hit on it put your greens over in there and just let them cook all together cook them like this here is not gonna interfere with the taste of them at all because you eat cooked collars without any kind of seasoning I mean all meats and stuff like that see what that big pan of colors is reducing Mantooth I could have totally put them in the park that I had cooked the ham not seen but I wanted you to get a good view as to what I was doing when I was standing I was free of frying the colors I'm a testing scholars and see how tender they are when I get them broken down to see just how much liquid I'm gonna need in there to finish cooking them off you know I got the broth from the ham hocks and then once I get them started up with that I love me let me finish my throat it's kinda hard to concentrate on what you don't what you a cook and cook and talk I got to get used today but just remember I'm a beginner I'm a new youtuber but promise me I get it okay this is a bra for my ham hocks but suppose some of the liquid back up in there since I got the collets reduce down I'm gonna start with that amount and just let them Adam cook coffee miss okay I thought they you know I was telling you about the pepper I got that pepper the two pieces of pepper I had it in my freezer that's right I have pepper oh you're long because my husband me and my husband wheat grows it out enough we got a garden out in the backyard and we gross the pepper up there and it smells so good like I told you this is just really flavoring if you like that if you like for your colors the chase real peppery but you don't want all the heat and stuff like that just slice you up and you just slice up as much as you want let me get rested up I got the seeds out of them and whatever and then like I said I'll leave a small mulatto sees if I want a little heat to it maybe sometime I just put a little red pepper in it okay I have I have maybe about two tablespoons of onion almost put off over in there you really don't have to do this if you don't want onions in it you don't have to do it but uh this is just to enhance the flavor we're not trying to cover it you know over over tapes the colors within of the seasoning uh yeah ray what kind of seasoning that you put up in here you just want to enhance the flavor just bring out the goodness of it so this ring you start off with a small amount of sometimes if the colors don't seem to be seized the well you can always go back and add whatever you think it needs let's go come from experience and your own personal taste if you know what to put in there if you know what put it what they're putting in there to make it good you can always adjust the amount now I'm gonna put this I'm gonna put the lid on it and let it cook for maybe about five or two minutes and then I'm coming back and I'm I'm a kind of chance the greens to see about how much cooking time I need and that's what i'ma add more liquid to it and then put my off put my meat back on top of it I'll be right back and I have finished with the mass of the seasoning in the collars and like I told you when I went away for the 10 minutes and I've tested the collars and try to give me a general ideas and how much took in time I probably leave it on there so my insta bait we need about another hour so our wit head-on and I hope the rest of the rest of our broth in that and you see them there's never of the liquids that's in there I got it cooking I'm gonna have a mic on a medium low to let it finish up cooking and I wit hit on and add my ham hocks back in it and I had the ham hocks was right at maybe um a 2% done and this other to let it cook one more that time is probably just finished cooking the hammer so perfectly but let me tell you what else I ate it to it so let's secretly meet it I added up all over teaspoon just before but cheese thing look like a four four teaspoon of baking soda not baking powder baking soda and I added a tablespoon of sugar and what's it about 90% done of close to being finished I'll go back in and I'll do a little taste test to see who ever thought yummy dad everything else but for its deal the whole level the salt lever already stood I didn't have to and and I haven't and anything else to it so uh if I need to I will tell you and I sit for 60 minutes if it cooked have to cook long cuz I'm going back in and kiss you know what colors dinner I'm going back in intestine because I was the reason that I was so cautious with the time because like I said this time of year once the folks can fall it on the colors they're real tender very easy to cook and you can easily overcook and beYOU could sometimes it may not even take 30 minutes to cook the pot of colors and if you you know cooking like you're normally cooking you know throughout the year try to cook them that link to town you can easily end up with you would a pot of them end up with a pile of mush so that's the reason I went through our little steps and stuff with you but if it um if it takes lower I will let you know at the end of the process and the next time you see me these colors will be finished ready to be right back okay everybody and the fried collard greens of finish it's one thing I forgot to tell you when I I was showing you how I prepare these collard green the method that I use to prepare you can use the same method with any type of meat that you want to season with if it's smoked neck bones or turkey parts or whatever either if you're not gonna put any type of seasoning meat in there and I'll just use red season it just you know you can use just use the method then as to what that's what makes the colors supposed to make the console taste good I really really enjoy sharing this video with you and I hope to have more videos coming this is a new channel you know so drop me a comment if you want me want me to try something now you have some questions and stuff that you want to ask me I will be more than glad to help you with it I love cooking and I hope to share a lot of my favorite recipes on this channel so I thank you for watching my video and bye
Channel: Mae Mae's Happy Table
Views: 1,713,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: DGAbLW5Icb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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