Sales Excellence - How to become a Great Salesperson

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selling in hard when you know how hmm selling it hard when you know how hmm selling it hard when you know how yeah when you believe that selling is just showing up looking good presenting your product in a beautiful way with all the lofty things you want to say about your product that's great it's fantastic it's fast it's quick it's better than anything you ever seen if that's what you believe selling is then you will fail in the long run because today's consumer yeah it's a little smarter he's a little smarter she's a little brighter they know what they want so selling isn't hard unless you guess at it if you guess had it then guess what you're gonna be guessing for a long time and even if you do so something you don't know why you sold it because you're guessing it's selling so how do we become a good at selling wow what a great question we become good at selling by first understanding our product that's the basics let's assume that you know that already we also know that we can be good at selling if you know who your target audience is let's assume you know that too then now the third part is really do we have a process do we have a sequence that we will follow ah the third piece of the sales puzzle and once you have the process then within that process we break it down into subgroups so to meet so speak smaller processes and then analyze what we need to say when we first meet the customer once we first meet the customer then what do we show them and what do we present what do we say how do we close get the idea that's what selling is if I understand the product if I understand who I'm selling to that is most likely to say yes to what I'm offering and if I have a sales process if you put all these three together how can you not help but be successful at selling see again people want to buy people want to buy listen to what I just said the consumer who walks in the store wants to buy nobody walk and said hmm let me walk in the store I don't want to buy anything and even if they did say it do you really believe it no they're looking for something and when somebody comes out in the car lot for example are they looking for a car course they are why else would they spend their day a beautiful day on a car lot because they're looking for something when somebody walks into a retail store let's say a Best Buy or something they're looking for something and our job as salespeople is to really help them understand what it is they're looking for and here's the other thing we have to do there's so much information so much information coming at these customers that they don't know how to sift through the information see when you become a great salesperson you're able to clear things out and make the path clear for the customer when the customer says I think I should buy that you said no let me suggest this but let me also educate you on why and the customers gonna say hmm he knows she knows and that's fantastic that's what selling is today can we provide insight to our customers inside what a great word insight the ability to provide information that's beyond the obvious listen to what I just said there it's information beyond the obvious if you present information to a customer that they already know or have figured out or have research then you've not positioned yourself as a great salesperson you've just persistent yourself as a repeater of information they already know but if you can provide insight information beyond the obvious in other words something they haven't heard before or didn't know about educate them enlighten them to a point where they look at just goes this person really understands what they're talking about oh now now you're selling that's a salesperson see the difference see reading a brochure is one thing in a prison in regard to trading or presenting the information back to the customer that's not selling that's showing big difference selling is providing insight giving them things they don't know providing insight information beyond the obvious see the difference are you showing or are you selling and the majority of people are over here they're only just showing they show up and show you the product tell you about the product but never really connect with the client to make them really understand why that product or service is the best that's selling so if today you find yourself just repeating information now you're showing you're not selling I want you to be a great salesperson so what I want you to focus it on is how do you present great information now you got to do a little research you got to study a little bit you got to understand your product better than the customer coming through that door you've got to understand it better than your big clients you have to be the expert now listen carefully to what I'm about to say cuz you're probably saying well how do I gain that knowledge Victor how do I gain it and you're putting us a our company doesn't have a great sales training program if that's what you're saying yourself shame on you you always have to assume that the customer company doesn't have a training program because at the end of the day the responsibility for selling is yours you're accountable for your sales number and if the company doesn't have a sales training program guess what go out and find the information go on and find the expertise go talk to people go talk to veterans people who've been around in the business go talk to the people who actually develop the product find this information for yourself take that personal accountability and go get the information yourself don't wait for the company to spoon-feed it to you figure it out for yourself and if the company does have a great training program great fantastic but beyond that training program there's gonna be information you're still gonna need and you need to go out and get what you need to make your number so you can make your commissions don't wait for the company to train you I hear that a lot Victor but they don't have a training program they just threw me out in the field I get that I sympathize with you I've been there but I learned early on stop your whining figure it out for yourself that's why they're paying you get the idea so as soon as we take personal accountability for our knowledge for who we are and how we sell then we've become in other words it's walking P&L profit and loss Center we see ourselves as a small business unit in other words we're going to go out there and sell and you are accountable in this case I am accountable for selling I'm well for the information I take in the education and the presentations I dish out oh the presentations yeah Victor the presentation yeah marketing doesn't give us a lot of information what marketing doesn't give you a lot of information it could be true but so what just like I told you not to wait for the company to train you don't wait from marketing to give you all the information again figure it out for yourself try to compile this information I know Victor but where do I get the information it's all around you again talk to people who bought your product figure out from them what is it that you like about our product that you bought from us what why did you buy from us imagine going up to people who have already bought from your company and asking them that simple question why did you buy from us and the information you will garner from that will be invaluable stuff that maybe even marketing is missed because you're asking the people who bought and you're asking them the reasons why they bought so maybe you're gonna get better information then you take this information then you talk to the veterans again say hey when you're selling you know what are some of the things you say how do you position your product how do you kind of prevent you know position it with messaging how do you do that and they're gonna give you great information and then you take whatever material you've given from the company whether it's a PowerPoint presentation or slides whatever maybe and then what you do is you organize that in such a way that it fits with your sales process you see what I'm just going out here and I'm not trying to get to is that don't worry about the company giving you training don't worry about them giving you the right information don't worry about marketing giving you the right slides or the right date or the right case studies or the right videos or the right materials it doesn't matter at the end of the day you have to take personal responsibilities and you and selling this your job remember you are a standalone business unit you are responsible for your revenues nobody else is at the end of the day you have a quarter and you better hit that quarter or else well you know the consequences if you don't get the idea I'm trying to give you a mindset here because too often we wait for other people to do things for us and then we use as an excuse as an excuse you not to actually sell in other words I didn't get the proper training marketing didn't give me the right information and engineering didn't include that feature Oh engineering yeah I forgot about those guys yeah they never give us all the right features right cuz sales people god forbid we always need new features right but here's the reality sell what you have if the customer is asking for new features and you know you don't have it and you know it can't be developed because to sell all those production cycles too long then sell what you have learn to sell what you have but Victor but Victor but Victor what if they don't want to buy what I have well guess what you're selling to the wrong crowd again figure out who your target market is for the product that you currently have not that the not the product you will have understand what I'm saying here sell to the group that will buy your product today as is again personal accountability let's not worry about the company giving us trained marketing giving us the right information or engineering or product people giving us the right products let's sell what we have let's figure out how to wrap our messaging around it and at the end of the day let's take personal responsibility for our own training so where can I get off some information Victor work and I learn all this stuff I'm glad you're watching this video but I mean go up on any web site type it any question you have about sales the Internet is the greatest library in the world bigger than the Library of Alexandria this is the most powerful tool today is the internet so there is no excuse for not having the right information it blows me away of people says well I don't know how to do that are you kidding me you don't know how to do that well google it right get on the search engines find it it's on the Internet somebody has that same dilemma and somebody has figured it out so why not just go up online and figure it out for yourself see this I'm trying to give you a mindset here because when you take personal responsibility for wiiu your sales ability your accountability for your numbers and your personal development this is what I'm talking about listen carefully because I want to summarize with this message if you can sell listen carefully if you can sell and you can sell well and you become very good at selling you will never need a job what do I mean by that because when you're good at selling people will come to you you did not never have to worry about a job because people will come after you because they don't want you because you're the best that's why you need to develop your own personal sales skill don't wait for people to feed you the skills develop your own skills and when you become so good at selling when you become so good at selling people are gonna come after you and guess what just like any product in the market you position yourself to the highest bidder why not if they have a great product it's a great company position yourself that way but my point here is that when you're great at selling when you're very good at it you never have to worry about one having a job cuz you'll always have a job when you're a great salesperson two you never have to doubt your abilities because you're very good at what you do and you understand that if I talk to the right people in the right markets with the right products with the right process I'll always sell so that means your anxiety level goes down because you know what you can do and how your performance can be and when you have this type of attitude and you go meet with customers you tell the customer in so many words I know what I'm talking about I am an expert I understand my product I understand your needs I'll ask you a question at the end of the day I'm gonna help you provide insight information beyond the obvious mr. customer that you will appreciate me and that customer is gonna say I always want to deal with that salesperson because when that guy walks in the door he knows what he's talking about isn't that what you want to hear from your customers that's what I'd like to hear when my customers tell me no I just want to deal with Victor oh I love that because apparently I provided a value so again folks let's take personal responsibility for who we are for our own sales ability our personal responsibility or a walking business unit you're a walking P&L you are a business unit and you should treat yourself that way be the best at selling by understanding the product the markets the process put it all together be responsible be great at selling this is Victor Antonio with another sales influence tip reminding you selling ain't hard when you know how take s you [Music] you
Channel: Victor Antonio
Views: 1,782,709
Rating: 4.8751564 out of 5
Keywords: sales excellence, sales manifesto, great salesman in the world, greatest salesperson, how to, how to sell, selling, sales motivation, sales trainer, victor antonio, Business, Training, sales rant, rant
Id: Tl6yL4wucqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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