The BEST Tips for Professional Sales People - Grant Cardone

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ten years is 490 bucket others like 195 120 years a hundred and ninety five dollars per month don't think I'm so I'm a cop I can confirm so what the most cost-effective solution for the first six months [Music] dun dun 14.95 per month for k downpayment would he want to send the agreement that I always give my best price up front I'm gonna call you back I want to call me a great Oh Holly Holly grants gonna call you right back by the way me and you were gonna call them back yeah we're gonna call you right back right and I gotta call you right back give me 15 minutes okay give me give me 15 minutes okay be a professional man you got to be a professional come on wrap it up let's see willing to give you a check these are Holley let's do this Holly let's do this probably let's do this you you called us for a reason and that's to get your people trained and to take your business to the next level do you want grant to be that guy yes yes or no good then let's do this Dale and grants gonna call you back and congratulate your for signing up he little he's gonna do it he's right next to me right now you ready to roll first things first man we're having an emergency meeting wanna have a little conversation with everybody here right is everybody here sir this this is about spray I'll wait for sprite oh you wait there just go so look this is about the professional salesperson okay there's some things that you can't do and be professional so I have Ivan Ivan I've been selling the hardest people in the world for 30 years 30 years nobody's ever liked in 30 years never ever one time said hey I'm gonna file a lawsuit against you for calling me never not one time I've been calling a car dealers contractors roofers small business owners knocking on doors never okay get antagonistic with the buyers you can't do it Barnett pulls it off all the time but if Barnett if Barnett polished off the edges and actually listened to people said so he borders between ok I'm not gonna listen to him and then there's a time when you gotta listen to a guy that you've got to find this fine line okay if Barnett picked that fine line up he would become like super stealth everybody Brady keeps working on his game Gus okay so like he starts figuring out there's an effort band there's an effort band where I'm just having to push everything and then there's the other band where you're like I got a float with this guy so you cannot ever ever challenge a guy on a phone call period number one number two never ever send a text or an email with confrontation in it it will never ever work never in my damn life has a text message to somebody challenging them ever been successful yeah yeah sure you want to read it's totally totally a violation of always agree and then they're always a great thing you guys can start sounding kind of slimy with late like yeah yeah I got it yeah yeah I got it yeah yeah I got it but you're not really listening to the guy you get you got to acknowledge the communication the full acknowledgement of the communication is I understand that it's not the right time you've got to acknowledge that and then return back to the problem you can't keep banging you cannot Triforce for these people it's not going to work us ok so so you got to figure out other creative ways to go about the other influencers somebody else in organization somebody on LinkedIn that knows them a referral you got to figure out some other creative ways other than just being the caveman that comes out with a club and tries to you know beat the baby seal up you got to think about a smarter way to I wouldn't work on fishing I can't do it with fishing right what do I do I throw out some other bait man they're not taking this bait I throw other bait out I got to figure out another lure I got to get creative or I got to fill my pipeline up it's a big-ass ocean out there so I don't want you guys banging on somebody so hard that they're like hey mana quit calling me right quit calling me means you still a long time ago this is way beyond okay this is you you dropped creativity and professionalism about 12 calls before this I always say no one thing will blow a deal that does not mean seven different things can't blow a deal so if you're on a call and you know you're not getting anywhere man like there's no hey man dude I'm not interested I'm not a player can fill your pipeline up and don't be lazy right fill the pipeline up go back to work right never rely on one source for anything that means when a call goes bad I'm like Jarrod that call went awful how many of you did that yesterday that call was terrible this guy hates my guts please Todd call them for me how many of those were done yesterday zero there it's impossible impossible that you guys were not bad on a call yesterday raise your hand if you were terrible on a call yesterday yeah what do you why wouldn't you turn that over why wouldn't you go toot on say dude I was terrible in that called man can you fix it for me can you can you soften up this thing for me I've had my wife new calls for me in real estate deals maybe call this guy right now and say hey uh what you know what grant really wants this deal what can we do to put it back together so this isn't this is a team effort here okay this is not about you getting up and hitting one out of the park you're struggling with sales right now if you're struggle getting your numbers right now if you're struggle getting people to talk to you if you're struggling getting people to call you back it's because you're not getting enough tags in okay the professional always uses a tag always did man always even when I got a deal I'm going to jerod before it said dude I got a deal this is going to be a deal they said it's going to be a deal will you touch them I need you to touch him and confirm it so so you got to think creatively I've had people tell me oh yeah for sure I'm in good call him call him for me and make sure it's done and then the second person called and said now dude we're not doing it right now right he he had gotten in a situation with me where I was so persuasive that he couldn't tell me no anymore which means I can't get the deal if the guy can't communicate with you anymore if he's just huh huh huh huh huh huh huh but he can't get off there's people they cannot hang up on you they're nice people they're like I can't hang up on the guy but man this has gone too far up you were doing it on the phone but he's not a problem by the way huh he's not a bar guys I could get money from this group seven eight nine ten years ago he's not the decision-maker I'm just giving you example of one guy he's not the decision-maker he will not do online training he loves grant they spent a bunch of money with me in the past there is no way in hell he's going to pull the trigger that's not what they're interested in right now keeping him on the phone hidden you to get the deal so you got a note you got to know when you're in a call dude there's no money here is there a referral here is there a different relationship I got people putting money in my fund that have never bought a book from me 20 years one of the first people that invested money in the fund was a car dealer that for 20 years I have knocked on his door and he never gave me a penny but he gave me 200 grand for the real estate fund I had the wrong product for him so look I don't want you to back off it's good it's good that you guys go to the edge and your area and get your face bashed in but don't get my reputation Bastion in the process get your face all bloodied up admit that you sucked turn it over to Todd but don't my reputation up don't text me anymore you don't tell somebody manna you gave me the number don't you know how to block that's stupid okay what that really is is it's the lack of professionalism but underneath that it's you're frustrated you're frustrated so you're like I'm gonna hit the freakin button I'm a nuke because you don't know what you're doing right now so you're either not training up Jared how many times you've been through my tapes my videos my audios I couldn't even give you a number you cannot do Barnett Barnett is a freak of nature okay don't try to do by net you need to do me you need to listen to what I say in the tapes in the audio programs you need to listen the years of me callin on car dealers face-to-face okay because what he doesn't know telephone he would never get away he would never be able to pull off in front of somebody in it you know in say a car dealership they throw him out get out of here man okay it's a lot harder to hang up on that guy sometimes it's easier to hang up on him okay but he doesn't have the ability to say hey just locate that guy they'd have a Curtis there throw the guy in the bushes so you see you see some of these people how they come here and try to get a job Oh Korean I got a I got a guy at my house last night trying to to say hey I'm interested in one of the condos here to try to meet me it's too much they didn't they didn't pass with cheri they didn't pass with jarrod and the guys gonna go to my house you guys are shaking your head like that's stupid right that's what you guys are doing on the phone sometimes now on the flip side of that is those of you who give up too soon and don't push any of this you need to be willing to push accelerate run into something but you know what there's gonna be damage and then I got a I got to bring my car I got to bring my car when it gets damaged I got to bring it to somebody to get it fixed man you can't just keep beating up the car back up fix it okay I don't want to run into that thing again right because you're gonna quit the job you're not going to keep doing this you're just gonna be like I'm out of here so you the professional always corrects himself okay it shouldn't be it shouldn't be Todd that corrects you or me that corrects your chair you guys should know dude that call was awful I have no rapport I don't know what his problem is all that did was talk over him I have no clue what he wants I know nothing all I'm doing is banging so so if she bond that bond it just needs to start adding other other artillery he knows it right he's got a couple plays that he runs he's like what was that guy that was playing with Seattle Marshawn ran through anything until everybody's like okay we know they're gonna run MRSA so we're just gonna beat him up and his body ends up paying a price and he shortens his career and he starts getting hurt you got to figure out some other strategies man so that you guys can last a long time I've lasted 30 years doing this nobody says anything bad about me the only thing people complain about is he's arrogant he's got a jet he maybe maybe they talk about my religion whatever right what he's on social media too much but nobody says how it did the guy's unprofessional when he's in front of me might complain about me cussing from time to time really what people are going to say is this dude he's just not my deal it's not my deal he's not my guy good man let me show you Daymond John let me show you Dave Anderson let me show you geoff cowan let me show you the rest of the platform okay this isn't all about grand just about you and your company so when you guys are roleplay in the morning y'all need to roleplay this guys it's like hey don't call me back again I'm done now what are you gonna do what's the strategy when Dave report says I'm done dude don't call me again what's the strategy okay great I got it totally understand who do you know that would be interested in doing this nah man now dude dude he's getting ready to hang up now what you gonna do what are you gonna do now the guys already did the door so close now that like you can't like you're a mosquito trying to get in the house huh yeah exactly move on but before you move on man maybe you've flipped the deal I can't believe Todd didn't make any calls for you guys yes I did I did okay so one how many calls would make yesterday ridiculous should be somebody making third-party calls all day long you should be checking on deals that are sold we should be touching deals that are closed touching deals that aren't closed like like if I was in that role I'd be touching deals all day long like how'd that go how'd that go what happened there what if what do we miss what don't we know how many people do you have did my guy blow it I mean I've taken people when you're terrible in a car I could be the freakin superhero you guys could flip calls between one another you would be a manager I said I talked about this in my audio program I've become another person like hey I'm calling because grant I understand it didn't go well you sound just like him I know I do with this guy all the time can't stand him me either okay hey what did he miss what did he do right what happened here the professional would always always have a tag always have a tag always have a tag even when the deal was closed because I don't want that deal to unwind everybody in the rooms had a deal closed and come undone right or wrong we had that guy we had that guy yeah did him I took the turn I closed the deal the deal went from I don't know winter-like $130,000 they went from nothing to like a big deal he got upset about something we didn't do and then the deal on one but the deal was probably unwound before we didn't give him the right seed at the conference or we might have oversold the guy I might have had so much on him that that it was choking him and he was looking for a reason to get out that's my fault man that's not his if I sell a guy too much and he can't afford it or he can't make sense of it tomorrow morning when he wakes up that's my fault I should have asked him how do you make sense of 130,000 dollars a year with only 12 people how many people does that guy that you was just talking to four people so Mike's talking to him about 4 grand 4 grand 14.95 a month and that's what I said or you could do 3 years or what Mike where did I say CCC yeah no no before that okay so the guy's asking for the pricing he's got four people like how much can he spin dude he's only got four people guys you're on the phone line I'm gonna kill this guy no you're not you're not gonna close the deal he only has so much money man you can only get so much meat off that bone right so I'm like hey he went out with this pricing I I said look man you could go five years at a 95 you could go ten years when's the last time y'all quoted ten years you could do a ten-year term with me I can get down to six ninety five twenty years dude I can get this down like two ninety-five a month that's when the call became interesting yeah I listen he's like oh wow and then and in bond is like and you start up with four grand you're gonna use this you're making it impossible for me by the deal so you got it you got it the only reason you want to make a bunch of money out of one guy is because you don't want to fill your pipeline there's nobody to make there's no way to make enough money out of one deal okay that's the last thing the professional to do here you'll keep this pipeline full let me call 17-years man he's never been upset with me loves me the entire time I've never got a penny from never told me to quit calling never man it's like once or twice a year I come I'll call him every week this guy's a billionaire what am I gonna do man don't ruin the line save it for next month unless you're not gonna be here and if you don't learn how to save lines you're not gonna be here anyway not about us you're not gonna have any lines in order 28 million small businesses in America just one country there's no shortage so you can only get so good on the call and then it's pipeline if you don't want to do what Barnett does fill up the pipeline if you don't want a hammer you know you get in he doesn't even want to do it he does it cuz it's a game it's a game to him he's not he's not that's not selling that's a game he's playing the game I wonder how long keep him on the phone he goes into this game for himself has nothing to do it to pay plan nothing to do with the money he moves into this freakin neurosis he's got it works for him until it doesn't work okay and you can't build a business around that right if Mike Barnett had Mike bhana had enterprises he would not be able to do that over and over and over again and build a business out of it's not it's not it's not duplicatable so there's some really cool things about it what he does I watch him I learn from I'm like wow man I could ask one more time but you can't ask 80 more times there's no payback okay questions tags we need to get the tags in okay how many how many teams do we have here okay so I can't sell something who can I help you guys how many of your like you're right now you're misfiring good help somebody else help somebody else you will have more courage with somebody else's deal every time I went into spell a dry spell this is on the tapes I hit a dry spell I can't sell anybody I go 72 hours and I can't get a deal I'm like who can I help free of charge I don't want anything dude I just want to be back on the field just let me back on the grass okay I'll take anybody's call I'll send a video I'll send a phone call I'll send an email I'll send it anything hey this is Grant Cardone customer service for mister Robards okay I understand you were on a call with him today I'd rather the call cuz I need to I need to talk to somebody understand the call didn't go well what happened what didn't go right what did he do wrong what feedback can I give him and then get back into call great how many people do you have sometimes I want to call if anybody else feels this way where if I don't get the call to go the way I want it to go I feel like I'm failing I'm not asking one more time I'm doing something wrong and then I start to use force go the wrong way how do I know when it's just okay I need to cut I need to get it off I need to cut the line I need to let it go because I have a tough time seeing that I mean you know I you know you know where you're at like it's not gonna be these are not going to be one call closes look two percent of all sales take place on the first call what God do you believe in you're like I'm getting one today the chances are so low dude like like you got a better chance of like winning a lottery or something somebody says yeah I'm ready to go I'm ready to go I'm like oh it must be something wrong here that's what I go into I immediately go into oh my gosh bad credit I don't have the decision-maker something's gotten something something's not real here that's why I keep my pipeline so full we were just on that call I said hey just hang up with him we'll call him back in 15 minutes dude if 15 minutes blows this deal we didn't have a deal if he's gonna wake up in 15 minutes and say no no I changed my mind he was gonna change his mind anyway so so I'm not worried about it dude I'm moving on to the next call keep the pipeline full don't worry about it you can feel the call change guys you can feel the when somebody's getting irritated with you like that's when you need to either lighten it up completely and like get light and like airy with it again or just get off the call because if you get off the call what not now that's way better than never I will never do business with you I'm gonna tell everybody I know that you guys are not who you say you are and never ever to do business with you not now is better than never then the other thing to think about is this what if you had kids next to your desk what would you want the and they were hearing both sides of the phone call okay or your parents we're going to refer you somebody how do you want that call to go what do you want them to hear I don't want my kids to hear that I gave up but I also don't want my kids to hear that I'm not listening to the customer it's got to be acknowledgement you got to move the conversation along okay hey man I get that you don't wanna do business with us I got it now it's not the right time I got it you don't have the right people I got it how about we start your people you got 12 people how about we starting with something for free cost you nothing it keeps the lying open man well what do you mean man oh all the sudden the call came back a lot see but you're thinking about yourself too much you're not thinking about the long play so I'm in it for the long play I've always been in for the long play right I'm like oh okay I won't get into that I'll get in tomorrow a lazy guy is in it for right now he's trying to save this week his month his career or whatever and that's when you start pushing because you're frustrated and they feel it dude and they're just gonna back off from you hey how about we start doing something for free no I don't think so no no seriously man it's free no obligation grant wants to give this to your company that doesn't go anywhere no problem thank you so much you need to get off with thank you so much for your time appreciate it I'm sorry I let you down the call whatever it needs to you need to be up tone when this call ends like when you get rejected and disappointed you have to get off the call with a smile you can't be that guy from New York that's called cold calling for investments this is hey just give me one second I'm gonna take you back to city I'm like I'm not interested click and he hangs up on me first Hey Dude who like he's gonna hang up on me before I hang up on him you can't be that guy either right so that's the time to flip it to Todd and say hey let's build a pipeline out here this guy's not ready today he doesn't want to do it what can we send in the follow-up material the follow-up if you read if you guys read the follow-up material and watch the videos I never repeat myself in one of those videos it's always a different pitch that's why I'm always used in different products video is not for everybody Cardone university is not for everybody ten thousand people flew across the country to go to an event that they will forget they'll just remember they were in a big room with a lot of people they went some people want entertainment some people want an autograph some people want to just meet me some people want to selfie some people want training some people want to make more money some people feel obligated to train their people and they don't think it's gonna work JJ bought I've been calling them for 30 years never sold him anything I was in front of the right guy not the owner not the Check Writer the right guy at the right time the whole deal took maybe 12 minutes didn't show the program said hey man this is what we're gonna do this is the price sad what am I getting you getting me okay right guy right time and I was in front of them so look what do we have to sell the guy how many different things do you have a cell survive you know thousands okay what is it what are you having we're gonna slip into 399 you know three wallpapers all the way up to card on you yeah you got we got free for me master man for free hey man how about I put you new people in the mastermind how many of you out for that this way so $4,800 value per person I'll give it to you for free cuz I want your business quit freakin doing this right take your game to another level man think about Rambo and then think about freaking the the what was the other guy the predator who would you rather be man Rambo or the predator huh I wanna beat a predator man I can disappear I go stealth on I go stealth right can't even see Rambo Steel's gonna end poorly it's just it's too much effort on the individual right so I could do this hey but how about we put your brand new people in the mastermind well what is that it's 4,800 bucks oh that's a lot of money maybe he's got one man that he wants to sell the mastermind to how many of you saw the mastermind last month nobody in the room we got thousands of products it's like the guy says he can do anything fly I can't do that so this is a product you could move to right here you could move to free for your people he's not gonna believe it the guy hates your guts right now he don't believe anything you're saying why would you offer something for free hey man I got free training we can offer your new people okay we got a mastermind we do every week for your free people it's forty eight hundred five dollars a person would give you fifty two of those for free grant takes a guy that's making four hundred grand a year and he spends an hour with your new people every week answer no questions okay what else could we offer hey man how about we get an audio download for all your people there $9.95 you have four people you would give me a total of $40 why not why not oh I don't want spend I don't want to get I don't want spend my time getting getting $40 from a guy he just transacted with you man right why does Starbucks offer free internet over there to get you in the store place is full right now huh no problem you got it okay let me ask you do you like to read books or do you like to listen to them I want to send you something for free from grant you know you got you guys we've got more than one weapon right shovel I could use it to hit him over the head but y'all you need to start working on this part of the call hey I'm done what else are you and all for this guy right hey how about our bootcamp for for your management how about I make you a guest mr. Barnett at our next bootcamp $15,000 I want to offer that to you for free right now okay he's the decision-maker owner there when I get done with this I'm gonna call and say hey don't want us give you up $15,000 ticket to my next event it's not gonna take he's too busy going to Italy and France but I'll Freddie took it fertilizes the line it keeps it keeps a little grease on the line right what else can I offer training free training tonight free training tonight on what will negotiate yet on negotiating and closing it's tonight by the way how about they give a free link to your people man give me their emails and I'll set them all up for free again I'm going back into service give give give it doesn't say punch punch punch it doesn't say don't listen don't listen it doesn't say you know start freaking hammering on this guy like challenging him let me give you let me give you something man I got so much stuff to give us unbelievable what else did you give it sales meeting hey how about we do a sales meeting for your team and everybody needs one of those how about I do a free sales assessment how about we do a free sales assessment okay the sales assessments by the way are ten thousand dollars and I'll get you I'll get you one out for free right now just turn your business oh how about a mystery shop how about we mystery shop your store okay it'd be nice if we knew what he had his attention on hey man let me ask you if there was one thing that you had your attention on I know you don't wanna do business with us I just like to be able to tell grant is it phoned is it follow-up they will always buy the follow-up thing okay how about how about this you did want you to just the follow-up it's 1100 bucks and I give it to you for the whole store what I'll do it I need follow-up so you guys got to move around man I need different place every person that you talk to once following everyone there's nobody that's gonna say I don't want to follow up my customers okay so what you guys get out of this meeting let me tell you something anybody this lacking commitment you guys are thinking about leaving here there's a personal just a personal note to self when you lack creativity you are thinking about leaving you're trying to figure out how to exit this spot I say it all the time I don't expect you guys to be here forever I'm gonna be here for him I don't expect you to be here forever but I expect you to be professional while you're here and I expect you to be successful while you're here and I expect that when you leave here hopefully we create a good enough situation that when you leave here you regret leaving here [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 685,440
Rating: 4.8120804 out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, sales training, sales, sales team, phone sales, how to be a professional, professional, how to be a pro, pro, professional sales person, sales associate, sales manager, sales trainer, sales training expert, expert, how to run your company, how to run a sales meeting, how to communicate, how to close a sale, how to save a deal, customer service, respect the customer, customer support, social media, marketing, social media marketing
Id: RXreDCyZe64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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