How to Close a Sale - 5 Reasons Clients Don't Buy - M.T. N.U.T.

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[Music] hi this is Victoria Tony with another sales training moment I briefly want to talk about how to close a sale now I've gotten this question via email and I want to really address it directly to kind of get people to understand why people don't buy and then how to overcome that now I've mentioned before that this 5 reasons customers won't buy I call it mountain nut as an acronym it stands for no money no time no need no urgency or trust let me say it again no money no need no need no urgency no trust now when you're talking to a customer here's a model I want you to have in your head they're resistant to buying your product so when you're first talking on the resistance is hot they don't want to be sold right there so there was some resistance there our job is to lower the resistance over time whatever that presentation time is over time and somewhere there's this magical line where you cross over there they go up by you've convinced me now's the time to buy now let's look at the five reasons people don't buy first one is money now there's a small percentage of people who literally don't have the money to buy but I believe that there a small percentage the majority people have the money and are willing to spend the money if you can show them the value of what you're offering so money isn't really an excuse it really isn't some people say they don't have any time well guess what now I don't buy that one either because if I could show you how to save money you will make the time to save that money if I could show you how to make more money you will take time to learn how to make more money so you know time is not really an issue if you can prove the value so if money is not the issue time is not the issue maybe it's need hmm interesting some people know they need something some people don't there's something called a trigger event I've mentioned this in my other video a trigger event something happens that you realize you need to do something so maybe the customer has a need that's one person but then there's people who don't know they need something so our job is to make them aware that they need it so we first have to ask ourselves does the client know that they need this product some clients will say no some will say yes if they say yes great if they say no then our job first is to demonstrate why they need the product now here's the kicker just because they need it doesn't mean they'll buy it so what we have to do is move to the next phase which now that we know that they need it now that they know that they need it is it urgent we've all been in this situation you know I need that but do I really need to get it now in other words is it really that urgent so then our job now if it's not about the money it's not about the time they know they need it that our job is to really to create a sense of urgency why they should do it when now so what we have to do is show them and again depending on your product or service you have to show them why they need to take action now in other words if they don't take action now they're gonna lose money if they don't take action now they're not gonna make as much money if they don't take action now they're gonna miss out on a great opportunity you have to learn to position in such a way that the customer feels this sense of urgency now again in the past and in my other videos I talked about selling the game and selling the pain you can sell the game which is the features and benefits but it's always good also to sell the pain of not making a decision okay so again we need to create that sense of urgency last but not least you've got them to knowledge that they need it you move them over to a sense of urgency the last part is now that I know I need it is urgent I have to take action the last part is trust do I trust you and the product or service you're offering to solve my problem that can really help me can it really help me so the last part is all about trust so keep this in mind I want this to be your little mackerel sales model when you're talking to a customer ask yourself is it money time need urgency or trust so if they don't buy I want you to kind of start analyzing why they're not buying is it really about the money is it really about the time maybe I didn't create the need first or maybe even if I did create the need maybe there's my story isn't compelling enough to create that sense of urgency or maybe you did create the need maybe you showed them and it was urgent but you know what they didn't trust you so then you have to ask yourself how do I develop more credibility how do I gain there and as you begin looking at these five pieces of your sales presentation you'll begin to get a better idea of how to position your product and how to walk through these spaces these five phases of not buying and if you do it effectively if you know how to reduce their resistance by showing us that they needed showing them that it's urgent and last but not least that you're trustworthy you will hit that famous by level this is Victor Antonio with another sales training moment arriving you delegate hard when you know how take care [Music]
Channel: Victor Antonio
Views: 1,242,289
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Keywords: how to close a sale, closing a sale, sales training, closing sales, sales techniques, sales tips, sales motivation, sales expert, sales keynote speaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2013
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