Traits of a Good vs Bad Salesman | What It Takes To Be A Good Salesman

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in every single organization you're gonna find a combination of good sales professionals and not-so-good sales professionals so what I want to share with you right now is you know what are those qualities that actually make a good sales professional what are the traits of a world-class sales professional so these are the traits that will separate the top performers from the bottom performer so let's jump right in the first thing you need to succeed in sales one of the best traits to have is to be a good listener sales is not about talking it's about listening you know there's an expression that says you were born with two ears and only one mouth so that you could listen twice as much as you talk so that's great advice we need to be really good listeners but what do bad salespeople do instead what they do is instead of listening they're talking over the customer they're barking orders they're talking about their features and benefits and they're just describing their products so much and they think they're doing a good job but the problem is they're not listening to a word the customers saying I can remember even walking into stores and saying hey I'm looking for a TV and the salesperson doesn't even seem to listen at all and says you know what we've got a good promotion on dishwashers I'm not looking for a dishwasher bro I'm looking for a TV aren't you listening so be sure that you're listening and not talking over the customer next one of the traits of a really good sales professional is asking good questions I tell this to sales teams all the time if you want to get better at sales get better at asking questions be curious try to find out more about the customer what are their pain points what are their goals their hopes their dreams their aspirations what are they hoping to achieve what are they hoping to avoid what are their goals and desired outcomes you've got to be curious and ask a lot of questions but what do bad salespeople do instead they assume everything they assume they have all the answers they've heard this before they've seen this type of customer before so they don't even bother asking you any questions they just assume that they know who you are and what you need and they start offering solutions right away that is a huge mistake because those salespeople miss out on the subtleties and the nuances of what's really important to customers and they will likely lose a sale so ask better questions be curious another trait of really good salespeople is confidence you have got to be confident you guys what does confidence mean I'm not talking about arrogance I'm not talking about being a know-it-all and braggadocious I'm talking about having a quiet sometimes not so quiet that's okay but having a quiet confidence what is confidence it's a belief in yourself it's a belief in your abilities it's a belief in your company it's a belief in your product and service it's a belief that you're actually helping customers do you believe it if you believe it you've got confidence so here's the thing I often meet some sales people that are really timid and they're passive and they just sit around and they wait quietly and if a customer approaches them god forbid then they might actually try to engage in some selling some sort of a selling conversation but the thing is you guys you need to have confidence in yourself and your product and your your company a belief in yourself and confidence comes from competence when you're good at something when you've got the knowledge skills and abilities to sell and to perform when you've got that strong product knowledge when you're competent as a salesperson guess what your confidence level skyrockets and that confidence is what it's going to take to help you get through those tough patches to brush off those fail and just keep on moving I'll talk more about that in a minute great salespeople are also super friendly I've never met a salesperson who is successful that wasn't friendly you've got to have some people skills you've got to have those soft skills to be able to really get along with people you know there's this old expression you've probably heard people do business with people they know like and trust they gotta like you they really have to like you you've got to be personable because I'll tell you something I've seen a lot of companies out there that even have low prices great products but the service horrible staff rude not even unfriendly rude I remember one time I was in a mall and I was trying to find a Starbucks alright and I went to the customer service counter and I asked the person behind the counter hi excuse me and she looked at me and went yes just like that so rude hi there yes whoa okay where's the nearest coffee shop that way whoa super rude and that's a person in customer service give me a break I see that in sales all the time - I see salespeople that seem annoyed when customers approach them it's like I'm sorry I'm interrupting you playing your game on your phone you're here to serve customers you're here to sell to me be friendly and nice a smile goes a really long way so be sure that you've got that my friends so here's a couple more traits I want to share with you and this is one of the most importantly great salespeople always follow-up they manage their pipeline they know whether opportunities are in the funnel they know what stage each opportunity is at in the pipeline and they follow up consistently as opposed to bad salespeople that sit around and simply wait for summers to pick up the phone or to drop them a message what are you waiting for so many times I train teams and and and and I hear leaders ask their team what's the status of that opportunity and they almost always reply like this pending it's pending I say pending what I don't know right they don't know it's just pending which basically is an excuse it's just this limbo so instead of waiting passively for customers to follow up with you we need to follow up with customers super promptly so use all the technological tools that you have at your disposal calendar scheduling apps use your phone use whatsapp use LinkedIn do whatever it takes pick up the phone old school stay on top of your opportunities use a CRM tool put in what's the date of next follow-up and what action do I need to take and by when follow-up is the key to succeed in sales you would hate to lose out on a deal because your competitor was more more effective at following up than you right why would you want to pick up the phone call six months later only to find out that you lost the job to the competition stay on top of it manage your pipeline and follow up now the last trait of all great salespeople and this is probably the most important is their relentless relentless they will not relent they will not stop they don't take no for an answer in sales no doesn't mean no it means not yet it means not now it means the customer is not sure not ready not convinced not at this time but no is never never okay no is temporary they're relentless they're like a dog with a bone and they won't let go now I'm not talking about being obnoxious or or pesky I'm talking about being persistent so there's being a pest and there's being persistent you want to be persistent severe and to be relentless unstoppable unshakable you have dreams you have goals don't let anybody detract you from those goals and one of my favorite quotes from Mark Cuban is every no brings me closer to a yes so you've got to believe that and it circles right back to one of the first tips I shared with you about being confident you've got to have that self belief and that relentlessness to never give up now get out there and do what you got to do take care guys [Music]
Channel: SOCO/ Sales Training
Views: 16,044
Rating: 4.9213758 out of 5
Keywords: Sales Training, Sales Tips, Sales Techniques, good salesman vs bad salesman, what it takes to be a good salesman, what it take to be a good sales professional, what it take to be a good sales person, traits of a good sales professional, traits of a good salesman, traits of a good person, traits of a bad sales person, traits of a bad sales professional, traits of a bad salesman, good vs bad sales professional, good sales person vs bad sales person, bad salesman, good salesman
Id: PB95WE6N5U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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