How to Become Master Salesperson with Daniel Ally

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hey my friends this is Daniel Ali and you know who I am but today I was very special guests named Victor Antonio now Victor is a sales superstar he's a boss's boss's boss he's written 13 books he's travelled the world and he's reached millions of people Victor good to have you thank you for having me Daniel I appreciate thank you yes so today we're gonna talk about sales because sales is the highest paying profession why should someone get into sales see I mean not everybody should be in sales you gotta want to be in sales but one of the reasons I love that profession is that you know what other profession can you control your financial destiny how much money you make and sales is that profession it's not just about it getting a salary it's about if you hustle you get paid more right I don't know I like that and it's also one of the oldest professions of all time so what makes a really great salesperson I think there's a lot of things that make a great salesperson and you know one of the things I always tell people is that it's not so much about loving the product right you have to love what it does for your customer now that's big Daniel because too often people say what you know I there's nothing I'd love to sell yeah that's nothing to do with you it has everything to do with what your customer wants and how you can help them when you look at businesses for example if I'm selling a product to a business businesses only care about three things Daniel increased revenue reduced costs expand my market share can you help me do that with your product or service Victor yes I say and if I can help them do that think about this think about the social good associated with selling that most people don't think about if I help a company grow because I show you a product or service right your company grows what you employ a hundred peoples of course right a hundred people have a hundred families right so the fact that you're growing I helped you and your hundred people plan but the value exchange here is that I've sold you a product my company made a little profit value for value right now we employ a hundred people which means we helped a hundred family ok see there is a social good and selling that more people don't say right right and everything is sold everything I mean this couch this hotel we're in the ritz-carlton by the way in Atlanta Georgia our suits everything that you buy everything that you see has been sold nothing moves without saying right know you've gotten into sales quite a while ago and you're originally an engineer how do you make that transition what got you into sales so I started out as an engineer so I tell the story that when I got into engineering I did it for the money most of us you know we do it for the money so my family's a relief from Puerto Rico and so when they move to the US and the late 50s we were poor we live near the the inner city of Chicago do that can breed a green housing projects humble Park area and so we were poor poor poor poor poor you know food stamps government cheese powdered milk nice mother said go to college we give you the short version here Daniel yeah she said go to college and then I said what makes a lot of money engineer so I became electrical engineer I am three years into the gig I hate it and I'm sure people who are watching this can relate they do something for the money they get into it they make a little money in the money lasts for a while right it's like a little placebo it feels good yes but then after a while the reality of what you're doing is that I don't like this yeah and so there was something here and I call it a quiet discontent yeah and the quiet discontent is when you know you're not aligned with what you should be doing exactly and so I searched around I did different things but when I found sales it's like boom I hit the hyper pad that was like something that was very natural for me right and at that time you know our son was one year old my wife wanted to stay home and an opportunity opened up for me to be a sales person in Latin America and they were looking for somebody who spoke Spanish had a technical background and it was like you know a confluence of perfection right perfect timing and then when I got into sales I had a great mentor he taught me how to sell and I haven't looked back since right and guys you need a mentor if you want to learn how to sell I mean no one could really succeed at the highest level without having someone to guide them and direct them and teach them the basics the fundamentals but also the specific skills sales I always tell you guys if you want to become a millionaire if you want to be wealthy you need to learn how to sell every single person that becomes rich knows how to sell they sell themselves they sell the products to sell their services so guys learn how to sell Victor tell me what happens when a person gets into sales but feels like they may get rejected or maybe they they go into sales and they think you know what it may not be as stable as I want it to be you know like they tell you don't get into commissions because you might make $1,000 a month one time and then 10,000 you know and it's inconsistent what do you say about that well first of all you know if you want stability and consistency don't go into sales right yet because that's why we get paid the big bucks if I can put that way right because we're putting ourselves out there rejection is part of the game we're gonna lose deals you know if you want a steady salary then go get a regular job yeah that's that simple if you want a steady salary get a regular job but if you want to go in sales and you want to make more money than more most other people are making that's where you have to be but again because you're risking that's why you're getting the reward right risk reward no risk no reward if you have a set job there's no risk there you got the you know the salary but sales is about risk and reward but I'm telling you anybody can learn how to sell I don't care if you an introvert or an extrovert man you can learn how to sell right right and and we're both a little introverted in our own way some we call it am pervert because we're introverted we like to be by ourselves but we also like to be outside so what do you tell people that are more introverted or amber vertical well what advice would you give them well let's zoom back show so a couple of years ago a guy by the name of Daniel pink wrote a book called Drive yes and in there he talked about a study that was done by a guy that his name was Adam grant right and Adam grant did this study where he studied salespeople and so Group one let's study out of a scale of 1 to 10 introvert extrovert boom introverts over here extroverts over here and everything in the middle and when they looked at the sales at the end of the month so to speak they saw this distribution curve that it wasn't about being an introvert they didn't sell the most or the extrovert it was the ambivert somewhere between being an introvert and extrovert that's where the sweet spot of selling is and what do you think that is well let's think about it you know if you're an extrovert you're always talking you're not listening yeah and they're in a real salesperson how to listen for those clues to indicate how to sell them an introvert doesn't talk much which means they don't engage the customer enough to pull the information they need to be more effective at selling right so you got to be able to listen but also be able to ask those key questions right right and it's really important to ask the questions because you know when you ask a question you get to understand the psychology of the person you're dealing with whether there's b2b or b2c sales whatever kind of sales you're in you get to understand exactly what the person wants which allows you to make that decision help them to understand exactly what they're purchasing and what kind of result they're gonna achieve at the end isn't that right Victor that's I mean you're dead on the only thing I would add to that just more clarification because everything you said is spot-on you know this is something I learned a long time ago I wish I came up with this data it wasn't mine so I'm not taking credit for it and that is the average sales person practices what to say the superior salesperson practices what to ask right now that's powerful because too often we're taught practice what you say no practice what to ask because if we're asking the right questions we're guiding the conversation to what a conclusion we've already predetermined yes in other words if I want you to buy from me all I have to do is ask you specific questions to see if you're the right customer for me exactly see and I think what let's tie back to rejection the reason people get rejected many times is because they got the wrong candidate in front of them exactly if you ask the right questions and you have the right candidate yes you're more likely to get a yes didn't know exactly it's the same thing when you face any kind of rejection or any kind of you know but when people when people don't know how to make a decision you can ask them and lead them into the sale you know if someone says I can't afford it you said you know mr. prospect what exactly do you think this product is gonna do for you it's gonna help you earn more money you need a website you know you need to invest in your business you need to do these things when you ask these questions it puts you in a position to be able to make that sale right to close that deal and you know what I find this out a lot of times people feel icky about making the sale you know they feel like they have to take a shower they feel like if they have to send on the contract or close the deal that it's kind of a dirty thing to do what would you say about people like that I think the people who feel icky about selling do not understand the value of what they're selling right but and when I say about let's define because everybody says the word value tossed around like confetti right and when you say value this is what value means to me again I am helping your business grow if I'm b2b business the business if I'm business to consumer I'm helping you psychologically physically or financially if my product is doing that for you and that is value I am providing I don't feel icky about helping people right so that's how I look at it and too often I think people associate selling with selling you something you don't want that's selling and that's not selling that that's basically manipulation if I sell you something you don't want or you don't need that's not selling that's manipulation I'm not about that I'm about I think you need this and I know this can help you but let me explain why right and that's real selling that's it you know when I show you something you don't want that's me taking a shortcut you know that ABC always be closed right now you know that will take there and I believe that if you have a persuasive argument right and you could show the value all I gotta do is nut you I don't even have to push you man I got it just not you yeah and sometimes people already know what they want you just have to show them you have to draw that picture in their mind because we think in images for instance I say the word elephant what you gonna think of an elephant right so if you take people down the sales process and show them what they're gonna get they're gonna buy it if you show them how good the car is gonna be or how valuable life insurance is gonna be once they get it you know that that provides them that assurance that shows them that they're getting something of value Victor what is the most important thing that you can tell salespeople when you're starting out well I think you just touched on something I think it's really important if I because I love what you just said and that is when you're selling something to somebody sometimes they don't know what they want right and the real value of a great salesperson is to show you something in a way that you haven't thought about exactly no perspective right yeah that's it I shifted your perspective I shifted your paradigm I made you see something you didn't see right I made you think about something you haven't thought about I gave you a piece of insight that says hmm I never looked at it that way tell me more that is sewing yeah when I can do that to somebody because they didn't think about it you create that situational awareness right where they go okay you were not you helped me zoom out it's like you know what they say when you got this your head this close to a painting you can't see it right right you got to step back from the painting to see the picture we as salespeople pull people back so they can see the whole painting exactly yeah you take them you take them on the mountaintop because a lot of times are running into the trees but you need to retreat to the the mountaintop in the forest you know see the whole picture right and guys write that down situational awareness right right because you're providing a picture when a husband and wife is at home and they're about to come buy a refrigerator or something they really think they go through a mental checklist of things that they want things that they think that they need but once they meet the salesperson who has more information that they could even think of then they can be persuaded because that person brings those those questions and even answers and provides them a solution so I like the way you tied to marriage piece in there because you know sometimes you know sure so I've been married 30 years right and so sometimes I can't see something I don't have the situational awareness right and my wife can go hey did you look at that I go no how do you miss that yeah do you know what I mean and that you know sometimes that's why it's good actually sidenote to walk into a sales situation with a colleague right because as you're talking this person can monitor or as you're talking I can monitor I love that so that that union yang to playing off each other and the other person saw something you didn't you know like again selling like in personal life like in professional life to people that can work together well is all right yeah extremely complimentary - yeah you want to work with people that kind of know you and understand what you need and husband and wife combination is imperative to that um speaking of that you know you've been married for over 30 years how much exactly almost 30 years now so we've been me and my wife been together now 30 two years that's a long time what's the secret to selling your wife I guess you could say I don't know uh you know uh what is this I get this question all the time you know what is the secret to marriage you know how do you keep it going and you know there's a bunch of things you do it because it's never one thing there's no silver bullet there's a lot of little things you do right I think the biggest lesson I've learned is not to hold a grudge yes do you know when we disagree we're like no I disagree with you Daniel and then you walk away I disagree with you Victor we want to fight no we're gonna come back later on we're like all right where we at yeah and like you know and there's this there's this bending that has to happen on both sides exactly because there's a couple of times I'll use our current house as an example we looked at like I don't know 10 to 15 houses some like that first when we looked at my wife said this is the house that's not the house all right so we look at the other houses and and so I wanted a brand-new house this house was like five ten years old my wife's like no no that's the house you want and I'm like no I don't want that house so we had to go back to revisit the house a few times and we wanted to buy that house right and so I capitulated because I you know there was something about her conviction that says I think I see something you don't to this day I am glad she picked that house right because the other houses we looked at are in places now they're just nightmarish right you know in terms of traffic so she saw something in the house that I didn't see and that's where they you know again sometimes it's okay to let the other person have it their way yes do you know what I mean I think it's hard because from an egotistic stamp what you know I want to be right yeah that's mission for your guy right yeah you know I want to be right my folks and it's okay to let the other person be right in it and do it their way right that's right your way and do situations where you know people think that couples don't argue all and and the fact is that every one can argue right as a couple but the difference is that a successful couple is able to resolve the problem sooner they don't hold the grudge for a whole week like Victor is saying they get over it in minutes you know what let's talk you know let's try to work this out what do you need okay give me what I need let's work this thing out let's make a decision let's be happy and I think that's really uh you know I think that's the potion you know I think the biggest thing for us also is that when we're like disagreeing and it gets just a little heated which is really rare for us it really is really right it's really rare for us we'll just like walk away like all right you know what get back to it back to our Neutral course yeah that type of thing it will come back when you're we're in a cold state right doing a hot state you know anything can fly out of your mouth right oh but if I were to think something's come to mind right now right if I were to say what is the key to marriage is that you have to detach your ego yes that's it I think that is the kernel you know of a successful marriage I just came up with that right now and and someone said yeah someone said I'm ego means edging God out you're edging out a greater purpose because you're focused on yourself you're trying to get what you need and you trying to push away their needs because you can only think about yourself and only your needs and gestures guys you have to focus on other people you have to serve you have to have that mentality that other people need exactly what you have but even in the selling situation or in business you have to be able to put yourself in other person's shoes and know exactly how you can give them exactly what they want nice time by the way that's a great tie in thank you thank you yeah you know because it is it is true right that sometimes you have to even even in the sales process you have to be eco less okay I mean my ego says I want to sell you the product cause I want to make money okay but I have to detach my egos can i really help you yeah do you don't I mean I think that's what we are not taught in selling right can i really help you doses product or service can it really help you yeah and you were saying earlier that sales is not taught in school no right nope you know it should be you know we we don't want to sales sales we don't learn marketing we don't learned leadership public speaking and actually we both know that public speaking perpetuates our success in Nationals absolutely Victor actually has a successful YouTube channel and has reached millions of people through it and housed public speaking helped you in your sales correct I joined Toastmasters way back when I won't give you the year by the way if you search online after Victor Tonio's first Toastmaster presentation it's actually on YouTube horrible horrible just look at us but but you know it's funny because people see that they're motivated cuz I'm like wow you really stunk yeah you know what I go yeah but I got better and they like if you can did you stuck that bad maybe out there's hope for me yeah and so when I first started public speaking I was in corporate America and I realized that your ability to communicate will dictate your level of success exactly no doubt about it in every semi no doubt about it your ability to communicate effectively your ideas your thoughts your you know whatever you want to try to persuade so layout ideas goals whatever it may be yeah is it tied to how you can do that is that in Toastmasters showed me how to do that yeah and so I always push public speaking again something as you mentioned brain he's not talking to school yeah and also guys keep in mind that communication is not only interpersonal it's not what you say to other people it's what you say to yourself it's what you say to others it's what you say to the supernatural being God or the universe whatever you believe in you communicate all the time and we were talking about affirmations a little bit earlier too because a lot of times let's go back to sales if someone is going door-to-door sales or they're selling cars and you know they're going through the process and they feel a little daunting themselves or maybe they face rejection or they're having a hard time what do you think about affirmations and you know talking to yourself do you use affirmations I personally don't use affirmations but I'm gonna tie this back to a pseudo affirmation if I made so many years ago I read a book by dr. Martin Seligman University of Pennsylvania's book called learned optimism right and what he taught me was by the way he was the founder of positive psychology and to give you a long to make a long story short he really found out in these experiments is that it's how what we say to ourselves right that determines our success yes whether we're optimistic pessimist he said we opt the optimist with something back rejection in her sales happens to an optimist he's like hmm I didn't go well okay how can I get better cuz that you know that just wasn't me I should have said this well the next one I'll get to - one exact you know I'll just polish that up a little bit say it this way to say that way and I'll bet you the work next time all right that's the optimism the pessimistic oh you know what I knew it I'm horrible at selling I can't do this you don't nobody my family's ever been in sales I knew this was a horrible job what I do it and that's that self-talk right so I believe in affirmation is to meet let's go back to awareness almost like mindfulness you have to watch what you say to yourself right isn't that weird to say that you had to watch what you say to yourself because what you say to yourself is really how you really think right and how you feel - yes right because thoughts leads to feelings which leads to actions yes leads the results and I always believe that what you say to yourself is what others will say about you - you know if you think you're ugly other people might think you're ugly cuz you're gonna treat yourself like you're ugly right but if you think you're strong and you're good-looking then you're gonna treat yourself like a king or a queen and you're gonna step into that favor right you're gonna step into that person that you really want to be so Viktor sales is highest paying profession nothing moves but on sale what is the number one ten the number one tip you believe that salespeople need to know to be very successful to make that million dollar mark prospecting profits it tell you know what if you don't have people coming into your pipeline right right into your funnel then you're not selling yeah so I think you know I was with Grant Cardone as you know so we did a three-day boot camp right and Grant said something I don't know if it's his phrase I don't think it's his Freight but he said it and when he said it it really resonated maybe it's just the word he used right he goes if you're worried about sales your pipeline is broken right right that was like kind of concise I really like that right if you're worried about sales your pipeline is broken yeah the implication there is that if your pipeline is broken me you're not doing something on the front end because if I had a hundred people waiting out the door to talk to me I'm not worried about rejection of course I'm going next yeah but if I only have one or two people waiting at the door for me that's a problem that's problem that's big and so prospecting is the biggest skill set that most salespeople fail that right there was a study I think it was done by CSO insight that says and I think this year's numbers gonna be even lower but on average 50 you 1% of sales people don't hit their number 51 that means hat don't hit the number and the numbers have been going down yeah for the last maybe three to five years right right so less and less people are hitting their number and again part of it is they don't know how to prospect prospecting has changed as you know being an Internet superstar with your video that's over what is a six million views yeah so you know that might make my TED talk by the way his TED talk if you haven't seen it check it out it's an amazing talk and you got congratulations thank you and and so you know that it is about prospecting right but you know that's not only about the phone right you know it's about social media you know it's about leaving those voice bills you know it's about sending that email that text you know it's about that whole combination you know how do we get prospects in the pipeline exactly most people are still stuck in either at the phone or social media right and I believe there's a blending of mixed media's that has to happen exactly and guys remember the fortune is in the follow-up yes/no sometimes somebody might reject you in March call them up in in August and see how they feel things change circumstances change people change and sometimes you might think they were rejecting you but maybe was your product or service you know or vice versa right so always consider other people's perspectives and also understand that we're always changing right people are always change their minds to change their hearts and it changes the way they feel about everything like what you said I can just add on to the follow-up because it's not only if they said no and you have to follow up yes we have to do that yes let me do the and on that one and if somebody already bought from you yeah let's go back and upsell them across on something else you're gonna buy again right right all right and then how about and again referrals why don't we go back to those people who bought from us or even if they didn't buy our testimonies yes test wants anything to say hey who else might be interested or if I use testimonials how can I use that for marketing purposes but in the follow-up it's very fastly one study showed that eighty four percent of clients are willing to give you a referral right but less than 23 percent actually give it because most people don't ask for it yeah and well all you gotta do is ask yeah the fortunes in the following yeah ask um you know like Frances let's say you've sold the book ask somebody they might even say I loved your book Oh would you mind leaving me a five-star review it's something so easy right there you go um now we're talking about selling in the entrepreneur space too but before you sell in that way what's preceded by it is marketing yes right and marketing is getting yourself out there and sales is getting people to buy your message yourself right how do you go about marketing because your YouTube channel is pretty successful and it's growing guys it's growing really fast I think you know that's a good question because you know you know we can probably do a marketing event together and what two totally different strategies right and both will be right right for what we do yeah the the first thing I discovered for me Daniel was that I had to focus on a niche yes and my niche is sales if I had a second worth of sales and motivation but mostly sales right why how to sell and then I always like to look at the influence piece why people buy why do they make these decisions right right and so the first part of my branding was I'm all about sales yeah because I believe that people only have one category for you in their head they want to know what you are there so how can you help me right and so when people look at me they go that's the sales guy right right when they look at you they might go that's the what's your blank that's the blank guy what would your blank be just wealth building mindset he's the wealth or let's say he's the mindset guy he's the wealth building god and then that to me is the branding that you have to pound into the market at the time but if today I'm saying well I'm a sales training today tomorrow I'm an internet marketer he's a tomorrow I'm a customer service rep tomorrow I'll help you team villain no I'll help you with leadership in you know what if you need your dog walk I will do that too they're confused you've confused a market in terms of who you are so I think by focusing in on one thing right and then going deep into that niche because I truly believe that once you start studying something in my case sales you begin to see things that most people don't see of course because you become you don't know I know I say you reach that level of awareness again well you really have yeah you have and then you probably see it right when you study mindset maybe initially you read what everybody else read right and then you went a little deeper than said well maybe let me look at it from this angle so maybe you start reading a different type of we're talking perspective - ish yeah yeah perspective changes and then you're able to sell that perspective to the people who are your prospects your leads so how important is that to shift their perspective is very important yeah because again you know most buyers today look look up see if this makes sense to you you ever you go on Amazon right you have this idea of what you want to buy Yeah right so let's walk through the process you go on Amazon you go click that's what I want to look at type it into the search category electronics I'm looking for a certain camera right yeah boom you click that in then what do you mean Lee do you got the description look at the price yeah and then what do you do make a decision no you go to the reviews typically you go to use what you know to review you got ok I do the research you gotta do the research you're in research mode still your research not buying you you haven't analyzed it you yeah so you go to the reviews and how do you look at the reviews oh you got it like really know what you want right you got to see what the best people are saying you know so what the worst view / saying oh you go you go to the 5-star you go to one star and you kind of settle in some way three or four right yeah and then what does Amazon do at the bottom it says people who bought that also bought what that right cross yeah so all of a sudden you go what's that yeah and then you go there you click and next thing you know you're off on this hyper linking X episode yeah and then you want to buy a different type of cam right because you informed yourself through the bonding process and so think about selling today one on one it's almost the same thing the customer doesn't know they've seen so much information yeah Google did a study it says on average you will look at 10 sources of information before deciding to contact a company yeah so you think well okay maybe they know what they want they don't they're more confused than ever right so that's where we as salespeople come into play right you're so confused here let me help you make it easy let me see let me help you see the fortunes yes as you said earlier right yeah do it that way so that's how selling has changed and the ability of a great salesperson to remove the clutter yeah so you can make a quick decision is what sellings about yeah and you know really the confuse mind says no I mean you think about you walk into a candy shop and all this candy is from your face but if someone comes up to you and says would you like to try one of these three options then you know what you want you're gonna actually try something you say oh that was good where can I get more of that do you gonna buy a box you might buy a case you might buy the whole store right so the the salesperson makes the decision easier for the client and guys remember people buy emotionally but just biologically right they buy based on how they feel right and then they make it decisions later and they say oh yeah I made the right decision I know exactly what I need enumerate the reasons isn't that true that's absolutely right you know a lot of it is based on an emotional level you know the high it's funny because when you look at making a bad decision it's like you swear it's all logical right but at a certain level and again there are products that you have to be logical about exact if I'm buying a large network server that's gonna serve all United States and I got you know it's a very complex sale yeah you might want to argue that it's more logical but on the transactional sale like a b2c sale it's always more emotional than ever okay when you buy a car when you buy a phone when you buy clothes it's all emotional first then you rationalize it later so you're dead on yeah Victor it's been such a good time we can talk for years if you want to and that we might even do a second interview guys leave some comments below um we talked about a lot of things and we're gonna clarify I have the link in the description for his book sales ex machina and also on this channel will be linked up too so guys please subscribe to this channel and Victor any last words for those who are getting to sales or even mastering sales well I think you and I are perfect calm and here's why I got the sales piece yeah but you got the mindset piece right yeah and I think without mindset it doesn't good I provide the skillset right you provide the mindset without the mindset the skillset doesn't work exactly I can study all I want right but if I don't have the right mindset which is what you offer right then this will never work exactly I need you yeah I need you and really you focus on general skills which eventually becomes specific skills right you focus on the basics like time management goal setting right managing your money and then you become specific branding sales marketing and then you get really really finite you know you start doing networking things and you start learning how to dress and that's really what it's all about that's what success is about guys it's been a really good time and again Thank You Victor I appreciate you so much much bless you brother thank you very much all right preciate it take care guys all right
Channel: Victor Antonio (Keynote Speaker)
Views: 63,331
Rating: 4.8976111 out of 5
Keywords: victor antonio, sales influence, sales tips, selling, atlanta, daniel ally, school of wealth, master, salesperson
Id: B83dyc--Flk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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