Saintsville Cathedral Sunday Service

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[Music] me [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah now we have our scripture and our prayer my sister pastor tiffany pace whitaker praise the lord everybody [Music] praise the lord praise the lord this morning scripture will come from galatians chapter six in the new international version um beginning at verse one brothers and sisters if someone is caught in a sin you who live by the spirit should restore that person gently but watch yourselves or you also may be tempted carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of christ if anyone thinks they are something when they are not they deceive themselves each one should test their own actions then they can take pride in themselves alone without comparing themselves to someone else for each one should carry their own load may the lord add a blessing to the reader here and doers of his holy word may we go to god in prayer most gracious father we want to thank you first of all for being able to just assemble in this sanctuary today to be able to say thank you god we want to thank you for those who are watching online who are able to say thank you as well god we realize that we didn't have to be here today but it's because of your grace and mercy that you saw fit to give us another chance and because you gave us another chance we will be so careful to give your name the glory and the praise god we're asking that you go in right now and comfort that person who is feeling so down and just so hurt and can't get their head off the pillow because they've lost someone so close to them god we're asking that you would just touch right now touch their heart heal their heart god only like you can god we're asking that you would touch that person that is feeling sick in their body god we know that you know we know you to be a healer how do i know because you heal me one day and you're still in the healing business god we're asking that you not only just heal us individually but you heal us collectively heal our land god god we're living in some tumultuous times but we've seen you do it time and time again and god we're asking that you would just touch right now in the name of jesus god be with us throughout this service let something be said done saying or just anything be done to glorify your name god be with the preach word today let it penetrate the hearts and the minds of those who are listening that they may be changed not because of the messenger that is giving the message but because of you because of your word and do not let your word return void god we ask these and many other blessings in your darling son jesus name and it is in his name and let the church say amen amen hallelujah why don't we give god another hand clap of praise i love this song because there have been times in my life when i didn't have the words to say for real i was so down so low so broken i did not have the words to say but i found myself just calling the name jesus just calling on the name of jesus over and over and over again and he came to my rescue so when you don't have the words to say when you don't have the prayer to say just call on the name of jesus he'll come and meet your need whatever the need is he already knows i love this song listen it says we love to call your name it's something we cannot explain that happens when we proclaim your great name your great [Music] when we [Music] jesus [Music] come on let's say it again we [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] that's the power [Music] there is power in the name of jesus power in your name there is power in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] in [Music] so much power in the hour [Music] [Music] is [Music] i'm when i call [Music] something has got to change [Music] [Music] [Music] on the name shall confess the lord [Music] we need you jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus hallelujah jesus said in the morning jesus in the new day jesus in the midnight hour he sees us every day every day we need you jesus yeah every hour every hour we need you jesus come on somebody lift your hands and cry out jesus i need you jesus i believe in you jesus i love you hallelujah hallelujah jesus [Music] come on let's praise the lord give the lord a hand while we're standing thank y'all so much at this time i've asked my new lead pastor and my lead pastor is pastor tiffany shermills that's shirley milton okay so y'all get a little dose of shirley milton combined let's pray for her i get great vision uh from pastor tiffany everybody knows we're in operation take back but she started that when she was preaching about a month ago i saw it we're taken back somebody say take back operation we're taking back everything that the enemy has tried to steal from us and uh i don't know what she gonna say today but i do get good look look for your uh little key word of vision because where there is no vision the people perish and we can build off of the vision so let's give her a hand pastor tiffany pray for her and god bless all of y'all that are here and those that are watching [Music] amen praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord amen we are we are all so grateful to be here this morning how many of you are grateful to be in the house of the lord i know i'm grateful because i know this week and last week what month is this september i can't hardly keep up we just gotten into september but i know probably just this month three people already that personally that didn't make it but if you are still if you are still living breathing moving seeing touching tasting why don't you give god a hand clap of praise for being able to just be here why don't you just go ahead and give god a handcuff of praise let me get a little more volume on that on that lesbian over there why don't you go ahead and give god a hand clap for praise he's been so worthy and he's been so good to me i don't know about you but he's been good to me i'm i'm not gonna play i'm not gonna play with y'all i'm not playing i'm not playing with y'all today because god is so good even in the midst of it all even in the midst of living in a crazy state come on somebody even in the even in the midst of living under a crazy rule ruler he still come on somebody is still good you know why because i serve god i don't serve this state i don't serve who is who thinks they rule this state i serve god i serve a higher source and that's the only source that i'm giving praise to come on somebody and i suggest you do the same thing see i decided i won't get my focus right on this thing i'm not going to give and i got a word for that today i'm not going to give the devil no attention i'm going to be made i'm going to be aware and i'm going to be vigilant because the bible says be sober be vigilant for your adversary the devil he is seeking whom he may devour he's trying to finish us but we've got to keep our eyes on god and i don't know about you but that's what i want to do today i'm going to you may be seated i know um i know the new church you know they stand when we read the word of god and i don't know when i was growing up as a little girl did we do that did we do that did we stand i don't remember us doing it did we stand sometimes we did okay i just i didn't know i couldn't i couldn't remember sometimes you know some people aren't able to stand some people can't stand and it's up to you if you would like to stand but i just don't believe that that you're going to go to heaven or hell if you sit down to stand so if you want to stand stand if you want to sit down sit down but i'm going on with the word of god ephesians chapter 4 and i'm beginning at verse 17 ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four beginning at verse 17 and i'm reading in the message translation this time in the message translation this time and i won't be before you long i'm not going to preach long at all but i do have a word from the lord that uh really blessed me this week and that really ministered to me when you have it say amen ephesians chapter 4 beginning at verse 17 and it reads like this in the myth in the message translation it says and so i insist and god backs me up on this that there be no going along with the crowd the empty-headed mindless crowd they've refused for so long to deal with god that they've lost touch not only with god but with reality itself they can't think straight anymore feeling no pain they let themselves go in sexual obsession addicted to every sort of perversion but that's no life for you you learned christ my assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in jesus since then we do not have the excuse of ignorance everything and i do mean everything connected with that old way of life has to go somebody say oh way of life has to go it's rotten through and through get rid of it and then take on an entirely new way of life a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as god accurately reproduces his character in you what this adds up to then is this no more lies no more pretense tell your neighbor the truth in christ's body we're all connected to each other after all when you lie to others you end up lying to yourself go ahead and be angry you do well to be angry but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge and don't stay angry don't go to bed angry don't give the devil that kind of foothold in your life did you used to make ends meet by stealing well no more get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work watch the way you talk let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth say only what helps each word is a gift each word a gift don't grieve god don't break his heart his holy spirit moving and breathing in you is the most intimate part of your life making you fit for himself don't take such a gift for granted and lastly verses 31-32 make a clean break with all cutting backbiting profane talk be gentle with one another sensitive forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as god in christ forgave you amen and if i could just give a topic for today i'm going to take the topic that the message translation gave which is to this passage that i just read somebody say the old way has to go i know you have your mask on but say it a little louder the old way hold on let's do this the right way brother taylor yeah give me a little bit of that the always has to go that's right daddy calls that gravy give me a little gravy on that the old way has to go so this message was actually inspired by a characteristic that we all experience and it's probably one that we've had to work the hardest to keep in check and that is anger now before i deal with this characteristic of anger on a person-to-person level i'd like to acknowledge the fact that collectively we are living in some times that will make you angry as hades for you young people in there that's a nicer way of saying angry as hell just thought i say that but verses 26 through 27 god knows that we have this characteristic and you know what he says paul told us in ephesians here in 26 and 27 chapter four he says go ahead and be angry that's a natural instinct go ahead and be angry you do well to be angry but guess what it says don't use your anger as fuel for re for revenge and then don't stay angry don't go to bed angry and don't give the devil that kind of foothold in your life this is what i want to talk about right here because we're going to talk about the detriments of that um this is going to bring me to my next point this is what it does um my next point is that anger to an individual is like a cancer and if left unchecked it grows and will have an adverse effect on you as a whole are you following me many of us in here and watching online are still angry or carrying anger issues from 5 10 20 maybe even 30 years ago and i want you to listen to me good you you key in real good here and listen and the detriment of unchecked anger is that not only does it hurt you but it hurts the people who love you i'm gonna repeat that again it if if if the the detriment of unchecked anger is that it not only hurts you but it hurts the people who love you now this is a different kind of beast right here because you think that when you're angry or when you're an angry person or when anger has festered that you are just hurting you yourself and you but that's not true because what you're doing is you don't realize it but you're planting a seed and what happens when you plant a seed we learn early on in science that when you plant a seed the seed the first thing that comes out is roots and so what you're doing is you're planting roots and this and what i'm and when i say you i'm putting us we are planting roots because no woman or man is exempt from this anger is a natural instinct that comes from satan and so when left unchecked you you you plant a seed and you plant roots and those roots begin to grow and they affect people who are close to you and when it starts to hit home it starts to hit things like your children it starts to hit your offspring or it starts to hit if you're married it hits your spouse or it hits your mother or your father or people who are very close to you that you love and this is why it has to go checked anger is like a cancer like i said before it spreads and if i could go back to verse 20 to 24 it says here that but that's no life for you god says there's no that's no life for you you learned christ my assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in jesus we always use that term wwj what would jesus do since then we do not have the excuse of ignorance see we know jesus but then we have to ask again but do you know him everything and i do mean everything connected with that old way of life has to go somebody say it's got to go we can't stay there because what satan wants to do is we talk about it time and time again he comes to do three things he comes to steal kill and destroy and what anger does is it comes to steal years away from your life it comes to kill anything and what happens when something is killed it is dead it comes to take away things and make them die it comes to destroy things in your life but i don't know about you today if there is anything and i mean anything that you have found yourself angry about you ought to tell satan today and i mean today i'm gonna let it go i'm gonna let it go because i want to go ahead and live that abundant life free freely that god has envisioned for me to live i don't want to live this life carrying no any any more load that doesn't belong to me because god intended for us to live a free and happy life in this land that he created for us and this is what satan tricks us into thinking he puts things in our path and we can't exempt we can't escape um troubles we can't escape turmoils the bible says um that you will have tribulation but then why does it say but be of good cheer that seems like an oxymoron tribulation on this hand but be of good cheer but see jesus is telling us that for a reason he's telling us that because he's saying i know satan is going to be tormenting you but you got to know at the at the opposite end of that i'm here because i paid for it all when i died on the cross so that means you don't have to carry that burden anymore but the reason that we end up carrying these burdens i'm going to tell you why is because we believe that we have to wrestle against flesh and blood we don't look at one another as spiritual beings we look at each other with the natural eye we don't look at one another with the spiritual eye the natural eye says that i'm gonna get you back for what you did to me am i talking to myself have you been there have you been there whatever you did to me i'm gonna make sure that you suffer and feel what i felt better yet i'm gonna be angry and i'm not gonna say nothing i'm not gonna look to you i'm not gonna even speak to you ever again in my life that's anger but see greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and the lord just said in this scripture you know the ways of christ and would jesus do that no jesus wouldn't do that what jesus would do is that he would know who his enemy is and he would look his enemy straight in the face and he would say father forgive them for they know not what they do because they don't even know that i have all power in my hands see when when when you realize who you are and whose you are you know that you have the power to stump all over the devil's head and you don't have to give the devil any victory you know why because i am victory i'm walking in victory somebody said people use these cliches and it's so funny to me because i'm really wondering do they really believe somebody says no i don't tell the storm i am the storm but are you really the storm because you know i don't tell the mountain i am the mountain the mountain the mountain sits up high it grows and it sits up high and it goes all the way up to the clouds i i don't i don't have to i can i can look at a mountain and and and i don't have to go around the mountain i can i can speak to that mountain and i can say uh be thou removed thank you mama i can say be thou removed and i can really believe that that mountain will be removed actually i can see it removed before i even get there so i don't want to digress but with anger we have to check it and you have to really think about it in your life what's really bothering you what's really bothering you you can think about the ways that you are struggling with right now and and today what just what just really makes you just just just just go off in an instant it's unchecked anger because there's something deep down in your soul that you may not have dealt with because of something that happened years and years ago but the lord is saying today that you gotta be like uh the character in frozen that sings that song that i love so much let it go let it go she's saying let it go or you may be frozen like her that was such a good analogy in that movie how did she become frozen because her heart turned cold as ice you don't want your heart to turn cold as ice you want your heart to stay warm warm like the sun and so let's take a look at it here let's just look at the at the text here it says that uh in verse 25 it says that uh what this adds up to then is this no more lies no more pretense tell your neighbor the truth in christ's body we are all connected to each other after all when you lie to others you end up lying to yourself stop lying to yourself be truthful with yourself and i love this it says now go ahead and be angry this is your last opportunity today we're going to release some anger in here today go ahead and be angry but guess what don't use your anger anger as fuel for revenge because revenge is mine said the lord you don't have to worry about getting anybody back because god is going to deal with them he's he's dealt with them time and time again all you have to do is just pray for them and then don't stay angry don't even go to bed angry i'm only telling you from experience because what it does is it not only affects your mind and and and and your heart but it can also affect you affect your health and your limbs and you can start having aches and pains and physical ailments that you didn't even have before this is how it festers and this is how it hurts your body don't give the devil that kind of foothold in your life god says don't even give it to him because he wants to take you out and if and and knowing this knowledge today i wouldn't even give the devil that kind of foothold i'd say satan i would do what we're seeing in church you can't have my joy you can't have my peace you can't have my family you can't have my finances but most of all you can't have me how about that tell the devil just tell them flat footed you can't have me because i'm like fannie lou hamer i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired i'm sick and tired of the devil wreaking havoc in my life i'm sick and tired of always falling for satan's tactics now sometimes i'm gonna tell you this sometimes you you can fall for satan's tactics and be well aware of it but sometimes satan is cunning and he'll plant a seed and you don't realize that he planted the seed until years later and the seed had grown because you went you didn't check it in the beginning and then it grew and it comes up and it manifests itself in a different form in your life you you you don't realize it until later but when the light bulb comes on this is why you have to stay prayed up and this is why you have to stay spiritual spiritually connected and the only way that you stay spiritually connected is through prayer supplication meditation and being by yourself you can't be by yourself connected to the world you've got to come out of the world meaning you've got to disconnect yourself and only hear from god see only god can give you a message like this only god can speak to you speak to my heart holy spirit give me the words that will bring new life see new life we are we are giving new mercies every morning we are giving new life every day and with that new life you've got to hear divine revelation that can only come from god do i have a witness and sometimes when you're so connected to everybody else in the way which is the which which by the way the devil wants to do he wants to distract us by connecting us to everybody else but god and when you are connected to everybody else i'm talking to this person over here i'm talking to that person this person is in my face i gotta show my face to this person i'm always looking and outside myself and this and that satan is a deceiver and he's always cunning and always trying to kick you off your post but i'ma tell you something today can i give you i bet you listen to this if you want a millionaire mindset come on somebody listen to me clearly if you want to be if you want to really have a millionaire mindset a millionaire mindset says that i want to have everything that god has for me everything and everything god has for me means that i have to be not conformed to the ways of the world but i have to be transformed by the renewing of my mind and how do i get transformed by the renewing of my mind that means that i cannot be connected to the ways of the world the ways of the world says that i am not worthy the ways of the world says that i have to uh follow the laws of the land the ways of the world says that i have to be uh i have to be a certain type of person um just to be able to vote in a certain type of way the ways of the world says that uh that man has to govern and say which way i choose to govern my own body the ways i'm my physical body the ways of the world says that um i have to have a certain type of income in order to live in a certain type of district for my kids to have a great education the ways of the world says that i am not worthy of everything that god says that i'm worthy of in the bible but the ways of the world says that i have to have a phd in order to be somebody in order for people to call my name the ways of the world says that uh you are what you have and you are not who you are the ways of the world says you know what they say come on don't leave me hanging by myself you know what the ways of the world are but i want to say today that what anger does is when you listen to all of these negative things and these negative energies it can put you in a bad place anything that is done in opposition of what god says can put you in a negative place anything that a person does to you can put you in a negative place and on the side of opposition but you have to look at this thing from a spiritual perspective it really wasn't them that did it to you but it was the principality in them that did it to you so why get mad at them get mad at the principality because the principality is the one that we should be dealing with it's not that person what would jesus do jesus never dealt with that person he always dealt with the principality in that person so when i see you i don't see a person that is evil i see someone who needs help someone i'm talking about a person that maybe did me wrong or somebody that doesn't mean me any good as we say i see a person that may need help and before i allow your bad spirit to jump on me i'm gonna pray in jesus name and i'm gonna say father forgive them for what forgive them for what they did forgive them for who for for them not knowing who they are god please just save them touch them like you touch me so that we can all be free but in the midst of you touching them and touching me i'm gonna go on about my way because right now they are out of your wheel and i'm gonna let you deal with them i'm not gonna deal with them i'm not gonna try to get them back i'm not gonna try to show them anything because only you can do this see we like to be in control we want to try to be in control by any means necessary whether it's getting a person back or whether thinking we can help somebody along the way no you can't help nobody only god can help them so what we have to do is we have to pray and we have to get out of the way we have to here it is right here we have to make a clean break with all cutting backbiting profane talk we have to be gentle with one another sensitive and here is the gusto forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as god in christ forgave you now this is the doozy right here and this is why we can't stay angry because did not god forgive you for what you did there is no perfect person think about all the things that you did wrong didn't god forgive you so who are you to not forgive them i've decided today that i'm not going to be angry about any of the laws that are being made today in this state yes it is inhumane yes it does not make sense yes it is an attack on on on on on the people of god but i'm gonna let god work this out because when god comes through with his wrath i just want i just want god to have mercy on me god i want to make sure that i'm right because when the wrath of god comes through it's not going to be anything nice but i don't want to be in that number of the angry people see i'm not going to let the devil have any any stronghold on my life i'm gonna go ahead and live my life and i'm gonna keep my mind clear i'm gonna keep my heart clear and i'm not gonna let the devil even in the midst of a pandemic even in the midst of america being turned upside down i'm not going to get on the political thing i'm not going to get on the democrat side the republican side i'm not going to get on nobody's side i'm going to get on god's side because god is the only one that who is going to work this thing out i'm going to get on the biblical prophetic side of god this is a god thing and anybody that gets on any side of a human being during these times you have put your faith in man i can't trust man anymore man has failed me too many times and i have to guard my heart and protect my heart and you see where that gets you so i'm asking you today you need to we we need to pray if there is any anger in you don't leave here today think about it some people may say i don't have any anger i don't have anything wrong with me what good for you good for you but there will be things that you go through in life that will really make you you could you know i'm gonna be honest you know just just last week just this week you know with the notifications that come up on my phone about the craziness it will make you angry you will find yourself angry for a second you know when i see injustice the way that it is being being played out it makes you angry and the bible says go ahead that's a natural way to be be angry but don't stay angry don't stay angry we have things to do if you're going to stay here then that means you need to make sure that you vote and not only just vote but make sure that you have your documents in order so that you are able to do read up on what you need to do in order to make sure that you can vote see you have to know what the opposition is however i'm gonna make this back personal don't leave your anger there now i'ma give you a solution for if you've been angry this is what i did and it released me let me get a little soft music there pastor taylor this is what i did if you are angry today what you need to do is you need to um or if someone has angered you if you're the person that angered someone do you know that going to that person and doing something as simple as saying i apologize for what i did ten years ago five years ago yesterday and sincerely mean it look them in the eyes tell them i sincerely am sorry i apologize for what i did and it would never happen again i'm so sorry i hurt you and it would never happen again because i don't like what i did and i don't like the way do you know what kind of burden that that would lift off of them and you sit them all down i sat my kids down yesterday and the looks in their eyes i told them i was i apologized to them i felt the holy spirit moving in that household i saw a look in their eyes that i had never seen before and i know that that household is going to be different because of that apology anger anger you don't realize you think you're going on through life now we going on through life we doing our thing but at the same time their mother has some unchecked anger that needed to be addressed and when i addressed it the holy spirit lit you know he lifted that heavy load and now the household is going to be different i'm telling y'all so you have to check the anger this is the device of the devil the divisive spirit of the devil the divisive spirit of the devil this message i have to say this before i go this message was inspired by my husband montrose today is his birthday we had a conversation this week i was dealing with some things and he sat there and ministered and counseled me as a person who had gone to prison for eight years locked up and dealt with anger for years and told me how he got there because of anger and was angry in prison but it wasn't until somebody in prison told him about what anger does and what happens when you don't check anger and how it ruins people and when he saw the way that i was going and he painted that picture and he and then when he and then see when people this is the thing when you have kids it's a whole different thing because when he put it in that perspective and said you don't want to go down that rabbit hole because see when you you don't know this part right here i'm gonna tell y'all something i'm giving my testimony i'm sorry i don't mean to tell my business but he says that the detriment of unchecked anger is that it not only hurts you but it hurts the people who love you now he witnessing to me about what he's done and then he's witnessing to me about what will happen if i don't check it so my kids love me but if i'm angry about anything else that don't have nothing to do with them i don't even realize that the anger that i'm feeling that has nothing to do with them is affecting them so that means they're going to grow up and they're going to be angry and they're going to do things so the 7 year old and the 11 year old i don't know nothing about that but i heard there's a lucky number in dice but anyway uh i i you know hey but listen i sat them down yesterday now we talked about this two days ago but i set them down and i looked in their eyes and i told them after i had been released when we talked about this two nights ago i was up y'all i was pacing the floor everybody was sleeping in the house but i was pacing i stayed up till three or four o'clock in the morning because i was i don't know i was going through so many changes it was like a a moment of salvation when you come to the altar and you submit and you ready to let it all go and you give it up and you want to change you say okay god i'm ready i'm tired it's like same thing with drug addicts alcoholics whatever when they ready they ready they die it's the same addiction anger is an addiction alcohol is an addiction drugs are an addiction because you can it can it can put a stronghold on you but when you're tired you're tired and i was tired god released me and i was i was i was uh i felt a heavy load lift off me and i said man this is something and then i started thanking god i started praising god and i was crying and i was just like it's done it's over it's nothing else that can go on that can make me you know and so um i sat them down yesterday and i talked to them and i told them i say listen y'all it's going to be a new day it's a new day i say you noticing we've been going through changes ups and downs we done had a lot of stuff happen in our lives you know we've had several deaths and we don't had a lot of things happen but it's it's over mommy is here i look and then the thing it was just wonderful y'all it was beautiful so i'm asking each of you today if you have anything like that going on in your lives let's pray father i just want to thank you for this message god we release the anger we release we release we release the anger god we release it we release it somebody here is feeling anger because something has happened in their lives and they want to let it go god just give them the courage and the strength to let it go they don't have nothing to do with them it is the enemy it's the opposition it's the opposition it's something that has made them feel like they have to carry this load but god they don't have to carry this load anymore it wasn't even theirs to carry in the first place they were just a vessel that was being used by the enemy but god we want to let it go today and then if they are the person or the perpetrator that did the wrong give them the courage to go back and say to whoever they did it too i'm sorry please forgive me give them the take pride out take pride ego out and tell that person i am so sorry for what i did and then lift that heavy load god we release it god we release it we release it in the name of jesus everybody just please my eyes are closed but just just lift your hand if you are in agreement about this message about anger god i'm ready to let it go whatever was done in the past the days are over the old days all old things have passed away and a new day has begun old things are passed away and a new day has begun whether the state of texas doesn't realize it and they do the old way is gone and a new day has begun it began last year when the pandemic first hit [Music] a new day has already began and the old way is gone the traditional way of education i don't care how much we tried to tamper with it and make it go back to slavery in the 1800s that day has long gone and we are living in a new age and god we release the old way because you make all things new and not only that we're gonna embrace it in jesus name let the church say amen amen [Music] let's all stand let the church say amen let the church [Music] you know but you know old things have passed away she says that all things become new the the old way is over god is the same yesterday and forever but he is up to date and that was a great message today we must deal with our anger and that's milton and shirley pace amen um i just heard her being honest we have to be honest with ourselves amen and god will profit you to be honest the truth sets you free and that's why we are who we are if you've accepted jesus as your personal savior if you accepted this message today amen and you want to be a member of this church you are welcome to come and join a great church anybody here today or those that are listening amen the old way is over the new way we can't sing a whole lot of long songs after the message and try to get you to come but i want to tell you that nothing comes without commitment somebody say commitment it's commitment that got you where you are a relationship with god many people information about god but they have no commitment and that's where everything comes opens up if you would make a commit commit thou waste to the lord and he shall bring it to pass this has been a wonderful day today let's give the lord a hand thank you everybody for coming today i pray that you would those that are watching say i want to give an offering to god to the church support the church of jesus christ i would go to cash out dollar sign saintsville academy and you say for what contribution and send that contribution it's a personal thing and then you can also go to our website and give an offering to the lord i'm so grateful in this church how you have blessed the lord during the pandemic and those that are watching from different places just investing in not investing but being obedient and giving the lord what actually belongs to the work of the ministry thank you all so much amen always remember jesus come on always remember jesus remember jesus this week it's gonna be a great week [Music] and i want to say one more thing if there's anybody a word about anything that's and you're under the body of christ you're under the cross i got a word from the lord says to tell you that don't worry because everything is going to be all right will you give the lord a hand i'm serious anybody you know what you're worried about i got it surely so and what tiffany was preaching is what she experienced john i i got that myself and i look at all this news and all this stuff the lord said wait a minute don't worry god's going to provide all your needs god's going to meet every need and god has set you free when the lord set you free you will be free so i advise you to believe god and and know that this is going to be a great week thank god for this church and for this church ministry thank you again pastor tiffany may the grace of god in the sweet communion lord of your holy spirit let it rest rule and abide within each one of our hearts until we meet again at 10 o'clock next sunday let us all say [Music]
Channel: Saintsville Cathedral Fort Worth
Views: 118
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: CDzI28EcPE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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