Phil Robertson's Daughter Opens Up About Meeting Her Dad | Ep 96

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I am punished eh what about you so here we go as promised on the unashamed podcast we have our sister and your daughter dad and and mom - will you come special mom which is awesome so it's uh it's it's weird it's wild it's uh you know I guess it's different for us because we obviously had a few months to process and meet and talk but it's still kind of crazy and what's so funny to us is we're so known it's like the four brothers of course you know like I'm the one usually that's because I have a beard all year that gets the scapegoat but now there's a girl so you're yeah yeah they were the only two wounds without beers but they say that's you know did you see any package that he he's the weird brother but he said I'm the one that I don't have a beard no trust me I know both of you long enough to know and he's more weird you're not weird at all right I don't think so so so mom and and miss Kay of course so mom before we get into more of our story that we started last time so J's mentioned a couple of podcasts ago that he had a Mother's Day gift for you oh yeah and he told the audience what it was gonna be which was a thousand dollars ten $100 $100 so he said he did it to be able to buy you off because you've been on him about the plane or whatever we've been talking about this time so cuz he's dude tried to pay for half the plane I know I know so that but he tells me all about winning on the stock market so say that was like winning it's not really winning it's investing with a payoff but anyway that's fine yes so I have a problem with you telling me all that and then when I asked you to pay half of something that's like World War 3 no the argument that I thought we had ended with the payoff was that Phil said I have a free plane yes had a free plane but now I would like somebody to go up there right now and try to get a free plane from the man that does that it was weird speaking of weird I went with it and then when I got the bill for the free plane I thought all that must not have been free days was hoping for the free I just thought I got hustled by my parents so I just brought it up because I thought next time I have you pay because you felt guilty because of what your husband did and therefore I said I'll tell you what I'll pay whatever you feel I need to and you said okay give me a third I said okay so did that so did the thousand but did it buy you off are you happy now yeah I forgave you in that second that I saw this there's ten $100 bills in there I said all forgiven more she has really been really nice then I have a new predictor an attitude change dollars by we know it goodbye forgiveness man I don't want to start another argument but then I made a prediction I said I predict that within seven days I told men see this that miss Kay my mom will give away that thousand dollars she will just give it away within an hour she gave me a hundred there we go as a tip that's right I got a tip what you're hearing Phyllis is kind of a spinoff of the old Mookie Mookie a little movie Being John Malkovich this is like being a Robertson I've never even heard of that watch it I just this is like a Robertson that's funny I had it no remember I don't know who that is I'm worried to even research it and I don't know what does I like it's an actor I should get out more Phil I'm out you're not this is come back from 30 years I don't know how you remembered that yeah I don't need that I mean Phil has not left this seven acres in months and he's telling you get out more I'm leaving here in about an hour so I mean I thought I wasn't really going out to a lot of place you're going to your corner I'm almost to the Jeremiah Johnson line when the whole mountain man said you might ought to get out of these mountains and get on out go back to one of the towns that air and hold Jeremiah Johnson said I've already been to a town that was a mic drop moment there feeling the need to disappear again you saw Jeremiah Johnson oh did you see being John Malcolm like you made the best road john malkovich played to me remember the when Eastwood was the Secret Service agent the villain the villain Oh that says John Malkovich he was the milkman know who that is he's a very good actor he's good remember that way member he was the bad guy he played together he made that gun out of wood and we shot that duck out on the water and the two rednecks run up there and they had things weird let me shoot it they shot an India's shot him both yeah violent movie I haven't watched it nordagh plenty what are you missing a good mood is all I can say so anyway so mom yes we talked a lot about you honor the last podcast I hope it was all good it was all good well yeah we did talk about the argument that was been going on but it's been paid for me and you yeah 30 years no 50 no I'm not going I could start Hopkins but he probably couldn't argue till he started talking so to be safe hey we started talkin well no I meant okay came up with this line she said that we had only had one argument I thought that was weird she said it lasted 47 years that's true it is true these two are like all in water so no I'm telling it we talked about you on the last podcast we talked about Phyllis and so I wanted you to talk a little bit about it obviously we explained Jason I get in the letter kind of how we went through that process and so I mentioned that when I went out to talk to you and Dad because it was kind of like a process took a couple of weeks where we're trying to figure out what we're gonna do and then I just felt like we had to I had to let you guys know because we were gonna have to try to figure out is this true or not true and so that night was really interesting and and I talked about that I felt like you knew a lot of stuff about it it really convinced me because I wasn't sure dad I knew he didn't remember anything you knew a lot I knew and I knew a lot he didn't know well right and I had never really thought about it before if you had two people walking through a period of your life and one is basically either drinking or on drugs the whole time and it's not you know in their own mind but the person I hate them either and the person who's with him though is not to live in that way so you would tend to remember a lot you know from that era and so it was really interesting I think your initial reaction to the whole thing so he mentioned that you said for years that you knew one of these days a person was gonna show up I said a boy because I just man yeah because of that period of his life cuz I'm a prophetess really I know she was saying that if there might be be a sign right right looking like out for kind of right weird reasons I guess did you but - did you ever imagine it would be a daughter no that was the bright surprise of it all I never what are you turns out he could produce a girl what can what can I say I mean I wanted the girl the whole time and no can do when Jeff was born our the doctor told me he was gonna be a girl hey long I thought it was no he wasn't he lied and then I said and then Phil said just what I wanted another boy you did say that I know you don't recall you recall the movie but not this but it's okay and so ours so yes I was just thrilled beyond belief so and you know that night you tell me I like as soon as I read you the letter he showed it to you said oh this is true yeah it was really empty because we had night and dad's night sure because you don't remember it he doesn't know anything but it wasn't amazing that instantly you were like oh this is true this is her this has got to be the one and I found that fascinating because I was not convinced I thought it the evidence was looking like it it had a very good chance but I wasn't sure and then dad didn't know much so that didn't help but it kind of convinced me that it was probably was because you were so convinced that it was I knew it you know was weird to me what I thought I didn't share this before but as many of us that have used DNA as an illustration of the evidence of God I mean I've used that hundreds of times in size used it - and what's weird is jack means coherently is it Jase uses it coherently I mean sigh let's say that for a later podcast we had happened to be in this situation in an era where there were there was no DNA which wasn't too long ago she would have never found her dad and I would have never found my daughter as ever but I've always used it as an evidence as far as uh just how in the world does the evolution process coming from an expose or what you always say seaweed or saltwater all that we always use that because it's the most sophisticated code that we've ever run upon and it's in our bodies and so we're always like well who wrote the code and now you have this code as actually a way to remove all doubt I mean I've used that illustration in my speeches I'm like how much because remember you said no how sure are we about this D hey I was like oh we're sure because if your DNA is that a crime site you're in trouble I mean you know that's how they look at any that point we trusted and so to me it was an evidence you know even more than that of God and how he worked you know what you read lies to have in Romans 8 you know I truly believe it well let Phyllis tell her story from start to finish and we'll see how she ended up finding me well and first of all Phyllis just welcome like I guess this first time we're doing this publicly so I've been anticipating this for a while because obviously all of us speak for a living you know I preach we speak J's all of us do a lot of interviews a lot of stuff and so I've been highly-anticipated excited about being able to introduce you to the people that follow us and listen to us and because to me it's it's a it's a compelling story of finding you know connection to people and it was very evident we all met you that DNA your DNA your genetics so much about you fit so much about us and we all recognized that very early on even by phone before we met you which was amazing so we'll take a quick break and then I want you to tell about kind of what began this your quest you know why you were looking for your dad so let's take a quick break [Music] so we got Zach with us the course the my business partner and so it's acts of business guru I guess he would be our family business guru I guess unless you counted Willie I don't know but uh which Willie you know well he may object to that assertion Heywood so Zach how important are HR people to organizations I mean you know big organizations would you say yeah I mean human reasons resources that when he first did this I thought you told my home run oh you have a softball team you need somebody to be able to hit some home run well that's right and I forgot what that thought a thought was something else human resources what we're talking about so say yeah collected at the table here at one time the world's greatest spades player so card player in one Jason Robertson that was before his beard turned a little gray I don't know on the internet talking with them you know Manhattan you know you know big dogs and all this stuff you lost me so you got them then you got like the guys a financial type y'all to you know yeah Jase is in the stock market and you got me who helped bring y'all forth and it's just a scary thing to you know unveil welcome to the show so anyway that being said for Dad small businesses that can have a small business and so you know it's hard to you have Human Resources needs but how do you do it because you don't hire a person money benefits all this stuff so we got a company Bambi but not not be am bi be a MBE Bambi BAM to the B that basically has a virtual HR guy or gal for your business so you want to check these guys out you get a dedicated HR manager they're available by phone or email real-time chat which is important these days and we're the coronavirus this is especially good so month to month no hidden fees you cancel anytime check out bam be calm be a slash robertson and if you go there now you get a free audit so that's V a MBE calm slash Robertson so it's been two or three years ago my oldest son's fiancee bought him a DNA kit and he was interested in learning his ethnicity he completed the kits sent it in got it back and looked at his little pie chart tells you how much of this or that that you are from wherever you are in the world and he said you know it he told us it doesn't make sense there's there's some stuff missing here that we were told was part of our ethnicity and I looked at it I'm like you're right you know this is this isn't matching up to what we've been told so I called my brother and mentioned it to him and he said well you know something doesn't line up there either you know our dad's not your dad or everything we've been told isn't true and talked to I have a sister I have a brother and his sister I mean I'm sure that had to be just a shot but you'd tell me before you I always kind of felt something wasn't I wasn't shocked it wasn't it just kind of was like hmm I'm thinking this this might be kind of a moment where I learned that what I've suspected all along might be true my sister had had people in the family make comments to her like you know your dad's not her dad kind of thing so she was on it she wanted to find out and she did a DNA test and so I finally did one and when I did it came back that they were my half siblings so I knew for a fact at that point and what that does is allows you to then investigate you can find out who your DNA matches are who are you related to so I could quickly see from the paternal side you know these are the the names I was coming up with surnames and I you know little digging internet searches looking through the the site and put together a family tree so to speak my husband helped me with it we could fill in a lot of blanks and then it kind of got down to just a few blanks and had it there and I'm like I think I know who this this might be yeah you know unfortunately I think I remember I asked you I was like you ever seen that show duck dynasty and you were like no I have it and you're apologizing I'm like oh no don't apologize that's gonna be very helpful moving forward I didn't want the shock we just so happened that maybe when it was first coming out we heard of it and we knew about it but we never watched it and then we went on the mission field for five years when your show was really running and popular and we just didn't get it so we never watched it it just did never come up it was not on our radar just seems like an amazing coincidence to me especially for something so well-known it's helped me yeah in the fact you didn't really know us they had at all I had no preconceived ideas really I tried to watch a couple episodes just to thinking hey you know get to kind of see who they are and I knew you know that this is reality TV how much of this is actually reality versus not and it just it felt like you know that that's not what I want my first impression to be I want my first impression to be not obvious not know what I was seeing was you know that wasn't good cuz it was a funny and wholesome show and I enjoyed it it's just that I wanted my impressions and first impressions of you to be what my impressions were with you and not what not through the lens of a television show that's how I felt which was a good way to view that because my take on the show because I was late to the show because I would in the first three seasons that everybody you know obviously there's a lot of multifaceted personalities and so Willie kind of got locked in early on as the bad guy because he's running the company and all that's true yes a little side tune that's difficult at the work he does he does but he's also super funny and like a lot of the elements of his personality you didn't get to always see on the show so if you only had that one prism you would miss some of that it's like Jason the serious side of Jase it's that people love is teaching his ability to do the Bible every night that from now every time I would get serious on the show edit that's edit I didn't want in that way so it's an alum of this personality so you're right if you had only viewed it through that lens you would have missed them exactly jointly we prayed about this a lot we got counsel from people that were close to us godly people and we thought you know how do you write a letter like this no matter who it is we didn't want to disrupt someone's life I knew he is married I did not want to hurt her and and we talked about I heard you talking about Zach calling me for the first time and that was one of the first questions I asked him is how would Miss Kay feel about this because if this is something that's going to upset her we can stop this right now and he said oh no she's a loving forgiving nurturing person then and I was just like okay okay you know like I that's great you know good news to hear so we did pray about it and and for us we are believers we we've been going to church for years a lot of ministry working in the church and to us church was a safe landing place and so we knew that you had pastored and part of your church elders at your church and I kind of dug around on the whites free Road Church it is easy to find some stuff about us a dad would know about it but you know you can't find out some information about the rocks just at what point did you realize okay a lot of this I'm reading may not necessarily be true as soon as I would say something there was the initial like and then they pick up their phone and start looking stuff up and I'm like you know I don't I don't want to hear all of that I don't know because a lot of it obviously on the internet is not true but you're you were reading the truth does so we we decided we crafted a letter we mailed one to the church we also because if we were digging around on that website saw that you were preaching I think the last Sunday of December that is the only time in the history of my church involvement that they ever let me be in charge all those sensible people were going and it was like well they were gonna know the keys to Jase I made a comment like I often do cuz I can't keep my mouth shut a man over she's get trying to get another thousand yeah I made a comment cuz I said what are y'all doing cuz we do the worship I said what are y'all doing for the Sunday in between Christmas and New Year's and they said oh we we were just gonna have a church meeting like kind of a meeting of the chart date of the church I said that is the dumbest idea I've ever heard which I shouldn't have said that and so they said will you do it and I thought why shouldn't I said that remember we were in the duck blind and I said why don't you preach and we'll sing I'll do the little speech for the old Lord supper and I said I'll get all the kids down there and we'll do something for them and so we did that and that is the one Sunday that you visit up there on that pulpit one couple years well and then with Jase he did such a good job then we haven't met since we've been in quarantine so we're just waiting to get back so he can take back so you're see they give a lesson and you're in the audience I'm your father you're my daughter but we've never seen each other for 45 years never you never so so what did you think about you like I thought how cool is it that first I'm seeing my dad he's preaching the gospel cuz your message was the core gospel I mean that to me was like that's a cool dad you know you said so that's really good he said something feels that struck me early on I can't remember when you said it but when we were talking about when you were born I said you know what by that time dad was converted that time you were born because obviously you know months earlier he was not and you said well I like the idea that when I came into this world that my dad was now a believer already a believer right which was really powerful I thought that was a really neat prospectus for dearme so you were born and he was born again in the same year you made that observation I thought what a neat thought people sometimes wonder if God still works today you know just bringing that up circumstances in the way God orchestrated all of that I just see God in every step of the way I don't believe in coincidences that you happen to have a letter and you forgot things or you were preaching you usually don't you read it just you know I don't that there's there can't be that many coincidences God was in this story and writing the story in this so what did you do with the letter you had you were you were sitting at and she was gonna give it to you and Jace is handling the music part the problem was that her I was in charge that day and so there was a lot of things going through my mind which is fun you but he's already said he's in a fog anyway and I don't even charge in a fog and so then it was I'll let you tell about the meeting yeah you were you were like yeah I was I was nervous i sat out in the parking lot thinking am I gonna really do this go in here and my husband was a cheerleader he was like you can do this like you've come this far you can do this so we made it into the building you know we're sitting in the carry like a big staff I'm sitting here and I'm like I don't know if I can do this and you know you walked in with like an entourage a bodyguard they were caring and I just at one point I cried I was like I don't know if I can do this and then and then you bugged out pretty quickly like right away and I'm like well that is someone like that oh god that never happens so I I was sitting there and and I just was like I just got this whatever it is that came over me I thought okay I'm just gonna go give this letter to you so I walked right up to you just here you go here's the Sutter will you please give this to your dad it's really important to me and you're like sure you were super friendly and just kind of had it Tony on the on the shoulder and just hey miracle happened okay maybe you need to get out more where are y'all from oh man I'm glad that you came to the service today you're super friendly not like and talkative and you put in your bag and I'm like well hey the second letter but you know I was friendly lose my phone and you have a nephew who's a lot like you so you know we it's okay so the letter comes to Jace what do you do with the letter hang on let's take Brighton until this so dad have been telling you about Omega XL which I've been taking now for about a month yep and you tried it - yeah chocolate syrup oh yeah give us a report about it I tried it and there is no doubt about it your legs get a little achy from time to time 74 years old warm you know tired going around to mud I started taking those things about a week you did say about a week a week or ten days I thought you know what my legs feel a whole lot better at your age anything better is the goal go moderately better helps so i say kudos to the pristine waters of New Zealand with the mussels yeah yeah so these things come from mussel extract we talked about it before really good product basically helps with inflammation dad is in Luke they tell me it gets better like at the 8th we Martin I'm not dreaming thinking maybe it no no it did not our to go catch some mussels down here and right so we want you to promote a healthy immune response it helps your immune and anti-inflammatory which is really good so here's what you do Omega XL dot-com slash fill Omega XL dot-com slash feel if you order now you get your second bottle free I will say that's the only peels I take and I didn't even know if you did but you said you know when I talk I don't take pills its naturalness right Omega calm / feel or you can call them 808 four four four eight eight eight eight hundred eight four four four eight eight eight Omega calm / feel and help your joints so here's the weird part Phil I've told you this but we're we're not connecting so I have that letter but I didn't read it so then days later weeks later maybe not a week a week later I stopped at duck commander on his way here where she also had sent a letter they handed me your mail it's the same letter that I have in my bag it's another version of it because she was smart enough I didn't love it ya know get this so I came down tells and then when Al and I go through the letter cuz that she had also said no batter can look at the original I'm like I already had this you say that's how it happened so that's how that's how we all had we had the three how long so y'all read it well the process I'm still not aware of anything it was another ten days or so before that night I came down to talk to your mom so that that process that's what we were trying to figure out do we do a DNA test with somebody else in the family because I think it was if one of the cousins or even one of us did a DNA test would it shed then show up where we found it so but then there was all I didn't know enough about it finally I just said Jack and I decided I said look let's just let's just tell him you know let's just see about this thing and I knew ultimately a paternity test was the only way we could know for sure and so I was glad that Dad agreed to do that I mean it's important this whole thing made me think we're in you know we're in the book of John now and the next chapter that we'll get to is John 7 but Jesus you know he would wowed the crowd with what he said obviously because he's a son of God and their attack on him was every time they would get caught up in listening they would go back to oh but you're from Galilee so this can't be well you can't be who you say you are you know you you can't be from God and and I kind of think about that in this in that process of trying to figure out is this real you know our first impression was always well it can't be I mean this surely not this would have known the earlier you know you try to think of all do you not know yo me I think I actually I'm like how do you not know this and you were like hey I was it was pretty well a ten-year filer yeah I mean you're on drugs and you're doing things that you don't even remember and so but I thought about that just because you know when when good-hearted people use godly principles and a lot of them have been used in this process as love and forgiveness and you know all these these qualities it's amazing how all of a sudden it becomes back to pout these powerful qualities that Jesus was showing all of a sudden it's like a light bulb comes on you know which makes a big difference I mean obviously and you're right it's it's trying to imagine you're imagining so much because then you start thinking about it the journey was hard for me to sleep during this period of time because my mind was just spinning with the possibilities you know and and part of me was excited because if it was true you know I mean I have a sister out there you know and so that was kind of way we had the conversation all basically said okay dad they take your DNA at the end of walking through they're gonna take her DNA we're gonna see if it matches and I get back with you that's right and so that kind of led up to this moment and we thought we would get the results back in 24 hours but then it turned out it was like a couple of days it took longer which was just excruciating for us and then we were also had a trip plan so when we were gone we weren't even here with that's that's why I had to call him to tell him you know and so I hated that that we weren't here but I want to talk a little bit about that feelings from your perspective so all I wanted to say one thing out for you before you do that cuz I did I don't think I told Phyllis this but so I hear this you know basically I said for about three days uh like every probably once an hour a team I have a sister it was like you know that goes like I have a sister and then I started doing that out loud to Missy she's like yep so yet another never told you that that I was your father she never told you that no so nobody knows and so look I have answered questions my whole Christian life about situations I've had people on the couch saying here's the situation and it's been things like this and what you do but here I am in my own moment saying well how am I gonna handle this yeah because part of me was upset that well my dad was elite leading a sinful life he betrayed my mom this is a reminder of that then part of me was like well here's this woman cuz we had already you know dug on your life too and I'm like she seemed awesome I mean this is because I've always been a champion for people who have to do it the hard way and unfortunately you had to you're in a situation of you know that you didn't choose or whatever that's made it really hard I think to find a purpose in life and a meaningful relationship with God but I've always had a heart for those kinds of people because people I shared Jesus with people that have you know been abused or had bad you know childhood it always inspires me to see them just say this is it this is the moment I'm putting my faith and trust in Jesus they forgive their you know past aggressors or whatever and I just always champion those people so what I did was I read first Corinthians 13 I'd like to read it just because I was sitting on my couch three days into this information and I thought how do I respond and I just thought I need a reminder of the most probably commonly used section of Scripture in the Bible but it says love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud it is not rude it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered he keeps no record of wrongs and I would kind of stop and think okay it does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects it always trusts always hopes it always personal years love never fails so then I was like well that's what I'm going with but her quest and find out seems to not be based on maybe I'll find he's a good man maybe I'll find out he's a bad man she just wanted to know what she said is who am I worried I who is my father yeah I wanted it to answer some questions in a way because I knew it's like I knew always growing up something was different I was different um physically different some personality differences just the way I approach life and did things I always went to church my my parents never took me to church grandparents didn't go to church with me I went on my own it was weird to everyone else around me people would make comments but I always when I walked to the nearest one or I'd go with a friend or I always found a way to go to church and my testimony is that I stayed in school graduated school and did well and wanted to do well and I my relationship with the Lord and those two things are what brought me out of a childhood such that I had and and I think that's just God's grace and I and I can say to people also like what you've said when I've worked with people who have had backgrounds that were tough you know you can use that as an excuse to live a life that is not a great life that is not a moral life or a godly life or you can use it as a reason to say I'm not going to live like that I choose to do difference so when the call comes to me from I'll after the DNA test on my part in your part and I said what about it because I knew he was going to call and tell me and he said it's a match I said call her up get her down here I said get her down here so there was waited until she arrived and we met it hang on your hotel that story to us take we prayed [Music] yeah I want to get into that that was really powerful so we had probably within two or three weeks after we all knew we land up for you to come down and you have two sons and their their fiancees came came with you guys and your husband and so what was that like for them like how did they take all this because obviously you guys are all kind of searching together didn't you find it and I'm curious as to what their thought process of leading up to you guys coming down here were they excited were they you know this is interesting let's see what happens you know and our oldest son is very much a when I see this on paper then I'll believe it I see what you're saying but he wanted to see proof of it right my me of me matin so the youngest was he's our rolling stone is what we all always said and he said hey if this is if this is true then this will be the so interesting will go for and the oldest is hey I don't know wait and see so so they were excited though you and Lisa have been an anchor you have I call you my pastor brother now because you're very much a pastor and I was getting text messages you know and there's no roots right no roots at this point so every time I would get that message it would be like reaffirming to me like okay yes they really want to reach out to me pretty much taxes every day yeah and it it was important like I called you at some point in there it's a lot like you know everybody kind of messaged me and everyone you know everyone had their own little personality you know like Willie's like I'm I'm the I'm the coolest one or something like that you know now you know and in childbirth it was like it was just it was beautiful that everyone chose to reach out to us and include all of us I wanted it to be eyeball to eyeball so I didn't I remained silent feel you don't have a phone you can't text no one's ever going to call her they just said they wait I said but what she gets here well so when you we Lisa and I met you at the airport when you guys flew in and of all things we get into that forgot I never told that story jazz cop stories cuz there's a there's a police officer out there at the airport and he's hardly ever there and so enormous no big deal about leaving your car that for him but that day he happened to be there giving me a hard time about us having two vehicles there and I'm dealing with him when we have our big moment y'all were coming up try not to get a ticket you know and I'm explaining everything to it but anyway when we hugged you guys I mean we all started crying and we started crying we got in the truck cuz I had been like I'm not a big crier but as I've gotten older I've gotten more emotional but like it was kind of just pin up for me cuz like just the idea of you guys and so to actually physically see you even though we had pictures of you was it was a it was a powerful moment and we kind of cried there for the first 10 minutes until he said alright enough of that and we drove out to my house for the initial meeting and then we had a bigger one with Willie and everybody because Dad it was interesting because dad had a request that he wanted to just talk to you for a few minutes just the two of you guys if that was ok and you said it was and so we we kind of met in the yard or you know in the driveway and had our initial hugs and then you and dad kind of talked for what 45 minutes just the two y'all on the couch and rest of us from the kitchen and everybody had warned me that he's not very nurturing and be prepared to be prepared and if they hadn't told me that I would have never known I found you to be very nurturing you know granny legend I haven't heard this part yes yeah you weren't there for this Jase you never saw my gentle I mean I was in shock and I've lived with him how long 50 years well it's not every day that you look out and say I didn't know I had a daughter for 45 years but she's just around the door I like looking at your watching you've never owned a while on your life there's only been a watch there that's the humor if you've never heard of this girl and all of a sudden that I you have a daughter that you haven't didn't know existed for 45 years it's a little interruption and your schedule yeah as far as your thinking goes I'm like I did tell her pretty quickly girl you're the best thing that ever came out of my past yeah but comes up with that a man showed up I had nothing good to say about what happened before I repented I have nothing good I just walled it off the life of sin and I left it and hid out and finally got on my feet in the faith but you say and you thought that was it that's right it's behind me rear view mirror and it's been so long ago that it's just a blur now but I look up and here comes this girl out of the blur out of the blue out of the Blair and I'm like whoa yeah I just you know if you never knew you had a daughter and 45 years later she's standing in front of you you're right yeah it's overwhelming you know it's funny because dad until you got here fellas dad kept calling you little girl to me and I was thinking kid he would say tell me about the little girl said that she's 45 years it's weird I respond man I was kind of hot I love that cuz I was I asked you how did you not know this but you were like cuz I thought you were gonna say well I just forgot me you're like no I didn't know and I was like oh well Jessie you've quickly forgotten the way he was in those ten years which is a positive to suppose no that's what I'm saying a lot of the way it's hard for me I shared in the last podcast about this even some of the stories I've heard from his old buddies and the ones that were still alive it's just hard we're so far past that now that it's you know it's just hard imagine that let's take one last break [Music] so after this initial thing in my house which is probably about an hour we went over to Willie's house that's where he met Jason Missy and Jeff Madison in a quarter well right where he wasn't in the fog and and willing Cory and so from my perspective feels I ministered to see what you thought about then is I was afraid of you been overwhelmed because we're a huge family and you haven't had a huge family I mean you guys have been pretty pretty tight and so like I was thinking because we got cousins and you're still meeting people you know yes every time you're down you meet more people that are related to us so how did you feel overwhelmed like that first day I know that first part was emotional and yet very touching and I felt not very awkward which surprised me I never felt which is so weird thing about that we did not know you at all it was just like pieces puzzle pieces clicking into place and then amazed made sense it felt right it was like I've always known you in a way some and just a lot of like mindedness it so it was never awkward and overwhelming maybe a little but there were the six of us there you know since you invited all of us so we had pockets of people who were able to visit and we just kind of went from person to person there's always food involved anytime there's great food involved of course a bro hug which I'm not in the habit of doing but I put my hands on her face because she's I've just realized DNA said she's mine yeah my daughter put my hands on her face and I'm looking at her eyes man that one weird yeah we have that and I'm looking at her and I'm thinking okay if she's my daughter see a little bit of me in her so I mean I'm just looking at her face and I thought well what I meant was perspective feel from her perspective while you're doing that that means your face was Joe Biden here what what's so but you know you're kind of a composite to me of cuz they're not a lot of Robertson women you know dad had two sisters and there's a few girl cousins but out of time there's way more male centric family at least at heart generation but you have a composite of a lot of my you know I can see some man Judi in you at my age and especially when you get on one of your rants you know because you can do a pretty good rant and a couple of my girl cousins so you do have that in and then Jase is right you look a lot like grannies you know in some ways like dad's mom which I hate you know you never got to meet them because you know they were very special to us obviously so now you got your stories what's interesting bad but is that your mother named you not telling you who your father is but names you business yeah had you thought about that or did you think about that when it finally our oldest son was the first to realize that and messaged and and was like Phil Phyllis question Lisa is turning into a lifetime but I'll echo what they said I knew I know the DNA and you know I believe in that but I knew you were my sister pretty quickly in when you were I thought well she doesn't mind a good argument which I really like hey man again pretty blood I was like yep definitely my sister so yeah it was cool so Phyllis all I can tell you is I'm glad you found me I'm glad I found you all I have to say is welcome I'm glad God found both those okay what do you have to say I have to say this who stayed with you ten years through all of that I'm glad you stayed with me to witness this and how it all worked out and what a gracious kind godly woman you are because you know thank you very so much she had every reason to Oh me well everybody I knew and never remember my family and even your family except your mom and dad said you're an idiot to stay with him you're gonna be like that you know welcome Matt dude why did you stay the course with a heathen like myself well you know what you have my grandmother to thank for that nanny was her name and she taught me about the Bible and she always told me she said you just marry one man and it's one woman for one life she said there's no such word to me as divorce somebody created it but it's not there you'll never say it I said so I'll never say that and she said that's right she said and you're gonna have to fight for your marriage and I said well that's ridiculous why would I fight for my marriage I've already planned it all out because I was gonna marry a pioneer man which I did yep and I was going to what do you mean this camp a pioneer man a woodsman a fisherman a man of the earth a man that he forgot he he could take me across America like the you know they did back in 18 yet to tell you the Pioneer man has some baggage my marriage fight and that's why I did and other people say why would you live with him he's a jerk I mean he two-time me you even know it I mean the Bible can release you from that yeah I said I know but I choose to stay because I want my three boys at that time is three to have this home and they said well they're not seeing a lot of good stuff it's at home and I said nope I just I I said my heart I can't leave I just can't do it and both of these I will say they fought for me the best they could against their dad when he was acting so bad Jason one night came in and he pulled my hair and Jason jumped on his back you don't remember this he was a little boy I remember you telling me about it because you you were thankful you know I know and I said and he said of me benjensen said don't hurt my mom don't hurt my mama I'm gonna hit you I'm gonna do something to you if you hurt her you know I feels trying to shake him off get him off his back but you know it was so I read that was a memory I had Plus Allen he took care of everything when things were bad he was seven years old and he watched y'all to gave y'all bath fed y'all put you to bed took care of all that he's seven yeah I remember that I was being like the father figure you know and then later on I was like hey let's kick me out of the nest if you don't move up yes I'm wait with $1,000 cars lately lated Father's Day when she finally does step out she's stepping out I had been repentant for I mean just a few months I repented for you must for you were born so you came out of a sinful situation but now that you're here you say I've been follow Jesus for 45 years my life all my life and that that grace that God was extending to you saving you and changing you and your family I believe that extended to me I'm sure I don't understand that exactly but God is mysterious and big and great and I just believe that that's one and you would even have a baby brother find this right yeah I doubt this is the only time this has ever happened it happens give a few words for the world and so look it's all it's all and being in a position of a believer for when you receive any kind of news especially some life-changing that should be ready for it and I think our family was and certainly your family was which is what merged us so I just want to thank our unashamed Podcast how that you realize you know nobody has known this story we share with you first because you guys give us your time to be a listen to the Bible so we wanted you to hear Phyllis's story first from us and we're and we're proud to be able to do that we got a little more we're gonna talk about those of you who are blaze slash unashamed subscribers we're gonna give you an opportunity to have a little more of our conversation but for our own ashamed audience so thank you so much and we'll keep doing Bible study that's what we did so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast [Music]
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 1,974,493
Rating: 4.9056511 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, Jase Robertson, Willie Robertson, Jep Robertson, Kay Robertson, Al Robertson, Miss Kay, God, Christ, Christianity, Christian, Duck Commander, salvation, Jesus, Bible study, Gospel, redemption, sin, Bible, Holy Spirit
Id: kA4BCl5mhbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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