S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max - Camera Review!

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s24 Ultra versus iPhone 15 Pro Max which one has the superior camera experience well we have 23 categories in which we'll be comparing these phones so that you can decide which ones the right fit for you and if you're looking to keep your new phone protected not many phones can fall from 16,000 ft and survive but today's sponsor span made that possible check them out using the link below as well as later in the video and now back to the video both of them have some states of Thee cameras the main difference being that Samsung has a much higher resolution 200 megap Main camera as opposed to Apple's 48 and Samsung also has dual telephoto modules a 3X and a 5x as opposed to Apple's single 5x starting off with some outdoor shots in this first one they both did a great job at exposing the bright scene correctly however if we zoom in and we take a look at the trees in the distance the iPhone exposes the image better as some of the trees are blown out on the Samsung the iPhone also gave this photo a warmer look as opposed to Samsung's cool cool ER look and if we zoom into the bottom left corner you'll see that the ground is also sharper on the iPhone in the second image I do prefer Samsung's shot not only are the colors more vibrant but I feel like the iPhone raised the Shadows a bit too much where the bushes in the background look quite gray and even the tree on the right lacks the punch that it's got on the Samsung I've also noticed that if you zoom in the iPhone has this weird double line effect not really sure what's going on here and in this final outdoor shot which was taken just as the sun was setting I do prefer Samsung's processing more than the iPhones which raised the Shadows a bit too much and the ground ended up looking gray however if we zoom into the distance the iPhone is sharper on both the trees and the grass this is due to the iPhone shooting in 24 megapixels by default as opposed to Samsung's 12 you can switch the Samsung to sh in 50 or even to 100 however those do tend to affect the image processing now we are comparing these later in our high megapixel mot test however for the majority of the tests we've left both in their default resolutions to Ure sure that the processing is at their best and overall in terms of outdoor shots I do actually prefer Samsung's processing myself if we move on to some indoor shots the first one looks great on both none of the windows are blown out on either of them the iPhone does tend to once again brighten up the Shadows more so the bottom part of the image is brighter but other than that they both have some great HDR processing the only place where Samsung did a slightly better job in terms of processing is when it comes to the window on the left where we can see the individual panels of glass also take a look at how much more the s24 ultra is able to capture in the scene it seems like its main lens is wider than Apples then we have our second in their shot which was a bit more challenging as you have the super bright areas where the sh is shining in the front and above what is covered area in the shadow they both did a pretty good job in terms of their processing this time around the Samsung was the one who raised the Shadows more and we ended up with a Brighter Image whereas Apple was more on the darker side other than that both managed to retain the highlights quite well a bit better on the Samsung here which managed to retain the roof better and also the door and of course that no indoor shot is complete without a food shot and here they both did a pretty good job with some very similar colors the iPhone had a slightly wider Focus which we can see if we take a look at it sauces or the left hand side of the plate at the same time Samsung sharpened the chicken bites more which does make them look crispier to be honest so when it comes to indoor shots they're both very good here personally I would pick the Samsung because of the extra field of view which I think is even more important indoors where you may not have the extra space to take a step back now let's compare to zoom modules if we start at 2x Zoom this is where both phones would be using their sensor crop feature and they're both very good here the iPhone is a bit brighter although if we just take a look at the details they're essentially the same the s24 ultra also has that secondary 3x module so any photos that you take at 3x or 4X would be better on the s24 ultra although the difference in quality isn't that big if we move on to 5x which both phones have dedicated modules for Samsung does a significantly better job the leaves are way more detailed there's less noise and even the colors are far more natural on the s24 ultra moving on to 10x where both phones would be digitally zooming on their 5x modules Samsung once again does a much better job the features of the statue are far more defined and there's also considerably less noise and if we move on to 25x which is the highest possible zoom on the iPhone the difference is even greater now the 24 Ultra maxes out at 100x Zoom so here's a quick example as to how they both compare of course on the iPhone you have to manually zoom in for times to get this magnification overall if you care about Zoom the s24 ultra is clearly the superior choice at both low and high Zoom ranges now if we compare the ultra wides it does seem like Samsung is doing a better job here too in this example the s24 ultra does a better job at exposing the scene with a lot of the Shadow details being lost on the iPhone the s24 ultr is ultra is also sharper if you take a look at the water and a lot of the other areas too in our second shot which was taken in a brighter scene the difference isn't as big as before but the s24 ultra still does a better job once again if we zoom into the bottom left corner the iPhone is quite blurry as opposed to Samsung um and if we zoom in further ahead the s24 ultra is once again more detailed and now if we take a look at the ultra wide indoors aside from the brighter and cooler image on the s24 ultra the differences are quite small they both have about the same level of brightness in the center with the Samsung being notably sharper on the corners and also with less noise I do prefer the colors on the iPhones Ultra here but overall it does seem like Samsung has the superior Ultra wide at least for daytime shots now their Ultra wide modules do support macro shooting and this is the result that you can get from both here I do prefer the iPhone not only are the colors punch here but we also get a slightly wider focus and since we now have a 5xl photo module on both we can also take portra mode shots using it which results in a more natural portrait shot when compared to using their other lenses and here they both did a great job in terms of the edge separation slightly better on the s24 ultra if you look at my hair although it did mess up on the tree as it got some of its branches and focus which the iPhone managed to get right I do prefer the processing on the iPhone here the image is brighter and my coat looks more natural too whereas the s24 ultra did crush it of course you can also take portra motor shots at 2X and here I do prefer the Samsung because of its P your Edge separation and this time the colors are better on the Samsung 2o if we take a look at Fortune mode Pets the s24 ultra is just incredible here I mean sure part of it is the additional blur that you get by default which can be adjusted on both phones but even when it comes to the edge separation the sharpness of Ren's nose everything is absolutely perfect on the s24 ultra like this is probably the best port mode shot that I've ever seen on a phone and their portrait modes are so Advanced these days that you can even take a portrait of an object object and here none of them are perfect but the s24 ultra manages to do a better job when it comes to the edge separation whereas the iPhone blurred almost the entirety of the plan here not only that but the object itself was more in focus and sharper on the s24 ultra so if you love taking loads of portrait shots the s24 ultra is overall a superior experience now something that I like to do on my phones is shoot in raw as I get much more editing flexibility in my shots both can shoot in these pre-edited raw modes Pro Raw on the iPhone and X Raw on the s24 ultra which gives you a very good starting point as the result which you can then edit even further I was able to push the iPhone's image more and recover more highlight and Shadow details so you do get more dynamic range from the iPhone in case you want to shoot and raw and edit your photos afterwards now if we compare their highest resolution modes 200 megapixels on the Samsung versus 48 on the iPhone both being jpex here you'd expect the s24 ultra to be four times sharper but as a matter of fact the iPhone is the one that's sharper Samsung tends to add a ton of postprocessing sharpening and the end result looks far lower res than Apple's 48 mapel photo now you can also take 50 megapixel photos on the s24 ultra and surprisingly at 50 megapixels the image is actually sharper than the iPhones if we look at the football page here or the build is in the distance there is more detail so as long as you're using the 50 megapixel mode the s24 ultra will give you the sharpest looking image now shooting these camera comparisons can be quite tricky as we are carrying multiple phones and we need to make sure that we keep them protected so earlier I mentioned that one of span's cases was discovered after an incident where a phone was sucked out of an airplane at 16,000 ft and survived like there's literally no drop test like it this protection now comes to the s24 lineup with span's new Mac Fit range that features Max safe compatibility with their own 100% original tear down design their Tough Armor macfit now has Maxi functionality also with reinforced shock absorption and a handy kickstand their newest Enzo aramid case uses cavlar for some insane protection providing a textured feel and style at only 47.5 G and finally the cryo armor offers raised edges to protect your cameras and display supported by their air cushion technology so it's no surprise that this survived a 16,000 ft drop you also get improved cool and non-slip patterns for gaming on the go check out spean by using the links below and now back to the video in terms of video recording the s24 ultra can do both 8K 30 as well as 4K 120 none of which the iPhone is capable of doing the 8K footage is great for when you want to crop it especially useful on the zoom module as you can zoom in even further thanks to this while the 4K 120 is useful if you're planning on slowing it down the iPhone however can do pro rise video which is incredibly clean and also record in log so if you plan on editing your footage afterwards the iPhone is the better choice if we compare 4K 60 hdr on both they're both doing a very good job with the iPhone being a bit sharper and also able to handle bright scenes better whereas Samsung seems to be crushing the Shadows quite a lot here so if you care a lot about video the iPhone is still the better choice we have a similar story when it comes to ultra video with the iPhone being brighter with more Shadow details the grass is also sharper and if you take a look at the sun you'll see that we start seeing some banding on the s20 for footage whereas the iPhones is still incredibly clean both phones can also shoot in slow motion 1080p at 240 while the s24 ultra can also do 4K 120 now if we compare the slowest modes on both which I'm assuming most people would be using they're equally as slow but the iPhone does have the cleaner footage that is sharper and with noticeably less noise so if you care about slow motion the iPhone is the way to go both can also do portrait mode video AKA cinematic mode and despite both shooting in 4k 30 the iPhone's footage is Miles better just take a look at how sharp my hair is the s24 footage looks like t0p here the S separation is also better on the iPhone not just if you look at my hair but also if you look at my coat so the mag mode is substantially better on the iPhone here both can also do action mode which is this super steady video mode for when you're running or doing any intensive activities and I got to say they're both very stable here but the iPhone's footage is quite a bit sharper and with better image processing as because it is a 2.8k clip 60 FPS as opposed to qua G60 on the s24 ultra so personally I would also use the iPhone for action shots which brings us to night mode in this first example the iPhone did a significantly better job everything is brighter and sharper this is most obvious if you take a look at the wall or the chair yeah I'm very impressed with how good the iPhone is here in the second example the s24 ultra did perform better than before likely due to the entire scene being brighter although for some reason it had his overly blue cast on the top left which is definitely not how the scene looked in real life the iPhone is also sharper when you zoom in into the scaffolding or any of the text in this example they're more similar the s24 ultra is sharper if you take a look at the trees on the left or the sign although the colors are quite washed out and I do much prefer the overall look of the iPhone's photo here so when it comes to nag one photos with the main module the iPhone does perform better when it comes to night zoom in the first example taken at 5x the iPhone seems to have used a shorter exposure time which resulted in a Sharper Image but also one that has more noise take a look at how much cleaner the s24 ultra shot is if we switch to 10x the iPhone shot is the one that's now clearer and brighter we can see the individual tree branches and wooden panels on the bridge so contrary to the daytime Zoom night Zoom seems to be better on the iPhone at least at longer ranges so what about the ultra module at night well honestly I'm not really a fan of either of them here the s24 ultra is very noisy the iPhone doesn't seem to show any noise at all but it is also very very soft with a lot of the detail being lost so if I had to pick one I would pick the Samsung as it is more detailed but yeah none of them are great here moving on to night portrait this was shot at 2x on both the iPhone doesn't actually support night portrait unless you use the main module which of course is way too zoomed out so on the iPhone this is just a regular portrait shot whereas Samsung did use its night mode here and yeah I'm not sure what something did to my face but honestly looked like escaped from a horror movie like my pupils are just pure black and my face looks so heavily processed the iPhone is way more natural here but it does lack the colors as well as the background blur so I wouldn't really use any of them here now Samsung mentioned that night video is a big Improvement this year thanks to all the AI processing and I got to say it is pretty good but not good enough to beat the iPhone the iPhone's footage is much cleaner and the colors also look more natural Samsung has this weird purple Hue going going on however in a number of areas the s24 ultra's footage is actually sharper and more detailed than the iPhones so if Samsung could maybe reduce the amount of noise and also fix the weird colors we might actually have a better looking video from the s24 Ultra Samsung also mentioned that night Zoom video is especially good this year and comparing the two side by side at 5x first the s24 ultra is definitely much sharper than the iPhone here the iPhone's footage is brighter but also extremely muddy and soft if we compare to at 10x the story is quite similar with the Samsung being sharper but also darker while the iPhone is brighter but the footage is significantly softer personally I do prefer Samsung's result here moving on to the front camera in daytime they're both extremely similar here with almost identical image processing there are only two bigger differences that I've noticed the first is that the iPhone got the plant to my right and focus which the Samsung did not and we also have a wider field of view on the iPhone but other than that very good results on both moving on to front Knight the s for Ultra seems to do a better job here the image is noisier if you look at a sky but my face is much sharper and considerably more detailed although I'm not really a fan of the waxy look that Samsung gave me the iPhone is more natural in this regard but it is just too blurry to be usable and now we have a front video with a mic test which I'll let you guys watch first okay this is a front-facing video test between the s24 ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max so let me know which one um which one looks better and then also which one sounds better this is the audio coming from the s24 ultra and this is the audio coming from the iPhone 15 prox okay so in terms of the image quality none of them were great the s24 ultra was too dark with the sky also being quite blown out in a number of areas whereas the iPhone was better exposed but my face looked like an orange I do overall prefer the iPhone's footage here mostly because of its more balanced exposure and also wider field of view there was also a big difference in terms of audio yes 24 Ultra sounded extremely processed and distorted it could have been from the wind whereas the iPhone sounded way more natural and punchier and then we have front portrait and here the s24 ultra has a significantly better result the iPhone really struggled with exposing the image properly mostly because of how bright the background was but even if we ignore the processing and we just take a look at yet separation Samsung simply did almost a perfect job of separating my hair from the background oh and you might have noticed these frames in the background they're changing every week and they're always the two wallpaper packs that we're launching in that specific week this one is part of the Spiral Spectrum pack that we've just launched on Tuesday while this one is part of our Friday pack which contains a collection of 10 stunning desert wallpapers we haven't picked the name for this pack yet so if you guys have any suggestions leave your comments down below and of course if you want to check our app out Simply search for wallpapers in the App Store and the Play Store so in conclusion which fun phone has the superior camera well they both have their strengths if you mostly take outdoor photos in daytime the s24 ultra is going to give you a punchier image with a stronger HDR look the s24 ultra is also better in terms of the zoom at any range including zom video and its Ultra wide is also Superior when compared to the iPhone in daytime on top of this the s24 ultra also has an outstanding portrait mode literally the best one I've seen on any phone so far and also the sharpest high resolution mode the iPhone however is still the king when it comes to video day and night and also the superior Choice when it comes to night photos and if you care a lot about the special camera modes like cinematic mode action mode macro slowo raw the iPhone is also better there too and if you take a lot of selfies and front videos the iPhone is also the superior Choice due to its wider angle and the superior front video overall it do depend on what type of shots you take the most so let me know which phone are you going to go for next and stay tuned for our upcoming camera comparisons and future videos too on the s24 ultra I'm Daniel Tech and I'll see you guys in the next one enough thank signing out [Music] cheers
Channel: ZONEofTECH
Views: 74,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max camera, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max camera comparison, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max camera comparison test, Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera, S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Review, iPhone 15 Pro Max vs S24 Ultra Camera Comparison, S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max camera review, s24 ultra camera, iphone 15 pro max camera, s24 ultra camera test, s24 ultra camera comparison, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max, zoneoftech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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