Lifelong iPhone User Switches to S24 Ultra: 30 Days Later...

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I am literally going to lock my iPhone and my Apple watch Ultra into this like lockable box which I just bought from Amazon mainly to make sure that I don't fall into bad habits and just go know pick up my iPhone and secondly because not everyone believed me last year when I said that I switched to the s23 ultra not that I should really care what stranger on the internet thinks in has been 29 days 23 hours and 33 minutes since I locked my iPhone away and fully switched to the s24 ultra but this year the switch hasn't been as smooth as last year's s23 Ultra and it really brings home the reasons why it is so difficult for people to switch from iPhone to Android and that's because this video isn't really like any other s24 video that I've seen so far it covers the whole s24 as a whole not just focusing on like the new AI features honestly all of the reviews that I've watched so far look like someone's just picked up the phone for 24 hours got told about the new features and then that's their video but this is about how well the phone fits into my everyday life whilst running a business with a family whilst legitimately using this as my one and only phone so I want to take you through this in the order that I experienced things as a lifelong iPhone user because I realized that I started off being very overcritical and over time have come to love so much about this phone so whilst this will probably start off sounding like really negative annoying please do stick around to get the full story and I'll also leave you with whether I'm going to stick with the s24 ultra as my one and only [Music] phone okay so let's getting started now those of you who are switching from an iPhone to the s24 ultra I kind of feel like I'm repeating myself here but here is a very quick rundown of what I do to transfer everything over now for my photos I already have Google photos already installed on my iPhone so all of my iPhone photos are backed up to both iCloud and to Google photos that's pretty easy to do now iMessages and FaceTime honestly I don't really use them I've kind of found that most of my friends will already be using another messaging app like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger none of my friends care whether I'm a blue or a green bubble aside from shervin who defriended now I've also been using an app called beeper for the last few years now which centralizes all of my social media messaging into one place so I can get and reply to my Twitter messages Instagram Facebook WhatsApp basically all the other DMS in one place super super useful and when I want to go and message someone I don't have to try and think like oh which app was I messaging them in iCloud storage just move it to Google Drive it is so much better in there calendar has actually been one of the biggest challenges like particularly if you share with a partner who still uses uses an iPhone the best I've been able to come up with is to subscribe to the public feed for my personal and the family iCloud calendars within my Google Calendar and so when I use my Google Calendar on my s24 ultra I can now see all of the Apple appointments in there it kind of works fine for me because typically it's my wife putting all the family and kids sporting activities and all the kind of other family things in there so I was really happy and it was really important to me I didn't lose sight of those when I was switching now for reminders I'm already using to-do list and for notes the only real problems I'm having really is that Samsung Notes has no Mac OS version so I can't access my notes on my Mac laptop which would be fine if I used a crossplatform like note system like one notes which I do have access to but I wanted to use the new like AI features built into Samsung Notes so kind of push myself into a corner here it's my own doing so with that aside I do now have a list of what I would call my first impressions of using the s24 ultra but these are really my first impressions throughout the first 30 days where I've taken note of things that either really annoyed me with this phone and things that made me think like holy crap that's really good now like I said I installed all my applications but there was one app which frustratingly isn't available on Android now frustrating because we've just moved into this new studio space and I wanted to move over some of the smart home plugs from my house to the studio but uh Eve energy doesn't have an Android app really annoying now the next frustration I've had is that I'm a big fan of having only the apps I use daily on my phone's home screen and then I want to search for anything else that I want to use just like on Windows and on Mac rather than like hunting around on the desktop and clicking through menus and clicking onto the apps icon it's just faster to search for it and then hit enter now on the s24 ultra you have to enable the home screen only layout which then gives you another option for search from home which then shows you a search bar immediately after swiping up now the frustration is with how much time it takes for the keyboard to appear I swipe up the the search bar appears but there's a delay before the keyboard then appears and it's like ready to use and there someone who typically searches dozens of times a day all those like minor delays add up and particularly if you're in rush and you just need to hop in and out of like a few apps to do something really really frustrating now next up is one for you if you decide to try out face unlock as well as using your fingerprints not sure why you do this but I wanted to see how good face unlock was after already setting up my fingerprints now if you don't get the timing exactly right then tapping your thumb on the display to unlock it will accidentally put the phone into the mode to like edit your home screen because it's already unlocked with using your face so then tapping and holding your phone it puts it into that like edit mode which is then like horribly slow to cancel out of not a huge one just make sure you only use face or fingerprints and not both I really wouldn't bother using Face Unlock it's basically crap in loow light environments and their fix for that is to blind you by brightening the screen when you're in a dark room which who Samsung thought in the in the middle of the night who wants to pick up their phone all like Blurry eyed and not really awake yet and I have basically a bright torch sha in their face it's an awful idea now let's talk about the cameras now because the camera is genuinely one of the things I loved about the s23 ultra like it took incredible photos and every time I'd snap a photo on the s23 ultra honestly my wife always commented on what a good photo it was kind of jealous there with the iPhone 15 hey how's it going enjoying the video now don't go away because this is the part of the video where I'm going to tell you how you can win a brand new pixel 8 Pro pixel Buds and a pixel Watch 2 whilst also telling you about the sponsor of this video one password now there is a reason why I'm such a big advocate of using a proper password manager and specifically one password which I've been using I think for around five maybe even seven years now now if you work across devices like Mac PC iPhone Android One Password Works across all of them now I've been using a family account now for the last few years and the number of times my wife forgets the password to her email account or Apple or Google logins even her bank accounts but with one password I can store those passwords and share them with her so she won't forget them and if you have a family account you can add up to five people so you your partner your kids maybe even your parents so you can look after their security too and when the water company told me they'd been hacked and my data had been sto and this literally happened to me yesterday all I had to do was make sure I changed the one password one password I had stored in one password for logging into their websites and that was literally it so what is the deal here to win the bundle of pixel goodies now all you have to do is sign up 2 one password using one of my links down below and that is literally it you'll be in with a chance to win the bundle and you'll get 50% off a year subscription to a proper parcel manager like it costs less than one Starbuck every month then once we hit, 1500 signups together with one password we're going to pick a winner and get in touch with you now do make sure you are subscribed to this channel so you don't miss that announcement along with any other updates as we get closer to the targets and also I am not ever going to ask you to send me money I'm not on telegram so just avoid the scammers as they will probably likely appear in the comments down below now a huge thank you to one password for teaming up with me on this one it's kind of easy when a brand that you love and use daily wants to work together but anyway thanks for sticking around back to the video I still can't put my finger on what it is about the s24 Ultras photos they're just not blowing me away in the same way they did with the s23 Ultras now Perhaps it is to do with the vibrancy of which there is an update coming to make the screen more saturated and make the colors pop more it's just it's really hard to explain but my wife isn't telling me how good my photos are anymore and that's noticeable when she made such a big deal about the s23 Ultras photos now I'm no expert photographer my photos are below average at best most of the time you're just trying to capture the moment before it's gone rather than having time to try and frame something up to look nice also this applies to videos as well now I love that you can shoot in 8k and it can produce some really really nice videos like this scene here on the beach which I shot like 2 days ago but generally speaking it just doesn't feel that great particularly when zooming between camera focal lengths where it's a noticeable shift in color and shift in image but what you sacrifice in image quality you gain with with a pause and resume button when recording no idea why the iPhone can't do this but what do you think like let me know in the comments down below what do you think about the photo and video quality from the s24 ultra compared to like the s23 and maybe the iPhone and all kind of the other phones that are out [Music] there now next up let's talk about Android auto now it's been something I've been really excited to swap over to as someone who has never never ever used it before and it has been a really frustrating experience like firstly I was looking forward to testing out some of like the Samsung new AI features where it's automatically summarized messages and use AI generated replies such as sending my location or ETA or telling people I'll be late but apparently it just doesn't do it on anything but direct SMS messages hi PP here that's not strictly true I have realized that as you dig into things it does give you or did give me the AI replies but it's not giv me any of the usual like share your ETA and tell them I'm going to be late it's very very summarized like okay yes you know real basic replies that I'm not sure are even AI generated it's just kind of stock replies but it does show up across all apps so it shows across be that I've been using mostly also shows across like you know WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger as well as sms's I'm just not seeing the features that I believe should be there in terms of like the AI replies but um yeah maybe I'm using it wrong I'm not sure do you want to reply because not once have I seen a prompt to summarize or reply with anything other than using my voice to then dictate reply how just has a really nice interface and reporting ready to send it to be fair it is coming up with okay it's send it is coming up with suggested replies which it doesn't do on the messages as they come in so that is frustration number one with Android auto frustration number two is that on a number of times per week per day in some cases Spotify on Android auto would just stop displaying anything it would be blanked out on the screen I couldn't play I couldn't pause or browse and there is just no Rhyme or Reason for it I got in the car this morning it didn't work it was working yesterday it wasn't working the day before that it just seems to happen randomly I had it when it didn't work for an entire day with multiple Journeys like in and out of the car and it just still wouldn't work but then other days it's fine frustration number 3 with Android auto is coming from Apple carplay where as I approach my house Apple home will go oh you're getting near your house maybe want to open your garage door and it will show me the button to open the garage door on the home screen on the dash in the car so with one tap I can open the garage now on Android auto this involves like four sometimes five button presses to get to if you're already already in like a full screen app like Google Maps tap to get back to the home screen tap to open the apps tap to scroll down tap to open the smart things app tap to open the garage door and I know I could use my voice but when you are in a car full of uh loud kids it's very difficult to get them to be silent enough to have your voice heard each time frustration number four sorry this is very negative right now but I can't tap to enter an address for navigation whilst I'm driving now this might be a senseful idea yes I appreciate it but even if the car is moving a tiny amount it locks the screen and sets it to voice only so when I'm driving really slowly down my driveway whilst the doors closing or approaching a set of traffic lights thinking oh this would be a really convenient time to enter an address unless the car is physically stopped I can't use it hey future Pete once again sorry I'm watching this video back and going oh actually no I figured that out so I was driving my wife's car the other day and it didn't do this I could actually touch to type whilst I was driving the car not that it you should be touching and D typing whilst you're driving the car but it is just frustrating when you're riding at slow speed in this particular car so in my car when the car is moving ever so slightly cannot type you have to use your voice and again same problem if you got kids in the car voice typing is not always accurate if you're going to funny kind of spell places so yeah just want to kind of clarify that here but moving on now it is not all about Android auto so I decided to use Google pay instead of Samsung pay as it had more support for my bank cards and also for membership cards like at my gym which only supports Apple or Google wallets now is a minor thing but I like on iPhone where it knows what I'm near and then gives me direct access to the right card from the lock screen so when I'm near the gym or even when I'm at the airport and need my boarding pass it's right there on the home screen for me whereas with Google I have to go into the wallets and then tap on the card that I want to use and the placement of the NFC sensor on the back of the phone I find to be quite awkward like again on the iPhone I can just tap the very end of the phone which uh helps me get into the gym and also when you're leaning out of the car to tap onto like a contactless card reader to get into a car park it's really really useful to get that like extra reach now the s24 has its sensor believe it's round about here Midway down the back on the phone so you kind of have to hold your phone at like a weird angle rather than just like tapping it in front of you that weird angle and particularly when leaning out of the car window it can be like a real stretch you're not really getting any extra reach but holding your phone like that what else is there uh Android file transfer also crap the number of times I've wanted to just pull off video files or use my phone as USB storage really really cool feature and then like drag and drop files between it but on Mac I just can't like I have this with pretty much every phone across every Mac I've ever used and yes it's definitely a Mac problem because it works fine on Windows but whether it is iCloud or Google drive or Dropbox or just something else going on it just can't open up my phone storage on a Mac it just feels like a really negative video if you're watching this please wait it gets better like I said this is like my natural experience of like as you go from an iPhone to an Android phone most of the time you're going oh this doesn't work like that on an iPhone you are really negative it gets better wait now this next one I don't know if it's a bug but it doesn't seem to just work right the auto brightness won't dim all the way down by itself it goes almost all the way down but I always have to like manually nudge it the rest of the way down but the good thing is that this phone does when you push it there go super dark and you've also got the extra dim mode to make it even darker if you want to like scroll Tik Tok late at night without waking everyone else up now what else is on the list honestly I'm going to get crucified in the comment section I'm it's either the Android Fanboy saying what an idiot I am I don't know how to use like an Android phone or it's the weirdly the Apple Fanboys telling me I've been paid by Samsung to make this video which really anyway next up is is the telephone yes this phone also makes for Great telephone calls to take calls on the telephone speaking on the telephone or rather it doesn't because of the handful of times I've used this phone to make or receive an actual phone call honestly most of the time I get told by the other caller that my voice is sounding like robotic and the caller can't hear me now I am pretty sure I did used to suffer this issue on my iPhone like many years ago now I thought it was more kind of a carrier issue again that might be a problem rather than the phone itself kind of like when you're sending uh data over the internet and only part of the data is received at the other end so the voice count sounds all like jumbled and garbled and that kind of thing but it is 2024 and this phone shouldn't be doing that like no idea why it's doing that I've tried flipping like Wi-Fi calling on and off but it is making no difference and I also noticed calls being much higher quality on an iPhone and if you've ever used FaceTime audio that is a whole like other level of audio quality which the Samsung just doesn't get near but then again that is iPhone to iPhone though there is no like Samsung to Samsung kind of cool quality thing either what else can I moan about uh custom notification sounds why why would Samsung disable custom notification sounds by default or default if you're American literally every notification across every app across this whole phone is and when you are and when you are trying to something done with that infernal no happening all the time I found this on the web it is so annoying for example on my iPhone when one of my like ring cameras detects motion I hear one noise when the doorbell rings I hear another noise Twitter or X has its own sounds every app on the iPhone has its own sounds but for some reason on Android apparently not unless I'm doing something horribly wrong and if which case please do correct me down below everything sounds the same now what is good is you can customize all of these sounds you simply go into settings notifications advanced settings and enable manage notification categories and now you can manually customize each app and each notification category of each app to your heart's content that's like different noises different notifications really really cool but seriously why is it not like this by default and even if you go and customize this I'm still missing all of like the default sounds which are there as standard on say the Ring app so instead I'm having to download these like weird Custom Sounds to my phone before I can use them or stick with a pretty limited range of stock sounds which were all then used across all apps and don't really fit any one app and the fact is under advanced settings like come on honest am I missing something please let me know it is driving me crazy now next those of you who thought the new victus armor front-facing glass on the screen would mean you don't need a screen protector anymore guess again because I managed to scratch my screen in less than like 7 days of owning one go me so yeah grab a screen protector I really like the Dome glass screen protect where the glue actually works to fill in any minor scratches so give that a try if you've already been an idiot like me okay oh there's next one I've tried to stick with the stock Samsung keyboard because that's the one with all the like new AI trickery like translation rewriting what you've written into something better but I just can't get on with it like I've made so many typos and messages Since switching to this keyboard that I'm really really struggling with it like I've played with the settings the language the autoc correct settings but I just can't fa them in what world why Samsung doesn't autocorrect these like blatantly incorrect words before sending them because it does correct things it actually corrects things to a level where Apple used to auto correct it to this level where you type the word it then auto correct it so you then backspace to cancel it type the word out again it would then correct it again then you delete it and then type it again and then maybe it would accept the spelling used on like the third or like the fourth time it's doing that like really really frustrating now the best thing I've actually come up with recently is if you want to stick with the Samsung keyboard to keep all the AI stuff is to also install grammarly and that has been really really good at like spell checking as you go now I am a pay grammarly user but I'm pretty sure that this what I'm using here is a totally free kind of feature to you so feel free to download it for free and use grammarly and that that honestly works really really well now I've also had some experiences with other apps like my fitness pal this is a really weird one so when I try and scan a barcode in with my fitness pal if I hold the barcode straight and like clearly visible to the camera to scan and read what it is it doesn't work but if I then start rotating the phone around so it's at an angle and then magic it just suddenly works it's really really weird and just overall Fitness integration seems to be really hit a Miss compared to on Apple now I've been getting more and more into using my whoop strap recently trying to hit my strain targets each day over on Apple I can integrate whoop with my fitness pal yeah on one of those like sad people who calorie count my meals each day and it does that by writing data to Apple Health which then whoop can read from but it can't do that on Android so I have to then like manually enter my calories into whoop every day which honestly I basically can't be bothered to do 99% of the time also I signed up for another fitness app recently which again integrates with my fitness power on iPhone but doesn't on Android there is a workaround but they say it's super unreliable and then my gym which you can link to Google fits but apparently I can't because it's been blocked for security reasons I don't know and this I guess comes from the fact that there are things like Samsung Health then there's Google fit and then there's Fitbit and Garmin have their own with the watch I'm trying out right now and some of them integrate with some of the others but they don't have this like one single source to read from and write to like you do with apple Health I've also had some apps lock up completely randomly and they're totally non-responsive until I swipe down on the notification shade or swipe up into multitasking and then go back into the app which then kind of fixes everything honestly that's really really difficult to reproduce so I doubt I'll be able to show you that because even like swiping down to hit the screen recording button then fixes the app I also do kind of miss the ability to set my wallpaper to a like particular person or persons from my photos album I kind of gotten used to having my iPhone randomly show photos of my family which was a really nice way to like revisit old memories with like wife and the kids when they were younger and that also includes being able to quickly add photos to a wallpaper album that we have set up again on like the Apple TV I know this is like an apple e Co systemy thing so then that automatically starts playing through old photos and memories which we often love seeing come up on the Apple TV I mean I guess you could create a album with people in the album but I like on the iPhone how it does like facial recognition and it just knows who people are so you can just say I'll just include photos of like my wife and kids and it'll just go and find photos of My Wife and Kids and use them as like wallpapers whereas this is like this these this is showing me like yeah albums that I can then select from which I don't want to go through and like create an album but I guess I could do if I really wanted to like kind of go through that and lastly okay lastly here we are lastly simple tasks like trying to share a bank statement are really overly complicated download the statement to your phone open it in one of the many PDF apps there's like four PDF apps that you can use here if you choose the wrong one then you don't even get a share button but choose the right one and now you get the share button whereas on iOS I think you just just tap to download the statement and instantly it just pops up asks you what what do you want to do with it who do you want to share it with just makes the whole process of sending my bank statements I have to do this like every month for my accountant so much easier okay thank you if you've got this far now this is the point of my experience where I actually started to get over many of these issues and like I've said before I think this is why is so difficult to switch from an iPhone over to Android because they are quite annoying if they happen to be things that you use all the time like honestly like that's the process most people go through oh well it didn't work like this on iPhone why is it working like this and it doesn't work the right way on an Android phone but if you've stuck around thank you because there are some great things about the s24 ultra that I definitely appreciate above and beyond my experience with an iPhone I bet there's like only 5% of people watching if that anyway now firstly and this might sound like a minor issue but it's really a big deal to me the Wi-Fi speeds I get on my s24 ultra around the house are so much better than I get on an iPhone not only is it faster but it also connects to the Wi-Fi quicker when I get home so there's less of an issue of trying to like use the phone just as I arrive home and it's trying to figure out whether it uses Wi-Fi or if it needs four or 5G instead and that comes across when using Quick Share 2 which admittedly isn't a huge amount right now as nobody else in my house has an Android phone but it is so fast transfer between devices like so much faster than airdrop like way way faster now next is the display display is awesome it reaches a perceived I think they call it 3,000 nits in the Sun and it's definitely noticeable now they say perceived 3,000 Nets because pushing up the brightness you know doesn't just involve making things brighter you have to also retain the color and retain the detail which you you know you typically lose it if you just Jack the brightness up and so they've done an excellent job of balancing everything whilst maintaining that really really clear brightness in the one day of sunshine we get every year here and although the reduction in screen glare doesn't help too much when fighting against like big light sources like we've got one right in front of me here it is still a huge and immediately notable difference when you pick the phone up and use it in challenging conditions so if you are in a country where you do get a lot of sun as in anywhere but the UK then the screen will work absolute wonders for you now next up I have heard an awful lot of other people moan about how awful the Google assistant is and that it's like getting worse every year and that maybe like they're going to discontinue it at some point and that may be true I doubt it I doubt they're going to discontinue it but it is still Head and Shoulders better than Apple's Siri like contextual Awareness on what you're asking better accuracy faster responses are all what I've experience with using Google's voice assistant hey how long have they been building it for 140 years according to sagr Familia Barcelona tickets the sagr I has been under construction for 140 years with the work beginning back in 1882 not Bixby like genuinely I don't know anyone who uses Bixby I was kind of hoping they put some like form of AI into Bixby that would get everyone to at least at least try and use it again this year not this year maybe next year but genuinely it is a nice upgrade uh speaking of upgrades trading discounts now what the heck is a Trading discount I hear you ask fellow Apple users well it's this thing where you can give back your old phone and change for a discount and a pretty decent discounts at that now I was able to trade in my s23 ultra and get a huge chunk of the cost back and that's saying something since typically UK people get a much worse deal than the us but it doesn't stop there because upon buying a phone you also get a ton of discounted offers on other accessories headphones Chargers cases watches like whatever you want to buy something that is unheard of with apple oh hey you just bought an iPhone how about also buying this 3 half ,000 Vision Pro headset to go with it now earlier I talked about how customer notifications were really really frustrating and they are but being able to customize notifications down to the specific category level on pretty much any app on Android incredibly useful feature like providing you have time to go through all the apps and notification categories which can take quite some time and also then download all of the notification sounds you want to use if you don't use stock sounds it is just nice to be able to say disable the new VI and the general update notification categories but still receive order updates and direct message notifications each of them with custom sounds that I've set across the phone let's talk about AI features like this is the thing that every YouTuber seems to have led their videos with but let's talk about those now as far as my day-to-day use of this phone I haven't really used any of the AI features with a few exceptions I guess one is call assist now we've seen this on phones like pixel already but being able to answer a phone call and and then tap the call assist button to have Samsung answer the call and transcribe what the caller is saying and you can then reply back by like texting what you want to say maybe you just want to tell them that you'll call them back later or you're not interested whatever it is that feature super super cool uh yeah be filming tomorrow this is Hudson this is Hudson okay no worries now what I do really like about all of the AI features on the s24 series is that they are available to everybody as long as you speak one of the like 13 languages I think it is that they support with the pixels AI features many of them are locks to only working in the US which is kind of annoying when they tell you about all these amazing features but then in the small PR or sometimes not even that sometimes it's on the small print of the website that is not available in the UK so it is great to see that everything works here in the UK on this phone translation features I haven't used yet but my videographer is part Spanish and we've tested this out a few times video power not miss anything you can also read this video inie as an article tutorial Appo no and it is really really good we're actually about to head to Barcelona where I'm sure I'm going to test them out a bit more but in our testing it is really quick it is pretty accurate though it does get mixed up with some like language nuances but generally speaking you can make out what each part is saying without any real problems and the AI image processing again I know this is like cool to demonstrate how good AI is at doing its like generative AI thing to move objects around but I've never taken a photo and gone like oh I really wish the person was standing there instead of over there and then like moving them and then dealing with this like substandard quality of image where the AI then obviously like tries to fill in the Gap you've now created is very impressive it's also quite funny sometimes when you try and like zoom out and then it tries to come up with you know what to fill the edges with but it does still feel very gimmicky to me and generally just not something that I need to use like if anything because it's quite slow it takes some time to process the changes each time oh and there is one actual area that I have used the AI features and genuinely it is actually pretty good now transcribing a conversation and then summarizing or then formatting that conversation incredibly useful really really cool now I was able to leave the phone on the desk in a meeting for it to then transcribe everything almost word for word and then I can put this into notes and get it to summarize the meeting now the one problem is that by default the Notes application has page breaks and for some reason the AI features by default only seems to process text up to each page break so just make sure you disable those page breaks so it can AI IFI you know everything and you'll be just fine now I also like that I've been able to keep a fairly list of notes when working on like these kind of videos to keep a list of talking points and then with a few Taps it automatically formats everything like titles bullet points and just makes it all much nicer to work with when I'm writing like the full scripts for these videos oh and circle search is good but I just don't find myself using it that much either maybe it's because that's just you know like a change of behavior that you need to work through we are just so used to going to Google and typing in what we want but when you want to ask the internet like a question it's faster to just either ask the Google assistant or still type out the question like you can't really do that with sech circle to search it's only really useful if you want to you know know something about an item and I don't often find myself like snapping a pair of sneakers and wondering oh what are they and how much they cost and where can you buy them from or circling like a big Lamark or building and wondering where in the world they are it's it's cool and Google image search has been out for a very long time already but I just don't find myself using it again maybe that will change in the long term because like all these a features they're great I do still feel there's a big missed opportunity with someone putting in AI into their voice assistant which would be like a thousand times more useful than these other somewhat gimmicky features I feel honestly the number of people I know who are using the chat GPT app on their phone to like talk to it and get verbal responses back is absolutely crazy I just don't quite understand why nobody has brought that into their voice assistant yet but honestly overall across the whole phone the one UI is nice I love that you can place icons and widgets wherever you want them that's something something Apple should have been done doing like years and years ago though I do find the quality of widgets is better on iPhone I guess again it comes down to the whole like developer thing with them designing One widget that then Works across your iPhone iPads and even Mac desktops whereas Android developers have to cater for all sorts including foldable phones it's great that you can also customize pretty much everything on the phone the look The feel the whole interface is really smooth there's no lag or delay thanks to the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 for Galaxy chip now by the way I'm going to be downsizing to the regular s24 with the exos chip so make sure you subscribe to see that video I've been hearing a lot of issues with the exos chip I just want to see for myself if that's just you know people blowing up the issue to get views on Twitter or if it's genuinely just a bad CH a chiping it oh and charging too charging is so nice to get 45 wat wide charging on this thing I definitely push the phone to its limits each day I'm averaging like 5 to 6 hours of screen on time on this thing per day I'm currently at 60 69% battery and it's 12:00 in the afternoon and I'm getting to the end of the day with more battery percent left in this phone than I do on my iPhone which is literally down to its last like 1 or 2% I've had a few times where I've been walking upstairs to bed with the torure on and the phone's just like died on me and that is waking up at like 700 a.m. I'm going to bed around like 1:00 a.m. so really really long days but if I'm going out for the evening like knowing I can throw this on a fast charger and have a 50% charge in just 30 minutes so so satisfying you just can't do that with an phone now I know I know like the big thing with apple is the whole ecosystem thing but on Windows use phone link and it basically does the same things as you get with an iPhone and a Mac like I love that you can get your notifications you can reply to messages you can even directly browse photos on the device you can even launch Android apps on your Windows desktop it is so freaking cool you get even get copy and paste between the s24 ultra and a Windows machine again this is like Windows based you of course don't get that on a Mac that is very much an i phone feature but it's nice to get these features kind of mirrored over onto a Windows machine I've also to my own shock and horror started using the S Pen much more in the last few days it just feels more satisfying to sit there with like the SP pen and tap around the interface than sit there like fingering the thing and that is definitely what she said now it's also hands down the best distraction with my kids like anytime they're getting worked up I don't know what it is but giving them the phone and the Spen so they can draw on it is like Instant Karma to like any situation any kind of anytime they're blowing up give them this calms them down unless they both want to use it and then it starts a whole like other drama now something I haven't really used at all though I don't think is Samsung Dex though it is like really cool feature to be able to plug your phone into a like a monitor keyboard or Mouse and get a full desktop experience but right now if I need a full desktop experience I'm either near a full computer or near a tablet but I love that this feature is a thing I think it makes way more sense on a tablet I've actually had an email today confirming that my Galaxy Tab S9 is coming to me I think it's today or tomorrow so I'll be able to test that out a lot more but I feel that it fits that form factor much better from having something like Samsung Dex on it now what I have been using a lot though is multitasking and now I know it's not a new feature but being able to split screen apps like two apps side by side is really really nice and having this sidebar available at any time to be able to just instantly get to my pass manager or beeper to just kind of reply to messages regardless of whatever else app I'm using or what else I'm doing on my phone super useful and some minor things now okay so using smart things as a smart home platform isn't the strongest smart home platform but I like the morning energy reports that it gives you tells you like how much I spent on energy that day now I have like a Samsung washer dryer TV air conditioning units so it pulls data from all these devices to tell me how much energy it's consumed each day and then multiplies that by the rate that I pay to give me like a cost per day and I can see here the more Samsung devices that I own the better it gets really interested to see the coming features I'm not sure when they're coming but I saw this at CES uh in January where they will integrate smart things with Tesla power wall so when we have a power cut and the house is running on battery it will put all of those devices into like an energy saving mode so they consume less power and then stop draining the battery so much I also love the ability to quickly switch between different audio sources again I've said this before but when I'm at the gym I usually listen to like a podcast or I'm listening to music but then I might watch a quick YouTube video only to then find on my iPhone at least it is completely lost or forgotten about what I was listening to before so I have to like go back into the app and find it and then hit play on Android I can just literally swipe between these two different audio sources because it's kept track of things on the home screen I can just hit play super cool and of course the fact that this phone has 7 years of security updates which for a phone of this level okay cameras I would say great battery life great performance means that it can genuinely be kept and used for a very long time without needing replacement now I know plenty of people still using an s20 an S21 phone so it's great to see their commitment to supporting it for such a long time the question though is will I be sticking with it and this year honestly it's a really complicated decision now I was so excited to be picking up Samsung's flagship phone again this year we've had like the iPhone launch already we've had the pixel8 the s24 is such a good opportunity to really try a phone out for a long period of time before like the next like flagship phone release kind of forces me as a tech reviewer to put this one down and then pick up like the next latest and greatest device and I had that with last year's s23 Ultra like I really didn't want to stop using it and when I knew I was going somewhere special where I wanted to capture great photos I still packed the s23 ultra into my bag alongside an iPhone to to the frustration of my wife who then wanted me to throw those photos into a like shared iCloud photos library but this year it's difficult to put my f on any one thing it's kind of everything that I've mentioned in this video photos just don't look that stunning right now again maybe it's the saturation thing that might be fixed in an upcoming update the bugs not being able to use it as a phone to talk to people the inconsistencies with Android auto continue to frustrate me daily perhaps in all things I just got a bad phone but many of the things I've experienced seem to be software based rather than Hardware based now I'm definitely going to try switching out to the s24 and give that a try more just to see how the exos Compares alongside the smaller size smaller battery but right now I actually feel like i' packed the pixel 8 Pro or maybe even the pixel fold again for a holiday instead of an s23 ultra however weird or an s24 ultra rather I think it's because of the cameras since these phones are basically cameras with a phone attached to it as well but until the next time
Channel: Pete Matheson
Views: 91,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: prI5sx8hTm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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