5 Reasons Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra DESTROYS The iPhone 15 Pro Max

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hey guys so here from saki Teek in today's video we will be talking about five reasons the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra destroys the iPhone 15 Pro Max both of these smartphones are highlevel and expensive smartphones but when you buy the s24 ultra you get more features for the money spent more bang for your buck especially with the new capabilities the s24 ultra offers so in this video we will detail five things that the iPhone 15 Pro Max simply doesn't offer offer as a feature set so let's dive in and get started right away all right so the very first thing I want to talk about has to do with the display so up until recently the iPhone actually had a better display than the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra not in terms of quality in terms of quality they were equal but in terms of brightness iPhone had a maximum brightness level of 2,000 nits so that made it look brighter and also more visible in outdoor conditions but now now the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra has maximum Peak brightness of 2,600 nits so it has caught up in that instance to the iPhone which is great news it has reestablished itself as the display leader which makes sense because it is also interesting to note that the iPhone's display mostly are supplied by Samsung so it only makes sense Samsung uses the best display technology in their own phones that's number one number two is the overall frontal design of these two smartphones you can see that the iPhone has a large pill-shaped cutout in their display while the s24 ultra has a small hole cutout when you're watching movies when you're playing games side by side the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra simply feels more immersive as you watch videos movies or play video games on these devices there's no question about that and also both of these phones do have nice even bezels but again that pill-shaped cutout cut cuts into the movie watching or video watching experience whether you're watching full screen or if you're watching movies maybe on Netflix even using the regular aspect ratio you can see that pill-shaped cutout is biting into the actual viewing experience while the s24 ultra looks more like a high definition TV with maximum immersion and minimum intrusion so best number one Superior display on the s24 ultra all around both in terms of brightness design and presentation in my opinion all right the next thing we going to be talking about is AI capabilities artificial intelligence so basically the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is loaded with AI features so if I go to my Advanced features and if I go to advanced intelligence I have all these AI features and more built in to the phone for specific applications to to give you AI experience basically the iPhone has nothing to show on the AI side so it is completely missing AI features so let me just give you a couple examples of the AI features in the s24 ultra so you get an idea of how useful they are when they're built into to your phone so for example let's talk about the not taking capabilities we have Samsung Notes on this phone and we have the regular notes on the iPhone now Samsung Notes is going to be more advanced simply because of AI features so let's go over here and launch Samsung Notes I'm going to show you guys an example so let's tap on this one here's something that's written in Spanish okay so this application because it is AI powered is going to have an AI symbol button at the bottom when you tap on it it selects a portion of the text or you can also make it select a whole thing okay and gives you four AI features now first one I'm going to do quick translate tap on translate okay I'm going to translate this to English English tap on translate and look at this instantly it translates that entire Spanish into English I can tap on replace now I have the English text now that's not everything of course I can tap this again let me just tap here select everything and look at this let's say you were about to give a presentation you can simply tap on summarize okay and it's going to create a summary out of the paragraph that you selected you can select a whole text hundreds of pages or even 10 Pages doesn't matter it's going to create a nice summary for you guys which is going to also be nice and organized so if I tap on replace now that is my summary I can use to present my presentation let me go back show you one more thing real quick so let's uh do again tap on intelligence okay let's select everything and let's say you want to go into a meeting and you want to have a meeting with your colleagues tap on meeting notes okay it's going to take that text and it's going to cre create a bunch of meeting notes and they're all going to be nice and organized as you can see all the titles and these subtitles and these bullet points are created by Ai and it all makes sense and you can scroll over and you can create these different formats so look at this over here I'm done okay I'm ready to have a meeting in a nice concise manner so that's one example I'll give you one more so if I pinch the screen and if I go to wallpaper and Style again iPhone has it too we have wallpaper wallpaper screen right here they look very similar but here's where things are different so when I go to change wallpapers if I go down over here I have a creative option this is all AI power tap on creative and let's look at generative AI wallpapers Okay so I get this screen and I can create something new you can see these are AI generated wallpapers made completely on the Fly okay so I'm going to give you a quick example so basically let's say I I want to create something imag imary or maybe I'm want to create a Terrain whatever let's go with imaginary okay you get a text I tap on a surreal lamp so I'm going to say a surreal building okay I'm going to say made out of let's say cotton or silk and then I want to choose a color I'm going to say burgundy and maroon I'm going to tap on generate and that is going to generate a brand new wallpaper based on the parameters I just gave it okay so these are the wallpapers I can use the these are completely fresh wallpapers let's tap on set so look at how nice this one looks not something you can do with the iPhone okay so you can download wallpapers obviously but you cannot do it this way look at this beautiful and when I go back in here into the wallpapers creative just to show you guys it's all different here's a wallpaper I just made if I tap it again I get the same parameters I can tap on generate again and what that is going to do is just is going to recreate something entirely different based on the same parameters and that's why it is AI cuz it's not the same every time look at this stuff it's absolutely beautiful and creative and imaginary as you can see a T-Rex and then I'm going to say I want it to be pop art style tap on generate and that is going to generate a T-Rex on the beach and it's going to be extremely unique it's also going to give you a couple of different options look at this absolutely beautiful all right tap on this again to get a new look if you don't like what it made the first time so these are some AI features that are built in to the smartphone okay which are amazing again they are bundled right over here there's a whole bunch of so in that respect the s24 ultra is also ahead of the iPhone 15 Pro Max the next thing I want to talk about has to do with multitasking features now first before that I'm going to show you something that's actually better on the iPhone so let's bring that up I'm going to bring a uh benchmarking tool here okay geek bench that measures the processing power and all that stuff so when you look at the results here let's go to CPU Benchmark and look at the history you can see that the iPhone is in fact faster than the s24 ultra in the multi-core score it is a little bit faster on the single core score it is much faster as you can see but despite all that power we still don't have multitasking capabilities all you can do here is is just play with one window at a time as you can see okay so you cannot have multiple windows or popup Windows let me show you what I'm talking about so right over here I'm going to launch cal calculator now I'm going to pull this up okay I'm going to tap right here I'm going to say split screen now I can go and I can pick something else at the bottom so I can have multitasking happening so let's say I was doing some mathematical calculations Financial calculations I could have one app right here or a website right here that I can reference and I can use a calculator on the top to make my calculations and I can also tap and do things like this just switch them over it's very nice and smooth and they stay on the corner as you can see so that's one form of multitasking you can achieve with the s24 ultra in a nice smooth fashion not available on this guy even though like I said it's got faster processing capability but it's still not giving you that feature for some reason okay that's just one one way to multitask another way to multitask let's say I have Samsung Notes over here let's just pull up Samsung Notes let's think I was taking some notes what I can also do is I can tap over here I can tap on this I can say popup now I can have this as a popup as if it was a computer now here's the crazy part I can tap here I can minimize this and I can have it on the side I can have multiple windows just on the screen like this and you can see it's super smooth okay so let's say I'm doing some research then I want to go over here take a quick note okay fantastic I can minimize it and move on so that's the popup window and I can do that with any application calculator boom tap pop up okay so I can have the calculator sitting on side as needed so if I'm again doing something Financial I I look at my financial stuff and I tap on this do my calculation and then I put it back down again as you can see or maximize it as you just saw so that's multi tasking capabilities on the s24 ultra you do not get on the iPhone despite its higher processing power again you're getting more features for the money spent all right the next thing I want to be talking about has to do with the Spen which is a powerful tool it is a multi-functional tool primarily obviously it is designed so you can sketch on your phone you can create masterpieces just like this as you can see by using these pens and stuff like that in the built-in applications so if you if you have the skill you can simply draw things like this as you can see this is absolutely beautiful now beyond that it also has powerful productivity features so I can bring up the air command I can tap on create a note I can take notes on the go or even take notes in the classroom using the Precision of the S Pen which is fantastic and I can also use this pen to Simply control my device which just is something cool to do okay now on top of that this is a bluetooth enabled Spen so I can use this to control the smartphone remotely Let Me Show an example so let me go to the gallery here okay here's a bunch of photos so I'm going to tap on this one right here and basically using the button that is built into the S Pen I can do a presentation of these photos so press goes to the next photo press again goes to the next photo and I can do this From a Distance by the way I don't have to be right next to the phone it is BL Bluetooth enabled so I can walk away and do it from a distance as you can see okay so that is not a problem at all so that is remote control functionality I can also go to the camera and use this as a shutter button to take a photo look at this press it's taking a photo okay or if I go to video I can use this to record a video and I can do this from a distance which is great for group photos where it may be hard for you to access the shutter button you can just use this one and that's going to be no problem and again one more thing with this remote control functionality is if I go to let's say YouTube music over here and let's just play something okay look at this I can use this again play and pause or I can double tap and go to the next track or triple tap to go to the previous track and all that stuff okay so that is absolutely great sketching tool product productivity tool and also a remote control for your smartphone iPhone does not offer any of this despite the very similar price tag all right the next feature we're going to be talking about is a battery related feature so on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra we have this amazing and highly useful feature known as Wireless power sharing that allows you to charge other devices on the back of the smartphone now the iPhone does have the max save capability but it still does not offer built-in wireless charging of other devices on its back so here's an example I'm going to turn the feature on okay now it's ready to go now I'm going to flip the phone over I'm going to put it like this then I'm going to grab my earbuds or I can get another phone whatever you want anything that is wirless charging compatible you can put it right here and it's going to start to actually charge that product as you can see and that is very useful especially for companion accessories like the earbuds so if the battery if this thing dies on the go you just put it on the back of your phone charge it for a little bit just in case so fantastic little feature that is available on the Samsung but not on the iPhone again you're getting more stuff for the money spent all right so that brings us to the end of this video Guys these are the five reasons the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra destroys the iPhone 15 Pro Max now there are more reasons but in this video we only covered five any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 56,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, iphone 15 pro max vs s24 ultra, 5 Reasons Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra DESTROY iPhone 15 Pro Max, s24 ultra, iphone 15, pro max, comparison
Id: pmGYcOcXpPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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