CHOOSE WISELY! iPhone 15 Pro Max Vs. Galaxy S24 Ultra HONEST Review!

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sorry guys but the s24 ultra has made this iPhone 15 Pro Max feel lame in comparison hear me out I'm a huge fan of apple and I think because of that I do tend to be a little bit harsh though when it came to the iPhone this year despite it being the biggest year for the iPhone since the iPhone 10 released in 2017 with a new button new build materials a five times telephoto camera and USBC it still leaves me wanting more I switched to the iPhone 15 Pro Max when it was released and it was honestly kind of a tossup between this and the pixel 8 Pro but ultimately I chose the iPhone because of the performance don't get me wrong I love the pixel but the tensor just isn't it yet however since the s24 ultas came out it's been the only device with my sim and I haven't even looked back once today we're going to find out whether I made the right choice by switching to the s24 ultra or if I regret it and I'm debating on going back to the 15 Pro Max before we get into it though a like and a sub to the channel is always appreciated we're very close to 30,000 subscribers so I just want to say thank you so much for your support it really does mean a lot when it comes to these two giants I want to start off with the displays chances are if you're buying an ultra or Pro Max device you really care about your screen real estate and resolution and when it comes to the iPhone we have a beautiful 6.7 in display that supports 120 HZ refresh rate hdr10 and reaches 2,000 nits Outdoors it's covered in Apple's damic shield glass but I would slap a screen protector on it because micros scratches are prone to happening on the iPhone one thing I like about this display is that it's rounded and allows for the phone to fit much more easily in your hand however when it comes to watching content because of the dynamic Island you don't really feel like you're getting as much real estate when compared to other devices now with the s24 ultra we get a 6.8 in display hdr10 plus support 120 HZ refresh rate and a whopping 2 600 nit Peak brightness because of the true rectangular aspect ratio of this display content fills the screen better and allows you to get much more absorbed into the content that you're watching or the games that you're playing it's also a little bit sharper at 505 PPI versus the 460 PPI of the iPhone but realistically at this size that resolution isn't going to make much of a difference on either of these phones I'm actually in the full HD Plus setting on the s24 ultra so I don't take it advantage of that extra resolution though in terms of usability the drawback to having this monstrous display is that it makes the phone feel much larger in the hand and it creates some pretty sharp points around the corners something I would highly recommend a case for as it gets quite uncomfortable and holding the device for longer periods when it's naked it's no surprise here that Samsung has been inspired by Apple when it comes to the material Choice since both of these devices are rocking titanium chassis I know that's kind of a joke because when it comes to the iPhone it's not the first to include titanium but I would say that Apple has definitely popularized the use of that material both are fantastic however the benefit from the titanium is really only visible on the iPhone where it is using grade 5 versus grade 2 titanium this year the iPhone dropped its weight by about 10% making this huge slab phone feel more compact in light which is especially nice as an everyday carry weighing in at only 221 G the s24 ultra on the other hand shed only 2 G from the armor aluminum covered s23 Ultra bringing its weight down to 232 G now this doesn't make a huge or even noticeable difference I mean 10 G is nothing but when it comes to how large the s24 ultra feels compared to the iPhone I think it's safe to say that although in illusion the Samsung does seem like more of a chore to carry around that and the fact that these really sharp edges tend to get stuck in my pants quite a bit in terms of design though I will give it to both Samsung and Apple for keeping a consistent look and identity across their product lineups the iPhone does look similar to predecessors as does the s24 ultra though I don't think that it's a bad thing as this does allow them to spend more time on the internal components which is something that actually matters I will say I personally do like the look of the s24 ultra Mo I think the camera housing or lack thereof is actually quite sleek and my lenses look really nice and bold with these span lens protectors on it gives the Violet more of a nice contrast though both of these devices have a really special trick up their sleeves the iPhone 15 series introduced the action button something that Samsung has actually dropped in the form of the Bixby button the action button basically allows you to reconfigure the button located on the left side of the device and change the action between a few preset apps or handful of shortcuts you can use with the shortcuts app I will say I actually really grew to like the action button after previously hating on it it's really nice in the winter time because it just allows you to use the camera shutter without having to wear gloves and like I said this before in previous videos it's really nice to be able to use as a light switch for the flashlight because when I let my dog out at night sometimes it can be quite hard to see where my shoes are and stuff like that though the s24 ultra has the S Pen and whether you love it or hate it it's actually really useful whether you need to sign your signature on a PDF write out some quick notes without even unlocking the phone or use it as a remote shutter there's a lot that this little thing can do and depending on who you are you may find it much more useful than a remappable button this actually came in clutch when I was in the process of buying my car because all of the PDF documents that I was sent over I was able to sign over this phone without having to go to the computer use uh Adobe Acrobat and honestly like it it was just easy I know you can do that on the iPhone with your finger but having a pen makes tasks like that way easier powering the s24 ultra is one UI 6.0 based off of Android 14 and I won't lie I love it they've actually really cleaned it up this year all the way from the system apps to the control center and have added the flexibility of customizing certain elements from the device that used to be in the goodlock app I think that oneui is starting to feel much more complete and I said this in my last video but it's quickly becoming my favorite Android skin new to the s24 ultra though is some AI features like text calling some photo editing prompts AI wallpapers though my favorite has to be what's called Circle to search all you need to do is press and hold on the navigation bar and select something that you want to reverse image search do this on a car to find out what it's called a logo that you can't quite remember a dog if you want to know what breed it is there's literally so much that you can use this for and I do find it incredibly useful now when it comes to the iPhone I feel like all I can say is that it runs iOS and for most people that's probably a good thing and what you're looking for but for others it's probably not enough and is quite limiting it works with your MacBook Your Vision Pro your Apple TV and it does it incredibly seamlessly and for most people that's all you need to hear convenience is very important and if that's what's making you switch or hold on to your iPhone make the choice that is beneficial to you that's why I've honestly struggled making the switch to Android a handful of times because truthfully here in North America iMessage and FaceTime are just a necessity at this point it's very hard to get my friend and relatives to switch over to using Whatsapp just so they can send me high quality images and thankfully iOS will be adding RCS support in the near future to be able to communicate with Android devices better but as for right now it's still kind of a pain in the ass and it just sucks however for me there's a few things the iPhone cannot do like Place apps or widgets anywhere on the home screen there's no AI features there's no side loading which is actually beneficial and isn't just used to pirate apps like there there are apps that I can download that I can sideload onto the s24 ultra that allow me to watch YouTube videos in my car using Android auto there is no way to do that on the iPhone with carplay not that I would drive and watch YouTube videos cuz that's kind ofing stupid but it is pretty nice if you want to just eat a quick lunch and watch YouTube video while you're sitting in the driveway but most importantly with the iPhone there's no fun there's very simple customization but I feel like apple wants this phone to look and feel like how an i phone should in their minds so that it's easily recognizable to the public I feel like this phone for $1,750 Canadian dollar is simply a marketing tool or like a status symbol and before people comment on the stability I've had no app crashes no slowdowns nothing of that sort on the s24 ultra this has been one of the most reliable outof the-box phone experiences that I have had period so no Android just isn't hot garbage in fact when it comes to stability I've had far more problems on the 15 Pro Max let's talk about the cameras though because there is quite a bit that I want to say I think this year Samsung has made a pretty sizable leap in video they look amazing and now you have the ability to shoot in 4k at 120 frames per second which makes b-roll super smooth and flexible to edit though I think when it comes to video the iPhone wins hands down especially if you're willing to put the extra work in by shooting in prores log and Grading it yourself but for most most people to be honest I think that you'll be happy with the experience on either of these devices however if you do tend to shoot in a lower lit environment the Samsung doesn't even come close to the iPhone as even with the computational Computing this time around it seems like their noise reduction game just isn't anywhere close to this thing and when it comes to the s24 ultra due to the removal of the 10 times lens when it comes to video Samsung actually switches between all of these lenses much more seamlessly than the iPhone so it is kind of a tossup truthfully both of them are great and you're really only going to notice a difference if you're pixel peeping or paying attention to things that most people don't see or care about when it comes to still photography though it's a completely different story the s24 ultra has a handful of lenses a 200 megapix wide a 12 megapix Ultra wide a 10 megapixel three times telephoto a periscopic 50 megapixel 5 times telephoto lens in terms of vers a ility Samsung is definitely up there considering that it allows you to digitally zoom up to 100 times though when you're ever going to want to seriously use this is beyond me the iPhone does have a pretty respectable camera lineup though a 48 megap wide a 12 megap 5 times telephoto and a 12 megapixel ultrawide however the iPhone cannnot shoot at 8K when it comes to video or 4K 120 frames per second but when it comes to picture quality I'll throw up a few Stills in comparisons so you can actually be the judge of which one you prefer something that I've noticed is that the iPhone does a better job with the five times telephoto it performs better in lower light has pretty great Edge detection and the bokeh created by it looks natural it also retains more detail in the shadows and does a great job at making the scene look natural or as shot personally I feel like the s24 Ultras cameras this year are a sid step rather than an upgrade compared to the s23 ultra the five times isn't as good as the iPhones in my opinion and I truly do think that the 15 Pro Max lands more shots but there are times where it does get beat out by the s24 ultra however where it gets weird is that the 10 times digital Zoom shots on the s24 ultra look far better than the iPhones I think that the computational photography inside of the Samsung is doing a lot of work here but it does kind of feel like I'm using the 10 times camera however it is highly dependent on the environment that you're shooting in with great lighting it looks amazing but if the Sun is setting or you're in a space that's quite dim it does fall apart quite quickly when it comes to the main wide lens though while both create great images with nice contrast I do prefer Samsung's as it's a little bit more Punchy and vibrant though you may not want that there's definitely a Samsung look but I kind of mess with it and I think that it creates a nice ready toshare image though again the biggest issue with the s24 ultra cameras is in the low light performance and I really cannot stress that enough in my basement apartment almost everything that I try to shoot is covered with nasty grain or looks like the image has some sort of vignette whereas the iPhone looks a lot cleaner and overall just lets way more light into the sensor that's why realistically I think both of these camera systems have their heavy pros and cons though I will give it to Samsung for fixing the shutter lag bringing it on par with the iPhone in terms of capture speed and reliability okay this is the part of the segment where I want to talk about some things that are important to me as a user and things that are heavily going to sway my decision on which one I actually choose to keep call Quality battery life speakers and so on are very important to me and I don't know what it is but the last couple of revisions of the iPhone have been an absolute Miss for me when it comes to cellular reception and when it comes to the 15 Pro Max it's no different being in a basement apartment I would understand the shoty service on the 15 Pro Max but when I'm getting nearly a full signal on the s24 ultra it just doesn't make sense to me I should not be seeing one to two bars on the iPhone I think this also makes a direct impact on the quality of my calls because a lot of the time I have trouble hearing people on the 15 Pro Max I'm not sure if whether that's the speaker Grill the service or what but people tend to clip more and it almost sounds like the earpiece is rattling or is getting distorted whereas on the Samsung it's clear as day and I'm able to hear people loudly with no issue at all I also listen to music in the shower and for for that I would always use the 15 Pro Max because the speakers are incredible they are literally the best that I've heard in a phone period they sound that good they're full they're rich have great base and overall just make everything you're listening to sound way better than a mid-range Bluetooth speaker okay maybe mid-range is throwing it a little bit but it sounds pretty good though Samsung's actually come quite a long way with the speakers now it's not going to be anywhere near as good as the 15 Pro Max but I can safely say that I would recommend using this for music it's loud it's clear it's definitely not as full but you're definitely going to get a good sound out of this phone and honestly it's a lot better than what we've seen in recent years with Samsung and lastly probably the biggest thing for me right now is the battery life now the s24 ultra is brand new so keep that in mind but the iPhone started off strong and lately it's felt like something's off or just not quite right I would probably go to the Apple Store and get this prob resolved if I wasn't using this device as a tradein but I I used to get two days out of this thing and now if I use it I have to charge it before I go to bed not the biggest deal in the world but definitely a huge downgrade from the outof boox experience that I got when I switched to this phone when it comes to the s24 ultra though I kid you not I haven't even charged this phone at home the 10 to 20 minutes in my car has been enough to keep it sustained and because of the 45 W charging it tops up much quicker this isn't necessarily a direct comparison toward the endurance of either of these when it comes to battery life however I will say flat in my experience the s24 ultra is outshining the 15 Pro Max and I think that this year this is a first for me when it comes to you know the the Samsung phones versus the iPhones and okay I probably just gave it away there a little bit but I did get the email today from T Assurant which is the company that handles the trade-ins on behalf of Samsung and this phone is going back after for this video when it comes to these two devices I've honestly just had a far better experience with the s24 ultra I find that I'm actually using my phone more and I know that's probably not a good thing you know you want to you know get off your phone as much as possible but when you're paying like $2,000 Canadian for these devices they have to benefit you in some way and what I get out of an iPhone I can get out of just a regular iPhone SE or the iPhone Mini there's nothing that this phone gives me that's any more special that I really care about however when it comes to the s24 ultra the experience is just Bar None I've also been loving the Android experience with Android auto versus Apple carplay I think that could be a pretty cool video in the future but I will say just as it stands Android auto has had less issues for me is less buggy and overall has been a way better experience than carplay anyways let me know what you think about the s24 ultra or the 15 Pro Pro Max and whether you'd be going for the s24 ultra or this phone right here whether you're going to hold off not upgrade whatever or if you're just watching this video for the first time hearing about these devices comment which one sounds more appealing to you anyways that's been it thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you all in the next one don't forget to like and sub peace out
Channel: ValisMind
Views: 144,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valismind, iphone 15 pro max vs galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra vs 15 pro max, galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max, samsung galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, honest review iphone 15 pro max, honest review galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max choose wisely, s24 ultra vs iphone, iphone 15 pro max honest review, galaxy vs iphone, android vs ios, iphone pro max vs galaxy ultra, samsung ultra vs iphone 15 pro, iphone vs samsung, iphone vs ultra, apple, samsung, s24u, s24ultra
Id: S_7Uw7eq-u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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