Comparing EVERY Galaxy Ultra EVER!

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when Samsung released the Galaxy s20 Ultra at the start of 2020 they changed everything they threw out their rule book for steady innovation in favor of throwing everything into a phone with that too brought a new monik the ultra Flagship Samsung have just released the s24 ultra so it's time to see just how far we've come from 2020 version of ultra to 2024 let's [Music] go s20 Ultra note 20 Ultra S21 Ultra s22 Ultra s23 Ultra and finally s24 Ultra six generations of ultra have been released each one with big screens and even bigger numbers from the Galaxy S10 to the Galaxy s20 Ultra Samsung pushed hard they threw everything into a smartphone and then charged you for it the s20 ultra gave Samsung a lot of lessons to learn but it was the foundation for building what is now a very capable and pretty much phone of the year every year smartphone brand in the ultra Flagship category there was a lot of lessons they learned just building the everything phone and they've refined and hone things as the years have gone on so let's see how they did it we're going to cover the ultra today with across all of the usual categories you can imagine design and display we're going to look at camera going to look at how the hardware is evolved and also the output and the processing for photos and videos then we're going to look at the performance side of things but not in your let's do a battery test and see which one last the longest we're going to look more day-to-day sort of tasks like video editing and photo processing and just see which one sort of comes out on top in those sort of tasks and then reflect back on my usage across all the years with these phones as well let's key it off of course with the design and the display okay for design and the display we're kind of going to take it a generation at a time just to reflect back on what Samsung were thinking at the time when it comes to the design of the phone starting with the s20 ultra H the design for this phone was all about the front Samsung made this thing massive in terms of its physical size the bezels were slim the screen was huge 6.9 in qu HD Plus and Samsung's first High refresh rate panel at 120 HZ it was heavily curved both in the front and the back and holding it feels substantially lighter compared to today's phones even though for the time it was definitely a heavy phone to hold around the back though the design left a lot to be desired it's almost as if Samsung had all these cameras and didn't know what to do with it and just made it this chunky bit of Island that all the cameras sat in and they didn't hide it they weren't trying to meld it in with the glass and sort of make it disappear it was very intentional that these cameras were noticeable they wanted people to see it and ask what's going on back there we'll get to cameras later on in the video but there was a big statement that Samsung made with this sort of camera Island the thing was is it wasn't well received people didn't like its garish appearance and shoving words like space zoom 100x in your face it design that people didn't really care for and I myself included was one of those the glossy glass back it sort of had a nice grippy feel to it but it just had a bit of a cheap feel to it I don't know how to describe it now that I guess I've used matte phones for the last four or five years this doesn't feel as premium to hold in the hand its display was pretty class leading for its time the only drawback I guess you could say was whilst it had the 120 HZ you couldn't run 120 HZ and Quad HD Plus at the same time you either had to put up with Quad HD Plus and 60 HZ or lower the resolution to get that high refresh rate it also wasn't adaptive it was fixed to that 120 htz as well that kind of put a bit of a drain on the battery uh but we'll talk about battery in performance a little bit later Outdoors wise the brightness was absolutely fine you could had no trouble seeing the display outdoors in this environment Samsung put the big brightness at 1250 nits here you had a great panel outdoors and you can see that from when I do outdoor testing you had absolutely no problem seeing things outside fast forward 6 months Samsung learned a lot from their mistakes with the s20 ultra and rectified a lot with them with the note 20 Ultra the thing was with the Note Samsung had a bit of a base to work from already the Note 10 plus already had this exceptionally premium design and a camera housing and module that kind of Lent itself into being premium already too Samsung had kind of nailed it already with the Note 10 plus they just pretty much iterated that a little bit further forward and even though it's still got the camera Island it actually looks a lot more purposeful whereas the s20 ultra was just big garish rectangle this kind of looked a little bit sleeker and fit the appearance of the phone a bit nicer especially as they Consolidated the sensors down to a bit of a tighter form as well but the notes all about that industrial look the squared off Corners the rounded frame the heavily curved frame I must say the back glass and the the front panel definitely had those drastic curves and the phone was almost impossibly thin for the power that it had inside it you still carried Samsung's 6.9 in Quad HD Plus display and their first adaptive refresh rate panel as well but again like the s20 ultra you could not run 120 HZ and Quad HD Plus at the same time it was another limitation that Samsung put onto the note 20 Ultra a lot of people speculate as to what that was I think it was just because the exos 990 perhaps couldn't render it properly so they kept it even across the board between Snapdragon and exos but again that's performance conversation for later it was amazing design I really like how comfortable the note 20 Ultra feels in the hand and how it just feels like this crazy thin phone thing was though Samsung sacrificed sort of a lot of internals to make this design happen there was actually the first time Samsung put a glossy and a matte finish option available it just depended on the color you wanted so the black one that I've got here I guess you could call it black was the glossy glass as was the white whereas the Mystic bronze was Samsung's first step into that matte glass at the back and I was here for it I absolutely loved it the curved display was a nice aesthetic Choice definitely looked more premium and felt more comfortable to hold but it did have some function issues the S Pen didn't have the surface area that you'd normally get and also The Accidental touches on the side they were definitely a thing as much as I don't like to remember they were outdoor brightness for the display had absolutely no issues it carried over that excellent panel from the s20 ultra for brightness purposes and stuck it in here as well and again you don't really have an issue seeing this Outdoors if you still have it in 2024 so these two Ultras this wasn't really the upgrade to this the s20 ultra had its natural successor in the Galaxy S21 Ultra problem solved was what MKBHD said when he reviewed the Galaxy S21 Ultra which won his phone of the year when this came out Samsung pretty much fixed every problem that anyone had with the s20 ultra the design Samsung made this absolutely beautiful camera module on the back where the aluminium frame sort of melded into the camera module and back again it was beautiful and the Phantom color options too I really liked the Phantom black I had the Phantom black myself when I used it but I went and bought the the Phantom silver just to try something different but those color options like even the way the color sort of reflects in the light stunning the display Samsung fixed that too it could run adaptive refresh rates of 120 HZ with qu HD Plus turned on at the same time so there was absolutely no limitations to how you interacted from a fluidity standpoint but also from a resolution standpoint as well the thing was so the design from the front and I guess you could say about that any of the phones from that time period is it looked like the s20 ultra you'd be hard pressed to find the differences from a distance I could see it uh especially with the front display Samsung made it a little bit flatter and the back glass kind of was a little bit I don't know how you describe the back glass on this thing back glass was a little bit less curved no I don't know what it is Samsung thickened the frame from the s20 ultra to the S21 Ultra definitely made you feel like you were holding a different phone it felt substantially different even if from the front it didn't look it this was Samsung's best design work on a smartphone today I don't care what phones they bring out in the future or that they've brought out in the past this was them at their Peak they absolutely owned this camera module turned it into a beautiful piece of art that sits on the back and the finishes on the colorways that were on offer were the best that Samsung have had to this day it's also Samsung's first S series that supported Spen input it was a separate pen that you buy individually but it still meant that Samsung would transform ing that s line up and this was like the beginning of the S and note sort of merging its panel and Screen were still one of the best Samsung has made outdoor brightness absolutely no issue interactivity absolutely no issue this will not look out of place for years to come this design will be timeless and I think people will be still using this phone for a long time to come which is crazy that just one year later they scrapped it and they brought out the s22 ultra which pretty much is a note I say that a bit tongue and cheek because I I know deep down this is more than just a note Rebrand Samsung definitely melded the lines together and the way you can tell by that is the way that s was normally this camera focused creators phone and the note was more this productivity focused feature phone Samsung packed both in here they brought the cameras that the S Series would normally get and packed it in with the productivity that you get from the note it just so happens that it's in a more notel like package versus what the S Series would normally get so with that rebranding in mind Samsung probably couldn't keep that design that they had they had to go back and sort of create something new and to be honest what they created is still really nice that minimalistic floating camera on the back gives you that really nice aesthetic clean and minimal and sort of matches the phone's industrial design I really like it what I like to say is it's basically just a thicker note 20 Ultra because the mid-frame is now symmetrical with the back glass versus the Note 20 Ultra having a really thin mid-frame this mid-frame is thick which means it's obviously giving giving you more battery and the included Spen sort of comes along with that as well from a display point of view it sort of bumps up the S21 Ultra goes to a 1750 nit Peak brightness panel and you still of course get the Adaptive refresh rate 1 to 120 HZ and also Quad HD Plus Samsung also brought in the adaptive technology where when you go Outdoors it will adjust the color accuracy to the brightness level which I thought was really good they did extend on that with the s23 ultra but this is this is not that part I actually every time I go back to this phone I miss the comfort of how it feels the way that the glass and the frame kind of seamlessly mold around each other and then curve sort of ever so effortlessly from Back to Front class it was a pretty good design achievement but again being the fact that you need the S Pen to sort of Glide across most of the display kind of made it hard with the edges on the screen to do that again outdoor brightness you have an incredible uh Peak brightness level and you can see that when you do Take It Outdoors you don't have any issues at all so after this came out Samsung pretty much went into refinement mode enter s23 Ultra the thing about this phone is before it even came out people were talking about how bored they were oh it just looks like an s22 ultra and yes surface level I would agree with them but it's when you get this phone in your hand that you realize the subtle improvements Samsung made to design that made this thing so much better the flattened sides with the frame the flattened front glass the fact it's still got some subtle curves to feel comfortable when it's in your hand and but removing that feel of accidental touches and the dysfunction of not being able to Glide the Spen everywhere the panel pretty much remained the same the only subtle difference Samsung did was improve some different step brightness for the Adaptive sort of vision booster that Samsung brought in I kind of liken it to the change Samsung made when they went to the S21 Ultra from s20 they remove sort of the DraStic curves and focused more on comfort and inhand feel and that's what we got with the s23 ultra really gave it that more inhand Comfort inhand practicality I think is what I'll call it despite the fact that the curves felt really nice and of course s24 Ultra is where we're at now and again it was more of a refinement year from Samsung from a design overhaul point of view and I think that's kind of what you've seen from the last three generations is Samsung kind of found a formula and refined it the s24 ultra is I would say the peak of Samsung design over the ultra phones that have been released Samsung completely flattened everything the flatb glass the the flat front glass but they've kept the mid-frame curved and I think that was a good decision because it still gives that inhand comfort that the previous Ultra phones have got with that curved sort of aspect to it the thing is though is that the display there is no contest Samsung went from just keeping the same display pretty much there they abouts for the last five or six years only bumping up the peak brightness and tweaking a couple things to making the best display on a smartphone period the s24 ultra with its 1 to 120 HZ refresh rate with its quart HD Plus res resolution with the Adaptive Vision booster with the antireflectivity coding with the 2,600 nits of peak brightness it's the complete package of the display that you can get on a smartphone right now when you compare all of the displays in front of each other you will see the Improvement that Samsung I've made to that reflectivity it's no contest here and even taking photos Outdoors you line them up side by side this just will win every time we might see something different next year from the ultra but this is what we got this year and I think it's almost like Samsung we building towards this and now they've achieved it okay that was a long design intro this video is stacked so make sure you grab some snacks we're going to get into camera and before we look at output I want to reflect on the hardware that Samsung have brought in with the ultra phones Over The Last 5 Years From a surface level you'd be forgiven for thinking that the hardware has remained pretty stagnant the only things that Samsung seemed to have tweaked is some resolution bumps in the main camera and also reconfiguring the telephoto Arrangement cuz functionally they've all had folded Periscope lenses they've all had high resolution cameras most of them had macro capability with the ultra wide so really what have they changed well the answer is a lot when we go back to the s20 ultra and look at what Samsung introduced it was a massive jump from S10 to s20 Samsung brought in a massive 108 megapixel main camera a four times 48 megapixel camera that was marked as 5x in the software and and then a 0.5 ultra white camera Samsung kind of stepped things up a little bit and tried to give you more on the ultra Flagship front features like 8K were introduced features like single take Samsung really stepped it up and brought things in but there was issues the s20 ultra had huge focusing issues at launch that a lot of people could not forgive a lot of that was down to the fact that Samsung went with a timer flight sensor and set up an autofocus module alongside that massive camera that they introduced they rectified that with the note 20 Ultra but then paired back the Periscope camera to just a 12 megapixel 5x and then the S21 Ultra as MKBHD said solved everything it reintroduced the laser autofocus module alongside an improved 108 megapix camera and then instead of a 48 map 5x or 4X camera they split it into two a 10 megap 3x camera with dual pixel autofocus and a 10x 10 megapix camera also with dual pixel autofocus to handle that longer range zoom and it was a success immediately everyone praised the flexibility of the camera the fact that you had all of this range to go between Samsung hit a winner so they didn't change it for the next S21 Ultra pretty much the s23 ultra even though the s23 ultra went up to 200 megapix the sensor sizes the arrangement the focal lengths remain the same which was a bit of a strange move alongside that and parallel to that was a lot of competitors rapidly developing sensor technology in smartphones Samsung were prepared to take it a bit slower and focus on Pro processing and output and when we get to the s24 ultra now I think that was a really right decision because they've refined the hardware they've found a configuration that works high resolution main camera dual pixel Ultra wide with macro capabilities a 3X camera that's good for mid-range zoom and then now a 5x with high resolution to do everything else beyond that and on paper that 200 megapixel jump from 108 megapixel was a lot stronger than what people gave it credit for you've got quad pixel autofocus versus just standard autofocus which meant that the focusing speed and capture speed was going to be a lot quicker Samsung did make things better with the s23 ultra as much as people don't like you to believe that they did the improved Hardware also brought improved capabilities starting with the s20 ultra you got ak30 from the main camera versus ak24 and a terrible crop they really went to work and fix things as Years Gone on some would argue it was a bit slow but I think the way Samsung are doing things now with the cameras is to give you a better overall experience versus just pumping you with numbers okay output time the way I'm going to break this output comparison down is I'm going to do it by device and then compare it to the next one up to see how Samsung have sort of slowly sloped up the improvements I'll start with two phones that were released in the same year the s20 ultra and the note 20 Ultra these two phones on paper should really be theoretically putting out the same thing and all that's down to the fact they both had the exos 990 processor well at least in Australia it's on paper when I say they should be the same then output wise yeah they are the same and you can see that here and in a lot of different scenarios the photos are producing and processing pretty much identically what was different was the zoom like and that's because they had two different Zoom cameras despite having both 5x in the software the note 20 Ultras 5x was built differently it was a 12 megapix five times camera with a folder Periscope lens and then the s20 ultra was a four times version of that with a 48 megapixel resolution what was different is how they process photos and you can see that difference when they're side by side at the fire Banks length what I did notice was better was the night time on Note 20 Ultra was substantially improved Samsung must have improved the processing from the s20 ultra to note 20 Ultra even though there's been multiple software updates now since they've both come out there's still a difference the video I compared was very similar both in output and in stabilization when you're looking at the stabilization video here there's not much of a discernable difference and even in output and processing you not actually notice too much and they both shot at 4K 30 these two comparing aren't really the point of this comparison because they were released in the same year and the note and S were kind of different markets what was more interesting was comparing the s20 ultra to the S21 Ultra what you start to see here is a shift in Samsung's processing the S21 Ultra favored a warmer sort of finish and a bit more contrast in the photos you can see that here with photos of the tree and the building and you've got some Cloud photos as well which I'll sort of put up as I'm sort of talking at the S21 Ultra changed things up a little bit that was probably a jump in processing where with the new processor that that came on board and yeah you can see that the S21 Ultra was the first dedicated 10 times camera as well and it did give you some more better results at that Optical range at that 10x level what you got better at though was at 30X the optical zoom started further out it meant it could capture closer and give you a better result more detail Samsung improved the 108 megapixel camera too and the detailed difference you can see side by side is is definitely there because the resolution and the the processing got better at that high range the S21 Ultra was the first Ultra with macro capabilities and the macro photo you can see the s20 ultra can't focus at all an ultra with the ultra wide camera with dual pixel and Laser autofocus was able to get right in there and capture a nice clean shot the nighttime capabilities wow what a change Samsung must have done some magic with night mode processing because the detail difference and the processing difference are worlds apart from each other Samsung really stepped it up there with night mode with the s20 ultra versus the s20 in video you can see a real big Improvement in video stabilization as you're sort of walking along with both phones the s20 ultra I don't know why it was so bad it had ois it just must have been a really early primitive version of it for that main camera because the S21 Ultra that next generation was far better and you could take much more stable footage with it I did not bother with 8K with either of these first Ultra phones it just not worth it because it was a disaster and it didn't improve until last year with the s23 ultra okay stepping up now and bringing in the s22 ultra versus the S21 Ultra that shift to warmer tones continues Samsung heads in that direction even further with the s22 ultra versus what they already started with the S21 Ultra even though this is a Snapdragon on the s22 ultra versus the exos they also lent even further into dark contrasting with buildings and especially with clouds I noticed too that that darker contrast really set in bringing out a bit more gray in the clouds Samsung still managed to get more detail out of the main camera at the 12 megap resolution even though it was technically the same camera you a would getting with the rocks for example could see more detail this is what was crazy is even with the same exact camera setup the 10 times and Beyond Samsung still got more out of it the processing just got so much better at that level thanks to the new ISP that Samsung brought in with the Snapdragon hm1 and that also extends to the high resolution mode at 108 megapixel you can get more detail out of that even though it's 108 megapixel You' think be built the same that's not the case Samsung got more out of it again thanks to processing it was the second Ultra with macro capabilities and functionally and output wise it performs the same the night mode got clearer again and that's pretty evident not just in the photo of the the bridge that I've been using but also in this photo of my car sort of in a really dark Street you can see the raindrops on the car so much clearer on the s22 ultra versus the S21 Ultra Samsung said they improved the video stabilization and you can see that kind of there's a definite Improvement in it but it's nowhere near the level that you'll see when we jump up from s22 Ultra to s23 ultra in a moment when it comes to the processing of video you'll notice that there's a slight shift in Darker contrast with the s22 ultra but it's nothing too noticeable it's not enough to be like I'm going to throw my2 Ultra away the stabilization was a noticeably better but again wait for the next one now we bring in last year's s23 Ultra versus the s22 ultra and this is where you can see Samsung kind of changed the processing but almost revert back in a way because they took away the warmer tones that they were building and brought back in the cooler tones from the s20 ultra but with more detail and contrast along with it the new 200 megapixel main camera did a lot for the way it captured detail like trees and rocks for example it brought a lot more of that stuff out and even though again they used the same 3 and 10x cameras Samsung still were able to extract more out of it with the new ISP that the hn2 for Galaxy brought in so at that 10x and Beyond especially it was definitely processing more information and giving you a Sharper Image at the end of it what was a big noticeable change was that 200 versus 108 megapixel Samsung changed things drastically by bringing 200 megapixel in even though the sensor size remained the same Samsung brought in Quad pixel technology and at lower resolutions that helped with bringing in more light but it even helped at higher resolutions too because it just me Focus seeing was better and you're getting more information through each pixel and at that 200 megapix range versus 108 you can see the difference in the building as you sort of creep in the thing I noticed though was that night mode got brighter but not better the s22 ultra had in my opinion a more realistic looking night mode versus the s23 ultra which just brightened it up and it's really weird it did have more detail in the bridge shot that I noticed but it was just too bright which I didn't really like and that stabilization Improvement I mentioned before is here with 4K 30 walking side by side the s22 ultra to s23 ultra the jump in stabilization was massive Samsung touted a two times wider ois correction angle and yeah that's evident it is so much smoother with the s23 ultra and that in terms of video capabilities was worth the jump alone that's probably a bit drastic but what I mean by that is it wasn't the only video capability Improvement it just showed where Samsung were focusing they wanted video to be a priority and it definitely felt better overall video improved and that extended out to resolutions that you most likely will never use in 8k 30 you're able to get so much better 8K footage because not only is the crop right but also the frame rate is right it's not choppy and laggy it's actually smooth and captures everything appropriately and gives you usable and very nice 8K footage and then we jump into the the current generation s24 Ultra and put it against the s23 ultra I did already a full comparison between these two phones so you can go and watch that uh if you like but effectively to recap that and sort of continue the trajectory that were on Samsung reverted back they did a 180 and went to cooler tones they've done another 180 and gone back to warmer tones there's like a warmish overtone to the photos in the s24 ultra compared to s23 ultra what I also really like too is Samsung improved the processing when it comes to detail it's more natural now it doesn't seem so oversharpened artificially and it comes acoss cross when you sort of crop into the photo you can see that uh that change is apparent but alongside the the warmer processing Samsung have implemented a darker sort of contrast slightly in terms of Shadows and sort of in the clouds which kind of is like a mix between what they've had before with the s22 ultra and the the detail of the s23 ultra they've kind of combined things all together and sort of giving us everything they've leared over the past 5 years what's also improved is the zoom range and whilst the 10 times camera on the s23 ultra is accept ceptional the zoom range and flexibility is better on the s24 ultra because you can go between 5 and 10 and have Optical light quality anywhere in between versus the s23 ultra which doesn't have that capability what is also better too is the 200 megapixel has much improved detail when you crop into the photo it might not seem like much when you're zoomed out but as you sort of get in you can see it's retaining more information that might not seem like much but when you're using parts of that photo to crop and make other photos it can be all the difference the macro mode it kind of largely unchanged what is changed is night mode the night mode processing Samsung has improved it's darker again but it's got the detail back so it's got the darker sort of tones from the s22 ultra and the detail from the s23 ultra and sort of made a baby with with night mode it's much better and I prefer it over the insanely intensely bright s23 Ultra that I got it is the most stable video footage yet so even though the s23 ultra was very very good the s24 ultra extends it out even further only marginally but it's enough to notice and the processing of video is also a little bit different too there's the darker contrast in the clouds which kind of gives it a bit more life the s23 ultra it almost flattened out any life in the clouds and sort of made it sort of mesh into one which you didn't really notice the time but when you see it side by side of something else you do see it there's a lot of other differences between these two down to do with software and modes which I've already covered in that other video so I'm not going to cover them again here and then just for fun I did an s20 ultra versus s24 Ultra just to sort of see how far we've come from that first generation Ultra to now immediately what you notice is that the s24 ultra gives you more balanced more detailed photos in its processing the s20 ultra what I really noticed was it looked flat and washed out like it wasn't sort of a photo taken that had processing it all it was just washed out and sort of cool and gray I don't know it just didn't look appealing especially when you compare it to the full of life s24 photos I was getting the zoom comparison extends that even further because it's almost as if the furthest Samsung went with the s20 ultra Zoom the less processing they were doing or they were just not capturing the scene properly or adjusting the settings the s24 ultra had some consistent processing between the cameras which it didn't seem like the s20 ultra had especially now that you compare these two phones they both have that 5x Optical quality especially when you consider the both high resolution telephoto cameras but the s24 ultra just slays the s20 ultra it held up okay in previous comparisons but now when you compare it to the this year's one yeah it's much better on the s24 ultra night mode is another mismatch it handles light a lot better so from like Street lamps or from like the street lamps and the detail is also a lot better when you consider sit and look at things like the tiles and the sort of bumpy Parts in the ground in the foreground of the photo the thing though where you notice the most Improvement is video Samsung have obviously been focusing on video as a bit of a point of attention in the past few years and you can see how much and how far they've come with the s24 ultra stabilization is a complete mismatch as as is the processing and the output you're getting far better and again 8K but was it was unfair the SM Ultra was just not good I also wanted to test portrait mode but what I wanted to do was sort of hand it over to you to judge while the photos are up I'll sort of just give some information I found whilst taking portrait photos the thing I found quite interesting was the s20 ultra the S21 Ultra and the note 20 Ultra sandwiched in between that they all were able to take two times portrait mode crops from the main camera which I found quite interesting because just one year after the the S21 Ultra the s22 ultra God I'm saying Ultra a lot it was not doing two to's portraits Samsung offered one and 3X and nothing in between which I found quite interesting but then with the s23 ultra through a software update later Samsung brought it back in and of course the s24 ultra you've got 1 two three and five something to be said about the 5x portraits that you get from the s24 ultra out of all the portrait photos I took that is by far my favorite it is so dramatic and gives you this real like impact when you look at it I love it I also tested the Selfies and again I'll just sort of let you be the judge the thing I found with selfie cameras is that from pretty much the s20 ultra skipping the note 20 Ultra obviously to the s22 Ultra Samsung had a 40 megapixel selfie camera on the front and then with the s23 Ultra Samsung brought in the 12 megapixel dual pixel SE autofocus selfie camera and things improved and the selfie camera on the s24 ultra is the same the note 20 Ultra had a 10 megapixel selfie camera it it wasn't great and I'm sure when you looked at all the photos you could have seen that yourself before we move on to I really like to test out the microphones because again Samsung put this emphasis on video as time went on and the way I'm going to test this is I'm going to sort of do a bit of a talking piece to camera with each phone and using portrait video mode so we can see the steady Improvement both in detail and output in that as well so starting with the s20 ultra and working our way all the way up to the s24 ultra this is the portrait video from the s20 ultra and also the microphone capabilities of the s20 ultra it's in a pretty quiet environment although some concrete let me know how it sounds this is the Note2 Ultra one generation ahead audio sound portrait video mode again Reverb and even Some Noise with my son watching TV which one sounds better how does this sound S21 Ultras turn this is still full HD video the s20 ultra and note 20 Ultra still full HD portrait video there's a difference this can do three times not going to test it cuz it'll be too close but how's this sound what's the sound quality like same conditions same environment s22 Ultras turn this is still full HD Samsung was still one year away from 4K portrait video mode so how does this look I think as Years Gone on Samsung increased the capability made it look less artificial you let me know and we have the s23 ultra with 4K portrait video mode substantial jump up in quality I think you'll definitely agree with me here here I've kind of watched each video back and yeah this will look the most natural so far wait till you see the s24 ultra but also how's the microphone sound what's the been the best so far here's the s24 ultra its turn uh let me know which one you think has done the best from the audio from the the visual side of things they've all probably done okay I would say there's been a steady Improvement but that's for you to judge let me know let me know in the comments which one has done the best you let me know which one of the comments was the best uh personally I obviously know I think the s24 ultra will have done the better but that's your job to tell me okay performance this is a real tricky one to sort of nail down especially in the limited time I've sort of had to put this together I have a lot of reference because I used each of these phones extensively over the course of you know when they came out the thing you notice and immediately can say is that the exos 990 and just the exos in general have not been favorable to Consumers the xnos 990 in particular was probably the worst Samsung Flagship chipset that's been made and that's a little bit hyperbole because dayto day the operation of the phone is fine the only problem you had with it was that yeah dayto day operationally was fine just your day was shorter because the battery efficiency was not very good the XL 2100 kind of revived things on the S21 Ultra and the xos 2200 kicked it along a little bit further too but there was just too big of a gap opening up with snapdragon for Samsung to ignore so with the s23 ultra they shut up shop with exos for that year and just use Snapdragon obviously we have exos back now with the 2400 and it is far better than what it used to be I would say it's nearly neck and neck with the Snapdragon in terms of performance output yet to see about efficiency that will tell time will tell with that but output wise you're getting a much better experience the way I like to test how this is going to look like is through video exporting I think it's a really good marker for the ceiling that you're going to get from performance and speed because it tests everything it tests the sort of the speed of getting stuff done it also tests the the battery drain or something like that and it also just tests you know something that people might do they might want to make a quick video on their phone to send to their friends or to upload somewhere this will give him a good test to Showcase where the improvements have been so for video exporting I basically sent the same four Clips to each phone 4K 30 Clips taken with the s24 ultra and I wanted to see how fast it would go I lined them all up I did the test twice to be honest I first did it individually to see uh I guess if I wanted to frame it up that way and show the speed of getting it done and then I thought I'd do it again and line them up all together I liked the second way better the reason why I was able to start the older phones first and sort of move down and what I noticed was how fast the newer phones sped up and overtook them and how slow the older phones were the s20 ultra and note 20 Ultra running exos 990 painfully slow I speak in context because painful depends on your definition of painful but in context to how fast the new ones were yeah was painful you can see how fast the newer ones were too like they saved the movie so much quicker than what the s20 ultra and note 20 Ultra did even the S21 Ultra and s22 Ultra there wasn't much of an improvement in that and the s23 ultra was very good with the Snapdragon H2 for Galaxy so yeah you can see there's an absolute performance Improvement there and when it comes to like things like photo editing again the Lightroom exporting process was a lot faster on the newer phones it's just a mismatch it's crazy that that was considered good well actually it was never considered good on the s20 ultra the thing was that on paper the specs of battery were the same the s20 ultra all the way through the s24 ultra with the exception of the note 20 Ultra that's kind of the outlier in the family all charged at 45 wats and had a 5,000 mAh battery yet the battery life was not built equal Samsung had so much work to do with refining the efficiency of the processes as the years went on crazy to think that despite same capacity batteries that we have a much longer battery life now with the s24 ultra even though the capacities like I said are the same the other part to Performance to is Spen uh pretty much all the phones support Spen by one the s20 ultra the S21 Ultra supports it but through a separate accessory that you have to purchase whereas the note 20 Ultra and S 22 Ultra and up all have the S Pen inbuilt over time too that S Pen has improved Samsung has reduced the latency when it hits the screen and made it feel super responsive it's crazy what they've been able to do with that pen just in a few short years from a software point of view the only phone that's going to be getting one UI 6.1 will likely be the S21 Ultra the Note2 Ultra and s20 Ultra are finished when it comes to Major OS updates which is a shame but I think judging from the performance probably a good good thing s23 Ultra or s23 series will likely be the only one getting Galaxy AI reportedly so that means that if you have an s22 ultra and Below you can forget about using Galaxy AI for now and of course the s24 ultra starts with oneui 6.1 and as Samsung promised 7 years of major OS support going forward so that could be a factor that you might want to consider if you're using any of these older phones if you jump forward to s24 ultra you've got support for a very long time overall that was a big compar that was a lot of phones a lot of money spent to bring stuff in I know that the s20 ultra was broken so don't don't talk about that functionally it performs great and I was able to pick it up a bit cheaper by doing it that way hopefully this can help if you are looking at upgrading from one of these older phones just to see where the improvements might be even if you're not going to the s24 ultra maybe you want to go from an s20 to s22 this might help if there's any of these phones that you'd like a deeper dive comparison to the s24 ultra with let let me know because I made one last year comparing the note 20 Ultra to the s23 ultra and it helped a lot of people so if you think any of these other phones are worth doing that as well let me know in the comments below and of course videos like this aren't easy to make so I would appreciate your support by subscribing to the channel and going back and watching one of my other videos I've got plenty for you to choose from if you want to know more about how to get the most out of your Samsung this is the place to be if you want to see some more of my inan thoughts about Samsung phones and bit more of a casual conversation come follow me on my socials I'm on x/ Twitter and also on Instagram I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Tech with Benefits
Views: 20,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphones, tech tips, tech with benefits, features, samsung, samsung galaxy, samsung mobile, how to, smartphone camera, upgrade, comparison, review, tech review, software update, update, compare, software, galaxy, samsung apps, best apps, galaxy unpacked, hands on, unpacked, folding phones, oneui, secret, hidden features, good lock, tech youtube, tips and tricks, samsung features, one ui, one ui 6, galaxy s24, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy ai, galaxy s23 ultra, galaxys23
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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