Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs. $5,000 Pro Camera

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so is the brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra good enough to replace one of these a professional grade Steels camera I've headed up to London to test that question out and as a small little side note I'm feeling quite generous at the moment I actually still have my Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra so if this video ends up getting over 5,000 likes I will organize a giveaway for that phone to someone who likes and drops a comment on this video so quick word on software updates so there's been a lot of chat about the s24 ultra coming with With It software updates and apparently there are a few potential bugs on the camera experience on the s24 at the moment of recording this video like the phone came out mid last week I do not have a software update on this phone I know that some people might have been getting them for the time being the experience is that I'm testing this with the software that I received on launch day so we'll just have to see how it goes so the camera I have here along with the lens combination used during this video come out to well over $5,000 so let's get started with the 200 megapix sensor on the the s24 ultra so I think what we'll do is kick off with the view of Tower Bridge here sadly a bit of a kind of overcast day here in London so we're not getting some nice beautiful views but what we'll do is we'll stick on around about that 24 mil which is pretty similar focal length to the s24 ultra and here we have the s24 ultra so we'll go over to that 1X so first of all let's shoot in the standard kind of 12 megapixel mode so this is pixel binning down from that 200 megapixel sensor down to a 12 megapixel shot and let's go ahead across to the 200 megapixel mode take another shot there so here is the Full Resolution 200 megapix photo obviously at that kind of resolution you're not actually being able to see a time but let's put those photos side by side so on the right hand side is the a74 and on the left hand side is the s24 ultra at 200 megapixels the biggest difference here clearly is the white balance and the difference in handling of the white balance color but like on the surface there's not a ton of differences in terms of detail I would say the Sony's a little bit smoother slightly less sharp but overall this is pretty close in terms of the kind of camera settings that we're using I'm going to keep everything pretty much on auto for this video so obviously the experience that you're getting on the s24 ultra is about ease of use when you're shooting on a smartphone so we are going to shoot Raw on the Sony and we'll obviously give those an edit to so that things kind of look in line but I'm not going to mess with a ton of manual settings on either device a little bit more of a quick fire around here so the s24 images are first and then the Sony images are secondary again the biggest difference here definitely is actually the white balance the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is continually balancing towards green Hues which is kind of interesting it was a fairly kind of white day in terms of overclass clouds but I do think this should be affecting things massively this is definitely a pretty bad trait so far we'll have to see whether Samsung actually updates that slightly down the road this one perhaps here the most obvious example you've got the Sony a74 shot here and that definitely hudes more towards the purples and then the Samsung looking just super green one of the most significant changes this year with the s24 ultra is the change of the telephoto lenses so this year we're seeing a dramatic change on the ultra the optical 10x Zoom has been removed and changed for an optical 5x Zoom with a 50 megapix count so this is a significant change for the line and it does mean that on the 10x button at the bottom when you're shooting and trying to get a 10x focal length you're going to be getting a digital crop so let's say how it performs so far I actually think this is the biggest win in terms of the camera because the images out of this 5x look really really good it's really good to see performance for this type of thing actually living up to the marketing CU they've obviously made that change decreasing the 10x to the 5x optically I do think 5x is a more popular focal length and it actually just means that seemingly we are getting better images like there's not a ton of difference when we're kind of comparing these landscape shots so there's a boat moving across here so I'm going to take a full 50 megap 5x Zoom but I'm going to switch over to the 12 megapixel modes and let's try and play around with some of the digital crop 10x so let's have a look I mean this is on the surface looking pretty good right now but let's take one let's take a couple and then of course we're going to shoot at roughly 240 mil certainly looking like we're getting more detail of course on the Sony but let's see how the s24 ultra holds up for this one here I decided to just zoom in kind of to fill the frame and kind of align the photos so you can get as best idea as possible in terms of the resolution differences and kind of colors and Optical performance of these two cameras and I think the uh 5x and this 10x digital crop is actually better than the previous iteration of the 10x Zoom so I actually think this is a really really good changes here from Samsung so on the 10x mode you absolutely get kind of a crunch so let's take this image here I'm just going to say that again so let's take a snap we'll pull that photo up in the gallery it takes a little second to process and then you get a significant kind of snap of processing on the s24 ultra but I will say like it's looking pretty good considering it's a digital crop I would say that's a similar level of performance of last year so it seemingly like we've got a 5x Optical performance and they're a really good quality digital crop for that 10x mode so every year with their phone Samsung's Edge detection gets better so it's going to be interesting to see how the portrait mode performs I've seen some kind of sneak peeks on Twitter and the edge detection actually looks really really good this year so it's going to be an interesting test so I've got Tate helping me film this video as you can see and uh we'll take a couple of portrait mode snaps just to start with now 1X is an interesting thing with portrait mode because we can actually see how much blur you end up getting on the professional camera and at 24 mm you're actually not going to get a ton of blur and smartphones actually end up giving you a far more dramatic amount of blur than you would normally get at 24 mil which is always a bit of a giveaway for me one way around that is to actually shoot in like a 3X or on the Samsung a 5x telephoto shot uh in portrait mode so this is actually the 3x mode here but you can see the portrait of the Sony obviously on the left here and the Samsung on the right but again the performance is pretty decent T's got obviously amazing hair and the Samsung actually does a fairly good job at detecting the edges there and I think things look pretty good one of the main advantages of shooting with a more professional camera is you obviously have an unlimited amount of variable lenses that you can put on your camera so I've just switched out since we're talking about portrait mode to a slightly more specific portrait lens so this is an 85mm f1.8 meaning we're going to get a very shallow depth of field in our image we're going to get a lot of uh blur in the background of our shot so if I head back here I'm stopped right down to f1.8 I'm going to shoot a quick snap and you can see just how blurry the background of the image is and on a Samsung or on the s24 ultra obviously this is kind of across all phones but on the s24 ultra you're not going to be able to achieve quite the same look in terms of natural depth of field and the phone of course relies on software to produce the same result and then of course we had to test it the brand new 5x just to see what this looks like side by side so again this is compared to the 85 mil portrait lens that I talked about earlier but you can see just the kind of level of compression that you get in terms of portrait and obviously one big Advantage about portrait mode is you can change the blur after the fact of actually shooting it so it's not actually kind of baked into the image which of course it isn't a normal camera so something that has plagued Samsung phones historically is their shutter lag performance this is something which I brought up in my one year later with the s23 Ultra review video I did a few weeks ago the shutter lag performance was just not very good on that phone so I think let's just actually take this this out and I'm just going to snap a bunch of photos so let's go ahead and tap and that definitely seems like it's a far more responsive shutter than last year which is like really good in terms of performance something we can do as well though is we can actually swipe sideways and take a burst of photos as well so you're getting kind of a whole variety of options but at the same time shutter lag performance definitely seems improved versus last year's iteration of phone another challenge that Samsung phones have actually had over the years is motion capture so Motion Performance like taking a fast uh photo of a moving subject lots of people report problems with like pets and children taking photos of both those subjects so so we got the next best thing we got some cyclists going past by me so we're going to try and take a shot on a couple of the lenses on the s24 r just to see whether the performance has actually been improved over last year and then of course one huge advantage of a more professional camera is that motion capture is very very easy that's why people use big expensive cameras for sports photography with things that are moving unbelievably [Music] quickly I do think so far from this very quick test that uh motion capture seemingly looks a little bit better on this phone which is really good news the worst performance for the s23 ultra was in low light situations and motion capture in low light was really really pretty bad with that phones I will of course test this thoroughly uh in my full camera review for this phone just for interest you can see that here are the a74 shots uh of the kind of same thing and you can see that you do get much more of an impression of the motion but the Samsung shot cly weren't blurry so you know this is a decent performance and then of course I didn't want to disappoint you guys I did include some video um I actually am thinking of doing like a full video comparison though between my Sony A7 S3 which is uh my professional or my kind of main focus video camera uh but this is the a74 footage so let me know with a like and a comment uh whether you'd like to see that one but for now I just thought I'd just throw in this video clip just so you could kind of get an idea in terms of video performance how things differed here's that video side by side as well so uh you can see the video on the left hand side the Samsung the video on the right hand side um the Sony a74 It's relatively close I do think again the the kind of thing that gives it away really is the softness of the a74 footage which is just a much more premium look I love to know what you guys think about the s24 performance Down Below in the comments and stay tuned for more videos on this phone lock to the channel
Channel: Tom Rich
Views: 288,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24 Ultra, Samsung S24, Samsung S24 Ultra, S24 Camera, S24 Ultra Camera, Galaxy S24 Camera Review, vs pro camera, tom rich, tom rich camera comparison
Id: FKypEsf9QvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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