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There's a disease spreading through are you, a disease plaguing pathetic b e t a males people attempting self-worth through a video game ukhhhhhh I am pewdiepie And this is speedrunning *screams* *more screaming* stop it uh Speedrunning, the concept of playing a game slightly faster than someone else, excuse me, playing a game that no one else is playing slightly faster than no one e l s e *high pitched voice* But Pewdiepie you are just mad because you are not fast at games. excuse me You must be new on this channel, okay first of all number one i never scream [suuuuure] Like a man-child, does not happen *pewds screaming in the past* Second of all i have never died in a video game in my entire life *pewds not dying* ze-ro deaths and third of all That's about it, actually for real Speedrunning can be sometimes very cool and very impactful and emotional *video of a guy speedrunning* And sometimes a kid speedruns can just be impressive and interesting to watch just seeing someone really good at a video game Jesus christ oh my god are you kidDINGME yea he definetely made a mistake there What a loser i would not have made a mistake stop please stop akhhaha This game took me weeks He definitely made a mistake there oh wow i just-i just see so many mistakes happening here this is actually painful to watch i'm cringing so much right now We got it we got the sub - we did it God damn it god damn these people sometimes it can just be really emotional okay, oh my god yes, yes ,yes! oh my god *emotional music accompanied by a crying Markiplier* oh my god! oh my god dude! F**k yea The problem begins as always with the salt the tasty tasty salt Imagine playing the same game literally from month in and out things aren't going, the way you, want it to be you're, not getting that record that you so badly want well that's That's when it gets? Good that's when it gets really good? *person playing game* No! God, please! come on! WHY? No! no, no no no no repeatedly I am fu**ing shick of this sh** *continues to complain about game* hey i got hundred-twenty stars in mario too *more complaining* oh my god my sanity is gone! fuck this shit dude. I can't go it because always something like this happens it is incredible! It's a video game see i would never get mad at. A. Video game that's just ridiculous (Older pewds) JUMP, what the f**k is wrong with it (when you censor your own video!) The salt it's just it's a fine salt (gamer) Incredible! Fucking impossible! What's the point of playing a video game when you're not having fun you might, ask Well you need to set that record you need to be faster than anyone else What! WHAAATTT!(really high pitched screaming) Jesus christ he just became an autotune, what, is that sound? This, this might be one of my top at least top, five best screams of all time just sit just enjoy but, do (literal loud screaming) (gamer)are you freaking kidding me?! It's the pure terror in the screech it's so wonderful (same screech again) (gamer) Why won't you die? (screaming again) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So, has he played for an hour and a half and then he failed, and the whole thing is over i? (gamer) one more hit! just one more it! ONE MORE FREAKING HIT! can i could kind of understand this one to be Some speedrunners have however become self-aware, how How many hours of Life have i wasted playing this fucking piece of shit goddamn game Just so i can get world records and feel good about myself it's a. Fucking. Joke That's the only reason people speedrun, really it's so i can, like get a world record cuz Like you know, no one who speedruns is a fucking millionaire you know. Fucking hot bitches and like doing actually important things in life Everyone speedruns is a degenerate and getting world records the way, they can, feel good about themselves, yeah like, how Many, fucking hours of my, life, i wasted doing that bullshit it's so stupid it's fucking pathetic All i fucking do is waste my life, away trying out world records for a temporary goddamn high What to last fucking you know. A week or so until it goes away And ace exposes me for the world record shitter i am Fucking, hell dude (poods)this is just sad Speedrunning, is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with,(poods again) well you heard it here first Speedrunning, is the most degenerate act men can commit so we fucking speedrun cuz It gives us this temporary feeling of like, oh, my, god i'm good Ten i'm the best in the world it at this thing that like hardly anyone else does That's all it is? We're all a fucking. Joke, mykel, we masquerade around agdq. Like, haha we're so cool for cancer (continues to degrade himself) (poods) It's not funny (gamer) WHat WHAT! repeatedly why does it turn away every time? he never does that; he is programmed to not do that. and he still does it just to fuck with me! that is complete bullshit! that has nothing to do with my gameplay Take a deep breath pause the game go up, say, that's all you have to do ahhhhhhh(gamer screams) come on! I can't do anything about this! it's not my run anymore it's that eyeball's fucking run!k It's the eyeball run everybody I can't do anything about this! Truly pathetic disgusting despicable behavior WHY! FUCK YOU! COME ON! COME ON! I didn't *inaudible* first gate OMG! This is impossible it's impossible Everybody, this is not a speedrun, but i love how. This guy just turns into a fucking blowtorch (Angry fast typing) (Clear for Takeoff) (The shriek of all Hell through a Turtle Beach headset) Oh man Alright I am done shitting on speedrunning. I get it i get some bits of it but getting this upset about a game is not it's not healthy take it from someone who used to be addicted to video game i can See the same tendencies and it's time it's time to stop take a good deep look at yourself And what you're doing and what you're spending? Your time on is it really worth it is it really bringing you joy and happiness ahhhh(gamer screams) Now know everyone's gonna hate on me for shitting on speedrunning? They are just helping little kids with cancer felix, how can you hate on them, they are making Money for a good cause to play, games that's right so that's, why i'm going to show You, how easy it is to speedrun one of my favourite games of all time all right here we go come on, oh, my, god come on come on i can do this man Oh, yes that looks great Let's see i think i'll go with, yeah that looks good Yeah, i like that color let's see oh This, is the water record i would be amazing that would finally, make me happy There you go if this gets the world record. Guys finally, my, life will have some sort of meaning and purpose And remember this is for the kids guys please donate Dammit it's never done that It's a world record everybody thank you told you i told you i'm good at games now That's my, case, closed thank you guys for watching leave a like for No reason at all and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,558,250
Rating: 4.9017305 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, speedrunners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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