Try Not To Cringe: E3 Edition

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sO hEreS thIs GiAnT enEMy cRaB

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sub_to_Thasos 📅︎︎ May 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
*hates his life*Heyyyyyy The comments now have gotten so f**king bad that I'm introducing a new segment on this channel called... Fan comment of the day! It's Fan comment of the day with your host... Felix Kajelerbur Kerjelberg? Kayjelburg.. Keljeburgy? Kerjelber.... Keyjerlburg? THAT'S RIGHT!!! I'm so desperate for praise and validation and Just overall positive Feedback that I now I'm going to read [out] every single episode [a] nice comment from yesterday's video That's right. Finally there will be some positivity in this community. Let's see what today's fan comment is! (last guy said comedy, what a scrub) It's from Mary Jane Chioco. How about delete your chann-- God fucking damn it guys I can't fucking I can't do anything yeah, how about you delete [your] account [I] can probably get you deleted by the way [YouTube] You better do something about this mary motherfucking jane. Anyhow who's excited for E3 raise your hand! Wooooo! *Ignore his high five, then everything gets awkward.* ♫ How could this happen to meee- ♫ No?, okay well raise your hand anyway. As long as moses held up his hands his army would win the battle. E3 is coming up this year. It's about a week away. I've been asked to be on E3 many times before and I always say no because the one and one simple Goddamn reason [I] ♫ Sad Music Box Melody ♫ I don't want to be part of the cringe compilations. E3 has so many cringy moments. It's goddamn beautiful. Uhh... From... from Tech difficulties. *Complete Silence* It will happen I promise. *Awkward Laughter* *Cringe Scream* *Complete Silence* I'm fine... *More Awkward Laughter* Too awkward interactions. Some people try teleporting some people try uhh... Stationary... w-what you guys go with? Are you recycling the questions? Sorry? Are we recycling the questions? *Awkward Laughter* To whatever the fuck this is. ( halp me XD ) ♫ Super Mario Bros. Theme Played Awkwardly ♫ I will never step near that shit because I know. I'm gonna end up there right fucking away through new someone puts-put some mic and a camera in front of me. I gue- you know. I'm gonna fuck up. How would I ever be [cringy] in public that has never happened before? ♫ Take On Me Sung by PewPieDie ♫ WAAAOOH Okay, that was one time. That was one goddamn time and it never happened after that. *Conan and PewDiePie Playing Fry Cry Primal* *Awkward Handshakes* That was awful. [What-] Whatever, whatever, whatever. Sh- Sh- Shut the fuck Sh- Shut the fu- Sh- Shut the fuck. I'm getting sweating now. (Damn Pewds) We're going to review some [of] my favorite moment from E3. To get excited about. E3 2017. Ahhh. Let's Go! ...And we're certainly not interested in conventional thinking. This is an old classic. A-a-a-a it's an old- it's a really one of th- It's a fantastic conference from 2006 it's Sony's E3 present. ...And we're certainly not interested in conventional thinking. Uhh... Genji 2 is an action game. Which is based on Japanese history. A-he- hey, it's me! Uhh... Haha. Different clothing. Ohhhhhh! Well, let me tell you the video did not get corrupted and now I have to reshoot it. That did not happen. *Distorted Audio* "And now this ne- new game call, Genji 2. So they announced this game called Genji 2. *Man on Video* - Genji 2 is an Action game. Which is based on Japanese history. That sounds pretty cool a game based on Japanese history. Sounds like a game I want to play. The umm- stages of the game will also be based on famous battles. Which took actually took place in ancient Japan. Actual battles in Ja-um that happened in Japan's history That's a really cool concept cause I know, Japan has like a lot of old old history and a lot of different stuff happened. That's really cool. *Man on Video* - So here's this giant enemy crab. *PewDiePie Laughing* Gets me every fucking time! *PewDiePie Laughing* It's a historical game based on Japan's history. So here is this giant enemy crab. *Man on Video* - So here's this giant enemy crab. *More Laughter* Uhhahhh, it so good-od Why of course the giant enemy crab just as I remember it. Back in the good old days. Thank God I voted Trump. Or else there might be more of them. My man, again. Shiggy is that it Shigeru Miyamoto announcing his new game his Zelda Skyward at E3. But it hurts me every time he had some difficulties. *Miyamoto Missing The Spiders Multiple Times* These are these are some fast spiders. ヨッシ ! (Translation: All right!) *Translator On Video* - Okay, I'll just take this one [out] with my sword. There we go. PewDiePie - Uggghhh It hurts. It's hurts. It's hurts to see my man Shiggy like this... In pain. ♫ Sad Piano Music ♫ Why are we still here? ♫ Sad Piano Music ♫ Just to suffer. ♫ Sad Piano Music ♫ Technical difficulties during E3 it's always going to happen. You just can't avoid, but being a retard. That's avoidable, Jamie Kennedy "Comedian" [I] don't know who he was, but he decided to show up drunk during the Activision's E3 press conference. It's... Extreme. How's everybody doing? Jamie Kennedy "Comedian" *Kennedy* - This is exciting. We're at E3. ...and I just want to say this place is the only place that makes the guys at Comicon look like Oceans Thirteen. Take a minute. Come on. That was... Haha. Oh god... I ahh... Video games um they've been... Ahh... Where my jokes? Oh my God this guy's learning me making videos. *Laughing* Awww... Capture or skating on video and then seeing it, played on the game. Especially with the new consoles it just looks it looks real. Okay, if you're grabbing, your the way you grab your trick. Yeah. But [for] Real I-I you know. *Kennedy* - You grab your tray on. *Hawk* - and yeah, I grab the tray. *Kennedy* - and then you they could grab their trick *Hawk* - Mm-hmm. And we hope one day, Jamie you get to grab a trick. Hey, I got a Friday but... I'm sorry. I like Tony Hawk's responds like yeah you yeah. Trick, and then I grab hanging on the tree. It's like he's talking to a 3 year old. this fucking guy running through the crowd *Man On Video* - Wooooooo! All right. Please hire that [man] for 2017 please tell me that [he's] [coming] for [next] year. *Giggles* I love that man. Another beautiful one is the Peggle 2 announcement. And you think the conference is over? But out comes this guy. Just pure cringe this guy oozes cringe. *Man On Video* - Thanks. *Man On Video* - I mean that was amazing. Thanks so much. I'd say I was speechless, but I've one more thing to announce. Just look at his fucking face. I mean, what is with these people that are [cringy] they all look the [same] look he looks exactly like the dust shop gamer guy. He's like the same fucking person. I say I was speechless. But [I] have one more thing to announce coming this year. Peggle 2! Peggle 2! Fuck Oh my God, Jesus Christ. Can you imagine? Valve. Valve does their E3 conference. It's all over they they announced another [Left4Dead] they announced some new tournaments for Dota. They talked a little bit about Overwatch. It's all over. The room is quiet. Oozing for something else. Outcome Gabe Newell naked dipped in baby oil. HALF LIFE 3! That's my dream. That's my E3 dream. What is yours? All right enough bullshit. I saved the best for last. Konami 2010 Press Conference. There's so much to say about this this deserves this whole [one-hour], breakdown. But I'm going to summarize the best bits for you guys. First of all, the fucking intro. It goes quiet for a good about two minutes. *Clapping* *Complete Silence* Some guy goes up stage. *Complete Silence* Could we roll the trailer please. They asked to roll the trailer. Oh, wow, what a great trailer! They played some music. They cut it out. Sorry I don't know, I'm just describing, but it's so fucking bizarre and then this fucking guy just comes out. *Silence* *Man On Video* - Hi *Laughter* And this guy legendary. *Silence* *Clapping* Ohhhh dude. This fucking dude. Where do I where do I begin with this guy he is uh. He's hyping his new game: 99 Nights 2. 1 million Troops... 1 million Troops *Silence* Wow. Wow, the audience- audience are really- 1 million troops wow, one million. *Man On Video* - Love you guys. There's one quote that is absolutely th-the [best]. *Man On Video* - This is not the original hack and slash anymore. This is an extreeeeme extreeeeeeeeemmeee. Hack and slash title, extreeemmmeeee. Not funny. Ohh I love him. Oh man. Oh man [If] you just, you know continue to press [th-the] same button like X, X, X, and Y, Y, Y, and X, X, and Y, Y, Y, again, you'll be sucked. *Laughing* Ohh love him so much. Press th-the same button like X, X, X, and Y, Y, Y, and X, X, and Y, Y, Y, again you'll be sucked. If you just press the [X], [X], [Y], [Y], [X], [X], [X], [Y]. You'll be... sucked. I can't wait for E3 2017. But not for the games. *Laughter* The games are great and all, but this shit. It's priceless. Anyway, I hope you bros enjoyed this video Leave a like if you did let me know if you're excited by E3 you can lower your hand now. And it's always stay awesome bros. I mean sorry, uh... Sister Fist. So here's this giant enemy crab. Extreeemmmeee.
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,719,222
Rating: 4.9301791 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, e3, react, react world
Id: ga7wMjVoLGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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