[Cuphead] this game is a little hard

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/metisrebelle 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
Cuphead people love... cuphead the new video game look at the reviews Everyone loves it people are saying cuphead is a pretty challenging game, but I just have one simple question Is it just like Dark Souls The whole meme with Dark Souls of ga- shooters or Dark Souls of puzzles Dark Souls meets Firewatch. Crash Bandicoot has become Dark Souls. The Dark Souls of space. Breath of the Wild is a little bit like Dark Souls. Every game is like Dark Souls Oh man let's go to my favorite video game journalist website polygon to find out cup editor repetition of being difficult it Isn't the Dark Souls of 2D shooters? Oh really Polygon turns out you're wrong because I have done a little bit of Journalistic work myself. I have found some evidence to show, uh, else-wise This is the footage of A games journalists, which I'm not gonna name who apparently spent 25 years writing for games and This is him playing the tutorial. I absolutely love the art direction of this game. It is incredible You know he can't seem to make this jump that you know I haven't played the game myself So I don't know But maybe you were seeing it already it kind of went viral just because of how god-awful it is. I'm a huge fan of 1920's, 1930's animation cartoons It's something that I used on my channel in the past is like a mid segue. It just has such a warm endearing feeling to it attached to it and just the style and attention to detail is just incredible and Seeing how well they implemented that in this game, you know it's an original idea to do that make that concept into a game But you can tell that they really put effort into details and making that possible He did it Thank God. In his defense he tweeted out, "spoken by someone who hasn't played it Yet, do me a favor and capture your first honest 26 minutes". Okay. It's time to do this What you are about to witness is the first 26 minutes of PewDiePie playing cuphead. unedited raw footage Because I've got stuff to do today, and I haven't got time to edit it. I'm sorry. I'm honestly a little nervous Maybe it is actually difficult. Okay here we go it is the tutorial all right. Okay? Okay? Oh my god - I didn't even know I had to press shift. It was so intuitive Oh my god wait wait wait wait no no he used a controller Maybe it's more difficult I don't mean to sound like an elitist or whatever if people are bad, at games. I couldn't care less, but if you're writing reviews About games how can anyone trust what you're saying when you clearly never bother to play a game properly How can you struggle with this you don't even have to press the direction... I love it, this game is so pretty Hey, you know what? This game is just like 'legend of the brofist'! You can buy stuff? Oh my god, that's so cool. Extra hit points? Okay. I love everything from the music to just how they they die and they explode or whatever so cool. Guess this is my first 26 honest Honest minutes It's pretty challenging, not gonna lie Surprised I made it this far. I Must, I must be extremely lucky look at these skills. I haven't even played 25 years I played more like 22 Got them What the heck, oh wait these are the ones that I can parry, i forgot. I thought they're enemies Did I just take damage? In Dark Souls, it doesn't work like that Oh look at it. Did the jumpy My god seriously what the heck this game is impossible No Are you kidding me, I was so clo... The whole thing? You best be joking Fine you know what fine I died on first level okay everyone needs to chill What the hecker is this There you go look at that look at those skills left and right Oh my god Why did I go for the coin? I was right at the end you know what you know what yes the game is hard, whatever Shit this is really embarrassing there's things everywhere chill fam Hey look yes look at that how long did that take me 26 minutes? hell yeah Gimme that A+, Gimmie that A+ Come on A+, I'm an a-plus gamer, everyone knows it, A+, a -- This game is just like Dark Souls. That's the only Well that could have been that could have been really embarrassing What Is this a boss? So I think originally this game was supposed to be just like a boss game or whatever But it received so much attention that they wanted to make it into a full game Which I'm glad they did, this reminds of Sonic so much. this game is just like Dark Souls Sonic Edition Does thing ever die? Or.. ow. Okay fine whatever, whatever zero deaths, okay that doesn't count Shi- oh god. What the hell that it make no sense You know what, fine I don't want to play the stupid boss anyway stupid games stupid whatever this game is whatever. Okay, shut up What do we have here? The thing is that I remember with old games they all used to be hard like back in the day I never was able to finish so many of the games that I played like Donkey Kong Country or whatever But that doesn't mean I enjoyed it less I think nowadays when developers have so much statistics on everything they know exactly If a person finished the game or not what places they died more on It just created this attitude that everyone has to be able to finish the game otherwise, It's not a good game, when that's not necessarily true at all That is just my little thought about difficulty in games. This boss is insane dude look so cool. Are we fighting the Illuminati carrot? 'Cause if so, I am turned on Hey, it's a knockout first right just zero deaths zero deaths just like Dark Souls, just like a dark soul Give me that A+ fam But you have to parry three times to get - what?- all The five skill level Skill level, look at that skill level. I knew I was gonna love it before I played it but goddamn I love it. Damn you gotta have at least godlike reflexes to deal with this boss I'm guessing I have to shoot these Oh, No What is happening what do I do? Well that one's hard, dude. You never know what's gonna happen- Ok we're good. Oh what the hell oh my god What am I doing? I think I have to parry it? Oh okay there we go. What do I get a frog? I got a frog, excellent. whoa! Whoa whoa hey hey hey Noooooooooo So cool! Come on. Give me something good Tiger oh wow Oh my lor- oh my GAH! ah! Yeah another one No, are you kidding me? Die at the easy bit I guess I have to do it three times But man, I can't this is hard It goes faster! My tempo is off- hey I did it Last one- STUPID COIN! Come on stupid game! Give me a challenge please Oh game a little hard. The game is too hard None of my god damn boys. Gimme the balls. I don't even know how these work Over! It's a knockout everybody, zero deaths, zero! Just like journalists have zero skills. My Gah! look at that first try, that was my first try look at that. What do you mean I didn't parry? What do you mean? Why do I have to parry? That was ten out of ten, baby! Get outta here. How do I parry seriously? I don't know how to parry I never parry in games. Okay? I never do it Really another boss dude, how many bosses are there? How'd I die? Oh, I have to defend the Okay all right okay? How do I get rid of it? I got a parry them right? Oh I see. Buh-tam! Buh-tam! Don't touch! Don't touch! But I did parry three times didn't I? This is just like tennis, you know you go, and then you go back you go and then Victory first try everybody, first try. Thank you. I defended the earth just like Dark Souls Oh boy! You know that's the only thing the game is missing the iconic voice acting I I think I could do a good job at it Oh boy! Ohhhh boy! Hey Pluto! Hey Pluto we gotta get the coins! Oh boy this- oh boy. This game is just like Dark Souls. I love the game, I think it's so fun I can't wait to just play more But we're gonna end that episode there. Now should anyone be shamed for being bad at games absolutely not But should a game be judged differently because it's difficult Get out of here Go home, then you don't understand man. Difficult games aren't just there to make it challenging It's to make it rewarding when you beat it isn't that obvious? Maybe that's obvious but it really doesn't seem like it when you see every single news outlet compare difficult games to Dark Souls because that's all that matters. Have you guys read 'All you need is Kill'? It's a manga based on sort of the same concept. That every time the... the guy isn't very good at fighting, you know. But every time he dies he gets to try again And then again and again and again and soon he becomes like this master of the same war scenario And it's the same thing with games You know you not you don't necessarily have to make it at the first try and then by the end of it You're you're a master of that level and you complete it perfectly and you get that sense of hell yeah, I learned something I became better at something And that's what the fun is. Anyway, that's Cuphead for you leave a like if you enjoy watching squad fam out
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,238,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, gameplay, dark souls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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