Travis Pastrana - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #32

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Can’t believe Travis is only 37, feels like he’s been around forever!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/woodchiponthewall 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Russian please!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kiraama_sun 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody and welcome to wild ride with stevo oh boy did we laugh really hard on this episode and i revealed something uh that's pretty embarrassing for me okay and travis told a crazy story about knoxville let's get into it ladies and gentlemen travis pastrana yeah dude what what's up steve good to see you bud good to see you too man i want to introduce my co-host scott randolph what's up dude how you doing good coming from off camera you'll hear the voice of the very gorgeous paul briskey what's up dude awesome yeah dude so thanks for doing this man um you just did uh the big stunt in annapolis huh how recent was that uh yeah just uh actually about two weeks ago so it was been pretty cool i mean ken block um you know was a friend for a while started out as a sponsor uh with dc shoes and then became a good friend and we both were teammates at subaru and then he went on to ford became my biggest rival uh started gymkhana just basically having fun in his his car and um he took it to like the next level of kind of like drifting all-wheel drive and awesome locations and more horsepower than has ever been in there and uh he kind of was like all right let's see let's just give you a shot so um you know needed a good location picked annapolis maryland which is my hometown all the roads and all the the jumps and the the crossings that i always wanted to do but could never legally do uh we got the cops on our side and uh politicians supported us even though uh some of the towns people were a little like are you sure a thousand horsepower subaru ripping around uh historic annapolis brick roads and uh dude it was awesome right how long does it take you to get clearance for that like when's the idea come about and then for a whole year you were working on it yeah a whole year yeah coba didn't help because all the schedules kind of like we had to be there when no one else was really there the boat shows i mean annapolis is awesome it's got um you know the naval academy it's got all the military all the motorheads guys that love loud noises and guns and then you've got the sailors um so you kind of have both worlds there that uh that kind of collide but uh no we we had a lot of fun and um we know most of the the firefighters and the cops and all the guys that didn't make it in motocross uh all went military so um definitely had a lot of backing that way uh but just trying to clear it to convince all the locals that i wasn't going to drive the car right through their shops which almost happened a few times but rather be lucky than good i always say nice yeah i'm sorry i did hear you say that but i was just looking at you and i'm like man we're the same age but you're just so much cooler than i am dude no one has ever said that about me crazy yes cool man um i i went to high school with this buddy his name is franz and he lives in maryland and of all the people i've known since high school i would say franz and i are dudes who like we're able to make careers out of doing what we what we love what we want and what what franz does is builds rally cars oh really pretty rad did did we meet him on tour i'm sure yeah uh-huh at the the the draft house in arlington that's right we had it we had dinner franz was on your skate team no on each other yeah i um so in any case shout out to my buddy he makes rally cars but the real question is do you even drift bro no honestly did this was the hardest thing because i basically subaru came to me and said what do you want out of a car and i said i want to shatter he'll climb records i want an unlimited open car give me the most downforce possible give me a wing that i can actually fly it so like you know usually for jumping a vehicle you know a semi truck and a bus and a motorcycle they all jump about the same but depending on the takeoff angle it matters if the the vehicle's front and low or front and high and i wanted to go for a 300 foot jump by the house um just it was just basically a hill a natural hill that you could jump after you hit it about 100 miles an hour and we did the calculations on this uh this app for an iphone that said you had to hit it about 135 so i hit it at 138 and we forgot to calculate the downforce oh came up short broke pretty much i mean i thought i broke my back the whole car should have broken in half i bounced another 150 feet down the backside of this hill um so yeah matt's not really my strong point but uh this car was absolutely awesome but it had so much downforce that actually made it more difficult to drift i got the the most traction the most power i mean first gear idles at like 70 miles an hour and then ken's like okay you got to do some backing in around this little tight areas and going around tires and trash cans i'm like no this this thing's made for going 150 mile an hour up a one lane road in a mountain you know i might have gone the wrong direction with the build but it's going to be sweet when we get it for racing that's cool jesus when you say uh buy the house this is like your nitro circus compound basically right though the world calls it pastrana land i just i just call it home yeah okay pastrana land and and i remember uh our jackass director who also directed your uh nitro circus mtv show he told me that the like what do you call the uh air when they helicopter people to the hospital what do they call that they're called lifelike yeah yeah yeah the people who fly the helicopters for the hospital like they know exactly where your house is like all they yeah but to be fair most of the people that go into that that uh most of the pilots around here they're all friends and if you're into doing dangerous stuff or i shouldn't say dangerous i mean not like back ass dangerous where you guys just like intentionally like this is gonna suck like you know right i mean you know that takes more balls in my opinion like i always naively think that i'm gonna land all the stupid [ __ ] that i try um where we usually don't but at least we think we do uh but at the end of the day like all the military guys around here i mean my best friend growing up was a navy and ended up being a navy seal until a couple years back and um they're all pilots and military and uh guns and shooting and skydiving and so if you're in the police or you're in firefighters or you're flying anything around this area chances are we grew up together so it's uh you know and and plus we had dur uh yeah what was it we called it uh i think black wednesday it was a really bad day for us we had uh three life flights the same day during when we were we were young and dumb and um filming for one of the first nitro circus uh dvds um we put a thousand dollars on the win and we sent three people that had well more than a thousand dollars worth of uh medical bills but it was totally worth it jesus um when so nitro circus started way before it was an mtv show i remember when uh i was in rehab with a roommate of mine was it was just going crazy about oh dude nature circus these dvds man oh dude you gotta check it out and uh pretty shortly thereafter it ended up that uh nitro circus became an mtv show with jeff tremaine um but when did the nitro circus start so nitro circus was born uh pretty organically through me getting injured getting bored having pastrana land if you will out back and having the best guys in the world wanting to learn um tricks wanting to learn backflips and we had kind of because freestyle was really new i mean i mean didn't even go in the x game as far as motocross until 1999. so i already had kind of racing sponsorship and kind of a way to pay for uh my fun which was freestyle motocross so kerry hart had the first foam pit um but he didn't let a lot of guys kind of ride it um where i had a phone pit and i was like yeah come on out let's see what we got um so everyone would come here and learn stuff so i was 18 19 20 years old and um i got a camera from greg godfrey uh who was i mean he worked as a key grip untouched by an angel and he just wanted to be a producer and then he realized that you know i just like riding dirt bikes and if i could film dirt bike stuff that'd be great but he couldn't get any riders to go out to the desert and go places so he called me up he's like hey can you get the riders to go do this stuff and i'll film it all and we'll pay for it all and you know no one got paid but we all got to do these awesome trips and then you know we had video to show for it and sponsors were stoked um so every time i got hurt i just had a camera i mean white balance wasn't set the nd filter i didn't know anything about anything i just you know sony 2000 little hand camera that thing was was i was worked and the footage was the film quality was horrible but the actual content kind of got like uh i mean not a jackass following but it was a pretty good following for just a bunch of rednecks riding dirt bikes so we were we were stoked and then uh when evil knievel um you know when he passed away we got a call from giant knoxville actually knoxville called um matt hoffman and huffman put him in touch with me he's like hey what can you do we got a 24 24-hour takeover of mtv what can you do and i sent him like a 30-page list he's like he called me up he's like hey can you do any of this i said i don't know we'll try it all and a week later we were fishing a show on mtv yeah and and i suppose in between there for the evil knievel thing dickhouse which is uh jeff truman johnny knoxville spike jones they were making a tribute to evil knievel and that was when knoxville uh broke his wiener that is that is accurate you know it's really kind of foreshadowing he uh he can't ride like but literally when you say someone can't ride you like oh he was acting like he couldn't ride that no like the man he is the worst motorcycle ride i've ever seen in my life and we had to like bump start him in second gear and i was like just pin it when you hit the bottom he's like look is this gonna hurt i'm like yeah it's gonna suck you'll be lucky enough to break something he's like as long as i don't break my dick sure enough right down on the handlebar to the urethra well i remember uh it being described to me that you said because he was gonna knock so that was the bit the as a tribute to evil knievel he was gonna try to recreate the double backflip which at that point had been pulled by nobody but you travis pastrana right like in competition you're the only one to do a double backflip so knoxville says i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna do the double backflip and uh they said that you told him that's great go for it but whatever you do just don't let go of the bike because if you let go of the bike it's gonna it's it's gonna leave you in a vertical fashion which means it's going to come back down and land on you and that's what you don't want so so make sure you hold onto the bike and knock some goes flying up and the [ __ ] first thing he does is let go of the fly's the bike in the air and it comes right back down on the land the bike landed on his deck and broke his urethra and he had a [ __ ] catheter tube down his dick for for a [ __ ] date i think he kept that as a badge of honor for way longer than he needed it dude knoxville's the only one i don't even think not that it was that long ago but i don't think he'd get away with this today and i know nobody else on the face the earth could ever get away with what he did we're on southwest flight you know the story travis is about to tell his killer and i'm going to tell you something that probably nobody in their right mind would ever say out loud for years i have worn only boxers that are basically plaid dark color and the reason for that i've struggled with skid marks okay and that's because wiping your butt with toilet paper doesn't do a good job it ends up with your butthole being itchy and then you want to scratch it when you scratch it your your underwear gets skid marks okay and that's why i go with dark underwear that doesn't show skid marks but it's not a problem for me anymore man because i use a bidet on my toilet and i've said this before this is my favorite product that i've ever promoted on the podcast okay it's called hellotushi and you get it at of course if you go to you get a much better deal but what is it and how does it work it's a big day right when you get done taking your sloppy dump you twist this little knob right here and blasts your [ __ ] and it blasts it like a pressure cleaner it makes it so perfect and clean and then when you wipe there's nothing there to make a skid mark with so you need this thing i'm telling you it's my favorite and how are you going to get it you're going to go to stevo and you're going to get 10 off your order so get 10 off your order at hellotushy.como now let's hear about knoxville um four rows in front of him and he had a catheter that made it that far and i'm sound asleep my mouth wide open up there he puts the catheter over top of my shoulder everyone's giggling he like literally goes back four rows people he doesn't know and they're like oh that's knoxville this is gonna be great and he pisses on me in a plane from four rows back regular commercial southwest flight i wake up everybody's laughing i'm thinking how did he get away with this and and i was pissed on so at 30 000 and he had the bag strapped around his ankle he called it his lemonade stand wait how long did he have this catheter dude he kept that thing for [ __ ] years man five years years it happened and when did that happen 2008 yeah yeah i know he had it for at least a year and a half and i i'm i'm with you i don't know i think you just like the pranks you could pull with it i mean what do you do you got to keep taking that thing in and out or do you just leave it in i don't know taking it out and putting it back in i think is the bad part of it like once it's in it's not so bad i i had a buddy's dad who had a catheter in but like when you put the catheter in i think it blows up to like a balloon inside to like keep it in there and he came to in the hospital bed he's like what the [ __ ] and he tried to pull it out and the balloon was up and it just wouldn't go out just because he came to um yeah i had a buddy i mean you know the um i might not want to identify the person but remember the the uh murder ball i know who you're talking about yeah not not zupan but there there's another another guy and we were partying together he's another guy you know all the murder ball was uh these this uh sport for like para athletes like uh paraplegics yeah like um paralyzed guys and this one guy was hanging out with partying and and uh he's like oh dude can you help me with my catheter right he's all hammered he's got to pee and i'm like all right you know i'm a bro and i i i grabbed his wiener i put the catheter really yeah that's nice of you yeah and i was like hey dude no big deal man i'm cool like that i'm very secure with myself so how do you get a catheter in there i would it like do you kind of have to hold it and like i mean you spit on it shut up you gotta get it wet these guys are i'm a little i'm a little concerned about that because they do have use of their arms they're playing that's a good question i don't know that's [ __ ] hilarious dude that's funny oh my god okay so knoxville breaks his dick next thing you know you're you're pitching a an mtv show he's like knoxville wanted help too i don't know and uh let let me go into the worst pit the world's worst pitch ever can you help me with my catheter well i went in with knoxville and tremaine we had done a lot of pitches and always got kind of pushed aside and nothing went through yeah okay yeah sure we'll call you uh-huh sure whatever well we went in with knoxville and tremaine now knoxville goes in and he's got a bunch of wicks attached to big old huge things of duct tape but the wicks are like it's a live wick that he was lighting on fire so he walks into mtv lighting wicks fire in the hall long wicks so we're like you know 20 seconds long and he's throwing these uh these wicks they just go into duct tape and he's throwing them and everybody i mean these poor interns and people everyone's dropping their phones computers are flying off desks people are diving they're thinking that knoxville being knoxville is actually dropping like you know these huge things of cherry bombs everywhere it's going to explode and then the whole office is diving on the floor and he's laughing nothing goes off because it's just wicks attached to nothing so we go in there everyone's kind of already a little uneasy but everyone knows that you know knoxville's in there pitch another show which you have to remain we go in and you know i've done some fairly good pitches before i was you know fairly articulate with how we've we've worded things and they said okay so what's this show about and uh knoxville points to germany and jeff goes all right all right all right so um picture this it's like jackass but they don't do drugs okay so i'm like that's your whole bit that is your pitch no video no anything a month later we had a show on mtv so that's so funny and uh i remember i was newly sober and they said hey man can be uh on the nitro circus show you know we're shooting something in california and my question is was there ever a cameo from somebody a guest appearance on nitro circus and the person was a bigger [ __ ] than i was when i was on nitro circus you know what's interesting i'm gonna go with no i'm gonna go wait what happened really interesting you would volunteer you were like i'm in you just didn't want to so nitro circus it's all about like you actually have to do the stunt whereas i feel jackass is just hit go fall off a cliff or jump obviously you know what i mean like down the hill gravity bulls like once you say go you're in well you had control of the the throttle right and you just wouldn't go fast enough to make it worthwhile but you don't have control of a bull or a dynamite or bees or guns and i realized that that's what your guys stick was that you just you committed to doing something and then you didn't want to be the one that had to hurt yourself i do i think that you've just about nailed it and that's a problem like across the boards when you when you have to do something it's so much easier to like close your eyes and stay still and wait for something awful to happen then i disagree knoxville goes balls are a win-win i'm like no if it doesn't hit you the footage is unusable and if it hits you you get hit by a bull how is this a win-win situation because when you get hit in the nuts you want your eyes closed and i'm like there's no [ __ ] way i'm closing my eyes waiting for that i have to have my eyes closed why because otherwise i'll flinch [Laughter] okay so when i was on the nitrous circus the only [ __ ] thing i was trying to do was going like a two foot tall if two like knee knee high like a knee high jump ramp like the kind of [ __ ] jump ramp that i pushed up against the wall to ride my skateboard up the wall yeah like [ __ ] knee high and i just got to ride a motorcycle off a two foot [ __ ] jump ramp landing in dirt mind you and i could not bring myself to go off of a two-foot jumper why i don't know dude i don't like it so wait what would you do like just veer to the side or stop short i think i would veer to the side i would lay it down i would kind of like i don't know i can't even remember but it was awful dude like this so that's probably just wouldn't let it happen we have confirmation from travis pastrana i was the biggest [ __ ] on nitro circus ever which is a little bit of a of an honor it's something hey travis the first episode of nitro circus was that when your dad jumped off the boat am i right on that so yeah we went down to panama i wasn't the first episode but um yeah he so my dad always wore like just cut off jeans and he went down there in dc hooks them up with these uh you know these big old board shorts and he's stoked and plus he's a lot older now he jumped out of the boat so we're driving and he's yelling at us hey come on you you [ __ ] basically jump out jump we're like dad we're going 90 we're not jumping out of the boat he's like ah [ __ ] jumps out the boat well he lands in one he's old too we're going 90. yeah and all the piece of junk boats that we have back home we had like you know checkmates and stuff maybe like 65 70. that 20 mile an hour hits so he goes in and it rips his so he does the splits when he lands please he can't do the splits and um he shatters his pelvis starts bleeding out now he's my dad's drill sergeant the marine corps he doesn't doesn't you know ever let anyone see him in pain so he swims back to the boat and he gets on he pulls himself up broken pelvis bleeding out we didn't know it and he just kind of sits on the back for a while and i said dad are you okay he said nope no one's and everyone's kind of dying and uh like hey you want to you want a pain shot or you know because one of the doctors was on just saw and i'm kind of seeing them kind of go white and uh dad goes yep i looked over i'm like holy [ __ ] he is dying like i've never seen him take so much like he'll take advil but he doesn't believe in pain meds he doesn't believe in like anything and i'm like man he just took a shot and he'd never if you ever ask him if he's hurt he says no i'm like i really think he's dying i said hey dad you want to go back uh back on shore he's like i need to go to the hospital you know i whenever you guys have done this i didn't get hospital um so they're kind of going around i'm like you know hey guys let's not sit back you know it's pretty rough out in panama canal we head back by this point he's pretty white and uh but he's still you know so he gets up he walks not well mind you but he he walks you know doesn't make too much of a face broken pelvis bleeding out walks to shore sits down and we take back off going uh when he passes out on the on the on the shore uh goes to it and basically they put him in shock trauma uh two surgeries later uh gave him blood for two days and we had to go film the next gig in jamaica so we fly out and not a single person on his whole level of the hospital it was a john hopkins hospital he's a real nice place but he goes my dad's singing when he got back he goes man yes i showed up the people at mcdonald's spoke english he goes i got approached by ten call women that all spoke english he's like not a single person those educated players down there spoke any english i woke up two days later had no idea how i got there why i was there had surgery got freaking bags of blood attached and you [ __ ] left me they said you were gonna be fine anyway we have a good good family relationship there and uh he he hadn't done anything stupid since so you're so he did it was his last thing he didn't remember the actual accident you're telling me that he he lost all memory of all of it like he was he was pretty much dead like he uh he bled bled out so he took him took him three days to get back to where he was conscious again how do you bleed out when it what did he eternal internally uh yeah artery so basically when you shatter your pelvis uh the um the femoral arteries right there evidently but yeah so he bled blood like we had actually similar injuries so he bled two thirds of his blood volume out that's same as i did when i was like 14. so was that when you severed your spine yeah so he did half of what i did he did one side where i did both both sides of the side joint you passed out too right yep well i passed out right away he's a little tougher it took a bit longer to pass it out that was when you crashed into a tree when you were no no i just didn't go fast enough i landed short on a on like 120 foot jump oh my god now we've had about a number of uh you know professional skateboarders we asked danny way ryan shackler tony hawk actually hasn't had that in many like grievous certain injuries and surgeries i don't think but uh but sheckler and anyway absolutely how do you think you stack up uh next to danny way or ryan sheckler for having surgeries i think both of them have had multiple knee surgeries like shoulders elbows wrists all of it so if you look at bmx uh you know you got like evil knievel the pioneer uh and then you got bmx you have matt hoffman and skate you have danny way and kind of in in moto rally now that's kind of my like yeah the just the the people that just now that we threw caution to the wind but we're like yeah yeah it'll work um and then kept getting up and kept pushing i mean probably the the only one i don't have topped of the current list has to be matt hoffman that guy yeah dude he is the baddest dude living on the face of the earth today hands down without a doubt um you know tony he goes about stuff very methodically he loves what he does but he skates he still skates pretty much every day that's a guy that i mean he's got to be in his 50s right i don't mean too yeah so tony's in his 50s still doing tricks that no one else has ever done but he doesn't crash a lot he's he's you know he's very calculated that way where a guy like danny's like yeah i'm going to jump the great wall of china how do you build up to that you know you're just kind of like ah yeah right so i've had 35 operations and i'm 37 years old so i'm crushing it i was actually i had 34 operations when i was 32. so i'm definitely going the right direction here nice yeah i love the way you broke that down that that uh bmx is matt hoffman skating's danny way and moto is you and you're all following in the footsteps of evil knievel yeah i mean it's beautiful it's perfect and i think that that probably sounds right because matt hoffman is the most physically reconstructed human being i think in any sports and and probably even outside you'd have to have like really bad luck with car accidents to approach matt hoffman's level of surgery but matt finally gets he gets both shoulders he gets his back he gets his knees he gets his ankle a wrist everything done at once he's like literally he's like 10 months where he can't do anything and he's getting back going and he's in yeah he goes i was going through a stop sign and me he got run over by a tractor trailer like a semi truck ran a red light and he was back broke everything again now not to jump in someone else's story and you guys gotta gotta get him on for sure but this is the gnarliest footage i've ever seen so it's uh dennis mccoy and uh matt hoffman and it's just them in the middle of oklahoma um on this quarter pi or half pipe and they're trying to do an over under cross or something they got a camera well uh they head head-on collision um one of them's knocked out matt's got a broken like he's busted all up dennis has a broken back and they're laying there and it's just both of them kind of uh unconscious for a little bit and then you see them both kind of come too and they're both kind of like figuring out what's going on and then it's matt uh military crawling over to the golf cart to to jump in the golf cart completely broken to go get help so um you guys that's probably the gnarliest thing i've ever seen and it's all on justice gopro sitting there oh my god dude and he still he still rides every day hi guys that guy's amazing it's it's absolutely unbelievable yeah do you have any tricks coming up are you like after you accomplish something big like that are you like all right let me get or do you have stuff in your mind that you that you still want to work on i want to know do you have a video game because it seems like uh tony hawk pro skater you know like is there has there been a motocross video game or uh yeah back in the early 2000s uh dave mira and i both sews dave mirror pro bmx and travis jenna um promote across basically under the same activision label as as uh tony but uh tony's i mean that that actually that video game might have been what took action sports um to the the mainstream i mean that and x games all coming out i mean it was it was huge i mean everybody to this day still knows tony hawk and a lot of it is from the video game which is really really cool right but no we haven't haven't done a lot honestly i just think i'm that guy that loves to ride my dirt bike i love to drive i love to do stuff that's never been done um as far as like figuring out tricks and ramps and uh working with airbag landings and just that innovative stuff okay let me ask you about this um we we're i'm planning just for my own and it's something i wanted to do for the longest time is to uh dress up as a crash test dummy and just drive a car into a wall like uh to to to test the airbag i know that that doesn't really fit with my like you know i i don't know how to go i think i can i think i'll pull it but uh what what do you think about that and logistically how uh did the car were thinking about using is uh from where when did we get it like 2015 2015. ford fusion and we just got to make sure that the airbag blows up how do we know that the airbags are still good from when we bought it in 2015 and the easiest way to get the airbags to go off is just to get over a jump and the best part is you unhook your airbag but you don't unhook the passenger's airbag so you're laughing you go over a jump and it lands on the front end a little bit and pushes down the front end and they're laughing all of a sudden boom straight to the back of the seat all right yeah that's not my style yeah i mean you could be the passenger i'll take you over jump yeah maybe we can have uh uh travis write it i [ __ ] hate that but uh but see i feel like there's a way bigger idea here where you get like a car company to sponsor it and it's like sort of an ad for them like we don't want to use a crash test dummy so we're going to use a human to show you how safe our car is and then we believe in our safety so much around here a crash test dummy yeah yeah that's pretty good yeah i think that there there could be a big one there um i gotta ask you uh are your night terrors getting any better i i heard i said we can cut that out if you want but i was just i was so curious about that we're gonna learn all about night terrors but do you know what's even scarier when your girl goes into your drawers and finds your bush out of control and by bush gentlemen i mean your pubic hair are you grooming it properly like me because if you're not thank god for manscaped that's what i use to keep my balls nice and trimmed keep my package looking good and speaking of package manscaped is ready for the holidays with the perfect package 3.0 that's the manscaped perfect package 3.0 it is everything that you need to keep yourself groomed and in tip-top shape to get plenty of action with the ladies so gentlemen how are you going to get this for yourself this holiday season you're going to go to stevo and that's going to get you 20 off your order and free shipping that's 20 off your order and free shipping if you go to stevo telling you it's important to look good like me now let's talk about night terrors well so we i was in vegas and i got this wait what are night terrors i guess scott scott you know it was was poking around the internet and uh doing some research on you he learns that you have what's called night terrors and what what does that even mean um it's a good question kind of like you ever seen a sixth sense like the i see dead people kid yeah so everyone has a lot of there's all different types or whatever but i feel like i'm fully awake um and obviously i'm not awake but i feel like i am i'm in pla wherever i went to sleep and you wake up and um a lot of weird stuff um for instance i knocked out my tooth uh there was basically a big dog uh chasing me and i woke up and i'm running i dove down the steps and as i'm in the air diving down the steps i'm like there's no dog in my room and i busted out my front tooth uh so that's the only tooth i lost was actually uh from from a night terror uh you know basically see stuff in the in the fire uh when the fire is not on um it's it's a little strange um so interestingly enough when you're traveling a lot and you run down a lot you're run down on b vitamins uh b vitamins is what's your energy but that also creates melatonin so melatonin is what helps keep you asleep so a lot of times if you're really run down you'll see a lot of the military guys have it a lot of action sports people have it uh sheckler actually has night terrors which was really funny because i took off yelling screaming running one way this is a long time ago sheckler was yelling screaming running the other way and my roommate you normally uh chris haynes who normally didn't care if he heard me running he's like i he was like out the door and underwear like what's going on we're like oh just night terrace he's like well if just one of you i wouldn't have been so concerned two of you all running from opposite rooms in different directions so does that does that mean that that it happens while you're asleep is it like a dreaming and you're having a nightmare kind of thing or uh yeah for the most part so like for instance uh my one of the first times i had a night terror i was like 12 years old and um you know i was in a hotel room with my parents out in vegas and they woke up and the doors open my feet were all bloody i had run about a half mile across the desert from from our motel 6 just in my underwear barefoot full sprint before i noticed that uh you know that i was dreaming or what i was running from so i go back to a couple years ago um i was on an airplane and it was i fell asleep while i was on the runway and this is what i'm most afraid of is like this you know one of those those uh agents are going to be on and i'm going to be running towards the cockpit luckily i was running towards the back of the plane and not towards the front of the plane screaming at the top of my lines running as fast as i can in the back of the plane we're still on the runway and they're like everyone please sit down so we can take off and i had to walk back past every one of these people i'm sorry my dad was like what the hell just happened so i try not to fall asleep on planes anymore although the night chairs are getting better uh but i had an awesome hotel room in vegas and um i was about to go to sleep with all the doors open and i was like man this is a bad idea cause i'm gonna wake up jumping off the side of the building so i try to double latch all the doors and try to make sure that i wake up before i do anything stupid is there any footage of you having night terrors no no and if there was i would definitely not tell you [Laughter] oh my god it's crazy that you mentioned uh vitamin b i think it's it's uh when i was doing all my nitrous oxide i i would have these crazy [ __ ] hallucinations like super super involved like you know i'm seeing stuff happening that's not really happening and hearing voices voices out all the rest of it and uh i ended up doing some research as to like what the [ __ ] is going on with it and they said that that inhaling nitrous oxide like as much as as as that reduces your vitamin b and leads to these crazy hallucinations so maybe there's a connection there with night terrors yeah i think it could be uh like basically your ptsd or whatever because a lot of military guys get it and whatever and i'm sure you you have some uh you know injuries head injuries or you know don't do drugs i think is is a good one were you you were researching like why you're having terrors because of nitrous oxide i mean i never considered it terrors i mean i i was uh steve loved it he wanted to find out how to replicate that i did love it but uh my experience was that i entered the spirit world on some level and that i was interacting with angels and demons so there was like super dark [ __ ] but there was also like really cool like wonderful like loving stuff you know um have you ever told a story on the podcast when you were doing so much whatever that some dude came in and like took a bong load it was like yeah i think i've told that story plenty i love that um why not so what about what about head injuries man i mean like uh where you are do you think with concussions um well it's actually pretty interesting had a great opportunity um to basically go down to uh to texas and it's one of the the top kind of military uh so i don't know you ever heard of marcus latrell uh the lone survivor mark wahlberg played him in the movie but his brother his twin brother morgan um was actually kind of uh he was a seal as well got in a bad helicopter crash uh they said he'd never walk again and he came back on multiple tours um awesome awesome dude uh so he got together with through the boot campaign um which is basically trying to help guys that come over with cte and ptsd and everything to uh mostly military uh to heal up and to be able to kind of get back doing what they love to do so they're not depressed and that kind of stuff but he came to nitro circus and basically just saw the injuries that we were having and said hey uh take your three biggest head injury people and come on down um we got the cooper clinic um down in texas and we've put together the best head trauma doctors uh from around the world to basically come out here and and we can do the best we can of assessing you i went with jim to champ who's had quite a few head injuries as well as james foster uh same we've all hit our heads a lot and we went down there just to see what the long term was and when what they were thinking and you know there's still a lot that people don't understand about the head but what's really the biggest takeaway for me was you know boxing um even football where you know you always talk kind of the same way you hit the same spot um you know soccer uh you take headers yes all the time you're always doing in the same kind of area um that was what causes cte um more than than even a major you can have one major head injury obviously have effects for the rest of your life but for the most part if you don't hit the same spot over and over again it's not even having a full concussion it's you know when you get your bell rung a little bit and if you have your bell rung again and again and again and again in the same spot before it has a chance to heal that's what causes the brain damage and long lasting effects so to be honest motocross is a pretty good sport because usually when we hit our head hard enough to be knocked out we're really broken we don't have a chance to get back on for a while so right that's kind of nice i think i think what what you're saying is uh the repetition a lot of little the the the uh the accumulation of a lot of little uh boxing or like being a lineman just constantly or like coming out on stage every night and breaking [ __ ] beers on your head yeah then when i got sober i'd go on tour and i would come out on stage breaking cans of club soda on my head [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot i would do that and then and then at a certain point waking up in the morning i'd get up and walk out of bed like on a weird diagonal like losing my balance like i'd be like man i got to stop hitting my head [Music] like an idiot yeah and soccer that's a good those headers like i'm surprised people don't just get knocked out sometimes from hitting those it's no fun man i've played soccer and you go head the ball that [ __ ] [ __ ] hurts yeah it hurts even if it's not even kicked that hard like sometimes it comes from like 50 feet up and you're hitting it yeah i have a question i want to go back to something actually like scott called you like cool travis and you sort of like shrugged it off like you don't feel cool or like you'd think you're not cool is that like uh have you always felt that way like sort of your uncool i yeah i mean i really feel like i have a good question so much the double back flip i started coming back around and everyone's like oh i can't believe you wear a plaid and then it was like oh yeah you're cool and then now it's like oh you're trying to catch that trend it's already passed i'm like it's not a trend man like i'm just me and that's been the greatest thing motocross like i was very fortunate from a young age to be good at what i did and it was it wasn't a [ __ ] sport you know moto like if you could do motocross and you could just eat [ __ ] and i was the first person to never quit to get back up i mean my dad would kick my ass if i'd stop for any reason he always goes if you fall down you don't know if you're broke until you get back up you're broken whatever you broke it'll fall back on and you'll fall down on your face if you're not you'll figure it out and you'll get back up you keep going so i was always kind of that quiet shy kid and right around the second or third grade um i started getting a little bit of credibility for being you know kind of the best of my area the best in you know the nation for motocross and got a reputation for being the guy that huck the biggest jumps crashed the most got up quicker never complained and that reputation like i was 15 at the x games against metal militia brian deegan all those guys you know world domination and you know all trying to be cool i at the time no tattoos no like i didn't drink a single drop alcohol until i was 22. now i've made up for lost ground but you know i was focused on uh i was focused on being an athlete and i didn't care what anyone thought was cool it didn't matter to me i wanted to be the best at what i did and just doing that gave me that respect i could walk into any crowd it didn't matter if it was you know hell's angels or bible club you know they'd be like oh dude yeah you're that guy or you know or whatever like and it was it was kind of neat to be able to walk in and out of any realm and just be kind of if not accepted at least respected um for what you did so so no my job was never it was always kind of people obviously sponsor me so it sells stuff but i mean nitro circus was like metal militia was the cool kids the nitro circus was like you know the straight a students that just really wanted to be the best of what they did or go the biggest we don't care like we brought scooters into like the mainstream i mean scooter's obviously doing huge and everyone's like no no scooters i'm like kids doing awesome and pushing themselves and it's helping our industry hell yeah scooters and then r willie best scooter he switches over to bmx and wins he's the winningest uh big air bmx rider of all time and he's just a scooter kid so it's like yes this is great dude i [ __ ] love our willy man so after the mtv show then you make like proper nitro circus the movie and uh that one like the movie industry i think is kind of kind of weird where like it's the highest stakes form of gambling and uh the question is whether it's going to be like wide theatrical release at which point you're gambling so much but the nitro circus i feel like that movie was probably probably a pretty small budget right like so we we went too big on our budget greg godfrey um our producer was convinced he's like this will be the first 3d film that the 3d actually is that's going to be what sells it so we did triple the budget of what we should have done for these brand new 3d cameras which now cost one tenth the price of what they did um you know tremaine and knoxville kind of told us they're like i don't think you guys quite have that following it's not a jackass jackass relates on all levels um action sports any anything that's a skill stunt once people see that it's a skill stunt they just ex they don't understand it so they just expect it to work or if it doesn't work then they're just like that guy's not good at what he does as opposed to jackass where anyone can relate to um you know getting in a shopping cart and going down a hill really fast same thing nitro circus our biggest stunts were the slip and slide where the big wheels were the stuff that everyone could relate to but the problem with the film in my opinion looking back on it was that we were so scared shitless all the way through that we didn't have the camaraderie that jackass did we were focused on doing the biggest best craziest stunts and doing them to the best they possibly could have been and we were so focused on that that we forgot when you're making a movie it's got to be fun it's got to be exciting they have to actually feel what we really felt it breaks my heart to hear you describe uh first off i think that that you guys absolutely have crazy camaraderie i don't think that that's uh a valid criticism and no it it is in my opinion because we had that off off screen but it wasn't because we were doing a 3d film we didn't get to prolly like everything that we filmed were the stunts so that movie the 3d film don't give me wrong stunts were good and we had some crazy stuff we had some good funny stuff in there but at the end of the day the camaraderie was everything that happened off-screen so we just didn't do a good job like you guys did of capturing that to relate to the general general audience and we we kind of dumbed it down for the audience when i think the audience we got to give them more credit like they're they're going to pick up on stuff you don't explain it all out i'm uh very much not representative of like the average american or moviegoer or you know even like my own audience i'm just not because i [ __ ] love that [ __ ] man i went to the screening before it came out and i was just like oh my god [ __ ] nitro circus hallelujah i enjoyed it so much dude and you guys made a follow-up to it right that was that was the follow-up to it was that a movie per se or was it so the follow-up actually is what's gonna be really funny um it still hasn't actually got picked up yet but that i think it's better than the movie because it basically showed i mean greg godfrey spent a half million dollars on an ending that never got seen and instead he he wanted a parade but it was a gay pride parade i'm like greg we could do like the hooters parade or the bikini model tropics parade or whatever uh and it was just it was very very odd and it was it was hilarious but it was basically this movie that everyone came on board and everyone's like yeah the plot was like what plot like greg godfrey kept saying there was a script or a plot or whatever okay yeah do your lines we're like what why like what are you talking about no one gave us any direction we were just doing stunts and then he tried to put the whole thing together at the end from what was in his head it would have worked but he didn't explain it to anybody his vision so this we did kind of like the almost joking on ourselves like how can you possibly raise five million dollars to do a film and have no idea three quarters of the way through what what are you even filming and i just thought that was um an attribute both to the fact that we had had enough success that people believed in us and the fact that we still have no idea what we're doing and somehow it's kind of almost working most of the time yeah correct man that's a um the the 3d movie like uh let's say let's say we want to watch it right now we go on itunes like uh where is it where does it live yeah no you can you can go see it on itunes um i shoot i don't even know i thought it came out on netflix uh but i'm i'm not 100 sure so yeah but it's um it's still one of the one of the best um like itunes action sports uh films which was was pretty cool like the audience that saw it liked it the actual absolutely [ __ ] loved it i loved it well i appreciate it yeah we had we did have fun despite being scared to death the whole movie and almost killing jim and tommy uh yeah i was that was pretty good yeah and then um the nitro circus uh action figures was that the follow-up to it that was the next and that's that was yeah so we had um we had nitro circus like our dvd series um and then we did uh through billy's dvd series um then throwability's got so nitro series got picked up on mtv and through abilities got picked up on fuel uh back when fuel was like that thing you just turned on and it was always had action sports and stuff before uh the mma took over fuel um so we had those two things and then i wanted to get back to the old school music video like back to uh you know creatures of habit and the old whiskey films and just what i grew up on you know like cky2k and you know kind of the batch of the culture of what made action sports uh so i came out with action figures and we did an action figures too um i spent way more basically of my own money making the film than we did then we made from it but for me it was totally it was awesome just to be able to have an excuse to go out there with our friends in the backyard and at the end of the day that helps kind of keep the brand going and we so the first action figures we got uh joshian ended up doing a triple backflip uh jed milton uh and james foster were racing for a quadruple backflip on a bmx bike um those both got taken out of the film because nycha said they were too big to be in a music video so we put them back in but it wasn't like they got put on like uh network television or whatever um but we were able to do so much and move action sports and airbags and shoot i had probably six hundred thousand dollars worth of investment in how do you make a flat bag into a landing bag and what's the best landing bag and then we have you know since that movie came out um all the top uh you know olympic federations for all these different countries were basically calling nitro circus how do you keep these guys healthy what do you do on this how do you do that uh working with bag jump and it was really uh even though financially it didn't make a lot of sense it was a really cool thing for kind of the future of action sports and something that i really enjoy doing i mean it seems like there's a financial like a a big business and and like evolving in the this whole bag technology yeah but i spent like you know you said over a half million dollars designing and making these bags and figuring out what to work and not work and now you can buy them for like 60 000 which is still expensive but you know for for the amount of effort and work that we put in but i think at the end of the day high tide floats all ships i want to work with espn and the x games i want to work with you know obviously part of nitro in the nitro world games for the big arab action sports and um you know you got all these x fighters so with red bull and um you know everybody wants to do their own thing i think if everyone kind of works together and figures out how can we make this the safest we possibly can to give the riders the longest like the longevity in the sports but we have to keep progressing if we don't progress you know we're not gymnastics it's not about pointing your toes and trying to win olympic medals like i mean i know skating's in the olympics and stuff but at the end of the day like i think still for skating like video parts are still what i consider sure like you go out and i yes skating you can do it perfect once yes competition that's great that's one whole side of it but the other side is what can you do that no one else has ever done how can you be creative how can you make a video a part that no one you know and that's what you guys yeah and the one thing we haven't touched on which is like probably the biggest uh you know the biggest revenue stream i would imagine is the nitro circus tour i mean you guys routinely have traveled the world like with [ __ ] humongous arenas the overhead for the show has got to be absurd but uh but the business of touring arenas is is probably pretty lucrative right the business was great until koben um right nitro is going to be very different um when this comes out because not only i mean we had 60 shows uh canceled this year so that's and not that this shows they're not really money makers but they keep you know unfortunately had to lay off uh you know quite a few people there's just no like even the the riders and trying to figure out okay we're switching to youtube and we're doing these side off events but you know instead of everyone getting paid x amount for a stadium show of you know 30 000 down in um south africa we're doing drive-in shows where you know 1500 people show up and you know it's it's just not there's not the same person to pull from um or not purse but funding if you will uh so it's really been tough on the riders uh it's been tough on the whole touring um you know and what we're doing going forward we don't know what um kobe if they're gonna allow back you know stadiums that we can fill up night and night again or if there's gonna be spacing so um you know huge hit for our industry as a whole but it's helped all the writers be a little bit more creative instead of saying okay i'm just going to go on tour all the writers have stepped back and say okay now i have to make content if i want to get paid i have to figure out how to make content daily content sure but at least a couple big ones a month um and you know nitro is doing our doing our best to to reach out to the writers and say okay whether it gets one view or a million views um you know if you give us something that's three to five minutes longer we'll pay you x amount just because you know riders are promised you know 20 30 50 events a year depending on on on the rider and the scale so you know you're never guaranteed that you can always get hurt but it's in the back your head you think okay i'm gonna have this as a fallback well now everyone's had to change a lot of guys have gone to you know construction a lot of guys in uh australia working the mines trying to figure out like we realized right now that we are a hobby and how fortunate we are to be able to live our dream life um you know it's it's hope it's been tough when you talk about the content uh is this at the nitro circus youtube channel is that is that what we're promoting to to get eyeballs on the content yeah so nitro circus we really didn't have a youtube channel for instance we i mean there was one but we didn't put a lot into it um but now we're saying okay let's get the media house side of this going like what can we do we've had a bunch of events on uh basically espn the ocho uh but espn2 um because without x games uh they've had a lot of world of x and a lot of stuff that that they didn't have content for um so that's helped us get different shows like we've been doing pit bike racing and basically every way we can have fun because especially for a little bit um we couldn't have more than a certain amount of people around so a lot of the um you know the bigger production companies couldn't film but nitro we could still send a few gopros out and have the riders film themselves at home do whatever they're doing and and help us manage our sponsorship um through hey we can't do this event but we can have this rider do this and um you know find the guys that fit best and that want to do that that kind of content and um you know our youtube channel we're basically we've had an amazing opportunity to bring so many um shows that we kind of pushed aside or buried for a little bit like the race to rebuild if you guys have a chance to check this out we basically went and when uh hurricane maria devastated puerto rico three riders myself included came out of retirement and raced the biggest motocross race on earth the motocross of nations for team puerto rico then went down with all of our construction buddies um all the ramp builders all the welders that we have that normally build ramps and stuff who all didn't really have a lot going on we went down uh to puerto rico and we put roofs on four houses and rebuilt a couple motocross tracks that were down there and um went to a school and donated a lot of people helped uh you know kind of uh helped us to to be able to give back to a territory of the us so stuff like that that would never normally have seen the light of day um we got to to document better and and uh try to try to do the best we could during the time the race to rebuild that sounds like a good balance between action and philanthropy yeah you don't have to know anything about motocross to like it but my uh you know my five-year-old daughter sat through the whole thing because it does if you get a chance it's uh it's worth a watch and that lives on so that lives on uh that's a great question he lives on google takes you the rest of the way sorry fail just look it up i'm sure you'll find it i love it i love it um [ __ ] man i gotta jump on my psychiatrist call dude that's the best ex that i've ever heard i don't know i gotta go to psychiatrists from 1101 right now [ __ ] man well uh okay let's run let's quickly run through where we're sending people like uh we've got nitro circus on instagram it's a constant flow of epic [ __ ] that i'm so i love following so everybody follow nitro circus on instagram travis pastrana on instagram yeah just uh it's not he's not uncool he's [ __ ] lovable a little dorky a lot lovable and uh and i'm gonna that's gonna be my next i'm putting that on my instagram i like it so hey be sure to check out jim khanna but hey for me you know what i i just want people to go out there to get off the video games to have some fun to get outside and freaking man get on your scooter get on your bmx bike your dirt bike that that's i'm passionate about that my kids love that dude pump tracks bmx tracks whatever you motocross tracks go have some fun and get outside that's cool i i [ __ ] love that dude i i love that and uh oh our willy he's our willy on instagram god he's [ __ ] you gotta check it you gotta check him out i [ __ ] love him so much man um all the nitrous circus right of wheels wheels is an official nitro circus rider right he's unbelievable that dude backflip 360 in a wheelchair he just just threw his arms off yeah like a normal wheelchair not like anything special just awesome and he builds his own chairs it's pretty cool that's right oh my god so it's so great um well hey brother [ __ ] thank you so much for doing this man what an honor and uh did i just i really appreciate you man i'm a huge fan well right back at you and i really appreciate the opportunity to be on here and uh look forward to seeing more of your episodes coming up soon man oh yeah dude thank you so much travis dude thank you guys well i hope you guys laughed as hard as we did man because god that was fun dude ah here we are again you special people who stuck around to the very end i want you to know how much you mean to me um let's let travis know that we enjoyed this what a good guy huh and um what else man yeah i was that much of a [ __ ] [ __ ] on nitro circus okay so off my back and we'll see you next week
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 248,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wild ride, scott randolph, paul brisske, travis pastrana, nitro circus, nitro, circus, moto cross, moto, knoxville
Id: Bl1BhLUBcOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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