Top 20 Times Ryan Reynolds Was Awesome

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hello i'm ryan reynolds most of you may know me from that episode of sabrina the teenage witch welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 times ryan reynolds was awesome ryan that was really funny okay game on brolin for this list we're looking at various times this actor showed what a genuine and funny human being he is we'll only be including items that are not within the movies he's appeared in what's your favorite ryan reynolds story let us know in the comments number 20 he stole the deadpool suit not that we're condoning theft of course but at this stage in his career ryan reynolds has paid his dues and earned his rights to the perks of being a hollywood star one of those might be the right to keep a costume or two from his movies what does this suit look like to you huh does it look like a leprechaun had sex with a cartoonist yet given how tight studios can be it doesn't surprise us to learn how reynolds stole his signature deadpool costume from the set of the first movie the first time i saw it i just i cried because it was so emotional for me it was the it was looked like it was ripped right out of the pages of the comic book i loved it after more than 11 years of trying to get that film made it was the only thing he wanted from the set the story goes that he literally left the set that day wearing it and has since challenged the studio to take it from him way to stand your ground ryan what you do from there is limited only by your imagination will you add it to your weekly wardrobe rotation does it become a colorful addition to your s m dungeon or you simply nail it to a post in order to scare away birds children and the elderly number 19 he got roasted by his twin ryan reynolds is a funny guy that much is pretty obvious after all we've got decades of evidence to draw from what makes reynolds so funny however is the fact that his favorite butt of the joke is himself i skipped ahead let's get to the heart of the matter now why can't you be like other actors good ones while most actors would rather not talk about their films that failed with critics or at the box office he reframes his past flops as comedic gold do you consider deadpool the green lantern of good movies taking this trademark self-flagellating humor to new heights however was this 2016 interview he did for gq in which he's interviewed by his own twin spoiler reynolds doesn't have a twin it's just ryan reynolds being a jerk to ryan reynolds oh and that cameo from jake gyllenhaal amazing gq man of the year that's a big honor you know i can't i can't think of anyone more worthy yeah well it's uh it's um hey jake number 18. he got involved in covid19 awareness when the covet 19 pandemic struck people across the globe were trying to wade through an ocean of misinformation about the virus yeah ryan continues to use his fame to help others during the pandemic he and his wife blake lively have already donated one million dollars to food banks canada and feeding america while some people of notoriety may have stumbled through their coveted messaging people like ryan reynolds nailed it showing up as bruce he appeared in an ottawa public health video promoting safety measures around cobid we can do this and we will do this steady as she goes ottawa he also participated in several campaigns to raise awareness about the virus in the importance of vaccinations even the premier of british columbia reynolds home province got a response from the actor when asked to help inform youth about the dangers of public gatherings we do need to get to the tick tock group the youtubers but we also want to take advantage of people like like seth rogen and michael j fox michael blubley ryan reynolds these are british columbians that people recognize combine that with his donations to support covet relief and he's shown what a true heartfelt gentleman he really is number 17 his bromance with josh brolin josh brolin is most recently known as the man who played thanos in the marvel cinematic universe i'm thankful because now i know what i must do but he also played a pivotal role in a non-mcu marvel film deadpool 2 this of course allowed him to cross paths with ryan reynolds when the movie came out audiences finally got to see these two duke it out on screen and show a plethora of love off-screen you had feelings for ryan before you met ryan are you telling me this or is this something about you something you said you've said it no i have said it seen in countless interviews the pair has been known to gush over each other even during their appearance on the playground insult segment of the bbc radio 1 scott mills radio show the pot shots they took were quite mild josh what's your favorite color that's funny favorite color mediocre we love seeing these big names having such an affinity for each other number 16 his reaction to leaked deadpool footage reynolds had been trying to make a real deadpool movie for 11 years it's it's been the the best and worst relationship i've ever been in 11 years 11 years i've been trying to get this movie made when fox gave him some money to shoot test footage for the film it sat on the shelf for several years then it was mysteriously leaked on the internet in 2014 and fans went nuts there's no easy way to say this i'm pregnant trevor fast forward to two years later and fans got their deadpool movie reynolds has spoken about the leak several times and every time there's always an implied wink wink nudge nudge to the audience that's super crazy very very very uncanadian yeah yeah my mom was like what does this button do i guess we're making the movie now so whether he really did leak it himself or not we love how he still plays with the fans on the origins of this great movie franchise number 15 he gave us rick moranis back honey we shrunk ourselves came out in 1997. that was the last time rick moranis was seen acting on screen we're in big trouble right they can't find us to yell at us but they can step on us he took a major break from live-action acting to take care of his two kids after having lost his wife in 1991 though he did continue to do voice work with such a huge career behind him fans have been hoping to see more of his signature comedy for years that is until ryan put out a commercial for mint mobile more on that venture later featuring the comedy legend so what do you want me to do you want me to say something about min uh no that would have been smart but uh not and in true ryan fashion moranis doesn't have many actual lines and reynolds makes it clear that he was just a huge fan and wanted him to be there it's now ghostbusters cameo but we'll take any rick moranas we can get okay so i'll see you later huh i'll give you a call i'm gonna have a shower number 14 his appearance on king of mask singer it's safe to say that most people have seen or heard of the masked singer by now but in 2018 before its western remake ryan reynolds appeared on the original south korean version his star power made him one of the biggest and most shocking celebrity reveals up to that point in honor of deadpool reynolds wore a unicorn mask complete with a sparkly silver cape and rainbow trim as hilarious absurd and unexpected as his appearance was we'd just like to point out that reynolds performance was actually solid [Music] is he going to win the voice no but he certainly earned himself a place in a musical should the right role come along and just look at the reaction he got number 13 he shut down the shirtless handstand challenge it started with a simple request from tom holland can you put a shirt on while doing a handstand jake ryan reynolds holland filmed his successful attempt and posted it to instagram while challenging three other actors including jake gyllenhaal and ryan reynolds to do the same although jake went ahead and completed the challenge ryan's response was not at all what holland expected instead of propping himself up against a wall reynolds responded with a one word video no in the 15 second post reynolds just stares on completely confused while definitively saying no to any kind of challenge number 12 he trolled the mcu we've done lists about how deadpool himself has made fun of the mcu and its characters i want some more i bet you do brown panther but ryan himself has even found ways to get a jab in now and then in the late 2010s directors the russo brothers put out memos asking fans not to spoil the end of the infinity saga if they had seen the movies in true ryan reynolds style he had a similar letter written and posted it online he of course was far more satirical and even suggested he didn't even know the plot of the upcoming deadpool sequel it's made even better by the fact that he talks about a major death which was a huge plot point in the avengers films number 11 he crashed x-men reunion call as you'll see later on in this list there's been an ongoing bit of banter between ryan and his x-men origins wolverine castmate hugh jackman you look really nice today it's the green brings out the seriousness in your eyes oh my god you ever shut up pal no not when i'm awake the two have made pot shots at each other for a while but one notable moment came in 2020 when the cast of the x-men movies had a virtual reunion via zoom featuring jackman patrick stewart halle berry and other prominent members of the cast reynolds accidentally joins the meeting bringing a few members from other x-men films with him knock knock whoa so many stars is that one was that ian mckellen ryan the cast and i were all just reminiscing about the movie that we're all in together i hear you it's both funny and awkward as jackman tries to tell him to leave as other cast members sign off staged or not we loved how ryan just inserted himself into a completely different franchise all for the fun of it that fell apart quickly this is just you and me logan i guess so number 10 his mint mobile ad that's right you can save hundreds of dollars a year according to math i know it's hard to believe but so are the plots of like 60 of my films if you've got a company in need of a committed hands-on celebrity stakeholder you cannot ask for better than ryan reynolds hey there it's ryan reynolds new owner of mint mobile in 2019 the actor bought into mint mobile a telecommunications company offering low-cost mobile phone services just as he did with another company we'll discuss shortly reynolds put a lot of himself into the company but the mint mobile plus joke takes his meta marketing to new heights mint mobile plus was a faux streaming service launched to promote the company [Music] it features only one movie 2003's foolproof starring ryan reynolds the website has since been taken down but the hilarious memories live on number 9. his advice to new dads reynolds may be known for his quick wit and sarcastic humor but one thing he's very committed to is his children he's posted countless items on social media about being a dad but has also made a point of passing on advice to upcoming fathers when your wife asks if everything's okay down there you know just respond on the affirmative during an episode of late night with seth meyers the two spoke about the delivery of his child and what advice he had for new dads it all came down to this line just do the dirty work man yeah as much as we love his jovial banter we adore the side of him that's just another father out there who just happens to carry katanas so maybe be extra nice to him number 8 his on-point twitter game at one time if a fan wanted to communicate with an actor they'd send them a fan letter and likely never hear back from them now thanks to social media people can send messages and interact with their favorite celebrities quite easily often much of it gets ignored but when it comes to ryan reynolds he is at the top of his game with a quick scan through his twitter feed you'll find countless hilarious quips replies and terrible pieces of advice for complete strangers all in the name of fan interaction sure there's some press stuff in there too but digging through the mountain of tweets it's clear that reynolds loves trolling his fans as much as he does his own wife number seven he helped the peloton actress get a shot at redemption commercials come and go we're bombarded with so much advertising that it takes something really remarkable to leave a lasting impression but when peloton dropped this ad it went viral in the worst possible way with people labeling the whole thing sexist uncomfortable offensive and extremely out of touch a year ago i didn't realize how much this would change me some went so far as to call it quote dystopian unfortunately actress monica ruiz found herself caught in the crossfire of all this bad press well reynolds knows all too well what it's like to be the face of a project gone bad you have a piece of content you're an actor you put it out there and it doesn't quite work and you feel a little alienated and stuff so i had a tremendous empathy for her in that moment and so being the comedic class act that he is he helped give ruiz the chance to star in a commercial for aviation gin a spirit he has quote an ongoing ownership interest in poking fun at the whole thing to new beginnings there you go it's gonna be a fun night there you go number six his hilarious apology we're cautiously optimistic that the red line will keep going in the good direction the 2020 sale of aviation gin involved a reputed sum of 610 million dollars now reynolds is only one stakeholder so it's not like he's personally receiving a check for that amount but it likely resulted in a solid payday nonetheless and finally let me say that as owner i welcome your feedback i don't take it but that's why i welcome it in honor of the occasion the actor set up a hilarious out of office reply in which he poked fun at his business savvy and the sale of the company in short it's an apology to everyone i told to go f themselves in the last 24 hours the list is very long and includes his mom blake lively the rock tgi fridays amc theaters and george clooney for the record this isn't the first time he's gotten creative with his work email this father's day you may not be able to give dad a second chance but you can give him a bottle of aviation american gin number five he was transparent about anxiety i mean i've done this for 26 years you start to kind of become your own worst critic so you you know most of the time i'm being hard on myself it's easy to get laughs when talking about light-hearted subject matter but making the world a better place with comedy that takes serious talent reynolds has gotten involved with a number of official causes over the years but one that seems personally important to him is mental health anxiety to be specific to sort of deal with this inner kind of hurricane that was happening i would just get on the jump up into the audience and just do the warm up reynolds has acknowledged his own struggles with anxiety in a number of tweets over the years often times though not always he laces them with humor he's also opened up about his battle with anxiety in a number of interviews even acknowledging that in his 20s he self-medicated his general advice give yourself quote permission to be nervous i think he said the word parkinson's to me maybe twice in his uh 25 years that he had the disease so i not unlike how i deal with some issues surrounding anxiety i think more people talk about it the more i see guys like my father who is a sort of the archetypal strong man the guy who you know don't talk about your feelings cram them down number four he lovingly needles his wife blake lively being in a relationship is hard especially when it involves raising children but doing all of the above while also being in the public eye that sounds downright exhausting thankfully it would seem that husband and wife team ryan reynolds and blake lively have found a winning formula they use humor even on social media to defuse the tension while so many couples work day and night to maintain a veneer of perfection they crack jokes at each other's expense and you know what not only does it humanize the couple it also inspires far more confidence in their relationship than the most carefully curated life ever could and when reynolds gushes about blake lively in their kids you can tell it's 100 authentic yeah but we were buddies for a long time too is the best way to i think the best way to have a relationship is to start his friends he's an amazing cook why wouldn't you be buddies yeah exactly well because you need to fit into a superhero costume for a little while number three everything he's done to promote aviation gin all of our botanicals are humanely caught cage-free and grain-fed as previously mentioned though the brand has since been sold reynolds continues to have an ongoing ownership interest in aviation gin before the sale though he had quite the business deal going on before diagio snapped it up and you know what it couldn't have happened to a nicer or more deserving guy as any a-list celebrity will tell you it's crucial to diversify your revenue stream because hey what if the acting gigs dry up rather than just buy into a brand like so many of his peers when reynolds purchased a stake in aviation gin in 2018 he made it a true passion project not only did he appear in a number of ads he also helped the company find its marketing voice some might call this overkill but the next time you visit your local mixologist and you murder that silky smooth aviation martini well who's the killer now through a number of commercials and promotional videos reynolds made aviation gin synonymous with his own authentic and distinct brand of humor which is equal parts false bravado and self-deprecation can you ever really go too far for your company i just don't think it's possible the ryan reynolds signature bottle he gets it number two his make-a-wish work as deadpool i ended up not getting to go because of medical reasons and then they bring ryan reynolds to me with the movie is deadpool a kid-friendly hero not in the slightest what the the easy now hey the only f-bomb we're using around here is fred savage but there's no telling children who they should or shouldn't look up to and deadpool's unique brand of humor and anti-heroism has resonated with fans of all ages and for all the characters unsavory elements the guy underneath the mask couldn't be more caring considerate or worthy of a child's adoration since the release of the first deadpool film in 2016 ryan reynolds has volunteered his time to make dreams come true specifically those of children fighting cancer so while deadpool might not think of himself as a hero we think that the actions of ryan reynolds when in costume prove otherwise furthermore he continues to do good work in various outfits before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one his feud with hugh jackman people think it started with us well it didn't no the jackmans and reynolds have been mortal enemies for as long as there have been jackmans and reynoldses with all due respect to jimmy kimmel and matt damon we are giving the award to greatest frenemies to these two guys good day mate hugh jackman here just reminding you to get your votes in for people's sexiest men alive covers coming up for years now reynolds and jackman have been playing up a supposed epic feud hugh jackman's upcoming performance in the front runner has fooled some people into thinking he deserves an award but before voting begins some people should consider these facts it reportedly dates back to 2008 when jackman gave reynolds a hard time about dating his friend scarlett johansson the truth he's been writing hugh jackman's coattails since 2009 when hugh hand selected him to star in x-men origins wolverine in the universally acclaimed the best portrayal of wade wilson ever they've since traded plenty of shots about deadpool being the black sheep of the x-men franchise but this battle has spread to encompass all aspects of their respective personal lives and careers they've called a truce on a few occasions but more often than not it's all part of the bit sorry man i didn't think the truce was actually real they have put it on pause a few times during the covet 19 pandemic most notably for charity and for a young fan but they have still managed to slip in jabs at each other here and there as well to think of what she's had to put up with but i mean just let's just think covert with ryan it's it's amazing do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be 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Views: 2,150,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity, Hollywood, actor, best ryan reynolds moments, blake lively, deadpool, deadpool 2, funniest ryan reynolds moments, list, mcu, mojo, ryan reynolds, ryan reynolds anxiety, ryan reynolds aviation gin, ryan reynolds hugh jackman, ryan reynolds make-a-wish, ryan reynolds peloton, ryan reynolds shirtless handstand, ryan reynolds twitter, times ryan reynolds was awesome, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: MVwSydZAnD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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