Jurassic World Dominion On The Graham Norton Show

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sam neil of course you worked with steven spielberg and jurassic park because it's back now jurassic world i think and you you've ruled out ever coming back you could come back you're still alive i didn't i didn't i didn't rule it out oh they just didn't call me and someone asked me the other day and i decided i don't know what's happened to alan grant he could be dead he could be a in therapy you know yes for sort of dinos trauma or something or he might be an accountant in des moines i don't know what's happening no one knows what's happened to you and i hadn't realized that the very first jurassic park that got the you know the prestigious royal premiere the royal premiere didn't it was it charles and diana then uh diana okay for reasons i have no idea but um yes i i found myself sitting beside diana in i've told this story before and my son is so embarrassed by it but diana was sitting here i was in the odion you know yeah my son was sitting here it's a drafty cinema as you know and the draft was going this way across and as soon as the dinos my son was 10 at the time as soon as the dinosaurs turned up he started farting and but it was drifting towards that i had my dinner suit and i thought i'm sure she it's of course it's she'll think it's me i could feel the sweat stains just sort of growing on my dinner suit like this and he didn't stop until the end but he denies it to this day and and i've i'm sorry that she's not around i can apologize you know it wasn't me and that movie it seems to me maybe i'm wrong that was kind of the first time we saw that quality of cgi that it you know like that and that amazing scene where yourself and lord darn see the dinosaurs at the same time the audience see the drawings now when actors do films like that you know you guys you know what you're looking because you've seen films like that because you've got to think okay it's going to be amazing but what did you think you were looking at did you think it was going to be that hard i can tell you what i was looking at uh and and you know it looks pretty it looks simple enough but actually what i'm looking at is steven spielberg with a big long stick with a tennis ball at the end just waving it like this and you know you have to look as that's not stunned this stuff is it no it's like that's like a master class in amazement now i'm going to ask miranda uh a question and i think i know the answer would you like to do a bit of acting with sam neil no yes okay so could you recreate the look of amazement so basically you look over the two of you look i've got props there's general i've got props i've got i've got um look i've got i've got the laura dern leaf oh my god yes you've got as much or as little there as you want to put on uh there you go okay so they're preparing okay and by the way at the end when they when they're looking suitably and we're amazed annoyed by the dinosaur it's slowing traffic down stupid things who brought them back if you using your vocal training do a little bit of dinosaurs get a bit of dinosaur noise okay okay that would help immeasurably actually i'll do it can you and direct this please yes let's have a little chat all right okay so we've started the music we start the music where are the dinosaurs right behind the behind behind you behind you you're looking behind the camera yeah this is the camera right now i'm gonna get out of the way because i'm only doing it's a very small dinosaur is it no no it'll it'll it'll it'll literally camera all right yeah okay it's not a chicken one dinosaur [ __ ] sake just be amazed [Applause] [Laughter] that's very good that's very helpful i'm starting the music i'm not being rude but i prefer tennis ball okay okay i've got i've got you and jacob okay let me say action action [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] incredible very very good excellent good work everyone but it's very hard to corral actress isn't it it's like herding cats is bryce lots of action sequences big chases and everything jeff a lot of fine chair work from you look i'm still i can't get out of character i still like it whenever i can because because you presumably thought oh yippee i'm off to tropical locations i never think yippee anything i don't know i used to but uh no no i didn't think yep uh but no no no no no no no no okay uh but the new but there is a new thing in this one uh for both of you the underwater sequence yeah yes that looked hard oh dear that was that was pretty difficult it was a really technical probably about a week at pinewood um because we shot film here uh in in london and it was all underwater it's a sequence where this sphere falls off a cliff and she and another actor by the name of justice are stuck inside of the sphere and i'm on the outside of the sphere trying to rescue them as it sinks and uh water is filling up the gyrosphere and at one point we're completely submerged in water and yeah we spent what i don't know maybe uh a week or eight days or nine days we spent in water yeah and it was boy i'll tell you they put a lot of chlorine in the water because you've got a crew of 85 people just pissing this pool like no one ever got it no no no no no people we didn't have time for people to pee so you knew people were peeing oh i'm certain they didn't look come across their faces people would suddenly just don't mind doing that again [Applause] she just made me twinkle a little bit just made sentences yeah i tinkled a little bit when you well i mean you pete you're not supposed to pee in the pool but no one got out and and i know cause i was i had to be underwater with my eyes open of course uh as if i could see with my eyes open under water chris dgp i actually [ __ ] myself time is money on a movie like this chris you were in the water well i was trapped in this gyrosphere right your defense it makes sense i just felt this freedom as i was working you know what i mean like i just was like really present um you didn't feed claire pete yes there it is claire claire was panicked yeah every time you've said that for the last like seven months i'm like i wasn't happy i'm just so deeply ashamed oh i forgive you but it was it's i really made an effort to stay as dehydrated as possible yes the entire time yeah here's the thing uh jeff goldblum you're you would think you are so distinctive looking you know you see you you kind of that is jeff nobody else and yet so many men think they look like you they wish well if they wear glasses if they're glasses they're on it i guess a lot of people come up to me and in fact and say oh my whole life i've been told i look exactly like you it's so weird isn't it it's a little bit and it's a wide range of people but i try to be diplomatic i always say the same thing well that's flattering to me says i nice i wish i looked like you no and he's not making [Applause] this guy he posted this one there he goes wait a minute no no no no i really could that guy looks like some kind of like the 50s heartthrob hey he looks fantastic look at you looks like you yeah check that out yeah and uh oh see this one he's a bit like a man in glasses wait a minute hey isn't that a young picture of uh alan ginsberg is it i think that's a young picture of alan greensburg he's been upset about you for years looking up he he wrote a famous poem called howl i'll bet you two could recite it and go no [Laughter] [Applause] weirdly weirdly uh when we announced that you were coming on the show jeff uh a lady emailed us and said oh we're coming the show and my husband is told all the time that he looks like you so let's have a look at him uh where is andy where's andy now there's andy oh actually that isn't bad should i go over and uh see if you know side by side oh do it side by side yeah [Applause] okay so if you look look towards me there's a camera behind me and it'll take a picture of you okay [Applause] [Music] thank you guys thank you so much oh i'm coming back wow andy's wife is kind of looking at you like oh look an upgrade bryce one of our good friends on the show jessica chastain yes she's talked about people thinking she's you and it's happened vice versa and you various you do look quite alike here's is jessica there's there's you that's it it's like it is what jeff said but it's like really really really true like it's very flattering to me like she's she's unbelievable but what i didn't understand was that it was happening before either of you were famous yes so i went to school in new york i went to nyu and just went to school in new york as well she went to juilliard and there were many times i remember this distinctly either many times first time it happened i went into a starbucks and where people would mistake me for someone named jess and so i went into a starbucks and i went up to the cashier and i went to order something he was like no jess your your drink's over there and i was like oh no i haven't ordered yet and he's like like what are you that's so jealous [Laughter] and um and i just remember being kind of like it was like a little unnerving because he was so certain that we were the same person and then a lot of friends and like later in in years to come would say oh my gosh there's this there's this woman named jessica chastain and you guys are you know you could totally be sisters because in the howard family uh obviously your dad ron howard but there's a tradition that you appear you've appeared how many of his films have you appeared in oh gosh i mean not uh i don't know the number i mean it starts when you're seven years old but no younger than that we've got a picture of you on cocoon oh well that's on the movie set oh yeah we were just always on movie sets that's just like that's where we were raised and that's where we were comfortable and yeah and we had to wait until we were seven years old um in order to like be in the movie ad like it just has like an extra you know so is parenthood your first one yes that i was seven and i was so excited and it was an awesome change more or less you picked a hairstyle you've gone with it this will do me for life jeff you've got two sons i think we've got a picture of you here uh just after you gave birth [Laughter] no that's charlie he's now almost three he's two and a half and yeah that's that's us that's so sweet we have now two we have river joe who's won and he's uh two and a half is it charlie who's like a sort of little mini-me well uh yeah a little bit a little bit i see you know you start you say things and then they they repeat them he says a couple of things that i say uh my dad and this is probably a regionalism used to say uh asses and elbows meaning uh we'd be in the kitchen washing uh pots and pans and if i participated i'd be kind of and he'd come on let's get really get in their asses and elbows [Music] so now uh charlie i'm often in charge of uh seeing him brush his teeth and teaching him that that takes a while so he kind of you know does a little bit of this and i go come on ashes and elbows and he says it's fun to hear him say asses and elbows and then the other day i heard him say um i guess i said it he said uh oh yeah these i say you like those pancakes yeah never in my whole life have i had said what'd you say never buy hold on yes you're you're you're you're someone that seems remarkably unimpressed by your career yeah yeah yeah couldn't yeah he really uh couldn't care less but there's anything like he doesn't believe you're the real deal yeah he i mean he's now you know he'll he'll say he's five and three quarters and he and he went to universal uh the other day universal studios in l.a theme park had a good time and came back and he said hey dad guess what today i saw the real owen cause like there's this guy at universal who dresses up like my character from the movie and the dinosaurs come out and he's like does this thing and the kids he's like i saw the real one daddy so i was like all right yeah what is he's putting the work in he's there every day yeah right yeah it's true actually yeah all year he's there actually it actually is true but also uh you obviously you know you have your parenting rules and all that but apparently what is it the parenting rules change if you go fishing yes that's right that's right um we have a we have a farm uh up in washington state and on on this farm is a lake and and it's uh we fish a lot for bass on this lake my son and i and i had this rule with my old man and i have it with my son which is when you're fishing you can swear you can just swear when you're fishing it's just the guys go ahead and let loose and so we're out fishing he catches a fish and i'm trying to get him to take a picture with the fish before we let it go and it flops out of his hands and and these bass have these little spines on on their back and the fin pokes them in the hand falls in the water he starts to cry and he's like oh and i said hey buddy are you all right you're all right he said oh dad i'm about to swear hey you know you know the rules and he goes that bass that bass is stupid well you know i think we say hey don't say someone call someone stupid that's bad you shouldn't say that and i and he continues to cry did you feel better he said a little bit stupid stupid bass and i was like like all right buddy yeah you know now's the time get it out and he goes that stupid bass is a [ __ ] [ __ ] [Applause] i'm like [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 271,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action-packed, Adventure movie, Captivating moments, Cast chemistry, Character development, Chris Pratt, Cinematic masterpiece, Entertainment, Exciting storyline, Film aficionados, Film appreciation, Hollywood, Hollywood interviews, Intense action, Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park, Movie enthusiasts, Nostalgic moments, Special effects, The Graham Norton Show, TheGNShow
Id: FohcDxBgX3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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