RX 7900 XTX vs RTX 4090: The Ultimate Comparison!!!

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I usually just hop into the benchmarks but I think it's very important that we point out that this comparison is not exactly fair from a price point of view this is comparing the best AMD has to offer so far from the 7000 series the best Nvidia has the offers from the 4000 series performance wise but pricing wise they're just not even close the 7900 XTX is coming in at a one thousand dollar MSRP and on the actual Market has been available closer to twelve hundred dollars at the time of filming but we'll see what happens as more Supply batches start to come through all of that and the RTX 4090 is supposed MSRP around 1600 but actually sells for around two thousand dollars or more on the actual market so keep that in mind as we hop in now if you're watching this video you're probably interested in the highest end gaming hardware and I've got to tell you about a phone that actually it's just launching today is the time of filming you're actually probably super interested in this if you're into gaming when my students saw me playing games on my phone today between classes not during last time don't panic they were so incredibly jealous this is the red Magic 8 Pro uh gaming phone but it's it's a great phone and a great gaming phone that's what I'm so excited about it because first of all it's just a beautiful like ammo-led full screen display under screen camera with no Notch and then uh you flip this switch it goes into gaming mode now you've got these shoulder triggers and that's what was life-changing for gaming on my phone I used to hate playing first person shooter games on my phone like cod mobile because okay I can move I can aim but now if I want to also push some buttons it just feels horrible uh now I can just program you can program these shoulder these shoulder sensors uh to hit anywhere on your screen that you want it's customizable game by game so now I can aim down sights and shoot just like I was playing on a controller feels great my students were so jealous they saw the cool RGB cooling fan they were like what is this phone it's the red Magic 8 Pro there's so much more I'd like to tell you about it including like the excellent battery life I've been using this thing all day including playing games on it watching videos on it whatever scrolling the internet and I'm still at 79 battery life um so much more I'd like to tell you check the link in the description check out the red Magic 8 Pro let's back to our normal programming back to the gpus the cooler model we're looking at is the 7900 XTX AMD reference model and mine does not seem to have the 110 degree hotspot issue that some reference models do have remember the custom card variants do not seem to be having that issue so don't need to worry about that on those and then my RTX 4090 is the gigabyte gaming OC and I'm running both of them at their out of the box settings let's hop into the benchmarks many new AAA games will be using Unreal Engine 5 in the near future and right now epic's own fortnite is the first game to implement it fully uh in a released product and it uses the new lighting system Lumen which is a software-based ray tracing it has nanite which allows the smooth uh you know fading in of objects that are compatible with it so you don't get all the LOD popping things like that it looks great it also has a hardware accelerated Ray tracing option which looks a little more accurate and is a bit more demanding and I currently have that turned off although we will definitely try turning it on and here we're seeing the RTX 4090 only delivering a little over 60 FPS and the 7900 xdx actually down in the mid 40 FPS range and the RTX 4090 delivering about a 38 lead by the end of The Benchmark run at these settings so yes fortnite is this demanding now and what does that mean for you know future up Unreal Engine titles and what if we turn on Hardware accelerated Ray tracing we know that Nvidia has the lead in Hardware accelerated Ray tracing so what's the difference here well now we see the RTX 4090 leading by 49 rather than 38 percent and we also see the RTX 4090 dipping below 60 FPS a lot more frequently here although it didn't make a massive difference to the overall performance and we now see the 7900 XTX averaging closer to 40 FPS rather than in the mid-40 range so the hardware RT in this game isn't incredibly demanding but it is uh definitely taking them both um you know down to frame rates we probably wouldn't want to hit so I also wanted to look at what if we left it completely maxed out so 4K epic settings Hardware RT on but then we decided to upscale now this game does not currently have dlss or FSR implemented although the engine will support that but it does have unreal engine's own temporal super resolution TSR I've set it to the Quality setting which is a 1440p render which is then using temporal data and such similar to dlss and fsr2 and upscaling to give you a 4K like image now we see the 7900 XTX over 60fps and the 4090 over 80. and the 4090 with about a 35 lead at those settings but what if we don't want to upscale what if we want to actually play at 4K okay well what if we just drop to the high preset rather than the Epic preset and what if we turn the hardware accelerated Ray tracing off then the 7900 xdx is actually giving us around a 60 FPS experience and the RTX 4090 is delivering over 80 FPS much of the time and it has about a 31 lead at these settings now remember not every game that uses Unreal Engine will be equally demanding but I would actually imagine many would be more demanding than fortnite because it's targeting 60 FPS on consoles with upscaling and all that but you know some games that end up targeting like you know 30 FPS on consoles it'll be interesting to see uh how that plays out on PC Hardware with the settings cranked anyway what if we use the high preset and upscale so TSR quality which might be more similar not exactly the same to what a console might run now we see the 7900 XTX over 100 FPS the 4090 over 120 FPS and the 49 is only leading by 18 now but I think we're actually hitting a bit of a CPU or Ram limitation something like that because the the frame rate rates on the RTX 4090 just you know I think that explains why it's lead diminished at these settings there it's also diminishing a bit at 1440p which I wanted to look at next because you can certainly look at look at these cards at 4K and that really helps the gpus like the 4090s stretch its legs as far as it can but you know 1440p is still a more popular resolution and we can see the 40 90 dropping a bit in power consumption and usage at times so its lead is only about 26 percent here the 7900 xdx is averaging almost 80 FPS and the RTX 4090 is averaging in the Upper 90 FPS range so it's looking like you know uh good settings at 1440p with high refresh rates in Unreal Engine 5 is definitely doable by both of these gpus but what if we turn on that Hardware accelerated Ray tracing so now the lead for the 4090 does get extended to 34 percent so um you know it is definitely true that the 4090 is better at heart at Hardware accelerated Ray tracing now keep in mind other games push Ray tracing very differently so don't if you're just skipping and now from the video like okay I've seen enough keep in mind that I'll test out other games with array tracing we'll see different results based on the type of Ray tracing implemented at these settings the 7900 xdx is in the mid 60 FPS range and the 4090 is at almost 90 FPS and again with about a 34 lead over all now let's test out some other games because not every next gen title is going to be using Unreal Engine and this is plague tail Requiem at 4K Ultra and we now see the 4090 with a 27 lead over the 7900 xdx uh the 7900 xdx averaging in the mid 60s through this opening cut scene but in the more demanding areas it'll be below 60 FPS on the 7900 xdx the 4090 averaging over 80 but in this scene in kind of the mid 70s and so and this is a custom engine developed by this developer and this game looks absolutely beautiful and it pushes consoles very far what I mean by next-gen game is one that's not trying to go cross-platform to like the PS4 and Xbox One and all that now plagtail Requiem is an nvidia's sponsored title and does feature dlss3 frame generation so here you're seeing the 4090 versus itself with frame generation uh you know plus dlss quality versus 4K native and we can actually see the 4090 can go over 150 170 FPS here however these frames don't always look equivalent to Native ones and also they don't help your input latency because the AI generated frames are not interactive I've done a whole video on this it's a good feature and I really liked it in this game but comparing these frames Apples to Apples against non-frame generated frames really is not a fair comparison so see my video on that um and this is the only game in my my Benchmark Suite that happens with sport frame generation so there's you look at it here watch my full video on that if we go to 1440p ultra we now see the 4090 leading by 22 percent and both gpus delivering over 100 FPS easily 125 average on the 7900 XTX and over 150 average on the 40 90. so 1440p they're both absolutely crushing it no problems whatsoever especially in a single player game like that but moving on to some multiplayer here we see the 4090 with only a seven percent lead what is going on here well this is Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and we are at the 4K extreme settings not because lots of people would be playing a competitive game at those settings but this is to remove as much as possible any kind of system bottleneck from the CPU or Ram or any of that so yes this really is the 7900 XTX almost tying the RTX 4090 at a significantly lower price and I think when people watch the first announcement this is what people wanted from the 7900 xdx but they only get it in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or war zone two uh um now that's still a great thing because this is a very popular game and there's many people who play like one multiplayer game if this is your game AMD gpus and this is across the board this isn't some fluke in this game AMD architecture just dominates I'm not sure if maybe a driver update could help that in the future for NVIDIA but this is what it is and guys if we drop it down to the 4K balanced settings so obviously playing competitive games at 4K um you know you might be somebody who plays single player and multiplayer games this is like me you know I'll play 4K competitive games because I have a 4K screen and if I just turn down the settings to balanced both of these gpus are delivering us you know an actual gameplay like this 200 FPS much of the time so it's still pretty competitive but now we see the 7900 XTX I mean it's basically a tie but the 7800 xdx is up two percent by the end of The Benchmark and I I'm not a hundred percent sure um there I mean we have seen it be closer at 1440p frequently I've also noticed that AMD gpus when they do get any sort of a CPU limit it often happens at a higher frame rate than the Nvidia counterpart suggesting a difference in driver overhead or something like that now I'm not seeing a lot of signs of a CPU limit going on here or anything but anyway 7900 XTX pretty much matching the RTX 4090 at 4K in um in this game and now dropping down to 1440p at the balanced preset so notice this is not the extreme preset I think we do actually see a bit of CPU limitation coming in at times and the 7900 xdx is pulling ahead by 15 at the end of this Benchmark and again I don't you know this is not incorrect this is correct um but again don't don't take this as typical uh you know of the rest of the Benchmark Suite but it's very interesting so if you are a player who like I said a lot of people focus on their multiplayer game of choice they might play some other games but this is what they really care about chasing the frame rate you know um here's your big selling point 7900 xdx is beating the 40 90 by 15 on the same system here like I said it could have something to do with pulling ahead with uh in the CPU limited situation um or just this game you know it but it's a 300 FPS versus 250 FPS anyway let's move on to another game so cyberpunk 27 z7 at 4K Ultra settings you know in the previous generation with amd's 6000 series and nvidia's 3000 Series there was no GPU that could average over 60 FPS in this Benchmark at stock settings without upscaling at 4K Ultra well both of these do it the 7900 XTX is well over 60 FPS most of the time and the RTX 4090 is over 80 and even getting into the 90s uh pretty frequently uh throughout this Benchmark run now actual scenes in the game can become more demanding than this particular regular Benchmark scene although that early bar scene at the beginning of it is is pretty demanding but we do see the RTX 4090 with a 25 lead here so the 7900 xdx is closer to the 4090 in this game than it was in something like uh you know fortnite and Unreal Engine five uh that kind of a thing but the 490s still with that 25 lead both of them doing uh well overall there you can see the stats at the end of The Benchmark run and pause there if you'd really like to but I'd also like to mention that both gpus can actually deliver a high refresh rate 4K experience in this game if you're willing to tweak the settings a bit if you go down to the high settings instead of ultra you gain a pretty significant chunk of performance and if you use dlss or fsr2 at the Quality setting which renders the game at 1440p and then uses some really high quality temporal upscaling to render an output that looks pretty close to a native 4K image we can now see the 7900 xdx well over 100 FPS average and the RTX 4090 averaging over 150 FPS and actually as we get into this little populated city area we'll even see the GPU utilization drop a little bit especially on the 4090 because you actually get a little bit of a CPU limit the frame rates are so high at these settings on these GPU use but still a 36 percent lead here for the 4090 but both of them delivering a high refresh rate 4K experience until you turn on Ray tracing now here's where we're going to do a bit more of an in-depth look at the ray tracing performance of these gpus and it varies wildly based on the ray tracing settings that you select here we've selected the RT low preset so it's the ultra preset plus Ray traced local Shadows just the local Shadows none of the lighting none of the sun Shadows none of the reflections we can see here that the RTX 4090 is 41 faster than the 7900 XTX remember at just using the ultra preset it was 25 faster so it certainly gained in performance relative to the 7900x DX using the RT low settings um but you know compared to what it was before it's not just like a massive change from what we saw before it's noticeable but not not incredible in other words amd's Hardware can handle some low Ray tracing settings relatively well now it's averaging the 7900x is averaging below 60 FPS at these settings so in reality you might be interested in upscaling that kind of a thing but if we decide to crank the ray tracing settings we see a whole other result and honestly for both gpus cyberpunk at the RT Ultra preset just crushes gpus especially at 4K and even the 4090 here is only averaging well below 60 and this bar scene it's dipping below 40 at times one percent low is only a little over 30 whereas the 7900 xdx is just completely unplayable averaging below 20 frames per second throughout that bar scene um now to get the uh relative performance I'm using the native settings here and we see a that the 40 90 has 220 percent of the performance of the 7900 xdx or in other words a 120 lead it's more than doubling the frame rate however both gpus can give us playable experience here but but the 7900 xdx has to upscale from 1080p using fsr2 performance and dlss quality on the 4090 actually gets you um over a you know mid 70 FPS average and the 7900 XTX is still below a 60 FPS average um with those settings so now if we go down to 1440p We Get Much More playable results from both gpus now on the left we're seeing them at the native resolution and on the right we're seeing it with fsr2 and dlss2 at the Quality setting now my relative percentage difference here is based on the native settings and we see the 4090 with a 110 lead or again still a little more than doubling the performance and the 7900 xdx is not delivering particularly High frame rates here averaging below 40 FPS for much of the run with the 4090 averaging over 80 FPS for much of the Run however using FSR or dlss2 at the quality settings we do see the 7900 xdx averaging over 60 FPS through this run and it doesn't look too bad with with fsr2 quality and the 4090 is now averaging well over 100 FPS um so it's uh you know it's really interesting uh you know the kind of results you can get here although honestly the 7900 xdx doesn't have Ray tracing performance and I've seen this in other videos similar to a 3090 so or or a 3080 depending on which um Ray tracing setting you use so again investigating the difference between the ray tracing Ultra versus Ray tracing low and now even Ray tracing medium look at the percentage differences and how they've changed right so this is at 1440p and this is native resolution now with the RT low settings the 4090 is only winning by 37 percent whereas with the RT medium settings it's winning by 72 percent now RT medium RT low just has the local Shadows RT medium has local Shadows Sun shadows and a medium lighting setting with none of the reflections the raytraced ultra setting where we saw the 4090 more than doubling the performance of the 7900 xdx on those settings it also has the has all the Shadows but it also has Ray traced Reflections and turns the lighting up to ultra it actually doesn't go up to Psycho on the lighting which you can set manually so you can see that depending on how heavy we go on the ray tracing the relative performance difference between the gpus is all over the place so that's what I wanted to look at now here is now isolating the ray traced Reflections because that's one of the ones that AMD really seems to struggle with in this title so here we're seeing and also this gives you a chance to look at the ultra setting at 1440p versus the ultra plus Ray traced Reflections settings on the right hand side so at 1440p Ultra the 4090 only has a 23 lead over the 7900 xdx whereas if you have Ultra Plus the ray traced Reflections the 4090 has a 69 nice percent lead over the 7900 XTX however I will mention that the 7900 xdx is averaging over 60 FPS using 1440p Ultra Plus raytraced Reflections it's just the fact that the RTX 4090 is averaging well over 100 frames per second but both of those are doing it at the native resolution so I do think the 7900 xdx does deliver usable 1440p Ray tracing performance that's on par with high-end 3000 Series Nvidia gpus but the 4090 just outclasses that pretty significantly but do keep in mind the pricing difference is also huge so these are not evenly priced gpus let's jump into the Callisto protocol we'll start out with 4K Ultra and this is an Unreal Engine 4 game and it's been pretty widely known that Nvidia gpus tend to outperform the average you know performance Deltas versus AMD in Unreal Engine 4 in the previous generation and we're seeing that here as well with the RTX 4090 with a 62 percent lead over the 7900 XTX in the Callisto protocol at 4K Ultra even though this is an AMD sponsored title actually um but you know plagtail was a Nvidia sponsored title and the AMD GPU was kind of catching up there anyway relatively so whatever anyway if we go down to 1440p ultra we see the 40 90 with only a 38 lead which is more typical but also if you look at the GPU GPU utilization percentage the 4090 is getting some CPU limits here Ram limits or something going on with the engine because it's not near a hundred percent utilization much of the time explaining that why the Gap dropped significantly dropping from 4K down to 1440p just because the 40 90 seems like it would be capable of more if the rest of the system could keep up now if we enable some Ray tracing we see the 4090 only leading by 35 percent weight shouldn't its lead grow when we are enabling Ray tracing well I think the 4090 is capable of a larger lead but we can see again the GPU GPU utilization of the 4090 dropping significantly at times throughout this run showing that you know a lot of people don't realize it but enabling Ray tracing does increase the CPU load and this game seems to do it in a very non-multi-threaded way meaning it's very easy to become I think it's a CPU limitation when you enable Ray tracing this game in this game even at 4K and that's holding the 4090 back from even bigger leads and to further emphasize that if we turn on fsr2 quality this game supports FSR but not dlss but both you know Nvidia gpus can use FSR too so we're using it on both here we see that the overall frame rates get a lot better for both gpus but now the 4090 is barely ahead and it's basically a tie of the 7900 xdx but again look at the GPU GPU utilization where we see the um the 4090 not at all fully utilized throughout this run showing that it's held back by something with the rest of the system or the engine or or whatever um and that's explaining why they're coming out so close in that test and it also explains why if we go down to 1440p and we enable Ray tracing Max on top of the Alters preset we actually see again basically a tie but the 7900 XTX with a five percent lead now again in some of the places where they both seem CPU limited because they're not being fully utilized you can see that the 7900 xdx hits that in that that cap at a slightly higher frame rate giving it this lead and again that could be a driver difference or something with the amount of CPU you overhead that goes on it's a little difficult to fully explain you know exactly what's going on there but that would be my guess but anyway let's take a look at some other games let's do a quicker look at some easier to run titles I wanted to start out with heavy duty new games new engines or just you know cyberpunk is a couple years old but it's demanding anyway here's Forza Horizon 5 at 4K extreme both of them delivering over 100 FPS um the 4090 with a 38 lead they're both doing really well here I will note that you could now enable Ray tracing while driving in a recent update but I don't believe the 4K extreme preset which I've selected here actually does that I think it um but I'll also mention that the 4090 is frequently down into like the lower to Mid 90 utilization range so even at 4K extreme its frame rate is so high here averaging over 146 FPS that we might even be seeing a little bit held back by the rest of the system but again let's keep jumping around to some other games I did want to look at a DirectX 11 game and so that's what we're doing here God of War at 4K Ultra settings and this is a relatively recent DirectX 11 title both gpus delivering excellent 4K performance the 4090 with a 38 lead over the 7900 xdx and um you know they're both doing well here uh but by the way the overall average frame rate is higher in that cutscene than what you'd get normally this scene standing still holding the log is showing current frame rates closer to what you would uh see in typical gameplay current frame rates on the left averages in the middle one percent lows on the right as I usually do here so let's go ahead and once again look at um easier to run games so Horizon zero Dawn at its maximum 4K setting so 4K ultimate uh the 7900 xdx averaging over 100 FPS Through The Benchmark run and the 4090 pushing into that 150 FPS average range and showing a 40 lead over the 7900 xdx this is another game like God of War that originated on the PlayStation 4. although this PC Port went with a dx12 version whereas God of War like I said went with a dx11 version which I thought was a little bit interesting honestly the god of war is such a recent game going with a dx11 only release but um let's go ahead and look at shadow of the Tomb Raider this is the 4K highest preset highest is the name of the preset this game actually does feature Ray tracing that you can enable and turn up you know manually but at these non-ray Trace settings we're seeing the 4090 with a 48 lead but again both of these gpus delivering over over 100 FPS and the 4090 over 170 FPS much of the time throughout this section of the actual full Benchmark run is a lot longer than the sequence that I'm showing you just here um and I'm not running the averages or the one percent lows because it goes through load screens but here's the average results from The Benchmark itself that I actually based my final results off of now let's look take one last look at Ray tracing performance this game features raytraced shadows and you can set them to a variety of levels I've just cranked it all the way up and we can see that the 7900 xdx is actually delivering over 70 FPS much of the time at 4K maximum settings with Ray tracing maxed out here although again it's only shadows in this game uh the 4090 though usually over 100 FPS and the 4090 now has a 63 lead over the 7900 xdx so this is just once again showing that the relative Ray tracing performance and the usability of the ray tracing just completely depends on the game's particular implementation of Ray tracing anyway let's get some final thoughts well I think the benchmarks have shown that the RTX 4090 is a step above in GPU class compared to the 7900 XTX and this is a different story than we saw last generation with amd's 6900 series cards uh really Toe to Toe with the RTX 3090 series cards until you turn on Ray tracing well for the 4090 versus the 7900 xdx we're seeing the 4090 winning by well over variety of margins really it seemed to depend a lot on the game we were looking at and something like cyberpunk 4K Ultra maybe only like a 25 lead but in the new Unreal Engine 5 that a lot of people are going to care about we really only have fortnite to look at right now but we did see more like a 38 lead at 4K less at 1440p more when you turn on Ray tracing maybe a 50 lead at 4K but then you turn on light Ray tracing workloads yeah maybe it's a 50 lead if you turn on heavier loads maybe it's a 70 lead really heavy Ray tracing workloads maybe it's doubling or more of the performance so it's really all over the place and I'm focusing mainly on the gaming use case of the gpus but one justification for NVIDIA charging more on their graphics cards is also uh in productivity so if you do use your GPU for work you should think about how well your app that you use supports AMD versus Nvidia some apps work fine on both others uh just really Nvidia has a larger market share so the applique stations you know are going to be more heavily programmed more developer time spent focusing on the uh the Nvidia GPU although I do know AMD has been putting an effort out this generation to make partnership deals uh with a lot of relevant applications to try to improve that and we've even seen apps like OBS now doing the hardware accelerated av1 encoding for AMD so once live streaming sites like twitch start supporting that you know the live streaming Advantage for NVIDIA could start to fade this generation but again a little more time going on that we also see on the gaming side the RTX 4000 series already has dlss three frame generation and AMD claims will be coming out this year with some sort of fsr3 which should do something similar but we haven't actually got that on our hands to test out yet and I always recommend buying gpus on what they can do now and if they get better in the future great that's added value but I think you should always make the decision on how things actually are now because that's the only thing we can be sure of right rather than buying future now pricing wise what makes sense here well the RTX 4090 as I showed in the intro if you search on somewhere like PC part picker just sort prices low to high the 4090s start at two thousand dollars and go well over that although there are a lot in stock that's the pricing that we're seeing for the ones that are available new now if you look at the 7900 xdx for some reason a uh RTX 2060 pops up at 400 but then when you go past that it seems like a lot of the models on the 7900 xdx have actually sold out and the ones that are available are well above the one thousand dollar MSRP uh cheaper ones closer to twelve hundred dollars with some going uh significantly past that I'm hoping that as AMD gets new batches in and Supply increases that maybe the prices on these would go closer down to that one thousand dollar price point but now let's actually start talking about value comparison and value comparisons get weird when you're talking about gpus that are this far apart in pricing let's start with the msrps and take the 1000 Dollar Baseline we saw that in you know like I said Unreal Engine 5 uh without the hardware accelerated Ray tracing a let's call it a 40 lead it wasn't exactly but let's call it that and so if you Baseline the pricing that way then if we multiply the price of the r uh RX 7900 xdx by 1.4 we get to 1400 which means that for the same rasterized performance the RTX 4090 would need to cost around 400 to match right in in terms of rasterized performance you know if we're calling it a 40 uplift like I said it swung from 25 to 70 percent it's all over the place um but in other words I think for rasterized gaming performance the AMD MSRP is better uh better value for that rasterized performance now if we set a 1200 Baseline which is more like what we're seeing these actually cost then that rasterized performance uh uplift if we scaled for the same price to Performance would cost you closer to Seventeen hundred dollars but we are still seeing the RTX 4090s costing more than that closer to two thousand dollars on the market so even at the actual prices we're seeing on the market today that for rasterized performance the 7900 xdx does seem to be offering better value but like I said that's not the only thing that comes uh into play in light Ray tracing workloads like we saw in the um you know Unreal Engine 5 example and we saw maybe a 1.5 times Advantage um you know that would get up to an eighteen hundred dollar price to Performance swing if you bought the 40 90. in other words uh it's still a little bit uh it would the ones on the market at two thousand dollars are still a little overpriced for an even scaling but once you start getting the heavier array tracing workloads at a 1.6 times advantage that's where you start getting where the two thousand dollars is about the same price to Performance and then we saw in heavy Ray tracing workloads the RTX 4090 can be twice as fast or more uh which would then value that at 2400 but that's just in heavy duty Ray tracing workloads so you know the price scaling is is all over the place because the performance scaling is all over the place depending on what you're doing with it right and again productivity apps all of that could play in so I guess what I'll say here is that I think if uh you know if you're using mostly rasterized performance or light Ray tracing the set 7900 xdx does seem to be better gaming performance value but if you're going to be using heavier Duty ray tracing the 4090 does seem to start to at least be similar performance per dollar and possibly better if you're like really cranking the ray tracing settings now um like I said I do think other features add value and in general the RTX 4090 really is doesn't have a direct competitor right the 7900 XTX isn't a direct competitor and usually the highest end product with no direct competitor doesn't offer the best you know value per dollar because there just isn't anything pressuring it so it would be cool if we did eventually see some kind of update from AMD this generation although it does look like the um 4090 isn't using its full GPU die uh and there is room for a 4090 TI or something like that too so it'll be interesting to see how this thing plays out in the future but where it stands now I guess what I would say is this think about what resolution you're playing at because one thing we did see was that even though I have one of the fastest CPUs on the market with the 7700x from AMD one of the fastest gaming CPUs um you know the 13900k from Intel depending on the game can take a a lead but on average they're they're fairly comparable with a slightly lead for Intel there but what I guess what I'm saying here is even on one of the fastest gaming CPUs on the market at 1440p the 4090 can certainly be held back to the point to where it has a smaller lead so then the 7900 xdx might make a lot more sense so if you're gaming at 1440p um you know do you really need the performance from the two thousand dollar RTX 4090 now do you ever really need that performance question mark well at 4K so if you're on a 4k monitor especially one that's capable of you know 120 hertz 144 Hertz something like that uh then the RTX 4090s extra performance at 4K is certainly something to consider and we even saw trying to just max out settings at 4K native on you know Unreal Engine 5 and fortnite which like I said I doubt is going to be the most demanding Unreal Engine 5 game that we see in the next couple of years the 4090 was was struggling just to hit that 60 60 FPS Mark without upscaling or turning down settings so it's certainly not performance that is in unreasonable amount of performance to be shooting for if you're gaming at 4K so I think what that really is confirming is the gaming at 4K is still very much uh an incredibly expensive thing if you're trying to max out graphic settings although we also saw that if you just turned down some settings a little bit and or upscale a little bit both cards are capable of good performance but then the 40 the 4090 is really um can shoot with those High refresh rate 4K gaming experiences once you tweak the settings a little bit um anyway what do you guys think in the comment section like I said these are not direct competitors if you're more interested in the 7900 XTX versus the 4080 I've already done that video so maybe take a look at that one next and remember you could get the red Magic 8 Pro gaming phone in the link in the description guys it actually really does give me a Competitive Edge I suck at Call of Duty mobile uh but like with those shoulder triggers I've been playing the ranked and like actually just flying through the ranks like it it's actually I think kind of an unfair Competitive Edge in certain games I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 224,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f1femKu-9BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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