What Lies Beneath Lakeside Mansion | Abandoned after she fell into the water..

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[Music] [Music] apart from it's a complete Time Capsule I'm going to show you this way so my selection stocking up on suppliers for a road trip and uh I'll show you what's in our basket it's not it's not the healthy spicy put it that way what we got I don't want to spill wheel s [Music] [Applause] that's a bit of a healthy selection there bro I don't know why I ended up walking with your your uh we haven't got anything Let's Dance oh I did get some fruit there though oh god I've got sweets because I never heard of it right if we're the usual gang we just found some abandoned bread a whole bunch of baguettes this is the whole video this is what it's about wow I knew it was real it forgets but I didn't think you'd find Wildwood yet appeared [Laughter] so this is where they pick them right so this is what we come all the way out I would use your game guys proven demons exploring the fires exploring with flex and explore my Bucky is exploring effects are not Flex everyone's got the exploring everyone thinks that but I wanted something so it is flex Urban Explorer Flex Urban exploring the bread maker hello explores and welcome back to the channel if you're new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe I just want to add a massive thank you to everyone who left beautiful messages after me losing my nana on the second of February to exploring this Mansion where a couple grew up here in this little village and bought this house got married and spent their entire lives here one thing they couldn't do is she couldn't conceive a child and some say that's what made him turn and one day she accidentally fell in the river and drowned some say he pushed her walking around this Mansion gives you a very uneased feeling as if you're being watched but see what you think guys love you loads and enjoy the video French shoes guys amazing first like the second location of the day I'm literally straight through the front door of this property I don't always say that but I normally say that this is the main way I know nothing about this place literally nothing apart from it's a complete Time Capsule I'm going to show you this way and show you what I can see already look at this now people ask do I set up photos no I don't if someone's been here before me and set it up and this is exactly how it would sell I've literally not changed nothing it's gorgeous French furniture absolutely amazing and the wine sitting on the table these heaters they need to put them on it's absolutely freezing in there marble fireplace put on the fires it is beautiful look how creepy that is it's kind of creepy but also beautiful such a cobwebs draping these scenes like the spiders always absolutely beautiful loving this flooring as well and again each one of these big houses of these curtains straight how to check out the staircase this really old little quirky sink another water Switched Off how cool is that it's like a little scarce or spiral staircase it's beautiful and a view out of back window there you've got a running stream imagine living here wow there's some of your pictures this is a house because there's a river running at the back oh guys I've never seen a cobweb so big obviously just near enough walks into it look at this it's like a whole sheep I don't know if you can see that on the camera I'm gonna go back to in a second look at this cobwebs right so this has been abandoned a long time chocolate again it's beautiful this one has got a tag on this one as well a little wine maker foreign hoping you can but it's literally a whole sheet of cobwebs I don't even want to walk in there and touch any of this so anyone's Arachnophobia scared of spiders this is like the spider mansion have you ever seen a spider web like that I know it's a whole sheet I've seen that once before the house of sadness quite right there yeah other side bro turn that over here how's it going on something it's like a like a sheep it's like yeah look at that it's absolutely beautiful is that the only staircase huh it's one of them you can take the big staircase if you want I'm gonna take the big one up and get one there oh guys this is incredible my fireplace has got to be 100 800 or more years and it was stove what a cool photo it almost looks like a museum it does so I said it's literally where they've just up and left it's literally set out still like you know they're just gonna walk straight back in this is so cool I love this in my house I don't know I wanted to film Arachnophobia yeah I would love that normal charcoal the all the smoke off the old smoker in here kind of a weird I've never seen that before on the toilet that's what it would on their Journeys to help them out more at least it ain't always me guys in another room another like kitchen stove so I'm guessing this was like for wooden charcoal foreign names in a postcards 1998 look at this sink I absolutely love these like Farm style sinks and again the cobwebs are literally everywhere in this room draping the ceilings maybe the couple lived here in the middle it's the way the food and the stuff's still sit in the cupboard this is the guy that lives here hello so you come around for a cup of tea yeah it's like the old wooden this place is incredible so it's an old calendar or something I'm not sure what that is again they've Blended the wallpaper into the doors again that's a heat this house [ __ ] let's move this shuttle man I'll just foreign guys look at the furniture on the back of this room in a ceiling the paint it's just coming off you can't even get to it without walking over someone's stuff and I feel really bad to do that so I'm not gonna there's another heater in the corner they're absolutely gorgeous the Heat um put all the wood in here I suppose you need it though to keep these places warm it's absolutely freezing here this would have been the back entrance of the property CD Decay on the walls falling on the floor like snowflakes paint just peeling off day by day and the lamp is literally just deteriorated naturally decayed it's incredible to find properties like this I believe these things either for like the old carpets you can actually see where they would have sat as well the lines on the wood foreign where do you start where can I show you and I'm buried on this you can see there's another solid oak maybe wood bed let's see the details there on the frame the little walleye now these houses were that old as well a lot of them didn't have ceiling lights but it actually literally run the cable along to kind of create a seeding light Maybe guys it's incredible it's like a holder's house oh wow this is this is more better again start this before you go to bed keep the heat in because if you absolutely freezing in these properties look at this really old photos it's actually strange that he's smiling because a lot of these old photos it was more of the old serious look as you can imagine laying in bed the couple the way he's peel it there obviously probably wouldn't be one person there the reach up switch his little lamp Off the Wall lamp off and go to bed and the curtains there just falling apart you'll probably find again this is a lot of disputes of families in these homes that um this looks like kind of a cooler um there's a lot of dispute with families where a lot of these properties were um the family members would end up arguing over them oh look at all the books it was so much stuff there's glass and everything I'm not going to find them over there but gorgeous books just sitting in the cupboard all the clothing that's amazing look at those little covers up there just looking around this bedroom you just know it's memories everywhere so the little old lady that lived here and some of these I know some people would love to spend hours sitting through and reading through some of the letters maybe that I find in these places kind of building the history this is when I could do with a French translator to work out a lot of stuff that way this book is it's like a little envelope around the book every room you're literally fighting your way through it's just kind of a weird room it's got like a sauna feel to it with all the old pine wood around the walls there you know if I like this again right okay it's the same lady I'm seeing around a lot of this place the same lady I'm seeing around a lot of this place what is this okay these are like um old scan pictures or something I'm really sure you can read French maybe uh work this out foreign I'm really sorry guys all these places I really want to keep secret and not so please don't ask are we trying to respect all the homes of exactly how we found everyone kept so yeah we don't want to if anyone else obviously we're not going to give out locations for just that respect for the people and obviously we found it oh look at the mold in there what is this so this bedroom goes and there's like a cooker in here as well this bedroom goes off to another like store room look at the scene there decaying is unreal all the clothes hanging out there's a door there but I can't even get my way around there okay so it actually just goes into you can't be sitting as a bathtub so it's actually a little bathroom look at the way the scene is deteriorating and cracking through look completely rotten Furniture in the richest on the floor all this wood waste whatever you do like these heater systems imagine it poking it a night letting the heat in amazing [Music] head up to that next floor again I've been greeted on the staircase with a painting sitting on a suitcase maybe some of the old wedding pictures of the couple that lived here how beautiful anyone up here beautiful with this place oh wow this has got to be one of the most beautifulest beds I've seen in a long while gorgeous oh look at this so if anyone knows what this was used for is it like a kitty's toy or I don't know some kind of bit of a primal I'm just looking around this room as well very religious and a decor this wardrobe is absolutely beautiful I mean who wouldn't want this I know the dark style they say is not in but everything is so well made a real lockable drawers I can't use heat in his rooms we've got your bedpan there as well this is very in the wood of storage imagine carrying all this up to these three flights of stairs filling these rooms up the wood it just shows you didn't this is one property we've found two rooms like this a wood how much how long does that last you know how many trees that you've cut down every day for like people's there's packs and packs of coal there to get the fire started and that looks like a man-made remote commode with a bucket with newspaper put around it it's really old isn't it yeah so much Wood's in there oh yeah just let you come out the room there sorry with the coal and the the wood into this other part of the loft again so much wood but to heat this place you can imagine it how big this place is put that in there so it's never like a little store 11 years old this looks like something more like I should go in the kitchen or something and that the windows are just broke so looking out here would be your main gates shade a day at this place again here that's the same couple again a little wedding photos oh I'm loving all this as well like they've gone for a really old traditional French wedding just so beautiful maybe his parents or her parents maybe his parents are her parents again and how beautiful they were dressed amazing things like this should be cherished shouldn't be left in places like this so many old photos that wire these all left here it's just absolutely beautiful memories they're gonna just start rotting away decaying so it just shows you how long this family have lived in this place this is the actual house because there you can see the wall outside is this part here looking up the drive unbelievable it just shows you this family have been here probably since it was built like the generations of families some of the stuff in these old rooms are sold I can't even work out oh these are that old I think is it like old potato sack stick one the whole thing full of jars how gorgeous is that imagine if he lived in there smelling that it's all the fresh air around this beautiful property in the view of the mountains and the sun peeking over the top this is what I'm saying if you suffer from a lot of stress and stuff just just take five minutes to sit in nature honestly does wonders the old style screws things they've captured like keep this property maybe to repair things on it to keep it kind of traditional the old wallpaper I don't know I'm gonna cope but I'm going to try and take the old spiery staircase down and look at this so cool my knee doesn't like this at all I'm doing it for use [Music] foreign documents and paperwork chucked all over the floors the ceiling again there's coming through a beautiful dresser it's sitting on the side and again the first thing I see is a oh it's like an old Monument or something 1966 newspaper magazine 1979 for wow look at all these old bottles and stuff I love these little style French sinks that's another little cubby hole there just amazing how this place is sitting like a real time it is a proper time capsule and as the old scythe it's amazing so it's absolutely beautiful such massive cobwebs these door frames unbelievable it goes with the rest of the house do you know what if I ever got coming to serious money I would usually buy one of these and these are how they're all created look it was just long bolts on these stairs so I'm gonna head down I wish this should Now take me to the ground floor Maybe it's absolutely lovely it's looking around this property you get that really sort of eerie feel there's still maybe like a little French family living here still [Applause] all right see all these old casters and all the old chairs and stuff benches just keeps going you think at the moment I'm right below the house oh we all know the French love the wine there's still sealed bottles sitting in these basements I mean look how much would this be cost if you've heard of it if we can work out what the rest of that was still full oh this is so cool down here so the door was literally just falling in this French fans just left sitting outside right anything up there when there's no woman out there bro dude did you just see a Bourgeois I went hello hello hey I'll kill you I kill you then sorry full strike just standing into the little shed in the garden the old spin wheels spin wheels wow good little kid's car or something it's probably a little cart there or something like a little kids played our outdoor play area or something it's so cool when I was little I was giving a bag of marbles to plan a drain even the cat had its own little entrance on the bottom of the store around the back [Applause] what is that it's like a bars in the window looks like a prison cell what really is that in the back of the house looking replacement tiles maybe for the property really really bizarre but how beautiful is that though on the back of your house and this prophecy is absolutely huge can't get over and look at the gorgeous wood on the back of there if I can spin My Lens up enough to see it but so beautiful I'm guessing this here there's like maybe the waist I don't know straight out to the water so then we come back out to the property so looking back at it see the front lawn as the Americans call it we call it the front garden there's a little Playhouse we're standing in there's the house there's the broken window I was looking at earlier but it already gives that creepy feel that I'm waiting for a little old French woman or a little man to look at top winner and hello bonjour gorgeous absolutely beautiful Halo explorers and thank you so much for watching my video I'm sorry for the sudden ending fast moving and shaking camera it was a brand new camera um and this is one of the first spots that I was getting used to with the camera so guys hopefully you enjoyed it anyway absolutely love you all links are in description check me out on Facebook Instagram Twitter uh patreon link also is in description please check that out obviously any support is absolutely appreciated anyway guys love you all stay tuned see you soon you ready to get have some fun you jump hard jump I preached location did we fall into the missions I'm gonna push are you ready are you ready are you ready let's get ready ready for the shuffle dance strikeout ready these foreign [Applause] we've got an over an hour walk back to the car through sludge mud water overgrown prickles stinging outs you name it wild horses cows that wanted to kill us and you ready yeah three two one [ __ ] you know to another country road bro yep here we go again another explore here we go I've come out a little shitty way that's worse [Laughter] guys we could boil a can of water really [Music] [Laughter] let's go give me your arms Country Roads to another place to explore Dave Markey getting wet in the Country Roads Take me home love you all stay safe see you soon
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 65,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, exploring, exploring abandoned, explore, what, lies, beneath, Lakeside, lakeside mansion, what lies beneath, abandoned world, abandoned world explorer
Id: ZTibSotyVGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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