ABANDONED Millionaire MANSION with Winery | Everything left behind and Frozen in time!!

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to stand outside these Gates to a forgotten mansion now look at our time it's completely took the driveway away hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video so in this week's video we're exploring a mansion something that looks like it's a Resident Evil now the family that owned this dates about over four generations and they also had a winery here but at last I heard it wasn't the only things this family was dealing with with Mafia tires and serious things going on people who betrayed him say they're buried in the grounds of this place also family that dates back over 100 years ago are all buried within the floors this is what the locals think and now no one wants to live here so when the last guy here passed away the place sits abandoned like a ghost house and I'm not gonna lie as I walk around in it have that uneasy feeling that I'm being watched keep hearing voices as well but the guys I'm filming with wasn't even around but this place really is something else if I get 20 000 likes I promise you I will go back and I'll stay the night here love you loads enjoy the video and hit that like button so we start on the Country Roads you know the score we need to get Mark over here yeah we're gonna get down to the gates and I'm going to show you what we're going to explore and remember there's going to be a duck in this video you need to find him and I don't ask me where did that come from but this let's let's roll on guys we just arrived early dawn of probably one of the most best mansions that I'm gonna ever explore or maybe not gonna ever explore but the best cannot wait to show you inside remember there's gonna be a duck in this video you need to find him he's in there at some point yeah let's come with a video I'm in the driveway look at the views the beautiful mountains this huge property that's still where he goes in this place I use has meant to be family from over four generations this is meant to be family [Applause] dates right back to 1700s but there's some of the family members like I think it's a bit of a myth but I'm not sure they're buried under this place but I haven't really found any hard evidence on this but look at this huge mansion guys oh it's incredible bro just the look of it Steve's taking the dangerous route bro see look at this collapse mate are we going to survive this explore dude see it's literally a bathroom there's a shower tap there it's up for a shower [Applause] Welcome to our mix yeah yeah I had to grab your bag [Applause] throw it down gently got it got it yeah let's get this on your camera bro well the ninja roll oh you know Steve's found a smart way dude look shovel I did the whole ninja roll yeah you did some Chapel there and a lot of these places did like the chateaus as well in France they love their own this is the worst bit about exploring guys just a bit where we need to scope it out guys and check this mansion out I cannot believe I feel like we've hit the jackpot with this one let's get inside look at this guys so we literally come through the front door now this place holds they reckons so many ghosts it dates back 1700s and there's a myth and story on this place that apparently the family over 100 200 years ago were buried within the grounds of this place talk about keep the family here now it's been abandoned apparently since the 90s so since then this whole place has fallen in neglect I'm going to take you on a tour now because I'm so excited this is absolutely beautiful and probably one of the best Mansions I've done so far in Italy especially love this guys remember stay tuned it's going to be coming every week all right let's get on the video it's as soon as I spin the camera around because look at the beautiful table wine bottle is still there look at them the corks have completely rotted through the wine has literally gone like gel I can imagine a family sitting around here a very important family it would have been to have a castle like this or a mansion look at it you can imagine a guy that had tableman probably his farmer then the next father so that generation thing and you can hear listen I don't know where it was but it sounded very Hollow any mad you think if his family buried him with just this floor here look all the bugs in this beautiful book cabinet and don't forget the colored glass so this is very as I said important family you think over 400 years of History this place holds and if these walls could speak what they would tell you and just look at this ceiling guys is incredible all the detail there that light hanging above the table I'd like to know all these are around the corner there look at that marble door frame I just love the furniture I love these little stone bricks holding the wooden chair up with a lion there holding his book it's like the Bible I think on the stones falling below this one with crackle paint these legs come off look at this the family just sitting within the gardens this place I don't know about you guys but he looks a sort of very important she makes you wonder why this why they just left but I do believe a lot of these properties there was huge taxes on like inheritance and stuff there's a leg there on the bench for that guy the wine bottles just sat next to the chair there don't forget these huge doors as well shame to Decay the ceilings are falling down this beautiful table but again it's that lion Cress here holding this book just take a second with me imagine back in the day you're servants will bring the food out the family's sitting here now candle lids the conversations are having it's incredible makes me wonder what's falling off of there as well because it's all crumbled whoever it was it's probably like this I've walked straight into the lounge we call it the front room in the UK even though it's not really at the front of the house I like this a picture of the gates out the front from here I'm seeing more pictures as well I'll just move on the grounds the horses that's a beautiful portrait there just probably would have had Wines in it or something because remember this place produced wine a large amounts of wine Prosecco white wine red wine Depot is probably date back to the other Generations don't forget as well look at this ceiling it's absolutely incredible I'm literally like an excited kid right now look at this how beautiful these homes are maybe one day I will be able to restore something as beautiful as this the chaise lounge the parquet flooring if you imagine this floor really well treated cleaned and put back on I get Jack to paint me like one of the French girls I'm sure you've all seen it guys but I'm on about Titanic so beautiful you see the dust of many many years as I said remember if you had someone come in clean this floor up high polish it there's detail in this fireplace as you can imagine it's roaring away it looks like it's been maybe just a little Stove fire there again you can see all the shutters on the windows for extra security obviously add the bars this is a very dark room ceiling's literally are so beautiful look at this the downwards lights yeah she'd have the little lights hanging down you've got lights on the inside luck of the crown and then you've got the lights sitting on top you think they're probably just gonna fall off one day it was like a old type bed in here I'm not sure this is maybe like a servant kind of bell or something it would have been there you see his pictures come off the wall this beautiful chest just collapsed his legs just gave away details on there so this is similar to what it would have been like this one's got like dolphins not Dolphins I don't know what they are some kind of weird type animal the weight of that lid gee that's when you know it's quality what is this if you can see that as well maybe all the all the guys at his family at one point it's 1926 to 1927 maybe not but it won't be from that family but let's try and use the uh my translation app Royal okay so this isn't like the Royal Army that's all you do yeah it's amazing this place I get like really excited I'm sorry probably sound like an absolute idiot see the back Garden the backyard but this probably would have been on plots and plots of Acres but obviously over the years they've probably sold it a lot to Farmers [Applause] that's probably about the most modern thing I've seen in this house so far A little Electric reclining chair was she quiet it's actually really cold in here you can imagine as well trying to heat this place would cost an absolute Fortune oh this is really really beautiful so weird it's like a some secret room line in this cabinet so the cabinet and zero the wall but if you look in there it goes back crazy no it's solid marble loving these China type dishes as well you see the scene is everywhere so I've got a mask on guys because it is probably riddled with asbestos this plain or lead all right it's probably not the best mask I've got on but I love these old photos look at these memories you can't replace oh I don't even know what that is what is that is that like a whistle for the kettle or something I don't even know what this kind of tool is or is this an old sort of toilet brush I've just touched everything's still here I love this type oven look at this cannot wait to show you upstairs so please stay tuned in this video you're going to be amazed at how this place looks I've never seen a fridge that looks like this so it comes out you get your own little cupboard so it's made to look like a wooden cupboard I've got this table as well wood with a huge marble top all the cutlery and everything's still in the cupboards now I don't know I'm going to show you very briefly but I'm going to spend too long in this bit but think this obviously a long time ago would have been probably a servant type area [Applause] obviously where they would have prepared all the meals [Applause] I'm guessing this is where they would have kept all the livestock very fresh probably chicken and your eggs I think that is probably maybe for eggs I don't know it's definitely like a paint tree type of food area look at these oh hello from your ice ice cube trays this is your fridge freezers as I said to keep a family like this all through the winter times I mean we're not quite an awful Italy as well so it's kind of it does get cold Mark you need to get to Italy definitely not seen my videos before I'm just always exploring Michael tomorrow and I need to get these butts here they need to give him a passport sorted another type of living area look at the fireplace what's happened to it it's like someone's tried stealing or they have stole the fireplace shame this is what ruins beautiful homes I love these beautiful memories it's the same guy we see in the other room oh they're beautiful pictures the Fire Guard to the fire that doesn't exist anymore just see another picture of the guys where her little pictures come out of a picture frame this is our oldest Place generates back to there's the the Marvel pillar walls that were standing there now it's absolutely incredible whatever the top windows are open there was a ladder against the top window to go in that way about what we don't realize is a window actually downstairs completely full of that I've managed to shave the showers so I went out there took the ladder down and I shot the shower so I'm gonna wind Steve up to the near the end of the video the owners turned up and while someone's turned up and moved the ladder here without a heart attack guys check your staircase out look at that and you can see the hole in the ceiling on there beautiful is this place true magnificent Time Capsule the ceilings crumbling down everywhere foreign s don't you know put some money into these places and do them back up the dresser just covered in ceiling debris and Bricks all right there's a hat left oh wow guys this is a picture trying to remember this picture this is the main front door of this place so I just use my Google translator and it says John the Baptist work love of God proven industry of God and Father's workers love of country it kind of doesn't 100 give you comfort in the extreme art from the faith in which Spyro lived his arms with flowers which keeped this is so cool this is like a memorial plaque for him it's amazing [Applause] look at the bathrooms which it feels like it's completely untouched and the floor's still got that gloss look to it it's really bizarre all the pictures are still in the bath sink but look at these oh wow so many memories school children yeah it is [Applause] I think a lot of these people are all gone oh look could be wrong guys don't touch things but it looks like maybe one of the maids of one of the servants it is so cool look at this guys look at the old motor cars so yeah just to show you obviously photos returned again not sure why they're in the sink [Applause] it's dead so there's nothing living in this place anymore trying to find some pictures so you think these little gowers are just playing in the grounds these all grown women probably maybe even passed away I love these old pictures so beautiful out here we're gonna head into oh wow [Applause] you guys look at this absolutely incredible you can imagine the doors as well opened up with a light pouring in I'm keeping my voice down a little bit because these doors are wide open so we're on the first level now just can't get over these tables and his furniture uh wood worms just eating it all it's the same Chris thing I'm gonna find out what this is I'm using a thing called Google Lens it's a mid-century okay there's loads of different ones but a lot of this is made out of duck wood and it's basically carvings that date back to the mid-century I'm going to try and find out what that one meant with a line but it's still incredible this mansion's that big I've been missing for about half an hour and I've just bumped into Steve this place is huge dude wow that's incredible bro details and cracks in the ceiling as well I could literally spend all day in this place still reckon the more you walk around this place you'd still see a lot of stuff there'd just be more and more you notice and all the gold crackling off a gorgeous dresser with a gold probably um Gold Leaf finish oh that was some kind of plaque here as well oh wow look at the new xylophone amazing oh I love this bowl look at the way it's finished in like a suede if everything would have been probably hand painted and it would have been glazed over the top a plaster just you can imagine being here how loud that would be just my bits of ceiling just falling off oh that was that guy again him and his beautiful wife it's so beautiful whether it's beside the bedside so maybe this was our last room they stayed in and what a beautiful room look at the fire god [Applause] look at the mirror night coating cobwebs actually look like it's cracked this whole cobwebs [Applause] I'm not sure how to put that dress a bit like that maybe it was to go into another room again ceiling's not as nice in this one but it's collapsed oh I love these old type bars look at these I love these old tight baths definitely in Europe I don't see that in the UK so I don't know if you've got them in the States but we don't have B days don't look down there almost a cage when I plug off and very low the beds as well what is this it's just a oh it's a shoe cleaner look at that guys original to clean your shoes and on the sides these normally have which it has so here you'd open a little latch Open Your Door and here you would have all your shoe polishing shoe cleaner and a little spider there running away probably just Disturbed him after all these years that's so beautiful all right okay I'm gonna learn something now what is this is this I thought maybe you put your hair on it I actually don't know what that is guys if you know what that is let me know please [Applause] look at the veneer top finishes the old key is still in there for the dresser it's the same guys I'm definitely saying he's the dad of the owner just wish this family is coming rescue their Heritage stuff that's left not silver but still really nice having letters in them or empty envelopes hold on this is no idea where that goes into another bathroom this makes you wonder how many baths I needed I grew up in a three-bedroom house it was five of us and I don't know if a lot of you follow me my cousin had meningitis set to see me up and mental problems lost all his legs [Applause] and my parents brought him up so there was five of us living a three-bedroom house one little bathroom and uh yeah it was really tough I used to love these these are for storing the old hats in hat boxes something back in the day you'd get your fancy hype you could probably leave it on top of the Wardrobe for these feel the quality as well or the material at Paris core Paris 1842 no way a little coat hook there I've seen this picture twice around as well and then the guys if you haven't seen the yellow duck here stay tuned so this is a hat stand as well I've never ever seen a dresser like this very European heavy lights on here just need a door as well on the outside machine with little cotton reels [Music] look at these the main room all these people and we look at really old baby pictures like that you think that child now is a fully grown adult Helen 1980 so it probably explains if that's probably the last guy that owned this place to live here the car that you see everywhere that we're going to see here as well I'm not sure where the high ceilings are all about I don't know if it was just a power thing like big rooms big Power like a marble on the floor as well so guys if anyone knows what this is can you explain to me they're hooked on a lot of Radiators that was occur ring something in so this heats up to keep something you put in now warm I'm not sure just loving this loving these old wooden chairs the years of dust my webs when they lost anyone ever sit on them let me show you this guys look at this it's about make the driveway down anymore so it used to go all the way up through the fields I believe a lot of these Winery now I've reused you can see parts of the roof there completely collapsed before I leave this room I'll have something if you can see that on the camera but the ceiling is actually dipping this whole lot's probably going to fall down at some point hopefully while we're not in here so just looking back at the top of the staircase see you in luck so she's falling down everywhere and that's some height as well I mean that's probably a good 40 feet I'd say maybe 50. all the cast iron staircase now drapes and cobwebs I can see here as well the flooring up here is that you're giving away it's all collapsing you see the way these stones have rised up look at little sink on the wall did you feel about the Florence rocking because it was still there so in the UK we call this in Loft oh this is known as the attic I believe I'm not sure this was useful besides that chest this Mansion is literally in Desperate hell you can see up in the old attic up there oh wow look at the old chest now it's no military case PP on there that is amazing so I've seen these again you've probably answered in one of my other videos [Applause] are there something to use in the snow or were they just something else I really don't know place is definitely seen better days love again in the ugly old chest look at the old padlock another chest I just love the details everywhere over these things [Applause] [Applause] oh Christ it's usually lord's name a good bit of ceiling fell down it's quite Eerie up here oh look at the Old Stone steps the old steps look at this light room what's that Black right there thank you for doing photography in here [Applause] I don't want to know the cracks guys in the walls steps are getting away again the rock decay well I was not expecting that up here oh wow dog guys look at the little dolly you can see how old it is as well what it's made out of the face there's a 26. you know it's got a lot of star on it oh there's a little game there as well like a child's game actually everything's still left here you can see the old system to the toilets this is like your an indoor storage bed look at the old drawings pencil drawings everywhere wow you would not expect all these rooms to be up here right next to the bedroom yeah everyone opens everything it just leaves it on maybe protection up here overnight he didn't know it's going to come in your house holidays the front Gates guys and this is a little chapel that I'm going to take you in afterwards so stay tuned [Applause] my work a little old toy those feathers up here like it's like a bird stuck in a Cupboard I'll check that out for a roof space guys whoa look so you'd come down these stairs and you can walk down the other set of steps but they're completely right away the holes everywhere on the flooring sure what this part would have been used for hopefully them birds can get out but I mean I'm sure there's enough holes in the roof that's why I don't have to shut this door or not stopping coming into the house just because they're going to fly through and they get trapped in the bedrooms I've saved a few pigeons in videos and I know some people have said oh they're just flying rats but the end of the day everything's still alive they shouldn't nothing should suffer I don't think should I say not think nothing should suffer look at this whole chair as well just noticed this is a very old commode [Applause] I was not expecting all this to be up in an attic I really wouldn't oh look oh is this little dolly oh that's a little crib how old is that a date on the back of his head or you find a little child played with this this is the shot that's for sure that's why we come in the door I have an idea if I just jumped yeah I think writing is good he can roll on the ground if you chose landerman anything we just think I was here don't you see us state okay bro goodness imagine your old Bell ringing away on this beautiful little charcoal it's like heading through the secret garden to find the beautiful little chapel look at it so there's a little main entrance wow guys I was not expecting that look at the light hanging down the shape of a crucifix [Applause] amazing Beautiful Jesus hanging up and down hanging up Beautiful Jesus hanging I was not expecting this honestly [Applause] you can see how decade it is it's uh Wood's got that paper thank you this is like the confessions area this has probably got to be the best spot in Italy right now [Applause] makes you wonder when the last prayers were set in here there was a lost service held with his family I think it's an absolute beautiful building proves how well for his family were to have a massive mansion and a church on their grounds look at that ceiling eyes can imagine when this was first built all the colors in here I can't get over that light I think it's amazing see all the Roses around the doors [Music] standing at the back of the Mansion guys place is absolutely incredible so this bit here was the business this is what kept the heart and soul of this place they manufactured all types of wines beautiful [Applause] I'm loving the crest up there of the line now we're going to head into here oh wow it's absolutely incredible Sean knew how to make some wine here wow guys look how much look all these barrels Rose yeah Russell uh Prosecco you can imagine when it was running as well and the smell was of fruits and wine just can't get over this place foreign [Applause] whatever you know the customers worked Hill picture it's about to stay awfully working seal the grounds around it so we ain't even gone into these parts it's just it's just so big there's a big man himself foreign running business such a gorgeous estate look at it it's photograph here it's the back of the Mansion you see the driveway how clean it looks it just doesn't look other than that it's overgrize just as the Mansions appearing behind us it's now a distant memory it's another explore but hopefully you really enjoyed it as I said check my man radica except my man Steve out links will be in description um yeah I just want to say a lot of love and support thank you so so much for everyone and uh I just want to say hopefully hopefully despite the dark in the video um if you didn't you need to watch it again so uh yeah love you loads guys and as I said thank you so much for the channel channel memberships the buyers of coffee guys honestly but we don't expect nothing you know just by being you just by watching us means absolute world to me anyway guys God bless take care love you loads stay safe and see you on the next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 57,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 195GZQf6V2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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