JACOBEAN ABANDONED MANSION HIDDEN IN THE WOODS | She spent 40 years of her life to restore it

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hello explorers so now in this video something a little bit different we explored this place nearly a year ago and the reason i kept this video secret is because i wanted this place to stay preserved now this place is going under national trust i know it's safe with a year of hunting and trying to speak to whoever we could to try and get permission visit it finally happened and the time paid off so this beautiful mansion had such an important place the wall stood proud against years of neglect this place was abandoned and left deteriorated for years and nearly took 40 years of someone's life dedication of a single lady that preserved his place back to its former glory this original house dates back to 1610 in the late 18th and 19th century was re-modernized and changed but by the 80s this place was an empty shell with a tree growing through its ceiling during world war ii was used and also used for a courthouse where people were tried and hung this place also reportedly had 15 ghosts walking its corridors even still today two young children and a young lady from the rich family that loved the local farmer and she hid all her jewelry over near a well and fell into it and died so while i'm exploring this place i'm also gonna check out for any spooky activity just as i walk around this place though i could feel presence i could also feel some negativity but also sad to see some of the place in such neglect now but every penny every ounce of sweat her hands are still black now the owner who put everything she could into this beautiful place enjoy the video guys love you loads so now i've seen campaigns set up to save this mansion thousands need spending roof needs repairing so hopefully i could somehow maybe get in touch and try and work out a way of helping as much as i can straight in the front door behind us greeted by one of the most beautiful rooms that i've seen in a long time and now i know this place has got so many surprises so many beautiful rooms have a look at this wow look at the size of that painting the viking ships the beautiful fireplace the door frames the chandeliers the statues that black cat in the house italian hello the main entrance where we come straight in literally the front door behind us straight into this mansion and what a credible house is and there's a black cat that's like wandering hello doesn't want to know he's like do one this staircase is incredible just the detail you think everything was carved out tuesday by hand and the solid wood used for this i think this is the portraits that greet you as you walk up the corridor this massive mansion i feel like it's something out of resident evil i feel like chris i think it's chris that says wow what a mansion everything is literally exactly how camellia wanted she set up everything so there's a party for rome you can see the plaza of rome and the bits there the book she doesn't like anything modern and i don't blame her this house is a pure piece of absolute beauty the beautiful piano wow guys i know you probably wanted me to look at the harp wow beautiful furniture the portraits hanging on the beautiful walls look at this the gorgeous drawing table just look at everything the quality and the furnish but this person wouldn't have brought nothing cheap no imitation but the real deal all right a little curtain's falling down let's turn the lights back off this bathroom is absolutely to die for how gorgeous so just think the four generations of family that lived in this mansion the trevor family and it's just there's a room called the indian room i'm not sure what one is um but there was basically reports of a an evil judge because when the judge used to come from all over the places to basically punish people to send them to to be hung basically so i'm pretty certain this is the most active room that i'm standing in now and i can feel really the temperatures dropped in here even the curtains there's a draft coming from one of the windows the windows open there but it's such a beautiful house with so much history over 500 maybe 500 years of history this place and like everything in this place is absolutely incredible this lady has dedicated her whole life to everything in this house that she's collected she's loved she loved the house from the first moment she see it when it was a ruin and believe it or not downstairs a tree was growing up through the floor that completely demolished this place well it straight for the ceiling a wild tree but you do get a very weird presence in here like i mean i'm already feeling like everything's watching me the paintings eyes are moving as i'm moving the beautiful furniture as i said from ceiling to floor everything is well full sought after so believe it or not this is the twin room the kid the two children emily and jack spent their days if there's an emily and jack here with me can you make a sign now believe it or not emily and jack had their lives taken by their own mother they blamed their father for their death but apparently in death they realized it was their mother that actually suffocated them the night they went asleep this is what upsets me because the lady's so old now she hasn't probably realized she's bust broke something it's an incredible house and i just wish that hopefully one day i go to someone who really appreciates it yeah because i just want to ever see it go to shambles and shame so i don't know how that got broke off put it on the table anyway was that a million jack did you break something so walking around this mansion now i'm completely on my own on the top floor and i'm not going to lie to you it's like the temperature keeps dropping it feels really really cold like something's in here with me but it doesn't feel like negative energy it feels quite positive i could be wrong but it feels like it doesn't mind me here hi guys and girls i'm so thankful for like being able to experience this house and coming in um obviously we're going to speak to the the company and the team and see if we can do a night here so if you wish to see us spend the night in plastic if you wish to see us stay in this mansion please please hit the links below if i get 10 000 likes 10 000 on this video i'm going to return and i'm going to spend the night here and i'm going to get myself a a night vision camera and i'm going to learn a lot more about the paramount paranormal stuff oh wow look at that so literally i'm sitting right near where jack and emily this is their little bedroom now it's basically designed on the same bedroom as how it would have been so is there anyone with me in this house upstairs now in this bedroom i've got my hand placed on one of the children's beds are you happy for me to be here do you want me to leave so is there anyone with me in this house upstairs now in this bedroom i've got my hand placed in one of the children's beds tell me so as you can see me behind me is a twin beds now i'm not saying that these the original twin beds from the trevor but let me know [Music] emily and jack with me [Music] um [Music] did your father take your life [Music] so i'm using an evp electronic voice recorder is there anyone in this mansion with me right now an emily a jack and i believe there was a dorothy that fell into the well now this story of dorothy was that she was due to get wet and married by obviously off from the family to another wealthy family but she fell in love with one of the local farmers and the story says that she hid her jewelry near the well which was over which is a main road now but it's across the obviously the field and the day she went to get her jewelry she fell into the well and the farmer that she was gonna marry this is true story as well the family farmer she was about to get married to was so scared because of the power of the family that owned this property he actually hung himself he took his own life so is there a dorothy or an emily or jack or the judge let's try and play that back is fell into the well now the story of dorothy was that she was due to get wet and married from the family to another wealthy family but she fell in love with one of the local farmers and the story says that she hid her jewellery near the well which was over which is the main road now but it's across the obviously the field and the day she went to give her jewelry she fell into the well and the farmer that she was going to marry this is true story is what the family farmer she was about to get married to was so scared because of the power of the family that earned his property he actually took his own life guys that literally just picked out it sounded like get out did you want me to leave the mansion if you want me to go say if you don't wish to speak to me or anything then yeah we just won't say nothing let's play that back if you don't wish to speak to me or anything then yeah we just won't say nothing so weird there was nothing that time but the first time it sounded like get out maybe move to another room [Applause] a is there anyone in this mansion with me right now anyone who wishes to communicate we know about the judge you know about emily and jack [Applause] some say the children still play in the hallways [Applause] so here shut that door again [Applause] guys it's not even moving that door lit she just shot behind me hello you gotta admit this is a beautiful hallway you think this runs from left to right of the mansion so you'd be standing at the front of the house out here and obviously the rear of the house is there and this is the right side of the property working our way to the left side of the property you think the history that went on here had a mental asylum for unwedded women that was brought here to basically have their babies taken away i want to show you this as well this is called the blue room now believe it or not this room was used to put the women that had their babies taken away from them and the story goes that the bars outside you can see as you can see part of the bars they run originally across the whole window and that was to stop them lowering their babies down to the husband down to the man that made him pregnant and you can see out there on the brickwork there's a hole there so any of the windows was literally sealed so it all went on in his house [Music] so as i venture around this place this house just keeps giving and giving the amount of antiques period items that just fits right in this beautiful property so the lady that currently owns this has literally put all of her life and soul into this property she literally ham made everything in this place all the curtains she was even a dis a dress designer and she even designed a dress for the queen herself just standing here taking in everything i can see in here the curtains the beds and you know one another another true story this bedding hasn't been washed in 30 years and that is an exactly true story from the lady herself look at the bathroom the wood finish around the tub the mirror the beautiful oak beam holding the ceiling up everything in here is absolutely gorgeous so looking at the fabrics the table everything [Music] but as you see in the bathroom as well i don't know if you noticed that the ceilings need a lot of work in this place [Music] there's damp appearing as you can tell there part of the ceiling's falling down look at this corridor the artist gallery this basically the gallery on this house is the length of the whole house i'm on the third floor right now absolutely amazing but she decorated this house exactly how she wanted it everything she collected from everywhere all over the world to fill her home with beauty [Music] she owned this place for 35 i was years that sorry that's correction nearly 40 years in 2025 so this place is now going to be preserved by the national trust look at the curtains just falling off the wall what a beautiful place now if anyone says this home isn't a beautiful home like you literally think the place was abandoned of how it is oh wow look at his rooms carl would you literally spend the night here yeah i'm gonna actually speak to the owner and see if there's something i could pay like to spend a night here it's not even mine at the mattress 100 yeah so believe it or not the bedding's never been cleaned never been washed it's a true story the mattress is over 100 year old oh wow look at that guys how old is that so that's one of them old ones you'd fill up the bucket of water let it run down on you it's one of the biggest mansions i've ever explored 1 million yeah 100 how cool is that honestly how beautiful is this for a bathroom and the bedroom that's incredible well there's another staircase so maybe we can go i need to show you this bedroom guys the two little twin beds look how the wardrobe's literally lopsided she's such a sweet lady honestly i want to do what i can to help her and i mean that as well it's not all about exploring and making content it's about i believe in trying to help people this is called the twin poster bedroom i just think she would have made all the rooms names up herself look at this little toy it's sad to think you know she's took all her life this place but it is took all her life to do up restore so do we head back down that way sorry what do we head oh no i know what i'm sitting on right now why look at that shower look at this guys it's an old-fashioned shower it's a shame really that there's a lot of work needed on this place she needs a lot she's put her heart and soul into this place everything about it's absolutely gorgeous i feel like you walk in one room and you're like wow and then you come into another room and it's a massive wow what staircase is this one which is what oh it's what we came up says a beautiful home yeah i want to get shot the big staircase back in the grand staircase just as you would come through the door and look literally the flooring is going that little chandeliers all broke so many amazing pieces in this place just wanna like show you this corridor for a sec hallway sorry this staircase now believe it or not this place was built in the history on this mansion it was built in 1610 by the jacobean style used utilizing the great hall plans with great chamber above judah house was divided into public service half i can't even original design so it was sold just after the second world war and then this house was bought in 1986 and restored back to its former glory and amazingly it was look at that even up to ceilings there's so much detail in this place so please yeah if anyone wishes to help donate anything to bringing this place back even to its even bits that are you know getting too much like even little things the curtains falling down and you know the ceilings damaged so this place just keeps giving a given a given the original plans is mentioned it's upstairs at the four corners of the bathrooms bedroom bedroom nine bedrooms and a long gallery room the great chamber this is absolutely beautiful there's a basement as well oh wow everything is amazing in this beautiful property look at the old coffee box and the bird cage and the bird cage is very similar to the mansion that's just some beautiful bits there it's incredible it's mad she has all those beautiful rooms and never sleeps in any of them this fireplace wow not sure what the bleeping is this beautiful dinner table see that the mold and stuff's coming in it's a gorgeous absolute beautiful home so wow wow wow wow wow wow oh what a beautiful house oh this table i thought the other dining room table was beautiful but wow this is absolutely beautiful absolutely incredible so this is a obviously guys and girls remember this is a private tour but what a beautiful house like you can't get these tours so i was so lucky to get the opportunity to see this place turning around from the dining room wow it's a little old kitchen it's just doors upon doors it's incredible what a beautiful home yeah every room though is absolutely gorgeous it's such a gorgeous ass everything from all the beautiful persian rocks beautiful dresses fireplaces the lady said the fireplaces are oh she hasn't got a favorite thing but she loves her fireplaces and i believe when she purchased this home a lot of the fireplaces were taken you know there's portraits in every room a little me the little book there designs of buildings and stuff i think this is like a copper maybe it looks a bit like rocky barbara you find as i said like they just follow you the eyes of paintings the fireplaces are out of this world another cool just paint in there that's a beautiful painting as well like a little girl with a little pearl necklace the furniture is absolutely incredible like everything look at the marble slab on top of this beautiful oak finishing wood that's a beautiful painting beautiful woman as well again the gorgeous fireplace to the paintings to the beautiful mirror look at the size of that mirror and loving the wardrobes built in as well everything in this mansion is absolutely incredible oh look at that i love that it's one of my favorite things when the sun's piercing through the trees this gorgeous lamp here some little skulls as well probably found on the premises over the years look at that so the way it's slanted two chairs two beds and maybe it would have been like a little children's room but obviously i know this has been restored just how the lady wanted it wow that oh how beautiful is that it's desk i've never seen one like that and with the hinge as well so it can fold down i just feel like i want to give her a cuddle she's an absolutely beautiful hearted lady and yeah i want to do a lot for as much as i can i mean that from the bottom of my heart i'll say that to you looking in your eyes i mean that from the bottom of my heart i want to help this lady get her house back to its glory well it's already its glory you know what i mean the this room is probably one of my most favorite rooms it's i know it's dark but look at all the portraits this beautiful desk if anyone says no dust there's dust that's cobwebs the hundred-year-old mattresses every little detail of this place is unbelievable it's like a little secret room by a little door all the wood paneling it's a shame it's starting to get some like white mold building up on it tell me has anyone ever seen a shower in a bath like this it's like a slave off the place is absolutely gorgeous maybe the window doesn't show anymore a taxidermist so the lady that owned this owns this is in was an interior designer and she wanted a project that was so big to restore in this gorgeous mansion and she wanted it exactly period right everything exactly how it would have been and her every room would have been beautifully decorated to exactly how she wanted it it's like she's not left on any stone unturned everything's exactly right the little mirror beside the bed that's at every room look at the bathtubs it's got like a wooden finish around it i've never seen one like this oh this is so it's like painted or something all they're trying to wear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] big knockers i'm actually really concerned i don't know where the lady is i really don't we've shouted out we've walked around the place the front door is completely wide open we just don't want to leave like i just don't know what to suggest [Music] even walking around the gardens felt like a magic garden like the secret garden everywhere you turn there's statues and monuments and places of the building that was never completed it's an absolute beautiful mansion and hat off to the lady that done it all herself in 40 years nearly of her life restoring this beautiful mansion the jacobean mansion i absolutely love this place i could spend my whole life here if there was a way of me buying this place or inheriting this place i would live here to my final days and look after this place it's an incredible mansion with so much history nearly 500 years worth look at the side view of this place [Music] so this kind of gives you an idea of what the building would have been like this would have been probably the servants quarters parts of the mansion that were never finished so we after we walked around we found the owner we also found another guy who looks after all the grounds sets the alarms hence why the bleeping was going off um so yeah it was an amazing location but yeah we also found out that once the lady pass it will all go to the national trust so this place will always forever be protected so i'm overwhelmed i'm so thankful that i got to see this beautiful home um hopefully it stays preserved forever and someone else appreciates it on and on but she's such a lovely hearted lady and uh she's the boss she doesn't like anyone telling her what to do and i don't blame her but yeah it's another mansion and another place and uh she's definitely tugged my heart string and uh i'm going to come and see her again hopefully that she'll let me in i'll sit with her and i'm going to bring her some flowers and chocolate i promised her but yeah love you all guys stay safe and uh follow us on facebook instagram twitter snapchat all the links are in description and uh yeah see you soon love you bye just think about it right now everything's okay no matter where you're finding yourself no matter what kind of stuff is going on in your life [Music] have some fun going on you jump out jump i've reached the location then we've walked to the missions we're in the war i've said woods we've gone david i'm gonna are you ready are you ready are you ready let's get ready we're gonna do it [Applause] i can't hide these i don't want to break it here we've got an over an hour walk back to the car through sludge mud water overgrown prickles stinging nettles you name it wild horses cows that wanted to kill us and you ready yeah yeah three two one you now leave the rug here so another country road bro yep here we go again another explorer here we go i've come out oh away this was all right ready guys look at that we could boil a can of water really [Music] [Laughter] [Music] to another place to explore dave and marky anyway in the country roads love you all stay safe [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 134,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zODXz59N1Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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